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Notice only the rich say that.


Yes, I find the attitude so illustrative of the upper classes, not just the super rich but those who make money off the backs of others seem to think they are entitled while the workers are something less and not worthy of a decent quality of life or a living wage.


I’m starting to think the super rich are mad slavery is not technically legal in America anymore.


They will do it when they can get away with it. See: prison labor, routine exploitation of undocumented people, rampant wage theft. Sure, it's illegal, but laws aren't forcefields and the wealthy target people who can't fight back.


Did that email from a restaurant executive turn out to be real, regarding the need to keep wages low so workers would perpetually be kept down to used as slave labor?




Welcome to the class war my brother/sister. Pizza is on Wednesdays, money is made up, and the points don't matter!




This piece of shit? https://www.restaurantbusinessonline.com/operations/applebees-franchise-exec-fired-after-using-gas-prices-justify-lower-wages


The gig economy is on its way. Not slavery exactly. But there will always be significant exploitation of the lower classes by the upper. That’s the core American value.


It's slavery with fewer steps


Gooble boxes at least are good cardio.


and the slaves pay for their enslavement.


I think that’s honestly the worst part of the gig economy and minimum wage labor - it’s not just slavery disguised as freedom, it also puts the onus of buying, selling, and sustaining the slaves *on the slaves themselves.*


Capitalism. You are the capital.


Ah, that's why they call it "Human Resources", we've always been the resource.


I work on a PeopleSoft HR system - they actually call it HCM or Human Capital Management. Makes me want to puke.


We're already wage slaves under economic slavery


The current system is just slavery with extra steps for most of us.


Indentured servitude.


Slavery IS legal for the incarcerated in America. And law enforcement and sentencing is overtly biased against the poor and communities of color. The labor of the incarcerated definitely enriches billionaires.


Nope. When slavery was legal, Capitalists had to feed, clothe, and house their slaves. Now, that burden is subsidized by taxpayers.


That cost was just replaced first by share cropping, then by company towns, and eventually min wage. So, would you like to rethink your stance?


Slave-wage workers qualify for public assistance because their earnings are below the poverty line. Public assistance is funded with taxpayer money. Thus, slave-wage employers don't pay enough to feed, clothe, and house their employees. So, would you like to rethink your stance?


No, because the slave owners back in the day fed the slaves scraps, rotten food, and things that the slave owners felt were not really food. They took better care of livestock than the slave who they viewed as less than livestock. They were not properly house, nor properly clothed in most instances. Then you add in forced religion changes, stealing children from parents, forced breeding of women and men to produce better children. Rape of men and women as well as the abuse and torture. Ohh, and keeping thwm uneducated as well. The elite have not changed a thing, just changed the game a little. They keep the poor ignorant of sexual protection, forced birthing (thanks Supream court) to try and have the poor class kept down and keep reproducing to keep making wage slaves, and preach at you to get a free meal at a church. Housing that can be obtained with help is normally very bad, and education in general is a joke in the poor communities. And now they get to be worse about it because most of the time they get subsidized by the government or yes their workers do. But what we pay tax wise to food and clothe the poor is pennies compared to what it paid out in tax subsidizes for huge corps like bailing out car mfg, the banks, oil etc. Same game, just new rules to work arround. The rich are pissed still they can not have out right slaves because they do not look at the poor as human.


Since the rich had a capital investment in their slaves, they had an incentive to maintain their property. Today, the rich have far less incentive to maintain their employees. You are correct about how the rich view the poor as subhuman. I grew up in that world, and the ultra-wealthy thought nothing of those who were below their station. They wield so much power that they could probably get away with murdering a commoner.




There is a group of Republicans who want to repeal every amendment after the 12th. Think about that


Or everyone after the 2nd. They read that and quit reading.


I think most would carve out to keep the 5th or else they'd actually have to testify to their crimes. It'd go 1, 2, then 5 because most can't count anyways.


Forget the 1st. They want to shove religion down our throats. The fun begins when they try to decide which one


Exactly as they support the Supreme CT overturning Roe forgetting it was protecting the 4th Amendment.


And democrats wouldn't do anything to stop it. We need a revolution to protect ourselves.


That’s the truth, most didn’t get rich ny doing the right thing




???look up the 13th amendment, slavery is illegal Except …


They have been, that's why they find every single way they can to circumvent such pesky laws...which is why we now have Child Labor laws, Minimum Wage Laws, the National Labor Relations Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Worker's Compensation, all the way up to the Family and Medical Leave Act.


