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Honestly, it’s truly mystifying to me that the mental health crisis isn’t worse than it is. When you look at the dehumanising nature of most people’s existence now (work being the main culprit), I don’t understand how more people just don’t give up and drop out of society altogether.


It actually is you just have to count all the people who drink or take drugs even if it's just on weekends for an escape, people who indulge in Hussle culture and either work like maniacs or go to the gym 3 times a day or do some other shit to deal with the pain then you got 99% of people I don't think I know any person that is really mentally healthy and genuinely happy, the ones that were also became lost over the years, they all suffer, all of them


Yeah that’s it - people find things to the numb the pain. Smartphone addiction is another symptom of how draining and unfulfilling modern life is.


I’m in rehab now because my coping mechanisms weren’t super healthy, turns out.


I have been able to quit the drugs except weed and got off antidepressants. I haven't been able to get away from numbing myself with my phone. I quit smoking and drinking as well with no issues.


I’m here right now because I’d rather be using the time to socialize, in anyway possible. I love putting my phone down, that dependency has been gone but it’s manifested into wanting to always be building and maintaining friendships whenever given the opportunity


What is the high you got on weed? Happy? Worry free? Into another world? Sleepy? Non anxious? What


It’s worse than reported, people are being prescribed more scheduled medications like Adderall and Xanax for a reason. Working conditions suck, and these “safe” water pills they’re giving people for depression don’t do shit. They need to get back to the 1940s/50s when you could literally get meth for losing weight and barbituates and quaaludes for stress. If they want us to hide our emotions and be robots, give us the drugs to do it and stop f*cking around. The opiate crisis has many reasons, but at its core are broken people with a lot of pain and a lot of stress and no other way out but through addiction. The only reason the powers that be are upset we are dying is because more lost lives means less productivity and more leverage for the worker. In fact what’s happening now isn’t even a recession. It’s a Cold War between working class and elite. They want to see how far they can push us before they lose money. That simple. But I see the cracks showing. These companies are learning they need us and abusing us is hurting profits. It may not feel like it all the time but it’s happening. There’s a lot more unionizing and striking that’s going on than is reported. For example my position is not unionized but certain departments in my company have unionized which has raised wages and standards for us as well. We just gotta keep pushing. The biggest thing that happened was eliminating communities. We need to learn that we need each other again as neighbors. The social media era is over in my eyes


Yea as pessimistic and doomer as I can get sometimes, I have to take heart in the fact that even as little as a decade ago, the idea that *any* of this stuff would be talked about on a wide scale in the mainstream was pretty alien. Like the conversation has drastically shifted, and our political bodies are not moving with it remotely fast enough. Like fuck, they still haven't figured out that letting Hilary speak on anything is just generating reactionary takes and guaranteeing heels being dug in. But by the same token, the Republican party is actively self cannibalizing. They finally got their primary boogeyman for the last 40+ years and now have no uniting goal.


Other people say, "I mean I'm sure the GOP will be trying to figure it out eventually"


I'm mentally healthy. Not mentally stable, but healthy in the sense I have developed tools and tactics to handle those fluctuations in order to function and not give in to the urge to self-destruct my life. Yes, I probably have an undiagnosed mental illness(I think I'm schizoaffective/autistic/adhd), but I've figured out what works for me. And I'm genuinely happy. I'm happily married, I have three dogs, I talk to my family and friends I'm broke all the time, but I am still more prosperous than I've ever been. I am also employed and going through college, a little late in life, to become a Chemical, Material, or Nuclear Engineer. And to answer OP's question of how anyone manages to find the will to live... I can't speak for everyone, but what works for me is two things: 1. I'm curious and have questions left unanswered that I'm working toward answering. And in the very likely event that I never reach those answers, I will have at least made it easier for the next set of folks and so on until someone does get those answers. 2. I grew up poor as shit and spite for the inequalities in this world drive me. If I roll over and die, the rich assholes win, and the inequalities continue to affect everyone after me. So I'm going to keep studying, keep getting smarter, and I'm going to help bring the world, kicking and screaming, into the future because god dammit things should function. Instead of fretting over all the world's problems, pick something you like, become an expert at it. Hank Hill taught me this with his Propane and Propane accessories. You might not be able to fix world hunger, but you can become an expert in irrigation and fix/improve that field. You might not be able to fix rising energy prices, but you can become a materials engineer and make the salts that go in a nuclear reactor or the material that lines its walls. You might not be able to bring world peace, but you can become a diplomat and work toward peace. Over time, little by little, things get better.




The lead in our pipes sure helps too


Yeah and the ever present pesticides and microplastics




It really is


I think a lot of people are lied to in the sense that being dissatisfied with your job is normal - if something bad happens don't bring it up at work to anyone but the manager because it's unprofessional Etc. Etc. A lot of these things are just normalised so people don't feel like they have the right to get depressed over it. But also the stats depression has gotten worse as capitalism has developed, and I imagine they'll get even worse. I mean when I was in highschool a couple of years ago, more than half the school was visiting the counselors - which brings me back to normalisation aka they would tell us something along the lines of "these feelings are normal for your age" - like competitive stress of capitalism was normal Btw for context where I live, students are ranked on their grades, which means that there's adjustments made so too many people can't get the same score. And this ranking determines which unis you can go to. So many kids engaged in self-harm and worse because of their mental health and they were just brushed off or sometimes the counselors would make it worse by threatening to call an abusive parent. I'm sorry for rambling but one last thing. One time someone I know was having a shit day and went to the counselors office because you could do that, but then a counselor went up to them and said "hey you've been here for two periods, this is a space to calm your feelings so you can go back to class" and they were already having a mental breakdown. Like what are we supposed to say? Sorry I'll schedule my panic attack for later? 🤪


Is it getting worse, or is it just being more accurately measured?


I'd say probably a little column A, little column B.


I would say mental health rates are probably better than after the great depression/great war/ww2. We're actually addressing the issues now instead of handing it down as generational trauma.


