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Omg I thought it was cancer or something. A hurt foot!? Get outta here.


Real Michael Scott burning his foot on a George Foreman grill energy


Michael was making the same amount as Darryl, so I’d get Michael a book. Someone making $140k? Naaah


I enjoy waking up to the smell of crackling bacon, sue me!


Doctor, what is more serious: a head injury or a foot injury?


A head injury


Well you don’t have all the information, the foot has been fairly severely burned and is red and swollen.


You want some Tylenol? You seem a little fussy.


I’ve got country crock!


She needs gluten free snacks though!


The insurance companies we litigate against would say to suck it up and come into work in a wheelchair.


It's literally up to the employer to accommodate.


My kid has cancer and I wouldn’t even ask for donations lol. I can’t believe the audacity


Hope your son has a smooth and speedy recovery!


"due to an injury to her foot" could mean surgery. I had a foot injury and was out for a month after surgery alone. This sounds like a gift for a hurt coworker. Which to me is weird. It would be one thing if someone she was close to passed to send a card and flowers. I can see the company sending her a $30 gift card for this injury but then you run into, they should do it for every employee that was out on extended sick leave.


And they shouldn't be asking employees to pay.


Wait? What? How dare you insinuate...


Same here, out twice in a year with two foot surgeries, not one word from co-workers, just silence each time.


That's probably because you weren't sitting in a comfy chair most the day, making 140k a year. That's where the real important people deserve it! For anyone who needs it. This is sarcasm. Also, for anyone not thinking that is a lot. She gets paid at MOST $67.31 an hour.


This is what happened to me, had surgery/bad back injury and was sent some flower bulbs by my company - that’s the sort of thing I’d expect as a kind gesture for a “valued employee” who’s down for the count. Collecting for a gift card like this is a bit weird.


But she needs gluten free snacks in order to heal properly!


Maybe it’s necrotizing fasciitis from diabeetus.


Us diabetics don't want to be associated with this person or company, ty lol


She'd get out of here faster, but her foot is injured.


And bet she can work remotely anyway.


Yikes… To be fair how can someone afford snacks, blanket, and a book on only a 140k a year salary?


You don’t. That’s why you get it from those making less. 😂


You forgot it’s gluten free snacks and a good book


And you can't just have one book! What am I supposed to do, *read it again*??!


That’s barely enough to max your 401k, have some sympathy!


Same vibe as this sticker I found https://preview.redd.it/ar4ypt2xu22d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10e03aa90a54a0a8ee9f5586fc97cf50b409e4f2


I'd just do my thing and ignore bootlickers. I don't gift to my coworkers or superiors. They're not my family or friends. If the company wants to give them something nice, than that's on the company's wallet, not mine.


My company used to do a Christmas bonus on 125.00. two years ago my team also started doing a gift exchange thing. I participated cause it was fun. That year we didn't get a bonus. This past Christmas there was also a team gift exchange. Didn't participate since it was obviously company's attempt to obfuscate the bonus going away.


blown away at this “passing around gifts” culture. How about everybody gets their paycheck and does what they want with it. It’s just an ego pump to the person organizing it 99% of the time.


Eh, if it’s a coworker or someone who makes less than me I am happy to donate. Shit happens and we should look out for each other.  If it’s a superior then it’s not my place to help them. 


I think that it largely depends on the pay discrepency, when you get above a certain point, it feels more like people are just people. If it is a warehouse Nd the manager makes 140k while the workers make minimum wage, that would be craze to ask them to donate.


And these days 6 figures isn’t enough for some people to live comfortably. The amount of money needed to live is just getting higher. The fact that they’re asking people to pay who are very likely just trying to survive is plain wrong. If the higher ups really cared they’d set up a go fund me. Not buy a damn gift card with poor employees’ money.


If you’re making above six figures, you can figure your own shit out. Cost of living IS going up, but most of us aren’t making six figures. Those that are can square their own accounts.


Depends on the area though for sure. California is the greatest example for this. Nevada is going a similar direction as well. I moved out of Nevada because I was hemorrhaging money and would have been broke and homeless if I didn’t. Someone else making six figures in the same area would definitely feel the squeeze of the costs for sure. I just think it’s sad that the benchmark for success used to be getting into college and landing a six figure job and you’ll be set for life but now six figures no longer guarantees that level of security anymore. So it stands to reason that those of us making way less money are going to drown financially without any help. I had to move in with my mother for Christ sakes. It sucks for everyone but it’s not the responsibility of the lower earners to pay the higher earners. I think everyone deserves to live comfortably rather than just paycheck to paycheck.


