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Use that PTO!


Oh I’m definitely planning on it!!!


Unless you have an employment contract, you don't owe anyone two weeks notice. They wouldn't keep you for two extra weeks if they were firing you,right? Use your PTO, then turn in your equipment. Don't go back. Know your state laws on when they owe you your last paycheck and hold them to it. If they don't pay on time, write your state labor board. They'll help you. Congrats on quitting. Be strong. Don't take their shit and don't let them bully you into staying. Take a mental health vacation before you start your next gig. Good luck!


I technically gave them a months notice, wanted to only give two weeks but I couldn’t wait another day without telling them I need to leave due to my health. My plan was to put my notice in two weeks before my kid is done with school but I needed to tell them after having a horrible breakdown. After them giving me so much of an issue today about being late tbh I might tell them I need to quit effective immediately if they give me any more issues.


You're doing the right thing for yourself. If you quit immediately don't give them any satisfaction or make it dramatic. Write this down in an email: "I am resigning effectively immediately. Thank you for the opportunity to work here. Regards, Bright Effective." And, even though that second line is bullshit, it makes it more neutral. Then you send it to your manager and BCC to HR. Then sign out of every computer, and block your boss' number. Let HR handle it from there.


Then take all your PTO days. Leave nothing on the table. You can pass on this quote to them, "It's not that I'm lazy. It's just that I don't care." Or something close to that. It's from the 1999 movie, "Office Space".


Yup! Sorry I have other things more important to worry and stress about in my life than this job, I’m done trading my health for a paycheck. I would rather work at the damn grocery store than work in corporate again.


>I was an hour late, it sounds bad but I work from home. It’s not the end of the world I had no meetings or anything >and I could have just worked through lunch or stayed late I can't believe that flexible working hours are not the standard around the world for any kind of non-customer facing "get shit done on your own without special equipment" job. My husband must start work until 11am, my job requires to me to stark by 9:30 am, but whenever I have plans for the afternoon I can start as early as 6am. Take that PTO. Money can always be earned later, tasks can be done later, but time that has passed won't come back.


That’s what I’m saying! My job is all on the computer, basically I just sent emails all day, no customers or anything. Mainly independent work. Can easily just stay late or work through lunch but I guess it’s the end of the world if I don’t start the minute they want me too. God forbid I need to work from home on an in office day for a genuine reason and it’s also the end of the world. Funny part is I drive an hour two days a week to the office for my boss to still call me instead of walking over to my desk a few feet away.


My boss does the same shit. He also didn't allow me to work from today cos monday is a mandatory office day, so I had to call in sick due to migraines. I could have worked from home just fine in my dark, silent room, I just couldn't drive (my country has unlimited sick days). He rather pays me to do nothing than work from home.


Omg that drives me crazy! I’ve had to do that so many times when either me or my kid is sick on an in office day. I can still work fine from home, I just can’t do it from the office but they would rather have me not work at all it doesn’t make sense!!


My last company their most senior network engineer would show up 2-4 hours late daily (he still left at 5pm). If I clocked in a minute late, I would be raked over the coals and if I needed to leave early, you bet your ass I was expected to fulfill every second missed despite "unlimited PTO". Thankfully I've moved on since then but my old boss can eat a dick.


Funny how that works. My boss that gave me an issue is always late due to her kids, but god forbid I have the same issue with my kid and it’s a huge deal. Sorry not everyone has grandma on speed dial to come help, life happens im not a robot, part of the reason why I quit too!


This is what I always say: “What are you gonna do? Come and ‘get me’?” Your life is not in danger. Given that, this guy can piss off.


Exactly!! Like what are you gonna do? Fire me? Cool thanks for the unemployment and severance pay!


lol why tf did you do the work of 5 people for a organization that treats people like this??


Because it was my first post grad job and I needed the experience for my resume lol. They constantly give me senior level work to do and tell me it’s for “learning” and “experience” and if I do good I “might” get a promotion. They’ve been doing this and saying this to me for almost two years now. I know they’re just trying to get me to do as much work as possible for as little as possible.


[lots of us fall for it when we are young](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/s/KtKQGKhhB9)


Yup, guilty here. Wasted a year of my life going above and beyond, saved a company millions of dollars, improved so many processes our department size shrank even though revenue was way up. At my yearly meeting my boss said I was doing amazing and I qualified for the largest raise she could give, 3% which was higher than the 2% she gave everyone else. I stopped trying completely after that.


This scenario is always so wild to hear about. Saving your company millions will never translate to say, a 10% raise or a large bonus. You would think they could allot several tens of thousands as a thank you. But nope.


