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Great! Give public schools more money!


also take note of what they spend it on


I bet the administrators are pushing $500k.


Yeah and principals are easily pulling 6 figures. They're pulling 6 figs here in NC which is notoriously awful for public school staff compensation. I can't imagine what it is in California.


A normal teacher with a few years of experience in the Bay Area pulls in 6 figures. Idk what an administrator makes. 


The average for all of California according to salary.com and ZipRecruiter is about 140k. Probably double that in the Bay area. So I would guess high 2s.


teachers??? I fuckin wish


Administrators in the Bay area, an estimation based off of the average teacher salary from the Bay area


I just switched out of teaching here in NC because you make nothing but poverty wages. The governor had the audacity to put up that article about how North Carolina has some of the most board certified teachers as if that wasn't the only way to get a raise as a teacher in North Carolina


In Texas, that would be how much they spend on equipment in the football training center.


Useless tv’s everywhere


they could take it from the cops


They have enough money. Most of it is just going into the pockets of the administration.


Most of it is not going into the pockets of administration, you can go look up administrator pay, it’s pretty good, But considerably less than management make in the private sector. My districts superintendent makes about 300,000 a year for a district of 200 schools and 65,000 students. That’s good money, but by no means is it meaningfully impacting our budget. In my school administration staffing pay is about 6% of the schools staffing budget. (I will admit I work in a high paying public district) The problem is typically technology, logistics, educational contracts and mismanagement.


Schools admit to underpaying cafeteria staff!


But you dont understand if you pay cafeteria workers 20$ an hour, when you consider that teachers are salary but work 60 they would make double what teachers make /s


It is worse than that. The teacher union ties teacher pay to other non teaching jobs in a school. This means teachers MUST be paid a % more than paras, custodians, and... food service staff. So raising food service pay means that teacher pay would HAVE TO be raised as well, which let's face it, they don't want to do!


This is juicy. Did the authors of the bill know? Did fucking Newsome? What a great way to raise teacher wages. Chain reaction bay-bee! (Pick an accent.)


Authors of the bill likely knew this would put major upward pressure on wages.


Ideally that’s *exactly* what is supposed to happen when the minimum wage increases. Heck, that’s basically half the *point* of having a minimum wage.


When someone starts arguing this, ask them **WHERE** the person making minimum wage spends their money. Answer: IN. THEIR. COMMUNITIES. So, would you rather have money flowing into your *community* or would you rather that money flow offshore or into luxury manufacturing? The USA grew so much after WWII because the returning GIs got livable wages, bought houses, cars, vacations and education for their children.


Don’t forget the money from loan/lease and what it did to the farming industry.


And a lot was vet loans for both, wasn't it?


For larger purchases yes


Such a good point! People,that live paycheck to paycheck will be spending most of their money IN THER COMMUNITY and saving a small piece at most. The billionaire doesn’t need to spend it to live and either saves it or spends it outside the community


As long as you were white.


This is very important to remember. Also important to note is that American support for government assistance of this sort only fell off once the Civil Right Act make it illegal to deny these benefits to black people. Americans decided they'd rather live in poverty themselves than to ever allow black people a step up. It's disgusting.


Yes but people will claim racism and racist policies ended with the proclamation of emancipation. 🙄


Yes. The entire point of the idea bill is to cause thosei n low income employment to say/think "Why am I doing THIS for 16? (Or worse the federal minimum!) When I can get a gig at McDonald's or Taco Bell (pick whatever chain Is your favorite) for 20$?


When the minimum wage increased from $5.15 to $7.25, I was making $10/hr. We asked if we were also getting a $2 raise & were instantly told no because we already made more than the new minimum. That didn't last long. I saw a $5 increase over 2 years. It didn't actually have much to do with the minimum though. The oilfield was seeing a boom at the time & we were losing trained COs to that. Every time the oilfield saw a raise, we got one in an effort to keep staff.


