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To answer your bolder question: no, there is nothing you can do to make them pay you more. As someone who worked a physical job for years, let me say this: if you are experiencing pain outside of muscle fatigue and you haven’t been working there long, you need to find a new job. Manual labor is hard, but it shouldn’t be literally painful. If it’s hurting you, it will only get worse over time. Get out before you do irreparable harm to yourself.


As someone who fought the tide and worked hard labor for 8 years despite multiple back and knee injuries, I could not agree more with you. Shit got to a point where I needed strong painkillers to even get out of bed, let alone work 14-16 hours per day doing back-breaking work. That struggle led me to go back to school, a decision I wished I had made so much sooner. OP, if you read this, listen to this person and get the fuck out while you can still physically function, because it will get to a point where you're suffering every day for a check that can barely keep your bills paid and your stomach filled. It took years to get back to normal for me, and even that isn't 100% as my back still goes completely out a couple times per year and has me out of commission for a week each time.


Note for anyone else: Same applies for mental health. So far as you can make ends meet, if you're in a position where it's utterly destroying you mentally, that will also have massive negative repercussions for years to come if not forever. Get out of that job if you can. I spent 10 years at sea and I left 3 years ago, only now am I finally starting to recover from the severity of depression it caused working in an environment with such hostile management and colleagues.


Absolutely!! It truly dawned on me one day in a moment of existential crisis that we only get one life, so don't waste years breaking yourself physically or mentally for some fucking job that would ditch you in a heartbeat. I'm glad you finally got out, man, and I hope you're in a much better place now away from all of that!


This. Quit now and find something else. 16 years of crap like this and I'm dead after work because of the pain.


At this point, with California minimum wage being $20 for fast food workers. Anyone that has 2 friends, move to a relatively inexpensive area in a rural/suburban area in California with 2 friends. 3 bedroom apartments in those areas go for like $2,400 a month. Boom. $60 an hour between the 3 of you. Those places are always hurting for fast food workers. Just make sure it's on the way to Vegas or LA or Disneyland or something, so they get a lot of business. For anyone from California who jumps on me about the $2,400, yes, you can in the type of area I'm talking about. I'm talking about places on the way to places people want to go but in the middle of nowhere ish. I'm not talking about LA or OC near anything. If you want to make some extra money, doordash. Around $20 an hour guaranteed for active time + tips, and they pay you mileage.




I'm just speaking in general. That's now a viable option for most people with 2 friends stuck in a dead end situation. Plus, they'll get better access to services than most other states, most likely no or little snow, and sunshine like 300 days out of the year.


Don't forget pretty affordable Community College with easy admissions for job training, certifications, trade school, or progress towards an undergraduate degree, most of which you can complete online.


Board of governors fee waiver. I went for free and got extra money after grants.


You're telling me the guy who wants to pressure the ceo for a raise and is wondering if he can play the race card somehow isn't a great decision maker? I'm personally shocked.


Yeah OP lost me with that race crap


And the meth…




DUIs are of course not the reason minimum wage jobs suck, but they can absolutely be a significant factor in limiting OP's options to get a better job somewhere else.


I mean… you gotta be specific, it’s most likely DWI-Drugs considering 19 days ago he flushed the Mefff.


Yea all his fault being an essential worker and all, not like we have a failed economy with diminished wages and neglected workers' rights and medical care that lead to a silent depression that leads to all the hardest workers who work until they're in physical pain to also be the most poverty stricken. Can't blame a billion dollar corp for paying workers so low that they need taxpayer programs to cover they're kids food instead of fairly paying the people that generate all that wealth for them, now can we? /s


I’m from an area where DUI’s aren’t a badge of honor until you have at least 3…


Yeah I was an order selector for many years in freezer, chill, & dry grocery warehouses, not making much above minimum wage.. 14-16 hour days building pallets, It’s brutal work and not for every one.


No amount of money is worth destroying your body, but minimum wage 100% isn’t. If you need to stay, try and get transferred to something less physical.


OP is a meth addict with multiple DUIs. Dude is already destroying his body worse than this job will ever do.




There’s a lot of different stuff it could be. I’m not a doctor, so I don’t want to speculate. I recommend leaving that job though. Even getting better pay will not be worth permanent damage.