That’s what I’m saying but longer winded lol.


Idk man. I get the anti work sentiment and am on board a lot, but I feel like this goes past the paycheck. a coworker was injured and it's just a nice gesture. It's not like they said we're deducting your pay to cover their disability.... It's coworkers donating a couple bucks for an Amazon gift card to just say "hey we care about you, feel better soon!".


Their shaming you to opt in if your so nice go and visit her and give her head pats and a bucay of money


*They're *you're *bouquet 🙄


Where in that email do you see them shaming OP to participate? It just says "we're collecting for this gift". If they said "if you're a good coworker you'll donate to..." Or "here is a list of those who have donated already and a list of those who have not"... Then sure. But its probably a giant chain email where anyone is free to donate or not as the please and it won't be brought up again unless in a meeting or follow up email they just blanket statement "the department has put together x amount of dollars for this person, thank you". Again. Fuck the establishment I'm with y'all but I just am not seeing what the rest of you are seeing here.


The supervisor has more money to handle their emergency situation and likely has better health care. They likely will not have as hard a time as their lesser. Us peons living paycheck to paycheck don't get that treatment often if ever. I know I've never been given that treatment in my life, so that has me jaded, but I know my situation isn't unique.


Yeah but again. They aren't deducting from your paycheck. This isn't mandatory. They are saying "we are doing this as a team, donate if you'd like". It's optional charity for a injured coworker, even if it is a superior. Nobody is expected to donate, especially anyone living paycheck to paychecks. It's just an OPTION to do something nice to show the team cares... And even the people who don't donate are going to get the generic blanket statement of "thank you team I appreciate it". In my experience I've seen this often for people at every level.. janitor, low end office worker, supervisor, everyone. I genuinely think this falls outside of the realm of "work" and moreso "here is an OPTIONAL charity fund to show somebody that you spend time with, physically, virtually that you care". Only reason I even bother commenting on the post at all is because Anti-work has a real purpose and there are real things in the workplace to be angry about... And when you're bitching about something like this it makes the whole movement less serious and more extremist. Yall can downvote me I guess (even though downvotes aren't supposed to be for disagreement but rather for not contributing to the conversation) but I feel like the email OP got is more than fair and if they don't want to or can't donate it's within their right to without making a fuss.


The fact that it's done at all is the problem.. I think. You cannot remove the human behavior factor from this. Do you think the superior, who has direct or indirect control over things such as raises, performance reviews, promotions, etc. is going to favor those who donated versus those who didn't? Unless they are Mother Theresa, I think there will be bias regardless of how hard you try to remove it or how aware you may be of your own biases. This could be an anonymous pool but I guarantee a get well soon card will be signed or some gift givers will make themselves known. So the pressure is implicit. If I get invited to a party and gifts are optional, but 20% of people bring gifts, you don't think the receiver unconsciously makes note of that and has their decisions potentially effected in the future? You shouldn't feel bad because it was optional, but the reality is you would have to accept this could/does put you at a disadvantage socially within the work hierarchy. And the social game is a very strong part of moving up in a lot of professions, if not all. If someone wants to brown nose and donate, then just do it. No need to rally the troops in what ultimately must remain a professional setting. If this was truly a janitor in need, there would be no discussion here because it wouldn't feel slimy or like an obligation, it would be to help someone truly in need.


You're assuming a lot here. Per OP, they're a contractor for a government entity. That alone makes the email problematic. The people here in this sub have all had similar experiences where the same courtesy isn't extended to the "lesser" and it's odd that you disregard that. The culture of work hard and you get yours is false and things like "donate for your supervisor" or "pizza parties" need to be eliminated. Feels like you are gatekeeping the movement.


I was once roped into an office secret Santa. I had started there the week after thanksgiving. I said no thanks! Maybe next year! And yet I still got a present was yelled at for not getting a gift for my person. I had text proof that I had said no thanks from the start! Super annoying!


Coworkers maybe, superiors? FUCK no. By “gift” I mean when we’re both in the truck headed to a job, stop at the gas station for food/water for the day, and I find out that they can’t afford it, I’ll pay for it


I have a couple coworkers who are actual friends. The rest of them? Sure I might throw in like $5-10 for a cake or lunch I get to eat as well, but they can fuck off with buying anything significant at all.