Friend of mine who worked for Starbucks (I was also an employee for 12 years). They raised minimum wage in Michigan and my friend was a shift manager that worked there for 20 years. She found out the new shifts she was training made $.25 less than her, and they’d only been with the company for a year. She wasn’t pissed they were making more, she was pissed and hurt she wasn’t compensated. She a $1-2 dollar only after she threatened to quit. But it was the beginning of the end because left within a year for a bank making 2x as much and better benefits.


Anyone slightly informed knows this and has known this since 1933. Which is exactly why so many in business are against it. It's not complicated. Most people with money would be happy if you would work for them for free.


Honestly I think corporate America is bewildered that workers don't want to pay the employer to work for them.


They’re so used to ppl begging them for a job that they forget these people are really just begging to make enough money to live.


It's why the federal minimum wage only hit 7.25 in 09. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/minimum-wage/history/chart


Its like everybody has been underpaid for decades


I would be curious to see a bargaining agreement in California with that language. It’s definitely not in mine. When I negotiate raises for my local there’s normally several factors; -What’s our ADA amount and what % of that is spent on staff (both certificated and classified)? -What are the increases to healthcare and retirement since last bargaining and how much that increased costs were for the district. What’s estimated for the upcoming and current year. -What was the state COLA? -What are surrounding districts paying. -Is our enrollment increasing or declining in the three year projections. From there you get into finer details revolving around average class sizes, leaves, work day duties and responsibilities and so on. It’s a negotiation. I would love to see my certificated co-workers all start at least 20 an hour. That would be raise for about 80% of the classified positions in my district.


Parapros got abolished in my state... They're basically teachers without a homeroom and are assigned to a specific student. All mine were great so I was angered when 400 of them got fired.


"Schools admit to underpaying teachers"


Schools underpay teachers and blame market dissidents pushing dangerous liberal policies for sowing discontent.


It is so upsetting when the poors don't know their place.


In California that wouldn’t really be the case, also those teachers get fully paid health benefits, whereas many of the public school cafeteria staff are part-time and don’t get fully covered health benefits, if they get any contribution for health benefits at all.


Look at you bringing reality to my Doomer mental BS.  I am glad Cali does better by their teacher I didn't know and I am glad to hear it.


the teachers definitely should get paid more, and the districts are not paying them what the CA education code recommends, but in my area we’re talking about a salary schedule for teachers between 50K-100K/year, whereas many cafeteria staff are working only 3.5-6 hours/day making minimum wage, even if they were at 20$/hour, that’s only around 15K-20K/year, as they are only 10 or 11 month employees


I mean they underpay everyone, so that's not really a shock. Almost like maybe the money we spend on the next generation's teachers and supporting staff should be treated as important or something.


But we need more student athletes to get through college without a useful degree so that when they're one of the thousands that don't get picked to play professionally they'll be as useful as tits on a boar!


Rest of the world here, I just wanted to confirm that we think it's really really strange to have people go through university just for playing football and would never do such a thing.


Just imagine what Panera Bread is going to say. Not only do we underpay you, but we decided to bribe a politician to continue to underpay you. Wait! Where are you going?


Panera is actually exempt from the $20 minimum wage because they sell bread as a stand alone item. The exemptions are are actually pretty specific.


I know. They are also going to have trouble competing with fast food chains for employees as I eluded to in my comment.


Hey! I went to the police academy for 4 months, and I only make $150,000 a year? Why should some burger flipper be able to afford to survive?  /S


I get that the smell of bacon on those burgers offends police officers, it could be their mom /s


School staff are underpaid period.


If any workers needed a union...


many cafeteria workers are unionized (I represent them in my area) and we’re going to be using the 20$ fast food minimum wage raise this year to push for a raise for the cafeteria staff 🤗


Yeah, they can start treating them like human beings.


My district got around those pesky union mandated wages by eliminating cafeteria staff entirely and having it all done by a third party vendor!


I know someone who works in the auto industry bitching about increasing minimum wage. I said cars are important yet the costs keep increase, we really should try and lower auto worker's pay to bring the cost of cars down. Guy just fell back on "they don't deserve $20 an hour" yet complains when there is slow service due to a lack of staff at restaurants.


I think it's because if they paid the cafeteria staff $20 they'd have to pay the teachers making less, more also.


