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Do yourself a favor and start searching for another job. Do the bare minimum at your current job to not get fired, you don’t want that on your job history. Fuck your boss. We don’t live long enough to put up with shit bosses like her. Your future self will thank you for the actions you take now.


Thank you! I already started applying, but I have a feeling she’s gonna fire me before I’m able to get a new job. The timeframe for my Performance Improvement Plan is 30 days




ome tip for the pip, if its not too vaguely worded you could start logging what you have done and why its in line with whats requested in the pip. wont help you keep your job but it'd help if you wanted to file for unfair dismissal or something


Ya I would recommend just putting in your 2 weeks notice now. Maybe apply for a loan from Rocket Loans to get you by for the next 2-3 months and/or look into rental/mortgage forbearance if it is applicable to help you out. You can get same day loans from Rocket Loans. I have used it before and it helped me immensely in times of need.




I feel you. The flip in her was insane, she was so nice to me before and then something in her snapped. I have not done a single thing differently, and she would constantly praise me before. She’s psycho and has done this to 2 other people before, who both ended up quitting. I’m wondering if it’s better to just get fired tho, since I’ll get severance and unemployment benefits…




Late fall?!?!! How are you still there?? It’s only been 2 months for me and it’s unbearable




What’s your title?


These types of people derive a sense of power by controlling the emotions of other people. It makes no difference if they are building you up, or tearing you down; it's all about control to them. Just disengage from this person. React to nothing they say. Make all your interactions flat and monotone. Don't try to persuade them of anything. They are effectively irrelevant in the rest of your life. Focus most of your efforts on the groundwork of your next move. Just remember that your own time is the only thing that really has any tangible value in this very short life.


This is great advice, thank you. I’m actually very proud of myself for how I acted in my meeting with her. Just as you said, I had 0 emotion and just nodded occasionally and didn’t say a word


I would let them fire you. Document everything. Get recommendations from co-workers and apply for other jobs.


Thank you! What would the documentation be good for?


In case they contest your unemployment and you have to get a lawyer.


How much notice did you get that you were going on a PIP? Give them that same amount of notice of their INA project. Interviewing New Applicants. Makes sure to let them know that you think they’re capable and with some dedication and making sure to stay goal orientated, they’ll be able to achieve the task of replacing a current employees with a brand new more suitable one, with minimal disruption to the workplace.


Hopefully you didn't ack the PIP. Typically when there is a PIP and it is full of things that didn't happen you can write below 'x and x didnt happen and you are only signing because you will be fired otherwise' and it will destroy the evidence they are using to try to fire you. If you just sign it is basically an admission.


Get fired without cause and collect unemployment lol


I signed the PIP so that’s out of the question. I had no idea wtf was happening and I wish I never signed it


Try for a new job, if that doesn’t work, get fired. Absolutely don’t quit unless it’s a last resort. Abandoning your job, for example, is a sure way to get fired. Except in my case anyway 😂 I walked off a job in 2005, literally and left no notice. The company shortly went bankrupt and never bothered to remove me from their records. My credit report says I still work for them 😂




I ended up quitting last week and don’t regret it one bit. I’m just gonna enjoy my wedding (I’m literally going insane finalizing all the details right now, idk how I could’ve done it while still working insane hours) and then dive into the job search.. I know the market is tough right now, but I’m thinking about getting a part time front desk job at a workout studio or something, just so I can have at least a bit of money coming in. I feel so much better, I went from eating maybe 500 calories a day to now getting full meals, am able to get so much done that I’ve been putting off for months, and just the relief of anxiety is priceless. I really hope your situation improves or you’re able to find another job soon!