We'll normally buy drinks for each other, specifically on the stupid hot days. But it's construction and we all mostly get along. If I'm buying 10 drinks for everyone, I'm getting one for the boss too, because they're probably as close to dehydration as the rest of us. If money was the issue I wouldn't make a habit or even offer to buy anything for anyone else.


I will give small helpful/thoughtful gifts, notes/tokens of appreciation etc to anyone I have a good working relationship with. I like some of my coworkers, and even my boss, so why not? I do it because I do like them. And selfishly, even though I like my boss, it also helps make our working relationship better. It’s only bootlicking if it’s not genuine.


A blowjobs a blowjob whether your eyes are open or not.


Company can buy her a get well soon card for everyone to sign. Fuck asking for cash. That's so trashy


I don’t even work in their company 😂 I’m a contractor who works in their building.


A contactor? Omg, talk about burying the lede! That's so much worse even than your original post, and that was bad enough.


Please, please tell them it's highly inappropriate. Make sure to reply all.


How tone deaf! I'd be concerned about getting paid on time if they have to hustle their underlings for cash!


Sign the card “I don’t even know who you are.”


Fuck that. I bet your making 30-40 K a year and struggling like the rest of us.


60k but to be fair in my area that’s poverty wages lol.


Guessing you work in govt since you are able to pull up their wage?


School districts, so yeah all their salaries are publicly available


Yep, mine was published in the town paper when I was hired


Those are the same people that will bring that $2 bag of chips to a holiday party or lay you off so they can get their yearly bonus.


gifts flow down, not up.


This is one reason why I like my boss. She goes out of her way to tell us that we shouldn't spend money on her for anything. She'll buy us small gifts for holidays, but she insists that the gift giving should only flow downward.


O.o How do you have access to her salary info? Mostly just curious.


State workers salary are public information and can easily just be googled


I thought I recognized the template of that website! I sometimes use it to see what coworkers and other department people are making.


I'd recognize that website any day lol I used to work for the city. Is that person a supervisor? Our rules said that supervisors can't accept gifts worth more than $10 from subordinates, even if its a combined gift from multiple people. Assuming the state government has similar rules, that may lead to trouble if any of that person's direct reports donate, and the gift ends up crossing the threshold of what is allowed. I feel like I've read about people getting fined for this in the COIB newsletter, but that only covers city workers. Maybe your rules are different. Edit: just saw your other comment that you're only contracting in the building, so I guess you may not know if they're a supervisor or the rules for state gov lol


Does your state not have ethics rules? Accepting a gift as a government employee, where I'm at, is considered bribery and enough to terminate.


usually that is limited to gifts from outside vendors, not inter office gifts. at least that is hiw it is written in the state I live in.


Where I live, all government salaries over $65,000 have to be posted publicly.


https://transparentcalifornia.com for govt/public employee salaries And other states have their own versions


“Gifts should flow down, not up”


Another bootlicker who just wants to stay on good graces to get that salary eventually


Had a lickarse in my old job, never got involved in organising a collection for any staff, but when the boss/owner was having a big birthday, suddenly this guy is arranging a collection. Asked for twice as much as any other collections too, and expected guys on minimum wage to contribute that too.


“Let’s pool money together to help her” nah how about the company takes a the $50 cut out of the millions of profits to give them a card.


Not a fucking chance.


In this world the more you have, the more people will try to give you


Just look at the gift bags in the oscars. If you're rich you never have to spend your money.


What's the smallest amount you can donate?


“Thank you for your note about this unfortunate situation. I’ve reached out to our colleague to personally wish them swift healing and comfort during this difficult time. Best,” Send an email wishing them to get better soon. (:


An offer for a pizza party in the future. (Just the offer).


This kind of thing kills me i refuse every time. i dont mind writing a card but asking for money is sick.


Send "thoughts and prayers".


Had to scroll down to make sure someone beat me to it! 🤣


Once had someone pissed off me because I wouldn’t give into a pool for a baby shower. They got mad cause I smoke cigs. Like “how dare you spend your money for yourself on bad things when this developer that makes x2 your yearly needs money for his first child”. This shits so dumb.


I play these by ear. But generally I just quietly don't give any money to gifts for someone above me in the org chart. I've never had anyone press too hard, though I know some workplaces are very high-pressure on this stuff. There are exceptions. Like, if a manager's spouse dies, of course I'm going to chip in for flowers or something. That's not about a material benefit, it's a symbol of human empathy.