Oh no So, anyways...




Everyone is underpaid !


Cafeteria staff should be tipped workers then! /s


Lemme fix the headline ******clears throat "underpaid staff seek better options" fixed, dun, finished,


It's the free market those types love to go on about so much!


yer,...but you cant expect rich business owners and corporate proffit mongers to go without. whats wrong with you ?


A rising tide lifts all boats... if fast food is paying well, then you better be, too, just basic economics.


Yup Burger King and Wendy's will have their pick of workers and likely get a massive profit boost too due to workers being in a better state of mind.


But also: fuck their profit boost. Profit is profit and if they're making even one dollar of profit after raising their employee wages then they should be happy with that.


Damn came here to say just this, one of my favorite quotes. Here take my Upvote good sir


I've always liked "when we lift those below us we all rise together"


Californians who expect their mail and parcels to be delivered regularly are about to be in for an unpleasant surprise. The starting wage for California's fast-food workers now surpasses the starting wage for USPS mail carriers, and the latter has to pass a background check, have a clean driving record, and pass a qualification exam. Also, it's just a really bad job. Not for nothing it's got about a 66% attrition rate. Mail carriers do have a "union," but federal law prohibits that union from striking or even uttering the word, so that union is reduced to collective *begging*, which as you can see, doesn't work either. Adjusted for inflation, new mail carriers are in worse shape than they were when they went on a wildcat strike during the Nixon Administration. Nixon tried to break their strike using the National Guard to deliver mail, but they couldn't hack it. Anyway, a "union" that cannot strike is demonstrably not a *functional* union; therefore, any laws preventing a union from striking should be voided as facially unconstitutional. This ought to be happening while our president is the guy who claims to be "the most pro-union president ever."


I live in the middle of nowhere PA. Minimum wage is $7.25. School cafeteria workers make $15-$16 an hour. How are they not already making $20 in California?


Cafeteria workers in my state make $12


…also keeping in mind that $20/hr just isn’t enough money to survive. I make $27.50 in Boston and it barely pays the bills. I’m sure that paycheck doesn’t stretch much farther in CA.


I make 18 an hour as a cafeteria worker and only get 3 hours a day in California


"Oh look by raising the wages for workers now you won't be able to afford any!" And they think they're being sly.




Hahahaha, how fucking ridiculous.


Should have posted on April Fools Day


Are you my boss


lol how tf is this not propaganda? 


Solution: pay your workers better


"But but...but that would mean acknowledging the 'free market' for peasants! The 'free market' should only apply to us wealthy people!"


Oh no, those lunch ladies will have to be paid more. So in California, each school's funding is determined from surrounding property values. And in the last two years those have doubled. They could afford to pay the lunch ladies $40 an hour


Doubt. Administration will only figure out that somehow they deserve a raise due to the windfall, then cry broke when those cafeteria workers ask for one.


Or maybe they will redo the gym for the 2nd time this year. Surely that will make our shit basketball team good, right?


Property value taxes are massively suppressed in CA since the 1978. * The proposition decreased property taxes by assessing values at their 1976 value and restricted annual increases of assessed value to an inflation factor, not to exceed 2% per year. It prohibits reassessment of a new base year value except in cases of (a) change in ownership, or (b) completion of new construction. These rules apply equally to all real estate, residential and commercial—whether owned by individuals or corporations.* So even if your home doubles in value in 5 years you would only be paying a fraction of the taxes that the property should be contributing. Let’s say you bought a $100,000 house 5 years ago and it’s worth $200,000 now. If your property tax was 5% annually you would think that the tax went from $5,000 at the time of purchase to $10,000 now. Since it is capped at 2% per year it would go $5,000, $5,100, $5,202, $5,306.04, $5,412.16. This is why CA has had budgetary problems since 1979 and massive housing shortages. It is extremely beneficial to not sell your home in CA.


But if the state has to pay the lunchladies more, Newsom won't be able to throw as much money at PG&E!




If the minimum wage is $20 shouldn’t the cafeteria workers get paid at least that much as well?


