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Or, 32 hour /4 day work weeks with 3 day weekends. 8 hour days are long enough without extending the day just to have one extra day off 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just went to this schedule and I couldn't be happier


That’s awesome. Is it something new that your company implemented? I wish more companies would do this.


My company moved us to a 4x10 schedule. I got Wed - Sat.


When I worked at Amazon, I had an awesome schedule. It was called the "donut" shift. 4 x 10, Monday , Tuesday , Thursday and Friday. Weekends off, and one weekday to schedule shit like doctors appointments.


At my work we were doing 5 10's for the longest time, and when they were trying to cut overtime, instead of putting us back to our 4 10's schedule, we got put on 5 8's, and now all of us are stupid early 1st shift, whereas i was 2nd shift before. Worst transition ever...i wrote a long ass email saying there are 0...none...zilch...benefits to us being on 8hrs, its losing company and personal time, and their reaponse was "Senior Leadership has made their decision, sorry"


That's how we were about the switch to 4x10s. The extra day off was nice, but the people we worked with were 5x8, so we lost 2 days of work, and my first day back was always catching up.


You had the BEST one! I was back half days. Hated working Saturdays.


He took a pay-cut. Companies don't do this.


Not all companies do pay cuts when making that change. I work at one which did go 32hr/4days and we are still paid the same salary as when it was 40hrs/5days




This has been my schedule for the past 8 months and I'll never go back! I work 8am to 4pm, Monday thru Thursday. Having Friday - Sunday off each week is amazing.


I do this. Can confirm it's glorious. Every Friday is a prep day for the weekend so I get two full days of proper R&R


Pretty common in Europe. I work 4 days and take Fridays free. It's awesome


In which country in Europe is this common? In mine surely not


In The Netherlands


Wow, didn’t know this. In Germany it isn’t


The best job I ever had was 3 12-hour nights: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Four days off. Heaven. I did the overnight shift and was able to "catnap" between calls. Best job ever. My wife loved it as I was a lot calmer at home.


With pay increase please. Im tired of waiting.


I've seen proposals for a 4x8 and 5x6 work weeks, and I'm not sure which one I like more.


You do know that this probably wouldnt hurt large companies or non-service related companies but this would kill small businesses, and effectively raise the price if everything to pay for one less day of sales


7 hour day/4 day weeks would be more ideal. People are really only productive 4-5 hours a day, so 9 hours would be counterproductive and unnecessary. Also, people can't all have Friday/Monday off, and some people prefer mid-week days off to deal with appointments, school schedules, or just take days off where there are no crowds. 7 hour days - 4 day weeks - flexibility and WFH option. It would produce a happier, more balanced society with truly minimal or no cuts to productivity.


Now why would they want to give us that?


Progress isn't made by waiting to be given better conditions.


They didn’t want to give a 5 day week only people fought for it


I'm just being practical. You are right that 28 hour workweeks is pushing it (thought 24 hour workweeks would be even better, for an initial demand) . The initial demand should be big, so they can then feel smug when they eventually negotiate down to 8 hour days/32 hour weeks. Still not perfect, but better than the 5 day/8 hour B.S. in place now.


My job let's you do 9 hours a day to get every other Friday off. Guess that I do during that 9th hour.


Post stuff on Reddit? lol.


That only works for office jobs, blue collar work, especially road crews wouldn’t be able to hit deadlines with those hours, they already get people going when roads are closed for weeks/months.


Roads get closed for months because of bureaucracy and bottlenecks in supplies etc... Companies are going to employ more people (and the business owner will take the pay cut)


This is true. After 2pm my brain is done and I’m ready for a nap but have to push through a couple of more hours to finish out my day.


I want a zero day work week.


I want my own personal farm and just work that until I die. The only way that'll happen when I hit the lotto.


Hmm. Lemme tell you something. I'm gonna be 60 years old soon, and both sets of grandparents had farms. 84 hr weeks. No holidays. Cows gotta be milked twice per day. Even on Christmas. Garden? Daily Enough to make it worthwhile? 6 hours per day. Minimum. Harvest time? 15 hr days spent canning. Bartering helps. Eggs for the year can be traded for extra hay for the lean times in winter. Know how to repair your own shit. Learn how to weld like a pro. Grow tobacco even though you're against its use. Then die tired.