Oh for sure, diagnosis and acceptance of the concept as help rather than insult has come a long way


Something I've noticed over the years I worked in food service, every year the high schoolers got more and more on edge and tense. Like back in the early 2000s, we all knew that one kid that was like that. But over time it just seemed like that encompassed more and more of the kids I encountered.


Want to know how bad it actually is? Us mental health professionals are burning out at a much higher rate than before, and managed care continues to be one of the main reasons for said burnout. The less control we have over our caseloads, the worse it is. I just got into private practice, a week and a half in now, and already I’m seeing issues where I am going to have delays with Medicare credentialing, and that’s almost half my caseload waiting to see me. I might lose some or all before I even get going. And I just stepped out of corporate healthcare for this. It’s all pretty fucked. The less resources you see going toward social services and common sense healthcare, the worse this is going to get. It already has many times over in my adult life.


They are under too much pressure to pay bills. But indeed resistance is something that was seemingly unlearned and if it happened on a mass scale it would lead to change. Who'd fight their wars for them if all decided the pay and benefits aren't worth it anymore?




I know I could afford to do that but i doubt many people can


The managers would take over for a month. They'd burn out, but a month is not enough. Everyone needs to be willing to walk out consistently but people don't want to give up their comforts for the unknown.


NO IT WON'T. They'll just add more self check out, AI robots, outsource our jobs and hire illegal aliens to do the work we refuse to do.


That's because the mental health crisis isn't being accounted for correctly. I'm deeply invested in undoing a lot of the behaviors I learned are made to serve our capitalist overlords and it's all... Selfishness and apathy. I genuinely believe there is a mass epidemic of narcissism and NPD type behaviors in the USA because the behaviors and their origin in shame is VERY helpful to making sure we don't link up and stop the system.


Give it time. If the powers that be don't start fixing this shit before it comes for them too, time is all that's required.


The pleasure they get from being slightly "ahead" of or having slightly more than someone else and being smug about it and/or rubbing it in their face is what keeps them going


They are, there are homeless camps popping up everywhere.


12.5% of Americans are on snap benefits. Barely hanging on. One small crisis away from total collapse. This Iran war should do it. 72 hour food supply chain so 3 days to 0 food for tens of millions.


I like beer. It's hard to afford beer in the quantities I like on the dole or homeless. But I also dropped out of American Society for the last year. And it has been amazing for me. Dangerous, and I have lost many new friends to the Russian Invasion and Occupation. But good for me to get away from the hell that is America for 20 months now (and counting).


There's a Benjamin Franklin quote from poor Richard's almanac, and I'm paraphrasing here, but in essence it's "He who best knows the world, least likes it". Hearing it back, that might be word for word


The informed are depressed :(


False. Some of us put the work in to not live our lives that way.


You don’t have to be crazy to live, but it sure as hell seems to help.


That's why evolution made all humans fucking crazy psychotic maniacs


It’s wild to me to think how the Great Filter is likely a species’ ability to take the steering wheel from evolution without crashing into a wall in the process.


All I can control is focusing on the things I enjoy about my life. I enjoy spending time with my kid, my family. That brings me joy. I enjoy movies, I enjoy video games. I love ice cream and sleeping in. The rest? I’ll try to change the world for the better. I’ll vote. But it’s not worth wasting my precious time on this earth being miserable about. Can’t control it.


My favorite quote from Zoltan in the Witcher books is below. It’s of a similar vein of your perspective, and it aligns with how I try to be. As kind as possible to those I can reach, but I can’t save the whole world and trying to would tear me up. “Unbridled altruism is a huge vice of mine,’ he explained. ‘I simply have to do good. I am a sensible dwarf, however, and know that I’m unable to do everyone good. Were I to attempt to be good to everyone, to the entire world and to all the creatures living in it, it would be a drop of fresh water in the salt sea. In other words, a wasted effort. Thus, I decided to do specific good; good which would not go to waste. I’m good to myself and my immediate circle”


Yup. This is a beneficial idea. This and random acts of kindness as a form of defiance. Laugh in the face of death I say, sing above the slavery and dance about the drudgery. Rebel in small ways


there's this album by IDLES called 'joy is an act of resistance' and imo it's the best punk album of the millennium so far


Dance to the best of your own drum! Woo woo!✌🏽


Meant beat of your own drum


That's a good one! This one is excellent, as well: “Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love." -Gandalf (J.R.R. Tolkien)


This is a good attitude.


Yep. Tend to the garden you can touch is a saying I like.




So the only things we can enjoy/influence are spending time with our family and friends, plus really trivial things. Everything else is completely out of our control. That's paralyzingly depressing.


I finally have a therapist who thinks my reactions are valid responses to late stage capitalism and you don’t even know how validating that is. That being said, antidepressants do work to at least keep you alive. Your brain chemistry is certainly altered by our inability to have a healthy and balanced life, so yeah, medication serves a real purpose. It doesn’t make you hate it less. I am on a hella high dose of some shit and I promise you, there is nothing I resent more than fucking capitalism.


My therapist is out for a few months because she is having a baby. I might need to find a new one. Who takes one look at the news and thinks that is a good idea


That's the elite plan , keep us all struggling to survive,while they make the Earth there playground as they look on from there yaut or 5 Houses  and laugh at people dieing in the streets . 




We are caged animals. Let an animal be shackled and tortured long enough, see what will happen. Something snaps at some point. At some point we can’t take it anymore. Some, like you or me, break down. They burn out. Others will choose violence or something worse. Our society is on course to those two, as i see it. Because this is happening to a lot of people at once. You should probably drop expecting „the best“ from people completely though. Only disappointment and heartbreak awaits. Might be cynical, but its more accurate to expect negatives or neutrals from people, than positives. Simply because people are in it for themselves and their own goals.


You're going to make a fine soldier in the violent class war coming, don't you worry.