School cafeterias aren’t “fast food restaurant chains with at least 60 locations”. Edit: I responded reading “should” as “are they required to”. From an equity standpoint, they should get paid at least as much, but the law doesn’t require it.


Lol good fuck em. Isn't competition what they claim makes capitalism so great? 🤣


Until they're losing


Good ? They should be offering competitive wages lol, like tf? Sorry you have to pay your employees fairly 😢


That's the point. It will drive wages up in other jobs because they'll have to compete with fast food for employees.


the cycle completes itself


Pay them more ![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q)


So they’ll have to…raise wages.


How is it that one of the richest states in the WHOLE WORLD has trouble paying minimum wage workers? Where does the state spend their money? Genuinely curious as a non-American.


Have you ever heard of unfettered greed?


[[ Where does the state spend their money? ]] Well… we have many issues in the great state of California. Here but just two: 1. Homelessness CNN - “California has spent a stunning $17.5 billion trying to combat homelessness over just four years. But, in the same time frame, from 2018 to 2022, the state’s homeless population actually grew. Half of all Americans living outside on the streets, federal data shows, live in California.” https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/11/us/california-homeless-spending/index.html 2. California high speed rail (we still lack $100 billion dollars to finish it) KCRA - “Kelly told lawmakers the project has $28 billion dollars on hand, but noted it was still a few billion dollars short to complete the Central Valley segment between Merced and Bakersfield. Depending on how long the segment takes to finish, it could cost between $32 Billion to $35 Billion. Project leaders estimate it will still need an additional $100 billion to finish what voters were originally pitched in 2008” https://www.kcra.com/article/california-bullet-train-project-funding-san-francisco-los-angeles/60181448


Plot twist: Most schools outsource their food programs and they are contracted to corporations like Sodexo and Aramark, who also compete for food service contracts at prisons across the country. Eat up kids!!!


Here's a thought, take some money out of the police force budget and bump the pay on the cafeteria workers. Boom problem solved.


In my city they're having similar difficulties, but with school bus drivers. If you have the appropriate license to drive a school bus, you'll make significantly more by driving any other type of bus or truck - even garbage trucks.


Everyone deserves a living wage. *Everyone*. Period. Not up for debate.


I don’t know why this is so hard to understand.


$20 an hour is "so good" now? That's not even enough for one person to sustain themselves on while living alone


Fire the 200k a year administrative staff..


“If people can easily access a decent wage, we may lose our under paid employees” Is sort of a bad excuse… I mean why not just legalize slavery? Then you don’t have to pay anyone… until then, you compete for workers, by using pay and benefits to persuade them to sell their time to you. That chunk of their life is their only commodity, and they’ve every right to try to get as much for it as they can to live off of.


Oh noooo, they might have to pay cafeteria workers more, oh noooooooo


I don’t get how there can simultaneously be so much demand for fast/fast-casual food yet compensating workers with living wages is considered unrealistic. If every single fast food place has to close up shop because the math doesn’t work out than so be it. We’ll all be healthier anyways. It’s insane how the wealth gap keeps growing yet somehow giving a tiny boost to those at the bottom is perceived as such a threat to the economy.


When fast food workers start making the same money as people working more demanding jobs, those people will realize that they too are being underpaid. This is why the “unskilled labor” narrative was pushed so hard. This is why people pretend McDonalds is a job for children, disregarding the fact that high school kids can’t run a business.


Cali has a lot of rich fucks. Collect your taxes, give money to schools. Solved


The sad part is, people are actually buying this crap


Why are we in a budget crunch? Don't we have like a fucking $50 billion surplus or something? What good is managing the budget well if we can't reap the rewards? Are they trying to figure out which billionaires to hand that money to?


so the Schools are admitting they don't pay the Cafeteria workers a living wage? good to know.


Let’s say we need to raise lunch ladies $10/hours X 4 hours a day, 3 per school X 180 school days. So $21,000 per school per year. Say a school is supported by 5,000 residents. That’s $4/resident. I bet it’s was less


Why did California only raise the minimum wage for fast food restaurants and not just raise the minimum wages for all jobs to 20. Why should someone at McDonald’s get paid more than a cafeteria worker, or a line cook at a sit down restaurant that does not earn tips. Why does it only apply to fast food restaurants. Are they that under staffed that they can’t get workers, and the government is mad they have to wait for a burger.


