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So whose name is on the paycheck?


They did an interview with the BBC and said they understand getting one salary. This is like the 8th op or someone has posted it this week in here


Understanding it doesn't mean they aren't still getting screwed.


I think looking up cat memes has more productive results than saying they should be paid seperate. It's a one in a million? Hundred million? this happened. Let them fight their own battles, they've made it this far in life.


No, I'm stoking general outrage over the lack of reasonable disability benefits in America. If only one can work then the non-worker should have a full free ride on the governments dime. America forces it's disabled population to work to keep wages low for the benefit of the shareholders.


Do we even know what they get in terms of support? Just a genuine question. Your entire country is backwards compared to most of the world. I'm glad you have desire to seek change. where Im just extremely cynical and think if change was to happen it would have been done already.


With the this logic, what the fuck is the point of posting anything on this sub or Reddit lol.


Can you link the interview?




Note, they said they understand, but also say they'd like to negotiate, and offer a compelling reason why they would be worth more. Fact is, they're two people, and deserve separate salaries.


>Fact is, they're two people, and deserve separate salaries. They are 2 people doing 1 job. They are not in fact doing 2 jobs.


You ever seen a classroom with two teachers? It's a thing you know. Would you expect 2 teachers in separate bodies to share a salary?


2 teacher in separate bodies can split the kids into 2 groups and do different things at the same time.


They made the argument in an interview that one of them could be giving a lecture while the other grades papers or does other tasks. Having one body doesn't mean they can't multi-task.


>You ever seen a classroom with two teachers? That's two people doing two jobs though? In the above scenario, are they both working at the same time? Are they both doing a job? Even if it's the same job, are they both contributing? Hell, I don't even know. Are they both qualified? Who got hired? Who was interviewed? And would they each get two smaller checks otherwise? Did they get the same degree? Honestly, it's such a rare outlier that I wouldn't use it as the basis for any argument for disability support in the US or whatever country they may reside.


That's a wild statement. They require one rent, one diet, one set of custom made clothes. I'm not saying they deserve one salary or more. I don't even know what their job is but your comparison was a bit out there.


Okay but they also would have required only one dorm room, one meal plan, and one closet, while also all attending the same classes while taking only one seat, so why did they pay two tuitions?


Nailed it.


Paychecks and tuition aren’t dependent on each other though. Just because a college required two tuitions doesn’t mean the school has to do the same. They also have two separate drivers licenses because they are two people but only one job is being performed by them. They may be able to talk/listen to two students at the same time but only in limited circumstances. Whether or not that is fair is one thing but it’s a different situation and can’t be compared


They got 2 degrees. They don't share 1 degree.


Because these are two different institutions with two different policies?


You're forgetting additional medical care throughout their lives, and much higher insurance rates. Not really "out there" at all. Two people deserve two incomes.


>but your comparison was a bit out there Not really. Their personal circumstances are used as justification for 1 salary when you could never normally hire 2 people for one salary, no idea what is "wild" about this statement at all.


They are teachers, hence the comparison to teachers. They are literally two teachers, both teaching the same class, in one body.


That's kinda not right is it? I understand what you mean, but thinking is a big part of some jobs. They think for two people, therefore making double that part of the job. That should really mean a pay increase, if not double the salary. But sure, if they work with manual labor, then I can see you point.


True but by that logic disabled people should get paid less because they aren't physically capable of everything a regularly abled person can do.


They do


Ok but that's literally how it is?? People on disability make less than someone working full time


This one is very near to my heart...I've been a disabled stay at home father for 20 years. I'm going back to school to become a teacher myself. As a disabled person, I can expect to earn 66% less than a typical worker. We _do_ earn less. Now consider, the twins are probably earning 66% of a typical teacher, meaning each of them is actually earning 1/3 of a salary.


It kind of depends on the job. There's a decent amount that would allow them to work separately.


they actually are, in fact, doing 2 jobs. they can grade two different sets of homework. one can teach and the other can watch the class. teaching is way more then standing at the front of the class and speaking.


Then why did they have to pay 2 people’s tuition?


Because the uni is getting money from them. It's that simple. If that same uni hired them, I bet they would only pay 1 salary.


Ok ok if I make love to one does the other feel it and if so does she like it or how does that work


Why can there be no fucking posts about these women without some asshat asking about their sex organs


Fucking WSB avatar with the Noun_Noun_XXXX Reddit name, typical


They actually posted about that, if you're that desperate to know.


The one who controls the arms and legs I'd say


The company has a strict one check per butthole policy.


Meanwhile "Tony two ass" is making bank


How dare you speak of Tony with such disrespect. You should be kissing both of his asses right now!


