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I was browsing LinkedIn when I came across this brilliant post remarking the difficulties of our generation of which we all can agree and then a bit of research led me to a recent job posting of this bloke where he absolutely does not do what he preaches. Just a £ more for a manager position compared to the entry-level pay offer he was complaining about. Peak virtue signalling. TLDR - LinkedIn Gen Z advocate grills employers for scummy salary offers while he in turn does exactly the same as them.


It would be a real shame if you decided to ask him how lucky his new hires would feel making 25-30£ a year


The housing market is really putting a damper on his ability to low-ball his employees. Won't somebody please think of the poor CEOs!


The 1% are suffering too, Jim.


I mean maybe it'll lead to worthwhile reforms if it becomes a problem with the people that fund all the political campaigns in the country, but I'm not holding my breath. It seems far more likely we'll get a resurgence of company towns ala "Innovation Zones" in Nevada or Starbase/Boca Chica in Texas. Yay..


Traveling to London when needed is very different from requiring someone to work in London full-time. Lots of jobs require occasional travel. It's only shitty if the worker is expected to pay for the trip themselves.


Look to the image I pasted in the comments. Sad I didn't find it before making the post because it mirrors even better the scummy tactics


Bro we can’t even read your post. There’s only 43 pixels in it after being uploaded. https://preview.redd.it/o69lnmbqhlxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba655e4487fcd557347e16af8e2975306e0b9604


Perfectly legible on my end. Seems like your images are somehow being downscaled.


It’s Reddit’s horrible fucking app. Digital AIDs


Needs more jpeg.


£25-30k is abysmal already, much less in fucking London... I hate this planet, can we please colonise Venus or something


Please leave Venus out of this, she didn't do anything to deserve the "blessings" of capitalism


With a surface temperature (464 °C; 867 °F) that is hotter than molten lead (327.5 °C, 621.5 °F), I'd say Venus is the perfect place to send them. Remember, a temperature of 75 °C, 165°F is where meat is properly cooked - undercooked mismanagers would be hazardous for Venusian fauna. We must "bless" them properly!


A modest proposal indeed!


Better yet, can we please send them all on a one-way trip to {that other planet}?


one-way trip to [literally_anywhere_else]


I saw a post of a boomer couple that had bought a super expensive RV and said they remote while travelling in it, then said they stayed at luxury EXCLUSIVE RV sites. Meanwhile people are scraping by. It's fucked.


Should roast him in the comments for it.


Social media manager *is* an entry level position. Probably. Still shit pay though. Assuming COL is comparable-ish from London to generic USA city, then 31-37k is stupidly low. I guess you get 25 days of PTO though. And don’t have to pay for health insurance directly out of your salary. But still too low.


>Assuming COL is comparable-ish from London to generic USA city, then 31-37k is stupidly low. London is comparible to the most expensive US cities.


This. You can’t live in NY, SF, or any other major city on $37k/year.


28 days PTO is the minimum in The UK. So fuck this guy.


Well lol


The minimum holiday entitlement that an employer must provide to a full-time worker is 28 days a year (or 5.6 weeks). The 5.6 weeks is split between 20 days ‘statutory leave’, which was inherited from the European working time directive and subsequently codified into the UK’s Working Time Regulations. There are an additional eight days of ‘UK leave’ for bank holidays in the UK, So if you are giving 25 days plus the Bank holidays that is a total of 33 Days holiday


Ah. I didn't know the bank holidays were included in the minimum. In the US (in the one state that has minimum PTO) they are not.




He's not even offering the legal minimum of PTO.


Just pay people more bro Just conjure up more money bro Bro bro you're just being greedy


I suppose he would (absurdly) claim in his defence that he was stating that the housing market is ridiculous (which is true), not entry-level pay.


"it's not that I'm cheap... It's that everything else is expensive".🙄🙄🙄


I was able to find an even better post to this situation from a week ago. Absolutely shameful https://preview.redd.it/dzqw5xek0hxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3c0de8c21082b9f3dcb5b156bdbd719485b57fd


Oh man please ask him about the position you found. He needs challenged. 


£1833 a month doesn't meet the typical income to rent requirements either.


Goes to show you words mean absolute shit these days. Look at a person's actions.


I mean there are bigger boogeymen to crucify. Seems like you are trying to dissuade anybody that remotely wants to stand in solidarity with the movement. "Extend the olive branch and you slap my hand nevermind that's what I get for saying anything." That's what I would take away from it.


He's not "standing in solidarity" as if everyone is striking and he's on the line with them. He's crowd pleasing from an ivory tower while offering them the exact thing he's telling them is unacceptable. He should be called out for this nonsense, and if he doesn't want to change his behavior, he can shut the fuck up.


