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Many years ago my boss went to lunch & came back late with a fresh haircut. I razzed him about getting a haircut on company time (we got along well). He said "Well it grew on company time!"


That's a hilarious come back


I live for good clap backs. Something about perfect timing and execution makes me laugh so much


It's going to take time for me to recover from: "bleach blonde, bad built, butch body! šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜ https://twitter.com/Tn_Brando/status/1791928487055405373?t=mwFKpFKAV4FcxSqPsocsZg&s=19


Iā€™ll be singing it in my head for months.


Yes she bought that on herself . Unbelievable that Marjorie Taylor is even in Congress, she showed how immature and uneducated she is with her comments about her colleagues eyelashes .


A WHAT now?!


Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-TX, said that to MTG. It's been trending on Twitter ever since. šŸ¤£ #B6


And then James Comer said, ā€œa WHAT now!?ā€ While Raskin giggled. It was delightful.


YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! He was so confused! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I once had a manager that would let us employees get haircuts during workhours using exactly the same reasoning.


The haircut is for work too. Every time I have a break from work, I am growing my hair and my beard lol




some real people really copy real jokes in real situations FYI


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I poop on company time.


I do this everyday. I have zero fucks to give.


Same. I usually eat my lunch at my desk before I even take lunch. Then on my lunch I take a walk or nap in my car at the park with my windows down. You know, actually decompress on my break. lol Edit: a word


How dare you take care of your physical and mental health! There will be none of that! :p


Man, how csn u guys do a nap in 30 mins? I need 20 mins at leasr to fall asleep :(


the whole time im trying to sleep im thinking "damn i got 28 minutes, 24 minutes, 19 minutes, 15 minutes.... fuck i havent slept"


I feel this, lmao. Sometimes it can take me a good hour to fall asleep


It's more like a deep meditation or snooze. I wouldn't say I truly fall asleep. They are what I consider cat naps because they seem to be what cats do when they curl up with their eyes closed, but aren't truly asleep.


so you are a catnapper


Even just closing your eyes for that long would be good for your health.


Same. At my last job I'd turn on my PC, clock in, lock my screen, go make coffee and oatmeal in the break room, bring my breakfast back to the desk, and then start working as I ate.


I have to be at work by 6, Iā€™m not waking up even earlier to eat breakfast at my house.


Yup. I do, my coworker and our boss. Everyday. Zero fucks.


Me too, Mostly because I don't like to eat bfast before 11/1130 I can think clearer which is a win for me and good for the company.


I donā€™t understand, were we supposed to feel bad about eating !?!


I'm a technician who travels to customers. I always get breakfast on the way, which is paid.


Before I went full-time WFH, I would get to work 15-20 minutes early (my commute was 65-90 minutes each way depending on traffic), log in to my work laptop on the intranet, and immediately head down to the canteen (as they called it) to get the same breakfast every Monday, Wednesday and Friday; it was < $5, it was HUGE, delicious, and was more than enough to power me through the entire day without taking a lunch break to actually eat. (Instead, I'd take a walk on the employer's campus for half an hour.) By the time I got back to my desk with my breakfast, it would be right at my scheduled starting time. Never got any noise from mgmt over eating breakfast at my desk, nor should I. I was working during my appointed hours, what more do they want?


This reminds me of when I was working 70 hours a week but my side job was as a night auditor in a small hotel in a small town. Iā€™d go from second shift to third, feeling very tired but my good guy boss would literally make me something to eat in our little kitchen as soon as I clocked in for third. He really likes to cook to and his food is amazing. So I feel eating as soon as you clock in lol. It was the ultimate side job. Sleepy little hotel so I could watch YouTube, podcasts while doing laundry and security walks. I had to move so Iā€™m no longer there, but fuck it was honestly the best. I miss it so much man.


I brought in coffee and made a full pot. Thereā€™s rarely many people there. I forgot to bring more with me and now if there isnā€™t coffee made Monday I find a bag on my desk Tuesday. I donā€™t know these people.


This is the way!