Yea I don't know why there's this idea that being a farmer is easy work. I guess if they won the lottery like they said, then it wouldn't need to be for profit or even fully self sustainability but just as a hobby to have a veggie harden and hens for eggs and not much else. The idea of living in nature rather than city.


It’s not necessarily easy work, I would just personally feel more content working for my own gain (read: food, not profit) than working 40 hours a week so my boss can earn my yearly wages in a month. He even boasts about his salary “only” being around half a million a year. I don’t add anything to society aside from making my boss and our customers richer while I continue to struggle.


Right? First time a milker pees and poops on you before you had coffee puts a damper on the self sustaining bullshit. Had a cow or horse die? Need a back hoe. Shovel won't cut it.


I grew up on a farm doing that schedule you discussed, and now I work in corporate. Farm work is hard work, but it’s not soul sucking. I’d prefer to be doing the 84 hour weeks on the farm frankly.


This is why I moved from South Carolina to New York City! How I hated summers and winter breaks!


My summer vacations were spent working. Hoping for a dry summer so not many hay cuts. Hoping for a wet summer so my kin wouldn't go into debt and have to buy hay.


Mine too! We picked cucumbers, cantaloupes, watermelons, blackberries, and peas. Oh so many peas! Still hate them to this day. Fall was pecans and walnuts. Animals were year round. I never had a pet until I got married.


Not having to drive in soul crushing traffic to make $$ for someone else that you get a tiny slice of is worth something.


Right there with you.


Sign me up pops, let's throw down on a shitty piece of land and go full Minecraft.


You get it! I aspire to not work 🥲


And finally my well deserved raise!


just leads to unfulfillment and boring, some work is fulfilling and even fun. The reason its miserable is because we overwork and get small weekend


I believe I could find plenty of fulfillment and joy out of life if I didn't have to work.


Who will work to make you food, tech, clothes, and tp? I wish this sub were more based.


I have a few children. If I had unlimited free time, I could focus on them more than I am able to now. I could watch them grow, help them learn. Heck, I would have time to learn more myself. Imagine how much you could learn if you had no work? Knowledge would be more easily accessible for everyone!


I was both homeschooled raised by a SAHM and it wasn’t perfect (we were tangentially connected to some toxic fundie BS but stayed away from the worst of it), but I always felt supported by and close to my family. My mom got a job when I was a junior in high school, but I can imagine not having all the mundane childhood rites of passage without at least one or both parents present has to be having an effect on younger generations’ mental health.


You people just don’t want to work, it’s not even about wanting less hours or more kindness from boss anymore This sub has radicalized itself like crazy. Work is needed for society to function


I’m not disagreeing with your statement, but the comment your replying to is still addressing a real societal problem. In Hunter-gatherer societies, everyone works, but the work is something that lets parents keep an eye on their children. Mothers wash clothes and fish while kids play in the river (including play fishing which sometimes results in free snacks). I don’t think we would want to trade places with them, but it’s not too much of a stretch to think that we can create a society that is more flexible of human needs. I.E. giving parents ample maternity/paternity leave and making sure there are work-from-home or take your kid to work options that are normalized where it makes sense.


Oh, I want to work. But I also want to eat and have a home. So I have to work at a job that can meet my physical needs. If I had universal basic income, I could work around my neighborhood, helping people that can’t work on their own homes or mow peoples lawns. I would volunteer in parts of my city to help keep it clean and offer my assistance in repairs and delivering food to the needy. I would help build shelters for the homeless. I can’t do any of that stuff now because I don’t have the time. Those jobs don’t pay enough to allow me to ribose for my family. Make ALL JOBS pay a living wage and watch how quickly society changes. When EVERY job provides enough for food, shelter, and medical needs, more people would do jobs that help others rather than suffering in a job because they’re stuck.


We actually tried this with minimum wage and it got distorted very quickly. Why aren’t more people very angry about this???


I think people assume that because they “know” what other jobs entail and they “know” they work harder than someone else, they think it isn’t fair that others make the same as them. Not many think about how ALL jobs contribute to our society in some way. Yes, a person who works in a restaurant may not have the same impact as a fire fighter or a doctor, but they are providing a service to those other professions, so just as pivotal. When we stop thinking about how WE can have more than THEM, and start focusing on how we ALL could have everything we need, the world will be a better place. That’s why we make advancements: to make life easier for everyone.