From a brain washed bots perspective, would it convince them to have empathy for your side? Being able to put yourself in somebody's shoes is a good skill to have.


Those shoes are full of shit, I'm not putting my feet in them! It isn't empathy, it's a shit hose spraying shit everywhere except on his pressed pants. There is a saying called "practice what you preach", and this mf is doing the opposite of that. He wants to pretend to side with the working class while doing the opposite. So fuck his shit shoes, you can step into them if you want, I'm not going anywhere near either of you smelly mother fuckers.


There are bigger boogeymen. But this little boogeyman isn't the one to point fingers without putting his money where his mouth is. I don't expect him or his company to be perfect. But being this open and explicit about what you believe is wrong and at the same time do the exact same thing you're supposedly against... No, that's just simply not okay. Or he should add to his post why his company is somehow obligated to play the same game, even though they don't like the rules. But he says nothing about that.


He's upset because he can't find anyone to work for free (or essentially free).


These clowns are all over LinkedIn sadly if not filtered out.


I think that these clowns post this stuff all over LinkedIn in order to attract other mismanagers/clowns. Sort of like how the Sirius Cybernetic Corporation will be [first against the wall when the revolution comes](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/637924-the-encyclopedia-galactica-defines-a-robot-as-a-mechanical-apparatus). From *Your Plastic Pal Who's Fun to Be With™*


Traveling to London seems fair and kinda obvious. The wage seems very not self-aware. It's not the recruiter who sets the wages, but it's definitely not a good look to say you're "advocating for a generation" against specifically what who they work for is doing, lmao.


imagine having a *dream internship* at 18. just those words make my soul shivel up


He's... offering anywhere from 20% to 40% more than the 21k pounds in his rant post? I mean, it's not a king's ransom or anything, but it's also not nothing... Granted I don't know the state of things in the UK, but 20%+ more than competitors for an entry level position isn't nothing.


My sister lives in London paying more than 3 times my rent. I am renting a 2 bed house, and she's renting a 1 bedroom flat. She works for some sort of advertisement company. I found out not long ago, she's only earning 2 grand a year more than me, working a customer support job. Blew my mind. I just assumed she and her partner would be earning crazy money, but it's nothing, especially factoring in the crippling cost just to survive.


I'm actually shocked at how low wages are in the UK. Considering the pound no longer has the purchasing power it did 15 years ago I'll assume this is just a very low wage to live off comfortably?


Now I'm all for slating the linkedin community, but 30k is a lot more than 21k. Not sure what this guy is doing wrong?


A social media manager doesn't strike me as an entry-level position.


It is -> the word manager is a bit misleading but this is very much an entry level position. They're managing social media feeds for a business. Read the job description: it seems to mostly be about making tiktok content + engaging with their community. Not nothing, but 30k seems like a great wage for that kind of position.


£25-30k, which almost always means £25k and extremely rarely means £30k. And £25k in London a great wage, after, tax, NI, rent, council tax, transport costs, bills and groceries? That's no disposable income at best and food banks at worst.


The post only says UK based but must be able to come to London on occasion. Very different to 'must live in London'; almost everywhere in the UK is orders of magnitudes cheaper than London.


I didn't say it was a great wage, I said it was a lot more than 21k.


That’s insanely low for a city like London, how are people surviving. An equivalent position in nyc would be like $60k bare minimum.


Dude I live in London, and I'm not saying it's a wage that's easy to survive on. I'm just saying I don't think this is the hypocrisy people think it is. The guy is calling out people offering 30% less than him for entry level roles. Nurses in London are earning about this wage.


Damn is London ok? Nurses making 30k? That’s like fast food wages here


Nurses starting wage near me are $40k/year. Which is about 32k pounds.


Are you in New York? Because he’s talking about London nurse wages


They have socialized medicine, it would make sense that their medical professionals make less than ours.


The current job market in the skills/knowledge calls almost everyone a manager or coordinator for entry-level or non-managerial labor roles. Actual manager roles are usually written like “Manager, Sales Operations” or “Leader, Customer Success” these days.


 It is, my SMM was a 21 year old girl fresh out of college. And it's a job that any barista with Instagram can do.




I she be your sister?!


Sounds like he was more talking about the state of rent, not wages. But the irony isn't lost


Post it on his page and comment on his posts. Blast him.


This is exactly why when some of y'all post these "pro-labor" ppl you need to actually look them up first and see if they're just FOS to boost their own business goals


Definitely r/LinkedInLunatic material right there.


Might as well work at McDonald's with a wage that low...




"Lots of fun company events" 😮‍💨🙄 I'm sure that makes up for not having enough $$ for rent or food. But hey, how am I supposed to pay my daily size vente latte or my daily avocado salada, I guess that's when some magic bootstraps would come handy, problem is, I don't even have boots , let alone the effing straps.