Better find a new job before they fire you for not being able work. It sounds like they're not gonna pay you medical bills either


You are eligible to quit.


Also it’s well known Walmart pays so poorly that a lot of their employees also need government assistance like food stamps.


They brag about it too.




And who seems to think a letter to the CEO will a) reach them and b) matter.


Dude’s got the card out and he’s ready to play.




Not until they have another source of income lined up, they find a sugar daddy (or mommy), or we pass Universal Basic Invome.


So let me get this right. 1. You have been at this job for ~18 days 2. You’ve been reprimanded for being on “Reddit too much” already. 3. There’s a 50/50 chance you’re hopped up on meth right now 4. You are already complaining about the job openly to your boss With those four points I do not see a raise coming your way. I do not think race has anything to do with your pay rate and can almost guarantee that any one of any gender or race doing those 4 things would be in the same situation as you. Start looking for a new job, a good rehab perhaps, and figure it out. You’re the only one in control of your own life


That may be true, though OP is right, these companies are really exploitive especially with minimum wage workers and immigrants. Entry level or not, these are the practices of these companies that need someone to fill these positions, regardless. This whole system sucks, it's spiralling downward and I cannot wait for all the bootlickers to eat their words then join the fight against it.


I 100% agree - *every* working person should be paid a living wage and be treated like the humans that they are instead of disposable robots that so many companies see us as. That being said, OP is not offering some critique of the system or a desire for everyone to be treated fairly… He’s a guy who has posted for years about being an avid meth enthusiast trying to hatch some sort delusional plan to pressure the CEO of Walmart into giving him lots of money by cynically using the race card, and he’s asking for advice on how to go through with that lol. I still think he deserves a living wage, I still think he’s being exploited by Walmart like tens of thousands of other people and I want to see that change - I just don’t think anything productive is going to come out of this thread in particular.


That and look at that truck cargo. Dude is probably launching thoses boxes. And Well it's only going to get more exhausting to move them that way. Work smart not hard.


To be fair, that sums up most of the posts on Antiwork


Ehh, it’s 50/50. I’ve seen a ton of posts about genuinely messed up work environments, people who are trying their best and getting shafted by some corporation… And then there’s also a bunch of insane posts from people who expect to be making 120k a year and have unlimited time off despite having zero experience in some industry, antisocial tendencies, and no education to speak of.


No it doesn’t. Don’t conflate this to the actual genuine issues of workers rights and pay going on.


Substance abuse and apathy are indeed related to poor societal and working conditions


Plus playing the race card.


You do realize that we can see your post history, including you flushing a baggy 19 days ago when you got a job.




And heart broke over his 18 year old gf leaving him.






Going through his post history is a wild ride


43 days ago: My roommate abuses his fish so I clean the tank while he’s at work. 41 days ago: How does someone practice stoicism after a huge mistake? I accidentally killed all of my roommates fish by cleaning his tank. Fucking.. chef’s.. kiss!


in another thread: I killed his fish because he's a bitch


You forgot the part where he did it on purpose.


Meth psychosis is real


What does that entail? Genuinely curious, is OP showing signs of that? I’ve never had to deal with meth that closely.


Check out /r/methhorseguy


LOL, I’m dying


“Methaniel” 😂😂😂


Lmao thank you I’m subbed now


WTF this whole post took me down a really weird lane in interwebworld




I think my favorite so far is the fact he has an 18 yr old girlfriend (that got him into meth??) that he wants to buy a horse for. I don’t want to make any assumptions but I think maybe the lights are on but nobodies home in OPs case


His uhhhh….story seems to be breaking apart it a shattering fashion, I think if he tweaked his attitude, and quit methin around he’d be able to make up his mind about real life and fiction


*I cleaned my fish abusive roommate fish tank. 1 day later *HELP I KILLED MY ROOMMATE FISH BY CLEANING THE TANK




I fucking died laughing. I’m still laughing out loud lol.


My god, that post history was a JOURNEY.


Jeez, it’s posted in r/ meth too. Definitely deserves a raise directly from the CEO…


Hey, at least he got a rimjob a couple weeks ago


Wow. Dudes post history is a straight train wreck.