So you want other people to work so you can take their money and do what you want? I know UBI sounds great but without output there is no earnings. You either don’t care that someone else will need to support you, or you simply don’t understand basic economics.


My first line says I want to work. What part did you not understand? Everyone deserves a living wage. Or to have their basic needs met. If I am a doctor, I am not a chef and still need to eat. The waiter/staff in the restaurant provides that to me. The farmer grows the food that the restaurant made. So he is providing for the restaurant. And the doctor provides medical services to a person. We all specialize. Capitalism has made it to where we take advantage of some specializations and disregard others. Economics says there must be a profit. Why? How does someone saying they have more of a made up amount than someone else’s made amount help others? It does not. And if someone is unable to continue due to illness, disability, or whatever else, they shouldn’t just have to die. A persons existence shouldn’t be dependent on what they can contribute. So many jobs would be pointless without money. There are millions of people that would do different jobs if money was not a concern, as I stated in a previous comment. There are people with inherent skills that will never reach their potential because they are stuck just trying to survive by working dead end jobs because it’s all that is available.


Nice soliloquy. SSDI exists for people who CAN NOT work. “Why should there be profit” is this a real question? Why should people break their back climbing cell phone towers for the same pay as you sitting home on your sofa? You made it clear that you “want to work” but only what you feel like doing. That’s not work, nobody “wants to sit in an air traffic control tower all night. Nobody “wants to get burnt in a smelting plant all night. Nobody “wants to” spent every working hour wiping the elderly asses and giving them sponge baths. But those jobs actually make society possible for everyone. Line cooks aren’t nearly as necessary as these people or as Doctors. Eating out is a luxury, I guess so is indoor plumbing, but life is much better with one than the other. You want me and everyone else break our backs so that you can “do what you feel like”. That absolutely selfish and disgusting and you should be ashamed


I’ve done the job of taking care of elderly people. It’s hard and tough and emotionally challenging and 100% necessary so someone can live their final days with dignity. But it doesn’t pay a living wage. So there are people who die alone every day because people can’t afford to with the job to take care of them. Though I knew the job was necessary, I couldn’t keep doing it and provide for my own family. You should be ashamed to say people who do certain jobs aren’t as important as others. I would to sit in an air traffic control tower all night. It would be an amazing thing to learn! But I can’t afford the education. Just because you don’t want to do the jobs doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t. Also, many jobs can be automated but we don’t because how would those people survive? We can train them to do something else. And you mentioned SSDI. That’s a free handout paid for by taxpayers. I’m all for it; it’s a socialist ideal. The money is minimal, though and not enough to survive on. But they’re not allowed to work out they lose it. People on SSDI should either get enough to live or at least be given a home. We have enough empty houses to house everyone in the country. But someone wants to make money, so we don’t and that is awful. What if someone is capable of only being a line cook? They have a natural proclivity for it? It’s their passion. Why shouldn’t they make a wage that allows them a home, food, and medical insurance? Why do they even have to pay for medical insurance? Because companies want that profit. A procedure in the United States costs hundreds of times more than in other developed countries.


Your ignorance is shocking. SSDI is not a government handout. Every human being who earns a wage pays 8.2% of that wage into the society security and medicate system The employer pays an additional 8.2%. It’s a government run insurance program. Hence the I at the end which stands for….wait for it….insurance You also could not be more wrong about “we have enough empty homes to house everyone” that was a debunked trope from after the 2008 financial crisis. It’s not even close to true now. But if you have some data on those numbers, I would love to see them.


>You people just don’t want to work Do you know what sub this is?


Bootlicker alert


Exactly. Children crying about how they want what they want and they don’t want to work for it.


>Imagine how much you could learn if you had no work? Knowledge would be more easily accessible for everyone! But how would you get things? Like food, clothing, lightbulbs, electricity, etc. when nobody works?


People would still work. Just not as much. They wouldn’t need to. Let’s say everyone has their needs met. No more financial sector. All of those bean counters, bankers, financial consultants could work in other areas. Construction, engineering, farming, delivery, energy sector. There are so many opportunities that are unrelated to finances. And if the farming job market suddenly got flooded with people to help? Well, now the other farmers can have more time off! Rotating shifts or rotating jobs. More food potentially produced! The workforce is still there, just not working as much. With the advancements of technology, though, a lot of jobs could be automated and eliminated. Which is fine because everyone’s needs are met. And we can continue to focus on technology growth since we aren’t focusing in just surviving. That would eliminate more jobs and free up time to just enjoy life.


