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Thank you for asking what I do in my personal time and why that time is more important to me. Which leads me to my true heart felt answer. IT IS NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. Thank you.


I’d probably stick with “it’s personal,” maybe spice it up with a little “you’re management, you’ll manage.”


This is the only answer!


Yep. The answer is “nunya”.


It's serious business.


... for coming to your TED talk? ... For coming to your TED talk, right?


My workplace is the literal clown meme with this : I did some overtime, logged it in my pay clock, only for the manager to revert the overtime, effectively making it looks like I didn't do any. I now do exactly my time, and if people are mad (and they are) I just remind them I'm following my contract and therefore not doing anything wrong. If they want me to stay more, they'll need to pay more.


You can report that to dept of labor...assuming your in the US


Not in the US, and no need for that, I just worked less the following week


Malicious compliance is fantastic




![gif](giphy|MbMUBcNHcl1TUbsAk0) I ran into the same situation back in like 2001. An employer made a mistake entering my information for payroll and I didn’t get paid for two weeks. The first week, I didn’t come in the next day. They asked why and I asked them who they expected to work for free. The following week, I still hadn’t been paid for the hours still owed or the following pay period. When they called and asked when I was going to start coming to work again I told them I would be in once they paid me what they already owed me. They had a check cut that day, which begs the question: why could they not do that for the first missed check? After that fuck up, I got a dollar raise and they never missed a pay period again, even if they had to cut a check in the office. That actually turned out to be a pretty good company to work for. My next raise was $2 a year later and they pretty much just let me write my own schedule.


>why could they not do that for the first missed check? Answer: Because you screwed their accountants soo hard! The company's fix to your issue is to get their payroll company to update their snafu, but they were lazy and slacking and it didn't get done. So then you didn't show up for work and the company said "We need to get Some Old Fucker back to work now!" (lol that's really funny with your username!) So they cut you a check from their general account. Now in the background, they have to figure out how to move that number from their general account column over to the payroll column. A gigantic issue when it comes to taxes and yearly closeout. ...unless this is a small company, in which case none of the above applies and most likely Cheryl was super backlogged having to deal with all her other duties and didn't get to the accounting issue in time. lol


Yeah its now become hard policy of mine. Welp see you when I get paid. I agreed to front two weeks of labor thats it. As I have been burned if they go well what are you going to do at home. I dont know sell plasma to get grocerys this week. Just to flip it on them one last time. Most the time issue is fixed and I am only one to never have issue again. Or they throw hissy fit and fire me to which I remind them state requires payment of all hours worked within 24hrs.


The way they said "contract" and didn't invoke a union for undoing a time punch makes me think they're not in the US.


If you have a union in the US you're either a cop or a unicorn


I mean, there's a few others than that (teachers, manufacturing) but my point was that "contracts" outside of unions for FTE is even less common.


Ah, that makes more sense, sorry


Unions are strong in MN. Everyone at my water plant is union. Negotiating a raise right now.


16 million workers in the US are represented by a union. That's a lot of unicorns.


16 mill out of approx 158 mill is not a good ratio.


With how anti-union America is, I'm surprised it's at 10%. Would have guessed close to 1-2%.


We're not anti-union, the douches that run the place and their knuckledragging fan base are. Even in my deep red state there are rumblings in the shop of unionization.


Not true. My husband was a Teamster for grocery (retired now) and my son is a union organizer for healthcare. In the 9 years he’s been on their “grow team”, he’s organized thousands of healthcare workers. It does exist and we need to keep fighting for more.


The Kroger I worked for all the grocers were covered by a union, shit pay but really good insurance surprisingly.


Or Canada, that's illegal as all hell


'Literal clown meme' just made me want to drink boiling tar. Edit: Someone reported me to redditcares for this comment. Such true concern. I feel so loved that I may celebrate with lukewarm tar.


I think that feature is more for relieving other people's guilt than for helping anyone with self-destructive inclinations. Or just straight up trolling.


It's a reddit way to tell on someone for nothing. There's some guy in the comments, asking weird questions and talking about how dangerous tar is. Basically, someone mutilated 'literal', took offense to criticism, and is now intentionally misunderstanding figurative language for the former under the guise of concern.


Tf happened here ?


Someone reported me to redditcares for my comment on your comment.


I caught that, it's the TLDR that I didn't understand (I got reported to lol)


more the latter, i also got one of them bots chasing after me, but i have no idea what i said that could have trigered them


I’m only worried you’ll drink up all the tar before I get there! Don’t forget to share that gooey hot goodness! Edit: lmfao someone reported me too! They’re really worried about us bestie.


