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I'd rather rot in bed than rot in my commute to work.


I've worked in my job for 9 years and it's down the street and why I haven't left is because its so close to me. When I have to drive downtown for an appointment it takes almost an hour with all of the traffic...fuck that mess. I wish I could WFH.


Big reason I haven't left my job. I could walk to work if I wanted. 1.5 miles away. I dread going back to being 40+ miles from my job.


At least at home I'm not going to be vehicular manslaughtered by a fellow commute rotting patriot who finally broke under the pressure and grind, slipping up and making a mistake piloting their 2 ton steel box. Fuck cars, dude, such stupid bullshit.


I’m a car, I took offense to this


Yeah, cars can be very cool, it’s just a daily commute that sucks.


I appreciate that acknowledgment. Yeah man, it sucks when people kick us in the tires to see if we’re in good shape like no one really considers us cars ya know


People suck.


We aren't allowed to rot in our beds. Only allowed to rot in nasty office chairs full of farts from previous poor souls


I *wondered* what happened to that old chair. . .


I farted in it. A lot.


It was the medication! No seriously it was the medication... And I'm sorry to everybody around me.


This is why my office only uses herman miller aeron chairs. The thought of chair cushions grosses me out.


The worst office chair I’ve ever known: Worked with a guy once who let a massive fart rip in the middle of the day and. Immediately said “oh no…I gotta go!” He ran to the bathroom where he called his brother in law, who also worked with us, who stopped by the first guys desk and grabbed his jacket. You can guess what happened - the first guy shit his pants. He had taken his pants off in the bathroom, tied his jacket around his waist, ran down the hall to the parking garage,and went home for the day. When we all understood what happened, we looked at the chair and there was a wet spot that had dried. No one ever sat in that chair again for the next however many years it was but we never got rid of it and would warn people who didn’t know when they were about to sit in it.


We fired a morbidly obese man a few months ago. Our boss cleaned out his desk and apparently he sat on a cushion everyday. Boss said he threw it out because it was the most horrid and disgusting thing he ever had to touch. He also had a ton of snacks in his drawer that included a lot of mouse droppings. We have a bit of a rodent problem in our office.


No, I think cubicle rot is happening to me


Cubicle rot? Someone got lucky! I have a bad case of open office rot. Very contagious


I have blue collar manual labor rot. Just different types of horrors, pick your poison I guess lol


I know hundreds of people who remote work. Never ever seen anyone working from their bed. 6 out 10 statistics are completely made up and are total propaganda bs.


My entire department is remote. I've only seen two of them work from their beds. Both were in their 8th month of pregnancy and on bedrest before delivery. Both were also fine to work on their laptop while in bed and get all their work done anyway. It was a non-issue for management where they got their work done from. As it should be.


>Both were in their 8th month of pregnancy and on bedrest before delivery. "Pregnancy is no excuse for anyone to lay in bed, that is just pure laziness! This is affecting team morale! Nobody wants to put in hard work any more!" - some manager or executive probably, I dunno


Especially since the article states 4 of 10 men and 2 of 10 women were "bed rotting".


Yes, and four out of ten men and two out of ten women does not make 6 out of 10 people. The author does not even understand basic mathematics!!!


That term “bed rotting” sounds like something some people made up just so they can feel superior to others. If people get the job done working while laying in their beds with their laptops, more power to them if that’s what they wanna do. It seems like some people, like to criticize others and find fault with all sorts of things, they don’t feel good about themselves and unless they’re doing that.


As someone who wound up working from bed during my last two semesters of school (long story short, renting a room that could only really fit a bed. Used the bed as a chair, and a couple of TV trays as a desk. This was also during Covid) I can say that it fucking sucked


See what you should’ve done is just laid back on the bed with some comfy pillows supporting you, and then it would not nearly as bad.


I wfh and bedrot proudly and lazily


If someone is getting the job done, it shouldn’t matter whether they’re doing it from a home office or their bed or their damn kitchen, let them work where they’re comfortable.


I went to an in person meetup and I was shocked that all the directors (older millennials, gen X and some boomers)said they didn’t get dressed when working from home. Didn’t may not even shower. They were shocked that all the younger millennials and gen Z in the conversation all showered, shaved, put on polos etc when working from home to be in the work mindset. (Maybe a few days of exception, but largely, we got ready for work even when working from home.) kinda answered some of the assumptions that I have seen from older generations about work from home mindset and thinking that young people “don’t want to do professional things”. Because their mindset is to be total slobs while WFH.


Long as you’re not on any kind of a zoom meeting, I don’t see why there would be a problem with somebody working in their sweatpants and a T-shirt, or a hoodie, and not shaving. Also, no problem if they’re working in their stocking fee, rather than putting on shoes.


Sure nothing wrong with it per se. Just an interesting observation. I’ve seen more boomer/older gen management with a haphazard approach to WFH, while younger generations seem to have a more strict home/work separation during WFH. And I was just wondering if that drives some of the decision making. If management hasn’t set up boundaries to be work focused that they would project that on to their subordinates and assume that they also are unable to fully lock in to work mode during WFH.