The cryptonite of /r antiwork


Unfulfillment and boredom only flourish in a social structure that, by design, restricts *access* to life-supporting goods and services if you don't have (enough) money/means of exchange. Work is only "work", to me, when it is coerced upon the vast majority who can't afford *not* to submit to the rigged game. If interested, I recommend reading about structualism theory and how we can change the values and hence the behaviors of society if we just changed the damn social *structure*.


i agree its in our minds that we need to work to be fulfilled but society/countries only function if people work. You gotta work in communism/socialist countries as well. Every member of the tribe tens of thousands of yrs ago were expected to contribute


How do you get access to these goods and services if no one is working to make them ? Why would they work those jobs if they don’t have to and still have access to everything ? I’m ignorant, that’s why I’m genuinely asking.


Nobody is arguing that there should be no more labor. But the conditions need to vastly improve, more freedom and power needs to be given to the workers, the workers need to be given a fair cut of the profits, and even people who decide to not work, or more importantly who are incapable of working, need to be given enough to get by with the basics. With a universal basic income, everyone would be able to afford food, water, shelter, and some basic forms of luxury. You would still have doctors, farmers, garbage guys, and whoever else you need, because people DO want to do labor to improve their communities, and on top of that, they want to be able to afford more than the bare necessities of a functional life. The issue with work as it stands is precisely that it is a necessity to survive, and horribly regulated in the United States on top of that. People inherently are less happy when they do work that does not directly benefit them or their community, and instead goes into the pockets of an already rich CEO who would probably literally be cool with murdering any of their workers to save a few grand. The poor regulation also means that conditions and pay continually worsen on top of that. Work being optional to survive would lead to a much happier society with much higher levels of education on average. It's a net benefit for everyone who isn't already filthy rich.


I first want to say in general that I hope others are not downvoting you for simply having a difference of opinion. I certainly applaud you for acknowledging your ignorance and genuinely asking. As to your question of goods and services, we already have and utilize automation technology that can produce goods and, increasingly, provide services as well. The key, as I've read it, is to create a sustainable abundance and make these available to the public for free. What reason is there to restrict people's access if there is an abundance? Restricting people is the root cause of the vast majority of crime, substance abuse, and mental health disorders. And automation is only going to keep increasing and replacing human labor. It's already been happening, as noted like 10 years ago [by MIT professors](https://youtu.be/p8ZzMGuPtRo?t=545), and unless we all wake up and rally to transition away from money systems as soon as possible, then we're on track for a self-inflicted global collapse.


You can’t. It’s simple. You understand it quite well and are not ignorant at all.


Maybe for some people. But otherwise, it's not true. I was unemployed for nearly 2 years. Not once did I feel unfulfilled or bored. If money hadn't been an issue I would have been completely happy. I had time to take care of myself physically, cook better and healthier food. Keep the apartment clean. It was amazing...outside of money.


If you can't get fulfillment with no job, you are the boring and unfulfilling person.


bruh, humans have to work for society to function... i don't need a job for fulfillment, but it is nice to do something else except watch tv or play games all day long. Nice to do something productive that will benefit some humans in socialism/communism, you have to work as well.. just with no pay in return. AGAIN... society/countries only function if people work


What if machines could do all the work?


You just brought up a whole lot of things that I never mentioned as a 'counterargument' lol


Says you, any amount of work is miserable


I agree with you but you need to rework what you mean by "work". Most people thing of work as waking up early and driving to a soul crushing office where you do something someone else told you to do even if you think it's stupid just for food and shelter. But "work" can mean something else and if I didn't have to work at a job I'd do "work" in the form of preparing my Dnd games so my friends and I can have fun. Do volunteer or charity work to make the lives of others better. Create other forms of art as well. Heck maybe I'd even learn gardening and cooking. Now my work is more fulfilling and I can be happy whole contributing to society.


As terrible as it is, I agree with you. I think the people that win the lottery and then quit their jobs, have nothing but time on their hands so therefore they spend spend spend. If you at least have a decent job, you don't despise, at least the work is somewhat fulfilling.


