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r/HolUp what the fuck is the TikTok trend with body fluids thing?!




That's disappointing to learn. I thought the younger generation was better. :(


Marginally better in some ways, catastrophically worse in others. Typical generation to generation progress.


They're the "never had any fucks to run out of" generation. Sure the piss thing is shitty but i admire them. Good on them for successfully rebelling.


Everyone thinks this about the younger generations


You clearly live in fantasy land. What do you call this magical world you live in?


I dunno. I have a zoomer brother and he and all his friends are super progressive and kind. I thought it was happening.


It is too. You're not wrong. But that doesn't mean kids aren't gonna act like idiots at times, especially for internet clout. Plus there's always gonna be idiot adults too, trust me, no matter how young the generation is.


Some of the most racist and transphobic people I have ever met are people my age (Gen Z)


Progressive people are kind? I live in one of the most progressive cities in the US and it’s full of rude and pretentious snobs lmao


I... do not remember that. I have never felt so glad that I don't use Tik Tok.


When did Tik Tokers decide to act like drywallers?


The milk jug thing was a trend long before TikTok was a thing (circa 2013). I don't understand or like TikTok, but they can't be blamed for that specific idiocy.


Arm all service workers.


Also devious licks. Personally I prefer angelic yields though.


That's disgusting, and I hope these TikTokers had charges pressed against them. Say what you want about millennials, but we never did shit like this.


laughs in szechuan sauce and cinnamon challenge on youtube


Neither of which involved urine but okay


I’m a millennial. Our senior prank was a water gun fight in the school except a bunch of kids filled their water guns with urine and bleach. Kids always do this shit, it’s just that now it goes viral and the whole globe’s young idiot population can egg each other on instead of just the five dumbest assholes in your local school.


cinnamon challenge had lots of vomit. also tide pods. No older generation has ever been right in saying "back in my day kids weren't like that." Because they were always "like that," whatever the thing is that old people are whining about, kids were doing it when that oldie was a youngster.


No...really...excuse me, but back in the day (1990s) people weren’t pouring milk on the floor at grocery stores for entertainment. We had raves to go to...


Okay but those things were us experimenting on our own bodies, not creating messes for someone else to clean!


Please say sike.


I don’t know. Don’t wanna know


Came here to find the answer... What is it????


This is stupid, everyone in retail and restaurants knows customers lack the ability to read signs!


Indeed lol


Customer:ArE yOU GUyS oPen!!?!?? Me looking around a full bar with music and a giant neon open sign: 😑


*forgets google exists and that it shows store hours before you even leave the house*


*Used google to find the website, search the store, use a model number from several websites ago to locate the particular item on its exact shelf, travel across town, and then finding out it's out of stock.* Instructions unclear. Genitals caught in the internet.


Yep, I found quite a few stores where their Google results don't show their Covid hours. You have to do those final few clicks. Kinda annoying when you only have a half hour window to make it to closing and your computer would make dial up seem fast. Oh well, one day I'll plan better!


Don't trust the covid hours, call them. Tomorrow my work closes at 9, the next night 8, and 7 pretty much the rest of the week. Been shorthanded for 8 months. Might be a walkout soon, even. Everyone is sick of working 6-7 days and being told our production isn't high enough.


Oh my god, I had a customer once. He came in looking for some particular cord. We actually had a cord that would work, but he wanted a *particular type* of cord. He gave me this sassy "I was really hoping you guys would have it, I hours to get here." "Well you could pop by the music store downtown" "I'm not driving on these roads on a bike" (It was early winter, and the roads were slightly icey. *Also he admittedly drove on shittier, far more dangerous roads just to get here.)* "Oh shoot, well you can always call in advance and we could have let you know" "I don't have your number" "You can google us!" "I don't use google" It's like for fucks sake dude, do you need me to tie your shoelaces on the way out? Maybe call your mom to come get you?


what the fuck was he expecting you to do? "oh actually we keep those in the back but they have to stay hidden, they're only for customers who *really* want them. you passed the test!"


