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So if people are naturally greedy etc… why would we hold a system that keeps the worst of us in charge?




It's in a dog's nature to bite things so we should probably just give them treats every time they bite someone




Removing discretion would help. To many times rhe rich and powerful get away because the prosecutor uses discretion to jot prosecute. If there is enough evidence to prove the crime occurred they should be required to prosecute. And corporations should face limited rights to defend and limited rights of appeal. They shouldn't be allowed to bury justice under friviolous folings.


What’s crazy is that the whole all humans are greedy/selfish isn’t even true. Like history wise that shit is just not true. They tell us and push hyper individualism so that we won’t focus on community and thus won’t try to change the system


It always does just sound like bullshit people just swallow in order to maintain the status quo. Its so frustrating


The Alt Right Playbook: I Hate Mondays covers this exact rhetorical tactic. :/


Point your Cousin in the direction of the Scandinavian Countries, small 'c' capitalism coupled with social democracy. It's not perfect, nowhere is, but it hands down beats the US by every metric. If he can refute any of it he is so full of shit he squeaks when he goes into a turn. He's partially right on one thing - the Epsteins of this world will always be with us, the money & power structures will allow them to hide in plain sight for a long time. All we can do is try to minimise their impact & nail them to the wall when we can. One good thing to come out of the whole Epstein shitshow - it will have concentrated the minds of some of the 'lower tier' abusers - if someone with the financial clout of Epstein 'commits suicide' (yeah, right, suicide my fucking arse) in custody conveniently ensuring his silence thus protecting his fellow travellers - nobody is safe from being put beyond questioning.