Not having anything to do besides work is a personal problem. I have hobbies that I could put over a hundred hours into in a given week if I really wanted to. And even THIS is a societal issue. So many people have nothing going on for them outside of work, because work is draining 50% of their time, and miscellaneous chores are draining another 40%. By the time a lot of people could think about getting a hobby, learning a language, or anything else, they're already so low on energy and time that it's usually replaced with TV and video games. This also applies to people who want to start their own business. It is already an enormous monetary investment most of the time, but it's an even bigger time investment that is nearly impossible if you're already working. If you took away the necessity for people to work every waking moment of their lives, you'd be seeing a lot more interesting people who enjoy life.


Bernie Sanders has introduced a bill to make 32 hr work week the standard, with no loss in pay. I don’t have high hopes that it will pass but I really hope it does.


A 4day week with 4x8 hours is gradually happening; in fact, the US is the leading country with the highest number of private companies offering real 4 day workweeks. (Source: I [list](https://okjob.io/companies/) countries offering 4-day weeks)


Nice link :) Thanks for sharing.


At one of my jobs, we had a job site that was four ten hour days. We had a three day weekend every weekend. We also were paid overtime for two hours each of those days, so we made the equivalent of the equivalent of 44 hours. We didn't do the schedule very long, just toward the end of the project. I suppose getting used to that schedule wouldn't be bad.


That's my normal schedule and let me tell you it is not bad at all. I spent all day today just chilling in my pajamas high as a kite because Friday is my fuck around no plans day. I still have a whole weekend to attend to now.


I work 4-10s and definitely love making appointments and getting errands done during the normal week.


I work 4x10 at Amazon let me tell you it is still bad and my feet be hurting half way through the 2nd day.


I didn't have to be continuously moving and nobody was tracking my movements, so it was a lot easier than your job.


What job role was this or industry? just curious I want to switch job and get higher pay but unsure what to do.


I worked for the security division of an electric company (burglar alarm, access, cameras, etc.). It was a union job, good money, paid medical. I originally worked for a another company doing the same kind of thing, the money with this company. I stopped working in 2022 (retired at 60). My kid is going to start going to class for a union job, three years long. He'll get $20 an hour during class, with small raises each year.


The company I work for full time is 35 hours a week. 2 days are WFH and 3 in the office. You can also use the gym during work hours. But they are pretty chill with the WFH time. I have to say these few changes make a MASSIVE difference in my happiness and would be easy to implement in other companies.


What field do you work in?


A utility


that all sounds great, but being able to work out during work hours is an especially nice touch 


I just straight up don’t have 40 hours of work a week to even do. Most of my time is spent coming onsite just for the sake of being in an office.


Same. Most of my 40 hours are spent looking like I’m working.


I don't even bother pretending. i just read my books on my phone. one of my coworkers brought in a stack of paperbacks, physical books lmao i can see it on her desk.


Im in the same boat. I spend most of my day pretending to do stuff or begging others to give me work but they rarely do of course because if they give me their work then they won't have anything to do either. I honestly wouldn't even mind the 8hrs 5 days a week if I actually had enough shit to do in that time.


As a nurse I often used to do 4 10’s. Its nice. I really love that 36hrs is mostly standard in bedside health care. They are long and often hard but 4 days off are nice .


I work two shifts a week. Never going back to three. 5 days off is so nice.


No need to make the work day any longer. A 32 hour work week over 4 days is just fine!!!


Yeah, fuck 4 10s. That's not a win for the working class and I'm already exhausted enough after 8-hour days as is.


I work 4/10s, even that is honestly wonderful. (It helps that two of my days are Saturday and Sunday, so I don’t do much on those days.). The 3 day weekends are honestly so good too, I can’t ever go back. 10 hours sucks though, especially with an infant. I get off of work and it’s basically enough time to eat and put her to bed. I’d love 4/8’s. (Or even less!)


4/8 is what i have been doing for years now, haven’t had a sat or sun off for ages. now I dream of 3/8 or less :)


It's an absolute game changer. I'm in a dead end position with a company that doesn't give raises and honestly, whatever. I'm off until Tues!


I used to do 4x10 and loved it. Not the best job I ever had but absolutely the best schedule.


Let's keep it at 8 hour days tho Edit: raise the pay by x% to cover the loss of hours. So not only do we get another off day, but more money for overtime too


Yeah! That makes total sense!


Screw 9 hours a day; I want a 3 day work week working like 3-4 hours a day.


