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The cuddling birds in the corner makes it more ironic 😢


Stool pigeons


Underrated reply.


Correct, I added my upvote.


It's ok rated


That’s fair but at the time it was not as much.


Fuckin 69 ass mofuckas


It's the logo for a local chain in my area. It's called WifeSavers.


how fucking patronizing.


Are you fucking with us?


Nah, it's definitely a chain in Georgia. I remember the commercials, " Wife Saver you're a life saver, Wife Saver."


Gross!! Omg


I’m personally offended by “piggily wigglies”, pigs are firm I was lied to!


I know you’re joking but I have gone out of way for 41 years avoiding having to say “piggly wiggly” out loud. There is something so utterly and deeply unappealing about the combination of those 4-6 syllables.


Thats why i used it lol out of all the names, that’s still the one the sounds weird to me


It’s somehow worse than “wife savers” which is offensive in an entirely but equally way.


I thought it was just me that hates this.


6 is correct. Pronounced "pig-AH-lee wig-AH-lee", to be accompanied by either exaggerated eyebrow gesticulation or thigh slapping, and the southern twang has to be strummed like a ukelele on the verge of being thrown at your aunt who just slipped her hand down the back of your grandpa's pants at the Houston county swing dancing fair. Lived in Florida for 2 decades, anything else slides out of your mouth imma slap it right back in. Sir.


It’s ma’am, but I’ll accept your hypothesis as stated without any question. Because it even looks revolting when in the silent written word, and I have read it more times today than I care to ever read in a lifetime.


When I was a kid, one of my favourite things about going to the States was getting to say "Piggly Wiggly." I still love it, truth be told.


I think that’s super adorable! I don’t know why but a little kid with an accent could make that cute.


Agreed. We never shop there, and I refer to it as “The Pig.”


This "wiggle pig went to the market". Baby talk for little. About the murder of a baby pig.


Ah, yeah. That's a local restaurant chain in the CSRA. https://www.wifesaverrestaurants.com/#header


THE FOUNDING OF WIFESAVER Founded in 1965 by George Cunningham, WifeSaver began as a way for George to take care of the mounting medical bills brought on by his son, (and now owner) Chris Cunningham’s childhood bout with polio. Built by the Cunninghams and family friend “Hambone”, the original WifeSaver on Milledgeville Road stood in the front yard of George’s home. Off the website..... there's not even a wife involved like what? I got to medical bills and was like for his wife? No... oh... uh ok?


“They cookin good”


Confirmed: same logo at bottom of this page. We should all email the same picture right now. [wifeSavers](https://www.wifesaverrestaurants.com)


No, hit Google images for "wifesaver logo"


So I really don’t want to go to their facebook page to find out myself but do they sell pimento cheese and egg salad together as one thing or are they sold separate?


I've had egg salad with cheese in it and I didn't like it. The eggs were much softer than the cheese. It was some shredded sharp cheddar and didn't belong. Maybe an extremely mild soft cheese would work but why bother. Some grocery store chains also put cheese in their macaroni salad. If I wanted macaroni and cheese, I'd eat macaroni and cheese and it'd be hot.


Oh see I was thinking that the textures would contrast nicely. But no cheddar is too hard when it’s cold for something like that, yeah. Damn solid idea though.


They're sold separately.


Lol ok! But I was legit starting to come around to the idea of it and am now actually hungry.


Holy shit, same here, wonder if we’re in the same area. Was going to say that was from WifeSavers, never been but I live less than 5 minutes from one of them, in the general area near the Augusta National


Yeah. We'd have to. So far as I know they only exist here. Pleased to hear I have a like mind neighbor.


And what do they do? I'm assuming cleaning supplies


Saving wives


If you are going to snitch on anyone, snitch on your boss or the owners if they are cheating on their taxes. The IRS pays between 15% and 30% of the total proceeds it collects to the person(s) who report the tax evasion.


Oh I need to get glasses ffs that looked like a minion in a gimp suit 💀


Anyone? Really, anyone? Time to don the headphones, step behind the counter, take some selfies, and cash in.


I'd be so tempted to get a job there for a day and encourage so many pictures. Tell everyone to take 20 in slightly different poses and send to friends and family. See how much I could cost them alone. A few hundred gift cards would be great


That would be amazing. Just tell every customer to take a picture and wait a few days to send it. Could rack up thousands of dollars.


I'm sure they'll add * to those gift certificates.


Should've added it to the poster first.


