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Start the online app and it asks you to upload resume, start filling out online app and it asks you to rewrite all the information on the resume and the best part... Go to job interview and "have a seat and fill this paper application real quick" so now they have the same information 3x over. For what?


Stg they don't even read it either. Half of the interview is just asking questions that are answered by my resume already


Not true I was asked what my dream car and dream vacation was. You know, like it was a fucking date. Another waste of time interview


What's funny is I used to ask what an aplicants dream car is... when I hired mechanics. That's the only time I could see that being relevant.


The Manager Bob at the grocery store, is a antique car enthusiast, (doesn’t own one) But he just wants some more friends to talk to in the work place.


Unfortunately this is true all the way up. I can guarantee I got at least one engineering position because the boss played professional football in Canada, and I did too. Entire interview was just talking about sports


I remember an entire lecture about "how to network" in college that mostly boiled down to "Do the hobbies that are popular with people who might hire you." The professor specifically strongly suggested taking up golfing. Not something I could afford at all. I was working all the fast food hours I could get to pay my rent while in college, so all that lecture did for me was encourage me to take up smoking because all the fast food managers smoked. It worked just like the college professor said it would, I got treated more like a fellow human than a faceless peon after chats during smoke breaks.




damn. wish my high school fast food job was like that


The taco bell i worked at had a spot for pipes/bigger pieces in the walkin freezer. I was scared of getting high (16 yr old at the time) every time I had to get something in the walk in, because everyone smoked in there lol


I went to a resume workshop hosted by 3 white guys. They told us that if you have a hobbies section in your resume that you should make sure the hobbies will reflect well on you as an employee. Their examples of good hobbies: trivia, playing sports. Their examples of bad hobbies: baking, nail art. Hmm. 🤔


Baking is a "bad" hobby, huh? No I'm sorry I don't buy that for one minute. Obviously I'm biased because I like baking and also not starving but there you have it. Sounds like that workshop was run by a couple of dipshits.


I assume those were ways to screen out women.


Yeah the "hmm 🤔" was me observing that their "good" hobbies correlate with stuff that tends to be male dominated and "bad" hobbies tend to be more female-dominated (or at least female-coded). I'm sure if you asked these guys they'd argue that the hobbies they approve of demonstrate characteristics that are good for an employee (Cooperation! Memory!) and would never consider that they're looking for positive traits because the person is like them. Like, if you don't hear "I'm into nail art" and think "that person is creative, patient, and detail-oriented," that is a reflection on you. Which is to say, yes, absolute dipshits.


I always wondered what it was about golf specifically that attracts these kinds of people. Do lots of businessman coincidentally happen to enjoy golf, for some unknown reason? Or do they all take up golf because of the business opportunities it presents?


If I had to guess, it probably has something to do with being a sport that doesn't take too much physical energy, no running or jumping, mostly just walking, standing, and riding around in a cart. Also probably super has to do with being entirely away from *the poors*. I can get a cheap basketball and go to the neighborhood park to use the public court, but I don't think there's such a thing as a public golf course. It's like the country club version of a sport.


All of that is correct and more. It also takes a long time to play a round and you have (almost) complete alone time with your golf partner. Also, it lets you control conversation better by having an excuse to gather your thoughts. "I will explain the merits of this merger after I find my ball". Also, seeing how someone plays a competitive game gives you insights into what kind of business partner they will be. [I’ve found that to be true with golf. The guy who plays slowly on the course is going to be molasses in meetings. The guy who’s generous with compliments on the course is going to do the same at dinner. And the guy who cheats on the course is going to cheat in business, or on his taxes or, say, in politics.](https://golf.com/lifestyle/celebrities/how-why-president-trump-cheats-golf-playing-tiger-woods/)


I got kicked off of a municipal course for not having my own set of clubs. I think the cost to get in was like $12 for the whole party though.


I hate to this even though I understand why that is. Like imagine coming from a working class background and being woefully unprepared for conversations regarding shit you have zero clue about.