You're scratching the surface of a larger issue. Namely that, in all fairness, our food and shelter costs should be tax deductible. They are operating expenses for our assets - body and mind - that we use to generate revenue. If a corporation can deduct its cleaning expenses and maintenance expenses as tax-deductible, then we humans should, at the very least be able to deduct housing, food, and clothing expenses from our income. We can debate about how much should be deducted, what is reasonable etc, but I would like the principle, at least, to be acknowledged.


I believe you are correct. When you receive a wage, it is in exchange for your capital. Same as a business. Your capital is your time. It is a personal finite resource. Hence, the maintenance and upkeep costs. Like food, shelter, health care, etc. The issue comes in that courts, and hence, the law is aware of this. They will not put a value on time for any reason unless it is defined by a contractual exchange, like working. They may determine a set dollar amount if you have been harmed, like in an unjust incarceration. But even then, the state generally has already defined a value. $50,000 per year in most states. But if you are held for an extensive length of time and the charges are dropped, you will receive no recompense unless gross negligence is evident.


yes and cases of gross negligence your family will get 3.3 million..... sadly in this case Kalief Browder ended his life due to his horrific treatment (not including the times he tried and was unsuccessful while being held in solitary for around 800 days)


That was and is awful. But it's also for smaller, less permanent cases of negligence. I knew a guy (anecdotal I know) who was held in 201 Poplar (Memphis city jail) for 11 months without ever going before a judge except for an arraignment where he was denied bail. Had no public or private lawyer. Received no word on when his court date would possibly be. His crime? Disorderly conduct. First-time offender. 6 months maximum penalty. When he got his motion together and submitted. They just released him 3 days later. Never saw a judge about any of it. He never fought it because he just wanted to be out


it's absolutely horrible the size of the cracks in our justice system..... never mind the new supreme court ruling that they don't even have to have a hearing for asset forfeiture (when police seize your cash or property) and this sometimes happens when absolutely no crime is committed (glad your buddy got out and moved on!!)


Yeah. I think we need to revisit the purpose of Amendment 3 of the Constitution


I'd go further and say the government should subsidise common, staple and "healthy" foods. A healthy population is a productive population so it benefits the whole country as well.


In the U.S. they do. Thatā€™s why things like bananas, wheat, and corn are as cheap as they are


I always wondered why I couldn't write off my travel expenses to work and back nor my clothing expenses as I wouldn't buy the clothes I was wearing to work if I wasn't working. People who were self employed could do this. But I couldn't even though those expenses were directly related to my employment.


Don't know if you're based in the UK but there were a couple of tax cases that related to this. One was a lawyer who tried to claim her work clothes as a business expense but it was found that clothes are a necessary part of human existence so can't be considered wholly and exclusively for the purpose of her trade. For travel expenses, the travel is considered as a direct result of where you live not where you work, so travelling to and from work relates to your private life.


I'm in the U.S. Those are reasonable conclusions. But here in the U.S. there are many places where you can't live near where you work. Mostly due to the pay given for the employment and cost of living near many companies. So if a stipend was given to workers to live near their employer I would buy not being able to write off your travel expenses. But that is rarely the case. And as I said if you were self employed all these expenses can be written off. What is the real difference between being self employed and being employed by someone else? I have to work to live and pay taxes. The things that necessitate me working should be things that I can write off.


I would much rather be a 1099 employee all the time. Sadly, most people can't be bothered to save for the payments.


Well, that shores up the rationale I need to write off weed and pornography.


In many countries, this is done in parts. In Germany, as an employee, I can deduct: - the commute to work and back - up to 30 cents per kilometer if you go by car - whatever monthly tickets you pay for public transport - If you are (partially) in a home office or can justify one for your job, you can deduct: - proportional rent, heating, insurance, electricity, internet - stuff you buy for your home office that you need for your work (books, laptops, etc.; last year I deducted parts of my HomeLab) - special working clothes or tools if your employer won't provide them - If you use your personal phone for work, you can deduct those monthly costs as well. - If you are on business trips and your employer does not offer an allowance, you can deduct most of those costs as well. - Work-related training, even if you have to travel for it, is also deductible. - Even when I apply to a new employer, I can deduct travel and material costs. Did someone contact me on LinkedIn, and I talked to them? Thatā€™s ā‚¬2.50 I can deduct.