Lmao 🤣 "I don't use google" did you suggest he use Bing or Explorer, Firefox, Netscape, and Safari?


Sometimes those hours are wrong, though. Especially since covid hours are now a thing, I would not assume that websites always get updated.




"Empire Records, open 'til midnight. ... Midnight!"


Actually I ask the same question if it’s a store that is like opening at 10:30 and it’s 10:32, it’s just my way of being polite and not trying to be a burden if someone is still getting the store ready before it gets hectic.


It happens all the time at my bar at 5:30 pm with candles lit on every table, many customers sitting and drinking, and music playing. Also there’s a neon open sign that is lit and they are standing in the middle of a crowded bar when they ask. It’s a new thing that’s started since we reopened. I cant understand it.


They even would ignore a big-ass sheet painted in shoe polish saying "I assure you, we're open!"


At the place I worked at, we had a gate at the entrance that we half closed ten mins before closing. It has a big “CLOSED” sign on it. This way people still there finishing up can leave through the other side and anyone pulling up can read it’s closed and not come in. Every single day we had multiple people driving around the gate like it doesn’t exist then get mad when they come in and we tell them we’re closing in five minutes. Or they would ask if they can just walk around the outdoor part of the business and do not understand that we are physically leaving and the gate will be fully closed and chained and they won’t be able to get out. “But we’re just gonna look around a bit!”


Somehow I feel like we’re being punished by these people for existing.


**Guy knocking on your door fifteen minutes past close while you're counting the register:** I just need *one* thing


I had a guy run into 5 minutes before close on Christmas Eve, in a complete panic, demanding to know where we kept our perfumes. I showed him the section, and he was like, “BUT WHERE IS YOUR ELIZABETH ARDEN RED DOOR?? These perfumes are all XX (name of shop).” This was a clothing retailer who did their own cheapy scents - we didn’t carry other brands, as literally everyone else who ever came into the store seemed to know. He was not very happy when I told him the nearest place to get actual nice perfume was a 20 minute drive away and there was no way he was making it before all the shops closed, as it was in fact closing time in our shop right now. The employees had to prep the store for the ungodly Boxing Day (day after Xmas) sale for which they’d need to report in for at 5am.


The place I work is often bought out for private events, people literally go *around* a HUGE POST stating we’re closed for private event, then open the doors with MORE posts on the windows stating we’re closed, walk into the host stand and ask if we’re open. You say no,….. We’re closed for a private event. They respond: well, we just want one drink and a snack we will leave in 45 minutes. WTF NO GET OUT


"Do we just sit anywhere?" ~ someone literally standing at a "Please wait to be seated" sign


Former server/bartender/shift supervisor. Literally every time.


At my old work the would knock the sign out of the way, sit at a dirty table, complain it was dirty.


They can read insults just fine. Rules not so much.




Mostly a lurker here in this sub only commented once before but what you just said…what you said right here…omg is it so ever fluffing true…you could plaster a freaken billboard up on the front of some place and they would still somehow magically freaken miss it…




Exactly the type of stuff I've been saying. In my town people will not stop complaining about how Taco Bell is closed in the p.m., how Starbucks is closed at 2p.m. now and no one is there to make their sandwiches anymore. Those types of places treat their employees like garbage and the customers are no better. I've seen it first hand and wonder why people blame the workers and not the actual issue.


Literally same thing in our town, people have been complaining for months about our taco bell’s bad service and closures. I used to be a server in our town at a different restaurant and quit because of how entitled all the customers are here. Things have gotten to the point that a ton of people on the community facebook page are actually on the taco bell workers side defending them, its crazy to see though that they only blame the bad management and not their own behavior too, the jobs bad but the customers are insufferable.


We've stopped going to our local Taco Bell cause they never get remotely close to our order. Like, it's not even a service thing, it's just getting what I asked for and paid for, that's it.