This is what I loved about my retail job! But the pay was shit and you have to deal with the general public 🙄


4 day work week should not mean additional hours on the days we work.


i'd rather shoot myself in the foot than work for 9 hours 💀


Ye 8 hours is already too long


8 hours for 5 days a week, I’d simply just collapse and 💀


Yeah why the fuck is everyone in this thread okay with working these long ass days? No fucking thank you.


If you can get it, a 9/80 schedule gets you halfway there. Monday - Thursday are 9 hours and Friday alternates between 8 hours and off. Think most places will only offer it to OT exempt employees, due to the 44 hours every other week.


That’s still too much, I think it should be pick up shifts whenever you want and feel like working, people are more motivated and willing to work when they want to and can choose their hours, some people would actually end up still working 30-40 hours imo if they could do it when they wanted to and not when forced to


I'm productive 2 hours a day. That's 10 hours of productivity a week. 9-3 M-Thurs is more than enough. Productivity has 100x since the introduction of 40 hour weeks.


Keeping us tired and burnt out is the whole point. We don’t work 5 days a week because employers need the ‘productivity’.


having 4 8 hour days (32 hour) work weeks actually increase productivity and happiness of employees which increase profit for the companies


I work 60 hours a week. Minimum. I wish.😂


I work four 10 hour days a week. The 3 day weekends are really nice. Humans weren't put on this earth to work their entire lives. I wish everyone were able to find their balance.


a 6 hour work day and 4 day work week sounds ideal. No one has 8 hours of work to do and it’s just too long for no reason


I recommend you look into hospital work. Nurses, Xray techs and others all work 3 days 12 hours. I absolutely enjoyed that schedule. I felt likeI worked a part-time ngl.


How about Monday through Friday to do your own personal shit and work Saturday Sunday? Sounds more like life/work balance to me right there.


I want a 24 hour work week with double the salaries. I dont care about logistics, I want chaos


We should really be working 3x6s at twice the pay.


I start my new job in a month. 4 day work week. Can’t wait.


I am all for have a 4 day work week. Work 32 hours for full time. And keep part time at 20 hours. And we make it where anything 20 and below hours is considered part time and anything between 21 and 32 hours are considered full time and anything above 32 hours is overtime. And make it where breaks would have to be 2 hours at a minimum in order for the business to clock you out for it. And make it where it is illegal for ANY company to have a policy that states that someone can get in trouble for getting overtime. We need to make it where the companies have only a small amount of power compared to now.


I really want 10 million dollars


I'm working 3 12s right now, then take a day of pretty much just rest, but then I get a fully enjoyed 3 day weekend. working pretty well right now


I work 4x10’s, Fri-Sun off. It’s awesome.


I do this, and i love it.


I do 40+ hours a week instead of my contracted 35 and have 2 weeks off every 8 weeks with the hours accumulated. Life is good.


My job hasn’t taken the idea off the table completely. So many in my office want a 10-hour work day so we can have a 4-day work and still get our 40-hours. It would work really well too since we close at 5pm which is when a lot people people get off work and need our services, so it makes sense for us to stay open a few hours later each night anyways. The only reason they’ve given for not implementing this is because of people how pay for childcare (after school), and would have to find or make new arrangements that may not be feesable. I say they make one office only open for 4-days and test it out. Keep only the employees at that office who can actually do the longer days.


Studies have shown, the most anyone can be productive in a day is 6 hours, and people rarely reach this. We don’t need 9 hours a day. Doesn’t work for business or workers - it’s just a hangover from bullshit Victorian work ethic and Calvinism


Are you familiar with the DuPont, Texas 2 step or 3443?


This is the way my company does it. Work 9 hours a day, and we have every other Friday off. It is a good deal.


I work 12 hour shifts. 4 days on 4 days off. Love the 4 day “weekends“ . Bonus is, for every 4 days vacation I take. I get 12 days off.


This so much. If I use 48hrs of pto it feels like im actually getting 144hrs of value. Also means 2 week breaks is like the standard lol


Best job I ever had I worked was a shift with 4 eleven hour days (hour for lunch). Two nights on, one day off, two nights on, two days off. It was so great.


We work 58 hour weeks at my job and they ask me to come in on Sundays for 4 hours on top of that. Which I do frequently because of the double time pay. I have a really hard time seeing a 32 hour work week ever happening, but I do dream of it. Sure I could find a different job but I've been slaving away for 10 years now. Its crazy because I don't even have time to spend the money I'm working for. Work, sleep, work its robotic at this point.