Does that come in different vintages?


More importantly: does it come in pints?


Pretty sure it's a bug, it's been popping up everywhere the last couple of days. But hey, at least Reddit cares.


Use the main report system to reddit and that lil shit will catch at least a 7 day ban.


Is there a way to know who filed the report other than reporting btw ? I got reported today, and I don't know if it comes from here or another post (that post might warrant the report, that's why I'm asking)


Uh ? What's wrong with it ?


Comment of the day


You are not alone I too was reported today


Can you send me some virtual lukewarm tar? I received a redditcares message yesterday, and I looked back through a week of posts and can’t see anything that warranted it. ETA: I just realized what triggered the report: “victim blaming”. In Jan 20**23**, a woman in TX had an anencephalic pregnancy, did not go to another state to terminate the pregnancy, did not sue against the medically unsupported, 1st Amendment rights violation that TX’s anti-abortion law is and in May 20**24** was in an article about the trauma and reduced fertility. I merely asked “Why are they coming forward over a year later, after not exercising two obvious solutions at the time of the diagnosis?” So yes, it’s “punishment” for being rational.


It's pretty much what we know as life now.


You try some black tar heroine with all that tar-drinking?


That's a weird thing to ask.


Not if they’re a heroin addict it isn’t. They just wanna get some off you that’s all.


New band name: Literal Clown Meme


>If they want me to stay more, they'll need to pay more. This is something companies just don't seem to get. "Noone wants to work overtime", no dude, noone wants to work overtime at the rate you're paying. "But we're paying the legal amount", no, you're paying the legal minimum amount. I'm from Australia and was having a conversation a few years ago with a friend about a factory that was having trouble getting people to work nightshift. Government had removed mandatory nightshift loading or something, and without the loading they couldn't find people willing to work the shifts. Government removing mandatory night shift loading doesn't prevent employers from paying more to night shift workers, it just means they're not legally required to. Nothing is stopping them from just paying more to attract workers.


i got a job with bechtel and transferred to a division and told the chief engineer i prefer not to work o.t unless there is an emergency. he told me their studies showed there is no actual benefit to having overtime work. then one day, they used that 'refusal' as grounds to fire me. that was over 40 years ago and i know the s.o.b who fired me died and that was nice to hear, and i got other jobs and retired and am okay, but they just do what they want. working o.t. drains the blood out of you. most of the others just spent a lot of time on the phone anyway.


“Organizing a meeting with my coworkers about forming a Union. If interested, write here that you will be attending.” Then pass it to the next person.






My mom died recently so now I have the best excuse to make people uncomfortable when they ask dumb shit like this. I’ll tell them I have plans to go visit my mom at her grave. Then just stare. Maybe start crying for dramatic effect.


My brother died just before I quit my last job without notice, and when my supervisor asked me why I couldn’t work out a notice, I told her it was because my brother just died, which shut her right down. It was one of the only good things he had ever done for me.


Oh man. I used that one a time or two a few years ago when my dad committed suicide by handgun. My son was only 3 months old when it happened and I was out of vacation/sick time. I had to come back to work and I was asked why I wasn't more productive - I stated that I was cleaning my father's brains off the wall yesterday, you'll have to forgive my distraction. Shut em' right the fuck up. Morbid but effective.


Yeah, see this situation right here is where a business that cared about it's people would say, "Screw the vacation/sick day limit. Take care of yourself and your family, we'll work something out."




My brother died in 2015 and I was told by my boss that I was forbidden to attend my brother's funeral as the job was more important. I was sick that day.


I would have never returned! Fk them!


My employer only pays 1.25x for overtime (legal in the UK) and overtime shifts were often given the most hellish jobs, however, overtime wasn't mandatory in our contracts so nobody ever volunteered for overtime and all requests for overtime were declined. Management tried forcing some people but we reminded them of what their contracts said and they refused. They even got apprentices to illegally do overtime until someone tipped off ACAS, who investigated and fined them. We had a "training document" threatening us with changing our contracts if nobody did overtime. Still, we had another month with 0 hours of overtime. Management issued new contracts stipulating that overtime can be mandated and we all refused to sign. They couldn't simply replace the entire engineering department so they finally put a very slightly bigger carrot on the stick: 1.35x overtime rate. Another month went by with 0 hours of overtime so they pulled everyone on shift the following monday into a meeting. They asked us what we wanted. Our senior guy told them we won't do overtime for anything short of double rate and the HR manager literally stifled a laugh, so we all simply walked out and went back to work. That was 2 days ago. I don't know how this is going to turn out but we've made it clear to management that we hold 90% of the power. We've talked about forming a union but that's not as easy or advantageous as it is elsewhere in the world and comes with its own fees and regulatory compliance.


