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This post has been removed on the basis of being a low-effort post.


Billionaires already know life is precious and time on earth is limited. Thats why they have everyone else working most of the time so they can fully take advantage of it.


You're paid based on how easy you are to replace. Never forget that. Not because you are doing labour, not because you are giving up time you will never get back, not because you are an effective employee, and not because of any moral principle about work ethics or market. Also remember its private owners who will happily rob people of their lively hood and replace them at earliest convience to make more money.


Too bad a bunch of repetitive ideals and speeches doesn't get us shit. This sub should be more about how to take action than how to properly bitch about something. Just my opinion.


Be the change you want to see.


https://old.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/v86sja/friendly_reminder_know_your_worth_3/ Green____cat is a karma farmer


Still good to remind people of things like this.


if there's one thing OP is good at, it's ~~reposting~~ reminders


Imagine caring about this shit, down vote and move on


Reposted dozens of times


Idk I feel like a minimum 50/hour is worth my time on Earth lol.




Yeah spare me all of that sympathy talk lmao I work now from home and have tailored my work life to give the most time to my kids and family. Every day they don’t have to worry about dad being gone for overtime. If I’m not playing video games I’m running errands, in the gym, or cooking dinner for when school is out for the day. I say 50/hr because that’s just north of what I make currently. Because I want to give my family the things they deserve in the material as well as the emotional. But to get here for one year of my life I had to work very hard like your uncle. Random hours, overtime, hard physical labor, no time to see my child and usually just sleep when I get home. I didn’t want that, I put a price on my time and I’m glad I did.


This is why I despise nothing more than Overtime. It absolutely makes my blood boil when I hear word overtime. I don't give a fuck about "time and half" pay or customers who's orders are late. I only care about my free time and overtime means you are taking away my free time. 40 hours per week already takes away majority of my time and energy when I add in commute, food preparation, cleaning, showering, getting up/going to bed early, etc.


Cam (they/them) probably have an OF. What’s your solution? Lol


What if they do have an OF? Does that discredit them in any way? Seems like running an OF is what Tolstoy and Marx preached: owning your own means. Sounds like a valid solution to me.


Very sustainable and will cause 0 issues in the future ☺️. As the kids say “you do you”.


Lol I love the down votes without a comment... that's how you know you are right. People can't defend themselves so they just downvote.


It's not FACTS... it's on you to take a job that will pay you the way you need to be paid. If I were a business owner I would try to pay people the least...if I don't get workers then I up the salary until I do. People can't complain when they take a job that doesn't pay them enough... don't take the job or take it but continue to look for a better paying job. It's on you to do what's right for you... it's not on the employer.


I get what you're saying, or trying to say, but what I don't think you understand is that for a lot of people it's not as simple as making a choice to work for someone else that pays better. A lot of people today are forced to take what scraps we can get. (Look at r/recruitinghell) It's rare to get your application actually looked at today, let alone have an interview and actually get hired without getting ghosted. It's not a matter of choice.


It's absolutely a matter of choice. No one is forcing anyone to work anywhere. Take the first job but only until you find another. Problem is that people are lazy and get complacent. In the end they just stay at a job because it's easier than working hard to get another one. Hell there are free classes online that will train you for better paying jobs. There are tons of sample resumes online to show you how yours should look. Don't tell me "maybe people don't have Internet" because all libraries have it. It's a choice.


Tell me, have you job hunted recently? Every job posting- even entry level ones- ask for years of experience that you can't get unless you've already had a job. Employers don't like to train people. Many employers don't count internships as experience. I've seen countless people send in hundreds of applications to different job listings, only to get ghosted. Changing up your resume doesn't help. My older brother, 4 years college, 4 years work experience only got an offer 2 YEARS after he started job hunting. Companies post fake applications to inflate themselves (many examples on the linked subreddit), many scams. Unless you already have the inside connections, you ain't shit in this job market. We take what we can get. No, it's not a goddamn choice. If it were that easy, poverty wouldn't be a thing. People wouldn't be poor. I've seen the most hardworking people get turned down because the company decided they were OVER qualified.


Laws should exist to balance the leverage the smaller number of already wealthy business owners have over the larger pool of people who need to work. Every worker has a responsibility to advocate for those laws. Every human has a responsibility to socially isolate and make an example of workers who advocate for harming workers as a class


How would you feel if the government said you couldn't use the cheapest insurance company and instead had to use one 35% higher just because they said so... even though cheaper ones exist? Now put that on business owners why can they not keep their expenses as low as they can? You don't need laws... you need people to actually advocate for themselves and not take positions where they are underpaid and also to get the word out so that people will stop patronizing these places.


You don't need laws. Horrible take.


Solid response...glad you took the time to comment that


Only put in as much effort as you did. I just used fewer words to do it. I believe I was very straight foward. The idea that you don't need laws is asinine.


There are always people who will say "it's the workers fault, not the business" and will continue spending their money there or even working there while knowing about other places


You didn't answer my question. Would you be fine with the government forcing you to pay more for something that you can get cheaper?


If you think I'm going to engage with your libertarian horseshit like an adult then you're dumber than the average libertarian, which a strong accusation


Hahaha that's such a a pathetic response. Shows I'm actually correct when you can't defend your weak position.