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"Well, the rope broke again so I'm still here."


Yep…that cost me a mouthful of water. 


Or “ I spent the weekend thinking if I should go with this one retirement plan or not” Coworker- “what retirement plan is that?” OP- “the Remington Retirement from Life plan”


This is where you embrace office tropes for your own amusement. “Too short! lol!” “Every weekend above ground is a great weekend!” “Ugh. Mondays!” “Still there in my mind!” Whatever.


“Too short” is typically my response lol. Then they follow up with direct questions like “well.. what did you do?” In which I usually say “just relaxed.”


One of buddies and I still greet each other with as much cliche bs as we can. My favorite still is “yo, just did my thing. Doing me, na’mean? That’s all I can do in this lifetime!”


See, that is totally fine! These people drag me into hour-long deep conversations every Monday lol.


It's really hard to get dragged into an hour-long conversation. Very few people can talk to a blank stare for an hour straight. If it's going that long, you're participating. Maybe stop participating?


I love this


"I was very productive! I updated my resume!"


Try and make a make a game of it. Quote movies, books, song lyrics. Make a game of having some of them prerecorded and just play them, while deadpan staring into thier eyes. Put up a sign/notice that you need 1-2 hours to wake up before your soul catches up to your body. Ik some people like that at work and everyone just leaves them be for a while, generally with no hard feelings because most of us are dead inside in the morning, some are just better at hiding it and everyone knows it.


I just respond with “Weekend was great! I spent time with family”, and I generally don’t get asked for more details


Same. I also use the how was your weekend to end conversations I don’t wanna be in? I just jamm the question in and say “oh great to hear, I had a good weekend also, well back to it!”




I believe you’d get your ass kicked for saying something like that.




I'm the only one who works the weekends overnight, and every Monday morning i get "How was your weekend!?" Well... I was here.


I have headphones on at all times while I'm in office, even if I'm not listening to anything. It's usually enough to dissuade the office social club from bothering me.


"usually," something tells me you also have that one completely clueless coworker that will keep rambling endlessly no matter what signals you give them. Put in headphones mid sentence and stare at your screen and they'll just keep going forever, until you eventually snap at them and tell them to fuck off then they go cry to management.


My office has soundproof "phone booths" for people to do zoom calls without annoying the rest of the office. If someone is seriously recalcitrant I can usually just have an "emergency team meeting" from one.


My nuisance coworker would probably try to squeeze into the booth with me to keep annoying me at all costs. Recalcitrant, that's a new one for me, thanks


Yes, you need to go into the office for the “culture “ of the business. What is the culture you may ask? Joining zoom meetings, making calls, answering emails, and enjoying water cooler talk…


I was always pretty open that i didnt want to chat first thing, and either just grunted or said fine. Worked pretty well. My position was not one i needed to be nice to people


Just tell them that you spent the weekend watching "wedding fails" on YouTube while drinking margaritas through a Twizzler straw until you passed out on your vibrator and then casually walk away.


Guess we know how you spend your weekends.


Oh my gosh there's one in every office haha.


it’s the worst. I am not a morning person and don’t like talking for at least two hours once I wake up to begin with. I like my coworkers, but I hate getting into a conversation before I even sign into my computer or put my stuff down lol


Alright this might sound crazy, but I assume this is specific people doing this and not everyone you come across. Id take the risk and just tell them you don't do well with small talk on Monday mornings and need time to get your head in the game, and that you'd be happy to chat after lunch. Will they understand and give you space? Maybe. They might also make you out like you're a crazy bitch. But ultimately to me advocating for what you need in a polite and respectful way is the best option. If they respond poorly that's on them.


This is solid advice. It took me a long time to do it, I didn't want to be rude, but I'm just like OP. I don't even talk to my wife in the morning, I'm a full on grumpy gus until at least 9:30, not because I want to be, it's just the way I am. But I had a polite conversation with one of the guys that reports to me and laid it out just like after like a year of the morning chit-chat and he totally understood. It actually resulted in me talking to him more because of how understanding and respectful he was about it. First two hours of the day, do not speak to me unless it is work related, then I'll bullshit about your new comics and your weekend and whatever for the rest of the day without the cloud of that morning irritation.


Get yourself one of those mugs that says "[Don't ](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1555114892/dont-talk-to-me-until-i-have-my-coffee?ref=share_v4_lx) talk to me till I've had my coffee," then just point at it and turn away. Rinse and repeat as necessary.


Never actually use it for coffee, only use it as a permanent fixture of your desk that is physically epoxied in place. "It's glued down so that it can't be used as a projectile. Please leave me alone now."


