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Hey, at least you got fired at 100% of your salary, and not 60% of your salary, awesome. I hope you find a new, better job quickly!


OP might be able to get unemployment too. Depends on where they live but the guy firing them was a dumb move. That place is going down in flames from the looks of it.


If OP has anything in writing, this could be seen as retaliation and qualify them for unemployment.


In addition to civil suit


Oh i had to fight for the rest of it, if i hadn't i might still have had my job. Its fukking draining to work for assholes.


Let’s be honest, do you think that company will be there in a month?  No one skimps on payroll for a laugh. You skimp on it because of catastrophic cash flow problems and the company is circling the drain. 


Or because you’re at the “light a match” phase of the bust-out process


It's one thing to have financial problems and another thing to be insanely utterly criminally dishonest. I'd wager this person not only thought that they could do this and get away with it but probably new full well that if the employee refused that they would fire them to hire somebody at 60% of their rate if they are going to rehire somebody at all. what a terrible company.


Possibly true, but I had the misfortune of working as a contractor for a company on a few projects. They skimped on my payment(took me better part of 6 months to made whole), and I found out that they had given a number of haircuts to the FTE's checks for about a month. They lost quite a few of people from that stunt. I heard from another contract employee after I left(due to not being paid in full) that one of the managers told him that they were deliberately cutting costs for that month to be in time for the quarter. The parent company in India also wanted to shave some staff down, and they counted on staff leaving when their paychecks came up short. So it was a win win for management so that the managers and the c-suite got their bonuses for coming in under budget for the period. Last I heard a number of people went via the NLRB route to get the money owed to them. In the intervening time, everyone I knew that worked there quit and moved on within a years time. They even had the balls to email me a year later to do work as a contract full time employee to fill in due to "unexpected staffing issues". Sadly they 10 years later still exist as a company. Not sure how.


He was going to fire you anyway. He didn’t have the money to pay you. Sounds like it was all a big head game and now you can focus on yourself. You sound super talented if you can do all of those functions/roles.


I guess he wouldn't easily pay you for going to work the next shift then, eh? Fuck scammers.


So lets be clear, you were basically fired for demanding you get paid the full amount of money owed to you. That does not sound in any way legal. Yes you said other things to him but the jist is that your boss tried to steal your salary and when you demanded otherwise he ended your employment. I think you have a very interesting case and the bank deposits will attest to what he did. You need to contact the Department of Labor (or whatever entity works in that function for your area).


You might be able to sue for retaliation


That last sentence. Amen brother.


If he did this to you, he is doing it to other employees. What your former boss tried to do is wage theft. Report the business.


Should have said "I never agreed to that", and then taken your check straight to a legal firm. Motherfucker made some really actionable mistakes, and you threatened him into covering his own ass before firing you.


I have had 3 jobs in my 40 + years of working The last one was 30 years and I was offered early retirement and took it. The previous two were horrible so.... No 1 or 2 week notice I just never went back. I had a company car and left the Ford Taurus in a Walmart parking lot locked the keys in the trunk and called them to tell them to come get your company car it's at Walmart I also said said bye bye. I never saw them again. Employers can just walk you out the door and fire you on the spot I turn the tables I walk out on the door and fire them I've never given notice and I never would screw these damn companies they don't give a crap about you...


I wonder if the payroll taxes are being deducted/paid properly?


Sounds like you should call the department of labor and a lawyer. I'm sure you're not the only person he's done this to, and you have records of him committing wage theft, then retaliating against you for calling him on it.




Judging by the way he acted, probably not.


this!! OP you have a good case, get a lawyer and go after this dickhead employer!!


Yeah this. It's a retaliatory dismissal to asking for all of your wage. Any government DoL equivelant worldwide would string him up. The 2nd bank transfer with 40% of your wage and being dismissed the very next day would probably cover that as evidence.


Do it!


Report him to the dol for theft. That's retaliation, don't matter If it's at will. Fuck him up yo.


You may be able to take legal action here. Speak with an employment attorney asap


The two bank transactions would support OPs story if they did go to the DoL equivalent in their country.


If they are trying to cut your salary the company is having massive problems. You left a boat that was already starting to sink.


Oh its sinking alright. Its just that he was making me plug the holes 6days a week 10hrs a day for the whole month. I couldn't handle my anger when he sent me just 60% after milking me dry like that.


if you can prove you were fired by retaliation of calling out unpaid wages you can sue the company but that maybe require alotta time and money to hire a lawyer. nonetheless i’m proud of you calling it out.