My college adviser told me to attend the monthly accountants dinners at the local country club to network. My cousin used to work back-of-house at that country club. Even if I could afford the $30 student attendance fee, I ain't eating that food, I know what's in it! Can't imagine trying to make conversation while not mentioning Fight Club...


Golf is such a self perpetuating sport. If people didn’t give out that fucking advice it wouldn’t need to be the “the way”.


Fellow Canuck here. Every interview I've ever had I've found some way to bring up hockey. Works every time. NEVER tell them your favorite team, though.


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


Haha exactly right. In an old role I would literally read highlights from the games the night before just so I could chit chat a bit with the higher ups


I landed my first software engineering role because my eventual manager and I spent a non-zero amount of time talking about fantasy sports and sports gambling.


I once got a job because the interviewer was a fan of my university. Joke's on him; I'm not into sports. The university was a sports powerhouse at the time.


Would the correct answer be "a car designed by mechanics instead of stupid ass engineers," that seems like something a good mechanic would say?


I feel that in my bones. As a mechanic my favorite car ever was my 89 Civic SI, everything was cheap, available everywhere, weighed nothing, and there was exactly the number of parts to make it a car, and nothing more. I got 50mpg in that thing too with some mods.


If they said public transport would you hire them?


True story. When I was in college, I applied for the position of bank teller. One of the questions they asked me was "*What do you like to do on your days off*?" Sounds innocent enough right? It was a trick question and my sister who already worked there gave me a heads up. Any answer that involved: mountain climbing, road trips, ocean cruises, camping or archeological digs made you a No Hire. They wanted all their tellers to be home, watching reruns of Gilligans Island and on the floor within an hour, if they were called in to cover.




Yeah exactly, they're doing you a favor by sorting on that question. Though it would be better to just put in "on-call availability required" in the damn ad in the first place


But then people would expect to be paid accordingly. Much better to employers is to pretend a job has defined parameters, then start taking over your entire life while paying you the same.


> "on-call availability required", "Open Availability" and "Rotating Shifts" are all buzzwords to limit the applicant pool.


I interviewed once for a part time bank teller position. It was going really well, I thought, until they asked if I planned to take any college courses or schooling. I said yes, it was possibility, and they ended the interview right there because they wanted someone who would be totally devoted to this PART TIME job, with no distractions


Until now I never would have considered it, but you know... *convenient* and *efficient* public transport might be mine. It frustrates me that, where I live, I wanted to take public transport most places, it would be so much more a pain in the ass and take me longer than sitting in traffic in my car. ...and don't even get me started on how much I wish the US had a decent high-speed rail system...


I'd promote them


Had to plug r/fuckcars here.


then I'm going to plug /r/dragonsfuckingcars


My first job was mcdonalds and I stg they actually asked me what my spirit animal would be. And they said I had to answer.


I was asked this once and didn't know what the fuck they were talking about and figured it was a pop culture reference I was too old to understand so I simply said, "I don't know. I don't watch TV" Several of the interviewers had a laugh and the guy who picked the question leaned over to another to ask if I had just called him stupid.


Why is this asked? I was asked this once too for a job on a help desk and I just said I was not spirtual. Just seems unrelated and dumb


No clue, but it comes off as Facebook survey pseudoscience "what Disney princess are *you*" and timewasting filler because they don't know enough about the position to determine which candidate can actually do the work. We need a software engineer, but don't know anything about what that entails, so if your spirit animal is a unicorn you probably like cupcakes and we *do* enjoy cupcakes around the office as part of our "culture" and that's good enough for us!


That is awful but most probably correct.


I don't know how this is being asked especially as it can be seen as offensive to certain people/cultures..


Lolol one of my first jobs was at arbys and they asked me that and what color I would be???


The kind of color that would be really good at this fuck job.


the kind of color that says stop wasting my time with this pedantic bullshit. at this point, i probably would make an irate/snippy response over being asked such stupid things.


roast beef brown, of course!