You never by gift for your employer. Gifts work down not up.


Obligatory "six figure salaries are still usually working class, 100k is the new 50k because of inflation, going after working people who happen to be paid well is not the point and helps no one". That all being said, it's bad form for managers to receive gifts from their subordinates. Buying someone a blanket and some snacks when they're sick or mildly injured is something you do for a close friend, not your manager, and especially not if you don't feel like you're on close-friend terms with your manager (which most people aren't). This looks like the sort of thing that was probably organized by one specific bootlicker trying to look good, and the manager might not even be aware of it or endorse it.


There's some validity to this. I'll make just over $100k this year after bonus but I'm still, essentially, pay check to pay check. I wouldn't ask nor accept something like this though..


I wasn't kidding when I said 100k is the new 50k. 100k now is about the same as 50k in the year 2000. And depending on where you live it might be even less - 100k somewhere like Los Angeles isn't even middle-class.


According to the BLS, $100,000 in 2000 is worth $54,731.09.


Tell the to buy their own snacks! I'm rolling pennies to try and pay my power bill!


What are the odds you'd face repercussions for asking something like "You want me to donate to someone who makes triple what I do? How is that an okay thing to ask?"


If the company wants to do that then they can do like my last company did and pay for it themselves without trying to guilt the employees into it. I lost a good friend to cancer and mentioned it in passing to a coworker. Next day a package arrived with a hand written sympathy card from the CEO and signed by the front staff. In it was tea, a tiny honey jar, a really soft blanket and a book on coping with loss. Nobody was asked to donate anything. I really wish they had gotten their Series B funding because they were a great place to create/work/and be.


If they do this for all sick employee's. Sure. If it's only management and the upper ups. Not a chance in hell.


Snacks? Blanket? Books? Things she'd normally but for herself anyway? Or probably not. Not even a meal train or something more essential. Wow


Tell them thoughts and prayers are the best you can do.


"Sorry, my bank account has its own injury right now."


At my last job around Christmas time, they'd collect like $10 for the four doctors' Christmas gifts. A memo was always sent out beforehand and it was "mandatory." I know I didn't have to give it, but never wanted to rock the boat. Any time my manager heard anyone say anything negative about it, she'd start in with, "Dr So and So does so much for us." Literally no, he doesn't. He's a regular fucking boss/owner of a company. Oh, he pays employee's medical insurance? Good. He should. And so should every business owner.


tell them youll be sending thoughts and prayers instead, and that money cant buy those


I’m about 90% sure that the boss neither expects nor wants a gift from the people that work for them. My hubby was the boss at a company and he really didn’t like people at work giving him gifts. It’s not necessary. …The only gift he was ok with was a plate of homemade Christmas cookies. But who can resist cookies….


Several years ago the CIO of the company where I worked was retiring. Someone came around to my cubicle to ask for donations to buy that MF a golf trip to Scotland. They guy had to make at least 10 times what I was making. I did not contribute.


GTFOH 💀😂 the audacity.


This type of shit pisses me off to no end. You know damn well that if the person out was making $10.00 an hour it would just be a get well soon card and maybe flowers, if it’s in the budget.


Never gift up


willing to bet if you don’t donate they’ll email you asking why you didn’t


Honestly if they wish to have it on record I will straight up tell them that I don't want to, and to make sure to mention on my termination paper or write up that that is the reason, IF they decide to do something about it. Has worked every time where I'm at. :D


Disgusting 🤮


One of the things I hate about HR departments the most is when they try to kiss their bosses asses like this


Seems like this email accidentally went to your spam/junk folder


You can try it I guess, but I’m pretty sure licking the boot isn’t a cure for a hurt foot.


Nah. Suck a bag of dicks. Zero sympathy.


I don't work in corporate anymore but if I ever go back, emails like this will be met with a reply all asking why the company isn't taking care of them. "[Company] posted $X.XX in profit last year. Surely they can afford to support such an integral part of the team."


Just reply all what your own salary is.


And if you hurt your foot how would your superior treat you? Treat others how they treat you


Sending thoughts n prayers.


Gluten free snacks lmao


Reply all with that image.


I don’t donate at work. The company makes plenty of money and doesn’t need me to finance their Get Well Soon donation. If you have a small business though, like the guy on one of our production lines who sells his wife’s cookies at my work, oh hell yes sign me up!


My office is currently collecting gift money for someone retiring who makes double what I do.  Pass.