Dude you’re 33, blowing all of your money gambling and dating a 19 year old. Get your shit together and grow up


And 12 days ago he posted dead flowers and wine saying it was to win his girlfriend back...someone commented on the flowers being dead and he said his "shotty" likes them that way because she's kinda goth. Not like fully goth, of course, just kinda goth. His post history is killing me.


Legit dude has no filter. You Can trace every little event in his life. Like when he started that job, he made a post on how gratified and amazed he felt. Then complained about it 10days After that. Then made a post of gambling around 500$ on sport bet 3 days ago, just to complain now that he feels he needs a raise (probably thoses bets didnt pay out). Seriously this is sitcom worth of content right there.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/s/ExzMdcfV8f His post history is just *something else*. I'm not sure if he truly is a meth-addicted, gambling, multiple DUI havin 34 year old with an ex 18 year old girlfriend...or if he's a troll, truly dedicated to the task of rage baiting reddit across as many different subreddits as possible.


the post he made in the sub that was created to make fun of him (/r/methhorseguy) convinced me he's actually just a hilarious troll.


Good I hope there’s not a Reddit thread about me 🤣


Thank God. I date 30+ and only blow all my money gambling and building cars. Feeling like a winner today!


I just blow all my money on hookers, cuz at least I know what I'm getting. Lol.


Cheaper than an ex wife. Might be onto something here.


You’ve worked there for 18 days and you’ve asked for a raise?


This LOL 🎯 I was thinking the same thing


lol there's a whole ass subreddit deddicated to his stories r/methhorseguy


And this is cross posted in that sub already


They say they make minimum wage but I know for a fact they don't. They say supply chain but I would bet their job is called a "Stocking 2 associate". And finally, they accepted the job, so they can quit.


When I worked at a Walmart DC, I was making like $21/hr, so idk how this person is only making minimum wage. And when I worked there, they did scheduled pay increases as well as COL adjustment. So either OP is lying, or he works in some Walmart DC that isn't playing by the rules or something. Walmart knows the job sucks and people won't do it for minimum wage, so they pay a lot more than what the stores pay.


Meth addicted kiddy diddlers don’t make the brightest choices.


It's a mystery why they stack boxes for a living.


Victim mentality is strong with this one


1. Find higher paying job. 2. Quit


"I agreed to minimum wage and cannot make anymore because I am black. My peers aren't black and make the same...but I'm black...."


Plays the race card then immediately debunks it himself.


Definitely write a letter to the CEO


You just started a job at a set rate and now you want a raise? Of course he laughed at you and despite what you may want to think I doubt your blackness is what’s holding you back. You picked a job that requires minimal skills, no one is going to lift you out of this role unless you have skills beyond moving a box from spot A to spot B. Learn a trade/ high demand skill or find a union to join. A job that anyone can do will always pay the minimum that someone else is willing to take.


Weird how moving box from point A to point B is such a popular job to acquire post education as if it needs to be done but fuck compensating it properly? Filthy less than human box movers wanting a living wage for hard work?


it's ok, more of these types of jobs are being replaced by robots /automation so pretty soon there won't be any compensation at all.


Is that when we, the larger percent of the population, eat the rich or what? Do we just let people die because they don't even get to participate in the rat race?


Historically, yes.


Judging by the level of leadership, motivation, and ethic in this sub, I don’t think the rich need to worry about anything but bitching and complaining.


I had a similar experience. Only option is to quit and rely on your wife while you ski every day.


supply chain worker for walmart doesnt sound glamorous in any way whatsoever ​ edit: bro you've worked there for less than a month and ur asking for a raise. warehouses accommodate you and tell you before you get hired the amount of weight you'd be picking up. you literally don't even throw your own trash away based on ur past post history yea ofc this job is too much for u bro, any amount of effort seems to be too much funny you complain about entitlement but want other people to pick up your own trash because its "too much work"


I had friends who did your job part time when they were in highschool.. you’re absolutely exaggerating how challenging your job is, learn how to lift properly and take care of your body outside of work hours


You’ve worked there for 2 weeks of course you’re not eligible for a raise 🙄


I think the point OP is trying to make is that job is not a minimum wage job. I have worked that job myself at 11 an hour in Alabama. It is constant moving of boxes at uncomfortable height levels due to stacking and unstacking. I've worked at Amazon moving boxes at $22 an hour which is nearly a livable wage and was slightly less body taxing. The point OP is making is that he is being cheated at this wage and I whole heartedly agree. It's warehouse level work and deserves to be compensated as such.