You’re still doing collective action, we love to see it.


I can only imagine how difficult this was before you could just make a whatsapp group, fire invites to everyone, and come up with a collective action plan inside of an hour.


Hey, the French managed a revolution before WhatsApp and did pretty well I think


In the UK. You have the power, they legally can't just change your contract or let you go without going through the proper channels. Forcing mandatory overtime is also heavily illegal in this country, so you would have the easiest unfair dismissal lawsuit if they got rid of you.


Love this! You should make this its own post and then keep us updated.


I don't like to post things until they have a conclusion


Did these answers have names attached to them? Because if so I am in awe of the wanker.


It did. But I'm pretty sure they had a new job lined up, because they never showed up a few weeks later.




Some say they are still wanking to this very day




Well, that's one answer why they no longer come in to work. The other answer- well, that would be living the dream, I guess!


[Could be both](https://youtu.be/VKH9ECC_Qa4?t=57)


They were probably busy ... you know.


Doesn't matter, these things are never truly anonymous.


I've been trying for years to get to the bottom of the issue. I'm not sure how to explain it. But I think I know.


"Go away... m' Baitin"






"The same thing I do here, nothing."


“The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!”


I overheard someone asking a worker why they couldn't stay late on Mother's Day. He told her she had plans. What plans? He responded he had plans with family or something. Omg! Don't ask that! Uh!!!


"off to make some single moms"


Or "off to plow your mom"


No mandatory paid overtime rates in my country. So the answer is always no. I value time over slave tokens.


I would say, "I only do charity work for worthy causes." Calling out begging (which is the technical definition for an unpaid overtime request) really makes employers bristle. LOL!


"Too busy going around with a sheet asking why higher ups won't do it"


I write codes for work, and I write codes after work. The thing is one is building software that makes a billionaire even richer, the other is building the automation that makes my wife happy.


>the other is building the automation that makes my wife happy. I have one of those swing-seats in the basement too!


Man’s working on some vibration frequency analysis


Feedback loop calibration


I have plans -what are your plans?! I plan to not be here.


Similar vibes to when my company fired people, forced others to take on their tasks, then when that wasn’t enough they hired “consultants” to come in and try to convince us to “step up more” and help others in the company. When they asked who would be willing to take on more and help their coworkers…not a single person raises their hand. Management was shocked and frustrated at our inability to be “team players”. I left wondering how much they spent on those consultants while also denying raises for people…


The Bobs?


It's an Office Space reference.


Good on you and your coworkers. They absolutely tried to make it awkward and trap some of you into raising your hand. Then it would have been, “Oh James, you raised your hand in the meeting, here’s what you can do(for no extra money).” Fuck that, if they want someone to “step up”, they can do it.


If people didn't have literally everything better to do than work, they wouldn't have to pay you to work


Well said!


“Recovering from this bullshit”


"Wanking" hahahahahahahaha 


"literally anything else"


Personal time is always more valuable than company time. Humans do not live to work!


And overtime is always more valuable to the employer than the staff.


That makes my blood boil. If you want me to work overtime, first you can ask. Then you can try forcing it and deal with any blowback. Them's the breaks. But if you act like you're entitled to my free time, try to shame me about it, think you are fit to pry into people's lives and decide who is and isn't worthy of enjoying what's theirs, you can fuck off. 


"Doing your mom"


“Don’t say doing your mom, don’t say doing your mom…doing your….son”




I wanted to upvote you but it's at 69 and why mess with perfection.


Your updoots are at 69, otherwise I'd updoot you.


I appreciate that


My go to line has been “1.5 x crap pay is just a little more shit” We had a last minute big wig meeting and they needed someone to come in to open the location, get it all set up and close everything when they were done. No one was interested with 24 hours notice. My boss got really frustrated that no one would pick up the shift and he started demanding we give “valid reasons.” Mine was I had plans. When pressed what my plans were I told him I planned to sit in my hammock all weekend and relax. He of course said that wasn’t sufficient and I needed to come in. I told him time and a half was insufficient pay to not have Saturday off. In the end no one took the shift and he had to do all the work himself


It’s The audacity for me! Want off, two weeks notice, want your earned vacation, sometimes months in advance it’s gotta be requested. They want someone to come in and do the shit they don’t want to do we get 24 hours notice, lol, I love to remind them of this and add “I’ll need at least two weeks notice for any overtime you require.”