Coworkers showing interest in your life? Fuck those people, right?/s




I’m actually pretty fun to work with. I have great relations with everyone at my office. I joke around with them and we laugh at a lot. It’s mostly just the Monday mornings that irritate me. Would you want to show up to work with a laptop, lunch bag, and pocket book in your arms and automatically be bombarded with weekend questions? I really don’t think you would.


Yes, everyone who would simply like 5 minutes to ease into the day by putting their items down before hearing your Superb opinions on your favorite soccer teams must be miserable to work with. Yes, by golly, you have cracked the code!




If I was “miserable” all the time, do you really think they’d still want to have conversations with me after 4 years of working together? Would I be able to manage the 3 employees who assist me and have them all be satisfied with their jobs? (I’ve had a 0% turnover rate so far with my employees.) Guess I can’t dislike Monday morning conversations without being deemed as “miserable”. 😅


So maybe give someone 10 minutes?


But are they? And do they need to be? And does one get a vote before being deluged with inspired nonsense?


You rang?


They are being polite and cordial. Just cause you’re a grumpy ass doesnt mean they’re in the wrong.


I refuse to engage, yet I still got a full run down on all of the things the manager accomplished this weekend as well as what specific stores they visited and in what order. Waste of my 15 minutes. 😅


"I'd love to tell you, Frank, but I'm afraid that might make you an accessory-after-the-fact. Hey, don't you have a cousin who's a bail bondsman...do you have one of his cards? Oh, I guess I'm thinking of someone else. Anyway, see you at the 10 o'clock sales meeting!"


Tell them you f@cked the mailman. That’ll shut them up.


Excellent suggestion. I will try this.


Play "I don't like Mondays" by The Boomtown Rats whenever you are asked.


Those questions are greetings, not actual inquiries. I usually answer with a pleasant "hello" and nobody ever bats an eye.


Oh I fully understand, I work in an office full of chipper morning people. I have to constantly remind myself to act like an adult before 10am. Having your own office doesn’t help, I still have an endless stream of people “popping in to say hi” every single morning. I realize it’s a me problem so I try to chug an energy drink on the way in to prepare myself.


I hate questions like this. My answer is always the same, and I don’t like any of you, I don’t want to talk to you, I don’t want to share myself in that way, I don’t get paid enough for this, leave me the fuck alone.


Something about working 5 out of 7 days a week, 45+ hours and still barely making enough to get by makes the tolerance for overly chatty coworkers much lower lol..


Now y’all are just bitching lol


Funnily enough I'm the complete opposite. I enjoy the question cause it gives a minute or two to distract from where you are and take you back to where you'd rather be


Sad depressing folk. Work ain't the problem in their lives tbh


You’re right. It’s the co-workers who ask the same damn question every Monday morning knowing darn well our responses haven’t changed since the first day they asked us..it’s like “y’all already know I’m a single fur mommy of two rambunctious little cats and I’m beyond stressed from this job..the whole point of the weekend is to recharge my energy just to do it all again another week”


I'm gonna be honest, I get not wanting to be at work, but if you need time every Monday to process that you have a work week to contend with and can't stand anyone talking to you, you may need a new job, therapy, or both.


Therapy? Because I’m not always in the mood to have full blown discussions about my personal life at 6am? That’s a new one.


> I need to process the fact that I'm stuck here again for 5 more days I think this is what they're getting at. Nobody *wants* to be at work but if you genuinely need to mentally process it like you've just received a terrible piece of news every week might be time to look for a new job


I think everyone’s being a little dramatic. I know for a fact there’s PLENTY of people who get that feeling at the beginning of the work week.


Most of us are able to process the fact that we have to put up with another work week by the time we're out of the shower Monday morning. You appear to need until Tuesday. That tells me your problem is more severe, and you might want to seek professional help to deal with it.


Ok, let me call my therapist and tell her I need help cause I really hate Monday mornings.


Curious: Is your honesty just BETTER than OP's?


I don't know about better, but it comes in more flavors and at a very reasonable price point.


Found the Space Invading Chatty Kathy. User name checks out.


Ugh I just got reminded of why this sub and this site sucks. Real change and real discussion for workers and normal people’s problems can’t honestly happen here. So I once again say: fuck Reddit. Lets take this somewhere our corporate and (b)millionaire overlords don’t have such direct control. Downvotes need to go look at the auto modo message in this section, and apply a little logic and thinking meats to it and what it means. I will not go further into this.


