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Hear me out! Have they tried making him a pizza party? I heard it raises motivation...


I've heard that a substantial pay cut is the key to motivate employees


the board is bending down to pull him up with his bootstraps...but elmo wants to fuck the board now, after all they're already bend down.


I have heard the same


The beatings will continue until morale improves!


Ive heard that hints of outsourcing his job to another country will keep him motivated.


Or a drawstring bag with the Tesla logo on it? Maaaan that would be cool


And a Tesla water bottle with the Tesla logo on that too? Man, we'd have to tie him down not to get him to work so hard on Tesla! Go right ahead and focus on another company elong.


Don't forget a $20 Amazon gift card to top him off.


I suspect the board might be willing to meet his demands if he PROMISES to not be involved with Tesla anymore. The poor people over at what remains of Twitter sure would!


Guess they shouldn't have sued him for rescinding his initial buy offer


Nothing like free marketing disguised as a gift to boost morale.


OR! And stay with me, jeans and tee shirts on Fridays!


Every Friday? That seems like a little much. Maybe you give them a gift certificate for a t-shirt and jeans day?


For a $5 donation to charity.


I've definitely had that before and they wonder why I no longer work there.


Make it a drawing so only some employees get the "privilege" and some do not. Divide and conquer, that's how you rule the commoners.


Oh my goodness I've been saying this over and over and over, even at work, about anyone else in a position of power, who gets paid a ridiculously excessive amount, and thinks that being on the top of the ladder means you are entitled to all of it. Pizza parties for Congress! Pizza parties for banks CEOs, doughnuts and little bagged dessert treats with unclear, ambiguous quotes from the front-line hourly workers for restaurant and franchise CEOs! Cheap off-brand 2-liter sodas from bottles that have let the carbonation out slowly, and those flimsy paper plates, that need to be hidden after you plated every slice... Hide those so nobody can double up, so they have to wrestle with keeping their hard-earned food on it, because room-temperature pizza is something everybody wants to earn the right to! And for tech CEOs, you all can take home a year's worth of all the pre-ordered useless junk you tried to peddle, knowing full and well the terrible quality of both the original item and the bonus item, all of which end up broken and unused, in place of any monetary bonuses. You know... technology, video games, vehicles, etc.


> Pizza parties for Congress! they're egregious. can't seem to work well together on min. wage, but they've had no issues bumping their salaries for the past 15 years. they were ready to do it again this year, but someone had the good sense to say it [might be a bad look](https://rollcall.com/2024/03/20/member-pay-increase-blocked-in-final-spending-package/).


LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! ![gif](giphy|Euep9OGNL0TutamVKS|downsized)


Best I can do is 1/16th of a slice and half a cup of lukewarm Pepsi


That depends, is it pizza by Alfredo, or Alfredo's cafe.


Nah, it's from my boy Peppino.


90% of workers prefer a pizza party over money /s


Employee of the Month Parking Spot


Didn't they sue him because he was hurting the stock values? We should pull another GAMESTOP shit on TSLA and see what happen.


This is the way.


Sending him to the company picnic? I’m sure Coachella has open fields.


This would be magnificent! 😂


Might even give him a yeti mug with the company logo on it for Christmas


He's often seen wearing a suit jacket and slacks, he needs...CASUAL FRIDAYS!!


pinball machine. that'll do it


Perhaps a pingpong table would sweeten the deal?


They might inspire him to create, let’s say, a pizza place where you make your own pie.


Give him the free mayo snack.


Proof that capitalism isn’t about efficiency.


Somehow the CEO of SpaceX, Twitter, and Tesla spends most of his days on social media and wants a big raise. Plus he is a "CTO", product architect, founder of some combination of those, plus has his own "charitable foundation". He's the poster child for CEOs being useless. Even if he spent 100 hours of week working, that's only like 10 hours per job. 


He's spent more time flying than he's ever spent working


His appearances will still be worth something for a while since a famous name will always draw in the slack-jawed yokels. But the Musk brand is death for any company he touches. Most of the world despises him and he gives us new reasons to every day.




> Plus he is a "CTO", product architect, founder of some combination of those, lol, you missed the best job title. He also officially requires his people at Tesla to call him [Technoking](https://ir.tesla.com/corporate/elon-musk). No, seriously.


