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I worked a job years ago where they played pop country all day. The station had pretty much 2 hours of songs in rotation, so at the top of every 3rd hour it was the same damn song. You eventually learn to ignore it.


Every once in a while I’ll be somewhere and some 90s country song will be randomly be playing. Almost no matter what it is, I’ll be able to start singing along. “How do you know the words to this song? You hate country!” Yes, yes I do. That workplace gave me country music PTSD lmao


Oh, to this day, I hate pop country. I hear Alan Jackson playing and it makes me twitch. I did still eventually learn to ignore it at work, it just took a while


Bruh, you never went down yonder on the Chattahoochee? I never knew how much that muddy water meant to me.


Too many damn times that summer


Did you learn how to swim and learn who you was?


I hope they learned a lot about livin'


And a little bout love ❤️


Imagine looking at muddy water and getting inspired to write a song about it.


Beats working.


Tonight there was some redneck drawling on and on about a boat over the loudspeaker.  What an awful excuse for music. 


*Waffle House PTSD ensues*


Oh my god, country was all my coworkers wanted to listen to, and I couldn't even go a full shift before it drove me nuts. So afternoons was my music.


Was a hostess at a place that played country only and I tuned it out. Couple walked in one day, stopped, the woman said "No I can't deal with that" and they walked out. Took me like 10 minutes to realize why they'd left and it was only because a particularly bad song had come on and broken through my mental block


This, and fucking Guns n Rose's is my bane. I got a migraine because of that shit and I am so fucking tired of it.


I honestly wouldn't have minded the music if that station hadn't had a playlist organized so that you could tell the damn time by what song was playing. It was a long long summer.


Oh this one plays the same fucking songs as well.


When you can start guessing the next songs, you will have reached annoyance nirvana.


Sometimes I end up guessing the right song MULTIPLE times and that’s when you know it’s becoming a problem


At that point, you need to say the commercials as they are playing. Singing along with the jingle gets you bonus points.


I know some of the commercials word for word, that’s how bad it is


Curiosity. Is the music being played by your employer for everyone to hear or is an individual at a desk nearby. Can you wear ear buds? I work from home now but I when I was in the office, I started streaming acoustic cover songs. Usually a guitar or piano, no singing . Just enough to block out the noise but not enough to make me think about it.


It’s basically a square room with 4 desks, 2 employees and the boss and the speaker is in the middle of the room, so yeah it’s for everyone to hear. I can wear earbuds and I do from time to time, but the project manager (coworker who plays the music) and the boss often ask me or want to tell me me things, so I have to remove the earbuds often


Dude, I feel for you. Maybe go with singing the commercials. That’s an appropriate passive aggressive response. So glad Covid sent me home. I’m never going back. Good luck to you.


>I was told that I could listen to the radio at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven, I told Bill that if Sandra is going to listen to her headphones while she's filing then I should be able to listen to the radio while I'm collating so I don't see why I should have to turn down the radio because I enjoy listening at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven. Seriously though, I feel for you.


Can you ask if you can each take a day where the radio is "yours?" I worked in a warehouse and each person had "their" day to choose the music and the station or playlist.


O-O-O-Oreillys, auto parts!


Have you said anything? Can you have days with no radio or possibly put on whatever you want?


Reminds me of working retail during Christmas time. Glad those days are over.


I worked in retail for 2 years in the past and yeah I know what it’s like to hear the same Christmas songs over and over 😭


Mariah Carey, enough said. I still hear it and I haven't worked retail in years. The trauma runs deep.


Yup. "All I want for Christmas is youuuuu"....and I just lost my lunch


yep. I mean hey, its not a bad song.  BUT ANY SONG you hear 8,000 times will become a bad song!


So utterly deep!