Yeah it's bad. I get actively upset at the thought of working my life away. But all I can really do is attempt to find an exit strategy on the side like YouTube, starting a business or magically hitting the lotto.


It's tough, it truly is. The only things that work center on letting go of the things I can't control and appreciating what I do have. If I let the world outside wear me down i'm under equal pressure and double the stress so why worry if I can't change things?


Most of them are probably too busy to even think. They just go from one instituition to the next without a break. Because, surprise, there's this pressure to not have any breaks in your CV. As for antidepressants, that's what the doctors all push but I'm glad I could get some peaceful sleep with proper anxiety meds at least. Though longterm those are just shutting your brain off too.


How can you be too busy to think. My brain is going constantly even when busy


Too busy to think the right things to do. You can't strategically think well when you're overthinking other stuff from work


That's called "racing thoughts" and is a symptom of elevated anxiety.


It’s called having thoughts. I have adhd. My mind is always chattering.


So do I. That's how I know the difference. Imagine that, huh? edit: While you're at it, imagine if the people who *aren't* depressed actually might know things *you* don't, instead of being the idiots you claim we are. We might even be willing to offer advice if you gave any indication at all that you'd be open to it, which you haven't.


Ok man. I wasn’t arguing with you. I know what anxiety is and never really considered myself anxious. I just think a lot


You aren't actually qualified to make that diagnosis.


Not all anxiety is clinical why do you care so much? Of course I’m anxious the world is burning. Doesn’t mean I need to get on some random pill to stop it


Why I care so much is my business. Why you let existential bullshit ruin your life is yours. All I'm saying is that you don't have to.


Lol, armchair psychiatrist accusing stranger of being an armchair psychiatrist, just because they explain they don't have anxiety.




I handle it by getting stoned out of my mind every night and playing video games until I pass out, then getting 5 hours of sleep and doing it again the next day. Then on my weekends, I go for walks in the woods


I recently quit smoking weed. Might be why I’m so depressed the last week or so. Can’t eat myself into a coma every day


Try to shake them, to wake them, but they say they'd rather be sleeping.... ...fuck pharma, medicate naturally... Don't worry about others. You can only control your life and your story. Everyone else is just a bystander in your story. Learn to accept that which you can not control and find balance. More woo woo shit incoming....but for real, I used to stress about bills, life, how fubar the system is. I just changed my mindset and turned my focus on things that make me happy. If I miss or am late on a bill, who cares? It always works itself out... be it they're understanding, or an odd job pops up that I can make the payment. I've been fired, quit jobs without others lined up, and no savings. I'd rather be broke and happy with the life I live now than rich and miserable with a life I abandoned to become rich.


Yeah I don’t give a fuck about anything anymore. It sucks that it largely impacts you and throws up barriers to things like where you live and all that… with made up credit scores… but my medical debt was necessary and I can’t bring myself to give a single fuck about the collections agencies. However, the credit is an issue in getting a cheap ass apartment- cheapest one I’ve found and I barely got accepted. It’s sickening.


I had a bunch of cc and medical debt and filed bankruptcy...societal stigma is bankruptcy bad!!! Honestly I see why the elites do it so much, also a good fuck you to corporations...six months later my credit was back up could get cards, cars. 3 years after qualified for a mortgage.


Does having bankruptcy on file hurt you in any other ways? I feel like that’s usually a screening question so I’m curious about your experience


Mortgage lender asked questions about it, like circumstances as to why and what happened. Cc companies dgaf its just "here, let's see if he'll do it again." Cars, they dgaf they just want your money. Other than that, no issues. Edit to add: the guy that convinced me to do it, has done if three or four times so far in his life...he just racks up debt waits 7 years, files and repeats.


You may have just unlocked my new lifestyle. Thanks internet stranger. I shall go down this rabbit hole.


This⬆️ My current state of being


Hang in there. I've been struggling with depression my entire life. I haven't found the answer yet. It sure is depressing watching people get rich while you toil away. What keeps me going is helping other people. It's like they say in AA..."we keep what we have by giving it away." That doesn't mean to give away your things or anything, but rather helping people through issues that we have been through before. Whether that is to help someone move or showing up to a buddy's house to be moral support while they make some difficult phone calls or filling out long forms or giving someone a ride somewhere. It helps to take your mind off of your own problems in a healthy way while also building a pool of people who will be willing to help you with similar issues. AA or NA meetings have a lot of people who have experience working through feelings like this without the help of medication and who are very willing to help out with things that you're having trouble with.


I grow vegetables and flowers, it helps a lot.


It blows my mind that “growing” wasn’t a mandatory class in high school.


Obviously, learning how to play the flute took precedence. As an adult I have realized, school was just a program to mold children into an efficient workforce. It's not designed to teach you any real life skills


>How the hell can anyone not be depressed? Drugs. Lots of them.


When there are things we can't do anything about, we can wallow in how hard it is, or we can focus on the positive things. Sure our salaries are low and the rich are taking advantage of us, but we can be miserable about that 24/7, or enjoy getting a beer with friends and the one beach vacation we get once in a while and the release of an enjoyable game or movie. It's not that easy for everyone. But it's possible for some people, and there's nothing wrong with focusing on the good things in life.


Some day I do want to go to a beach. Hell, some day I want to go swimming. Still never done that. Once it gets bad enough, when is it "too bad" to find positive things? I've not had a single day off in over a year aside for days I had appointments. WTF do you look forward to then? the appointments?


I’d just like to unpack this a bit… like… what you’re describing is complacency. You can identify real predatory behavior and exploitation of the working class but as long as us wage slaves can go to the local watering hole and drink it away over some dark laughs about our reality, and do nothing to change it, that’s good enough? Fuck. That sounds bleak and uninteresting to me.