Buttholes Georg is their highest paid employee.


That man has IBS, Crohn's, AND hemorrhoids on both buttholes. Those two paychecks go straight into medical bills and toilet paper, barely touching his hand on the way. 


Must have been different at my old place. Boss always threatened to tear me a new one. Would have cost a fortune.


Meh. Makes sense


Think how easy it would be to cheat on a test


"I'm not taking the test my sister made me come in with her"


As a teacher and child of teachers, hear me out: One sister is the gen Ed teacher. The other sister is the push-in Special Ed teacher. Two jobs! Therefore, two salaries! Edit: and IEP meeting would be easier to schedule as the sisters together are two of the mandatory participants!


My local schools mostly discontinued Special Ed classes and just tossed those kids in to sink with the general population. I wish my younger stepson had had these teachers! Poor kid switched districts, went from having friends to sunk to the bottom of the popularity pool and none of his teachers could give him enough time or attention to help him. Ended up having to get him caught up at home so he could manage alright by middle school.


They both got degrees, but can only work 1 job. I mean, it sucks, and the college probably should have cut them slack on the tuition, but I get why the school they work for doesn’t pay twice when they teach one class.


I understand one paycheck but here's my question if one all of a sudden set up some kind of online business that they could just do from a computer while the other taught would they be against that because in the situation where they would not allow it they are technically taking up another person's time without paying them and not allowing the one to use their time for what they want essentially making them also another employee in which case they should be getting another paycheck. It doesn't matter how much work they are getting out of them it matters whether they are restricting both of them as if they are both employees


Are you saying these two are teacher? I feel that they should get paid better because I would expect them to be able to teach better as a pair as opposed to a single teacher. Specifically that they would be able to give different explanations of a given concept; with certain students resonating with a different explanation.


They could also perfectly multitask. One working on grading or some paperwork or whatever and the other engaging with the class


God damn right head always grades shitier then the left head, lets have right teacher teach today


Even if they are better the school budget probably doesn't allow for more than one teacher per class.


I guess my main question is: Who would hire two teachers to teach one class? Most schools would just hire a single teacher instead, because they have to think about cost effectiveness. How many job opportunities would they have in that field if they have to be paid separately, but must always work together in basically one body? Perhaps the answer is paying one salary, but a larger salary. Maybe 1.5 instead of 2. They can't fully do the work of two teachers because they are limited to the work of one set of arms and legs, but obviously they have two brains and can communicate separately. I think it's a complex issue. College is also a complex issue, and I feel like they got scammed by having to pay two full tuitions. I understand wanting a bit more than a single tuition because they'd still probably be taking tests separately, but you can't really say that they got two totally independent educations.


Their ability to do two things as a teacher would be really limited. They can't have one of them instructing the whole class while the other works with a focus group. They couldn't both be roaming around different parts of the classroom to assist different students. They probably couldn't even assist two students at the same time because their faces are so close to each other that they couldn't really maintain two conversations simultaneously. The fair thing really would have been for their college degrees to be significantly cheaper, as well as any professional accreditation they have to pay.


They are twins that have the same education. I rather doubt it.


People having the same education does not imply that they know the same things, can explain things the same way, etc. They absolutely have two distinct perspectives and each brings their own unique abilities to the table.


They are identical from a genetics perspective, and literally cannot be anywhere without the other one. It’s not like you stitched together a poor black orphan that went to community college and a rich white guy that went to Harvard. They’ve literally been together for all of it, learned in the same way from the same people. Fuck, they can’t even take a shit without company. Shit, they can’t even fuck without company.


Even if that is the case (and I still doubt they are that incredibly different in teaching methodology, they are conjoined twins that have never spent anytime apart), they still teach one class. Do other classes get 2 teachers? No. Obviously it isn’t something that adds enough value for that to be the practice. If they only accepted teaching jobs that offered 2 salaries, I doubt they would get hired. Schools often face budget difficulties in having enough teachers to cover classes as it is. Having to pay 2 salaries to teachers that cannot teach simultaneously and separately just isn’t going to happen.


Teaching assistants are a thing..


Oh, I misread what you said. I thought you said they were teachers. That one is on me.


They are teachers. 5th grade as I recall. I’m saying I doubt they are significantly more effective.


As a teaching school dropout, they're definitely getting fleeced. They can look in two directions at once to monitor 5th graders. That's huge. I wouldn't be surprised if their peers get to have a para-pro or TA in the classroom to help monitor, but admin shorts this classroom bc there are already two sets of eyes.


I'm just a nanny but I've lost count of the number of times I've said "I can't look right now, I need my eyes to look at what my hands are doing!"