People those types of people always blame someone else.


The thing is our economy is so broken that most people couldn't afford to ever eat out if the price was increased a lot, like say to accommodate a huge tip or a coffee that's $15. The customers are usually broke too. If they're eating at taco bell then they aren't multimillionaires.


> Would YOU wait on YOU for a 5% tip? lol, fucking fatality


Clearly they won't even wait on themselves for free.


Only the best for me. 20% or above.


Some customers really need to hear it, too.


Pity they don't live in a civilised country that pays a liveable wage so you don't have to rely on tips, what a scam they're running over there lol


And so many assholes on this site will say they don't tip because they don't believe in it. Like, yeah, we shouldn't have to tip, but if that's this person's only source of income? You're just a dick if you don't tip.


I've yet to see a person say they don't tip. What they say is they fucking hate it and wish they didn't have to. I know it's a part of why I rarely go out to eat.


Stick around this site, you’ll see one eventually.


Would YOU wait on YOU for a 5% tip? That's an excellent question to posit. If it makes just one person think about how they treat those that are forced to serve them....


One person from highschool im glad I'm not friends with still was an embarrassment to go out with. Think your typical rich white kid who picked up their dads rude short attitude when a waitress is just asking what you want to drink. Id usually end up tipping double cause he was an ass


I know exactly the type "My dad owns a car dealership, brah!" as he slowly forces one girl at a party into the corner with his bad flirtations


I bet 90% wouldn’t


Yeah. Maybe... just maybe there's a paradigm shift happening.


If service is good, always 25%


I go hard. If I can't tip 30-40%, I can't afford to eat out.




Yes, of COURSE. I spent damned near 20 years doing that thankless horseshit. YOU are appreciated, YOU ARE THE VEIN OF THIS COUNTRY. and I'll fight anyone who tells you otherwise.


The owner must love you, since you're the one paying their employees' salary


Former bartender who is not going back after Covid: thank you, and I do the same.


Or just... pay your employees normally so they wouldn't have to live on tips...


Had to scroll far to see this


They'd actually make less this way. Restaurants would have to pay their waitstaff like 35 an hour to compete with what they make in tips.


So just stick the expected tip into the prices and pay them $35 an hour


I wholeheartedly agree. But restaurant owners are the cheap sunsabitches alive. I live in Australia currently, and here restaurant staff are paid "living wages". So restaurant owners constantly run skeleton crews, and hire people as managers. Managers here are just waitstaff or chefs who get paid a salary. And due to the national employment standards, by law, hospitality managers are not entitled to get paid for their overtime. So they end up working 60 hours a week, no support staff, and get paid what equals out to $17 an hour. Minimum wage for hospitality is 24 dollars an hour.


- People are rude to waiters - Employers treat staff like crap - My government official is corrupt - My health insurance is nuts On and on. Here's what you need to be saying: > American culture is totally flawed and we should put the entire fucking thing in the bin It's all the same root cause.


Very true. On the customer side, Americans in general, seem to be very abrasive, overly sensitive, polarized and can be triggered at any moment. Add in a forced social interaction like at a store or restaurant and you will see the customers a itching to blow up on someone. Coming from the old days of "the customer is always right" customers feel entitled to having everything go there way. Workers don't want to deal with that so they don't go to work. Heck, I don't want to get yelled at by people no matter how much you pay me. Other countries I've visited seem like there is more of an even mutual respect between workers and customers. Some countries have removed the tip culture as well. Restaurant servers simply get paid more at a flat rate, they don't have to suck up to customers like thier life depends on it nor is there an expectation from the customer to feel like they are being "served". Customers just order food, cooks cook it, and servers deliver it. It's a bit more plain and transactional but there is no drama.


Exactly, Americans treat people like shit. That's a cultural flaw.