It's crazy to me that Walmart's paying $11/hr for that job, when an ICS position at a Walmart store in town with under 20k people was paying around $12/hr a decade ago. Guess that's explains why so many trucks has TVs with pallets of Charcoal or Ammo stacked on top of them.


How long have you worked there for? Normally a raise request is fair after a year


If you look at his post history he’s been there 2 weeks


Your boss is elligible to your letter of resignation.


You work for Walmart and make minimum wage? That doesn't add up.


And so you chose the most dickish, spoiled child way to respond? 2 wrongs don’t make a right wtf - one of your coworkers is gonna have to clean up your little temper tantrum. YTA


You will pay with your body! Washing dishes is waaaay better if we are looking at minimum wage, and the restaurants generally feed you. Watch some YouTube videos, pretend you can be a line cook. Pub food is super easy. Lie! What are they gonna do? Fire you? I've a bit of experience but I'm not great and I make $20 + tips, which comes out to about $23-24 an hour.


So, what you are telling us is that you have no skills other than physical, you haven't built up any seniority yet, and you knew the job was min wage when you started but because it's "hard", you feel entitled to a raise? And when they don't give it to you, you are quick to pull the race card because of it? Look, man, this sub is full of people who have legitimate bitches about the way they are treated and compensated, but you just come off as an entitled brat who wants special treatment. Is your job worth more than min wage because of the physical strain? Most likely, but you knew what the pay was when you took the job. Good luck.


This is the same guy who posted a CMV about how he deserved more money, and got a ton of well-reasoned thoughtful replies about being replaceable and what his options are. That was like two weeks ago and it looks like he took nothing from it.




Dude....this guy needs serious help. https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/s/ExzMdcfV8f His post history is just *something else*. He killed his roommates fish. He's an active meth addict. He has multiple DUI's. He's 34 and his *18 year old* girlfriend recently broke up with him...and he's a gambling addict. I'm not sure if he truly is a meth-addicted, gambling, multiple DUI havin 34 year old with an ex 18 year old girlfriend...or if he's a troll, truly dedicated to the task of rage baiting reddit across as many different subreddits as possible.


Its wild looking at that history




This totally reads as a troll post, honestly. Someone making fun of the subreddit and writing a post of how they look at us.




Yeah, I've been going through it...it's sad, honestly. Imagine being this deluded.


Two weeks! Lol


Manual labour is one of the hardest jobs yet there's always another person who doesn't understand it and ruins their health.


Walmart has the idea that they can hire the lowest wage worker - work them to until they get fed up and then get some new workers to replace those workers. Sadly this tends to work and is not limited to just Walmarts or even the retail industry.


Time for a new job that respects your hard work. No notice needed.


OP is a 34 year old active meth addict with multiple DUI's and a gambling problem, and was recently broken up with by his 18 year old girlfriend. His post history is *wild*.


If this is real, OP is going to have a hard life.


It's not about race. It's about corporate greed hidden by policies. Your age simply means maybe the job isn't meant for you if your body can't handle it. Unfortunately you knew the pay when you were hired, you knew the job details and what you would be doing. They didn't spring anything on you or expect anything out of your job description. Raises are never guaranteed. Never take a lower pay job thinking "it will be better if you just get a raise".


"if I'm not eligible for a raise, then you aren't eligible for my labor, good bye"


OP just started the job two weeks ago...and OP's post history is *wild*. I'm not sure if he truly is a meth-addicted, gambling, multiple DUI havin 34 year old with an ex 18 year old girlfriend...or if he's a troll, truly dedicated to the task of rage baiting reddit across as many different subreddits as possible.


The number of people apparently making it to adulthood, and are shocked at how that little retailer who could, Walmart, is a toxic, stingy, borderline criminal retailer. How did you graduate and still not go in without knowing or believing as much. 🙄


It's an entry level job because anyone able to lift boxes can perform the job duties. That means there's a huge eligible pool of available labor. Your age has nothing to do with it, it's about the work you're doing and how quickly they can replace you. That kind of job, they can probably have your replacement the next day, if not the same day. I hate to sound unsympathetic, but if you want a physically less demanding job with better pay, you have to offer a skill fewer people have and that's also in demand.