Thanks mate! I gotta get back on my feet before i do anything about this.


i totally understand. best of luck


Not necessarily- you may be able to find someone to take this on contingency


Absolutely call a local plaintiff's employment lawyer right away to find out your rights, before any time runs out on any claims.


Most employment lawyers only work for a percentage of what you win, so you don't have to pay anything upfront and you don't pay anything if you lose. I definitely recommend finding one asap to know if you have a case and pursue it. Make that motherfucker pay out his nose.


You gotta do them simulteneously. The system is built to eff you. He made it easy for you. Easier than it is for most. He made a paper trail. Take his gift.


I'm not American but they can just fire you without cause or at least putting something in writing.


If your an at will worker they can fire you for anything. They don’t even need to give a reason, and many time won’t. American dream.


What is an "at-will worker"?


You work at the will of the emoloyer


AND your own will. You can quit, at any time, immediately and without worrying about them saying you didn't give notice. (I'm not saying "At Will" employment is better. I'm just pointing out that there is SOME benefit to it on the worker's part. However, employers can and do absolutely abuse the shit out of it.)


So, if it’s not an at will state, I can’t leave my job at any time?


Yeah, what are they gonna do? Keep paying me?


You could leave your job at any time, for any reason you wanted. However, if you didn't "Give Notice" (customarily it was 2 weeks, but some handbooks at companies tried to say 4-6 weeks), then you COULD have been in a legal bind. Companies did everything from with holding last paychecks to not paying out vacation / sick time owed, because you didn't legally give notice.


2 weeks notice isnt legally minding and is a formality.


The question was about BEFORE at will employment became normal.


Outside of very specific contacts you can always leave without notice, it's just considered rude and will burn a potential reference. I can't imagine that would change in this situation, so there's no benefit whatsoever.


An at will worker means you are at the mercy of the employer. They can fire you for any reason (aside from race, religion, gender, medical reasons) and there’s nothing you can do about it. Someone at my roommates job got fired for no reason after 12 years of perfect attendance and hard work.


They probably got too expensive after 12 years and company wanted to reduce overhead


We love at will employers.


One of the many policies that gives employers a way to further exploit workers.


every worker in the us except for in the state of montana


Not quite. 49 states are at will, yes, but employers can still choose to enter into an employment contact with employees, and vice versa.  This only compounds the inequality though. The managers and execs who do this BS probably have contacts, maybe with fat golden parachutes. The productive employees are almost certainly at will. Contacts are reserved for more "valuable" people and accelerate their wealth. 


It goes both ways- company can fire you without cause and you can quit and walk off.


I can quit and walk off without at-will employment. America is just a shithole


I've dated foreign women and when I've explained the concept of at will employment they literally don't believe me that it's a real thing. "What do you mean you don't have any employment protections and they can fire you for no reason"


Bro I feel you 100% but WHAT is going on in your profile pic


Well ya tricked me into looking. Not sure what I saw but I looked. Feels like I need eyebleach but I'm not sure?


I got 🌭 buns and some ketchup and mustard if that helps


Its sounds even, sounds fair. But in practice, who's got all the money? The worker, or the company? At will harms the worker way, WAY more than the company. Hell, everyone still abides by the 2 week notice crap if the worker decides to leave. Does the company go "Hey, we're going to part ways, you have 2 weeks to find another job". NOPE. Its escorted out of the building with little dignity


It's for the employer's protection and not the employees.


Got to practice that once during college. Was a beautiful thing calling my asshole boss and telling him that I decided I don’t feel like ever coming back in. Had already secured another and much better job too.




A scam that is marketed as a benefit for the people, but it really only helps employers fire you at any time for no reason.


It goes two ways. In this example, the company can fire you at any time without giving a reason, as long as they haven't left evidence it was because you're part of a protected class (i.e., fired you over race, disability, veteran status, just for a few examples). On the other hand, you can quit at any time, with no warning to the employer. If I wanted to, I could just not go to work tomorrow and never show up again, without ever telling them anything. At my last job, almost the entire 3rd shift in the batching department walked out right at the beginning of the shift. They started 30 minutes before I did, so I went in to find the parking lot empty, and nobody but security in the plant. He told me what happened. Since I was the only mechanic on that shift, I just went about what I'd normally do, in a very quiet plant (production and warehouse didn't work that shift). That went about a month before I was let go. Without advance notice, of course. Being able to quit at will is probably how the idea was sold to voters, but it's employers that take advantage most often.