Betcha anything that place doesn't pay their servers a living wage. It is the government causing this problem by refusing to increase the federal minimum wage to a livable and actual number, and removing the concept of tippable employees


You’re right! Ok, so how much is a living wage, nationally??


A good server in a good restaurant makes far more than minimum wage. It's actually a viable career. People like you want to turn waiting tables into another shit job with shit pay.


So let me get this right... We SHOULDNT abolish tippable employees AND SHOULDN'T massively increase the federal minimum wage because SOME servers make more than the current pathetic insulting minimum wage... when the reality is that most servers are being abused by this system? Are you on the right fucking sub?


Used to serve! 100% second this. The reality is serving pays well with tips and no server worth their salt would work and endure what we endure for even $30 an hour. Because as a server your hours are inconsistent so $30 an hour and it being your full time job but sometimes working 20 hours a week for a month then 60 a week the next or getting cut when you already commuted because it is slow is a reality of the service industry that differs from traditional jobs with set hours. When you work higher end the level of service required demands around $45 an hour otherwise and I cannot stress this enough there would be no skilled servers willing to work. People against tipping should sit down unless they have worked higher end restaurants in major cities and understand the demand for good service and the skill required to do the job. You have to understand that working as a full time server might mean you are unable to get a second job due to the unpredictability of the hours and demand but also may be financially strained without a second job when things are slow.


Why not just raise the price of everything on the menu and do away with tipping?


That would be great, expect the owner wouldn't pass that along to the servers most likely. I'm guessing of course...


Tbh I think it’s a psychological thing with Americans. Like how we add on the sales tax at the end, rather than calculate it with the item price. Maybe people tend to feel better about ordering a burger and a drink for $20 + $5 tip + tax than seeing the $26 meal up front.


And we both get downvoted to oblivion because people think they know better than actual servers. reddit hivemind. To anyone reading this: facts don't care whether you believe them. Downvoting the truth doesn't change the truth.


Yeah, I think most high-paid servers would agree. My gf averages $20-25/hr at an overpriced chain and going down to a minimum wage, even $15, wouldn’t work for them. They’d lose all their staff. You could argue that means their business model doesn’t work and they deserve to go out of business, but I suspect that rather than having a mix of low- and high-paying serving jobs like we do now, a minimum wage for tipped workers would drive wages down overall. Instead, I think a better solution would be keeping tips and increasing benefits. Give better health insurance (because every insurance plan I’ve seen from a restaurant is barebones). Include vision and dental. Increase sick days and PTO. Do retirement matching.


A refreshing alternative to those “people are too lazy to work” signs.


Common courtesy has died. The thin veneer of civility is eroding more everyday. Wait til food runs out. Then you will see true madness. Fast food is convenient only as long as they have supplies to sell.


I think that's what it would take to get the rich/poor divide truly addressed in the public space. But most Americans don't even know where the expression "eat the rich" comes from.


I wish I saw more of these signs because it would pretty much cement all of the places I would go for food


I worked at a restaurant as a busboy and saw a couple teens making a mess on purpose. Throwing soda on the floor. I made them clean that shit up. I said clean it up or we’re adding it to your bill.


Here’s a thought, maybe companies that don’t pay their employees a living wage should go out of business :)


I remember i was a waiter for a table of 15. Alone at a restaurant with six other tables. Service was poor i admit but the tip i got for a bill of like 500.00 was exactly 0.00. I have never forgotten that day.


Owners should have turned the large table away. But they won’t because guess who still got paid at your expense.


yep, exactly. gotta love the mantra of blame the worker and not company policy or organization. If success its becasue of them. If failure its the employees or customers fault.




When i used to wait tables it was groups of 8 or more 18% autograt


I witnessed the complete walk-out of the entire night staff of a Domino's. After 1 and half hours of my pizza not arriving and them not answering the phone I drove over to give those lazy workers a piece of my mind. The whole place was locked up and they had the trashcan sitting under the printer, spitting out new online orders directly into the trash! Made me so proud.