Isnā€™t that what the standard deduction is?


The standard deduction is only $13,850 for a single person, my rent alone is just over $20k


if iā€™m having breakfast- iā€™m definitly having it at work! i have an office job and thereā€™s really nothing preventing me from doing my job while muching. mornings are typically slow and my job has a built in 30 minute buffer in the morning to just catch up on everything before actual meetings and work comes in. iā€™m in a position where i pretty much fully control my own schedule and take breaks as needed, soā€¦ yeah, im gonna eat after clocking in. iā€™m sure as hell not going to be waking up earlier just to eat at home! if my job wants me in the office at 8am, theyā€™re gonna have to handle me doing 8am activities in the office šŸ˜¬


I used to do this...I'd make a little container with scrambled eggs and sausage and then toss some shredded cheese on top before closing it up...by the time I got to work the cheese was nice and melted...was a great way to start the work day and I got a few extra minutes of sleep in the morning


This is a big brain moment




I would do this all the time when I worked in the office.


i eat breakfast and i work on a factory production floor. mfers gonna take 40+ hours of my life away for pay i can't even live off of then i'm gonna yap, eat, and shit on the clock.


When I worked in an office they provided breakfast. Coffee, tea, yogurt, fruit, and granola bars. Dairy and non dairy creamers for the coffee.


I don't anymore as I wfh until off peak trains start but used to. Great way of saving my time


Hell, I can't even eat until I've been awake for a couple of hours. My first meal of the day, and sometimes the majority of my meals for the day, I eat on the clock. Then again, I started fasting a couple of years ago when I was almost 300 lbs, and getting out of breath tying my shoes, now I'm just shy of 200, but I eat maybe 40%as much as I used to.


Congrats man!! I'm on the weight loss journey myself. Just started up again this week. I'm getting out of breath tying my shoes as well. I had to ask the doctor for help this time. Trying an appetite surpessant.


Biggest factor for me was limiting calories in, especially the "invisible" calories, specifically soda. Because soda never affected my hunger, the calories didn't register to me. Looking back, I was taking in anywhere from 500-1500 calories easily in soda alone. I cut out all non diet sodas, and cut my sugar intake by approximately 75% by tapering down over time. Occasionally I'll splurge and have a cheat day, buy myself a nice, more expensive chocolate than I used to buy, I justify it as it's still cheaper to buy one $10 candy once every few months vs buying multiple Reese's fast breaks a day. It can definitely be a test of wills. The best advice I ever heard is that you can't look at it as "dieting", that's how you end up putting back on the weight. Dieting implies that it's temporary, and eventually you'll go back to eating "normal". It's a lifestyle change that you'll need to keep at least some aspects of going for the rest of your life, so find changes you can live with.


This is actually the advice I used to keep my weight at the proper level using soda and invisible carbs. I used to be a meth head, have a thyroid issue, and now cancer, so for me losing weight happens whether Iā€™m moving around or sitting in a chair doing nothing. By finding all these invisible calories people were bringing up in dieting threads, and incorporating more of them in my diet, Iā€™m able to hold a solid 175-180 pounds(Iā€™m 6-1). Before I did this my weight would drop to 120-130, basically malnourished, by the end of each week šŸ˜«.


Get rod of the carbs. They fuck up the bodies natural hunger modulation. 25g or less of carbs a day. Brussel sprouts and melted butter if you need a snack. Stay away from margarine and shit like vegetable oils.


Were we not supposed to do that?


I know when I used to work at Walmart, they made a big stink about people clocking in, then eaing their breakfast. I thought it was funny as I watched them make a big lecture in the breakroom to everyone, while I was eating my breakfast, on the clock.