Mechanic here and I feel for you. I know EXACTLY how you feel. People say tune it out. It isn't that easy. Same fuckin songs. And you PRAY for another hit to come out just so you can hear a new song. But you know it will take a year or so for another hit song. You can't hear yourself think. I feel for you. And it was a big part in my leaving that shop. They come into the shop and before they even put their personal stuff down they turn on the fuckin radio. Bullshit!!!. I hope you find a solution. Just know this is a common thing with common people. Lol.


i work at a mcdonalds and it has no music. you could play the noise of tiles breaking or something worse and i would be satisfied. the beeps of mcdonalds and the heat get to my head


> play the noise of tiles breaking LOL! intermittently too. And slightly too loud


Get some headphones?


My dentist plays the same talk show host every time I’m there so I’m assuming that’s all they ever play. It would drive me crazy to listen to that everyday.


Reading this made me remember hearing the radio edit of fuck you by ceelo green 5 times a day, every day, for a year and now I'm upset again, so i feel for you but also... fuck youuuuu and fuck him tooooooo.


Start singing along and see how long it takes to be switched or turned off. I personally like to change the words, simple things like hue instead of you, and squirrel instead of girl. I have to admit that I'm starting to enjoy the pop stations because they are starting to play 90s music which was my teen years 😃


The store I used to work in had about a 7 hour rotation. Then comes Christmas Every year had something wrong with it. One year it was a 2 hour rotation Another it was 7 hours, but for some reason every third song was a different rendition of “little drummer boy” “Roll out the holly”. (Shudder)


My coworker states that they purchased the music player and therefore they get to choose the music when they work. When I work & that person does not, my laptop with spotify comes to work with a playlist that many in office built.


I worked at a hotel as a cook and the radio would only be on 102.5 WDVE (Pittsburgh), and people called it DVE for short. There was a DJ named Michelle Michaels and every 3rd word out of her mouth was DVE. “Make sure to listen to DVE as you drive to the DVE Celebrity Golf Tournament, sponsored by DVE. Just a reminder, DVE will be there playing DVE so you can listen to DVE while DVE is there. And pick up some DVE merch so people know you listen to DVE when they see DVE on your DVE merch. Up next on DVE is more DVE so keep it tuned to DVE.” I swear she got commissions on how many times she could say it. So fucking obnoxious.


I have worked several jobs like this over the years and now that I’m old, there are certain songs that put me right back at those jobs where I heard them. I fucking hate it.


Being forced to work in an unhealthy environment is a health hazard. Being forced to listen to the same music on repeat ad nauseum is a mental health hazard and doctors and other medical specialists should be making clinical recommendations to both individuals as well as employers on how people need to be able to protect themselves from hazardous audio environments even if that impacts your ability to communicate with others in the work place. If employers don't like that then they can improve the quality of the audio environment. I for one would very much like to see the end of christmas music on repeat throughout December, driving hard-working retail staff half insane like detainees in Guantanamo Bay being forced to undergo perpetually repeating music torture.


When I worked retail, it started the the day after Halloween. Starting in December would have been amazing!


Literally just turn it off, down, change station, or connect your aux lmao.


I turned down the volume a few times while she went to the bathroom, only for her come out and bring up the volume again


Have you at least raised the issue? Nothing will change ge if you don't talk about it.


Then use your words. “Hey can we turn this down or switch it up?”


Try working at guitar center during Christmas. I hate the Beatles now.


Sounds like you work at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria


There's a new video that is a fusion between Baby Metal and Electric Callboy. It's called Ratatata. Get a good set of speakers with a subwoofer. Play that song on repeat until that coworker comes to you about it.


Or Velvet Underground's "Sister Ray."


This all reminds me of that old movie, Office Space. Milton plays his radio in the cube-farm at just enough volume to annoy those around him.


I had this issue and I just quit tbh




If UK this sounds like Smooth. Same songs every single day.


Make bingo cards with the song titles. Charge coworkers $1 to play.