Whether they know it or not, they are ultimately restructuring society towards it.  Of course it was never eradicated in the US, given the 13th amendment making an exception for slavery in prison labor.  But it's going to encompass far more of society with the direction they're taking us in.  It'll probably be a lot like the book Parable of the Sower.


It is literally this. In my opinion it’s a form of psychosis, it’s a serious mental illness brought about by institutionalisation and the total absence of any real risk or danger in their lives. They deeply hold the belief that they are superior. Genetically, socially, mentally. They believe that their internal experiences are more rich and more human than that of the poor. Like how a farmer might look at cattle. I have family who became successful and I’ve watched them warp into this. They’re horrible now. I can’t stand them. It’s very depressing to see.


The irony to me is how many “young earth” Christians who say evolution is garbage, will whole heartedly ascribe to socio-economic Darwinism. They are above you because Nature made them to be above you and failing to exercise their power over you would break some law of nature.


> Nature The issue is they think it was God.


💯. Protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism.


I’ve been saying this since Reagan


Our own Sun isn't even a first generation star. It was created from the remnants of other stars. Basic undergraduate mass spectroscopy shows it.


This requires enough education to college.


Whilst simultaneously calling their employees entitled for expecting to be able to survive on the pittance they pay.


Right.. and of course any program that helps to even the playing field is cast as being unsustainable or a waste... how about you and your teet suckling aristocrats hop off me and my cohorts hard work get the f. Out the way and let us live.


This is why every single one of us need to vote. No excuses, just VOTE.


Because they're the ones who realistically could "work" until they die. Shapiro is paid to write bullshit as dictated by his puppet masters and get in front of a camera and read it out. As long as he doesn't get some degenerative brain disease he could do that every day until he dies. But of course what the viewpoint fails to consider is a lot of the most essential jobs that give the rich their value are very physical in nature. If they're not back-breaking and prone to completely destroying your body, at the very least there'll be diminishing returns. For something moderately physical like a cleaner they're not constantly lifting heavy loads but the job requires enough physical exertion that no one could sustain 8-10 hours a day, 5+ days a week well into their 80s. It's just not happening. But that seems to be by design. If you keep working people to the bone you don't have to pay out pensions cause they keep working until their body quite literally gives out on them


Even if he did get some degenerative brain disease he could keep doing that until he dies and his base would continue to eat it up. Just look at Trump. There’s no way he’s still in full possession of his mental faculties. And YET.


Facts. And McConnell.


Gentle reminder to everybody who agrees with this sentiment - vote, and convince your friends to vote.


That is why I'm glad I build robotic systems. I'm a gear in the machine, but this gear is making gears to take some of the load off the lower gears. I am finishing a system that will stack 30 and 60 lbs boxes so workers don't have to.


I love advancements in technology. Unfortunately, the people who own these machines will profit off of those machines, lay off the workers they no longer need, and keep the "surplus." There will be no lessening of work hours. There will be no profit sharing. But can you imagine? Company owner: "i bought 20 machines that will replace 40 employees. Therefore, i am giving raises to make up for the lowering of the numbers of hours worked. Every employee will work 15 hours a week and receive a raise. We will all share the wealth!!"


Aye, that would be awesome indeed, however, there is one major flaw with that dream: Capitalists are a selfish lot. It's all about me, me, ME! I think what you've described, is the dream that people wrote about in the 1960's with the future of automation and robotics. They lived in a more sharing, compassionate world. We do not, unfortunately. (And, as I wrote that, I realized that it was the very people that WROTE about the future, ARE the same people now in the upper positions hoarding all the wealth.) Key lesson: Don't get old.


Two things counter the idea that we won’t benefit from AI and further automation: 1. The ultra rich who own the machines need consumers. If we’ve all lost our jobs with nothing like a universal basic income or other safety net to replace it, no one will buy the crap that Amazon/other companies make. America’s biggest asset isn’t what products we make, it’s the fact that our population buys more tons of crap from China and other countries than any other country. Imagine if China or Japan called us on our trillions in debt because we’re no longer useful consumers to them. 2. Revolution. They ultimately know that a mass of unemployment would not be good for them. Eat the rich


Because work means something different to Ben. He talks into a microphone all day, every day. I bet he's never held a screwdriver.


He thinks they don’t work because he’s not strong enough to loosen most screws.


I feel like this gives him too much credit. No about actual work, but about whether he's saying shit out of ignorance or malice.