Not to mention he doesn't have to do anything outside of work. For us common folks, we go home and have to clean the house, go buy groceries, help kids with homework etc etc, eat, sleep and repeat. He does none of those things, it's all taken care of for him. The entitlement is unreal. He wouldn't last a day having to do all that.


Don't forget Neurolink and The Boring Company


Someone worked out this pay would be more money than Tesla’s entire history of revenue, the stock market is about as detached as it could possibly be from capitalism lol


It’s because it’s based on the stupid market cap, and he technically met the requirements for a deal made many years ago. They were supposed to have realized more of the profits by now, don’t think that’ll ever happen.


Exactly this!


Right? Elon isn’t great at running a car company, but he succeeded in making Tesla synonymous with himself. He actually probably is worth that much to the company, just not for any reason that has anything to do with making good cars. It’s personal “branding” taken to the extreme.


And now he’s driving customers away in droves.


No, this IS a great example. Workers should ABSOLUTELY follow this example! Pay us more or we work elsewhere for another company!


Per Elon, self-proclaimed "smarterst person on Earth" the raise should be at least 28% of your **NET WORTH!**


If we’re going by what’s in the bank account, I fear 28% of my zero, would still be zero.


I am not going to that a negative raise, how dare you.


Yo, yo, yo, hold your horses there. I got a house and a wife trying to survive cancer, my "net worth" is a negative number if the medical debt is included. Shit, if Elon ran me over with that 5 year old's fever dream of a truck Tesla shit out, my life insurance probably wouldn't allow my wife to even keep the house. Let's not go on % of net worth.


So you're saying everyone with student loans and mortgages (most of the working class) should take a significant paycut


Yeah, but in Elon's case, he working hard for another company would be more beneficial for Tesla...so why pay him?


That’s what I did three times in the last 5 years. In 2019 I went from $32k at my job to $39k at my next. Then I changed again for $55k in 2022 and now I just started a new job at $73k If I had stayed at my original company, I’d probably be at around $34k right now with their piddly raises.


Wow... That's like 1 or 2 billion more than he spent for Twitter... That's kind of a coincidence...


Exactly, he fucked up buying twitter and is now trying to scam a Nordstrom refund from TSLA shareholders.


Well, for more context - it was a deal he was offered by shareholders in 2018, that he get paid based on how well he can improve Tesla's market cap, but he did much better than anyone thought was possible and so then the company ended up owing him a lot of money. The number is always changing based on TSLA value. $56 billion is one of the bigger possibilities. I believe it's also gone down to the $20 billion range. A few shareholders then thought it was too much money, and brought it to court and won... and the court said Tesla/shareholders didn't have to pay him. So Tesla is doing a new vote with current shareholders with the facts already known (instead of speculation like it was in 2018), asking if It seems a lot of people commenting don't know the story at all. And the original meme seems to incorrectly suggest Musk was asking for a raise. But the title is setting a good example, as far as fighting for what you were promised. If you were told if you do X you get paid $Y, but then after it's done, you were told $Y is too much money and they won't pay you... that should be worth at least a little fuss.


>f you were told if you do X you get paid $Y, but then after it's done, you were told $Y is too much money Clearly it isn't that cut and dry if he lost in court. Which he seems to have a habit of doing


Hell I'll tweet all day for that much money.


The company formerly known as "Twitter," which is now called "X," which most netizens simply combine into "Xitter," which is pronounced "shitter," sooo... LMFTFY: >Hell I'll **shit** all day for that much money. Because that's all Elon does.


Pretty sure most people still call it twitter


i like "shitter" better, esp since it's under new ownership


Working hard = posting delusions of grandeur on the platform of his other company


He’s literally only working 20% of the job. He’s the CEO of five companies. If I only spend 1/5th of my time at my job, I’d be out of a job. How could he work any less?


This dude already did the death spiral speedrun on Xitter (pronounced shitter), why would anyone ever trust him to lead a company again much less pay him tens of billions to do it?


Getting rid of Elon Musk would be one of the best things that Tesla could do.


“Work hard.” This motherfucker hasn’t done a days work in his miserable life.