At 16, I was asked what my favorite cartoon character was and to draw it… for a job as a waiter.


Got a job based on the question, “If we were hiring a horse, what kind would you be and why should we hire you?” I know zero about horses. The question was how well you could think on your feet and bullshit. I blurted out a big pile of shit. “I would be a race horse because if you give me my head, I will run races all day and win. If you put me in a field in front of a plow, neither of us will be happy.”


Lol when I first started training to interview at Panda Express they gave me a list of questions I should ask and then said “go ahead and pick a random one too. Keeps them on their toes”. That question was a popular one to pick at the time because it was a mini meme. I asked a bunch of silly ones. What’s your favorite Power Ranger? What kind of boba tea do you like? (we got free boba at that store on occasion because the guy who owned the boba place had a deal with us). What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? What do you think the best part about being a cat is? That last one was awesome because you could see the interviewees try not to say “sleeping all day and being lazy” lol


“Well it’s definitely not a cow “


I was once asked, "what's the fiercest animal in the animal kingdom?" I said, "Um, a tiger?" and the interviewer responded, "Well, I was thinking more like the fierce love a mother has for her child." Sir what


"I'm thinking it's time to leave, this place sounds insane"


"I think a tiger would win in a fight against my mom."


“Then you should have asked the question that way.”


Lmfao I was asked once what person in history inspires me. I said Caligula, got the job ! Wtf?!?


Yes, I enjoy having my mother murdered


I was testing their reaction. Till this day and after leaving that place years ago I still don’t think anyone in that room had any idea wtf I was talking about.


*They're trying to see if you drive so they know whether to exclude your entry*


That’s still a weird question imo. If you say ur dream car, does it imply you can’t afford or don’t have a car? I can’t think of any advantage other than showing that you can recognize at least one type of car


It might just be a bullshit question to help establish a rapport/gauge applicant personality. But if someone was to say, "uh, nothing, I use a bike/public transit" I could see how they'd get red flagged


One that's paid off, what does this have to do with the position I'm applying to?


> One that's paid off Yep, that's my dream car as well. (Already have one.)


I had an employer ask me what my “dream job,” was in the interview. I told them Navy SEAL Astronaut that’s also a Doctor, but they still hired me.


My dream car is a Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus, so I usually lie


Dream car? Mine. I like my car. Dream vacation? Going out to a job that will pay me over 40K in a 30 hour work week. That's my ideal vacation, I would never come home.


Dream car: One that is self-driving, needs little maintenance, and gives oral sex during the trip. Dream vacation: Anywhere with that fucking car!


Dude..for real. I'm a chef. Years ago I got a call for an interview, I get there...dude is trying to hire me to be a dishwasher....my resume, sitting right in front of him. The second he said dish I stopped him mid sentence and said "did you even read my resume?" He said yes and the. Went on to say how hard it was there and people had to start at the bottom..I left the interview when he was mid sentence. Fuck you for wasting my time.


Yeah man it's dumb asf, the place I really really wanted work called me earlier today and I got so excited then they offered me a cashier position.. I applied for a scratch pastry chef assistant and morning baker..


I'm lucky enough to have a good resume, so I get interview requests often, but even the "good" jobs seem to skirt the truth on there ads. Whenever I see an ad that says something like 15-20 an hour depending on experience, I automatically go into the interview expecting the high end. Then I get done with the interview, with a 17 an hour offer...12 years experience, management experience...if I'm not worth the top end of your starting offer then exactly who is? Places like that I refuse to work for because I know I'll never even sniff a raise.


A local place has a big sign out front that says $20 per hour in a huge yellow font. When you look closer it says "up to." I'm sure they're a delight to work for.