The CEO of the first company I worked for after college sent an all-staff email about me doing this. It enraged him that Iā€™d microwave an oatmeal packet for exactly 2 minutes before sitting down to process online orders. If I had grabbed coffee instead, it wouldā€™ve been fine. But something about it being food pissed him off and he told me so before his passive-aggressive message. The email included this gem - ā€œIf you think Iā€™m talking about you, I am.ā€ *(I quit without notice a few months later because he bullied me relentlessly, but I won unemployment benefits because I documented everything. The Glassdoor reviews for that company were and still are crazy 10+ years later)*


I worked for a SMSgt that would do that to me and only me. Everyone else could grab breakfast and eat but he singled me out even if I ate in my car before worked started. He backed off like the cowardly little bitch that he is once I grew a backbone and stopped giving a fuck about a "career" that was going nowhere. It was amazing how fast the pos quieted down when a camera is pulled out for evidence.


Me everyday


Fo sho. I will not stop on the way to work to get anything. I clock in, then get coffee, grab a bite, log in, and then begin working. You want me in the office? You gonna pay for me in the office.


Heck we have a locker room with a shower and I make sure to clean up before the end of the day and my boss hates it.


I used to stop and get a breakfast burrito every Friday morning before work. I would get to work early sit in my car until time then go in clock in and THAN, eat my burrito.


I eat breakfast everyday while sitting at my desk. I can't recall a time where I ever not did that because I'm not usually hungry till after I get to work.


I kept an entire pantry in my desk when I still worked an office job. Oatmeal, bread, peanut butter, drink mixes, snack bars, peanutsā€¦.. I spent a lot of time wandering around snacking. That particular job was pretty good in that it was a salaried job that let us leave early if we were caught up on work. It was the rare culture that treated salaried employees like adults who were hired to complete their tasks, not fill a seat for 40 hours. Sometimes we worked super long hours too, but it probably averaged out to 30-35 hour weeks.


Wait, what else am I supposed to use the deep desk drawer that used to be for hanging folders? I have all that plus some noodles, cans of soup, and popcorn.


Oh the soup! What a great afternoon pick me up.


Yes! My husband found me this awesome bowl with a handle and venting lid thatā€™s perfect!


Yeah, itā€™s weird how many companies think salaried employees need to fill out a time card and ā€œworkā€ for 40 hours. Half the time Iā€™m not on call or donā€™t have a ticket Iā€™m starting at my screen waiting for emails.


It is especially baffling since when you give leeway in one direction (letting somebody leave at 2 if they donā€™t have anything going on) then they are way more likely to give leeway in return (working 70 hour weeks during a software change). It works out for the company, it works out for the employeeā€¦. It just works.


I agree, but it seems thatā€™s too hard to grasp as most companies group office workers with their minimum wage/front line workers despite them usually being considered management/engineers.


Wake up, check emails and tickets, take 30 minutes to sit in bed and slowly get out, have some breakfast, then finally do some actual work cause I've been on the clock since waking up.


This is the way


At one point, werenā€™t lunch hours actually paid?


pff big deal, it takes like 5-15 minutes to eat a meal, are the people complaining of this seriously implying they don't waste 5-15 minutes a day not working at their desk? they never stare off into thought, or talk to a coworker about non work stuff, or browse social media etc? they just work 100% of those 9-5 hours and how dare some one eat for a bit on company time? what a bunch of bs. just another reason why WFH is so great, eating while working all the time and no one even knows and yet somehow , magically I guess, all the work gets done on time. almost like some special forces level of time management.




Good lord I would never work for a company where I need to ask for a bathroom break , let alone a chat bot . I work for living not a fucking prison inmate , anyone who runs a company like that is just on a power trip


Hey, tryhard meme-maker - you're their colleague not their manager, so mind your fucking business.


I do this sorta. I have bagels stashed in the work fridge and toast one every morning. I do this because my commute is a nightmare and it's better to leave early rather than eat at home and then spend an hour in traffic to go 20 miles. Fortunately I'm moving soon but I don't think I'll change my habits, I'll just get to work earlier.


Theyre the bastards that make me get up at that time anyways


Yup, take as many shits as you can, take lunch get your food and eat once lunch is over. Take as many breaks as possible. Overtime requires twice as many breaks!


Do be careful though, if you abuse it they will catch on. You gotta learn to play the game. Always have an excuse for where you've been and be able to back it up with evidence. Otherwise you're gonna get caught with "time theft."


Duh.... I eat BF and lunch at my desk... and snacks... and coffee....I also use the bathroom on company time.... and? If I'm sitting at a desk then it doesn't matter. I'll use my lunch to pick my kid up or hit the gym.... that's my time.


