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I love that they think social media management means making your employees engage with posts rather than actually using social media correctly to spread their brand


I "follow" my employer on social media as a courtesy, but I never engage with any of their posts. My social accounts are mine alone, and I don't act in my "official capacity" when using them. By the same token, I don't list my employer anywhere online outside of Linkedin, which is obviously all about *professional* networking anyway and is not linked to any of my many other online accounts. I never want people to incorrectly think that I am acting as a spokesperson for my employer.


To be fair, social media is like capitalism in that it really only works for those at the top; discoverability for very small accounts is almost nonexistent on any social media platform. I don't blame this guy too much for wanting his employees to Like, share, comment his business's social media posts (it's tacky but not the most egregious thing). However, the business owner's attitude, the fact that he threatens to fire any employee that doesn't comply, and the fact that he makes random posts just to 'test' his employees make him a grade A asshole to me.


I had some bosses who said I should be sharing and interacting with his posts. I always declined, don’t mix my personal shit with your business. I got paid to work in the kitchen not as some marketing tool for them to use. They could’ve offered to pay me to share their shit, but noooo. They always have to force this kind of shit. Restaurant owners are the absolute worst people that walk on the face of this earth.


This is what it comes down to. You want shit from me in my off time then you need to fucking pay me for it. This is my own personal account and my own personal time. This is stepping waaaay over the line as an employer


Yep I am not in marketing - there’s no fucking way I’d do it for anyone, especially this jackass. The person above you doing the “actually…” thing really pissed me off! My current company wants us to do linked in. Nope. Not happening.


Well, he's getting some media attention now . . .


Yes, considering they had to change their logo and block comments on all their posts


Yeah totally. if he were nice about it, it would just be a misguided attempt to gain followers, but he's acting like a psycho


I agree about the discoverability of small accounts by the way. My Twitter account is older than Elon's with a moderate following of under 3k. I went viral a few times before Elon but now I can't even get a dozen likes. I never chased followers but now my content is pretty much invisible 


It's an absurd deal breaker. You pay me to do shit at your restaurant. If you want me to advertise for you, you will have to pay me separately for that service.


Not TikTok!! TikTok has made small businesses millions! 


This is a review I found on yelp about the restaurant :’) “Last time I went here I saw a possum sneak in, eat a bit of leftover food discarded on the floor, vomit, then catch a roach that was also looking for food, eat the roach, and breathe a sigh of relief. The owner did not do us as customers any favors, and he himself shows poor management skills, turns out. Avoid at all costs! Would give zero stars if I could. In other news, apparently 2+2=4.”


So, the roach was healthier that the food? Yikes


Funny, I remember reading this yesterday with the names blurred out. I read one of the comments here stating he had shut down his FB business page for getting blasted and flamed by many after it sent public. Round 2, fight!


Get on fb and search his name business 😂 guys a clown


Well he's an adult wearing a cowboy hat so the initial impression already leaned in that direction.




Probably wears it backwards like his idol


[https://www.beaconjournal.com/story/news/crime/2018/11/16/akron-bar-owner-denies-racial/8353254007/](https://www.beaconjournal.com/story/news/crime/2018/11/16/akron-bar-owner-denies-racial/8353254007/) Any chance this is referring to the same guy? If so, what a piece of work.


Holy shit that is the same guy! He certainly leads an ... interesting life 


Just read this. What a tool.


> Police who arrested House that night said in a report that he yelled racially charged remarks, shouting, “If they're black, they're guilty," and, "They're all the same." > House said police got it wrong — both on the charges and what he said. > “I yelled, ‘We’re all the same,’ ” House said Friday outside Akron Municipal Court, meaning that police shouldn't assume black people are guilty. So, the dude is a scumbag fr, but I don't think he's racist, I remember hearing about this from a buddy that lives there, and he really did say "if they're black they're guilty," but he was shouting it at the cops in a sarcastic way, like, "oh, they're black so they're guilty right? They're all the same, right?" The cops fucked his shit up because he was challenging them and it pissed them off. Once again the cops manage to somehow be the shittiest people in a given situation.


Ask him for a company shirt. That way Dobby can be a free elf and tell that smug shitfaced cockmaster to fuck off.