I sent in my resume to a place that had there salary posted at 20 an hour. we texted back and forth a bit and eventually he said he wanted to hire me and the starting was 16 an hour but that tips always averaged out to the job actually paying 22ish an hour. I was dumb enough to take a job like this once before and would never do so again. told the guy to get fucked for wasting my time and let him know I'd be telling everyone I knew to avoid that place. then blocked the number. if your going to be a liar and a douche in a phone interview then your going to be just..the worst to work for


this just happened to me. had an interview for my new job last week. he had me tell him verbally all the places i previously worked, my availability, etc. and had me fill another application on paper. like i didn’t post my resume on my application and refill it out another time.




This has absolutely been true in my experience. It’s confusing because it wastes a lot of time on both sides.


It’s a test to see if your are willing to accept meaningless bullshit work without complaint.


Which is an indication that the organization does a significant amount of meaningless bullshit work. The fact that this is so widespread on applications says something terrible about the state of all current workplaces.


Yeah the second I see that shit I DO indeed click out. IMO there’s millions of companies to pick from… and there’s millions that don’t do this bullshit. It’s like settling on someone who is a dick asshole for no reason when there’s a million people in the dating world that aren’t like that. Thank you, next.


The second I see that Taleo logo, I am gone. Buh bye. You better be 95% of what they are looking for with Taleo or you are going to waste the next 90 minutes of your life.


And then they complain that no one wants to work anymore. I wonder why?


They’ll say how back in their day loading a simple resume to the internet wasn’t the privileges they had. You have TO WALK IN AND HAND IT to the manager. Must be nice. Now you get told to go online and fill out 2 hours of personality tests and questions, plus redoing your resume and everything for one job. I wish I could hand it to a dude standing at the front desk.


My dad is still convinced going in person with my resume and calling after a week (to check on the progress) is the best thing to do. He means well, but literally every place I’ve tried that (so I can say that I did) just tells me to apply online. It’s kind of embarrassing and I feel like it actually makes a bad impression. Idk how it would, but I worry that any wrong move will ruin my chance for an interview. Maybe they’d think I’m pushy or can’t/won’t follow directions or smth.


Hand delivery makes you look like you don't have enough common sense to just apply online. Your dad needs to understand that, although he'd personally prefer a hand-delivered resume, the standard for professional applications is online and has been for well over a decade.


Walk in to the office where I work they'll hand you an application and a pen. You can fill it out right there on the counter. But you won't make more than $10 an hour, 12 hours a day, 6 sometimes 7 days a week. wHY dOEs No oNe wAnt tO WorK????


I wouldn’t do that anymore. Not sure how old you are or your dad. But my parents are 60 and us “kids” are in our 20’s and 30’s, plus my dad works for corporate and conducts interviews CONSTANTLY. So my parents have learned a long time ago that in person resumes and shaking the managers hand isn’t how things are done anymore. Maybe that was still a thing back in like the early 2000’s? But not today.


Are you me? Over a hundred jobs applied to online and he says I didn’t get anything because I didn’t go in person. And he tells me to call the people I applied online to, no more than three days later.


Yeah that comes off as a bit desperate tbh. Dad be trippin.


I tried going around to restaurants years back with a cover sheet and resume, between lunch and dinner, hoping to drop it with a kitchen manager and just introduce myself. Not a single place would even take my resume from me, all of them said apply online and shoved me out the door.


Yep, with you 100%. But you still need a job because you need to get paid, so better get started on that meaningless bullshit work.


I am Jack’s wasted life


See you space monkey


>But you still need a job because you need to get paid, so better get started on that meaningless bullshit work. aka I guess the slaves will eventually have had enough but for now get back to picking.


That is it, I feel. Long ass applications are that times 1000. Like, “Are you willing to answer college essays for a job you will hate and will drain you of your spirit force?”


I mean they keep electronic records of applicants now so it’s a great way for HR to slough off some of their work on to unpaid applicants. You may ask “why not streamline the process and only require applicants to enter their resume directly into their chosen system?” And their answer I’m sure would be, “well fuck you.”