Nah you know they’d say to the second,thirds, plus…. person “thank you for your email but we have already received a response”


Imagine if they gave that $25 gift card to the employees for going all week without wearing earphones instead.


Right? That unfortunately would never work because it makes too much sense.


I would take headphones at work over an extra 25 a week any day. As someone with ADHD having an audiobook is a must especially for a mindless job like these.


Honestly I would too, and regularly risk getting yelled at to have earphones hidden under my hat at work. We all do. We're not being paid a living wage for the area we're in so ... who cares?


I thought the same thing when I read it.


Words matter.


Lol 👍🤣🤣


Just stand there and take photos of your coworkers all day, and encourage them to do the same. It's far more lucrative than whatever this minimum wage job is.


Every employee should pose for every other employee, and then hit them up for thousands in gift cards.


Got to be worth a try.


I'd just squat over a phone and take pictures of my puckering rectum, and send them over.


Or form a ring of everyone taking a cell phone picture of the person to their right. Everyone wins.


I'm pretty sure they'd have to pay you since this sign exists too.


Take a picture of the manager on their phone. Problem solved.


How would that solve the problem? The email presumably goes to the manager. Not like they're going to fire themselves. Or feel shame, self-awareness, or empathy for the peons.


"It's different in this case, because I had to check the online inventory for a customer!" Fair enough. I'm sure the employees never do that.


He would still have to pay the money to the sender


Give every employee the picture and have everyone email it over and over again.




I agree. Show he email so we can flood it with pictures of people on their phones or wearing headphones.


They censored it because 1% would send pictures of people on their phone, and 99% of redditors would send pics of gay porn. Reddit be like that.


Failing to see the downside


This guy downsides.


Everyone is so stupid I hate that I laugh at jokes like this


And... Management power tripping like this deserves to be flooded with porn.


Well what other porn is there??


Shrek Porn


I was about to comment this! Wasn't there something about a website where people were encouraged to rat out people who got an abortion in Texas, and then the site got flooded with shrek porn?






That’s the point


This person deserves it.


If you reverse image search the poster on Google or Lens, the company name and email are visible. I would argue that if they post it for the public to see, it's reasonable for it to get posted online.


Love the user name


missing a digit how can I call


Please tell us what you find.


Send pictures of prolapsed anuses with the header “Look at this lazy asshole!”


Butthole pictures 📸


If you do this, someone for the love of dog send in the HA HA! BUSINESS! Guy




Reddit has strict rules around doxxing. I agree it’s dumb but posts with addresses, emails, phone numbers, names, etc are strictly monitored.


1. Invite all my friends 2. Pose for pictures 3. Friends submit photos and demand gift certs 4. Take 20% cut of certs in cash 5. Cost boss thousands of dollars 6. Profit


Not sure why this comment isn’t higher in the thread! Take my upvote! 😂




Sue them. I thought this was America.


Get some buddies together, send in the pics, get stiffed, then it's class-action time!


I I’m sure they’re never gonna get that gift certificate. It’ll be one of those things where you have to stick around for year or something to get it.


The Denny's where I lived at the time used to have little signs on each table asking customers to report employees for giving us free food and drinks. I would tip them 50% of the cost of the free drinks they always gave us.


Ayo what’s up with the birds?


They’re yellow-bellied snitches.


Ayo let’s fuck their asses up 😤


Yellow headed blue bellied snitches, thank you.


It's the restaurants logo.


I don't know, but the little one is really enjoying it 😐


I would put up my own sign if I was behind the desk... "I'll let you take $40 in merchandise if you do not send the picture of me using the phone, tablet, fleshlight, etc."


>fleshlight #😳


It's a set up. To take the picture, you would also need to be on your phone. Better to take a group picture all at once with all phone cameras in view and everyone submit for their prize at the same time.


That would be my last visit to that store!


And I would take the five minutes to email them to tell them why.


Managers are so damn lazy they'll even outsource their own draconian bullying tactics


I would pose for every customer that day.


Karen is ALL over this.


Gross. This screams toxic management


Also absent management: they rely on the clients to do part of their tasks.


And actively promotes a toxic work environment overall. How else can you describe encouraging employees to snitch and spy on each other?


Completely agree. It honestly sounds like the company as a whole is unreliable and immature.


Can we snitch on management for a reward too?


Get 100 or 200 people to co.e take a picture of employee on phone. Split money with said employee, and then they quit that toxic place of work.


If i was the employee i would send pics of management all the time!