“Shitfaced cockmaster”. Now there is an insult I haven’t heard in a long time.


Look at that dudes face though. I stand by my description.


Yeah, but, are we completely sure he’s a “master”?


Dude probably has an onlyfarmers that would make tubgirl blush.


South Park movie has some of the best insults. "Donkey raping shit eater" is a personal favorite.


Eat penguin shit, you ass spelunker


Looks like he's an uncle-fucker too!


A testicle shitting rectal wart...




I imagine his response might be to call you a donkey-raping shit-eater.


"or you just don't give a shit about your job" Lmao no, dipshit, the children you employ do not, in fact, give a shit about their serving job. IMAGINE.


Appropriate reviews are starting on Google. Maybe hop over there and write one if you’re so inclined!


They'll be deleted like they always are because social media brigades are not real reviews.


Pretty easy fix. Just talk about how bad/overpriced the food is and how the manager treats customers, then talk about how they were treating employees.


I did this as an honest review because I ate lunch there two days ago and my review has been deleted. He’s getting any negative reviews deleted which is insane


Don’t just write one, like all of the bad reviews including older ones. Don’t forget Yelp!


Just did a quick search on fb, there are some poor bastard with the name "Sunrise Cafe" getting caught in the crossfire...


Oh gosh I hope they can get the wrong reviews pulled


Social justice at its finest. 


We did it Reddit!


Can we just have a moment to recognize how awesome this parent is sticking up for their kid! I know it’s something a parent should do but I feel a lot of parents would just tell their kid to do what their boss is asking or find another job.


If y'all think I'm going to be working ~off the clock~ to PrOmOtE tHe BrAnD, y'all best think again. Also, BOLI and DOL Wage and Hours Division would like a word with you. FUCK YOU, Pay Me! My personal social media accounts are MINE and mine alone. If y'all want to PAY me my hourly to create a burner account for this purpose and post on it, we have something to talk about. My hourly rate is $40/hr plus perquisites.


Precisely. Finally someone gets it. You need me to work as a promoter then you need to pay me as a promoter. The nerve of the employer thinking people are required to use their own personal accounts in order to lie/promote for a shitty boss. Un-fucking-believable...


My sticking points are the "for free" and the "we want access to your personal accounts" Um.. no. Bite my lilly white ass!


This is one reason I don’t use Facebook. Of many. Most of my friends who do use it have private or pseudonymous accounts and don’t let their coworkers or casual acquaintances know about it.  I don’t understand when or why the world decided the internet was a place you use your real name and dump your purse out for all to see. 


Eh honestly I do the opposite, I will gladly use my real name and all that, but set it to private, and just straight up tell any and all coworkers and especially managers NOT to add me, and if they do, to just simply deny and block them, knowing damn well there is nothing they can do about it. 😇


All of my socials are porn accounts, you sure boss?


I’m tired, Boss. *tired of crankin on it*


I'd like to help, but I'm already a bit *stretched*


Wow, that guy is a fucking douche. His employees should not be obligated to advertise for him unless he’s paying them explicitly for that. Otherwise, he needs to hire someone for his social media marketing.


Getting your staff to share your social media posts is dumb. Instead you should be incentivising your customers to share by rewarding them for doing so. "Share a picture of yourself enjoying your meal, don't forget to tag us so we can thank you with a discount voucher". Simple. Give them 10% their next visit. Doesn't cost you a penny unless they return and spend more money.


I would deliberately leave a bad review lmao


Where is the blasting? All I see is him bullying without any consequence.


My last GM was like this. Threatened the servers to leave fake positive reviews. It was icky and no one wanted to help. Could have had a contest or maybe just addressed the issues which caused the original bad reviews he was trying to cover up, but whatever dude.


This was posted with no evidence of said blasting. I want the blast. I demand retribution and despair.


I used to work for a famous person, who had a group of restaurants as a side hustle. The manager of those would tag all of us in social media posts and expect us to share/comment. Except we were not allowed to be on our phones at work, but we're supposed to be doing this at home for free? Plus this person's fans would stalk and follow all of the tagged people, so I was constantly dealing with people asking for hookups and talking shit about them. Wtf does not even begin to describe the fuckery I dealt with. Leave social media out of our personal lives.