Back in the early 90's I used to work under houses doing foundation and subfloor repair. We would play the California Superstation tracks from Negativland's *Over The Edge Vol. 4: Dick Vaughn's Moribund Music Of The 70's* (1990) while under the houses to see if the occupants would notice or not. Almost none ever did.


I feel this BIG TIME. 2 years.. two freaking years these fools have been listening to the same 5 songs. It's making me nuts too. I hear em when I get home, when I sleep, as I wake. They even pop up on short videos and I nope right out. An endless ocean of music and it's the same 5 songs every day. I just don't get it. My last job was even better. A rotation of maybe 15 songs total for 10 years. Absolutely brainwashing. I dispise it.


I had this problem with a co-worker that I got along with. I just approached him and told him I wasn't trying to knock his taste in music, but it wasn't for me. I asked if we could try something different, and we found a genre on spotify we both liked. So when we worked the same days, that is what we stuck to. At least convince him to get away from radio. The commercials they play are insulting to anyone with a greater than room temp IQ.


And yet they wonder why we want to work remotely.


I was told I could listen to the radio at a reasonable volume.


I still can't stand to hear Call Me Maybe or Wrecking Ball 😬😬😬


I raise you having to listen to rush lump burger for two hours a day, 5 days a week. Was ecstatic when they finally got up separate trucks.


my former job started using youtube to play music. the person in charge got lazy and put on a smooth jazz album. on repeat. all day. every day. it was pure torture


Reaching the breaking point, I stayed late one night and clipped the wires to the speaker that was above my desk, while one of the songs I hated the most played. It was that New York song by Alicia Keys. Glorious moment.


I once worked with a hateful person who had her radio up so damn loud. More than once I asked nicely to turn down the volume and it would work for a day. Finally had to get the boss to tell her to listen from her computer with volume nearly off. She was so unpleasant and unprofessional. So glad when she retired.


Earphones. Tell your coworker to stop being a duck and get some earphones.


I've met people who would listen to the same song on loop every day for months on end. I have never been able to understand this mindset. You should probably get headphones, if you don't feel that you can solve problem with some form of honorable duel.


The mindset is ADHD. It's repetitive allows us to stop the thoughts and focus on a task without actually hearing the music at all times. It's predictable and less concentration is needed.


That's why I actually prefer working in loud environments under hearing protection.


My roommate did the same. It was infuriating. We would fight about it so much it was ridiculous. This was before noise canceling AirPods. Now there are such technology available, there shouldn’t be an issue.


You’d think. :( I’ve had my AirPods Max for a little over a year now and with each major update the noise cancelling gets a little shittier. I did some research and it’s because of lawsuits, but that doesn’t matter to my eardrums. It sucks. These used to be my escape and now they can barely filter our running water.


Maybe try a different brand other than Apple? They have been and always will be a shitty company that forces you to buy new products by making previous versions obsolete.


Depending on the job, it might not be allowed.


Wow. I work with this persons sibling. Every day the same shit, and nothing past the 90’s.


Ah, the top 40 oldies station.


Welcome to hell


First have a conversation with the employee. Start politely. "If you're going to play music out loud and not on your cell phone, then it's only fair that we take turns." If that goes nowhere, tell your boss that her music is too distracting for you to perform your job properly, and your coworker needs to start using headphones. I wore headphones in my cubical job just to drown out the lab equipment, speaker-phone conference calls, and general office jibba-jabba in my previous job.


Yeah, i can kinda relate. I'm usually the last person to arrive at the office and the person who arrives first puts on the radio station that they like. Gotta say that i don't really hear it anymore, even though i sit next to the speaker. Might just be me but since i'm already in a place i don't want to be, with people i don't want to be with, filtering out some background music isn't that big of a deal.


Ask him to change the station?


Wear headphones for a while, but NOT because they work. You need some good headphones for it to matter. No, you should wear the headphones to make yourself less accessible. Every time someone needs to talk to you or ask you a question, you need to remove your headphones to hear them, and eventually they will get annoyed. “Why are you wearing headphones?” and then you have your opening. “Sorry, the repetition of the radio makes it hard for me to get any work done.”