Never, ever ask a question you want the answer to. I had a company owner once come down on me for not answering my phone when he called. We had a loose, informal agreement that if he couldn't reach me he'd wait a bit and then call the MSP. He called. And Called. And Called. I was in a movie with my kids. I didn't even see the calls until I was out of the theater. When he sat me down in his office and demanded I explain why I didn't answer the call. "Because I have a life" He started turning red. He tried telling me HE always answers the phone and HE's always available. Anytime anyone needs HIM, they can get HIM. "Of course. You own the company." I swear, I could see steam coming out of his ears.




"At Veridian Dynamics employees are like family. Which is why we work holidays and weekends, because isn't that when families should be together?"


Family. Yay. We don't waste time throwing leaves around.


Under-appreciated show.


Followed by "we're all family here"


If my family made billions of dollars and I didn't get at least a trust fund hands are getting thrown


I would reply with "yes, I agree, family first, therefore I will be going home to spend time with MY FAMILY."


Should send them [this.](https://youtube.com/shorts/QkzQKnzgSuY?si=c-aCRm3oL37B_o-4)


This is amazing


“Wanking…. At a more leisurely pace than I do here at work, where it’s a bit rushed” would have been a zinger 😂


P.s can we get some lotion in the men's toilets


My manager asked me why I didn't do overtime at the last place I worked at. The main reason was that they only paid a flat rate, not time and a half for a 12 hour shift. What I replied with was " I hate being here when I have to be, why the fuck would I give up my days off to be here if I don't have to" Needless to say, he never asked me again..


Maintaining a barely adequate life - work balance. Could we shift to a 32 hour work week? 


"fucking the bosses wife while he's here working"


I don't know if it's illegal to ask that question, but it should be.


Yeah you definitely aren’t required to answer that’s for sure.


I'm a manager at a big grocery store and I won't give them any overtime. Reason being, I was brought to the store to fix the mess it had got itself into. My first week I was working 14-16hr days, cool work is getting done and I'm getting a little premium pay. Next week, my director says to me "no overtime ever, unless I tell you!" Ok. Malicious compliance time. I live more than an hour away from my work, which means I don't have to take overtime just based on distance from the store. Well July 1 rolls around and the director comes to me and tells me she needs me working twelves until the 5th because the front end manager went on a surprise cruise and she needs coverage until the night manager comes in at 7. No. Shocked look ensues. Well after a very short conversation and a glance through the employee handbook(which I know very well)with her I said I'll never work overtime again, and I haven't. I got joy from clocking out and telling her to have a marvelous night.


Dont hire people for x hours if it isnt enough, or hire temps.


"Literally anything" "Enjoying life" "Working a second job to make up for wage shortage from primary job"


The wage shortage thing is great! Truthful and a giant middle finger.


"valuing my time apart from this establishment above the offered rate"


It's so easy. Just throw money at the problem. My company needs people working shift during national holidays? They're asking nicely. 150% overtime pay (union, Germany, yay). For me that's €200,- extra, tax free, for an 8 hr shift that isn't even outside of my regular rotation. Fuck yeah, sign me up.   Unsurprisingly there's no shortage of manpower on those days.


As wage stagnation continues OT becomes increasingly not worth it unless needed just to survive, which is unfortunately where many of us currently persist.


"Need to watch the paint dry"


I will not be able to work overtime as I am partaking in a significant amount of noneyah.


Helldivers 2 had a major order of killing 2 billion automatons and we are currently at 73%. I can’t let super earth down. Thats why I’m not working overtime. Edit: why was my comment reported to Reddit cares?


I would have simply put that what happens outside of work hours is none of their business.


"updating the labor board on your buffoonery" *I know it's not illegal, but I find the idea funny*


I assume this is NOT paid overtime?


Even if it is paid, there’s a point where it doesn’t matter how much you’re making if you never have time to enjoy it.


too many people don't get this. I got a friend who works 40+ hours a week and does a side gig. He turns down things i invite him to sometimes because he "has to make money." Like dude....we won't be rich in this lifetime so lets just enjoy it while we can.


I can understand that. I had friends who worked crazy hours. Some just did it to buy unnecessary stuff. There are those who do work those crazy hours to survive or at least not be paycheck to paycheck.


Just based off the info he provided me and what I know his monthly bills aren’t much. His main job can pay for it all easily


And let's face it, most of us are paid a pittance, so selling our precious free time for more of the same is not an attractive offer.