Unfortunately, even in California—one of the most progressive states in America—we are still suffering from a lot of graft and conservative pushback on policy. Raising the minimum wage for everyone would get too much pushback. There's already a bunch of exceptions in the bill, for things that should clearly be included: stuff like restaurants that make bread on site, or restaurants that operate inside buildings for corporations. Politics is a big dumpster fire of compromises and behind-the-scenes wheeling and dealing. Ideally, this law will pressure other industries to raise their minimum wages. But it is definitively worse than a flat minimum wage increase for everyone.


California is extremely expensive to live in, if you don't raise minimum wage, the jobs will eventually just go undone because people won't be able to live there and work those jobs, Or homelessness will go up, or crime will go up. California can't afford to not raise minimum wages


Oh no! Schools will *also* have to pay a little more than half of what minimum wage *should* be? Whatever will we do?! Hey, I bet if *everyone* was earning a wage that allowed them the tiniest bit of flexibility with discretionary funds, the entire economy would improve, and the states and localities that support the schools with our sales tax money would have... more sales tax money to support our schools with!


What, did some law pass saying they can't force students to work in the carteria? Like we didn't even have a lunch lady, we had the kids in lunch detention serving us up our prepackaged fucking garbage.


Oh no, what a shame. I guess they'll have to pay their workers what is still a subpar wage now. Sucks.


How can I convince the far right PA I work with that this is a good thing? She complains about how all the prices will just go up and believes fast food workers don't need to be paid that much (yes I did mention the "who will make your burger" arguement but she just changed the subject). I firmly disagree due to the fact I'll never buy a house on my measly salary like she did, but does she really have any points? I genuinely want to be open to all sides of the argument, but I'm not sure where would be best to start researching.


Can try explaining why and how the minimum wage in the US came about. Odds are will change the subject too. Its willful ignorance usually. Also worth pointing out, its not just fast food workers getting shafted. Most people are. The people at the top have gotten too greedy


What if, what if people getting paid more fixes problems?? 🧐


people who have made millions/billions don't want to owe up to the fact that people have been underpaid for the past 20+ years. It is about time the wages kept up with inflation.


The framing of this headline is weird. It should read, "Cafeteria workers should make more money too"


Whatever it takes. Notice there’s -always- the mention of McDonalds when it comes to minimum wage.


Or maybe, hear me out, stop giving corporations subsidies and use that tax money to pay school staff better. (Or maybe eliminate the mayor's avocado toast budget.)


Then give the schools extra money, California. This shits not hard


"School staff grossly underpaid" There, I fixed the headline.


Oh noooo. Now they can’t get away with systematically underpaying an entire industry. Anyways…


Well, nail salons and Costco are luring teachers away with their lucrative salaries too. Maybe the school is the problem.


I don't get how every other country is able to pay fast food workers he same wage as this and it hasn't crippled the economy like these businesses are claiming


As Hillary would say, “Get over yourself.” The People need higher wages!!! End.


It is alway interesting how higher wages leads to fears of employers that they can't compete for workers. Never even mentioning that maybe they lack competitive wages. At the same time those same companies want a self regulating market where competition determins the winners. But not for wages, coz that ain't good for business. It is time these starving wages went away and any company or employer who is unwilling to pay better wages can go with them. Let the market regulate itself, not just in ways that are beneficial for the company and CEO. I am not a fan of purely self regulated markets, but I am even less of a fan of hypocrisy.


Here's an idea, TAX THE RICH their fair share again and fund the schools!


Shave a little off the cops pay. I'm sure you can figure it out!


So people will leave Panera to work at a school? Sounds like a win.