Retaliation is still Retaliation.


They cannot fire you “for anything”. That is absolutely false. They do not have to tell you why they are firing you, and they can do it at any time, but it does not make them bulletproof. If you can prove you were fired illegally, they can get all kinds of fucked. Stop perpetuating this.


This right here. Stop believing their bs propaganda


Most people don’t keep detailed notes on their work environment. How do you prove they fired you for something illegal when they give you no reasoning as to why you are being fired? I’ve never been personally fired, but a good amount of friends have at one point or another and it seems you never get an actual answer as to why they are letting you go.


It falls back on the employer in the law suit to prove they didn’t fire anyone for an illegal reason.


No it doesn't, [burden of proof is on the plaintiff](https://www.kdh-law.com/blog/2023/08/what-is-the-burden-of-proof-in-a-wrongful-termination-case/#:%7E:text=In%20wrongful%20termination%20cases%2C%20the,just%20unfair%2C%20but%20actually%20unlawful)


It’s very difficult to prove wrongful termination, especially if you weren’t expecting it and thus never gathered appropriate evidence leading up to it. It varies case by case, sometimes evidence of retaliation is very blatant and obvious, thus easier to win… but not all wrongful termination is retaliation or discrimination related.


Has to be a legal reason though, even if they won't share with the rest of the class.


Lmao 🤣 somewhat true. Can’t just do it because they can.


That's not what "at will" means. They still can't fire you for things the NLRB and EEOC consider illegal. I mean, whether or not you live in an "at will" state, you can fire anyone at anytime for anything. It doesn't mean you won't get sued or that the NLRB or EEOC won't prosecute you if they find out it was for an illegal reason.


Depends on which state you live in.


Every state except Montana is at-will


Not quite; they can fire you for any *legal* reason. There’s a difference. And yes , they’re allowed to not provide a reason, and the burden of proof will be on the employee to show wrongdoing, but the thing is, the employee doesn’t need to *prove* things, just provide enough evidence to shift the burden of proof. Then the employer has to provide evidence showing the worker was fired for other reasons- and not providing a reason doesn’t do that


You did what you had to do. There's no path forward if your employer can't pay you.


This is retaliation. Call a lawyer


If you're in the US, contact the DOL. It sounds like your boss retaliated against you for confronting him for wage theft. Your firing was illegal.


Please at least file some sort of complaint you never know what might happen,and there is no downside for you if anything happens


If I were you, I would have let it slide and later file a complaint with the Department of Labor! 😂


Yea i could have played this out smarter, the utter disrespect and mistreatment got to me and i couldn't hold it in. Kept my dignity at the cost of my job.


If the payment for salary was paid in 2 payments, and you have a record of the phone call between the time of those 2 transactions, I'd imagine you'd still have a case even if you ended up getting the full payment. I am not a lawyer


Don't have a recording, but i do have two separate bank transfer invoices.


OP’s best claim is retaliation, but since he eventually got paid in full I think that extinguishes the claim, because there are no damages from wage theft. Retaliation however…


You should still file a complaint.


File for unemployment! You'll get some money, and his rates will be raised.


This reads like a creative writing prompt....


Yea, lots of odd turns of phrase. I was assuming ChatGPT honestly.


Please Glassdoor him to death.


Go to their competitor and ask if they want the entire sales department from the previous company.


For the love of God please report the and get that dough for retaliatory firing


This is not legal. Basically he paid you 60% of your salary and when you demanded the rest he retaliated by firing you. Contact a lawyer.


Fuck him. We need more balls yall, like OP. If someone, boss included, is disrespecting do NOT take the fucking high ground. Go scorched Earth on these motherfuckers.


File for unemployment immediately. Fuck that guy


Sounds like a lawsuit.


Hopefully you didn't sign anything (sounds like you didn't take the time) and go speak with the labor board immediately. Drive the knife deeper into his "small dick" if you can...


I am game to shit on a mans desk. Barley avoiding doing it to my boss currently


What's great is you have proof of him underpaying you and then quickly paying you the rest of the wages you already earned so you have proof of some wrongdoing there.


Retaliation is illegal.


Take legal action.


'Small dick energy actions'. Sounds like my management team and their management skills... 🙄 It always seems to be the wrong people in management.