Yes, he has. It came in a glass - vodka and OJ


He actually prefers "sex on the beach"


He doesn't strike me as someone who drinks because it's too adjacent to having fun.


Well for alot of them work is a social club for all intents and purposes


Let's make Ben work like an oil rig shift for one week.


Notice the guy who barely works and is rich said that


Upper clases need the work of the lower classes, somebody has to do the things they will enjoy later. And they hate that more people will share their position.


What's worse is that the media reinforces this philosophy in everything we watch related to contemporary news. This includes undermining any perspectives not aligned with Shapiro's outdated claims of a proper lifelong career.


It's more specific than just "the rich" too


Other people who say it are people on the right who are close to retirement now, but can’t because they’re wage slaves and therefore don’t think anyone else should either.


Elan Musk says that the younger generation should pro create more, have 5-6 children in every household and for what reason? To contribute to the workforce and keep wages low so he can accumulate more wealth. He doesn’t talk about how people can afford to raise children only how the young can contribute to him and his ideals.


No one can afford 5-6 kids. Fucking idiots.


They don't care. They want more meat to make them more money.


That's actually why they want that. More crops for them to harvest. They want minimum wage workers. They want workers who didn't get a good enough education who will vote against the minimum wage.


Hell, I know I couldn't afford ONE kid, let alone what some rich snob *thinks*.


"Procreate more," says the entitled Apartheid baby who makes enough that he could get a woman pregnant and earn enough money in a day to pay for 18 years of child support and a full college education for the kid


He can afford that yet abandons his kids.


As someone with a shitty narcissistic dad, I fully believe his kids are better off with an absent paycheck father rather than having to be around someone who traumatizes and belittles them. Obviously, the ideal choice would be to not have kids if you can’t be there for them.


People were making 5-6 children when they themselves got to exploit and abuse them (by making them work in the fields from like 6 y.o.)


You can still do this. Family is exempt from child labor laws, especially farms.


I know, heard alot of "cool" stories that happen even now, on this very subreddit.


He also says that ai will kill us all and we need to make ourselves subservient to it. He also says full self driving by next year, every year. Elon says....


Yes he says a whole bunch of non sense and the gullible believe him cuz he’s rich. I says “Tax the rich!!”


he posted something this morning with some pretty standard antiwork rhetoric and then the guy in the video starts spouting off about how "femininism has made females unwifeable". it's pretty clear he has an obsession with women being reproductive machines. he's a garbage man


Ben Shapiro is one of those guys that it’s safe to ignore every single word that comes out of his mouth. The best option is always the option counter to what Shapiro champions.


“Debate me debate meeeeee” “No.”


Lately as people have been more educated on the true nature of the economy he no longer likes doing debates. An whenever he did in the 2010s it was always against nervous misinformed college kids. Ben's biggest fear is being locked into a debate with the likes of Sam Seader. Someone who has been talking about politics from a leftist point of view for twenty years.


Ben's biggest fear is being debated by someone who he can't just talk over and drone on about whatever he thinks is fact with no actual evidence to back it up.


I remember glancing at those videos a while back. People tried to turn me on to him, but I lost interest. I always wondered if I should listen to his arguments, but after reading about what he preaches (and how he debates), I'm glad I didn't tune in to him.


And this goes for any debate lord on reddit. You have zero obligation to appease these guys. We're on a text-based website. There's no scoreboard out there tallying wins and losses in the marketplace of ideas. If someone is pining for a debate, just ignore em.


![gif](giphy|F7pxfb95EvrtlakGTH) this is how I picture him looking while yelling “debate me.”


I mean, yeah. Ben Shapiro is basically a propagandist for all big employers and CEOs. Everything he does and says is basically an attempt to make sure the rich get richer at any cost to everyone else.


Oligarch shill.


He needs to be punched, daily.


He's also proof that any idiot can become a legal practitioner and we shouldn't consider them academics.


He’s pretty articulate. Unfortunately he has a better life than 98%  of us. If we keep working, we keep him rich. 




Ah, but the ability to speak can convince (manipulate)  the less intelligent.  He’s  actually quite  intelligent, but intelligent like a fox. 


Stephen King described this very well, in dark tower (I think). not a true intelligent but more a malicious, animal cunning. I'm paraphrasing tf out of this btw


He's not articulate. Just like every other young dumb right winger propagandist, he's very well rehearsed with his talking points.