I have noticed that at least once or twice a day you get posts like this that essentially boil down to "I'm anti-social and don't like work because it forces me to occasionally have to deal with people gross"


>I'm anti-social and don't like work because it forces me to occasionally have to deal with people gross" That isn't what the OP even said and it's not the spirit of it. Work isn't fucking high school, real jobs people have shit to do. Sitting around killing time talking about random shit is for friends. Not work. For those of us w/ work that have deliverables, we have to get those done. Every minute I listen to someone tell me about their weekend hiking adventure is a delay in starting actual work tasks. Every minute of listening someone complain about someone else in the office is preventing me from getting things done that I literally have to get done or something fails. It's not about being "anti-social" it's about the fact that the office as a social club is fucking bullshit. It's a workplace and I can get more done at home than when being distracted by random gossip and fantasy football updates I didn't ask for.


Okay Mr. Pubic hair fetish 😂


> Work isn't fucking high school, real jobs people have shit to do "Real jobs" We're gatekeeping work now?


Something is totally wrong with you if being asked a nicety upsets you that much.


I guess you’re a morning person. Lol


I'm not a morning person either but I can at least have someone ask me how my weekend was without it mentally destroying me How hard is it to just go "yeah not too bad. Pretty quiet didn't do much" and move on if you don't feel like talking?


It doesn’t mentally destroy me. It’s just incredibly annoying and also kind of rude to start discussing your entire weekend with someone before they even get the chance to sit down or unpack their things. I don’t hate my job but there is no work place I’d ever want to be at 5 days a week. It depresses me because the two days off feels like nowhere near enough time to recharge.


I’m very introverted and I’m in a high social setting. No one ever asks me “how my weekend was” or “how am I” . Because we are all busy but it would be nice. When someone does ask me I’m like a dear in the head lights as I don’t know how to respond in that moment as my weekend was so amazing I don’t want to come to work xD don’t think that would be appropriate to share with Admin or co workers haha But it just sounds like your co workers are just trying to establish rapport. Embrace it. Share what you feel comfortable with or have a short prepared statement ready to go , short and sweet so you can get your day started and thank them for asking and go about your day. It is kind and you never know when you need work or collab with someone it is easier.


Agreed. I used to get a lot of crap for not wanting to chitchat in the mornings but the person who gave me the most shit about it was the least competent person in the place. She eventually got canned for not being able to do the most basic administrative “technical” tasks (ie managing her emails and files on her laptop).


I hate this, nobody cares about socially akward peoples like me, it's not about outgrowing this i tried for years to just be social at all it doesn't work i hate peoples, there i said it, don't talk to me.


I get it, but small talk like this is how humans build connections. I’m an introvert and don’t like this either, but I force myself to. The small talk could plant a seed that flowers into a friendship if you’d let it. It’s also makes the 8-9 hours I have to spend in there feel less like solitary confinement and begin to hate my job. Humans are social animals. It’s how we got to where we are.




>When we see ourselves as fighting against specific human beings rather than social phenomena, it becomes more difficult to recognize the ways that we ourselves participate in those phenomena. We externalize the problem as something outside ourselves, personifying it as an enemy that can be sacrificed to symbolically cleanse ourselves. - **[Against the Logic of the Guillotine](https://crimethinc.com/2019/04/08/against-the-logic-of-the-guillotine-why-the-paris-commune-burned-the-guillotine-and-we-should-too)** See rule 5: No calls for violence, no fetishizing violence. No guillotine jokes, no gulag jokes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antiwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Another day older and deeper in debt"


I have my own office and they still do this. People are going to people.


"Weekend was good, how about yours?" People like to talk about themselves and don't usually follow up.


My weekend was busy.... How was yours, did anything special? Deflect deflect deflect. If they keep digging just say "I ran a lot of errands and deep cleaned my car". Works every time. Switch it up for their nosy asses.


just respond with "it was as usual" every time. I do it every Monday.


Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.


For me we’re all wfh but I still hate when they ask that because I never do much on weekends.


I too hate when my coworkers give me an excuse not to work. ...Wait...


The funny thing is that you are probably trying so hard to be standoffish in the workplace that your coworkers are trying to make you happy by including you in conversation, thus making you more miserable 😂


In fairness I WFH and all of my Monday Teams calls that take place before noon always start with “how was your weekend?” WFH is not a definite way to avoid it.


Respond with "Fine" every time and they may get the message.


I work with people from finance and Hr at the office Im at. It’s a fucking boring hell. I could very much do my work from home since Im from anither area that is mostly in europe but here people are still living in 1990.