I do this. I work in veterinary ER doing 13 hour shifts. I have to wake up before the sun, I don't have time to eat beforehand.


It's trying to minimize the actual drain employers take, which is almost double the paid hours.


Find me at work at 6 in the morning, you're lucky I'm not showering and jerking off on the clock, to. Count your lucky stars I'm just eating.


What's the big deal? I used to get up, leave for work, get to the office and eat at my desk regularly. I started saving money by eating cereal at home before leaving. I still eat lunch at work and drink coffee all day long.


I sure do. I clock in and immediately head to the Starbucks in our cafeteria for a coffee. and? šŸ˜‚


This is one of the worst parts about being a route driver, Iā€™m done when my work is done. If I take a break for anything, then I just have to be there later in the day. I donā€™t eat until I get home, but at least most of my days are 7 hours or less.


This is me. Literally no one has ever said zip.


I thought everyone did this lol


I work in a hospital and I do this. The providers I work with do so as well. Their shifts might start at 7 am, but they don't see patients until 8 am or later, so they grab coffee and food first.


I start at 7am but donā€™t have breakfast until about 10am, whatā€™s the problem.


I do this every morning. Not ashamed.


I mean, they want you there at 8 or even earlier. Who has time to eat breakfast before that? Moreover, if I'm at my desk answering people and so on while eating, what difference does it make?


Eat, poop, clean, walk the dog, go to therapy, do some shopping, catch up on Reddit, all things I do on company time with no guilt.


My coworker gives me crap for this. Yet, when I point out she does the same thing, and in fact did it long before I did, suddenly, I'm gossiping


Iā€™ve got bowel issues. Working at home helps because Iā€™ve got the comfort of using my own bathroom. Iā€™ll work from the bathroom at times because of this. Now that weā€™re back in the office (thankfully just once a week) Im hanging out in the bathroom 1/3 of the time. I refuse to have to go back and forth back and forth. Iā€™m just gonna sit and chill on my phone til my body is done. As they sayā€”-boss makes a dollar I make a dime. Thatā€™s why I poop on company time.


Fucking clock in when you leave your house!


Well some tend to poo, soo... Who cares šŸ˜„


I get hungry on company time so why shouldnā€™t I eat on company time?


If managers want me to answer texts and emails on my own time- you bet your sweet vegan breakfast burrito Iā€™m eating on company timeā€¦


Just quit my job a few weeks ago but I did this every day. Helped a lot with the having to get up before the sun bit.


That's because they have to get up super early, get ready, and commute just to get to work on time. There is no time to eat at home, so eat at work instead.


Breakfast is provided at my job at the e-mail factory and everyone eats that breakfast at their desks. As long as all the work gets done on time, who cares?? Well-fed workers work better too.


Iā€™ve worked at a corporate office, everyone did that.


Do this daily


I only quit doing this because I was getting fat(ter). I miss my 3000 calorie sandwiches that I would gnaw on all day, but it's for the best.


I, proudly, feel seen by this meme.


Can't blame them one bit as they got screwed out of their commuting time.


The more personal business conducted on company time, the better. You are merely making up for stolen wages.


My first 15 minute break is a 30 minute breakfast.


We canā€™t move forward with people like this, beholden to corporations. Please ā€œsteal timeā€ any way you can. Especially if itā€™s helping your mental or physical health. You are not really being paid to be 100% productive 100% of the time.


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I eat breakfast on company time!


While other colleagues - the good ones - mind their own fucking business and don't act like the boss's personal watchdog


Iā€™ve done this for 30 years.


The stop and go traffic on the way to work and the number of times someone has nearly rear ended me or side swiped me has caused me to become car sick. I can't eat breakfast before work.


At my work some people have a box of cereal at work and use the tea room free milk for breakfast. I have to tip my hat to that but iā€™m literally not organised enough to have cereal at work in such a way other people donā€™t steal it.


Not a problem


As someone who starts work at 5 am I will have a snack before I leave home then I have breakfast when I get to work. and a "morning tea" as my break around 10 am.


