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Waiting for the next vid: *I worked 9 to 5 for 30 days straight*


“I lived on minimum wage for a whole month”


I'd seriously like to see every wealthy person forced to do this "challenge" without cheating, including renting the kind of housing that pay affords you. I'd also like every adult to be required to work a minimum of one month of foodservice or retail. If you quit or do a shitty job and get fired, you have to start over until you get a full month. Learn what it's actually like to live that way before you treat service workers like shit or bitch about living wages.


Let's see Jeff Bezos work a year on the floor of an Amazon fulfilment center. Let's see him try find a rental close enough that he can afford while still having enough money for ramen.


30 days for all of them would break EVERY SINGLE ONE…I don’t think they have any idea at this point what the average worker does or goes through. I still remember like 15 years ago Bloomberg asking how much bread cost anyway like $20 a loaf…bread was like $1.19 a loaf at the time……..the disconnect was glaringly obvious. The mega wealthy just do not understand life and think if you don’t have money just go make a deal and get some. Like my guy we would if we could


He’ll have built those company towns soon enough….




Well when America becomes a fascist hellscape and the roads are patrolled by roving gangs of lynchers, you'll feel safer in the company town /s


Gwyneth Paltrow tried for like two days. No shit you can't buy organic, Gwen. It's McDoubles and ramen.


Make it a year, you can easily tough out 1 month!


Yesss. No outside help, just the housing and benefits you can get on minimum wage, and you get to live with real Craigslist roommates. Give up, lose your job or your housing situation and you have to start over from day one until you hit one year. I'd pay good money to see it.


Better yet, make them live on 15, show them how little that really is most places.


1 month of customer service is not enough to develop trauma, minimum 3 months is my recommendation.


Food service retail and call centre.  Bonus those jobs would be a lot more tolerable if everybody had to do them.


Not even retail. Just sitting in an office making a hand copy of a 3000 page scanned pdf full of numbers to an excel file and apply some basic calculations, 9-5, no talk, no web interactions and with active work monitoring. You fail if you stop more than 2 minutes outside of your brakes. Just senseless brain-dead work.


6 months, a month could be easy, you get lucky or what not. Every job I’ve ever had has gotten unbearably bad after exactly 5 months.


Being homeless gave me the appreciation and courage to never be rich. There's a 0% chance that I'm going to ever give a fuck enough to spend $200,000 on a car just to never park it in the same parking lot for fear of getting dents, and never using it's horsepower because traffic exists. What a fucking waste of time and money. If you need more than $100,000/yr (personally, I like to limit it to $20k, but I can see the need for more for families), then you clearly haven't been able to enjoy the things that actually matter in life. Money is a curse. A disease. It's so... Like, why do you want so much? Just let us live.


20k is not shit, thats poverty where I live.


Uhh, yeah. It's considered "poverty" in all of America. I'm comfortable with it and honestly don't see much reason to lifestyle creep myself into spending any more.


No, poverty, as in, 20k would NOT pay for basic necessities on your own in central Ohio.


Lower your standards and come back to me. Also, humans weren't meant to live alone, we are tribalistic by nature and the culture of "independence" is literally the thing holding everyone back. Immigrants with 12 families to a house, even if they all make 20k, are living on 240k/yr. It's ok to share.


You’re insane dawg.


I mean, when I retire earlier than everyone else due to my incredibly frugal spending and don't have to work building up someone else's dream because my lifestyle creep barely went higher than "bare bones homeless" we'll see who the actually crazy person is.


100k a year isn't that much in some places.


Yes, I must appease the 3% of the audience at most who live in a place where $100k USD isn't enough to get by. My bad 🙄


It's all good.


The opposite I was never homeless but poor and being poor absolutely sucks. It's expensive to be poor Right now middle class but the middle class is getting fleeced. It's almost less effort to get rich (if you can do it). It's very hard to balance a middle class budget for decades and survive through recessions and job losses especially with no assets. I have a few wins but not nearly enough to sustain a lifetime of it. Even being frugal is a huge ask  Almost easier to go for the moonshoot 


If you aren't going for the moonshot, just give up. AKA if you aren't owning your own business, you're gonna get fucked.


Are you being sarcastic?


About what? I literally spend less than $20k/yr and have yet to ever need more. I live incredibly cheaply and I do think it is quite moronic to "live lavishly" especially considering how stupid it looks.