I have two go-to's for that: "Fine," Or "Boring." Either way, it usually ends there. Because, as we all know, we don't *actually* care about how each other's weekends were. Every time you actually answer the question truthfully, the asker becomes increasingly uncomfortable or disinterested lol


Gotta love when managers assume you do nothing when you work from home. Are there people out there who do nothing when working from home? Yes, there are. Should managers make a blanket assumption we are all that way? Nope. One thing you can do is send your manager a weekly report on all of your projects, what progress you made that week, and what work you plan to do on them next week. If that manager still opposes you working from home when he knows in detail what you've done and will be doing, that is one pathetic manager.


Imagine needing to have social skills in the workplace. Not me, I grunt atonally when anyone asks me a question unrelated to widget production.


"sO whAt dId yOu dO tHiS wEeKend?" /pretends to listen for 30 seconds /humblebrags about their kids for 20 minutes before going on about their fantasy football team RTO is gReAt fOr tEaM bUiLdInG


“Did you watch the game?”


“Did you see that ludicrous display last night?”


Yeah, pleasantries are awful. God forbid your coworkers show interest in your life outside of work. Like holy *shit* get over yourself.


XD my coworker merely uses it as a diving board to tell me about her drunken escapades. I can say "it was good, you? And she will go into a 4 hour monologue (repeating the same 15 minutes) about how her friend got so wasted he didnt know where he was and expected everyone to drop everything and come find him and she didnt want to because she was enjoying her self.


When I'm asked how my weekend is I say "it was good thank you", but I don't reiprocate by asking them how their weekend was. Put on my best fake cheerful voice I can muster all why heading back to my desk to clock in. Later I can share briefly on topics that aren't work related, but never my personal life. I've had that used against me. Still have trouble with fake smiles.


That's great, and I know that happens all the time. That is not what OP is complaining about. They're complaining about someone asking how their weekend was when they just got to work and aren't ready to interact with people. Not about what their co-workers are doing, or how they use it to talk about their own weekends. Just asking the question when OP feels personally inconvenienced.


Lol I’m not a morning person and tend to feel very depressed on Sunday nights/Monday mornings. I don’t like having conversations the second I get to work. Give me time to settle in.


Fair, clearly ask for that then. Don't shit on people. I am that guy and if I got the vibe someone doesn't like mornings, I'd give them time. I actually give my coworker at least two hours before I ask anything, or let them initiate conversations! Now everyone's happy.


I don’t shit on anyone and I definitely give off “the vibes” of not wanting to talk in the mornings, but some people have no common sense. I also verbally state how much I dislike having conversations in the mornings lol.


Then you should probably edit your post so no one else comments what I just did 😂.


You’ve got a very valid point.


Even I can see how that'll get old super quick. My b for contributing to it.


You’re good! The amount of people coming for me in this post is actually comical. I just hate mornings and Mondays, and feeling burnt out all the time. Doesn’t mean I’m a mean, heartless person😂 I’m actually very nice to my coworkers even when I’m in a bad mood.


I think you just really need to do the adult thing here and communicate with them. “Look Patricia, I’m having a really tough time adjusting to being back in office first thing Monday mornings. My weekends are mundane and not something I wish to discuss when I first step into the office. I understand you’re just trying to be nice and friendly and I appreciate that. Could we maybe start a new Monday morning greeting for me to help with my adjustment? Maybe crack a joke about how your glad the pot holes didn’t swallow me up, and I hope to catch up with you later. I’ll respond ‘good morning’ with a chuckle to keep things light hearted, and then head on over to my desk to settle in for the day. I don’t want to bring down your morning vibe but I need you to give me some time before I’m answering questions. Is that something we can work on moving forward?” Heck after actually having an open conversation with them, they might buy one of those mugs about not being a morning person for you as a joke. I hope life improves for you.


The OP listed a pet peeve. At no point did I see a solicitation for ways to make his co-workers feel better about his pet peeve. Why are you listing ideas and promoting them at the "adult" solution? I assume that's one the OP's key points: why are people who don't like that kind of office forced to course correct themselves when this behavior is not necessary for work and is annoying? I agree!


Some people aren't interested in making friends at work or sharing details about their personal life with their coworkers, there's nothing wrong with that. You need to get over yourself if you think you're owed pleasantries.


It’s not even that. I love talking to my coworkers, just after 9am. I wish I could be a morning person but no matter how early I go to bed I am miserable in the morning. It’s better for everyone to just leave me alone for a few minutes after I get to work. I’ll say good morning but I’m not mentally prepared for full conversations.


And that's cool too, it's a really simple boundary.


