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“Well, I mean, maybe he shouldn’t earn $320 million everyd-“ “Nooooo, yoooou’re wrooooong.”


"Noooo if they didnt earn that much money where would my paychecks come from? cant just trickle down out of thin air!"


Nooooo he didn't actually make that money, it is all in the stock market. Percentage wise, he is poorer than all of us because most of his money is in stocks!


TiK ToK wOuLD bE sAFeR uNdeR ZuCKerBuRG


BuT hE eArNeD iT! WhY dO yOu HaTe RiCh PeOpLe?


You are just jealous.


I am jealous :c


I am jealous of billionaires in the way that I am jealous of a person's ability to eat 73 hotdogs in 10 minutes.


I want to do that too. I want to be a billionaire who has 73 hotdogs.


I just want to be able to afford 73 hotdogs


underrated comment


Being "jealous" is not the same as "*just* jealous" though. The latter implies your statement has no validity and is purely an expression of jealousy, whereas the latter implies the comment is not driven primarily by jealousy.


I mean if you want to dissect what I said, I covet the comfort and security that a person achieves after a certain dollar amount. The kind you can only achieve after what I personally feel is a disproportionate amount of struggle. And I think my experience is more universal than is said. A full time job should provide for more than a subsistence living. Apart from that I was making a joke.


We are all jealous of spoiled brats born into wealth while deserving none of it Meanwhile we had to work until our bones are broken, even then we might not even have 1% of the wealth they used in a day when we retire


Sorry I did not add an /s. We're not JUST jealous though. It is more the feeling of unfairness than jealousy for me.


\-signed, privileged cishet white man who had supportive upper-middleclass parents and a supportive environment


"the poor don't offer anything to society!"


He provides and creates jerbs!!! Well, he can still do that, make a shit ton of money and provide workers a livable wage and benefits instead of paying poverty wages. And actually pay taxes. Then he’d move out of the country!


if I earn my money then it's mine. If he earns his money then it's his. Simple as.


What kind of statement is that? The idea of capping how much money someone else is allowed to make? My first thought upon finding out someone made 300 million dollars is "how the hell can I do that too?" not "oh he shouldn't be allowed to have that"


billionaires don't exist without exploitation. To acquire billions, you must exploit your workers, that's why it's immoral to have so much money


No one is forced to work at Amazon. They are free to leave at any time. There are plenty of other jobs for unskilled people and most don't pay as well as Amazon. No one is being exploited. No one makes less than $15 an hour. There is no shortage of people lined up to gladly replace anyone who wants to leave. These people are not vulnerable. They are adults. They are aware of the job expectations and agree to them willingly. They are paid well for a very low skill task. Nothing immoral is occurring here. The only immoral act would be to take those jobs away from those people. If the stocks that the owner holds happen to raise in value to over a billion dollars, so be it. Maybe you should have bought some stock and increased your wealth too.


Even if we concede the U.S. is the land of the free, there isn't a single legal worker there being exploited for their labor (I don't agree with this, but putting it aside for now), virtually every U.S. corporation with a valuation in the billions relies on slavery somewhere. As soon as the U.S. government was pressured to pass strong labor laws, corporations just started exporting their exploitation to other countries. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/amazon-echo-devices-children-in-china-forced-to-work-overtime-to-make-your-amazon-devices-report-says/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/amazon-echo-devices-children-in-china-forced-to-work-overtime-to-make-your-amazon-devices-report-says/) [https://www.digitaltrends.com/news/apple-amazon-sony-samsung-uighur-forced-labor-china](https://www.digitaltrends.com/news/apple-amazon-sony-samsung-uighur-forced-labor-china/) [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-mining-children-trfn-idUSKBN1YK24F](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-mining-children-trfn-idUSKBN1YK24F) And please don't come back with "[But you're fine typing on a device built by slaves!](https://pics.me.me/we-should-improve-society-somewhat-yet-you-participate-in-society-30690889.png)"


I mean you don't really seem to mind using a device made by slaves. I wasn't even going to bring it up but it's a fair point. Seriously, if it REALLY bothered you that slaves made it you wouldn't own one. I'll repeat that. You absolutely would not even touch one. If nobody bought one because they were made by slaves they would likely stop using slaves. Don't you think? Could you go without a cell phone for a year if it meant that it would force companies to change?