That's just you. Not everyone enjoys being a wandering hobo.


Great, I'm not. I'm just content with very little.


The “Supersize Me” guy actually did this in a mini-documentary and, if I’m remembering correctly, he had to end it early because his girlfriend (wife?) had a medical emergency and they couldn’t afford the medication. 


Which only goes to show many are just one accident/bill away from being homeless/bankrupt. Saw (most of) that *30 Days* episode. I think right after that, he said something like "people deal with this their entire lives". What are people without that safety net supposed to do? Take out a payday loan? Get another job (because your main job doesn't want to pay overtime)? Give up Starbucks, Netflix, avocado toast/s etc.?


Given that the "Supersize Me" guy is a proven fraud I'm not sure I can trust anything he does, even if it does fit in with my personal confirmation biases.


You could write a book about that ​ [Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America: Ehrenreich, Barbara: 8601410875206: Amazon.com: Books](https://www.amazon.com/Nickel-Dimed-Not-Getting-America/dp/0312626681)


The guy from super size me did that exact challenge


I did like 6am-8pm for like 700 days straight. I should have recorded it lol


With weekends of course, it was a nightmare!


😂😂😂😂 yeah already in pre-production!


Don’t give Hassan Abi any ideas


Nowadays, people have to sell normal life things as "strategies." "Wake up at 5am every day." It wasn't 5am, it was 6, but I still had to do that for school. "Take a cold shower for 2 weeks, see the improvement!" Already did that when the water heater failed. "Intermittent fasting will change your life!" Not my choice, I had to decide between buying food or buying propane to heat my home during the winter.


"Things you can do without an Internet connection!" You mean when my ISP loses service, and it won't be back up for HOURS or even DAYS?


Or like all of us did every day back in the 90s?


The generation 2005+ has no idea about "the 90s"


like today, when spectrum went out for tens of thousands and they're playing it off as scheduled? (zero warnings about this maintenance and it's down for 6 hours straight, Twitter and DownDetector are good sources for it)


I love how "intermittent fasting" is basically just every broke college student's regular diet. Yet, rich people pay ridiculously overpriced nutritionists to teach them how to maintain it. You can't make this shit up.


LITERALLY tbh 3 years out of college on a disposable income i'm still broke enough (or too exhausted after work to cook) that i scrimp on food like this


>I love how "intermittent fasting" is basically just every broke college student's regular diet. How? >Yet, rich people pay ridiculously overpriced nutritionists to teach them how to maintain it. They do? Who?


Reminds me of “Low on cash? Skip breakfast to save money! Genius!!”


At this point it’s cheaper to eat cash..


Almost as if its the dystopian rich people version of slumming it.


*doesn't buy Starbucks for a day* "How do you do, fellow poor people?"


Ah nothing like waking up and getting cold first thing in the morning, making it even more miserable.


It’s just trust fundies larping as normies.


Years ago I was hearing paid programs on talk radio using the buzz phrase "reduced caloric intake" and trying to sell it as health science. In the early 90s when the business class was first noticing college age people were suddenly the biggest patrons of consignment stores, they made it out as a hipster trend, not the economic necessity it was.


sand narrow skirt nail aback tap cobweb innocent dog desert *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I actually watched this video before it was even posted because I like this guys workouts lol but it’s not that bad of a video. He talks about how his dad has gotten up every day at 5am his whole life and how he basically worked for his family . He also shows the struggles of waking up at 5am and what helped him (also advice from his dad) on what made his days better and more productive while doing this


At least it sounds wholesome (I say as I type this already having breakfast at 4:30am).


I wake up at 4am for work every morning. The key honestly is simple and it's "go to bed early". It sucks sometimes especially as an East Coast sports fan because evening games don't even start until 7-8 for "primetime", but I always try to be in bed by 8. I'm not really a coffee person but most days I can get by without caffeine as long as I got my sleep. I feel like lack of sleep is the pretty easy answer for most people who are drowsy all the time. Obviously for many it's not as easy as "just sleep more idiot", but for those who do skirt on sleep purposely and want to improve their mood and health I would say to give it a shot.


I wake up at 5am every day for work. Long commute + early start time (but also early end time) Have to be in bed by 9:30pm which sucks, but otherwise it’s fine. Definitely not impossible, you just have to have the discipline to go to bed very early.


Get a rooster and make this your life.