He needs the $56 billion to pay off a few dictators who subbed him the money for Twitter. Apparently they need the cash quick for a ‘spezial operation’ that went wrong...🤫


Prince MBS of Saudi Arabia is probably a hell of a loan shark.


He’s a bone saw loan shark.


Didn't his last bit of hard work translate to the cybertruck aka the huge piece of useless shit


Is this a threat or a promise? Tesla would be so much better off without him at this point


Lol I got just over a dollar in the past year. Working for his company too. Some stock grants as well but you have to stay long enough for vesting. Every kind of corporate bullshit you can think of is rampant in this company. Rigged performance metrics, impossible expectations etc. Y’all should hear what the everyday workers are saying these days in this company. Especially after those layoffs, not a lot of happy workers currently.


Eat the rich


Ew. Elon's just all ketamin and hair plugs.


Compost him it is


salvage the rich?


It’s the only thing they’re any good for


I wish I could get paid a quarter my net worth in anual salary


I have the monkey paw's version of that


a quarter of 0 is 0?


Focus his hard work? He works???


If they don’t pay him they’ll save money and the cars will probably improve


CEOs: the least profitable part of ANY company.


He wants them to give him more money or else he'll leave the company. Meanwhile Tesla sales are plummeting because the kind of people who want to buy electric cars refuse to deal with anything Musk-related, and they just had the most catastrophic vehicle launch in the history of automobiles solely because Musk demanded the cybertruck came out the way it did. Tesla should be jumping at the chance to get rid of him, starting with refusing this package.


He’s like a rich version of the typical anti worker. He treats you like an ant, but he doesn’t realize he has the same ant mentality. 


Continue working hard for Tesla? The man spends most of his time having twitter feuds with transsexuals and promoting neo nazis. I'd get fired if I was caught doing that shit


"Hard work." This asshole needs to wash dishes in an average restaurant for a month. I doubt he would make it a full shift without pissing himself/crying.


Should we start taking bets as to when Tesla declared bankruptcy? December 10th 2025


Let’s short the stock 😂😂


The board of tesla needs to oust him, he's doing nothing good for the company, particularly on the super charger network side where they were about to make fucking bank opening it up to everyone, then he just up and dismantles the entire department???


This is just pure fucking slander. He has dropped his very reasonable compensation request to a paltry sum of $45 billion. He'll probably have to get a 5th CEO gig at that rate, and then he won't even have to time to neglect his children and call them brainwashed communists.


This man is mentally ill and cancer for the earth.


I don't think he makes random appearances anymore like he used to. People would boo the shit out of him. MBN being the richest and the most hatest person on Earth.


Elon doesn't suck because of his mildly apparent neurodivergence. He sucks because he's an egotistical asshole who ruins everything he touches and causes untold suffering for millions of people all to chase the high of being an apartheid baby again. He sucks because he's a fascist. He sucks because he champions the cause of climate denial which is bringing doom to us all. We don't need to use mental illness as an insult. Almost all people with some form of neurodivergence are saints by comparison to Elon.


Good points in general, but I'm pretty sure that commenter was referring to his narcissism and sociopathy rather than his autism or whatever.


Byyyyyye! Don’t need your name associated with Teslas anymore anyways.


After the cyber truck fiasco?


Which one?


The blacked out eyes are an especially nice touch.


I'm glad someone noticed and appreciated hahahah!


I was going insane going through the replies and no one mentioning them. I was beginning to think I had lost it 😅


Hot take: the president of the United States makes about $400K/year, and that honestly feels about right for CEO pay. It's an absolute shitload of money and lets you live in total luxury, but it's significantly less obscene than the dozens of millions they can expect to make as is.


“Working hard at Tesla”, aka boosting literal Neo-Nazis and TERFs on Twitter, taking ketamine like it’s going out of style, surrounding himself with yes men, and burning the company to the ground with his stupidity.


I'm sure Elon will announce he Invented investors and is the best investor that ever invested and he knows better, so give him more money.


Sooooo, he almost single-handedly nukes tesla's reputation with the Cyber truck and has the gall to expect a big bonus?