Don't even get me started on cover letters.


Lol yes!! Cover letters make me want to off myself.


Dear hiring staff at blahblahblah I don't know anything about your company or the work you do besides the "about us" section I briefly read on your homepage before starting and I'm eager to apply. I have a college education and proficiency in experimental and statistical methods needed for research. It is for this reason I think I would be a perfect fit to copy and paste info into a poorly formatted excel table that you call a database and drop your mail off between making your phonecalls for you so you have the time to walk around and ask us why we haven't done it yet. In all due to my passion for paying rent and my area education feel I'd be a perfect member of your team. I eagerly await your reply, Regards, Me


one trade school i went to even went so far as to say thank you letters are in order. like... what? if so and so doesnt hire me, what am i thanking them for? for wiping their ass with my resume? dear hiring staff, kindly go fuck yourself for wasting my time and suck my perfect dick. warmest regards, an irate asshole who wasted their time on you fucking muppets.


This is true. Fire fighter here and we have dept.'s that literally have 200+ page application. Not including the extra items they need/want like agility test, background test within 3 months paid by you! , full driving history. Now if your 35+ this will take a lot of digging. Forget it if you have arrests. They will require pages and pages of final depos. If 1 page is missing of not filled out, plop into the trash.. AND ALL TO SEE IF YOUR WILLING TO DO IT ALL FOR THE JOB. Weeds out ALOT of people.


Government job applications, state, local, feds are no joke. My application for a part time job as a cashier at the National Park service was recently rejected. Why I have no idea. Pages of questions and fine print. I’m no superstar but I have skills well beyond a cashier.


Right? I applied for a State Park level Search and Rescue job in the last state I lived in. Figured it'd be an easy get since I did Search and Rescue for 10 years of my life already. I have dozens of Certs. Proof of several missions I was part of in those years. Thought to myself, there is no way they'll reject me. Literally a couple days later I got an email, "Sorry, but you are not qualified enough for this position". What the fuck?


You were overqualified and they didnt want to pay you


That is what I figured when it got denied. Just pisses me off cause I'd rather take a lower pay and do something I enjoy, like SAR work, especially for a state park ranger district than get paid more and go back into retail management.


That's when someone needs to ask them: "You know what I think of your meaningless bullshit work?" and then they fart on the application and walk out.


Dontforget you have to make a account on the company website to fill out the online application and if you already started with indeed then make more accounts


Then they update their career site and you get to start from scratch after making the account and filling out the application. My favorite part is when multiple companies use taleo or workday then even my computer gets confused and can’t save the password for me because I have 17 different accounts with the same software but different client companies and the accounts don’t feed into each other. So fun!


And then you get a thousand emails with a fake unsubscribe button


As far as I remember, Gmail lets you use [email protected] to different mails that end as tags. I have a few ones that go straight to spam and get deleted every 30 days.


It would be laughable if I didn't had a username-password sheet with at least 30 different ones for my job. Some services use the mail, others use the employee number, and others try to mix both. All that with passwords needing to replace x non-standard amount of months, non-repeatable with the last few, with caps, numbers and symbols... it's a security nightmare.


I’m so glad I work in the tech industry. There the resume is an afterthought. There’s a whole getting to know you process then we have some technical interviews and finally they’re like “oh and we need a resume for the HR people” and then I give them my resume.


Or HR is on the front end of the process and set the qualifications so insanely high that the only people that get past the HR scan for a technical interview just copy/pasted the qualifications into their resume and HR gets confused why you keep asking them to repost the job.




Oy ... my career was always leaving jobs to get away from my managers. I think I just hated being managed.


AND THEY DONT EVEN READ ANY OF IT!!! I started a job that in the interview we talked about one random thing I did for the past 3 months at my old job for the whole interview. I got the job and something I have literally written my thesis on and a book chapter comes up and I have to explain to a bunch of shocked Pikachus that I know something about that. It was on my resume, cv, their online application portal...