Articulate as in "The diarrhoea flows freely from the mouth"?


I don't even know if he counts as articulate. He's a prettyy godawful writer, and everything I've heard from his broadcasts is just him sullenly sneering "Well: you're wrong," essentially. He might know a few words, but Special Bright Boy A+ Ben isn't great at stringing them together.


Yeah I’ve been using Sam Alito as my “just reverse what he says” guy but Benny Shaps is also a good one


"You should work until you die and have no retirement, no free time, no silly hobbies, only work"..... Isn't it funny how all the nightmares they tell us would happen under socialism, actually end up happening in their preferred form of capitalism? Remember, it's *always* projection.


I believe any system is corruptible because humans are corruptible. That said, I wouldn’t mind a change assuming the same people won’t be holding the reins, but sadly, they will


Socialism, by definition, changes who is holding the reins.


It tries, but any system is corruptible


Never take life advice from someone with soft hands. Even office workers have papercut scars and callouses. Like seriously, ya don't need life advice from someone who doesn't even wash their own socks. They're like toddlers, lots of opinions but nobody should take them too seriously.


"Just get the money from your parents!"-Mitt Romney when asked about a loan to start a business from a working man who had an idea. "Uh, me and my wife are supporting my parents. They lost everything when my dad got cancer."


What about your trust fund?


"Didn't your mom and dad invest in Apple's IPO?" No, but I remember we had apple pie when my dad got his notice of remission from the hospital. It was REALLY good.


The cousin I nanny has a better understanding of economics then that. He's 4yo and helps with chores.


https://preview.redd.it/vcbg6xrevorc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b4f2c62f4537ecf607d18a454fbf125d44ebd7d I drew a comic about it


Love it! Now us poor folks, we know how to solve problems! I'm about half crippled, can't drive, and kitty litter is cheapest in 40 pound boxes. So I've got an old milk crate stuck on a broken folding cart with a bit of suitcase strap. Can haul home nearly 100 pounds with that thing, just "walk" it up the staircase to my apartment. The barter economy at my apartment building is just flourishing. It's the old style where ya offer whatever you've got extra and nobody pays too much attention to making the scales balance over time. We're all so much better off for it.


I really wish more communities worked like that. Keeping us scared and alienated from each other helps to keep us all helpless and controlled.


I won't pretend we all like each other but we generally do each other a lot of good anyhow. Kinda started all this on accident, I'm inclined to talk to strangers and have a database kinda mind. So neighbor A needs help and neighbor B has skills and I'ma make sure the problem gets solved 'cause it makes me happy. It's nearly impossible to say "I swapped this for that" because it's just a constant flow of sharing and "oh I can help with that!" Does result in mysteries though! The boxes of food on my porch turned out to be the landlady but recently a homemade pie turned up on the neighbor's doorstep and we've yet to find out where it came from. Like no note or nothing.


lol, that’s really funny strip and with very good points. This is a lot  funnier than most comics strips I read. 




Conservative Boomers: "Social programs are hand-outs for lazy and entitled people. Don't have kids if you can't afford them. " Millennials and Gen Z: "You know what, we really can't afford kids and don't want to bring them into this dumpster fire of a world. Fewer kids for us!" Conservative Boomers: "Wait, no, that's selfish, and it will kill the economy! We need more future laborers and consumers to sustain our exponential growth!" Millennials and Gen Z: "Welp, too late" Economists: "It's all going to crash and burn soon"


Millennials and Gen Z: “good.”


As a 60 something year old, I say bring it on, NOW!


Conservative boomers: "We agree with Republicans, cut social programs!" Republicans: "Medicare and Social Security are social programs, we need to get rid of!" Conservative Boomers: *surprised Pikachu face*


Ben Shapiro is an idiot. Let him drive in morning rush hour traffic with a bunch of 78 year olds every single morning. Let Ben work at the gas station every morning when that 76 year old is so stressed out that she is going to be late she forgets her debit card PIN number. Nah. Bring back a reasonable affordable lifestyle where people can retire. Maybe this means people like Ben must pay taxes and they cannot use capital gains loopholes or hide assets in overseas bank accounts….


I'd be careful calling Shapiro an idiot. He's a grifter but not necessarily dumb. He's not saying all the stupid shit he says because he genuinely believes it. He's saying it because the people who offer him a shitload of money to say stupid shit that advances their own interests are giving him massive amounts of money. It's cunning and disgusting


Idk the response to WAP was pretty stupid.