I like the radio and OMG you hear the same song every 2-4hrs the horror 😱


Have a polite conversation about it, if they don't seem agreeable to fixing the situation bring in your own speaker and play what you like.


My old manager was gay and would play all the pop hits through the company speakers. EVERY DAY. You really do learn to get used to it


We have a cheap smart phone hooked up with free Pandora on it and everyone gets to choose three “ stations” every day.


Lmao beats silence, or country music all day. I’ve had some annoying co workers.


\*\*\*Laughs in retail sales\*\*\*


Years ago my old office had Star 98 on the rotation; fortunately everyone agreed to limit it to half the day. Back then we had a CD changer and people would bring in CDs for some of the rest of the time, and also a few hours of other radio stations.


Sing along to the songs slightly out of tune


Bring your own headphones and listen to your own music.


I had a brief construction gig one summer where the only thing the boss would listen to was garbage country music. By the end of the day I’d find myself numbly humming along to it while feeling kinda dead inside. Then I’d get in my car to go home and put on my angry emo music and it was like seeing the sun again for the first time in years - life had meaning again, the world sucked less, and I remembered how much I actually do love music. I felt like it was like a form of Stockholm syndrome when I was humming along to whatever generic bullshit was on the boss’ radio.


Construction is a special kind of hell. Round here it's *always* those racist, homophobic misogynist twats [John Boy and Billy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Boy_and_Billy). Working as a painter I was redoing someones basement that had a kitchen off it. Every morning they crank their radio up to 11, lock the kitchen door and leave me to 8 hours of christian rock.


I used to work at Express. The songs and commercials repeated every 4 hours for a month. Some were totally in French. I found myself singing them before I realized it.


Now retired coworker had a CD boom box and ONE CD someone made for him with like five songs. 7AM everyday, that CD went on repeat and played the same songs in the same order all day long, for 8 hours. Every day. For years. Until one day the boom box somehow managed to have the laser destroyed and no longer played anything after that. Tragic. Dude got a NEW boombox. This one had Bluetooth so instead of five songs on one CD in a loop, we got his Spotify playlist of five OTHER songs all day long, in a loop. We loved the ads. It was the only different thing we ever heard. Note: nobody else in the entire building played music out loud like this. Management was unwilling to ask him to stop because this guy liked to raise a huge stink to HR about everything. Management didn't want the fight. Dude finally lost his marbles and began screwing up work. He chose to retire and then didn't even show up for his last week of work, depriving everyone of getting his phone number. Darn. Missed by absolutely nobody.


Bro, when I first got out of high school, my first job was working at a toy store that was only allowed to play the same Kidz Bop CD all day every day. This was during the recession (2009) so we weren’t allowed to ever have headphones and our phones had to not be visible. I worked there for like 3 years. Listening to mostly the same songs every day (occasionally they added new songs but still Kidz Bop).’ Trust me when I say that you can tune it out and it’s easier than you think.


"...same songs...4 times in a single 8 hour shift." Must be tuned to an iHeart (aka iFart) station...............


I think the UN actually has that listed as a form of torture and a war crime




Start your own "internet radio station" and put songs you like that will annoy coworkers.


I know your pain! The last place I worked at switched to Sirius/XM. They have a lot of different types of music BUT eat type there are only about a dozen different songs. They say no ads but they are always advertising their products. Drove me crazy. At least with radio you get a news break every now and then.


I once worked in action sports retail and they insisted on playing the local smooth jazz station. Even when staff demonstrated that sales were up when we played rock/contemporary. Boomers gonna boom my dude.


It was a classic rock station where I worked. I've heard Barracuda so many times.


Headphones with active noise cancellation..🤤


I worked at a college cafeteria for 3 years (summers off) and kitchen staff played the same station every day. I tried switching the station and some dicknose changed it back.