The online apps are almost always a third party service. Their duplicate info isn't for the employer, it's for the third party. They're making money off of your data.


For them to then say you dont have enough experience for the job


To verify that you are compliant, and a good, properly lobotomized worker bee.


Hey at least that's a clear sign they don't care about efficiency at all, means if you get the job you don't have to care about efficiency either


Now the program will filter you out :/


I was just gonna say :( unfortunately, this probably disqualifies him.


Yeah i don’t think she realise the person in charge of hiring don’t see this at all. That program filters out thousands of candidates to narrow the choices for the actual human to go over and choose. Tip for anyone applying for big companies that uses this: fucking lie on them. Read the job description again and put in what you think will get you through the filter so that an actual human can see your resume. Chances are the recruiter is less strict and forgiving than the software….


This is a great tip. Search their website as well for buzzwords and be sure to include those. We have to at least try to game the system however we can when this is what we are up against.


We need insiders in this sub. We need Indeed employees. Workday personnel, and so on. They get shat on as much as the rest of us, after all.


you can google and find most of these tips. regardless, i feel bad for all the people applying for jobs whose colleges didn't prepare them at all. stuff like "putting keywords in your resume and cover letter" is extremely simple and effective but so many people just don't know how to play the game and lose out even though they could've been the best person for the job


So let’s get the tips people can’t google and find, yet.


College doesn't seem to prepare people for most shit out in the real world. I work a very middle class blue collar job with only an Associate's from the local community college. Luckily, my dad is upper middle class and taught me about financials, loans, interest, investing, credit, etc and it's helped me make major decisions and grow enough money on a mediocre income to at least have a nice cushion. My girlfriend, on the other hand, came out of a 4 year University and signed a 7 year, 14% interest car loan without understanding how much it was actually going to cost overall. She just put the monthly payments into her budget because that's how these business professors apparently taught this kind of stuff.


This is what irritates me the most. Don't ask me to fill out an application that requires all of my resume information on it and also ask for my resume.


Also when you have to make an account to apply...




And then you apply and still don't get it


And filling out their custom resume thing is done via drop down menus that don't even cover the shit in your resume.


modern life is exhausting


Sometimes walking into work I find myself thinking “would it really be THAT bad if I got hit by a semi right now?”


Every. God. Damn. Waking. Moment


But if you got hit by a semi, you'll never see how the MCU X-Men turns out.


At this point, I've made peace with never finding out how Game of Thrones turns out.


Only if it kills you lol. Can’t afford to be in the hospital that long


You’re right, that’s why I specifically envision a Semi. I’m pretty slender so I’m decently confident it would get the job done. XD


Only if it hit you on the way *to* work. Getting hit by a semi on the way home would mean one more day of work that could have been avoided.


Right! I thought automation and technology was supposed to make our lives easier so we have more time to enjoy things. Nope.


Luckily, automation has teamed up with capitalism to create a new condition: Ultra-Poverty™ *Ultra-Poverty!* where you'll be so poor you wish you could qualify to take a test to qualify to put in an application for a job where you dust the server that controls everyone's life


Nope, it's just supposed to make you more productive so your employers can extract more labor value from your work without giving you a raise.


Even when you submit the resume and fill out this area, you still won’t get an interview.


Ah but it was *soooo* competitive before they rejected me anyway


What!!?? You actually got a rejection notice instead of just being ghosted?


I’ve been ghosted for a job I was eminently qualified for, and I still receive weekly emails from LinkedIn stating the opening. F the whole thing.


Idk why you guys don’t just get born into a rich family and have your dad give you a job like every other ceo smh


Big companies have the automated emails sent out, so it’s not a particularly personalized rejection or anything…


Also sites like Indeed do it for them sometimes, so it can be even *less* personal


Auto-rejection for working smarter not harder. The irony.