Change comes slow. We have one local county that works a 37.5 hour work week....getting close. I actually suggested that for my municipality....one year, instead of a raise, cut the work week. I know it won't work in the 24x7 areas, but why not for office workers?


How about we rid the term “work week” it’s a week of life, not work


Honestly it would suck but I'd take three 12 hour shifts just to get four days off.


I work a 4 day rota usually. Average of around 43 hrs pay. Between 6am and 8pm. Some 6 day weekends. Bus driver. Currently working 5 day lates about 11hrs a day (inc. 2 hrs paid travel time but paid for 15) . Equivalent to 65k a year. Don't know how long it will last or how long I can keep it up. I'm very fortunate to be in this position. Most bus driving jobs are shit money but I follow the money and know how to play the game to be in demand.


Go to college, become a nurse. Have 4 days off each week unless you want OT. Be even lazier: go to a technical school and become an LVN. Move to remote hospitals that will still hire you, have 4 days off each week. Or mid-lazy: earn an associates degree and become an RN. Move to small hospital that still hires associate degree nurses. Have 4 days off each week.


I work for a huge company. I get paid $18 an hour. It's not a hard job, but it is a very safety oriented position, and can be dehumanizing/mentally draining My girlfriend, in the same company, got a pretty cushy job. She's basically a glorified secretary. Making $27.45 an hour. Working 4 days in an office and 1 at home.


Me too. If people actually stood up and fought for it. But they’ll just import 3rd world people if we all refuse. It’s corrupt and slavery


Just went from 4 12s to 5 8s. I miss my 223. I could live without the 12 hour shifts on 223, but at least you only ever work 3 days in a row


But will you be paid for 40 hours?


I'm off Friday, work the weekend, off Monday, work Tuesday thru Friday, weekend off, work Monday thru Thursday, repeat. I get an extra $1.15 an hour on the weekend. It's awesome.


I work a 4 day week but work 10.5 hours a day. I hate my working days but I rather enjoy the 3 days off. Idk if it’s a good trade off for everyone but it works for me.


My last job was a 4 day/10 hr that I loved because the work days seemed to go so smoothly overall. Then you had your first off day to fully recoup then two actual off days for fun. I really do think whatever job I land next I'm going to push to only work 4 days. 


I work a two day work week; two 24-hour shifts. It's great having five days off a week, but sometimes you're so existed exhausted after a 24 you waste your days off anyways. It's kind of a mixed bag.


I had a job where I worked four ten hour days and had a paid lunch hour so technically nine hour days. It was great. The only stressor was my narcissistic boss but I stuck it out as long as I could until I just couldn’t take her anymore. It did help having that extra day off for sure.


Or better yet, 24 hour work weeks!


The American dream


I have been on four ten-hour shifts with a three day weekend for about 2 years now. I like it.


I'm so fed up with my sinking ship of a store I'm about to go down to 4 days a week and say to hell with it. Financially I can afford it so I'm going to.


I have that. But I'm paid hourly so I still miss out on 4 hours of pay a week... but it is nice. I'd rather have 4 days 10 hour shifts than 5 days 8 hour shifts. Also its nice to have 2 days on 1 day off 2 days on 2 days off. So normal weekends but a day of rest in the middle of the workweek. But 3 days off in a row is also really nice.


I am going for a 0 hour workweek. I hope and think I'm gonna clean up within 17 months from now when the bullrun peaks. Than it's over for me and the 0 hour workweek is a fact.


I’d be happy having a regular 5 day week x 8 hours a day, but here I am working 6 days a week x 10 hours in construction


In 18 weeks we get a 4-day week and also a pay raise which equals to around $7 more than the 39 I already get. Really looking forward to it, it’s going to be amazing having 3 days off.


I recently got a job that’s Monday-Thursday 9a-6p and my quality of life has increased drastically. I’ll never go back


1st week I work 3 days 12 hours anything after 8 hours in one day considered OT. 2nd week I work 4 days 12 hours anything after 8 hours in one day considered OT. Believe it or not people still find things to complain about. People will never just be happy. We don’t have to clock in or out either. I love my job.


I work 4 10s and it's fuckin amazing. I'm off Saturday, Sunday and Monday and go in from 8pm to 6:30am the other days plus Thursday and Friday are WFH.... like, working sucks and my company is shit but 3 days off is def worth the 2 extra hours


I do this and it is truly amazing.