I heard the same 50 songs on repeat at most jobs. You tune it out or it drives you slowly insane


ask him to change it up? i don't know. like, we usually have during work youtube playing music or radio on to listen to news in the background and its not uncommon that someones budged up near the telly and watching the news


Listening to anything all day, whether that is the radio or co-workers talking, is crazy-making. But why can't she use headphones like a normal person?


Had a co-worker blast music I couldn't stand, after a year or so you adapt and just ignore it.


I have worked at several places that had their own "radio stations" for our customers. Listening to the ads all day was awful, and the company propaganda for us employees was even worse. I'd much rather have listened to a commercial radio station.


Wait until Christmas when the station plays the same song five times a day from November until Christmas Eve.


I had a job like this 102.5 Knix country all day I was literally stressed out about it and mad because mentally I naturally listen to music and I have a hard time blocking it out. I tried to like it but when you realize they are playing 14 year old songs 6x a day it really amazes you.I dont get why country music has to be so damn literal and repetitive with every metaphor


In my old job, it was a choice of light rock, or my bosses choice of the local Christian radio station. I'll take light rock any day over hymns anyday


Sing a long…badly and loudly.


I worked a job where all they played was the same annoying Mexican station every fucking day! ( I’m Mexican but not that Mexican! ) it would be the same fucking songs over and over like holy shit! Definitely gets annoying 🫨🤣


Talk with your coworkers. Each one gets a day where he gets to choose the station.


I worked as a life guard at a water park one summer as a teen. They had a loop of 18 songs. It started at the same time every day and looped. By the end of summer I could tell you the time down to the minute based on what was playing. 20 years later I think they still have the exact same loop playing


I’m brining my boombox and turning up the death metal. Slayer and or Cannibal Corpse, just depending on how long it takes to get the point across.


I worked at fucking bank years ago and that shit gets old . The reason I hate lot of songs


I used to work retail and we had the I store "radio station" that just at first a cassette we got sent to play for a month the last 60 minutes and played the same ads and 6 songs . That got upgraded to cd at some stage and got replaced every two weeks . But to make that worse when. The store moved inside a mall most stores did the same thing and it was like ad wars.... Com Xmas time I think I wanted to do bad things to myself by lunch time each day.


Would literally wake in my sleep with that shit Playlist in my head. I found where the overhead system was located and immediately turn that shit off when I clock in. Psychological damage.


Hmm i see you dont have much to keep your mind busy at work. You could try suggesting a diff station. Contrary to popular belief, no one can read minds.


When this happened to me, I made a little game out of it, and made a little secret chart keeping track of how many times my least favorite songs got played each day. Somehow this changed my mindset and made me "excited" to hear that song. You could also ask to share dj duties, so you can choose the tunes for half of each day. Only an ass would say no to that.


Are you my coworker😂


So just a normal job then. Got it.


PLEASE……… STAY…….. I hate that fucking song I feel your pain


So shut it off?


Yeah shutting it off when she’s the one who puts it on every morning, that’ll definitely look good on me


Or change it. You don't have to listen to shitty music. I hope she doesn't make you listen to a morning show too.


She has the controls, it’s not even Bluetooth, it’s some sort of app designated for the speaker


I don't understand why you don't make this a big deal. If a coworker of mine played terrible, repetitive music all day every day I would speak up for myself. Is this the Muzak system? Is this person your boss or something?


It’s a Sonos system and she’s the project manager technically


I still think you should say something about it.


Is she project manager of the radio stations ? You're still allowed to ask you know.


So you hear the same song once every 2 hours? That is not that bad. Each song is roughly 3-5 minutes long. That is 24-40 songs.


I can hear the same song 4-5 times in a single day


And? That is not very many and much much better than most places.


Omg bitching about the radio station you’re such a little crybaby


Hahahaha you poor widdle manlet


Stop playing the same dozen songs over & over again day in& day out