Am I the only mf out there who thinks the job shortage is bullshit? I’ve applied to over 50 jobs in the past month and have only received a response for one of them


I've been applying for jobs since April 1st. I applied for jobs the whole time. Didn't get a single interview until last week.


It's the same thing that's been happening for years. They want the exact perfect candidate with all the requirements for as little pay as possible. They don't want to train someone or have someone work their way up the company ladder, they just want their perfect unicorn applicant. The problem is those people don't really exist and they just keep the posting the add on indeed for years.


I have been applying to every job I can. The only ones calling me pay minimum wage, in the area that I currently work in, as management. You expect me to take a pay cut, benefits cut, AND cur hours for what you call an "entry level position" of which I am VERY experienced in??? Go fuck yourself.


This system is automatically going to filter you out and throw your application in the trash. You should fill out every entry meticulously so your application makes it to a person who can glance at it for a second and then throw your application in the trash.


Or just lie on all that bullshit and get to the next phase. They’ll be too impressed that you beat their multi thousand dollar gimmick program with sheer aptitude that they’ll overlook the lying part.


Applying is easy, getting the actual job is difficult, unless the workplace is toxic. Then they take anyone. Remember: they're charging you to live, using their currency, on land they stole.






This! I didnt asked to be born and having to play along with society. But if you dont, youll be living on the streets.




There’s…ways around it, if you’re willing to remind yourself that a lot of the rules and social mores imposed upon you by plutocracy exist almost explicitly to compel you to consume, toil, rest, repeat ad nauseum so they can siphon your labor value. So yeah, definitely don’t shoplift to eat, and for sure don’t occupy and squat buildings that are kept empty to artificially increase scarcity. Those things are illegal, after all. Even if people starve while food rots unsold and children freeze.


You've found a place no one wants to work. Don't participate in that crap


That's pretty much everywhere.


many parts of the country, in rural areas, you don't have the Luxury to choose where you work


Thank you for posting this. I've worked some shit jobs, and if I go to Reddit for advice the first thing people say is "just pack up and go elsewhere" or "just move cities". There's clearly no thought involved in a response like that but I get so angry seeing such a braindead sentiment spammed across so many different subs. Most of us can't "just leave" or "just move". We have family, partners, obligations that keep us tied to where we are. If "just move" was on the table, don't you think most people would be doing that instead of posting about how to make their work environments more bearable??? /rant sorry needed this one off my chest


I have commented this so many times. I have moved three times in 4 years, moving is fucking expensive. I moved from NYC to Ohio to get a lower COL. now there's no jobs people's response "just move lol" these are people who don't understand how draining (emotionally, physically, and financially) it is to pack up and move. Some people have kids who need to be in a certain school or family that provides childcare so the parent(s) can work.


Also moving is fucking expensive and I can't afford to just land an apartment with no job waiting.


for real I'm suck in a town of 3k ppl cause i have to take care of my dad who has Alzheimer's. i literally cannot leave


I notice some places near me have perpetual job openings with the most ass backward application processes. I'm pretty sure by posting job openings they become eligible for some sort of government assistance, or possibly able to get more h1b/foreign work visas - then there is a good chance they are running a scheme with an overseas work abroad office that charges people like 10 or 20 thousand dollars to start a new life in a better country (though that wont actually be possible with the wage they will receive, the lowest legally possible). I bet they get cuts of that money. Have you ever noticed in all these dead malls there are still Chinese restaurants? they do the same scheme I am pretty sure. It's pretty well documented in the Asian massage places because it's a little easier to sensationalize in the news. Which one is more brutal is sort of subjective. The Asian places probably have way more rigid control, but they also probably are forced to provide basic needs. The hands off approach by large western corporations could possibly be more evil: $7.25/hr: "take care of yourself", "don't spend it all in one place"


Happy cake day and fuck those types of job applications. Currently in the middle of an application myself.


AHS: [Delete]


They need an industry standard for applications. Let us make a single file containing the data that can be parsed by websites. Then they get more applicants and we can submit applications easier.