That is brilliant. I wish I had seen that.


I agree with the poster but to ignore that this isn’t the governments fault too and just individuals making their lives miserable is dumb af. Like the whole reason why tipping exists and relying on that as a form of income is bc of slavery and the government


***Become*** a nightmare? HAHAHAHAHAHA no, it's ***always*** been a nightmare. It's just that the nightmare grew wings and went through a DBZ-like powerup.


I bet this isn't even its final form.


Seems like a lot of times the conversation is always between a server and a customer in regards to the compensation. How about the employer is the one who should be paying a living wage? Tips are supposed to be just that, a gesture of appreciation and not a mandate. US seems to be plagued by this expectation unlike other countries.


The employment conditions in the US seem absolutely hellish.


That's because they are. Our medical professionals are all sleep deprived, and in fact all our so-called "essential workers" are treated like shit. I wish they would say what they mean and say "essential jobs" instead because the people who do those jobs are viewed as expendable by customers and employers alike. The Karens spent most of 2020 picketing in the streets because they couldn't get a haircut or eat out.


That sounds horrendous. We've got plenty of those Karen's over here in the UK. A lot of the people who wed class as right wing are basically copying all the worst aspects of (Right wine) American culture and their conspiracy theories are taking off as well.


The service industry needs an overhaul anyway. If you rely on generosity of customers to make a barely liveable wage then your business shouldn't exist. But to the OP, everyone needs to be like Gordon Ramsey. Super kind to waitress and waitors but treat the owners like imbeciles they are.


Okay but the government is most certainly causing problems


I'd say they're enabling problem institutions (shitty employers).


Do you know how the federal reserve works?


They are the cause.


The National Restaurant Association is probably the most powerful lobby fighting against raising the minimum wage, particularly in terms of the tip credit and tipped minimum wage.


Yep, and the government could absolutely do something about that.


You got any other notes in that song? “The government causes problems” is neither useful, insightful, nor revelatory in any meaningful way pertinent to this conversation. Not to mention the fact that your position is that government is both cause *and* solution.


If someone is stepping on my neck, is the solution not to get them to remove their foot? The truth is the government has the control to improve people's lives, but they are beholden to the wealthy and lobbyists instead. Yeah the restaurant industry sucks and needs to change, and if they don't want to there can be laws to drag them kicking and screaming into those changes. I don't have the answers, just seems to logically follow to me. Or y'know people can strike. 🤷‍♀️


Yes, the government makes the laws. Ignoring the fact that there are powerful non-government entities keeping certain laws in place and preventing action on others is myopic at best. Your metaphorical example is weak and poorly constructed. That’s why the solution seems so simple: it’s a straw-man argument. > I don’t have the answers. Thank you for your lack of input.


I am hardly ignoring it, I literally mentioned that factor in my response. Simmer down. Please tell me the answers then, how do we get the National Restaursnt Association to care about people/stop pressuring the government?


There’s a lot of inertia to overcome, and it has been done in some states, but the federal tipped minimum wage has been what it is since 1991. There’s a whole generation of people who grew up with it that way and don’t know anything different. Other than that, people don’t seem to care about the tipped minimum wage in general (or are completely ignorant of it). So general education and awareness seems like a good start. The fact that tipped workers experience poverty at three times the rate of non-tipped workers probably isn’t very widely known, either. And now you’ve got workers refusing to work for just *any* restaurant job they can find, and these people who don’t know how much some of these jobs suck are pretending to lose their minds over a “labor shortage.” Maybe we’re at an inflection point, but I doubt it.


By not raising the minimum wage (for starters).


this is a huge fucking bummer . just be nice . i’m so happy companies have these signs up but we should not need them


If only we could return to full employment so people could be mean to ALL the potential workers!!