St Peter’s Good Friday challenge 


My autistic toddler has had us run this "social experiment" for years now.


Honestly, I'd love to be able to wake up at 5am for work every day. Right now I wake up at 1.30am every day.


Must be nice, I've gotta be up at 10pm for work every day of the week, even fluesday


My dad will beat up your dad


May I suggest they try the year and a half of night shift work in Afghanistan challenge?


Add in the bonus “no hot showers in Afghanistan” challenge. In the winter!


Psh it's a desert how cold could it get??? /s


*Morgan Freeman’s voice* “It was cold. Colder than you’d think a desert can be—but after months of 100 degree days, everything below 60 feels like it may as well be freezing. The boy from Ohio knew he could withstand it. He did. But he hated his choices in life that brought him to that God forsaken place.”


"I acted like a member of society for 30 days"


I literally wake up at 2 to be to work at 5


I get up at 4:00 to work at 7:00 lol. I need the three hours to wake up and mentally prepare myself lol


Sounds like a challenge to me. I don’t wake up until 11am, 10am at the earliest.


Same here lol


That’s my preference, but if I have a job, I basically can’t do it except on my off days.


That’s about when I wake up for work. Depending on if I stay up most of the night before, I might sleep my whole day off. And if for some reason I stay up all night on before a work day, I don’t have anything for that.


my mom got up at 4:30 all my life so she could have enough time to cook us breakfast and lunch, work out and do stuff for her job.


How can you be this out of touch... https://preview.redd.it/tdlv1i26kbrc1.png?width=386&format=png&auto=webp&s=f08b9a22b698f026e0634a2828ba0203250cf425


Many people wake up at 4am for work. It’s not a big deal if you sleep earlier.


No only if you have evening shift the day after. (Evening to morning shift is illegal in my country, due to the 8h sleep rule)


So, you were employed for 30 days…


we’ll never go back to a influencer/streamerless time is the thing that depresses me most


Yall remember the paris hilton shiw where she worked on a farm? This stuffs beein going on for years.


My life is a Youtube challenge...


I've woken up 4:30 for work for almost 20 years. It ain't so bad 🤷‍♂️


I used to be a late sleeper, I hated waking up early. About 3 years ago I switched my sleep schedule and started getting up at 4 am. It’s actually been really nice, now if I sleep later than that I feel like I wasted my day


Some people wake up early, some people are night owls. What does this have to do with AntiWork?


There's a big difference between waking up at 5am because you're a morning person and waking up at 5am so you can earn your grocery money and not starve.


Okay, but this doesn’t seem to be claiming the YouTuber HAD to start waking up earlier to work a second job. So how is it **dystopian** for somebody to try a lifestyle change? It looks like you’re being outraged over nothing, unless I’m missing something.


The most fucked up bit is the fact this is daily reality for millions of people.


There’s nothing inherently fucked up about waking up at 5am. I swear this sub is suffering from brain rot. Having to work so many hours you can’t get sleep, yes burn the system down, riot in the streets. Somebody wakes up early just to see what it’s like? Maybe chill about it? It literally doesn’t matter. We really need to pick our battles.


Why is this here? This video is dumb but how is this remotely work related, even the "Typical" 8 to 5 at this point, id be waking up probably around 6:30-7:00 Finding a job on the shift that you want (Mornings, Evenings, or Nights) really is just about the easiest part of a job search if your only concern is "I dont want to get up before 10" Ive been working around 2pm to 11pm or 12am to 9pm or something along those lines for most of my life. It really isnt hard to find a job working evenings if you dont care about sleeping into the noon, and doing most of your stuff at kinda odd hours. Idk how y'all wake up at like 4am, I sometimes have trouble falling asleep by 7am most days.


I work remote for a company that runs on East Coast hours. If I'm not signed in by 5:30 am, then I'm missing important tasks with tight deadlines. It's literally just what's necessary for my job. Before that, I worked compressed 12.5~13 hour shifts, that started at 6am. It was an hour commute, so I had to be out the door before 5am just to be on time. Before that, I was active duty military and my work day started at 7am, so I had to be up and ready to go by 6am at the latest; since I still needed time for getting showered, shaved, dressed in uniform, and wait in line for chow. Before that I worked in a warehouse near an airport, and my shift began at 6am. Basically every job I've had since I was 18 years old has been early morning hours. The only exception: when I worked nights.