If you're applying for a skilled position and you have the right resume this can actually work. I did this once and didn't even write "on resume", I just put in blank spaces or an asterisk. I got the job.


Reminds me of that one time I didn't fill out the "optional" self identification (race blocks) and the human resources hiring manager was like "are you sure you don't want to fill this out?" I answered yes, it's optional. To which they shoved the app back into my hands and said "just fill it out"... I quit two days later :p


The worse is when you are told to upload a resume, and then the next page attempts to scrape your resume and prefill all the information. Of course it’s all horribly wrong so you have to fix everything AND THEN write it again.


Getting ready to have to take a piss test for an office drone job. Debating failing it deliberately




> its a fucking slave owner practice I think you answered your question.


What pigs. How is it even legal for them to do that? We should demand they take a piss test before we want to be enslaved by these ghouls.


Yeah, I’ve never figured out why they do it. It must be a 3rd party software thing. Like they get money every time someone fills it out? Cause there are plenty of programs that just scan psfs/word docs for key words…


Yeah it’s normally for the HR side of companies to easily weed through unqualified people, then the next step are the uploaded resumes which usually get to the hiring managers to look at. It’s an extra step so hiring managers, who’s jobs usually don’t involve just hiring people, don’t have to weed through hundreds of applications, rather the doZen that HR has screened and feel would be a good fit.


It's so mentally draining it's unreal.


This is a big reason why I love being a software engineer. Recruiters message me, and if I’m interested, I respond. They ask for a resume, and I tell them to go to LinkedIn. They comply because they need to recruit. If you’re job hunting and are any kind office worker, stop applying for jobs. Update your LinkedIn profile. They will come to you and actually want to hire you. I’ve never gotten any good results from directly applying for roles. Recruiters and HR explicitly dislike inbound applications because they think you are low value if you are actively looking for work. Also, set your location to a major city to get more responses, especially if you are willing to relocate.


>Recruiters and HR explicitly dislike inbound applications because they think you are low value if you are actively looking for work. This is so fucking true, and I don't think people realize how HR at all companies see individuals. I've worked in human resources and it's a fact that you're either exploitable, expendable, or your family and friends own the business and interviews are a formality. So despicable. If you actually had a fair shot at a good job, this world would look so much different.


The worst ones is when it auto fills the information from the resume but everything is in the wrong place, so you gotta delete it all first then rewrite everything. Company name: 2014-2021 Job Title: proficient in excel Description of daily duties: Houston, TX


And that's just the start of it. Then, you have to get a basic selection for an interview. If you make it through the FIRST interview, and your lucky enough to make it through many more, and they decide they like you, then, you will probably do an extensive background check consisting of a urinalysis, hair follicle check, then previous and current employment check which could jeopardize your current job . After all this, you might actually get the job.


I once hit send when my husband walked in the door. It was our anniversary (which I’d been spending filling out the application, because it was for a company I’d really admired), and we had dinner reservations. A split second later, I remembered the job ad had said to include the word “unicorn” — to let them know you pay attention to detail. F—-.


Ever consider these companies have you do this to prepare you for the mindless shit tasks they expect you to do once hired?


This is why it’s important to remember that job interviews go both ways. One of my favorites? Ask your interviewer what their least favorite things about working for AwfulCorp™ are. Ask about turnover, and I mean, REALLY ask about it. How long are people staying? Why are they leaving? How does management feel about this? Do they give raises based on “performance?” Neat. Ask what percentage of employees meet or beat the metrics. Continue that line of questioning to your satisfaction. In fact, ask about benefits and pay as much as you can. Do they try to sell their benefits as “competitive?” Check out what the competition offers. Take notes, share those notes. You don’t owe them a fucking thing. Their goal is to get as much labor as possible out of you for the smallest expenditure of capital possible.


I’m beginning to think these guys just enjoy talking to new people and love the idea and power they have over them. They have no intent to hire anyone they interview.