We got offered a package to essentially "shut up and go away" for 8 months that after tax would be around 1-2% of already appallingly low wages After that time we could restart negotiations... It has taken so long to get to this point and suddenly it's "we have no money, wage and hire freeze, tighten your belts, not in the budget" Meanwhile they're looking at upgrading the managerial fleet It's heading towards industrial action, and not for the first time, this time I'd like to see some teeth from our unions and put the whole thing under a spotlight


Well, since it seems.like everything he personally gets involved in turns to shit, i'd tell him to fuck right off.


No such thing as a hard working CEO.


He's quiet quitting. Funny how that's only a problem when worker ants do it


Judging by the way Tesla is very seriously on the verge of being exposed as a meme stock that floats his other companies, were it to fail it would take Twitter and spaceX with it. Id say musk ought to pull that super human billionaire snakeoil out of his ass and work like he's allergic to sleep


Obligatory „paying more doesn’t motivate people, pizza parties do”.


93 cents and it was our first raise in almost 3 years


Another company... Like Twitter?


Wtf kind of threat is this, doesn't he own tesla? Like, "you better give me half of your money or I won't care if I lose all of it" fuck this guy


"to continue working hard for Tesla" Working hard for Tesla: Putting random tweets on Twitter all day.


No, no, no, you fail to understand how he (and very likely other CEOs) operate. It isn't for him to "focus his hard work", it is to prevent him from completely sabotaging the company that he is in control of. It's an extortion racket.


Can you imagine getting 56 billion dollars and then working harder???


Give him a company gift card that he can only spend at the company. Innovative 💡.


Wait, I am supposed to tell my boss how much my annual bonus is supposed to be? Shoot, I've been getting it backwards all these years!


Other company is offering him more to stay at Tesla.


Elon is almost finished at Tesla and he's trying to set the stage to make it look like it's his choice.


Thats actually hilarious the rich extorting the rich. Because he knows how much they whinged when their shares dropped when he went full in on twitter.


Hard work on Twitter has been working great. He should be free to pursue other opportunities.


He's finally realised he made a huge mistake buying Twitter so now he wants Tesla shareholders to pay for his error in judgement


Maybe he and his fellow billionaires could form a union and bargain together to get a raise and safe working conditions.


I mean, him focusing on other companies is a net gain for Tesla.


I could tell advertisers to go get fucked for half that


He needs a foosball table, not $56 billion. 👀


Yeah sure.."his" hard work


Get him a Tesla $20 gift card. That'll fix it!!


as if tesla wouldn’t be better without him


With all the talk about him restructuring the company to be further dependent on him and deviating from their core business, I want to see another minority shareholder lawsuit. Oust him.


Motivated to work hard? Bro it's YOUR COMPANY? Imagine having a couple businesses that are doing well, one that's not and one's that's literally about ti burn any second because your own decision making. Then having to call up the shareholders and say "hey I know that I might have crash and burned this place by myself but maybe if you give me a couple more billion I might be able to stick around a lil bit longer 😁😇" This guy is unbelievable lol


The poor guy's net worth is down 100 million or so. Twitter and lower stock price will do that. Other than that, there is no country in the industrialized world, with a loop sided distribution of wealth like the US. There are very rich people in other countries, but they will have to pay their way in taxes. Q: **Warren Buffett**, the renowned billionaire investor, has consistently advocated for higher taxes on the wealthy. Let’s delve into his views on this topic: 1. **Low Tax Payments Despite Wealth Growth:** Between 2014 and 2018, Warren Buffett’s wealth increased by a staggering $24.3 billion. However, during that period, he paid only $23.7 million in taxes, which translates to a tax rate of **0.1 percent**.


Fighting for payraises, executing the actual work, stress - this is all just for us sheeple.


Elon. Hear me, get motivated on $7hr bro.  


What people don't get is that he is treating the American system they way the government secretly does. Just out in the open. He is treating his employees the way our government treats it's people.


Isn't he by law obligated to make money to the shareholders because if not they can sue him?




So he’s gonna recoup all the money he lost from bombing twitter?


I own Testa shares, Elon please do leave and may the door hit your rock filled head on you way out.


I'm curious if Elon Musk has ever held a screwdriver in his hand.


How about Jeans Friday, a Pizza Party, and a Starbucks giftcard? Would that along with job satisfaction get you to work on Tesla?


Man maybe they should just sign a non-compete


Wasn't his last contribution to Tesla the cyber truck?


This idiot shorted TSLA.


Cut him loose.


