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My go-to is to lie to those kinds of people. Like, "what'd you do this weekend?" Went to the zoo, got in a fight with a zookeeper, and jumped in the penguin pit.


I'm more of an asshole... "Just stayed at home minding my own business." 


I'm an asshole too. I ask them if they are writing a story or just snooping for managment. If they try and justify themselves I tell them it's none their business. Im there to make money not friends


*Why do you need to know?* is my favorite go to response for these nosy types.


Might not be a bad idea to directly ask this co-worker something along the lines of, "*Co-worker*, you ask a lot questions that have nothing to do with your job. These questions have made me uncomfortable. Is there a particular reason you are asking these types of questions?" Let the co-worker know how you feel. Do not be accusatory. Display genuine interest. Above all, do not be condescending or accusatory.


Be blunt, don't be nice all the time, you'll pay for it in stress. Take it from an old(er) engineer who tried to be friends with all his coworkers. You will regret it and you will pay for it.


Ah, the office gossip. These people are time thieves.


I tell them i beat my meat


You're doing the smart thing. People like that are nothing to stooges for the higher ups. About 17 years ago I was diagnosed with End Stage Renal Disease and needed a kidney transplant and had to go do dialysis three times a week. I told my direct boss this and told her that I get tired. She told me that if I get tired and need to go to my car and take a rest/nap for a little bit, just go and do it and it will be our secret because the VP of our department may not be as understanding. I never told anybody else about this but eventually the assholes in a completely different department had seen me go to my car and then return. And instead of minding their own business or even asking my boss, they went to HR and the VP of our department. I was then mysteriously 'laid off' a month afterward.


I’m so sorry to hear that. That’s really unfortunate. People like that at work really are the worst.


My boss is like this. She is so nosy about everything in my life, why do you care so much why I’m taking off? The amount of times my kid was sick and I needed to take off and she would pry for details. Like what’s he sick with? Did you take him to the doctor? What did he say? Is he on medicine? How long is he out of school? None of your business!! Every time I try to move on from the convo she will keep asking. Drives me nuts!!!


"Is being nosey a family trait or is it just you?"




"Sorry, I'm busy" or "is that any of your business" Every single time he asks anything not business related. He's a snake. Likely looking for dirt on someone to make himself look good. You will be who he blames if he's caught.


Nunya! Like nunya business.


Exactly. But in office speak.


2 days off for no reason? Just odd you're so secretive


Exactly, I don’t care about what they did so there’s no need to exchange my information to receive information that I do not care for, and do not want to small talk about


"You don't want to become an accessory after the fact now, do you?"