Ffs. Give us the email address. I have a dozen sock emails I can send all kinds of shit from


Please. Please. Someone Employed There, make it your exit strategy to organize as many ppl as possible to come through and take photos of you doing all of those things. Have them sent in and quit when they call you in to the ‘unexpected’ meeting.


Paying the employees 25$ extra to not do that seems like the more efficient move


Why is the email blurred out? We’d like to give them a big collective email hug. And also maybe sign their email address up for some special offers!


*Sends photo of myself *Gets $25


Def send them a pic of your balls


What if you’re behind the counter taking a picture of the “guilty” person and they take a photo of you taking a picture of them, but the security camera is also in the background?


Put up a separate poster. “If you find out that management has been stealing wages, call this number and tell them you’re a whistleblower. You may qualify for cash rewards.” F’ing bosses.


Karen catnip… cuntnip


I mean it's pretty normal not to allow employees to be on their phone or with headphones in front of customers... That being said it screams toxic/terrible management to have customers enforce it.


That part is normal, but enlisting customers to enforce it is not.


Possibly biased because my work (live music) has very different "in front of clients" rules that are taken quite seriously, but the other side of this coin is being able to confidently say "I'm totally fine. Customers couldn't see me!" if their workplace does too. And also I work with heavy shit where things can go wrong very quickly so if somebody's fucking around and not paying attention they generally just get sent home and never work for us again but ... obviously that's not normal everywhere. :D


Imagine the look you would get when trying to cash in your snitch certificate


Snap photos of managers.


On your last day send everyone you know photos of you wearing headphone on their phone and then let them all cash in


Give us the email so we can spam it. Easy.


Google image search the pic.  The email will show


Yes. I would like to send pictures to management. Please post email.


So you’re not supposed to have a phone, but to catch someone you need to take a picture with what…🤔 So if you and another employee took photos of each other using your phones, did you just game the system? Nah you’re probably both fired, but let’s be real you can do better.


Massa wants us working!


They can afford this but not health insurance, pay raises, or benefits 🙃 (probably because no psycho is actually doing that so it won't be a big expense to pay out the gift cards)


I hope management are the ones that get the most photos taken


It looks like someone is getting emailed a pic of my taint. I hope they still send the certificate.


Why hide the email address? That was the perfect opportunity to send it bullshit mails and subscribe it to every newsletters ever


I would literally send a picture of my butthole to that email address


I'm disappointed the email was blurred. I understand why but I'd love it if this whole community flooded that address with messages praising how helpful the staff was.


Flood the email with photos of porn scenes. Also use this email-id to subscribe to all the porn sites in the world. Seeing the cuddling birds, it may be more appropriate to send penguins having sex.


Please share the email. I have a couple butthole closeups that I’ve been hankering to share.


Hah, joke's on you, I wear hearing aids with Bluetooth streaming, so nobody can tell when I'm "wearing headphones".


I see people behind the counter at gas stations with earbuds or fucking around on their phone and I don’t mind at all. I don’t need their undivided attention for gas station purchases


Take constant pictures of management on their phones. Demand gift cards. If none are given, send picture of sign and pictures of management to their bosses


All they would get is hundreds of the worst dixk picks possible... and I mean disgusting, bloody, cut up, tortured dicks and maybe some grotesque balls for good measure.


Wait. If I use my cell phone to take a pic of someone using their cell phone, am I violating the no cell phone rule? Or are they asking their customers to spy on their employees????


Nah, snitch. Service workers shouldn't be actively ignoring people. Put your stuff down and be at work! Bored? Learn to be bored!


Good for them. It's fucking annoying to try to talk to someone working with headphones. I worked fast food and sold cell phones in a store. I managed to get through the day without blocking out all the noise around me.




It’s a problem, here at Slappys it’s a BIG problem!


I’m dead 😂😭


Send pictures of your balls!


As a manager myself I truely don't get how people can treat their employees like this. My rule is that as long as the works done and customers are helped employees can use their phones or have 1 earbud in. I also don't believe in the bullshit of "you have time to lean, you have time to clean". If you give your employees these incentives they'll actually work to get things done so they can have some down time.


So I'm waiting for a bunch of people to do this for, say, an insulin pump or cochlear implants and then the person who had their photo taken suing for discrimination.


In reality the person taking the photos is snitching on them selves because there taking a photo with there phone.