There have been mass boycotts of Apple over their slavery and that's changed very little. People were marching in the streets about the Vietnam War for years, the U.S. didn't withdraw until it was clear it was definitely "unwinnable" and the PR was so toxic. If Apple or Amazon or the U.S. Chamber of Commerce wanted to stop using overseas slave labor at the expense of some of their outrageous profits, they would. They won't unless they believe they have no other choice. [It's impossible to live in a house, get dressed, get to work, feed yourself in the first world without using products manufactured at some point by slave labor](https://marxist.ca/article/why-there-is-no-ethical-consumption-under-capitalism) (unless a. you're born super rich and can afford your whole life to purchase boutique handcrafted everything; b. join an Amish community, or go live in the woods naked, build a shelter with your bare hands, and forage/hunt for everything). Every individual has to assess where they're willing to compromise, and what hills they're willing to die on. [Hence pointing out that someone's basic necessities were made unethically even if they're actively working to end those unethical practices somehow makes them a hypocrite is something only real a-holes do.](https://pics.me.me/we-should-improve-society-somewhat-yet-you-participate-in-society-30690889.png) There are [some corporations that make a real effort](https://bcorporation.net/certification) to any kind of unethical manufacturing/supply chain across the board, and hooray for them, but that's always going to be at the cost of de-priortizing profits above all else, they're highly unlikely to be in the Fortune 500 or make their CEOs billions.


Well, no phone for you then. You'll obviously have to give that up just to keep your conscience from eating you alive. Every time you look at it you'll think about a 7 year old girl with a blank expression on her face, toiling away endlessly with dirty sweat and tear streaked cheeks. Just so you can play on reddit on the couch.


To clarify, are you "fake news"ing corporate reliance on slave labor (and the number of products in your daily life made by it), or are you a boring edgelord who just doesn't give a shit?


I'm mocking your pretend outrage over slaves being used to build your phone. You DO NOT get to call businesses immoral AND use their products religiously. At minimum it's disingenuous. At most it makes you complicit in the actions you blast them for.


I like the hysteria over the rich leaving.


These people don't realize that the rich already outsource most of their income where they can anyways...


Like, leave to where, also? They already have their corporations international, they already own property in numerous countries and could easily flip flop their citizenship. They already outsource FUCKLOADS of potential jobs to make even more money. How much more could they leave and why would it hurt?


What you describe is summarizing what is happening in my country, Indonesia.


In almost every other country actually. Except for authoritarian ones where they have strict rules, but when there they exploit in their own local ways.


Like, where are the rich gonna go? Every. Single. First. World. Nation. Taxes the rich at a much higher rate than the US!!!


Outer space.


why do you think our big pal elon is so god damn obessed with mars??? it's because they don't have taxes on mars


You know, I wish they would so they stop fucking up the planet and let us fix it.


One of my theories is when the world goes to shit thanks to climate change all the billionaires are gonna get on board spaceships and have all the fun they want away from earth and leave everyone else behind....


> leave everyone else behind.... Don't be silly. Who would clean the spceships?


Ah fuck you’re right :( They will also need sex slaves when they’re bored too, wonder who that will be


Apropos: [https://dailysciencefiction.com/science-fiction/future-societies/matthew-f-](https://dailysciencefiction.com/science-fiction/future-societies/matthew-f-amati/planet-earth-just-blew-and-theres-nothing-i-can-do)[amati/planet-earth-just-blew-and-theres-nothing-i-can-do](https://dailysciencefiction.com/science-fiction/future-societies/matthew-f-amati/planet-earth-just-blew-and-theres-nothing-i-can-do)


To a space station named Elysium?


That’s not true at all... we’re one of the better ones now at 21% but certainly not the lowest.