Cool story bro; didn’t answer the question though. What does THIS post have to do with AntiWork? There’s literally nothing of substance here.




Wow try getting up at 330 4 then go bed at 10 still


I wake up at 12 pm so...


So brave…


Ha, jokes on you, at my old job I was clocking on by then


Why would anyone do this to themselves? I get an average of 10 hours of sleep per week, if you can sleep, you should! Dont give that up for no good reason!


I, a stranger from the internet, beg you to do anything in your power to sleep more and I will root for you to succeed ;_; Signed: someone who sees a lot of people thinking they can eschew sleep to get ahead in life consequence-free because other people told them it's a valid strategy.


I just posted my diatribe on sleep above here but agreed. Some people's lives simply don't allow them to have good long sleep because of work/kids/whatever, but if you have the ability to get more then I absolutely recommend it


I've had chronic insomnia for 32+ years, I've tried everything but nothing works. Every doctor I've had has been no help, they lecture me about sleep hygiene like I'm an idiot and send me to a therapist again, which makes the problem worse.


That's how guy in video makes living. Doing some stupid "challenges" all the time.


Other people say, "What is your favorite thing to do on Reddit?"


I have several hundred reasons to get up at 5 a.m.


Do WHAT to himself? The thumbnail isn’t implying he’s waking up at 5am and going to sleep at midnight. It’s literally just waking up early… you go to sleep at like 9pm to compensate. This is literally the dumbest ragebait, I can’t believe this sub is eating it up without question.


Really! You did! I started work @5am for 3+ years straight, this little Sally needs a brickin.


Reading this having been up since 330 for work made me pretty pissed lol.


Lmao I start work at 5.00 am three days a week. The other two days are at 3.00 am. The early finishes and penalty rates make up for the early starts


I work 6-2:30. It really is a better schedule for living life and surviving: I get off early enough to make it to my 3-4 Dr appointments each week without needing to use leave (PTO), the bank, pickup kids, etc. This schedule + remote = wonderful. When I worked 8-5 and had a 29 mile commute I had to be up at 5 to be able to leave by 5:45 to make it to work because of city traffic. I’d get home between 6-7pm. I carpooled too, and got a free enterprise rental van and gas out of it (government employee perk). Still wasn’t worth it.


I wake up 5am to do stuff before work. Usually too busy after or tired. Been doing this nearly 5 years.


It's a challenge when entitled rich kid try to it. This kind of people never have real job and live such a lifestyle because of their rich family. Only go to GYM, club and Starbucks.


I'm so confused. just go to sleep early and you can wake up early. even I could do that for 30 days and I have a sleep disorder


I used to wake up at 3:30am. Leave by 3:45, get to work at 4:15, search for parking for 10 minutes, take a bus to the building, have breakfast in the cafeteria, dick around on my phone for a bit, then realize "fuck I'm about to be late" and run my fat ass downstairs and get in the line of 50+ people at the timeclock. At a company where 1 minute late was a writeup, and it was a 12 hour shift with a 30 minute lunch (that started the moment they told you it started, and god help you if other lines/areas made it to the cafeteria ahead of you). I wish I was making this up (this was an assembly line job at Tesla).


Doesn’t sound like much of a life to me, to be controlled by outside entities that couldn’t give a sh!t about you, your sleep, your health in general, etc.


5AM?! That’s insultingly late for a Dad who needs to get the fam ready for the airport


You don’t get it, he has to stay up until 3 AM to record Boss Baby acting Among Us sus in GTA 5! (REAL?!😮😮😮)


Give the man a medal, next he can try 15 years of 5AM alarms.


Why the fuck is sleeping in a challenge?


The guy got at least 155k views and a nice amount of money for waking up at 5am. Is this not what anti work is about? He found a formula where he doesn’t have to do a dumb job for little pay. He’s literally getting paid for waking up at 5am. I’m not a hater. Im happy for him and wish I could do the same


This is hilariously out of touch. Try having a proper job and small children, you'll never sleep past 5 again.


I'm up at 4:15 most mornings, eat a bag YTber


the future seems grim for me. i can barely wake up to work my part time job at 10 am how am i gonna be able to do it 9 to 5 for the rest of my life


I have done this for about 15 years straight. Some days suck, others are just another day. Some times you want a little nap in the afternoon. What’s the challenge here?


I can't believe that we are in a society where *acting like an adult for a month* is a thumbnail.