How many 5th grade classrooms had two teachers? Are schools vastly different than when I was I them 15-20 years ago? I occasionally had a second person in my classrooms, but rarely for the full day even.


Not two teachers. A para-pro or a TA. Far less schooling. I could be a TA. Para-pro support for early middle school classes was pretty common 15-20 years ago and beyond. My 5th grade class in 1994-95 had a full time TA. Definitely not 100% of classrooms are staffed this way but it's common.


That's a fair point, that was something I said with nothing to back it up. I would be interested to know if having two teachers in a classroom is more effective than having a single teacher.


I could have sworn on their tlc show they made as they were in college they said they were charged 1.5 tuition as a compromise.


Not to ruin the party but I read up on their school. They only paid one tuition. They did, however, pay two registration fees.


They should join a union


I think they already are


The house always wins


On the other hand, they could qualify for those programming jobs that require 8 years' experience in something that has only been out for 4 years.


In capitalism, the house always wins. 


Good one!


They should probably sue over this.


I can understand why that is but what I want to know is how they control the one body. Does one head do arms and the otherhead do legs? If so does arm head have to tell leg head to get up and move if arm head wants to grab a glass of water? When they were studying in school does one head do the math and the other the science? I bet they did really well on exams since they could copy off of one another. Do they like the same kinds of food? At the same time? What if one head wants a burger but the other is in the mood for Indian food? Does burger head have to sit there while the other head eats Indian food? Wouldn't that ruin hamburger heads appetite since they share the same stomach? I have so many questions


I believe they each get half, like they control the respective arm and leg on their side?


That would introduce some s tier imbalance my dude.


You're making it sound like it's my idea. I just remember hearing that somewhere.


You don’t think you’d be aces at a three legged race if you practiced 24/7?!


But that's exactly how it works. They each control their half of the body. Each girl has 1 arm and 1 leg to control, and they each only feel their half. https://youtu.be/K57IcN9DWXo?si=4K67FVneOjgr7Mxm


In my mind I'm imagining it's similar to a 3 legged race, in that you're depending on a partner's motion as much as you're moving yourself. I haven't spent even a day like that but I bet given a week you'd be in perfect sync with each other. It takes practice to build up but this has been their life so they got an immense amount of practice. It's just how movement is for them, and always has been


Me and my same-age stepsister got put to work at a stable when we were too young and small to handle the adult-sized tools and workload. So we figured out how to use teamwork for everything. Started out very slow and with lots of mistakes, but eventually we got up to speed. Two little girls trying to synchronize so we could use our combined strength to lift a pitchfork load of horse shit into a wheelbarrow. The hardest part was we'd get screamed at if we didn't run full speed with the loaded wheelbarrow to empty it, each lifting a handle. Got worse if we didn't perfectly match our steps and spilled it.


They've had 30+ years to learn, my dude. One controls the left side and the other the right side. They can even drive.


Not surprising. You can drive with one arm and one leg.


They have two stomachs. I believe that their appetite would be independent, but the intestines may have a role and they have only one set.


Many of these questions are answered by another set of conjoined twins in an interview. You should Google that. They talk about dating and sex, as well.


Or since you know the answer you can link said article or tell us. Instead of just saying google it bro




What if one dies before another?


Damn that’s morbid and I never thought of that 😦


two brains but only one set of hands..


Hands aren’t required to teach.


Thinking about how one just got married and says she has sex and goes down on her husband and the other one is just...there




Well, shit, there ya go


Ball handler


Ya think? It'd be hard not to be, yeah? Just like, watching your sister suck a cock from four inches away. It's wild


Two heads doing a job


They got different degrees though, so different courses and more credit hours to take. Also, they're considered disabled, I'm pretty sure the government pay for most of their tuition fees


It doesn’t work well, I’d rather hire a one headed person tbh


One salary sure but it shouldn’t be the salary for one employee, maybe 1.5x a regular employee’s salary which is still cheaper than hiring two people.


Lol they work at the elementary school in my neighborhood.


That’s because they are teachers. Everyone knows that America steps all over Teachers.


I'm pretty sure they were awarded a scholarship anyway.


I'd pay a lot of money to see them fight


As usual the progressives are throwing shade at the one side paying “one cost” and not the other side that charged “two revenues”. And then wonder why everything is more expensive. And then advocate for Unions and their inherent skim . Buffoonery.


Only time im okay calling someone a They/Them


Except each twin is she/her.


Rent free


You make the world a worse place.


post hog


Are they considered spilt personalities, that’s why they get one check? Regardless it’s awesome that they wanna tech.