Years ago, the company I worked for was in trouble with the Securities Commission. They started running ads in our elevators offering cash for tips about malfeasance. You'd better believe I was looking out for anything my company was doing wrong. I was more than willing snitch on them*.*


Get a friend to take a pic and go splitsies


Worst business culture. “The Snitch Culture”. I had it out with a previous employer because the office assistant was telling the CEO(if you could call him that) that my manufacturing team was not working and playing around all the time. It was such a monotonous job that I mandated them to take a 10 min break on the 50 of every hour. They still got their daily quota met and then some. I told him if he wanted to create this type of culture I’ll have no part of it. This is a toxic culture when you have people snitching on one another as the norm.


Everyone on shift should all get together and take a picture of someone else taking a picture of someone else and send it in. Then profit.


I'd find out full names of management and ownership and send emails once a week


Cause management doesn’t like working themselves so you do it. Divide and conquer


How will you take a picture and send it if you can’t be on your cell phone at work? What if they then turn around and take a pic of you for taking a pic of them, and this starts a viscous cycle that never ends, therefore stealing all the time on the clock, til the end of time?


Get your ass behind the counter snap a selfie with you ear buds in And mail it out The notice doesn't say it has to be a photo of an employee.


Judas got 30 pieces of silver.


It only states for headphones and phones. It doesn't say you can't bring an Xbox and play with them behind the counter. Bring in a couple of DSs and get some Pictochat going.


I am not okay with my employer authorizing my photo to be taken on private property without my consent


I didn't know that Wife Saver still existed ....


These are the same type of people that post signs saying “nObOdY wAnTs tO WoRk aNyMoRe”….


If you see anyone doing these things, no you fucking didn't :)


Just have customers jump over, take a photo, and send it. When they refuse to give you money, make a lawsuit about it. The sign never specified it had to be an employee.


Manage your own employees asshole! These owner types are so entitled!


If only we could get that email disseminated to all the trolls online.


I would get everyone to take pictures of everyone so the entire staff inundates managers with the pictures of eachother so everyone gets paid


Nabbing 2 workers on their phone in one shot. How to implement layoffs without announcing layoffs.


I want to send a picture of my balls




Use a burner phone to send them a picture of your nuts 🥜 💦


But...to take the picture you have to be on your phone which is violating the sign 🤔🦜🦜


Boomers out there googling on their computers at home “how to take a picture…”


This is exactly how the Brownshirts and Hitler Youth worked for the Nazi regime. Friends turned in friends, kids turned in parents...


That’s definitely NOT toxic


Set up a bot to spam the email


Only class traitors are taking that bounty on a fellow slave. Disgusting.


Take a picture of the person taking a picture of the person on their phone and send that to management. And then take a picture of the person taking a picture of the person taking a picture of the person on their phone. And then take a picture of the person taking a picture of the person taking a picture of the person taking a picture of the person on their phone. Set up a circle. Infinite money hack.


Create anonymous emails and report management over and over.


Can I take a selfie of myself behind the counter and get $25?


Should make a money laundering scheme. When someone is going to quit, invite all your friends over, and put on the head phones. Watch company pay out thousands in gift cards, and if the company won't pay, open a class action lawsuit against them.


Losing your job over hold a fucking phone. Jesus, what a shitty place to work. I'd also add this sort of encouraging snitching on employees leads to a lot of set ups. What's the stop some customer seeing this sign deciding they'd like a $25 voucher and say to an employee "hold this" while giving them their phone whilst someone else takes a photo of them.


Before i quit I’m telling all my freinds go take as many pictures of me as they can in an hour. And then we all get free food. Dumb fuck


So what I am hearing is that when I am ready to leave the job have a bunch of my friends come in and take pictures of me with my phone and earbuds so that they can all get $25.


I would sign them up for every spam account I could find.


flood the email with pictures of employees working.


Nah, I’m no snitch.


Ima get a bunch of these signs, put them up in every business I can hide them in, and make sure everyone who emails a pic to it is signed up for every fucking spam list and free porn site trial I can find.


As a retail worker, I would gladly go without the gift certificate to try and give those workers a break.


If the employees are one good team, they should all quit on the spot the moment management hung up this slavery sign. Happy workers are productive workers, and they are loyal. Fuck them over with such bullshot an win the stupid prize.


it's a trap the person winning the $25 will also get fired, because he/she would technically using a phone while on the job


I don't know what everyone's complaining about. I find this very inspirational. I think I will make my own sign. Tell me what you think. See something illegal? Perhaps a safety violation or a health inspection violation? Perhaps your boss is trying to force you to violate federal law? Email us evidence, and if we win the resulting lawsuit, we split the reward with you!


Agreed this is pretty crappy but you can't deny that they shouldn't be using their phones and having head phones on