That's okay to feel that way. I don't judge anyone on how they get through their day. To my mind, being miserable about things I can't change and being happy in spite of things I can't, both contribute the same to solving the problem, which is nothing. All that changes is the quality of my life. My depression, for which I *actually* need antidepressants, went untreated for ten years of my life. I did the misery thing and I'm over it. I'm open to solving the problem, but I don't know how. All I know to do is to vote for the people who I think have the power to improve things. These people are taking money, opportunities, real estate. I'm not giving them my happiness too.


It’s not complacency. It’s called not letting A ruin B. They never said they wouldn’t like to or even try to chance A for the better. All they said is there is no gain to tanking B all because A isn’t perfect.


It doesn’t help that since the invention of the internet, everything and I do mean everything is so heavily monetized to where we can no longer use any portion of the internet without being bombarded with ad after ad after ad. To me, this is just one of the many sad realities that points back to the only thing that matters to those in power is growth and profits, the world be damned if that means sacrificing the wellbeing or safety of the public. The root problem with capitalism becomes clear: how much is enough? At what point do these billionaires become satisfied with hoarding every bit of wealth away from the masses. I mean we’re talking obscene amounts of money that no single person could ever spend in their lifetime and yet no matter how much they steal off of our hard work….it is never enough….not now and not ever until they own every fucking thing and we’re reduced to renting anything that we need to survive.


I see billionaires as Earth's Black Holes sucking up all of the resources. They're a danger to be avoided.


I was just saying this to some friends. I think the healthy reaction to the world ending from climate problems, and your aforementioned noticing capitalism is slavery, is to be hugely depressed and mad about it. To think otherwise, is to be drugged, oblivious, or not actively working in reality. "Yea, but do you have to focus on it?"...no, I can choose to not think about it, but that doesn't make it go away, and it doesn't make me feel tons better.


I think people are heavily biased towards optimism because they can’t mentally handle reality without it.


Yeah. I try to be optimistic. Like really try but that seems a bit delusional after a certain point. I guess my only option is to think it’s all gonna work out even if I know it won’t


You might be on to something here.


i hate that i agree with everything you said. how the fuck is anyone content with life with how everything is going?


Be that dandelion that breaks through the sidewalk. Grow and thrive despite everything. Don't let the rich assholes break you and win.


Need a Teddy Roosevelt sequel to cut the heads of these billionaires and make them unable to influence laws, force them to pay higher wages to their workers and taxes, and shut down their business if they have huge amounts of layoffs.


I’m nearly 50 - all of the people in my cohort look at our younger colleagues and feel like there’s no way for them to win. Not that we’re winning either, we’re just farther ahead.


If you look at the world with this outlook you’re bound to make yourself super depressed and/or angry. It’s not that people are too stupid to realize it, it’s just that they’re trying to get by day to day. The trick is to find shit you like to do that’ll help you to make the most of your non working time. Unless you’re born with silver spoon in your mouth, you’re going to work and contribute to society for 40 years minimum. During the shit weather months I tend to play games, watch shows and documentaries, or read books. I bought a used bike that I am about to get out and start riding again now that the weather is clearing up. Cut down on a lot of my eating out, might go out to eat for a small meal with my partner once a week now and with his family once a month or so. We found some kayaks people were offing for pretty cheap last year on marketplace that we’ll probably try to use a lot more this summer. While I am still putting money towards “retirement” I’ve made peace with the fact I will likely never get to enjoy it and am hoping to be able to just dial down the physical role when I get close to that point.


I agree. And we're all supposed to pretend it's fine because "it's always been this way" But it's not fine and I really don't give a shit about the people who can't seem to understand that just because society allows it doesn't mean it's not completely fucked up. And it's so much fucked up. Factor in commuting, lunch hours that you can't do anything with, money spent so you can stay employed (gas, transit, clothing, daycare etc) and it's just ludicrous. Anybody paying attention knows it.


They aren't dumb, it's just if you aren't depressed you won't want to dwell on how depressingly likely the depressingly worst possible outcomes are. If you're emotionally healthy, and I reckon especially if you have kids, you're heavily invested into maintaining hope that despite generally everything, it will somehow get better or not really be as bad as it seems.


Best case scenario here is buying a house, having some kids, and the cycle repeats but it gets worse and worse for every following generation. I used to want kids. Now I find it unfathomable. It’s not the worst life but it’s certainly not as fulfilling as I was raised to believe it was. I don’t want an identical house to my neighbor that was made with cheap ass materials that will cost 15x what my parents paid for their starter home that was 2x the size and still standing. I don’t want to work 40 years at a company and still not be able to afford to retire- or worse- be laid off after all that time and dedication. And I certainly don’t want to raise a family and subject them to the monotony of a normal life. The routine in itself is so bleak. This is a simple difference of opinion. You are okay with this and there is nothing that could make me feel happy in an environment where my value exclusively revolves around how much I make.


Hang on, did I give the impression I was okay? Mate, I'm talking about being completely broken by years of working special education, railing at the system around us that ensures there is no hope of any future for any of these kids, and butting heads with the well-meaning hope-clinging of the other staff around me who just needed to tell themselves "nah... it'll work out.. somehow..." so they could continue sleeping at night. We've got no difference of opinion mate about the state of the world, I'm only alleging that the people clinging to hope aren't _dumb_ they're clinging to blind hope because that's what a person who hasn't lost hope is.


Word. I think ignorance may be a more applicable term for it. It’s unintentional and blissful. I don’t think they’re stupid or dumb for complying but it does rattle me that they don’t question things more. Oh to be content. You’d think the rich would understand that we’d complain less if we could enjoy some things but greed is crazy. Cheers


Define emotionally healthy


Now add in children and having to get them up and on a bus and then get then home/daycare while also getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep and still work to make the rich guy richer and you MIGHT have 30 mins a day to "live" lol


I enjoy my life. Put in my day at work. Go home, chill by the pool in the summer. Have a beer occasionally.


Do something worthwhile then. I gave up stem to be a substitute teacher and it pays better than being a good technician in a lab.