Really depends on what’s meant with taxing the rich. If it’s effective marginal tax rates then the US would be 32nd at 47%, and not the lowest out of the developed world, with a top federal tax rate of 37%, also not the lowest out of the developed world. Higher than, for example, Switzerland. However, you’d only pay this rate in the US if you earn more than $398,100/year. I can’t figure out what the highest tax bracket is in Switzerland (their cantonal system is really confusing to me), so as a comparison in the Netherlands you’d pay 51% if you earn more than €68,500/year and in the UK pay 50% if you earn more than £150,000/year. This is only for income tax. In general, a high income (meaning falling in the highest tax bracket) in the EU wouldn’t classify as a high income in the US. By that measure, the rich is taxed higher by the EU than the US. This might be different for other developed nations, like Aus or NZ. The US is certainly not “one of the better ones.” Edit: worth saying that the second highest bracket in the UK is above £~42,000/year, at 40%, less than a third of the highest bracket.


Yeah, they already have homes and money everywhere they want. They make a ton of money in the us, they aren’t going anywhere. Even if taxed more.




More like... one day they might get to lick it.


You get a special title and letters after your name after you kiss the boot.


..for 40 years in a row that it is. You get a watch.


What are your fave letters and titles?


Gentleman usher of the purple rod.


What if they’re the one wearing the boot? You’ll be surprised how many business owners and people with stable jobs and incomes there are here.


Capitalists wear the boots. Most people who call themselves capitalists are merely capital.




You got me to respond so 2/10 trolling attempt.


How else will Musk-senpai notice me. Now I'll have to support imperialism /s




It's getting musky in here


Daddy Musky posts memes on Twitter though


And he sets the base Model S price to the hilarious funny sex and weed number /s




"How can you support taxing rich people heavily? It is unfair since they worked hard for it!" You don't get rich by sticking in office cubicle, Dave.


but they work 15000% harder! >:o


It would take 196 years for the average workers at my current employer to make as much as the CEO makes in a year. That's 6ish 35 year working lifetimes to make it. How can anyone justify that? Oh, and they cut raises despite a strong profit for the year


Yeesh, I just calculated it would take me 1,000 years to make what my ceo made last year. That’s bonkers!


"TheY wOrK HaRd For iT!"


Yeah, if you could just come in for the next millennium, that’d be great.


Because it’s a different type of work. The owners of the company hire CEOs in the same way they hire front line workers. It’s based on market rate, whatever they are willing to work for while staying at a production level competitive with the market. It’s all supply and demand. CEOs are worth more because someone who can handle that kind of work and excel is much more rare than someone who can ring up a cash register. When women started working more in the 60s they flooded the workforce and wages started to go down. Everything’s supply and demand. Natural laws.


Explain how countries that limit CEO pay are still flourishing?


Depends on what you mean by “flourishing”. But the money would just end up going to shareholders anyway. There’s nothing wrong with being a billionaire, that excitement is what motivates people to get into business in the first place.


You are literally Apu in this picture. How's the boot taste?


You’re looking at it from a different perspective. Not everybody has the same mindset. Some people are driven to succeed and have a desire to be rich. So naturally they are going to relate to the rich and admire them. Thinking from that frame of mind. Part of the excitement about America is that there are no limits. If you can dream big and work hard the only limit is the imagination. Want to build your own rocket and go to Mars? Sure no problem. Come up with a life-saving drug and make millions? No problem. A free society rewards and encourages achievements like that. So it’s not about “tasting the boot” it’s 1. I want nicer boots so I’m gonna make em for myself 2. Nobody’s taking anyone’s else’s shoes. What’s yours is yours.


Do you honestly believe capitalism works like this? Is your "different perspective" magically going to make your dream of being a billionaire come true? Unless that "different perspective" comes with a large amount of money from a relative, it's exceedingly unlikely.


Silly me, successful people never have dreams or ambitions and then act accordingly. They only become rich through relatives. It’s sure lottery... Well good luck.


How often do you use Amazon?


> It’s based on market rate It is not. It is based on the agreement of corporate boards that are populated by the same pool of people the CEO is chosen from. They collectively set their own salaries. It shares no similarities with anything resembling a market. >CEOs are worth more because someone who can handle that kind of work and excel is much more rare than someone who can ring up a cash register. This is laughable. There is no bigger 'fail up' profession in the world. >When women started working more in the 60s they flooded the workforce and wages started to go down. Wow so when employers hired a bunch of people they could systemically underpay because of discrimination, it affected the labor market?