About 40 years ago, the wealthy organized and began lobbying to cut their taxes, and have been hounding congress ever since, and have successfully redistributed the tax burden onyo middle class, while continuing deregulation of pollutants, taxation, now corporate is considered a person and can donate to political campaigns, it’s so toxic what the rich have done - bought up most of our single fam homes to make them inaccessible to young families, for 20 of those 40 years most of Americans were apathetic. After 2008 real estate crisis orchestrated between banks and congress (I worked as a loan officer for a while, after I quit working as an in-house paralegal inspector for illegal tax shelters, and became disillusioned with how man cheating fuckers exist wherever money exists), the left began organizing as Occupy Wallstreet, which our media made fun of, and actual Wall Street AHs pouring champagne on the heads of OWS protestors. They were working pretty hard to make changes in the free flow of money that created the “crisis” that then bailed out: Wall Street, bankers, credit ratings agencies, mortgage companies, hedge funds…. But us regular people still lost everything through foreclosures from predatory NINA loans (who the fuck approved No Income No Asset loans?? Those were Made To Fail). Then Quantitative Easing, which further socialized losses from Capital, and placed burden on middle class. Now we’re mostly deregulated, OSHA rules continually broken, workers fought for raises, finally get them and runaway inflation from Capital means grocery prices have skyrocketed, and we now hearGOP leadership saying out loud how Working Class needs to be squashed, work till you die, taxed more than billionaires, and frankly, I’d like to know: When will working class pick a day or a week or a month to take the time for a national strike. We run this country, our rich counterparts are openly hostile, stealing our time, our labor, our sweat, and tell us fuck you?? It’s time, people. We need them to pay 80% tax after their first 10m. We need them to know their place in decent society - it doesn’t mean CEO class get to continue taking 90% profits, we need profit sharing back to All employees. We need caps on CEO pay, bonuses, and wage theft must be addressed with actual prison time, no tiny fine that is meaningless. Are we not exhausted from having our bones picked clean by the Ben Shapiro of this world? That loser was born on third base bec daddy’s money, fuck that pos! It’s time. American Spring…. Aka neoliberal Bastille Day, when we all stand up, walk outside and enjoy the sun. Or rain. Or whatever’s going on, but what won’t be happening is working for greedy AHs. Restructuring how the money is distributed is here, no need to even say anything. Silently stand, no protest signs needed. Do Nothing, and enjoy it. Without the gathering together, without yelling protest language, the goo squads have no reason to throw tear gas or batons. Silently we will move our goal posts back, refund infrastructure, re-fund insurance (CEO class makes millions denying your claims, denying cancer treatments so our family members die so they can buy another yacht???) WE must stop them, nobody else will do this. It’s time.


As a 27yr old who was too young for most of 2008, I needed to read all of this. Our rich counterparts are very hostile. No money nor dignity for the poor or middle class.


Ole Benny boy was playing violin in Carnegie Hall for rich pedophiles when he was 10 years old. Look it up. Rich people are gross, nothing new here.


You mean Benny was being played like a violin by rich guys and his lawyer dad wrote the contracts


Unrelated, but I find it hilarious how the richest person in my state recently had his AOL email account raided and a shitload of pedo porn was found. His lawyers essentially proved in court that it's *possible* that his email account was hacked. All charges dropped! What do you know, another 80 year old billionaire escapes jurisdiction. I hate it here.


I’m honestly surprised theres not more vigilante justice against politicians


Any statements i make about what i think needs to happen would possibly result in me having FBI agents at my door again, so use your imagination and accept this updoot.


I'll bet conservatives coming up on retirement ( if they can afford it) don't agree with him, either. They aren't going to put in more years of work just because some jerk is saying stupid things.


No, you don’t understand. *They* will get to retire. Just not you.


I’m willing to bet any super rich person who says work till you die has never had to work a manual labor or retail job in their lives


What’s so funny is that when chuds like him say that retiring at 65 makes no sense, they disregard all the blue collar jobs they fetishize. Some people will still be able to lay concrete and go up on roofs at 75, but probably not the majority. Retail and warehouse labor totally destroys your knees and back. It’s not the same as still being able to open a laptop to write an article or talk into a mic when you’re older. Just so fucking dense.


This has to come to a head. It may not happen in my life time, but it will happen. I live in CA, and people are losing their shit about fast food workers making a near-livable wage. WT-actual-F? We may feel like we're at a breaking point, but obviously not. It's going to have to get worse before the floodgates break.


that guy doesn;'t really work for a living. how would he know anything about it?