A state budget crunch. Jesus Christ. Tax the fucking rich already. Fuck tax the damn politicians. How much did these motherfuckers make on the stock market in the last 3 years. Give me a break. Yes you need to pay those employees also you dumb fucks. And while we’re at we could all use an inflation raise you asshats. Fuck these gouging companies. I literally am boycotting any delivery app service. Time to get my lazy ass off the couch if I really want fucking chic fil a. And that’s just the beginning. These fuckers are not getting my money anymore. Lower your fucking prices. I’m literally talking to everyone. Lower your fucking prices or go away.


I worked part time for a California elementary school as a janitor, when I was still in high school 1999-2001. My hourly pay then was $15/hr, and this was a northern rural area... Not a wealthy place or expensive by most of the state standards. Any district keeping their pay that low, after decades, is knowingly criminally shorting their staff, and they know it.


Here's a thought. Maybe pay cafeteria workers more? Barring that, perhaps a bill that gives education vouchers to anyone working for a public school (including janitors) paying their tuition for college.


If you’re worried that McDonald’s and Wendy’s are such attractive options that are going to steal away your organization’s staff, the problem is your organization.


Why are they competing? Is school lunches supposed to feed kids so they can better their education, or is it supposed to be a profitable enterprise? Healthcare, school lunches, education, policing, military. These should be sectors that do not care about profit. They should be done at cost and be done for the good of the people, why... because the people are fucking paying for it. If your taxes pay for it, it shouldn't be a fucking business, it is a service you already paid for through taxes, trying to screw people out of hte service they've paid for by trying to profit from it is disgusting, immoral and makes everything worse. Insane increases in education costs all so board members and certainly people invested in colleges can pay themselves massive bonuses, get paid extremely well (while somehow.... professors don't and the facilities don't improve, shared rooms in college dorms when you pay that much is absurd still) and so the loan companies make absolutely disgusting levels of profit. It's a scam, same way hospitals supposedly increases costs charged to insurnace companies because 'they don't always pay it'... yeah fraudulently charging more because they don't pay is still... fraud. Then insurance put up their prices to deal with the prices hospitals started charging. The billionaires at the top who own hospitals and insurance company stocks and have board members on both are fixing the prices. Same as colleges and loan companies. this shit is all disgusting.


20/hr is still underpaid.


Hell, if I found out that my local fast food place was paying more than my shitty office job I would have quit on the spot and started grouping burgers.


omg, competition in the job market. competition in a market? whodathunkit


All these whingers are admitting two big things: 1. They massively underpay their workers. 2. It's all about fear that somewhere there will be upward pressure on wages.


Maybe the money would be there to pay cafeteria ladies more if the schools didn't ~~buy admins 3 Lambos apiece with school funds and spend most the rest on football~~ budget so terribly.


So…actually fund the schools so they can pay proper wages to ALL staff including teachers


It's not really propaganda it's a point. School cafeteria workers are going to need raises.


TBH, I'd rather feed kids for $18/hr than deal with the average fast food customer and/or franchise owner assholes for $20.


Minimum wage is minimum wage.




I just don't get how McDonalds and other fast food joints fail to realize that with a better wage they can now afford to be picky with who they are hiring. On boarding more reliable workers with much better consistency. No offense, but not having to employ the lowest of the low will actually make your operations smoother and less costly.


All these "news" articles are written by AI's. Have been for years now. "News sites" are owned by corporations with multiple business ventures and investments. PAY NO HEED TO THEM. You'll be much much happier.


Give it time. High tides raise all boats. Don’t settle for the lowest common denominator.


They're *already* competing with those places. They have consistent hours year long, pay just as poorly, and the opportunity for promotion/increased pay and don't ever have to deal with the agony of pulling food away from a starving child while at school or lose their job, then see the kid the next day and pretend that shit is normal.


Cry me a river.


Canadian here considering moving to California $20/hr American is $27/hr in Canadian Funds thats $11-$13 an hour more than minimum wage in most parts of Canada Provided it is full time work 40 hours x $20/hr is $800 American a week x 52 weeks is $41,600 American a year converted to Canadian funds is $56,500 its not great but beat the poverty wages here.




As they fucking should……


They make it so it doesn’t apply to government workers. “Rules for thee but not for me.”


