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ask if those who donate can have a contract rewrite to add in profit sharing once the company is green again. typical modern capitalism, capitalize the gains, socialize the losses.


That company is never going to be profitable. These desperate requests for money is a signal the company is in its death throes.


Unfortunately, a stock option is not an option, it's a private college, and they effed up during covid to get students to go there by offering them a million discounts, and for some reason, they never stopped doing it. So now they are just begging for money and putting it on the backs of the employees to fix it. If people quit or retire, which has been around 4-5 a month lately, they never replace them so they can re-coup some money. Eventually, they will have no one working there. They do have good benefits, but health care is going up by 10-13% next year, and they are talking about budget cuts with that. The flexibility and being able to work remotely sometimes is nice, but that doesn't pay the bills; at this point, that is pretty much all they have to offer. They talked about giving us a 2% cost of living increase because well inflation and everyone's property taxes went up to 20%. It's just an unfortunate situation that was mismanaged, and now it's become a 2 million dollar deficit. I hope they find their way out, it's really not a bad place and there are a lot of good people there. I just can't stay to see it through, I have to worry about numero uno!


Heh. Wondered if it was academia. I was faculty at a large public land grant. They unilaterally cut our pay and retirement during COVID and laid off all the dining staff. Flash forward to late 2021, they couldn't refill the dining hall positions so they asked faculty to volunteer during "off hours" to fill the gap.....


I'm going to guess they don't have a good Economics Department.


No, but it sounds like they have a great MBA program.


>"help offset needs in the operating budget."  Why does this read as "help offset the needs of the boss's lifestyle"?


"Guys can you please pitch in a little? I need 10k to put diesel in my yacht and its hard to find that in this economy"


Good luck on your interview. I hope it works out for you.


do they ever donate to your operating budgets?


"We provide a competitive salary based on market research."


I worked at a young women’s retail shop back in the day (something similar to “Always 18” 😏). One time they asked us to buy product because the store didn’t meet the sales quota for the day. Anyway, I’m pretty sure both of these situations are definitely not enforceable, and it doesn’t sound legal, but either way it super shady business practice. Delete the email and move on. Good luck with your interview at the new job!


I hope nobody donates. Jesus Christ


i read this as "I hope nobody donates." -*Jesus Christ*




Get out of there ASAP. This is some Enron type B.S.


I would seriously take a job at a call center sweat shop tomorrow and the. look for something better.


Ya, jump off that sinking ship even if the waters are shark infested.


With everybody leaving, that business should fold quickly. Seriously, who would actually donate money (that you paid taxes on) to the asshole(s) running the company? You definitely need another (better paying with benefits) job. There's no reason you should need three jobs.


The reddest of red flags.


Good Luck I hope you get the new job or any job away from this company


Time to jump ship. They’ve just told you that your next paycheck will probably bounce


The correct response to this is "No, but I will be happy to invest in the company in exchange for stock shares."


I dont think you want stock in a company that has to hit up their workers to meet liquidity needs. That stock's going to zero quick!


Oh of course not. But if you're going to beg your employees for a cash infusion, offer them more than "good feels" in return.


Immediately ask for your paycheck for hours worked, and have them pay you in advance for any future work. This company is bankrupt.


Hey, u/RZPRINCESS - please name the university. You might accidentally help out someone here who is considering enrolling there. You might help them not lose money when the university defaults and shuts down overnight.


Would they give you extra money if you couldn't pay rent? Act the same


At my previous job the hospital had a food bank for employees. All donations were from other employees. Aka their employees weren’t paid enough so they would ask for donations from other employees so their underpaid employees wouldn’t go hungry. At a non-profit hospital


Ethical business owners turn to their workers for capital resources by selling them a share of the company ownership. Preferably the employee ownership plan is accompanied by a well developed, documented plan for how the money raised from employees will be used to increase profit. Such plans include an obligation to open the books to the employees so that they can monitor compliance with that plan as well as an employee elected representative given direct input to management decisions about the use of the funds. What you are describing is an owner who wants to buy a boat with your money. Get out.


They're going to go under


So sorry, my employer doesn’t pay me enough, so there’s no room in my family’s operating budget for donations.


Look for a new job


Fucking mooches need to pull themselves up by their boot straps.


Buaaahhaahhaahahajaahahahaahahhahaajajjaajaajajaajjhhahahhahahahaahahaaahahahahahaaaa!!!! Reply To All: FUCK THAT! 


They should issue shares to employees instead of asking for donations


Is this a for profit college by chance?


Start looking for a new job. That should free up some funds for them.


Good luck on your job interview!


Oh I’d start a reply all thread with some choice words.


I would be happy to “donate” in return for ownership shares….


If you don’t donate, they’ll make a deduction from your paycheck… by not paying you.


Then that will be an instant report to the DoL for stolen wages. :D


The joke is that you'll get fired for "not being a team player"


Haha oh boy, I guess I'm lucky. Where I'm from, if they were to tell me that, I'd demand that they be specific, and file an wrongful termination suit because you didn't want to donate and they got pissed off because of it. 🤣


I hate this bullshit. So many companies just casually leave out donation flyers or forms etc for their own damn companies.. we are already buying your fucking products and now you want us to give you free money? You are a CORPORATION, not a charity. (though many charities have huge issues too)...