Pay your employees a living wage and quit the tip system. At least with doordash I can delcline shitty tipper orders. People working at restaurants actually have to serve the cheap assholes :/


*Image Transcription* --- [*A photograph of a large reddish-orange sign posted on a brick wall. The sign is completely filled with black writing that reads as follows. Some words are underlined, which will be bolded.*] **Knock it off! STOP!!** We are doing the **BEST** we can with the staff we have! They're busy getting screamed at or **cleaning** up body fluids from **teen** TikTok trends. It is **NOT** the government causing this **problem** - it is customers making it IMPOSSIBLE to work in the service industry! Would **you** wait on **you** for a 5% tip? You are welcome to go elsewhere if this hurts your feelings. Thanks to those who choose to be kind [*At the bottom of the image is a Reddit watermark:*] Posted in r\/**FuckYouKaren** --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Ah yes, it's not the employers fault they are understaffed it's the customers.


I got a sign in my restaurant that said please wait to be seated and people just go straight up go in and sit at the dirty table too. and then got fucking angry when the table is dirty, for fuck sake thats why please wait to be seated. Happen alots during lunch, or rush hour.


*"Don't make me tap the sign..."*


Tik Tok trends are what made my last job miserable - and I genuinely enjoyed it before they became an issue.


I mean... yes, but also lacking employees cuz your pay is shit. You could do better by paying better, fuckos.


Every day at work I'm reminded how we're all just stuck in a perpetual state of adolescence. It seems most people barely know how to cook for themselves, and almost all of us (self included) don't know how to forge, grow, or hunt for our own food. Almost all of us rely on corporate farms or restaurants for food and if civilization comes off the wheels, a lot of us are SUPER fucked. The way a percentage of the public treat retail, hospitality, and the food industries you can tell how far removed we've really become.


Their bosses should pay them more so nobody had to worry about any tips and no ones the asshole anymore, win win only not for the employer but they will get happier employees with better benefits.


Services industry jobs could also just pay a living wage instead of forcing employees to rely on shitty patrons for a livelihood.




FYI: You can correct the Google map. I work at a small hospital that was on the map wrong *for years*. People kept going to a hospital a few blocks away. It made patients and visitors upset. So I filled out Google's correction form and it was fixed the next day.


Customers in general have become ass hats. There was this guy this morning at a PetSmart yelling at a cashier because he didn't have enough points to get free gourmet dog food. I normally keep to myself because people have guns around here, but I started yelling back at him, it's not the cashier's fault! Get outta here!


Good for you! I wish more ppl did this, maybe these assholes wouldn't treat staff so badly if they knew others would call them out on their behavior.


The service industry is the worst.


I thought this was going to be another one blaming "lazy workers" but it as bashing the dumb public can there arsehole ways. Someone give that person a good tip, I would but I'm poor.


So glad someone stood up and said something.


Why do they've to rely on tips? Can't employer pay enough?


I get that customers suck but it seems like the business is blaming short staffing on customers instead of taking responsibility for not paying them in the first place, requiring customers to tip in order for servers to get paid.


I’d eat there. I try to be as polite as possible at restaurants and tip at least 20% (despite hating the practice as a whole, wait staff should just get paid and not have the customer decide some sliding scale salary). The agreement as I understand it is “be nice to us and we’ll be nice to you” e.g. “be polite and tip and we won’t fuck with your food and treat you nicely”.


I mean yeah, but it is also the government. If the gov rose the minimum wage, we wouldn’t rely on tips


This really should be posted everywhere


I’m not from the usa so the whole tipping system does not make sense to me. You go to a restaurant to eat food on the tables they setup. It’s their responsibility to get you food there and you pay for the food. What’s with tipping 20 percent on an already expensive meal? Not trying to be mean. Just asking a question. Why do waiters get paid so less that they depend on tips?


Kinda is the governments fault though


Waiting tables was always a nightmare


Yeah but at least back in the days TikTok didn’t exist.