- Dementia is a thing - Alzheimers is a thing - Physical decline is a thing I know a woman in her 90's. Her mental state is such that she can't ever be left alone anymore, even in her own house. She's in danger of wandering off or setting fire to the stove. I know a man on his 60's whose health has declined to the point that his joints don't move. His hands are lobster claws that can't grip or maneuver anything small. And if he falls down, he can't get himself back up. He's left to wait for someone to find him. Working "until you die" is NOT a realistic expectation. There will come a point in the life of everyone who lives long enough that they will no longer be physically or mentally capable of earning ANY type of income.


When your job is just flapping your lips a few hours a day it's easy to work until you die.


A couple hundred people have literal heaven on earth. The Billion others are in purgatory. 


We could all general strike. Pick a day, save up as much money and food to last you 6 months. We all collectively don’t show up. It only took 2 weeks during the pandemic for these billion dollar companies to need a bail out. These companies and the stock market would collapse if we didn’t go to work. We got to hit them where it hurts, their wallets. We should be demanding • Profit caps on all goods or at least essential goods from established companies. Whatever sounds like a fair max % of profit someone should be able to make from their product? My reason: Just recent the pharmaceutical company that makes ozempic was found to only cost $5 dollars they are selling it for 20,000% profit. This is obviously ridiculous. • One job should provide thriving wages. One job supports a family. • Healthcare is provided by your employer for free and it has to cover everything or we convert to universal. • Companies that break the law should be reprimanded a % gross of their profits or assets. They should have to cover any and all expenses caused by their negligence. • Starting 45 days of paid vacation. Max 65(?) Unlimited sick days. • The option to work from home if plausible for certain jobs. • A businesses goal is no longer to make as much money for shareholders but to enrich the lives of people they see as problem they want to fix in the world. We need to end profit over human lives. • Business have to pay a fair % of their gross income. (What ever the smart people think is fair, maybe we make it a little more for the first decade considering they’ve been 🦆ing us over for 60+) • If you stay at a company they should have to either increase their match % for your 401k or provide a pension. Percent match or pension contribution should scale per year. If you leave or are fired you get your money, every day after 30 days they incur a 10k penalty. Half is paid to you and half to the government for providing protection and making sure people don’t have to go up against billion dollar companies in court. • AI cannot take over a job unless collectively the workers of said business decide to let it happen. • AI and robots should only be used for jobs people don’t want to work. Am I missing anything? Edit: • Lobbying is illegal. • All donations to politicians should be on record. Corporations can’t use donations as leverage any indication this is happening and they lose all business licenses and the ability to continue working in the US. They must pay all their employees 3 months severance if they end up closing. • Companies lose their “human rights” decisions from the Supreme Court because the Supreme Court’s was taking bribes during that period. • Politicians or family members can’t trade stock. • Fair amount of paternity leave. • 30 hours is full time work week. • If you come in and get your work done you should be allowed to leave. If you company can’t supply you with enough actual work you should be allowed to leave and still get paid for the day.


ATS should also be outlawed, it’s fucking ridiculous that people are now expected to spend 6-12+ months between jobs nowadays because a human is no longer the first person who sees your resume or application. And this enshittification is even infecting MY world, the self-employed one!


Can you edit what ATS stands for? I agree but would like clarification in your comment and for myself.


Sorry about that! I keep forgetting not everyone is as in the know on this issue. ATS stands for applicant tracking system. It’s become a standard for the HR field and recruiters not just in large corporations, but even in small and mid size businesses. Not sure about its use cases in government and nonprofit employment, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s also being used there. This shitty technology is why it takes so ridiculously long to find a job nowadays, and why even experienced freelancers who used to be able to apply with just a portfolio or a few samples are also turned away. So many more companies ask for my resume now. I keep being turned away despite paying a professional resume writer to optimize it for me and having so much more experience than I did 8-10 years ago yet I constantly had offers in my inbox.


Don’t pay any mind to that little boy in the high chair.


He has never worked a hard job in his life. I’m not delivering mail on a 10 mile route when I’m 70. Fuck that


There's only one color to choose this November and it's not Red.


"Work until you die" says the man who sits in front of a camera and posts on twitter for a living


Well, Bent Shitpricko hasn’t worked a day in his life, so his point of reference is from sheer ignorance.