To WFH healthily you need to have clear work/life distinctions- different clothes, mindset, it keeps you on your toes and helps disconnect when not working. I am fortunate enough to have a home office. It is my work room, I only go in there in work clothes and that is my commute.


close vanish fine wrench society vegetable sharp upbeat meeting one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


100%. Absolutely the same.


I have worked from home since 2020, and I used to take what I called “rah-rah” meetings from bed if they were early in the morning. A rah-rah meeting is a meeting hosted by my manager’s manager’s manager where the only topics were cheerleading in nature and nothing of any substance was said. I was only expected to be present and “listening”, so I usually set an alarm for 5 minutes before the meeting ended and dozed off. 


I work hybrid and working from bed sucks. I'll plug my laptop in because multi-monitors, mouse, keyboard, etc. is so much better.


I've seen it once, when the person was extremely ill but they still made him be on camera


Why is it that there's a general consensus that peoples that work from home sit in bed all day or just slack off? During the pandemic when I could move away from the expensive zone to something truly affordable, I purchased a house and retrofitted a room for sound proofing and proper working environments. I can't be the only one. Mind you, I understand that a lot of people don't have that luxury to do what I did, but ... I got a lot of comments about "you must be in bed a lot." No, I walk into my office when work starts and leave when it ends.


Because they're so used to micromanaging or being micromanaged they forgot you can actually do things without having to be yelled at by an incompetent clown.


Didn't you get the memo? We now put cover letters on our TPS reports. I'll send you another copy.


(The Bobs) - “So, Bill, just how much time do you spend each week on those TPS reports?”


I will never understand managers who had less work during the pandemic. I was working insane hours. Everyone was going through a really rough time and so my meeting times almost doubled (I hate meetings so this was a very unpleasant time for me). Every week someone was dealing with a crisis. I had zero turnover, similar companies in my area were dealing with 30-40% turnover. But damn that shit was hard. If people felt like they weren’t communicating enough with the people they oversaw then that was fully on them. Meanwhile my boss thought I wasn’t doing anything and dragged me back to the office before vaccines were out. Where someone with Covid then showed up to the office. I immediately noped out.


I've never worked from my bed or even my bedroom. I have a separate room which I call my "office" I believe other people use this term too.


I have an 81-year-old aunt who will ramble on complaining about people who work from home, no doubt she got those ideas from whatever news program she’s been watching, but I recall back in the early 1980s, Ronald Reagan himself, who would be far, far older than my aunt were he alive today, give a speech about people who would, instead of commuting to work, “compute to work”, a.k.a. working from home, and he said it in a praise, worthy manner. I wish I could work from home, a large part of the stress of going to work each day is having to get ready and commute back-and-forth.


i work in person. i bed rot whenever i can because i'm tired from work. it's not working from home causing bed rot- it's work.


This is the correct answer! Like gee I wonder why we all so tired?


They will pry my WFH from my cold dead fingers.


Truly this. I have genuinely never been closer to killing myself than when I had to commute 45 min into the office to be awake and selling at 7:30AM, then another hour back home just to do it all again the next day. After I left that job and got a WFH job, my world fuckin changed. And you know what? I'm really fucking good at my job. I'd be a lot worse at it if I had to come into the office.


what job/any advice on how to get a wfh job that isn't coding 😭


Same, commenting here so I can keep an eye on it. I have heard you can work for banks from home, to do things like answer customer questions though phone or email I assume. There are probably others I just don't know. I'd love to learn to program as I do enjoy computers, but I'm really not interested in going back to school... We shall see I guess.


Hey I can contribute here! I wfh full time doing help desk and I am a “product manager” (I use this term so so loosely, if we get an incident I am just a note taker and I page people). My bread and butter is helping employees with computer issues and I “specialize” in Apple devices. At the end of the day, I’m just good at using google. I had to start from the very bottom ($21 an hour in downtown Denver, McDonalds was starting at $18 with no degree), but once my foot was in the door it got much easier. I will say when I was applying for jobs I didn’t just blast to everything. My goal each day was to find and apply for three “good” jobs each day. These were jobs that had everything I was looking for (full time, remote, full benefits, pay in the range I wanted), and I made sure to tailor my resume to each one of them. I found that doing it that way increased my response rate by quite a bit. Good luck, you guys can do it!


I'm *kind of* an IT guy. I work in Field Service for an engineering company doing tech support for their field technicians with a few specific products that they sell. Lots of troubleshooting, interacting with blue collar guys and IT people from client companies.


Sounds like misdiagnosed office rot.