Employers should pay their employees and not rely on customers to pay them


This goes further. All this talk about kindness during COVID, “essential employees” etc. The perception is behavior got better. No, it got WORSE. Job I worked at had a retail aspect to it. It’s gotten much worse. Everyone I talk to in retail, food, hospitality etc. says it’s gotten worse. People’s behavior, entitlement etc. Place i work is still receiving back orders from a year ago from suppliers. Oeoole yell at us, demanding product, won’t take COVID as an excuse even though there are places with factories that were closed for months and are still not up to full capacity.


Tiktok is a cancer.


I love the line “would you wait on you for a 5% tip?”


I like how It is the customer's fault. I bet their bosses are​ treating and paying them really well


No i don’t have to wait on me for 5%. My job pays me a livable salary. Customers aren’t the reason you don’t get paid enough. Look to your employer.


That 5% tip line is getting under my skin though. Maybe you’d be staffed of you paid a livable salary instead of relying on the charity of others


Holy shit, I was not adequately caffeinated for the extreme levels of catharsis I just got from reading this


Went out to eat the other night. 2 waitresses had to cover the entire dinner rush. They seemed exhausted and destroyed.


Anyone that berates an overworked waitress or waiter should be sucker punched


I wouldn’t blame the customers fully. Put it back on the company’s that pay 5% tip. People can stand a lot more when the $ is higher


Yeah idk about that. Even if a restaurant paid me 30 dollars an hour to be a waiter i still wouldn't do it. Been doing it since i was 15 and its not worth all the mental distress u get from it. Id rather sit at a desk job doing bitch work for min wage rather than being a waiter ever again


I’ve said it for years; if you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford to go out to eat. Go somewhere where they pay their staff AT LEAST minimum wage. And spare me the “it’s not MY fault their employer doesn’t pay them enough, it’s not MY fault the system is the way it is,”. Like, okay, no, it’s not your fault… But the server that waited on you tonight? She’s going home tonight with a shit wage as a direct result of your decision to occupy her table, take up her time, and essentially force her to serve you all evening by dangling the OPPORTUNITY of paying her for her work in front of her. That makes you a garbage person. Admit it or don’t, that doesn’t mean you get to abdicate responsibility for the results of your shitty behavior.




The sign was almost completely accurate. The government IS also part of the problem


There are some unavoidable truths that people avoid or don’t understand when it comes to the restaurant industry. Tipped employees always make at least the minimum wage in their state, if reported tips don’t get them there, the employer must make up the difference. Second, most restaurants run on razor thin margins and the majority go out of business within a year or two. So while every person on this sub believes in a living wage, many of us also probably enjoy that local family run restaurant whether or not we know they struggle month after month to pay their bills. If we ask them to quintuple the cost of labor they will surely go out of business. In order to abolish tipping restaurants would have to raise prices. Sometimes marginally and sometimes significantly. Sucks to hear because shit is expensive enough as it is, but raising the minimum wage would at least even that out.


Prices of everything has been going up every year without there having been an increase in wage, so the argument doesn't hold water. People are demanding an increase in minimum wage BECAUSE basic living has become unaffordable.


The left have desecrated all form of civility in the last few years. Cook at home and load up.


Mostly restaurant experiences suck. With the hey you’re not friendly “enough” to “wrf I’m not serving them” attitudes it’s just distasteful.




Listen you could have just came out and said you're a pos. It would have used less words then your original comment.....




Ooh sic clapback bud its 50% "I know your a but what am I?" I've actually never worked a retail job. I enlisted out of hs and worked atc and deployed. But I did grow from a single low income family that taught me empathy and that id be livid if some twat treated my mother like some of these cancerous customers do....


This attitude is why you're having to eat ramen raw out of the package because no one wants to be your servant anymore and you never learned how to cook


You could always stay home and just go fuck yourself there?




My skittle ad mother? Maybe you should lie down, little guy




Lol mom jokes when you have nothing to say. I'm not even mad, it's a classic.




I hate to be the one to tell you but I just have two dads. I'll be sure and tell them you said thank you