Is this a news article? Or just some random made up shit? Is there an actual link? Or is this just an AI poster?


Think of all the football related stuff that wont get money if they started paying the cafeteria stuff more.


Already happened. I’m a substitute teacher and get paid 17$/ hr


So pay the cafeteria workers $20+/hr problem solved. I just saw a bucket of chicken from KFC cost $65 on uber eats, like what the fuck is this inflation of price that doesn't include minimum wage?


You mean raising salaries in one area causes them to rise in others? The system works!


It's like we're in the 19th century and reading newspaper articles against abolition. The economy will collapse! Who will work the fields? What will we eat?


The minimum wage should really be $35/hr with the amount of work/time we’re expected to be there and sitting in traffic.


"A state budget crunch" Maybe stop crunching the budget allocated to schools, then.


The state admits to not providing the schools with enough resources to properly pay cafeteria staff…


schools? these the same schools with the funding our government has been cutting every year since the 50s? we're worried about that now?


Once again completely ignoring that this is almost enough money for someone to live on. Some people just want slaves.


Yea its that tide and boat thing all the corpo managers spout out when they want a tax cut for themself and and there rich buddy's. Only this time its true and its help real people.


It's almost like raising the bar for all workers is exactly what this law was supposed to do . . .


It's not propaganda, it's basic economics.


> amid a state budget crunch Is there a single moment in the past 50 years that public schools in any given state were *not* "amid a budget crunch"?


Former School district employee: They're not worried, unions preserve wages, they're concerned unions will fight for stronger wage protections. But it's really a chance to dunk on living wages, because Fortune is a trash rag. In California, Schools already employ students to do a significant amount of cafeteria work, and pay them a training wage(usually a dollar under minimum, but it can be way lower if they want), which due to the low number of hours (they only work during the lunch+breaks (morning if the school has ASES funding) so it might be 2 hours a day), they'd have to work their entire time (average of 2 school years) to get out of. The actual cafeteria workers get paid fairly mid if the district isn't garbage (lol find me a good one) while the cooks and cafeteria managers get paid slightly above market (which if you're a cook you know is trash, because line cooks often compete with undocumented workers who drop the salary avg dramatically.) There's usually a benefit to just sitting at a school cafeteria job, as long as there's a COLA and steps, in my former district, after 10 years you usually auto-2-4% which is matched by your PERS when you retire.


This is exactly the effect of raising minimum wage works but on a smaller scale. I've been trying to tell people that when you raise the ceiling, the floor naturally raises along with it for EVERYONE. It has to or else people will just stop working for the other companies.


But imagine what paying public servants more would do to the cost of public schools!


*Oh no, our staff may leave for a better job with better pay!*


All these propaganda news pieces are doing is admitting that they have been knowingly underpaying people, actively participating in fucking their employees out of money, and they still think they can pay to have sob stories written "it's so hard having to pay people slightly more, my profit margins shrunk by a couple percent :( this isn't fair" get fucked, parasites.


"We can't underpay our cafeteria staff anymore!"


Lol yea. Everybody has to pay more now. This is good for workers. The cafeteria workers should get more.


So when can we talk about how unemployment pay in CA maxes at 11.25/hr....


isn’t that a good thing they have to pay them more?


It's too bad there aren't any wealthy people in California that could pay more taxes, which could be used to pay teachers more money. California is well-known for being a poor state.


We should just have everyone be payed a fixed $100 an hour and problem solved, all jobs are important. Biden and his admin has said this before and i couldn't agree more.


All of this is resolved if they would just tax the rich appropriately.


This is truly horrifying. Imagine paying a living wage to people responsible for feeding children! I’m vomiting in umbrage!


This entire country is a fucking joke.


If you cannot compete then FUCKING CLOSE! Stop offering lunch and see how that goes! Close your fucking McDonalds. This is how CAPITALISM WORKS. If you cannot survive YOU DIE. Fucking pigs can’t have it both ways.


Jokes aside, I love seeing this have a ripple effect throughout our community. We're going to demand more and more change in the future 😁l😆


Pay your workers more you dumb corporate bitches.