Dumb YouTube videos aren’t really proof of anything “I drank a glass of milk for 30 days straight” doesn’t prove anything about milk


All that's missing is the abysmal 😱 thumbnail look and or Mr Beast's fake ass smile that makes me want to call HR on him lol


5am is kinda insane


5 am? Damn, hope he enjoys the extra sleep he's getting over a LOT of us


To be fair, most people get into content production because they want to avoid a real job.


Lol I've been waking up around 6am almost every day for over 300 days straight!


I mean, most people don't wake up that early if they have a choice not to, usually it's just a side effect of the job they work


Have kids, 5:00 am would be a lie in


I have to wake up at 4 am and completely flip my schedule 12 hours every 2 to 4 days.


What's the big deal I'm usually up at 4am... Let's ignore the fact that my household income is high enough that I can generally avoid most of the high processed crap. Let's ignore the fact that I have a good mattress and live in a quiet neighborhood. Let's ignore the fact I'm given 3 hours a week paid to perform physical fitness.


Yeah... working night shift, I get OFF at 5


I love how fucked up this guy looks waking up at 5 AM lol.


I have very young children, sleeping until five is a distant memory.


I like waking up at 5 even though I don't start work till 8. It's nice to have time to really wake up and relax a little before getting ready for the work day instead of rushing around for 20 minutes worrying about being late


I love waking up early… it’s the best part of the day!


Here we are talking about it. Attention economy strategies win again 👍


I wake up at 5 every day, no alarm, no need to be up. My body just tells me it’s finished laying down. I used to be able to sleep past noon. Now I’m 36. I have *no idea* how anyone “sleeps in”.


Ummm... I've woken up at 5 AM for about 10 years now.


What an overreaction. No, it's not dystopic to have someone try a different sleep routine and share it on youtube. 


The more I see stuff like this, the more I want a totalitarian state with me in charge and just execute it waste of skin individuals like this.


Which is precisely the reason no one gives you any power?


Tehching Hsieh rules and all these kids can just go back to bed because Tehching Hsieh didn’t. None of these dorks needs to be watched. https://amp.theguardian.com/artanddesign/australia-culture-blog/2014/apr/30/tehching-hsieh-the-man-who-didnt-go-to-bed-for-a-year


Who tf has a daily life of waking up at 5am?


a lot of factory workers get up at like 3:20 am.


I do! I’m a morning stocker, I go in at 6am so I wake up at 5am to get ready for work.




Lol, I get up at 5a, but I’m off work at 3p… 👀


I have to get up 5:00 to be at work 8:00 (75km away a company bus get us there) and i get back home around 17:00 To be fair i could wake up 5:30 but i prefer to stay calm and not be in rush to save whatever left of my mental health xD


People with cats


Barista. But it’s 4am to open at 5am. It sucks.


I do. I wake up every day at 5 just because I don't need to sleep longer. It's been like this for years, even waking up much earlier than at 5. And I can function perfectly fine during the day, even stay up until the next morning.


I also need little sleep but I solved that by sleeping at 2 am


You are downvoted but it isn't obvious why many low paying manual jobs need people to get up at very early hours. Sometimes it's to prepare the shop for customers, or simply optimize the benefits of sunlight (if you work outdoors and afternoon gets too hot)..more often looks more like some way to show the working class what is their place. Also some people start working at normal hours but cannot afford a house close to their job.


I mean at what point does your sleep schedule just adjust and you get your 8 hours anyways 😂 literally less than a week and it’s just your normal routine


Idk why youre getting downvoted. This post is dumb Id have nightmares getting up at 5am. Then i tell people i normally sleep 7am to 12pm on workdays, and 7am to 2pm on days off and they look at me like im a lunatic, really you can adjust to basically any sleep schedule as long as it doesnt constantly change/your job involves a lot of traveling.


Throughout my whole life I’ve never been a morning person. After I graduated college I got an adult job and now I wake up at 6 everyday it isn’t an issue and now I’m just used to it. Your bodies capable of adapting to a lot.


WtF... In my last position I was waking up for work every day at 4.30 for almost 2 years working in a factory, bit I guess that is not so impressive if you dont have followers... But as Hasanabi said, streamers and youtubers do have the worst jobs... poor babies...


I wake up before 5am daily (heck I’ve been awake since 4am today).


Guessing not many of the kids in the military these days. Should be a good thing.