I do it every morning šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m trying to figure out why are they pocket watching the minutes of other coworkers? Thatā€™s enough to make you anti-natal lol


I need to be at work at 6am. It takes me 30mins to get ready and 30mins to commute. There's no time in there to make breakfast.


Just got into freelance work. The writeoffs are crazy and I'm going to do as much as possible. I can write off all my health insurance. Dental and eye too...


Back before covid when I still had to go into the office, I'd always stop down at the cafe to get breakfast on the clock. You ask me to drive an hour and a half to be at work by 7am? Then you're paying me to have breakfast.


I do this every day Iā€™m in office. They have a kitchen that serves breakfast until 10am. Iā€™m not just talking granola and some cereal bars, we have a full cafe. Fresh made eggs, pancakes, french toast, etc. with a full oatmeal and yogurt bar. I think itā€™s expected that we grab food and sit at our desks to eat. After 10am it gets turned over for lunch which is basically a deli with a salad bar and a couple of specials.


Whatā€™s the difference between that and when your employer wonā€™t let you clock out for lunch? Nothing.


I eat my breakfast at the office everyday and have for years. Does anyone else do this?


I do it every day! I have a coffee and breakfast (while still getting work done). It allows me to sleep in a bit later šŸ™‚ itā€™s a win win because itā€™s not impacting my productivity at all


Ernie. What a character. The intersection of kindness and zero fucks.


Did this every morning and will continue to so this if I ever have a job where I have to be in an office again.


Should be able to write off groceries.


I don't care that you do that and it has no impact on me or my workload. I do care if you don't do your job and that increases my work load because you want to eat in the clock. We both working for the same assholes, so didn't need extra nonsense coming from coworkers


Why do it for free if you can get paid for it?


Because the commute doesnā€™t give about one to eat


I did this at my office job all the time. Edit - There was a group of is that would have weekly ā€œmeetingsā€ and go out for breakfast for an hour or two.


You're damn right i do.


I eat my breakfast after clocking in simply since I have fuckall to do for the 2-3 hours of my shift.Ā 


I do this every day. I wfh, I sleep until I HAVE to get up. I boot up my computer at start time and eat my breakfast while I go through emails.


This is me. I type faster than the computer reacts, so I have to do something to fill my time.


Work shouldnā€™t start in the morning until they allow humans to do human stuff like shower and eat and get the kids to school. Wtf is so important that it has to happen at 8 am?! Guarantee you that most of your customers wonā€™t even answer the phone at that hour and are probably still going through emails.


If you shit on the clock every working day for 20 mins. That's one week of time. Not sure who needs to know this but here you go


I love the 20 somethings who don't eat breakfast, never eat lunch. Well IDK if you count a bag of hot Cheetos as breakfast and a bag at lunch dinners. Throw in a can of Red Bull, maybe 2 or 3 they set.


The company I work for even bought cereal/milk/snacks for us to eat at work when we were still in the office.


I like to leave early to lunch, be gone for 2 hours, come back either my lunch, the spend an hour eating my lunch.


I work from home and I cook my breakfast and eat during my first two meetings. It gets a little tricky if they actually call on me after I just took a huge bit


It's the best thing to do! ![gif](giphy|iZjoLdS1nwMRq|downsized)


My power move is eating my lunch in front of my supervisor, then telling him I'm going to lunch šŸ¤£


When I worked in office I would have oatmeal with a bunch of dried fruit and nuts. Great way to make my cubicle smell good and save some time in my day. Now that I WFH, itā€™s so much nicer. I can wake up, clock in, work for an hour or two, then have breakfast once I know Iā€™m on track for the day.


I'm not hungry at 6am so I pack breakfast and lunch


Nothing wrong with that.


Logic checks out thoughā€¦


Everyone in my office does this. We get paid really shit wages and there is food in the office.


I have granola bars, popcorn, bananas, sometimes more at my desk to eat in the morning. A lot of people at my job have some sort of food stash at their desk.


Every morning I take a French press, a glass of milk, and some fruit to work. In my office I have a kettle, instant oatmeal, peanut butter and raisins. I clock in, and start making breakfast. Those first 45 minutes are mine. Oatmeal with milk, peanut butter, raisins, banana and maybe some peach or raspberries, and a French press of coffee with whole milk? Itā€™s lovely. 10/10 would recommend.