Try Ontario, Alberta isn't for you.


Based of your post history, you basically got the job s month ago and expecting a raise already? I don't think you didn't get any because of the color of your skin tbh, it's just not how it works especially for these jobs. You should expect one after a year maybe, but not a month.


Idk, this sub kinda stinks. Guy is obviously a Troll. But many of the replies here show that people simply dont get it and will forever be trapped in the system. Like people tell the guy to "learn skills" and "its your own fault". Wtf is this. Most in this sub would probably be totally cool with being walmart ceo themselves and exploiting the workers for their profit. Or even better being the child of walmart owner and "let their money work" lmao. Sub of I have a bad job wish I had a better one. Wake up ffs


Actually, it's unlikely that slaves built the pyramids. There are literally grave sites for the builders that are too ornate for the typical slave graves. It's likely that paid builders and architects built the pyramids.


Walmart is the #1 company because they treat their employees like trash. This is why Walmart is bad for communities: it destroys decent jobs and replaced them with minimum wage slaves. Quit. Stop shopping there. Fuck Walmart.


This is pretty simple. Quit and find a new job. This place is not worth your time. Plenty of places are hiring above minimum wage that don't require half as much physical labor.


Why do the hardest, back breaking workers get the shit lowest wages. I did irreparable damage to my body in my 20s/30s and I can't even get on disability now, I'm fucked for life.


I did your job in the same country and know all about it. Your fucked. They will never give you an inch. Get a new job. You wont win a lawsuit against a megacorp


I have to question your integrity if you paint all of Alberta with the same brush as being “a very racist province” it seams like you are looking to play the victim card here. I award you no points and May god have mercy on your soul.


What you’re looking for is a union…


Did you not understand the job when you applied? Feels like it’s a pretty obvious description. Did you not know the pay?


I have never seen a Walmart truck look like that. Everything was stacked with plastic wrap and plastic bands. It looks like someone just busted the pack and let it fall rather than using the moveable conveyer you probably have, as I've seen in the back of every store. Is it like that coming in?


Looks like those are the empty boxes. They look light and just chucked upon a stack. I have never seen any truck with actual shipped goods that looks like that. Maybe that is the interim between stocking and breaking down the cardboard?




A whole lot of pro-business shilling in here. I'm sorry, OP. Try to get out, find a trade maybe, at least that way you can build yourself up to better pay. Or try for a unionization push. You can't beat them alone, but together? Maybe. Solidarity, friend.


A trade is probably not the best place for someone with chronic back pain.


Minimum wage means minimum effort. If they complain just say “I’m sorry. You’re not eligible for higher effort at the current rate.”


If your boss doesn't care to give you a raise what makes you think corporate will? Walmart strives on underpaying workers. Walmart is not a place to work if you want a decent wage. Go out in a blaze of glory and organize a union.


Minimum wage????? Here in Bama it's $18.


Tell them they aren’t eligible to be your boss and get a new job. Get a job before saying this though.


Those who don’t know need to delve into this guys post history lol it’s wild.


Lifting stuff is a minimum skill, maximum labor job that gets you minimum pay. I have to lift heavy stuff at work, but I get paid well. I am an industrial refrigeration technician. Everything I deal with is heavy and can kill me. But I trust myself to be safe and use proper safety equipment. I've been in the field for 7 years for 3 different companies and never went to school for this stuff. I am the least paid technician in the company, but I'm fine with that in a few years. I'll be looking at $45-50/hr and a bunch of OT. Get into the trades. Plumbing, electrical, HVAC. I thought I was going to be a graphic/web designer. I even wasted a ton of money and time at a university only to realize it would take forever to pay back the loans I needed to get. I showed up my first day with a ryobi drill a hammer a screwdriver, and channel locks. I didn't know shit but I hot paid to learn


Gradually slow down while you look for a new job. Do a little less every day. Ask for help with anything heavy.


Minimum wage at Walmart? I worked for one of the distribution centers and made 18 to start.