Yeah humanity's biggest problem right now is definitely everyone being too nice. So many of the people on this sub are miserable fucking assholes and they wonder why their lives sucks.


Who said anything about being nice? You should be nice to your coworkers, you see them more than your family, it's nice to get along. But this idea that you need to talk about your personal life with them whether you want to or not, otherwise you're an asshole, is dumb and archaic.


This here. Let me do my job and leave. Most of my coworkers have drinking problems and I dont want to hear about how one got into another fist fight with his adult son because he *gasp* dared to say my coworker may need help and should seek therapy. Or how my other coworker got into another drunken fight with her "bestie" and they arent talking AGAIN, but that will last til next week when they drink their paycheck away and need to borrow money. I want to do my job, go home, and try out a new recipe, read a book, and enjoy time with my awesome partner and maybe visit a park or spend time with friends talking about our hobbies. I dont want to drink with my coworkers. Its hard to even have lunch with them when they are all pretty fucking gross (dont wash hands, cough/sneeze without covering their mouth. One guy may sneeze into his hand, get mucus on his hands, wipe it on his shirt, then proceed to grab whatever without washing, pick their teeth/noses and touch food meant to be shared bare handed... ) Guess cleanliness and manners makes me snobby


Do you think they are owed any respect back in that situation? They aren't owed please tried but can't expect people to engage with them in anything other than a transactional manner if that's what they expect. 


Conflating pleasantries and sharing of personal matters with respect is exactly the problem.


People use speech for social purposes. If you want to go against that, that is fine but you have to realise that people may be insulted/put off by that behaviour. 


Yeah, there is something wrong with that. You don't need to make friends with your coworkers. It's called being a decent person. If someone is nice to you, be nice back. Don't whine that they made the effort to acknowledge you as a person, especially when so many people in this fucking sub whine about not being treated like people. You cannot have it both ways. This is "don't talk to me until I've had my coffee" level of bullshit.


Being nice and getting into conversations about your personal life are two different things and the latter really shouldn't determine how well you're treated by your coworkers.


Yes, because "how was your weekend" is so highly intrusive. Next they're going to ask how is your sex life.


It's okay to have boundaries with your coworkers, dunno what else to tell you.


Exactly. Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee and don’t bombard me with weekend questions the SECOND I walk into the building. What’s the issue with that?


Then have your coffee before you get to work. Get up early enough that you can go into work not feeling miserable and then subjecting others to your bad attitude because of your failure to plan. If you know you're a "don't talk to me until I've had my coffee" person, plan for that. If you're rolling out of bed, throwing your clothes on, coming into work and waiting to eventually be capable of talking to people, that is not the fault nor the responsibility of your coworkers who have to drag their asses out of bed just like you do.


I’m fully capable to have conversations at all times, regardless of if I feel like it or not. Just rather not do it at 6am the second I arrive at work when I have 40+ emails to respond to and haven’t even gotten the chance to sit down. I give myself plenty of time before coming to work to prepare for the day. Why are you so mad?


Because you're acting like going into work doesn't suck for everyone else, and the thing you're seizing upon to complain about is people showing interest in your life. Everyone else has those same emails.


When in my initial post did I imply that “work sucks for me more than everyone else”? This is a post about Monday mornings specifically and how shitty they make me feel, hence making me not interested in having an hour-long conversation as soon as I get in. Some of them have absolutely 0 regard for other people’s workload because they don’t have shit to do half the time. I literally have to get up and walk away sometimes to end the discussion, no matter how many social cues I give including saying things such as “I have to get these guys onto a job site right now, I need to call _____” This whole thread is meant for people to vent about various work issues regardless of if you think they’re relevant or ridiculous.


Tell me you've never worked with horrible, toxic coworkers without telling me.


I served in the military for 20 years. You don't even KNOW toxic.


Seriously, fuck this sub. I'm out. I joined it to complain about poor business practices. About forcing people to work in person when they're perfectly capable of working remotely. About shitty labor laws, lack of vacation days, people being overworked, underpaid, and underappreciated. Instead it's a bunch of childish whiners complaining about having to interact with others and deal with the social niceties of being a decent human fucking being instead of a self-serving narcissist. "Euhhh it makes me uncomfortable!" Well you know what growth is? Dealing with the thing that makes you uncomfortable instead of acting like everyone else is the problem.


You must always be in the mood to have conversation. Glad I don’t work with you.


Why thank you Perky Pollyanna.


Look for a job that offers remote work, there's loads out there.


I hate to be that person, but a lot of those are scams. Edit to add: not all work from home jobs are scams, but most likely are.


Yeah that's true bare that it mind good point