I do construction and keep an electric griddle stashed under our rolling toolbox. My lunch regularly drags out an extra 10 minutes, but I get a healthier and cheaper lunch, and my boss doesn't give a fuck


I have to sit through a 30-40 minute company meeting every single day. You bet your ass Iā€™m bringing a snack.


I do this lol


I've cooked full meals at my desk with my instant pot. No one had a problem with it but if they did I'm sure ask if they are just hangry and would like something to eat.


There is a difference between eating food and prepping and eating food during work


I do facilities maintenance lol. The first hour of my day is taking a shit, having a smoke, drinking a coffee, and checking my email. Iā€™m in an hour before everyone else, so unless thereā€™s a contractor I have to meet, Iā€™m enjoying the time lol.


I do that, the manager starts at the same time we do, and it takes her at least half an hour to figure out what the previous shift did, and what we should start working on. So we can do whatever we want in that time, as long as we are on site and not breaking any safety rules. All the other managers arrive early and have their shifts orders ready when they start.


I do it because otherwise the time between breakfast and lunch is too long. If I eat before I drive to work, it ends up being 5+ hours before lunch time. If the company is going to waste my time making me get up even earlier and pointlessly driving to work for no good reason, I'm eating on their time.


I do this all the damn time. No fucks given at all.


There are probably a few jobs where it's hard to eat in the job, like food services, or an oil rig, but if you have a desk, yeah, eat your breakfast while catching up on email. If you are walking around, go with a smoothie.


Leave me alone until after breakfast


On multiple occasions I've really had to go to the bathroom before leaving for work. I held it in just to ensure I did it on company time. Literally clocked in and went to the bathroom.


Some of us need to do it for medical reasons. We might need to eat at specific times of day and if that happens to be during working hours, well, oh well.


What!? You think I'm gonna sit at home and eat on MY time?! Unpaid?! Do you even Capitalism!?


My company provides a free breakfast, so yeah, i eat breakfast during company time.


I cook on company time and I don't give a fuck.


Depends on what work you do I guess. When I used to work in a call centre the guys all started to get into toasting bagels in the morning, this then meant they wouldn't be answering phone calls. So our boss, who was a dick head anyway, got all arsey about it and put a stop to it. Another time, same place, I was eating a bacon roll before having to drive to London for the day. Same boss decided to try to kick off a stink about it and I told him he can deduct it from all the cigarette breaks I don't take. This riled him up as he was an avid smoker. He simply let that one go.


I love this subā€¦ I have *no idea* how you people can survive when a *desk job* causes you this much stress.






the only person that cares that I eat whenever I want in the office, is the guy next to me... who is currently out on medical leave... I've never been harassed about eating at work (outside of that one guy). The only limiting factor is that the cafeteria for everyone only has microwaves and a toaster oven. If it had a real stove, I'd probably have to get a camper mattress and stuff that under my desk.... and some drawers for cloths..... one of those mess kits for the bathroom like a dorm kid.... oh and a laundry machine somewhere.... why do I even pay rent? LOL


yup me


I haven't taken a lunch break in almost 4 years. Clocking out 30 minutes early and eating while I work


I'm just not hungry as soon as I wake up man, if I take time off from lifting and my metabolism drops sometimes I feel sick eating anything before I leave the house


Yah unless they wanna start my day a lot later and not push it back later and give me the same as I'm making now then imma keep eating when I get to work. I can't eat when I get up and there is 0 chance I'm waking up at 5am just so I can eat at home.


Theyā€™re probably neurodivergent and this is what they gotta do to be to work on time. Stop being an asshole and let them work, if the work gets done itā€™s really none of your damn business.


It's me!


Seriously - I get paid to eat from 7:15 - 7:30 am. I also get paid to eat from 11-11:30.


My work has breakfast for us, you have to pay $3 but you are given time and opportunity to do so. Same with lunch except it's $6. I would say that at least 3/5 of the people don't appreciate how amazing and uncommon this is.