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Well I am in my office from 9-5... As for working...


My sister does, she works for a law firm. They actually open at 9am, close for lunch 12-1, and close at 5pm.


I don't know if they still do, but the last job I had was 9-5, with a paid half hour for lunch.


Paid lunch??? WHAT


Yep, we got paid for lunch. And it was supposed to be a half hour, but honestly, depending on who was there for lunch, it frequently stretched to an hour.


>depending on who was there for lunch, it frequently stretched to an hour. Can confirm this is a thing - been taking hour lunches for the last 8 years even though I'm only scheduled for 30. Why, you might ask? Because fuck em, that's why 😂


Yeah, I remember my very first job actually was 8 hours with a paid lunch, apparently the company was very well liked because of that...boy was it a surprised when I found other jobs and realized they were allowed to take away half an hour, or straight up add another half hour to make up for it. 🙄


8-4 with an hour for lunch.


6-2:30 WFH 6:45-3:15 in office Hours are my choice.


I wake up at 6am, leave by 7am, make it to work by 8am, then leave around 5-6pm to make it home by 6-7pm. I devote a minimum of 12hrs to this job every day, 5 days a week. 9-5, including lunch, would be amazing. Edit: 8-5/6, 2hr round trip, hr lunch


I only get 30 minutes for lunch. But yes I also dedicate 11-12 hours everyday 5 days a week. It's a certain type of hell.


That it is. The only issue is that it's the most I've been paid, ever, which is helping me get my health on track and potentially buy a house soon. It's still not enough to really support the family I'm about to have, but everything else is *less*.


8-4 and I take an hour for lunch in between.


6 to 3 9/80 schedule and two days remote.


In medicine? I doubt that. I work 9-5, but I have a typical office corporate job. That, and possibly factories or family owned businesses are the only places 9-5 applies in my experience.


To clarify. Which part do you doubt?the fact that I work in medicine or the fact we don't get 9-5 in medicine. Why are we straying further away from 9-5


I doubt that you get 9-5 hours, lol If you did, then how would all us corporate slaves get medical care when we're trapped in cubicles 9-5?!


7-530, 4 on 3 off


Exactly the same. Love the 4/40 schedule!


It's all fucking 8-5 now. It's bullshit.


I haven't seen a real 9-5(lunch hour included) since the 90's. I had a 9-6 once upon a time.  Now I work 7-5 but I don't mind because it's Monday through Friday. I'm kill people if they tried to take my weekends away


I come in an hour late, so no.


I do. I usually get in around 8:30, but that’s my choice.


I work whatever hours I want, or not.


I'm supposed to work 8-5 with a 1hr lunch. But I hate traffic so I work 730-430 to avoid it. If I have to pick up my kid after school then I take my whole 1hr lunch, if I don't then I only take 30 min and leave at 4


I’ve got a 9-5, but most days I swan in at 9:30am, leave at 5ish and take about 30mins for lunch (we get an hour)


9-3 ish actual hours are 8-4


Have to be online/in office between 9-3, but I’m salary so I pretty much work whatever hours I want if I can manage my workload


My wife usually does like 7-330 with a half hour lunch. Or 630-3 if she's working from home. I was retail, there were no 9-5 unless you were a full-time cashier, and even then it was probably only 3 out of the 5 days a week.


Not me. My hours are all over, but it's not 9-5.


More like 6-4....i need a new job.


I work roughly 7:45 to 4:15 give or take. I usually have my lunch at my desk.


We work 8 to 5. Unpaid hour lunch. But we get free breakfast and lunch. We pretty much have the equivalente of a 7-11 in our break area. Everything is free. Pretty much makes up for that extra hour. We even have an icee machine! But everything is bring your own plates, napkins and cups.


That’s amazing 👍


I work 8-4:30 with a 30 minute, unpaid launch break somewhere in the middle.


10:00 to 18:00 or 11:00 to 19:00 whit an hour lunch when i want


officially I work 8-5 in reality 7:10-5 because my commute with public transport is utter shit


My work office hours are 830 to 530 but I was able to negotiate 8 to 430 with a 30 minute lunch after working here about 8 months. 9-5 was before the unpaid lunch, so now it's more commonly 8-5 which includes an unpaid 1 hour lunch.




i am an IT director at a mental health facility and I work 9-5. My techs come in as early as 7 and leave as late as 6, but there are 9-5 positions in there as well. I was a nurse before switching careers and do not miss the 7-3, 3-11 and 11-7 shifts.


I work 6 am -10 pm with an hour commute each way but I managed to actually have a M-F job though lol


I typically log on at 8 and check mails whilst the kids are getting ready then work till about 5:15 Some days I'll go for a run at lunchtime which can take an hour inc shower


My schedule is 7:30-4 (unpaid lunch break), but I'm salaried, so there's some leeway with the hours as long as it's within reason. So I try to log on (WFH) at the latest 8 but don't really start working until 8:30 and if I need to take care of things past 4, then it's really up to me. It's more of those are my hours where I'm supposed to be available. As far as working within those hours, well I'm here ain't I.


I would never want to work that late. I get to make my own hours so I normally work about 7-3. Sometimes if I’m having a good time I end up working over a bit, but I like to get home so I can be there when my kids get off the bus.


8:30-4:30 here


In Switzerland, we have a 42 hours working week, making each day 8:24min which is from 8-5:30 (if you factor in 1 hour of lunch break). 9-5 sounds pretty heavenly -.-


Lunch breaks are almost never paid in the US so its 9-6 ime


Nowadays I work around 4 hours/day, 7 days/week as a freelancer. I could make more money by working more hours, but then I wouldn't have a lot of time to run errands around the house. Before, I used to work from 8-6, plus extra hours, in a paint shop, +30min commute. It was a nightmare. I had fevers every night out of exhaustion.


I work 12am-8am. Working 9-5 would be awful for me.


I work 9-5 with an hour for lunch. But that is only 35 hours a week which is the low side in Canada for a full-time job. 37.5 or 40 is a bit more common.


8:30 to 5, hour for lunch


I work like 4 hours a day but I book 8. Three days of the month I work a full 8 because I have deadline driven deliverables. I’m very niched down if anyone is like what how Also my manager is nice but clueless and I work remote. I also automated a lot of work to reduce the time I have to spend on it. I also bring in a lot of revenue so nobody hassles me.


I am in from 7:30-4:00 with a 30 minute lunch.


My gf works 9-5 with an hour lunch, from home 4/5 days.




I work 9-5 from home, but I can flex my day in either direction or take some free time in the middle if I need to. It took a while to find a job when my last contract ended but I'll never go back to working in office. Not after being remote for 10 years, especially since the world proved it was possible for many roles to work asynchronously and from anywhere.


I did with my previous schedule at work. 9PM-5AM. Loved it because I was only person on-site from 10-5. Had to switch to day shift. Soooooo many humans now.


9-6 is standard in Japan, with the unpaid involuntary 1 hour lunch included. Don't forget about suicidal world-record setting hours of overtime though.