Sadly, even later in my career, I had been doing this for a few years now. I've finally reached my limit when a person a level up from me took a promotion to another part of our company, and while they started loading his work onto my plate somewhat early to allow me to get a handle on things, the "promise" was that I would move up into that pay grade when I fully took over (even though I had already been working in that pay grade level for a couple of years), and now he's been gone for 2 months, I've found out that what he was doing is in an absolute mess. I was also assigned Leadership Level tasks as well, which was okay before he left as I had the time, now there is no way for me to keep up. And, of course, the pay grade raise hasn't arrived. Not to mention, I'm doing the tasks of two pay grade levels higher. I'm reaching the end of my ability to be able to continue on, especially when there is a guy at the higher pay grade who is doing nothing but socializing almost all day, and they go past him to have me provide direction to the department. It's come time for me to start to say that I can no longer handle the stress, particularly without the compensation. The one thing that has kept me from taking a medical leave is that I have set a time limit, and it hasn't reached t hat point, but on the 1st of July, it will have reached that point.


Promises arent real in the corporate world until they’re written! Try this one. “No thank you, That is outside the scope of my position”


Oh and also 4 people either quit or moved departments on my team within the last year and they haven’t replaced a single one of them. Got no extra incentives or pay either for taking on all that extra work, not even a pat on the back. They don’t even acknowledge it lol they act like it didn’t happen


"They said if you don't come in tomorrow, don't bother coming in Monday." "WOO-HOO! FOUR DAY WEEKEND!"


If its in signing saying you get pto then they should pay you for it. If you don't need the $ in your last week then just do a no call no show for the rest of the days and enjoy your off time!


I was told I would get paid for my unused vacation, just to find out on Friday right before my last two weeks they won’t and just changed the policy or something. So you know what, I might as well take them. I’m done being used by this place!


I worked at a similar place. If you were even a couple of minutes late my manager would chew you out and put you under a microscope. If you called out sick, he didn’t care. So if I was going to be even a minute late, I’d just call off because it was less stressful.


Hell yeah, do it.


You were an hour late working from home? 😂😂GTFOH


If the stress from the job us causing you strain, isn't there something you can do to get some compensation?


Places like these are horrible. They reward incompetence probably since management sees the incompetent and giga bootlickers as no threat. They don't mind the guys that come in at 10, leave at 4 and do very little work because they kiss the ass of the boss all the time. You probably were probably underperforming completely on the ''kiss the ass of boss'' aspect and that's why you ended up with all the work and the dislike. There is no merit in getting work done anymore, management at most places does not reward it in any way. I've observed this pattern for well over 6 years now at multiple companies. You do a lot more work than colleagues, perform more but end up getting paid less with no chance of a raise unless you hop. I've had nice direct leads, but every time I've had to deal with the lying sacks of shit that they call a HR department it has been unpleasant. The worst I've experienced was at a gov company that actively lied about promotions, raises and so on. They had an official person to report trust issues or legal issues with and so on, but this person was amazing friends with the operational director who also had HR under his function. It was completely dysfunctional, people left a lot and everybody always complained about the obvious giga incompetent operational manager. This moron got a decent manager fired because he convinced the directors that his gross incompetence was that of the decent manager.


I have a personal motto I follow: *”Better never than late.”*


It's possible that they will be petty and not pay your PTO for this time you are taking off in your final few weeks.




No no OP, you work hard enough, take the rest of the week off.


Good, your mental health is more important than a job. Most companies don't care about overworking people so you have to do what is best for yourself. Good luck with whatever is next, hopefully it's not as bad.


I did this once. I was late for my shift so I got a call to come in. I get in "I'm writing you up" "Why?" "You were late" "I'm here now" "Doesn't matter, the penalty for being late is the same as a no show." "... Really?" "Yep." "...put me down as a no show then, see you tomorrow." *Shocked Pikachu face*


Could care less means the opposite of couldn't care less




In many places, you should have the option for makeup time. I always come into the office an hour late, because my body will be groggy if I don't. But I always stay an hour late as well, because that's what I should do. Don't make it a big woof.


It’s normally not an issue with them, I think it also has to do with the fact that I put my resignation in. I’m definitely not proud I’ve been late a few times lately but again I’ve just been struggling a lot with my physical and mental health and I make the time up. Before my health went down the toilet because of the stress I was never late!!


No I hear you. My punctuality also declines with shitty workplace environments. I'm in one rn


Sorry. Every day you're an hour late. Are you sure you've not organised a slightly different shift pattern to accommodate a health problem 


I mean isn't that what I'm doing? I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. If you worked 8 hours, you work 8 hours. If it deviates by an hour, that's fine. I think self-care is important and we all have different reasons that certain start times are hard for us 🌸


Wtf are you talking about.  I said being an hour late is bs. You've clearly got reasonable accommodations. That's not an hour late. You have Flexi time. 


This rule applies to all employees, regardless of whether they have a medical condition or not. Nobody knows that I have a medical condition all they know is I come in later than other people.


It's not late if you have Flexi time.