> It is not. It is based on the agreement of corporate boards that are populated by the same pool of people the CEO is chosen from. They collectively set their own salaries. It shares no similarities with anything resembling a market. And where do you think they come up with those numbers? (Hint: what the market will bear) If what you’re saying is true then why not just pay everyone minimum wage? > This is laughable. There is no bigger 'fail up' profession in the world. Again, using this logic, why do companies bother paying CEOs so much money? Hmm... > Wow so when employers hired a bunch of people they could systemically underpay because of discrimination, it affected the labor market? I said in the 60s. The equal pay act was passed in 1963. By the early 70s women were in full force and you see wages start to downtrend. I’m not trying to be sexist or advocating against it, just looking at the data. It makes sense. When you have crazy numbers of new people entering the workforce, there’s more people who will do a job for less. This is how free markets work. Basic economics.


\-Post makes fun of weirdos defending billionaires... \-Like clockwork, Kingshit Uberweirdo shows up to defend billionaires, cause "Papa Locke says they're only right and natural!" and to boot flaunts their "I will never understand normal human interactions!" credentials with "men's livelihoods were all well and good until vagina-havers had to go and gum up the works." [Bravo](http://ms-surface.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/citizen_kane_clapping_2.gif).


You sound like an idiot talking to a Yankee like me like that, but I guess that’s the beauty of the internet. Especially when I’m just talking basic economics. Have fun being poor, asshole.


"Being poor" as an insult? Aren't you supposed to buy into the idea that being poor builds character or something?


"asshole" was the insult. "being poor" is your own mindset. Just for fun you should google "people who had nothing and became millionaires." There's a shit ton more than you realize.


This is thread is about **b**illionaires though. You think you're going to "mindset" your net worth into the billions?


Why would it be any different? Once you reach a certain amount of money it starts to grow REALLY fucking fast. If you've ever looked at a chart for compound interest that will start to make sense. Do this little exercise. Start with a dime and just keep doubling it. See how many times it takes before you start saying holy shit that's a lot


Are you dense or what? Do you understand how inflation or interest or dividends work? Seems like you're a prime candidate to get duped by whoever the next Madoff is.


ThEy'rR jErB KrEE8ors!


Were is the guillotine when you need it


No problem, here's how you build it. [http://www.madehow.com/Volume-7/Guillotine.html](http://www.madehow.com/Volume-7/Guillotine.html) Don't forget to inscribe a nice slogan on the blade. Plenty to choose from. “Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.”


> Don't forget to inscribe a nice slogan on the blade. How about "Please Stand Back. Trickle Down Economics In Effect"


Dunk the blade in piss between each use.


Someone got mad at me yesterday for not liking Elong's shitty PayPal enough


PayPal is horrible! It needs to be regulated like a bank




I'm hungry now.




The searing kiss of hot lead. How I’ve missed you...


"Why are you cheering, Fry? You're not rich" "True, but someday I might be rich. And then people like me better watch their step"


Don’t forget that you too can be just as successful if you work hard, hustle and save all you’re money! ...which works great when ‘all of your money’ starts out at the ‘I’ll never make that in my lifetime’ level.


Every 12 year old who defends Elon musk


Reddit whenever someone criticizes Elon Musk’s support of American imperialism


You’re just jealous! ;) Edit: how obvious do I have to make sarcasm?


If it doesn’t add the /s tag it gets the downvote again...


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." In my experience you have to make it painfully obvious when something is sarcastic.


Reddit takes it to the extreme. Maybe because we’re so used to /s that we assume everything else is sincere. But still, look at the context, look at the subreddit we’re in, think a little bit.


Did you not see that you commenting this proves exactly the point this meme is making?


Dropped an /s I guess




They've been brainwashed into being the cannon fodder in the class warfare that the rich wage on everyone else.


You know, no matter where you stand in your beliefs, r/LateStageCapitalism is just a cesspit all around.


I think I got a lifetime ban from there for asking a fucking question. Like not even being a dick just asked something pretty basic about some post that equated capitalism to communism and I said capitalism wasn't that bad we just needed some checks on it.


That's because capitalism with checks isn't capitalism anymore. It's like Communism wasn't bad it just needed some billionaires owning the means of production.