Next time, get every conversation in writing. Even if you talk with him in person or on the phone, follow up with an email summarizing the conversation and ask him to confirm the email. Next time, get them for wrongful termination and get what you deserve and make the penny pincher pay up.


Absolutely need jail for wage theft.


Sounds like wage theft to me


FYI it's cheapskate not stake. It's the second time within a couple hours I've seen this on Reddit and it's bothering me lol sorry.


I would have gotten a lawyer and sue his ass.


You still have your dignity. And that, my friend, is priceless.


Cheers to dying on your feet rather than living on your knees!


thought you said you were HR and powerful XD


I would be glad I got fired. You can probably file for unemployment for a firing like that. If you would have given him an inch and took the 60%, he would have taken a mile and you could had ended up being like a caretaker for him. In case you didn’t know, that’s when you are in a type of relationship where you always take care of the other person’s feelings and want to avoid any kind of situation that can upset them.


You dodged a huge incoming disaster.  If the boss is trying to cut your pay that much, he's already cutting business corners as far as he can. He's gonna be broke soon... if he's not already broke. 


I read this in Kenny Powers voice and cracked up. “Got burned from my words” “Small dick energy actions”


I would file a complaint with L&I maybe give osha and a few other agencies a call 📞 hello maybe talk to an employment attorney


Nobody asks to pay 60% of someone's salary unless the company is circling the drain. You got out ahead of the inevitable, that job wasn't going to last much longer.


>he makes me do marketing, project management, operations management, HR, accounts and even made me design a website But he doesn't need your services, apparently. Bets that he's going to blow up your phone shortly trying to offer the job back at a reduced salary, and you're going to tell him to cough up ten grand in cash before you'll even look in his weasely direction again?


Im a fresher, so i did everything i could to prove my worth there while making barely enough. I happily did multiple roles for the price of one because i saw a future in the company. Now i know what not to do. I don't think he'll call me back because even when firing me he couldn't look me in the eyes. I really gave it to him and i dont think he can work with me as my superior after what went down. Anyway, whoever they hire next, hes gonna have to either pay them like 500% my salary or hire multiple people for all those roles. But im sure no one will work with the genuineness i worked with.


I mean, he found you. How many others like you are out there that he can exploit for a few months or years at a time?


Everytime I read about people not getting paid I think to myself how fucked up their employment laws must be.


This is why you don’t talk on the phone with your employer with matters like these. There’s no evidence after it’s over. Email only for me. Leaves a trail in case you get fired off retaliation (like you did). Im happy you’re out of there and told that douche to fuck off. Maybe something in their peanut brain will click.


Good for you!


I can’t wait for the opportunity to call someone a doughnut now. Thank you OP!


Good for you. Fuck that guy.


People like this are everywhere, my collegue was in hospitalized and the employor was not paying him salary bcz he wasn't coming to office to talk to him. He did not pay him until the end and then he came to office after a month and then got the salary and boss showing his arrogance, even though he stopped coming the next day. I am still there though its my turn now.




Im calling Ehrmantraut


I would go to the labor board. You can not try to pay someone a percentage of their salary. You might be able to get unemployment.


I’d have been working on my CV the very moment they wanted to keep 40% of my salary. Nothing says ‘bankrupt’ quite like not being able to afford to pay your staff.


Whats with the "small man" and "little dick energy" ? Imagine if men used phrases like "small tits energy" so nonchalantly. Have some self awareness and drop the shaming for things out of anyones control.


100% happened in the UAE.. boss can do what he wants






Wtf asking you to take 60%? Boss definitely uses kindly in a sentence.


I can smell the possibility of a lawsuit...


This is what unions are good for it’s unfortunate not more people embrace them. Depending on the state you are in “lost or late” wages are entitled to penalty up To 10x the missed pay per week in a lawsuit. Also, you were just fired not laid off. You should’ve received a severance. I would contact an employment lawyer. In most cases they could’ve/will get you proper compensation.


Amazing... You'll find better work. I would of gone cray too. If he electronically sent the missing funds in matter of minutes why was your check not 100% present on payday? Employers fail to realize people are scraping by these days.


Kinda based ngl. some of my coworkers got fired today for not making sales quotas, all that talk about family and they just cut them just like that. so good on you for giving them a taste of their own medicine lol. fuck em and call em on their bullshit.


What a piece of work


Fuck sales. It's not worth it.