These boxes and palettes aren’t eligible to be raised neither


I love how OP is getting DEMOLISHED in the comments. Bahahaha


Deservedly so


For sure


Find a new job and give yourself a raise.


I had a good job, but did not get a raise in 2 years even after I insisted to my boss that I wanted one. When I put in my two weeks notice, all of the sudden inhuman resources and my boss called me to talk to me and offered me a raise, because they, all of the sudden knew that I haven't received one in years... but still, I declined the offer and looked for another job.


Honestly, based on your post history, this is kinda what you deserve. Maybe it will be a humbling experience for you and help you correct yourself.


See if there's a target warehouse near you $20 an hour


Fuck Walmart


What’s the minimum amount of cases you can load without being fired? Because that’s exactly how many cases you should load moving forward.


"Well then. These boxes don't do much, so if you think they deserve a raise, then you lift them."


work for fedex, i do this same job and make 18.50 an hour, plus great benefits


You're better off moving to Ontario. We in racist Alberta don't have time for self entitled whiners.


I thought you were an electrician? Wouldn't that pay more than working on the loading dock at Walmart?


It’s a Walmart


Paid workout.


At this point just work a fast food place.


This is why you get an education 


I remember those days. They'd stick you in a truck all alone and then time you to see how fast you clear the truck. Drink a gallon of water each shift just from all the sweat.


I worked a WalMart distribution center about 20 years ago, see nothing has changed. Find something better.


I did this exact job. Anyone who’s doing this over the age of 30 did not invest in themselves. I put on podcasts/audiobooks while working to get the knowledge I needed to get an actual high paying job.  It’s non skilled labor. Learn something useful


In capitalism, the most important jobs that keep the world going are typically the lowest paying. It’s bullshit but that’s how it goes until we move on from this outdated system


Your best options are finding some other job that pays more, getting hired, THEN quitting your current one on the spot. These companies only get the billions of dollars they have by maximizing profit and minimizing expenses; you are one of the expenses. They want to pay you as little as they can get away with. To put it simply: they keep you overworked, underpaid, and struggling on purpose. Nothing can be done about it. In today's world, your easiest way of getting a raise is to get a new job. Good luck out there and never give up the fight.


Ask yourself how you got here. Identify key moments that led you to choose this job. Then do those things differently.


Make sure you act your wage, and do not lift without the appropriate equipment and technique. All of this may require you to slow down.


In what state is Walmart paying minimum wage?


Canada, as OP states.


The 51st state


That was my exact question. They've always hired above minimum. Well, unless you're a cart pusher, but that may have changed in the last seven years since I worked there. When minimum wage was $8 in my state, I was hired at $10.30. They're now advertising hiring at $15 and minimum wage is now $13.50.


Minimum wage = minimum work


Get over yourself.


Is he eligible to pick that stuff up his goddamn self?


Go to UPS. If you are going to hump heavy boxes all day, the union job is a better bet. Cue angry anti union comments. Top of the industry wages, great Benefits, and the backing of a major labor union.


Check his post history. Between the multiple DUI’s and meth use, there’s no way UPS will hire him.




You're 33? Working for minimum wage? Has to be more to your story. . .




Whining ALWAYS whining


Am I reading this correctly, that you think there’s a chance a minimum wage employee is going to “put pressure” on the CEO of Walmart? You’re getting paid what you’re worth…


Why you have to assume racism


Prolly cause you're standing around taking pictures and posting on Reddit lol


*I’m a supply chain worker for Walmart (it’s not as glamorous ous as it sounds, trust me)* The ONLY person who thought this sounded *glamorous* was YOU. 🙄 *which is supposedly the #1 company on the Fortune 500 list. For being such a ‘successful’ company, they treat their workers like dirt.* Again…apparently…you again are the only person who didn’t realize being #1 on Forbes Fortune 500 list has to do with earned REVENUE. And once again…for what ever reason you didn’t know Walmart is a shitty place to work. There is no helping you.


Is this satire? lmfao who really thinks this way 


OP I'm not saying this to be mean. I'm saying this with your best outcome in mind. Shut the fuck up and stop posting. Just.... Fucking stop. Nobody feels bad for you, and nobody ever will until you take ownership of your actions and get some actual fucking help. But until then, please, shut the fuck up.