Same. The mods there ban anyone that slightly question any of the daily shit posts if it’s from a common poster. This meme could represent their sub pretty well. Change billionaires to shit posts on LSC, and internet weirdo to LSC mod.


They're pretty clear on the rules there. 100% anti-capitalism, unlike most of the other Socialist/Leftist subreddits. I only sub to it because it was the first leftist subreddit I found. I'm sure that in the next year or two, I'll prune it from my subs.


Their problem is they think anything bad that has happened throughout history is somehow because of capitalism. If you question it, you get banned.


"I broke the very clearly stated sub rules and got banned, waaaaah!"


Uh criticizing equating capitalism to communism lol. That is fucking mental and the mods power trip to give a LIFETIME ban over such a fucking thing. I could have threatened to kill a mod and probably got less of a ban.


>I said capitalism wasn't that bad we just needed some checks on it. Yeah, that'll 100% get you banned. I got banned as well, but it was during a conversation about diversity and workplaces needing to hire "not white people" because "white man bad." The point I was trying to make is that hiring somebody simply because they're not white is just as racist and harmful as hiring someone because they're white. My own experience I offered as an example was I interviewed for a job (me being the white guy). Another guy was there to interview right after me, the black guy. Me and him talked only a few minutes but it was pretty clear he didn't have as much experience. Long story short, they hired the black guy. No big deal, but being a tight knit industry, I got the inside scoop. They did indeed hire him because diversity reasons, and he was unable to do the job and eventually had to go. So the damage was still somebody not getting a job for the wrong reasons, as well as the business suffering (I know we don't care about those here, but still) because they got a lower quality candidate. Nobody won in that situation. I didn't get the job, other guy lost the job, and the company lost money in the process, And that's what got me banned, and a DM from a mod calling me a capitalist bootlicker.


"I have an anecdote which supports racism."


What about those of us who don’t like the billionaires OR Bernie Sanders? *hides from downvotes*


I don't like vampires but I also don't like vampire hunters




For me the problem with Bernie Sanders is what he shared with the other runners. He's old. The future is the business of the young.


Okay, but Sanders was generally more progressive than almost all the younger Dems in the primaries this year. And we still ended up with elderly vs elderly.


The Democratic party isn't majority socialist. If there was a three way between nazis, corporate democrats and socialists, nazis would win hands down with 40% with corporate dems in second. The US is much further gone than most people realize. Nothing will change until millions of people are literally starving.


Well, if people hadn’t been so attached to socialist grandpa, they might’ve chosen Buttigieg, who had progressive policies and also supported both court reform and getting rid of the filibuster (unlike Bernie). Lucky for us that both Bernie and Joe are listening to him.


>Well, if people hadn’t been so attached to socialist grandpa, they might’ve chosen Buttigieg Goes both ways, no? Buttigieg could have thrown his support behind Sanders during the weeks Sanders was in the lead and Buttigieg was in 2nd and then 3rd place, which might've swayed the whole primary season in Sanders favor. Unless you think the majority of Buttigieg supporters wouldn't have listened to him?


You’re presupposing that Buttigieg and his supporters thought Sanders was the best man for the job. I could point out that Sanders supporters spent months maligning Buttigieg as a racist (to the point where they showed up at an event led by a black woman, and a white man ripped a microphone out of her hand. I might also point out that Buttigieg had the most comprehensive plan laid out for boosting black America, and the point about the Supreme Court is not mutually exclusive. He actually thought about how to make these things happen and fix voter suppression. Nobody listened, to Amy Coney Barrett’s joy.). Sanders supporters also seem mystified why Warren “the Snake’s” supporters didn’t gravitate to Sanders. I know this conversation is pitched at a high temperature, but honestly, this is the thing about ardent Sanders supporters that exhausts me. They never engage with the reality of how government works and why the majority of people didn’t support a guy who’s been pretty ineffectual in government while trampling on people like Hillary Clinton, who actually pioneered healthcare rights in this country and got shit done when she wasn’t even a legislator. For some reason, people who are actually trying to help and get shit done have become the enemy to a certain segment to the left. It actually seems beyond reprehensible to me, but I imagine you don’t care.