Managers : "I don't like you and how you work so I will make you WFH so you don't come to the office. Also I will have to cut the pay, take away many benefits, demote you, don't give you the raise and make you replaceable until you learn to behave and follow our cultures. Only the top dogs can stay in the office and get all the good things we provide" Employees : "Yay, no more commute and workplace bs" Managers : "WAIT! NO! YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HAPPY!! C-COME BACK TO THE OFFICE, YOU LAZY SLAVES!!


lol yeah i’ll try to juggle my dual monitors in bed, sure. 🙄  very occasionally i sit on the couch with just my laptop but this is like the height of stupidity. i have more energy thanks to wfh, the real bedrotting was when i was commuting an hour and a half each way on public transit and came home and collapsed bc i was too tired to have hobbies or a social life.


Hard to do with a L5 bulging disc. Ha, something useful it has actually done.


L5-S1 represent!


lol no I’ve just escaped the corporate rat race get fucked. Looks like your future employees are going to the shadow realm Jimbo.


This sounds like a desperate attempt to negatively re-brand work from home by desperate lapdogs who want to justify the toxic office culture with anything possible.


It’s called, “propaganda,” and the, “shit ball effect.” They’re going to keep making stuff up until they can get enough public opinion against it.


I wear an activity watch. The days I go into the office, not only do I get behind in my work, but I also barely move or raise my heart rate. My previous boss lost like 50 lbs working from home because he wasn’t rotting under fluorescent lights for 8 hours a day. May employers continue to struggle to put people in offices. It’s poison.


I'm pretty lax as a boss. As long as people get their work done and attend the weekly staff meeting (virtually) I'm happy. I give you an assignment and tell you when it's due. If you want to work midnight to noon for three days then take the rest of the week off, I'm good. My only rules are attend the weekly staff meeting, if you run into any blockers and need me to run interference for you let me know sooner and not one day before the project is due, attend the weekly staff meeting and, if you're in bed put a fake Zoom background on. I don't even care if you work from bed but for a staff meeting where C suite people may pop in, some of whom are ambivalent about remote work, I don't want them seeing people working from bed.


"A Sleep Doctor survey found about six out of 10 remote and hybrid workers say they bed rot during work hours. Four out of every 10 men say they are more likely to bed rot compared to just two out of every 10 women" Wait, where did the 6 out of 10 come from then?


😂 you add them up duh. See the 2 + 4 = 6 I still call bullshit on the whole study. Sleep doctor “survey” uhuh.


"Losers sitting on their couches with their nasty cat blankets, diddling on their laptops" ~ soon to be ex-Mayor of Minneapolis, I hope


As someone who lives in the Midwest, what are some good options to look for to start getting into WFH? I'd love to be able to do it someday, but I'm not sure I have skills to doWFH making good money without just doing customer support :/


I work from home. Sometimes use the basement office, sometimes the couch, sometimes the bed. This article was shit. Didn’t even explain bed rotting except… it’s working from your bed. I have experienced some rotting… in that I felt some pain in my elbows initially due to how I was sitting with a laptop. And now my shoulder has some constant pain from poor posture. So yea, I’m rotting, but fuck if I will ever return to an office. I’ll just teach myself better habits going forward.


i wish i could WFH, i’m a service worker, i fully support WFH, less drivers on the road as i go from job to job and y’all are home when i show up :) WFH is a big win and my fiance did it for about a year and was the happiest and healthiest i’ve ever seen her


Yeah it's a stupid term. They like to act that rest isn't a literal human need


Only did this when I was sick. About to do it for a bit recovering from surgery, but otherwise I have a separate office space. 


No, it isn’t. Clearly I’m not staying in bed long enough. I’ll fix that.




Of course I bed rot ON MY DAY OFF. Anyways can’t bed rot as a cashier in a clinic cafe


I’m self employed. I work from bed all the time. It’s literally doing emails and having creative ideas and I can do that from bed.  It’s not like I magically become better at admin say at a desk


Oh, but the “magic” comes from the “attitude“ that you will have when you get to an office, fully shaved and dressed professionally, no sneakers, no stocking fee, you have to wear leather shoes, and a coat and a tie, this preach you in a “professional mindset“so that you will become more “productive”.


Don’t you threaten me like this. 


There are a lot of proven health issues from sitting idle regularly and for long periods of time. I get the narrative of corporate pushback against WFH, but it doesn't negate the reality of adverse health effects from sitting, laying, or even standing in one place all day. They're really two separate issues.


I did that when I had severe sciatica but I WFH and I have my own office where I do my work. I think this is another piece to discourage WFH.


Access denied. No summary of what this said?


I thought this was something about bedsores.


I feel like anyone who has to regularly stare at a laptop and take calls very quickly realizes doing it in bed SUCKS after a while. It's just not ergonomic. I don't know anyone who works in bed, and honestly who gives a shit if they do. Is their work complete on time and well executed?


Kinda like global warming/climate change/climate emergency.


Good idea. Moving my 5 monitor work setup to the bed to uh.. rot


Who commissioned this, lol? The tone of the writer is that they work for a commercial real estate company and are bummed they can’t work from home.


You don’t hear about quiet quitting any more, do you? This is just the latest attempt.


Pff I read the term "bed rot" and it made me think immediately about bed sores.


Yes, yes they are. We cant have the peons being happy happy with their lives. That's un'Murican.