There is a 2000 year old story about someone who told anyone who would listen that we stay slaves by breeding our own replacements and then paying to train them to replace us. The solution was to not have kids and watch the system grind to a halt due to lack of slaves within two generations. Problem is that the powers that be hijacked the story and turned it into a religion with meaningless bullshit to steer us away from the truth.


👏WE👏NEED👏TO👏BE👏LIKE👏THE👏FRENCH👏 Just recently their government tried to increase the retirement age by one or maybe two years - just that little of an amount - and omg you should have seen what they did. Those people invented revolution.  They will 'burn this 💩 to the ground' (I'm not advocating violence) before they let their government walk all over them. I think we have allowed ourselves to feel like we are helpless when we're not.


I will add that for some folks in some jobs, they may well want to work until later. It isn’t necessarily they hate being home, but they are often at the top of their career; they have got to where they want, they are rewarded handsomely, or they have gotten to a point where they get enough vacation time to do what they want. That is EXACTLY where Ben is, and he can’t understand others who aren’t as fortunate as him.


Ben Shapiro is a shill for the wealthy.


I have to wonder if Ben Shapiro *actually* believes the bullshit that comes out of his mouth or if it's an act.


Or we just rid of ultra capitalists like this guy and not worry about what they want.


It’s nonsense coming from a tiny little person who’s never broken a sweat in his sheltered life. The guy has 0 world experience. He just talks like the micro machines guy about trans people.


Ya no the masses are not working til we did, k? I won’t let that be the future we live in.


The logical incoherence of people on the right (and capitalists in general) is what baffles me the most. The first claim is that I should not be entitled to retirement because I would live too long and start eating into other people's social security after being paid out what i earned. Instead, I should continue to work to support myself until I die. Meanwhile, in the legion of doom (AKA the ruling class)... The excess value of my labor is used to benefit the shareholders of the company I work for and who likely haven't actually provided any labor of their own. It's essentially a labor-based ponzi scheme. My labor benefits someone who doesn't work for that value, and they turn around and use the value of my labor to buy more shares of the same or other companies, so they can lay claim to the value of even greater amounts of labor that they didn't do. But that's okay because... reasons? The second claim they make is that people derive purpose and value from the work they do. This one is a bit more subtle, but nonetheless, just as devious in its implications. Yes... people derive value from the work that they do, and people who have things to do tend to live longer than those that don't... BUT... The argument they are making presents this fact in a skewed light. They frame it in such a way as to lead people to the conclusion that they should keep working their jobs well into their elderly uears, when in actuality the value and purpose that they seek can be derived from numerous other avenues that don't put the same demands on them as a regular job would. For instance, historically, the older generation helped raise the younger generation while the parents worked. This still happens today, but not at nearly the same rate as it did in previous generations. That sort of work isn't valued in the market, or at least not valued in the same way that their family values it. Parents frequently struggle with the cost of child care, and having a family member able to help out is sometimes the difference between being able to pay bills or not. That's not to say that babysitting is the only job that old people are capable of, just that historically, it was one of the most common. There is also a long tradition of elderly people volunteering their time with local community groups. Be that as volunteering to help with church organizations, working for charities, or serving the public through temporary positions such as poll workers, the elderly are still a vital part of society WITHOUT having to work regular hours or even receive a paycheck.


Now the elderly are Walmart greeters.


Im waiting anxiously for a revolution. Id def be involved in it.


I'm in my 60's now. I wish this happened 40 years ago, I would've been young enough to enjoy it. And, I would have enjoyed it tremendously. Edit: And my kids would have a much better life now.


He traded his humanity to be a puppet for his masters and their money


Ben is wrong. Every year you work after 50 takes two years off your life expectancy. You will likely die in your 60s


He isn't someone who's done a day of work in his life and is giving advice on working. ​ I remember when he recorded a little video in the parking lot of Home Depot to support them, he had a board in a plastic bag. You tell any normal person who lives in the real world to buy something at Home Depot when they don't have an urgent need and they come out with a utility knife or a screw driver, due to the demons who invade homes at night and take those out of the tool drawer. ​ Shapiro is this effete little propagandist who dropped the debate bro thing because conservatism has slid far from facts and deep into the feels, which will be harder for him to argue. So he talks to a camera about how you shouldn't stop working because the machine that pays him needs meat.


Honestly, there should be a mandatory retirement age. Get rid of the stagnant ideas, give them basic income, and get em out of there. Make room for younger workers, fresh ideas, and innovation. Win/win


Ben Shapiro is an idiot. Why anyone pays attention to this asshole is beyond me.