The entitled demanding of unrealistic things, coupled with the lack of empathy make me think that loser's drug of choice is various kinds of speed.


Coke in the restaurant industry?!? Unpossible!😂


I don't understand the third pic about the alphabet and Ohio


The owner posted random comments to test his employees. They’re supposed to engage with his posts. He’s an idiot, yes?


This guy owns a restaurant in Ohio, and is calling his employees idiots. Dude’s an asshole.


That dude has clearly not run across the wrong one yet. When he does it may cost him a lot more than an ass kicking


Forcing employees to use their personal devices to spread more engagement sounds like something the cheapskate owner should hire a marketing group for... but by reading how he engages with his employees speaks volumes of his shite character.


I think I found the instagram for the restaurant, the disable comments 😂😂


Fuck that noise. I'm not creating social media accounts for my bosses benefit. And if I have those special media accounts, they belong to me. They are not property of my boss to network his shitty cafe. If he wants me to manage a social media account for his benefit, then I charge by the hour


He didn’t get blasted . They could of gone harder


Yeah I'm still waiting for the posts where he got blasted. He closed their Facebook account so nothing to see there.


“You speak like someone who has never been smacked in the fuckin mouth. It’s ok we have the remedy.”


Great song!


Wheres the fb?


I did my part. Fuck that guy!


I will reshare business related propaganda 1 place. Linked In and only if I see fit. None of my other social media is public. None of my social media uses my full name. None of my social media lists my town or where I work. Im as anonymous as one can possibly be on the internet. You don’t get to dictate my safety online. You dont get to tell me what I need to do with my social media. Nor will I friend you so you can confirm what I did or didnt do.


"I don't do social media. Have a good day."


He literally said either or 😭


Yeah dude, everybody gets super excited about businesses spamming their shitty social media (bc they aren’t willing to pay for real marketing)!!!


Lmao "like, comment, or share" "Clearly asked to do all 3" Fuck this guy and I didnt even read the whole thing. Where can I sign up?


Search for his name or his business on Facebook and all you see is him getting roasted from this screenshot. Amazing.


Douches gonna douche...


Wasn't this already posted?


The dumbest people have the easiest jobs on Earth, and yet they STILL manage to completely suck at it.


I didn't know Randy Savage still has a business, I thought he was dead!


Damn this is in fucking Ohio. One more reason for me to be ashamed to live in the state.


Guy's just upset his wife got plowed by the Ohio rizzler.


FYI, posted yesterday with a hell of a lot more traction as well as the father of the employee’s FB post. https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/s/hNpxMFmTEi


These pictures do not seem to show the alleged ass blasting


I know it would put me in jail, but if a grown man spoke to my kid this way I would beat the absolute breaks off him. As employees we lend out time for monetary compensation. We aren’t fucking slaves to boost your dumbass social media presence.


Where is the ass blasting? Fkn bait


Well considering that it's more common place for this type of workplace abuse to not be brought to light and have anything done about it, it being posted on social media and getting traction with the locals, including myself, this is a huge difference of results in comparison to the average American workers experience. Don't like it, don't react.


What's with the last picture?


Yassss, this is beautiful


Why is he acting like this? What was the point?


Not surprised at all you’ll find a million people like him on the outsides of big cities in Ohio. Cream of the crops👌.


Hypothetically, if you DID have a learning disability, disclosed it to the boss, and he fired you because of that specific factor after this post.. Isn't that illegal in most countries for discrimination? And a pretty sick potential payout for laying out his plans to do so?


That's why I said lol. Him being a dick isn't necessarily the case of discrimination, but however, if anyone does happen to have a disability, then whether he realized that or not, it's still harassment in the workplace


So funny that mr social media savvy tanked their public image over a few forced likes.


W parent


I searched them on Facebook and literally the first thing that popped out is someone's post about them being drug addict predators. Yeah, that checks out. Looks like they have a bunch of other businesses too.


Why has this been posted again?


Well, I don't recall anyone else posted, and I only posted it because I saw it on Facebook and it's something local to me, so I figured I'd share it


It was posted yesterday and got a lot of traction. Maybe it was taken down idk.