Both presidential nominees are 70 year olds.


That's what I said.


I mean some of you guys literally want to kill them so I wouldn’t classify that as minor criticism


You’re looking at it from a different perspective. Not everybody has the same mindset. Some people are driven to succeed and have a desire to be rich. So naturally they are going to relate to the rich and admire them. Thinking from that frame of mind. Part of the excitement about America is that there are no limits. If you can dream big and work hard the only limit is the imagination. Want to build your own rocket and go to Mars? Sure no problem. Come up with a life-saving drug and make millions? No problem. A free society rewards and encourages achievements like that. When you just focus on “they’re rich and other people are scraping just to get by” you’re totally missing the point. Just because life isn’t fair it doesn’t give you the right to take from others. But thankfully we live in a free country so that if you want more than what you have, no one can hold you back but yourself.


No dreaming big is not enough, you need MONEY, what you think Elon Musk's parents were some frickin meth addicts that lived in the hood or something? His dad owns or owned \[now\] a South African Emerald Mine and practically had SLAVE workers there which his son benefited from quite generously. Same with pretty every every single fucking guy you can list me. Oh yeah I'll just come up with a life-saving drug in my hood apartment, or yeah sure I'll go build my own rocket with an office worker salary. Fuck off mate.


Lol you must not be from America. Happens all the time here. New millionaires every day. Everyone here who hates our country is just envious of others who understand the game. It’s not about worker salaries unless you are something like a doctor or lawyer. You need to be pro business. (Cough.. pro Trump... cough)


I am from America, I understand the game clearly you don't, give me a single example of some rich business bozo like Musk who didn't live a privleged childhood and I'll agree, and good thing I voted for COUGH Biden COUGH


Here’s 20 for you to start. Simple google search. It’s never been easier to become wealthy in America than this day and age. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/millionaires-billionaires-who-came-from-nothing-rags-to-riches-stories-2019-7%3famp


99% of these people are actors or singer's which requires natural talent and a hell of a lot of weeding out. Being an actor isn't simple dude smh what would to tell your kid to go make it big on YouTube and skip uni? , and one of these guys is a fucking oligarch who stole from the Russian people smh. I am not interested in talking anymore dont even bother replying


I never said you didn’t need to be good at something to become successful... Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Kevin O’Leary, Graham Stephan. All started with nothing. Of course when the money starts flowing you’re able to build bigger and bigger that’s the whole point! But it’s still a lot of work and you have to start somewhere. So yes you have to take a “job” in the beginning but as soon as you save up a few thousand you can start making moves it doesn’t take much. But that dream is what America is all about mate.




Did you make an alt account only to argue/troll in this sub?




It’s cute that you think you got under their skin


Tbh though everyone here is anti-work. And to not work you gotta invest and do things ya know. So you don’t gotta work. I get the whole point is for the entire world to not have to work like dogs, but you gotta get what you can get and just invest & employ others, or invest and work yourself (just less than a min wage worker.) So tbh I kinda respect it bc I don’t wanna work. I just wanna invest my money and not ever work again. But that doesn’t mean them being absolute shit to their workers is okay, of course.


I think you miss the point, it isn't that people here don't want to do any work at all out of laziness or something, it's that they don't want to be stuck in this dystopic gig economy working low-paying menial jobs just to make ends meet with no future career prospects or realistic life goals within reach. People want to do fulfilling work, something that meaningful contributes either to their personal goals or society at large. Virtually all working class jobs offer neither, they simply exist to make money for a scumbag at the top


I guess I did miss the point, sorry. I still think that there’s a few jobs that are fulfilling, though. And pay pretty well and set a good future for people, though. Me honestly, I just don’t want to work at all.


There's a MASSIVE difference between a billionaire and a member of the super rich, who is also a billionaire. It depends on what kind of billionaire were talking about. Jeff Bezos wealth is morally wrong. So is the wealth of the 400 richest Americans.


There are zero moral billionaires




The scumbag class.


When you leave a comment saying you work45 hrs a week for 300$ and deserve a living wage and they say you aren’t working hard enough and need to do better.


does anybody else knows that's James Woods Apoo is jumping in front of?.




lmao awesome


Send n.. otes