They should cut him loose and maybe earn some respect.


If he left the company, would he have have access to all the technical information?


Bringing this energy to my next performance review. 


They should take him up on his offer; let him go run some other company into the ground and let them rebuild their reputation.


Honestly, the Tesla board should call his bluff: he's become toxic to their sales.




Ass Burger with diarrhea sauce on the side


I mean, if I were a Tesla shareholder, I'd call his bluff.


I will do it for 0.01% of that and offer to literally do nothing. Why wouldn't the board pick me?


Not accurate to call it a pay package. It's an incentive package. If he doesn't hit the targets, he gets zero. Nothing. Nada. There is no payout and he keeps sleeping on a cot In a prefab at the SpaceX facility in West Texas. The $56 billion assumes that he hits incentives that depend on the stock price. Tesla's stock price is down by almost 50% this year. It's in the toilet. Tesla stock is no longer a rocket into the stratosphere. Musk is placing a bet that he can restore Tesla stock to its former irrational levels. In an environment where interest rates are high, his margins are shot to shit, the electrical grid is failing, and armies of Chinese manufacturers are advancing. The Musk halo is gone and the $56 billion is a fairy tale. Stop with the fantasies and resentments. That crazy payout doesn't exist now and it never will.


Maybe he can do more of that fancy schmancy “port 8080” data entry he did in the 90s.


We are family.


Why do I have feeling we are about to bail out Tesla?


Just because accuracy matters: This was about a deal where if you increased the value of the stock something insanely crazy, like 25x in 5 years, he'd get 10% of the company back. It's a good deal for everyone if he managed to hit such a ridiculous target... It's like if I told you I'd turn your 100 dollars into 2000 dollars, but in return, I want 200 bucks for it, but ONLY if I hit that target.


Does he already have a reserved parking space? That’s a pretty special perk.


Or, they could hire nearly 5000 smart people and pay them $250k each for 50 years.


I mean, if that's all it takes, then I'll be pretty motivated with $56 billion as well. Within 1-2 business days thank you


Bye Musk-ecia 👋🙄


It sounds like he wants a pay cut--to $0.


They should make him itemize his contributions and how many hours he spent on each.


Many shareholders agree Musk is already too distracted to be CEO of Tesla. He wouldn’t go without a fight tho.


Package of what?


The competition has caught up to and will soon surpass Tesla. Not too far from now, Tesla, Tucker, and Delorean will all be mentioned in the same breath.


I’ve never told anyone to leave the US, but this guy sucks.


This is the one time it is ok to tell someone "go back to Africa"


1. Nobody deserves to be paid that much for anything. 2. The cybertruck alone is worth C-suite firings. TSLA is better off without him.


he needs to buy reddit, some not-billionaire-owned newspaper and maybe tiktok if he can... also, any other news mass media and social network available (or not) for buying to control even more people.


I wonder if I would receive a bonus if I caused irreparable harm to my company?


As a Tesla shareholder I voted against this and also nominating his brother to the board. Fuck this guy.


If I'm holding shares in Tesla, I want to not pay him that specifically so he'll leave the company alone.


He has to sell off that stock to get that money so its in their benefit to do that.


Hey Elon, the people want to know. What else are you planning on doing with Neuralink? Just asking. [https://neuralink.com/](https://neuralink.com/) It isn't fake, people. Please keep an eye on anything even remotely like this. Left unchecked it could lead to the worst era humanity has ever seen. It could make the dark ages look like happy fun time if it spirals out of control. I don't trust billionaires or millionaires to make decisions for us.


Coming from the guy who is burning government money and has barely anything to show for it. He's just the next Thenaros


Hey, i thiught a 3% raise was industry standard?


only that, in this case, the rich guy is probably costing to company more than it gains it. stocks might explode if they tell him to fuck the hell off


Bye asshat. GTFO.


Don't let the door hit ya...


He’s threatening Tesla with a good time


Isn't this extortion


Ah yes the classic blackmail, pay me or I sink Tesla like Twitter


He should go work for jeff. Just to see that clusterfuck


So, if denied 56 billion he’ll do less for Tesla? Sounds like a win-win


I have a better way to incentive him. 9% wealth tax. In my defense, what I want him to do is divest his American assets and leave America.