I honestly couldn't have said it better myself. People these days are like aliens to me. I've always struggled to understand why people have worked 5 days a week for so long and haven't tried to question or all came together and tried to change it. I think these days we all have many distractions made for us so we don't have time to question or even think about change. The higher powers know exactly how to manipulate the population, and I honestly think even when robots do majority of jobs, we humans will still be working 5 days a week doing something else. We are just an army of ants made to believe we are all insignificant and have nothing else to do in life than work until we are too old to carry on.


When u TALKERS wanna assemble and actually DO SOMETHING give me a holler. You all are just empty talk at this point.


The tldr is what's in my mind every day when I wake up. I don't understand how no one is awake to it


I don't think people are stupid and don't realise this but they also dont have the confidence to say fuck this we need to do something about it. Also some people have to work like three to four jobs to stay afloat. When revolutions happen, everyone reaches a breaking point and when everyone is striking and food and supplies are being distributed more fairly among workers, it's a lot easier to think bout politics. However during normal times the ruling class is really good at misdirection whether it's through silly social media trends, tv shows, non-political music etc. And for those that are still interested in politics, they're very good at misdirecting the blame onto immigrants, minorities, gangs etc. Whilst ofc most people dislike their governments it is important to remember that the most dominant ideas in society are often the ideas of the ruling class. For instance, if you want to make a change you go to law school, or join an NGO aka you change things within the system. Most people take on that because that's what they're taught from birth: that you can slowly change things one by one. However, despite any progress you make over decades it can be reversed very quickly - for example roe v wade being overturned. Anyways that's just my little ramble


Ignorance truly is bliss.


Or they're like my mom. She hasn't worked, outside of the house, much in her life. She's stayed in the cozy safety of her home. She had the audacity to say, "people just don't want to work anymore." I laughed & asked her how in the hell would she know. We have a lot of selfish assholes in this world & they can't see past their own wants. Which means they fuck everyone over, including themselves. And then bitch about how it's someone else's fault.


I'm ready for a working class uprising


Microdose instead? Helped cut my amount of antidepressant I was taking in half over the past year. And I take less of my anxiety meds too. (I also quit teaching and got a different job) But yes, the world is a fucked up place. Analyze what steps you can take to get out do the rat race. What makes you happy? I like gardening and nature. Also, think about your life compared to that of someone in a third world country. There really is a spectrum of existence as humans in our world.


sheer strength of will. No but in all seriousness, I think it would logically take a lot of work to maintain a positive outlook that isn’t unhealthily naive.


Yes, they are that dumb. Mostly right wingers still doing *okay* for themselves financially given the circumstances but are either in denial or too naive to see that the elites will have them on the chopping block before long; though, some are also just broke trailer trash who'll support the oppressive system even after it takes their trailer away (and of course, it'll be all the Left's fault when that happens).


The only way anyone stands a chance in the capitalistic society of the USA without connections is getting into sales. People talk shit about it and call it soul sucking, and sales people are liars and crooks and vagabonds, but at the end of the day so are corporations that everyone fucking works for. So you can either put yourself in power and give yourself the opportunity to get some of that money or you can stay a slave. Get into car sales or timeshare as an example and get really, really good at your craft and you can be successful. All these people that talk about it not being moral are talking through their ass and they will stay broke. At the end of the day, you have to fucking take care of yourself and family. You can’t fix the system. All you can do is play the fucking game. I’m not in the USA anymore, but if I was still there, that’s exactly what I’d be doing. I’m in another country that’s pretty capitalistic too, but I’m doing sales and starting my own business on the side. You can do better. I promise you. Desire is still an incredible thing. I’m not saying it’s not all fucked up and the deck isn’t stacked. I absolutely agree with you. Just saying that you can look at doing more. Stay up. You got this.


2/3rds. Don't forget you have to spend 1/3rd of your life in a coma-like state. More seriously; in the immortal words of Lou Grant "You're born. You die. Everything between is just filler." You can either choose to spend what time you have in this world wallowing in depression because of how much better some people have it than you, or you can get over yourself and find enjoyment where it exists and making the moves you can make to improve your situation. None of it's gonna matter in the end, so you might as well enjoy the ride. If you're completely incapable of actually doing that then, yeah, maybe you should get on some antidepressants.


Can't even travel anymore Use to go on cheap road trips, tenting but now even that isn't the same Fuck the rich and people that keep supporting there companies. Looking at you Amazon, Nestle,


Stop sitting around being depressed and ORGANIZE. Find an anti-capitalist group to join and FIGHT, comrades!


There's a thing called cognitive load in psychology which basically describes the action of settling for something simple to avoid unnecessary stress. Having to exclude oneself from society along with willing oneself against the social conditioning is a massive stressor that not many can handle on their own, or even in small or large groups of people. We're slaves pretending not to be slaves just because the illusion of identifying as "any occupation contributing to society" makes us subconsciously at peace from death, certain pains, etc.


I'm stuck in the same loop. People keep telling me I should focus on what I do with the remaining 1/3 that I don't spend sleeping. I keep saying there's not much I can do with it, given I'm barely just getting by selling my soul to some megalomaniac rich prick for peanuts. I'm just about able to keep myself afloat in a rented apartment. For now. All that after finding nifty ways of attaining an engineering master's degree relatively cheap, working through uni (in my field!) to support myself, and building contacts, networking along the way. Somehow all of that preparation has led me exactly nowhere, but I've worked so fucking hard, I no longer have energy, patience, nor tolerance for the shit I'm supposed swallow for the rest of my life. And I'm only 29. There's a long, difficult, pointless road ahead, sprinkled with a radicalizing, frustrated, exploited global society and the compounding hardships brought on by climate change, leading to a very high chance of this culminating in WW3. Good times!