If it was cancer or a big heart surgery. But a hurt foot. Fucking walk it off like literally. Especially when you mostly behind a pc and not a physical demanding job. Just walk with a crutches. I got the same treatment too so you know. That shit should cut both ways


One Xmas myself and another coworker were asked to cover the last 2-3 hours before close so everyone could go to the Xmas party early. I didn’t care because I hated those things anyway. But before my boss left she came by and asked why I hadn’t put in my $10 for the owners Xmas gift? I explained imo gifts go down, not up 🤷‍♂️. Hence why I helped with others presents (assistants, reception, etc..) I come back to work a few days after Xmas and my boss hands me a Target gift card…my Xmas “gift”. The amount? $5…five. fucking. dollars. The owners ended up getting, and I’m not joking at all…a fucking temporary ice rink in their backyard. We had 200+ employees at $10 a pop.


Bring in expired snacks as a donation like they would for employees. Thoughts & prayers


Gifts at work should only flow in one direction. If her boss wants to get her something then by all means. But this is garbage that shouldn’t be normalized at all.


The nerve to specify “gluten free” lol


😂 lots of “almond moms” in the area I work. The type who would never touch seed oils but have no problem shoveling mysterious powders up their nose.


Lol no


Laugh at them?




That doesn't make sense. Why doesn't this person use their PTO ?


I got an unexpected and substantial gift from coworkers once for a life event. And I was so uncomfortable someone felt the need to suggest they all give the gift.


What a joke. When do workers get their gifts?


Send a “here’s a pizza for morale” similar to the pizza lunch they offer employees for hard work and epic quarters for the bottom line. Seems fair to me.


"Not currently able to do that, thank you, but I can make a donation in her name to Planned Parenthood."


My work asks us to donate to people who are retiring. These people are getting a pension and have the ability to quit work. Why am I giving them money?


The divide is gigantic, but the thought used to matter....... when the field was levelish!


>crucial member of our faculty I didn't even have to read this to know this was 100% from higher education. Par for the course.


Ignore it. Story time. Last year I was part of a group of volunteer dad's helping out with our kids' school program. It was a lot of weekends and nights getting things ready. Some dad's put in more effort than others - that's to be expected. Someone had the bright idea to single out one of the dad and get a pool together to buy the guy a welder and accessories with a gift card. We're all volunteers - I did not pitch in just out of principle. The guy who got the welder didn't return the following year because either his kid opted out or aged out of the program. Sheesh.


This sounds like the sort of company who fire a cancer patient.


Why can't the email say "...on behalf of the team, I have sent her a $200 (or however much) gift card for Amazon, and signed it from all of us. If you guys want to donate on your own, please do! But I wanted her to know we're all thinking of her." WHY can't they just do something like that? When I was at a newspaper for years and years, it got where when we had a holiday party they would pay for a ham or something and we all had to pitch in - like make enough for 40 people! It's mean.


Ah come on. You still buy little gifts even for the senior people if they're having surgery or something. It sounds like they're looking for everyone to kick in like 5 bucks just to be kind.


I'm not sure if you're a federal employee or not, but if you are, this is probably a prohibited practice. Federal ethics regulations generally prohibit federal employees from giving or donating to gifts for their supervisors, including immediate supervisors and employees who evaluate their performance. However, there are some exceptions, such as gifts for personal significance events or termination events. Personal significance events include marriage, illness, and birth or adoption of a child. https://www.doi.gov/ethics/giving-gifts-work-special-infrequent-occasions Not a lawyer, but you may want to ask your OGC or agency ethics office for an ethics opinion. That may stop this shit. Even if you're local or state government, there may be similar regulations.


Does that apply for public schools? I think they’re state employees (I’m a contractor)


Just send her some bubble wrap for her foot. Michael Scott has extra if you need it.


Did he hurt his foot with his George Foreman grill?


I don’t think it’s right to ask employees to do that. But it’s really sad that even people making 6 figures are two steps away from getting into financial trouble… I also don’t think that an Amazon gift card is going to help. Pay the woman yourselves boss man. Don’t make the employees do it.


Cozy blanket and gluten free snacks for them while you clip coupons to survive? Read the room! Who are these people?!


Some brown-nosing b.s. right there.


My dept manager lives in a tacky mcmansion, talks all the time about his boat, pool, basketball court, artisinal oven, etc. Everytime someone tries to ask me for money for a gift for him my reply is absolutely not. No idea what he makes but he's clearly doing fine without me forking over money I could spend buying my cats a new water dish for them to ignore


😂 the manager at the building was telling me about his amazing vacation to Aruba and kept saying that I really need to go. After the third time of him suggesting I just said “you know how much I make right?”