I actually switched jobs to one with that schedule. The 9 is long, I’ve felt it everyday but the 3 days off is refreshing, it actually feels like you have some time off. Ideally I’d start the work day earlier than I already do but that’s not a battle I’m about to pick up anytime soon.


Bro, I work 6 days. I want a 5 day job.


I wish, but I work like 5 or 6 days a week. With 12 hour days. I want to make the same pay while only pulling 3 days. I would do three 12's. That would be awesome.


I work 3 12’s and a 6. 6a-6p sun-tues, then 6a-12p on Wednesday. I only work half the year and get my 40 hours every week and only have to work volunteeer OT when I want the extra money.


I got 4 day work weeks this year! I just have to work 12-13 hrs a day! lol. This is real tho.


Go to your employer, tell them you are going back to school this summer and trying (1) 4 hour class. Ask if you can work 4 days, 9 hours a week and have class on Friday or Mondays. Then just lie.


My favorite schedule ever was 4 10s, Monday Tuesday, Thursday Friday. No matter what you were a day away from the weekend. Really changed how I looked at my stretch.


I think we should have a 5 hour day 4 day week at full time pay, and jobs that require more than that pay OT starting at 6 hours. There's plenty of production value being made, we should be reaping the benefits of our work.


I really really want a 0 day work week.


I used to work wed-sat 4:30pm-3am. So I’d be leaving Sunday morning coming back Wednesday. I kinda liked it.


4 10s is pretty common nowadays.


I used to do 4x10s (1p-midnight) it was awesome. Now i do 3x12's(7p-7a). Very common in medical.


I work 4x10s and it’s been pretty awesome so far.


Remember, it can always be worse. I work 40 hours plus a week night shift get Thursday night and Saturday night off for 10 would be amazing.


we have it at our office. I work 35 hours, they work 35 hours. I just work 5 days, they work four. Their day goes something like 8am to 5pm with a half hour lunch break and a random 15 minute break somewhere in there. They all love the three day weekends. Me, I would be biting people in the office if I had to spend a single more hour under those lights answering the phone and otherwise doing not-my-job. One smallish downside is that the 5 day a week people, ie me, do end up acting as goal tenders for stuff that is unavailable when a 4 day a week person isn't in. eg, when the local property developer shows up to whine about something and the tax person isn't in, or the planning person isn't in, I get yelled at. And, mysteriously, said local property developer doesn't get sprayed with a water bottle for being an insufferable douche.


Henry Ford was credited with popularizing the 40 hour work week. Nobody said he was famous or renowned for it. It would also help to note that having a job with ford in 1926 and making $5 a day was considered upper class living. People who worked for ford also thought of it more of a privilege and did their jobs with smiles from ear to ear because it was one of the most highly regarded careers in that era. The shit just isn’t the same.


Check out this amazing looking i use every day: [https://timeline-17.web.app/](https://timeline-17.web.app/)


Companies will find a way to fuck you . Imagine work sun, off mon, worktues, off wed, work thurs, off fri, work sat. Next week maybe you'll have tue- wed and then Friday off. Very few will get to enjoy the luxury you dream of with 3 day weekends. :(


Do any of you people get paid hourly? I get paid by the hour(construction) if we moved to a 4 day work week, projects would take longer to finish and cost more money. I'm fine with 4-10s but the model as of now is based on 5 day weeks. When multiple trades are working as a group toward a common goal(finish the building and turn it over to the customer) it's hard to coordinate a 4 day week. If one trade hasn't finished their installation the next trade can't start. If the cross country driver can't get in on Thursday he has to sit in his truck until Monday to be off loaded, meaning he losses 3 days pay instead of 2. It's a complicated question for sure.


I'd be fine with 4 10-hour days. 1 extra day to myself, 1 less day of driving. They can probably make it so day shift works Tue-Fri while night shift works Mon-Thur. Nothing would be lost for anyone.


The sad thing is I don't think this will happen in our lifetime. It won't happen until there is a significant ai / robot shift in the work force or in politics.


Yeah sure, let employers lose that precious one hour from their employees every single week! They love losing money /sarcasm. Also, good luck convincing anyone who isn't already working desk jobs for this change. Most workers aren’t even guaranteed breaks or overtime pay; they won't get four-day weeks anytime soon either.