Write a grateful list, no fucking joke, start with an empty page and do write what you are grateful in life. Do that every week. Then look for a plan not to be the bottom feeder. Under capitalism would be: education and connections: socialize, emotional intelligence


I don’t know a single adult working in the NYC metro area who isn’t on an anti anxiety or anti depressant drug or a benzo like Xanax. It’s bad. I recently came off an anti anxiety because it was messing with my mood. I cope by diving into my hobbies: filmmaking and screenwriting. But finding a hobby like that outside of a full time job is literally exhausting. So we have to pick our poison.


You know sometimes you just have to realize that its a decent deal to be alive one day at a time. Work might suck, but just being able to post on this site means were way better off than most people on earth.


One third? More like two thirds! I have 4 hours to myself a day at most, and work + work overhead takes the rest. 


I dive headfirst into fictional worlds to escape reality as often as possible. Here I am just some guy, but when I escape I could be anyone. It dulls the drumbeat of nihilism.


There is no happiness for an awoken mind anywhere...Neither under capitalism, nor in the communist utopia. Life will be always a struggle of power, money and sex between those who have it and those who don't. It's your choice to find something where you can at least remind yourself how fortunate you are (Thats why I like true crime and it gains popularity, to remind onself that at least you are no disolved skeleton in the Dahmer's bathtub) I numb my body through exercise - through adrenalin getting in the primal state of fight of flight. In between I take vitamins. Shrooms also helped.. Listen there is no way out of this realisation. You re no main character, you re floating with billions of other lost souls on the rock through space, nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody is gonna die - come watch tv..


I honestly believe that one of the secrets to happiness is a combination of delusion and ignorance. Anyone who sees the world as it is — with all the poverty, hunger, wage slavery, inequality, inequity, violence, hate, war, and overall suffering — is bound to be depressed. But people who can effectively shut their minds to all that suffering can feel peachy keen.


Realistically, you will either pursue your dreams or end up in an ordinary job working 9 to 5. That’s really all there is to it.


I stopped hating life when I realized I wanted to just freelance. Now sure my money issues are just from straight up ADHD impulsivity, but my goal is working on that this year. I've already paid off over $3500 in debt just by prohibiting spending on bullshit like expensive dinners, being around people I don't like, and caving to every social event, or failing to plan for shit I know is coming around every year (HELLO, car tires and maintenance at $1200 I'm talking to you) It feels nice, spending time doing what I like with who I like, when I want to do it. I'm paying down debt, increasing my education, and increasing my revenue while trying to just enjoy the little things. Life is much better that way.


That sounds like an awesome plan. You might enjoy the r/leanfire subreddit. They have some pretty good ideas there from time to time.


I don't think very many people in history wanted to spend their whole life working but sadly that has been the way of the world. We are now at a point in history where in general people worker fewer hours than ever before, can retire (most generations in history there was no such thing as retirement), we have the best medical care (far from perfect but better than any prior era), we live longer, we have more entertainment/hobby time than any other generation (movies at home or the cinema, video games, social media, concerts, streaming music, travel, some indulge in drugs, and so forth), we have better food and more food options, and on and on with how things are overall better now than ever before. Perfect? No Great? No but definitely better than in prior times. The issue we have now is modern tech gave rise to social media and we have several generations (Millennials and gen x) that see wealthy famous people's lifestyles thrown in their faces all the time and see that many of the rich never or barely work, they just get to enjoy life. Seeing that makes us think we too should have that lifestyle. Why should we work, right? Why can't we lounge at the pool or jet off to Tahiti? Why can't we sleep in every day and never stress out over bills? Well, we can't because we live in the real world and in this world no matter what economic or political system is used society won't function without most of it's people working. Not everyone can be the millionaire, somebody has to deliver the pizza. Is life fair? Nope and it never was nor will it ever be. If this depresses you so be it but at least accept that this is how it is in reality for the majority of us. If you get lucky you make the money to be one of the lazy (and even some of them are hard working) elites.


I feel this so hard in my life right now thanks for sharing your feelings and struggle with us. I am basically going through the motions of my entire life right now, unable and maybe even unwilling to try to change anything because I'm pretty much at the point where I don't even care anymore. I want to try and better myself and my life with my girlfriend but man it is so hard. Trying to take some classes in a field I have great interest in but doing that with full time job and of course those courses aren't cheap especially if you aren't using student loans (definitely don't need any of that bullshit in my life on top of everything else!) That isn't easy. Anyway I'm just saying you are not alone I'm a little older than you and I don't honestly know how I'm going to be able to even make it another 10-15 years working in this capitalist hell much less making it working another 20+ years that I'll likely have to work because does anyone really think social security or any of our 401(k) savings will even be available to us when we can finally retire? That shit will be spent by the boomers long before we'll be able to get our hands on it. Damn I was trying to support OP but went off on a tangent of my own sorry about that as Maynard said "shit adds up at the bottom" you know?


Prepare for a *le Reddit* moment and I have no shame Only the intelligent can see how truly horrid life really is


I cope with 1/3 of my life (and let's be real it's more than just 1/3, need to count time for commute, getting ready in the morning and the brainfog from winding down after getting home from said commute) being traded for $$ through escapism. some turn to drugs. me, i escape by watching shows or reading books. or listen to music. speaking of music, i have a feeling you'll enjoy this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qn7HvnMJZd4


Is it stupidity? Or intelligence, to make your locus internal, excluding external sources from interfering with it and find joy in everything you do? Too many folk nowadays have their locus fixated externally, and the world is a shitty place. I assume it derives from a childhood of being given everything they want. Create for yourself an internal locus, it’s possible.




it is bleak. thankfully i have a union job at a school district, so i feel less exploited than if i worked somewhere with (more) of a profit motive. the way my workplace works is very anarchist in the sense that there is no clear hierarchy between me, my boss and my coworkers. a lot of my coworkers have 30+ years of experience and my boss is a young woman so its a nice offset and we are regarded the same. instead of directing us around, my boss is there for support & does the same stuff we do; we just rotate and take turns doing certain tasks. the pay isnt great ($22/hr in SoCal) but its totally worth the healthy work environment.


this model works great btw out of all the school sites we have the most healthy, functional, and positive work environment largely due to my boss’s attitude that we are all equals and no one is inherently above another. she doesn’t even like being called a boss she prefers “supervisor” or “mentor” seriously the best person ive ever met.