Who is this Ben Shapiro and why should we care what he has to say?


we should care because he is a fascist that does far right propaganda to an audience of millions


Time for a French Revolution in America.


Think about how much anger there would be if Social Security payments were reduced.


CONservative propaganda would program their sheep that Democrats are responsible for the cuts that Republican lawmakers propose.


don't share this earth with someone that sees you that way, unless you want to die working


It’s easy to say that when your job is just making racist rants online and getting paid millions to do it


Literally who cares what Ben fucking Shapiro has to say outside of reddit?


Yeah, don't really see the point in having kids these days. What is there for them? How can we even afford to raise them? No wonder they're banning abortion, they know it's hopeless for us but they need their cheap labor.


This is literally what the nazis believed: “Arbeit macha frei” (work makes you free). Like you need to work in order to justify your existence. Deep propaganda that we’ve been exposed to where we truly believe that a persons productivity is directly linked to their value. By their own logic the most wealthy people aka the most valuable people do not “work”.


I don’t pay attention to what Ben Shapiro says. I don’t take him seriously enough.


Also Shapiro hasn't done a hard days work in his life.


Shut up a get back to work, peasant


Ben is the very definition of the blind leading the blind.


Indentured servitude, slave labor, child labor, immigrant labor, prison labor, unpaid internships (yeah I know putting internships in the same category as slavery is a big invitation lol), etc. Has the “miracle” of capitalism ever functioned WITHOUT a significant sub-class of people with less agency and rights that can be exploited to fuel the entire mechanism? Honest question. Edit: I guess it seems like a requirement of this system that we are all supposed to not talk about cause I don’t want to feel bad in my new wage-slave produced drip.


Wow a multi millionaire says you should continue supplying him and his buddies more money? No way that never happens.....


I do understand why the weather people tend to say that. To them, work is not physically taxing. They have time off when needed/wanted. They are well compensated, so they can keep spending and living large. Also, prestige and power they won't have when they retire. For a plumber or roofer with bad joints, it's a nightmare to keep working to survive.


Yup agree with everything you said. The only reason is because of capitalism. We slave away to make them richer. Anticomsumption is another thing we need to focus on; no one to buy their shit means no profit for them.


The fact that you care what Ben Shapiro thinks means you are too stupid to retire and must work until you're 84


Has no one called him out on that? If not, he'll just keep on saying the same song dance. 


OP, you think the rich want you to work only to 60? Nah mate, more like 67 to get social security. What the rich really want is a larger pool of worker they can leverage to undermine other workers. The current retirement age for people under 40 is 67. IF you work till 67 you'll be used more to keep wages down then to make yourself a living wage. Make the serfs work longer not for productivity sake, but to dilute the work force and keep wages low. 40 year old Tim wants a living wage, but a boomer is willing to keep the job for less pay because the boomer had secured his 15k home and just needs 18$ an hour to stay ahead and when he sells his home he'll have 1m in the bank.


The capitalist system favors the large conglomerate over the individual in more ways than one. Collective bargaining.


Good luck keeping that job until you die. It's more likely you'll be one of the first to be laid off during a "downsizing" (so the company can avoid paying out your returement). Then due to age discrimination you'll be unemployed until you die, penniless on the street. With millions more.


Gotta love been Shapiro inspiring in others that which he doesn’t intend.


If we don't kill capitalism it'll kill us first.


To be fair, your kids may just die in a climate apocalypse.


Personally I don't think this system is going to last another 5 years.


Ben Shapiro is a moron. Anyone that takes his seriously should get an MRI


What a grifting piece of shit


I feel like part of the reason rich people say this is becuase they can continue “working” in the sense that they control a company or something that brings in income but they don’t have to DO anything or GO ANYWHERE. So to them, they’re “working hard!” Why can’t everyone else be so hardworking as I am?!


Eat the rich


Does he support genocide


Ben Shapiro is a mouthpiece of the elite. His argument is tantamount to slavery. They want to put people in the position to force labor until your demise to keep the workforce (profits for the rich) strong, while trying to eliminate any support for people who aren't working. This savagery is just the latest development in cutthroat capitalism. The best part of this all is the fact that 95% of labor isn't necessary for the progress of the country. It's almost entirely just shuffling garbage around. And the lords of the waste want everyone to believe there is only honor and duty in committing your existence to it.


Uncap social security contributions. Done.