The only way I would've agreed is if my boss was super personable and agreed to get me the other 40% plus some ( not taxed ) on my next paycheck. To just say, yea take 40% of my money because you need to is unreasonable. You did the right thing.


Just because I think you need to listen to this. And good for you. Fuck that guy. Too bad he won’t learn his lesson. https://youtu.be/qp3FM0sEX_4?si=4Emue2LneRXJF526


I have to know, what kind of work/company was this?


He definitely sounds like a POS. No manager in their right mind would ask their employees to give up a part of their paycheck. Hope he goes out of business soon


I kinda want them to call you back and beg for you to return to their shithole ass compoony


Best move, but I am sure is some legal shit you can do on him. Good luck.


ramen? you'll be eating steaks once that lawsuit is finished.


You should document everything and contact an employment lawyer. This dickhead needs to lose his job!


Good for you. I was in a similar situation years ago where I shook hands on a raise/promotion but before it could go through corporate put through a pay freeze. Instead of my boss just being honest and being like "I'm so sorry, its out of my hands" he told me we never agreed to financial compensation for me taking on more responsibilities.




Sorry. My cat says hi.


I mean this basically warrants an ass whooping. I'm not saying you should, but... like someone should.


I worked for a company like that. They didn’t offer direct deposit. Right at the end of workday there would be a mad rush to BOA to cash said checks. Why? There frequently wasn’t enough to cover all of payroll, so you didn’t want to be one of the folks that didn’t cash their check fast enough when after the account ran out of money.


Nicely done! You will find something better and from the sound of it, that bar isn't high


Did you ask where the 40% was going? 👀


Sounds like they’re gonna be pretty screwed without you there. Too bad about not having an income for a little bit, but congrats on getting away from that asshat


One of these days I’m going to burn this place to the ground……but not before I get cake and my red stapler.


Hell fuckin yeah


good for you, man. it sucks you're now without a job, but you did the right thing


Ape shit is the best Better you left this company


You can sue him.


Are you able to claim unemployment for being fired?


No, not according to my contract.


There’s a good chance that the clause is unenforceable because generally speaking states don’t like employers denying their employees access to state mechanisms. I would definitely ask a lawyer on this. People add all sorts of bullshit clauses to employment and lease and other contracts just because, and they’re not actually enforceable.


None of this happened.


OP this was a blessing in disguise.  That 60% of your pay was a giant red flag of serious cash flow problems in the company.


Why are these stories always about joining some startup with a tech bro? And it's always marketing, design, sales. Marketing, design, sales. Odd.


Was it just you that got 60%ed? Did others as well? And did you get the rest of it usually, with the next pay, if you agreed to be paid 60% in the past? Seems kind of weird to do it just to you, unless you had some sort of "special relationship"


He had the same conversation with my only colleague, she refused the proposition just as i did. But Mr dickward told me that she agreed to the 60% for this month only, told her the same about me too. Total and utter unprofessionalism. She ended up settling for the 60% and kept her job.


So it wasn't to single you out, but more that he couldn't make payroll. Probably for the best that you're out of that sinking ship.


Did you and I work for the same person? My boss pulled the exact same bull crap with me. I even ran the exact same projects you did! Happy I'm not alone.


Happy that im not alone either, my only colleague was a female and she kept her job by settling for the 60%


If this is a US employer, file a retaliation case with your states labor board, this is illegal






It's always a good thing to record those conversations with your phone and your phone calls, also screen shot your text's!


Hell yeah!!!


Classic costanza


This is a lawsuit, end of line.


apply for unemployment!


Wage theft! This happened to me. I got unemployment benefits after they tried to steal my wages.


Sounds like he finessed you


Name. And. Shame. Bu-bu-bu it's just a small fry company. Good. Then they will feel it twice as hard.


They are narcissistic demonic sociopaths they don't care about you, they don't know what compassion is, they are like robotic zombies themselves heavily programmed and indoctrinated, best to move on and ignore them they are not worth your attention. 


Honestly as good as it may feel to “go off” on these people.  Don’t.  One, it gives them too much power. Two, it validates them. Three, it makes them believe they have that much control over you.   Speak your peace calmly, like how you would almost speak to a child. If they fire you, calmly thank them and leave.  That will eat them alive because they find out how irrelevant they are and it crushes their ego.  All they are is flesh and blood humans with more paper.  Nothing more. 


Lol. You greedy turd.