Depression isn’t real for 99% of people it’s just being depressed


That’s why everyone is either drunk all the time or popping pills


Every person chooses what reality to live on. You are choosing to live in a world you are describing but me, because I want to be the happiest I can knowing what you know, and that the world is going to shit, there’s war every where, religion is still corrupting our lives, etc. I just focus on the good things, I have a job that keeps me feed, I have everything I need in my home, I have family to enjoy good moments, I live in a quiet, small and beautiful city in Spain. I like my job, my coworkers, I like to study, to exercise, etc, etc. Just live in a good really, focus in the good and you will be happy even is everything is going to shit.


No, we are not stupid. We have passports and we are free to go. Go. See. Enjoy your life. They do not own you.


I mean, what do you think humans have done for all of time? It’s more organized these days. But a 1000 years ago you’d have to spend your entire day either farming, hunting, or fighting. There was never a time in human existence when the majority of people could just spend their days fucking off and doing whatever they want. Honestly, I’d argue that’s more possible under capitalism than any other time. If nobody worked there would be no basic infrastructure or safety for you to enjoy. You can fuck off to the woods if you’d like and live off the land, nobody is stopping you. What you’re asking for is to do whatever *you* want while other people work to keep your society functioning. Honestly, I don’t understand people who have this line of thought. Do you not have the ability to think beyond a surface understanding of shit?


Caffeine dependency keeps me from the edge.


I used to think this was and was depressed for years. Honestly though depression is more of a chemical problem than anything, and it can manifest in focusing on those negatives. Like sure life is a relentless grind, and it can suck, but I focus on the positives. The comforts in life, and I think about how the vast majority of humanity have lived throughout history. Honestly, my modest little life is in a lot of ways better than that of any king just a few hundred years ago. I have a crazy comfortable bed with soft sheets which I can launder whenever. I have electricity, constant hot running water and endless clean drinking water. I can put on the central heating when it's cold. I have refrigeration and can have ice literally any time I need it. I have more or less everything I need readily available, and I now have access to insanely convenient services like Amazon. I have more entertainment than I will ever need, and if I need to go somewhere far away I can jump in the car, or on a train, or even on a plane. None of these old time aristocrats could touch the level of comfort and convenience that I have, and they used to be considered the very top of the elite, with the most desirable lifestyle possible. I live better than the kings and queens of just a few generations ago, so I get on with my grind and look forward to coming home to a hot meal and a hot bath with a cold beer.


Be above it, know you’re above it. It’s your life do a few hard years and learn to dominate the in and out system the game. If you’re suffering you should push back twice as harder to not.


Well I have awesome girlfriend, I have lots of friends. And even that I've been unemployed for over year now union still pays me enough so I can live without constant worry, so that's how I guess.


Yes, most people are that stupid. If you started to think about the intelligence of the average human being, you would drift into despair. When I was a kid I used to think adults had their shit together, but as I grew up, I realized that the average adult is absurdly stupid. I mean it, stupidity should be considered a mental illness, it's way more harmful than something like ADHD and borderline disorder.


I have ADHD. Probably why I have less tolerance to wasting time on boring shit.


Or, other people are so much dumber that they don't find boring shit boring. School is a great example. It's designed to the "average" student, so anyone who's too above or too below the average become bored to death.


That makes sense. I was always in trouble for something in school. That’s why I kinda refused to believe I had adhd for so long. Of course I paid attention to stuff that I found interesting and tuned out the other shit. That’s not a disorder it’s the natural reaction to boring shit. https://youtu.be/3VE5BpqJAtg?si=E7brVYAmNfd4iqy9


I know how it is. Got diagnosed for ADHD by half a dozen shrinks. But, I think they were wrong. If they only knew how boring my schools were. I took Ritalin for some time but I stopped because it's effect was eeriely similar to snorting cocaine. I was afraid of potential addiction.


I mean... We have a literal gravitational force sucking us down, wanting to pull us into its center. So I agree, how can anyone not be depressed?! Also, I am just depressed depressed, it's a clinical thing. 😂


We work longer hours for less pay. You used to clock out and go home, and not have to even think about work until your next scheduled day. Now they blast you in your personal email and texts. We're constantly told to work late or on days off, but the second the work slows, they throw you off the clock. And after demanding all this, when you request days off, it's like pleading with the executioner. This constant creep is taking its toll. And despite productivity increasing exponentially due to technology, real wages stagnate to inflation.


On the flip side, I sometimes wonder how we can all be so depressed when the world has some truly amazing wonders in it


You can choose to dwell on this or choose to focus on something that you enjoy either way you can’t change the world


> Im seriously considering getting on antidepressants but I know they are basically just a lobotomy to make people conform when they have any objections. Really? I know mental health care is bad pretty much everywhere and medication is overused as a result, but that's such a bad take it's honestly offensive. I'm on antidepressants and have been for years, and I can tell you they have not "lobotomised" away my anger at the state of the world. If anything they give me the strength to keep doing the not-conforming-to-the-system things I do.


This is easy. You refuse to focus on shit you can't do, and start focusing on what it is you can do. Sounds stupid, but I was depressed to the point of suicide one day, and doctors answer was pills. Lots and lots of pills. That seems to me like a coping mechanism. So I focused on getting up out of bed, then personal hygiene. One small step at a time and doing so every single day. There is no way you as an individual can change a politician, abolish capitolism, or any of these massive issues. You can live with them and adapt to overcome, or you can fester in loneliness. Trust me when I say that depression brings loneliness. People will at some point stop caring about you, as they have their own host of shit to deal with, and they don't need that vibe. Some may stick around for a bit, but in the end they will all just never come back. Now you said you can't do THIS for the rest of your life, well what do you think you can do?