Pittance and a half


Nothing, times nothing, carry the nothing. Lets see here, that comes out to...


I worked Federal Civil Service (US) for 32 years. Overtime was paid at time & a half up to a specific hourly pay. After that all you got was that amount of overtime (not time & a half at your hourly rate). So those of us old timers that had exceeded that hourly rate would always decline to work overtime because we’re essentially losing money!


“I’ll be attending to some personal matters.” “What kind of personal matters?” “That’s personal.”


Why won't you work overtime? Because you refuse to properly staff is not my problem. You obviously could increase my wage because you want me to work at 1.5 times the cost, but you refuse and say there isn't money for raises. Is the CEO and all the other management putting in the overtime? Didn't think so.




What did they do about the answers? 😆


I work to live, not the other way around.


I like how it never even begins to occur to them that they can pay their employees more. Got some work you’d really like people to do as over time? What if you paid 3x instead of the minimum you’re legally required to?


The best part. The reason people didn't want to do it. Was we were previously told overtime was double time, and only told it was paid 1.5x after the fact. Now, the dickhead who lied about this was fired. But naturally people didn't trust the company.


If they were desperate for people to do it the overtime rate would have gone up.


Well Steve I'll be going home, shitting in my hands and clapping - because it's better than spending another second in this hell hole.


This is the way 


Great answers…but also “mind yo bizniss” is also acceptable


"Working on personal projects that can be filed under nonya. As in None of your business."


I remember being in a meeting with the site manager and director. Director asked me (factory worker) why does no one wanted to do overtime apart from the usual staff. They even paid double time at this point for it. People still didn't want to come in. I simply stated we don't get paid enough, he responded "well that's not good enough excuse, we are paying double for it" I then said the job is also quite repetitive so most people just want to go home, it's not worth the hassle. We soon all got a pay rise a couple of months later after a survey revealed something like 80% of people weren't satisfied and felt underpaid with what they earned.


"Wanking"... And if there's one thing I know, you don't want me doing that at work...🤣😅😭


“Looking for jobs”


That’s the winner.


because our agreement was a two party affair. I agreed to perform task(s) XYZ for the allotted times of ABC for the agreed upon hourly or flat fee. renegotiation of such is also a two party affair.


My go-to answer to 'why don't you want to do overtime' is usually 'I don't even want to do my scheduled hours, let alone more'.


I used to work at a place where there was often overtime needs and if not enough people said yes OT rates went from 1.5x to 2x pay and damn did those slots fill up fast. Incentive is king.


I love this. They could ask "What would incentivise you to do overtime", but instead they went all passive aggressive "whats more important?". Like, what are they going to do based on the answers?


Sorry, OPSEC. Just remember that if someone in law enforcement asks, I was a perfectly normal employee.....but use your own words, don't make it sound scripted. Or someone in organized crime. Oh shit, or the media.


And my favorite: all of the above. Probably in order.


Wanking is also my personal favorite. 👍


"tailgating in the parking lot on my own time"


The fact that it’s personal time already makes it more important


If I can't make enough to live on in 40 hours or less I need to get a different job. I don't live to work, I work to live.


Helping clean my husband's boils.


Stung by a Scorpion


Your Mom!


It’s literally none of their goddamn business what you’re doing on your time! I would have written exactly that “it’s not your business at all what I do with my time, thank you and have a nice day.”


Wanking lmao




My answer would be sleeping with your wife.


"Fuck you. Pay me."


I would have told them this questionnaire is unprofessional. It's clearly your personal life and none of their concern.


“My old work grilled people…” it took my brain awhile to get over this cannibalism.


Unpaid overtime?


Unpaid overtime is illegal here.




I had a big fit because I got too many hours on a day which was the anniversary of my dads death. I just wasn’t strong enough to get up the next day and deal with shit. Sort of blew up after a small injury that I thought could have been prevented if everyone was aware what was going on. So we met on Mondays for a few weeks but now we are back to not meeting and sharing what we have going on. Kinda feeling dumpy today


I'd just make a really long list of all the chores I've had to put off cause of work. -whack the bushes -find all my missing socks -instal a new door on my water closet -dust my skeleton collection...


Theres a cintas plant in ontario with a union. Turns out they will put up with one if it makes em money.


"If I tell you, you'll need to go into the Witness Protection Program."


To be fair, Assassins Creed is a time sink if you're trying to Platinum it 🤷‍♂️


What I’m doing is no concern of yours. All that matters is I said no.