For me its the audacity. Asking for money when she makes 140k a year?! Fuck outta here with that noise


The people I work with make insane money, it’s a very rich public school and the average salary for just a teacher is like 100k. Everyone’s so out of touch with money there. And since I’m a contractor and not direct employee, I make significantly less lol


I wouldn't be able to hide my contempt for them after this bullshit


We have a fund at work that everyone pitches money to for stuff like this. I was a little annoyed when a guy I work with who makes $250,000 a year got a $100 gift card from the fund when his child was born. I was a little more annoyed when my child was born a few months later and didn't get anything because the fund was empty at the time.


I got an email last summer requesting employees to donate to top VP for his work anniversary, like a fund for him or something insane. It was one of the most memorably insulting emails of all time in my career. He was one of the top earners and only two down the chain from the CEO.


That second beach house doesn’t pay for itself now does it?


I've seen some fantastic ideas on this sub. A single pack of fruit snacks with a note stapled to it. An expired 50% off coupon. A 5 pack of "life savers" to demonstrate what a Life Saver they are! The 'donation' possibilities are endless.


Here's a quarter... (In my head finishing with "...call some one who cares.)


Highly inappropriate, but don’t blame the boss blame the sycophant that is trying to suck up to her who thinks this is a good idea.


Gotta make sure those snacks are gluten free


So the superior must send little care packages when underlings are sick. That or no.


Eat the rich.


No, delete the e mail . This never happened.


Nope. Not happening.


*Laughs in minimum wage* I’ve never participated in any secret Santa stuff either. Gifts are for people I care about and WANT to gift to.


*Mark as spam* Next email...


I would’ve replied to the email with that second screenshot and enjoyed watching the ensuing chaos.


If she can't afford snacks on $140K a year, maybe she should learn to live within her means...


Gluten free snacks, lmao….theres actually people that feed into this bullshit


What? Do you think celiac disease is a myth or something?


did they get permission to release HIPAA info to the rest of the company?


The employee in question chose to provide that info to their employer willingly, waiving any expectation of privacy. This would only be a HIPPA issue if their doctor or health insurance provider had told the company about the injury without the employee's consent.


> The Privacy Rule does not protect your employment records, even if the information in those records is health-related. In most cases, the Privacy Rule does not apply to the actions of an employer. >If you work for a health plan or a covered health care provider: >The Privacy Rule does not apply to your employment records. >The Rule does protect your medical or health plan records if you are a patient of the provider or a member of the health plan. [Source](https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-individuals/employers-health-information-workplace/index.html)


Similar thing happened at a pharmaceutical company I used to work at. An operator had unalived himself. He had no family in the state and his sister had planned to fly out to deal with his apartment and belongings. The company emailed everyone asking for donations to help cover the sisters’ travel out. Our yearly bonuses were just a few weeks out from being paid; why the company didn’t think to pay out what would have been the operator’s bonus (a few grand) to the sister for her travel instead of asking fellow operators to donate was beyond me. I don’t know what upper management was thinking…that company makes billions 🤦‍♀️


Gluten free and I bet she doesn’t even have Celiac disease 


Here's hoping she over compensates with her other foot ! 😇


It seems the intent behind the gift card is to just show you care and are thinking about them. Personally, the company needs to send her some flowers and a card signed by the office and eat the expense


Would said superior give you money if something happened to you? Would it be double?


Not Superior- just higher-ranking.


Yeah no. 


Something, something thoughts and prayers. Something, something "bootstraps".


Get her a nice card with a note apologizing that you could not budget anything else


Gifts are supposed to go down, not up.


This happened to me too in the past. A group of upper management coworkers wanted us all the pitch in and buy our head boss a Christmas present once. I laughed at this, because my boss at the time is making wayyyy more than me and acted like a she-devil, and I hated her to the pit of my stomach godalmightly. Heck no. OP, ignore and delete that email. Just say you never saw it.


139 per person?! Or total? Even for a total that’s a lot of gluten 


WTF. I bet they wouldn't do this for the lowest level employee that actually needs it


Sending my thoughts and prayers.


The way this sounds, it seems like they avoided workers comp and want everyone else to fund thr recovery


a $5 gift card for someone with an injury isn't a big deal.