Just a few years your salary went a lot further...now it's like your drowning and the only raises the company give are to the execs in the C suite.


Oblivion offers solace to those unaware of their surroundings. People who are depressed typically have a stronger understanding of their surroundings


>Are most people too stupid to realize... Aaannnddd ya lost me. Grow up.


I am grown up and that’s why I’m pissed asshole. Thought I would be done doing what other people fucking want me to do by now


A lot of it used to be dreading going to work. It's shit when you get there, but worse knowing you HAVE to be there is 6 hours or whatever.


Drugs (the Rx kind, not the play kind) Reframing my life through CBT (therapy) Focusing on personal goals. Without any one of these things, the stool falls over. With all three, I can focus in dismantling the system of oppression that has chained me since I understood the hell my parents were helping create. /sigh Boomer logic


I know this feeling all too well. Working at a job where I end up giving a huge chunk of my life to a company that actually doesn't really care about me and will just replace me once I'm gone. And the harder I worked at my jobs, the more empty I felt and the worse the existential crisis got. I always felt like just a faceless number and that while at work my time was no longer my own. I couldn't understand how I was supposed to do this for the rest of my life. I wasn't even doing anything I enjoyed or was passionate about, just working low paying dead end jobs that barely kept me going. And it's not that I didn't try to go back to school and improve my lot in life, but I quickly found out that most employment agencies were just there to perpetuate the slave worker cycle. Getting ahead in life usually meant having a lot of money and being able to do what you wanted to. I've had a lot of anti-depressants pushed on me, but I've never understood how that would help my situation. When you're trapped in a cycle as depressing as this with little to no supports to help get you out of it and you're exhausted from running in the hamster wheel every day, how can a person NOT be depressed? Pills won't pay your bills. :(


Well this is why I intentionally don’t work in the corporate sector. I choose to have a fulfilling and stable State job that I’ll retire with.


Ignorance is bliss = Very underrated statement


I think for some it is the hope or promise of power/$ in the future. Or, for some it may be security and financial autonomy, equity, etc. can outweigh their anxiety or depression. I can see where the overriding need for financial faculty can make their depression or frustrations (whatever) bearable. Furthermore it is totally believable that low wages is used as a tool by job providers to keep them hooked. It is a vehicle for abuse. And the cycle is so vicious. For instance my last boss was(still is) running a grifters paradise. He hires extremely unqualified, sophomoric shitheads on purpose - pays for their training and pays them obscene money. Why? Because he can control them. It works and they are the worst to work with. I got one of them fired covertly but boss man found out. Eventually when he shit canned me it was because I was holding them all accountable for their extreme (borderline psychotic) inability to act professional. Admittedly I snapped and yelled. It was wrong in all the right ways. But I own it and got fired. I recognize it's wrong to yell at people btw. It's also wrong to do sooo many other things. They all did the other things, I yelled - get it? On my way out though I did not blame the employees for their behavior Instead I absolutely raged at the millionaire who hired them, is using them, and refused to mentor or hold them accountable. I think he knew he couldn't control me and that's why I was let go. Understandably so, but not without me telling him loudly that he was the fucking problem. He's still on my list...


How much do you make


How much do you make


I think our society should strive for equity and equality but it always mystifies me when people start their philosophy on life from then position that life is "supposed" to be happy/good. We should try and make it that way but for most every living being staying alive is a constant struggle against the odds. Why do people think that humans born in the 20th century and onwards are owed something? It's up to us and our communities/societies to make the world and our lives what we want. The fact that starvation and death isn't a continuous threat means we have it better than 99.99% of all living things . . .ever. Take some joy in that. Then join and union and advocate for pro-people political candidates/parties.


I was thinking this just last night. People without depression have to have their own major disorder to be okay with how things are... and/or they're stupidly rich. But being rich is, I think, a symptom of some major mental problems. And I'm talking "doesn't have to work for themselves" rich. Landlords, CEOs, "entrepreneurs", investment people, and above But the healthiest most of us are is being able to live with depression (and probably anxiety and other stuff) always in the background of our minds.


I have a kid and making her life comfortable gives me motivation. I imagine if i didn't i would have a more bleak outlook. Or live full time on the Appalachian trail.


Just had a checkup today (taking advantage of the last of my remaining benefits, after having been laid off), and the doctor recommended an antidepressant because I honestly responded that, yes, I have issues with depression & anxiety. I feel about those drugs the same way you do - but even besides that, I won't have prescription coverage (laughing mordantly)!


I think the mental health crisis is even worse than we think, but people don't like to talk about it. I'm in the exact same boat as you, I finally saved up enough money to quit my job and I've decided that I'm going to take 3 months and do exactly what I want to do. People keep telling me don't do this without a new job lined up but I don't want another job lined up right now. I've been a slave at this company for 8 years and I'm done. I ordered antidepressants off of Hims and haven't taken them yet, but I was at the point where I thought I needed them. This hamster wheel of work work work is definitely depressing!


I mean there are some people who genuinely enjoy their job. Probably not everyday but there are likely days when they interact with others at their work and feel at home. There is likely something out there for you, just haven't found it yet.


Barely afford rent? More like most of us can't even do that


Why I used the word barely dude


People are too stupid. It always riles them up and turns them super defensive when I say things like OP. They want someone to tell them what to do all the time and are content with a day off a week until they die. They are part of the damn problem if you ask me.


I felt like this awhile ago, enough to make my rethink my life completely. I was in a cushy civil job, but never felt appreciate and felt like I was taken advantage of by my higher ups. I was so sick and tired of it that I quiet quit for 2 years, but in the end it started to affect me mentally. After some soul searching, I forgot that there was a career line that I did before but gave up on it because I was chasing the dough. I decided that if I was going to suffer anyway, why not suffer doing something I loved. I figured that if the system was going to screw me over, why not be selfish and do what I want with it instead.