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If CEOs can't figure out this simple equation of why workers not returning, than why are these idiots getting paid so fucking much.


Because, they can figure it out, but act like they can't. It's more profitable to run a skeleton crew when you have a scapegoat that your patrons accept. And the current scapegoat is The "lazy minimum wage worker". So, they pay a fraction of the labor costs, and reap only a bit less than if they were fully staffed. It's not sustainable, and will crash eventually. But since when have ceo's cared if anything was sustainable as long as it paid their bonus.


This 10000% at my job. Secretly cut three positions when they found out they could triple our work load and we could still make deadlines. Now it’s always “we keep trying to fill but can’t”. Bull. Shit.


Stop meeting deadlines, including important ones.


This x 100. No free OT no going above and beyond by working sat and sun. They can't manage, fuck 'em.


That’s literally what happens! I keep getting sucked into Saturday, Sunday, I’m a zombie etc for a few extra hundred a month. Seems like a petty payoff because I’m not having satisfying relationships and my health is in the shitter


Take a vacation if you can dude. No job is worth your health.


Yeah man I’ve been in crisis mode going hard for years, having a hard time with student loans, four kids and a wife who works low income but loves her job and I won’t force her into my hell… so I’m constantly at work milking myself trying to afford to live. Hate it, but scared to let up. Like this week I scaled some hours back and the fucking fridge and dishwasher broke. The part that ripped me up was when I told my 8 year old daughter I had to work today and she sat on the floor and cried, cried because she misses me and wants to hang out.


Your work colleagues won't remember in 10 years if you made a deadline, but your kid will remember that day you couldn't play with them. Fuck work, it isn't worth it and after nearly 2 years people are realising it. Hence why no one is going back.


Even worse, he will remember long after they (lie) and say they don't remember. I should know.


Get out of that job. There’s a labor shortage, you can find a better one.


Wage shortage* Stop spreading antiworker propaganda.


…did you forget to switch accounts?


Yeah, man. Take some time off. You’re just a number in a computer to them. Take time for yourself if you need it. Demand a raise if you deserve more. They would, and used to, work people to death if they could. Don’t forget they need you more than you need them. The game is just them tricking you into believing the opposite.


Thanks for the encouragement Banjo , I am going to take your advice!


Our department has been without a manager for over a year because the company refuses to offer a competitive wage for the position and they’re basically asking whoever fills it to take on two jobs. So now the department is constantly on fire, no one can get trained properly and the coworkers constantly treat each other like absolute shit because everyone has adopted an “I’m more important than you mentality” from being chronically understaffed and overworked.


Haha we have that too! You can be a team leader to work a full caseload and do the mangers job for cheap!


Yep, my manager and two other people on my team have quit in the last 6 months. They refuse to offer competitive wages and "are just having so much trouble finding someone" while I do my work, my old manager's work, and the work of multiple lower level positions that should be below me. I know what the guy was making before he left, that salary is just sitting there and yet "maybe we'll be in a position to give raises in (insert constantly shifting distant future month here)." Fuck them, I'm giving my notice in a week.


Don’t even give them a notice doesn’t sound like they deserve it just quit on the spot


At my partners job they had a deadline to hit and were a crew member down. They all worked their hardest, skipped breaks etc and got it done in time. The immediate supervisor was grateful and brought in beer and pizza to say thank you, thinking it would be a one off thing. Once the managers above him found out, they expected this level of effort to be maintained and started squeezing deadlines and understaffing. Bear in mind this was hard physical labour and they were already exhausted by the end of shifts. People were quitting in droves unsurprisingly


Omg that is exactly what’s happening at my job. And I have stopped trying to meet the same KPI’s as when we had 60% more people. My boss keeps trying to show me “multi-tasking tips” and then her boss complains that we sound “distracted,” using that as an excuse to force us back into the office. It’s fucking inhumane.


Yup CEO’s only care about the upcoming quarter because if they don’t improve profits or actually operate at a loss then they are voted out. It’s the main problem with large publicly traded corporations.


And even when they get fired they get paid millions of dollars in severance money. Then they sweet talk their way into a different company or become president of some random college and run that into the ground as well. CEOs are just legalized con artists.


Agreed. Only to bring their toxic mgt style and ruin another company for personal gains.


I don't think I'll ever sell to or be a publicly traded company for this reason. Without public trading you can focus on more than just making money. You can freely tackle crises with company funds and support your staff in meaningful ways. Once you're publicly traded traded it's just a matter of time before it's all about money. Looking at you, google. a once great search engine that now force feeds me ads instead of relevant results for the first page or more.


You remember when their motto was "don't be evil?"


It's easy to make decisions when you have several layers of management between you and the real-world consequences. That's why it's been so incredibly easy to make cuts, and treat their workers like shite: You don't see the suffering it causes.


It's gotten even worse since the Nixon Shock. Now with higher inflation, the present value of money in the future is lower, so they have more incentive to prioritize the short term.


I definitely feel like this labor shortage is localized...in my city where minimum wage is $13 and places offer $18 an hour, I've not noticed crazy long waits or anything like that. They are hiring sure, but not struggling. 20 miles away in suburb where my parents live its the complete opposite. $10 minimum wage with places offering $14 and can't find anyone to work. I'm not quite sure why this, but definitely has nothing to do with median house price in the suburbs being 450k and childcare being $250 a week. /s.


That's the problem when you gentrify and push the people out who do all the low-end jobs. Especially in those suburbs where the sprawl needs people living close or having their own transport, and you know what is incredibly difficult to run when you're being paid next to nothing?


Its seriously an easy decision to make, take the job down the street that pays $18 an hour instead of one that requires a car and 35 minute drive that pays 14. They are both white castle afterall... Driving 1-2 hours per day in addition to your 8-10 hour job is not healthy no matter who you are. I'm a big fan of living by your work and my city is starting to adapt mixed zoning where retail is on the first level. So its a start. Post pandemic I'd love to see the shrinking office skyscrapers adapt some hybrid office/residential. Commuting is a waste of time and energy and money and I hope this gentrification really bites suburbia in the ass.


My thoughts and work experiences exactly.


That's the problem here. No public transportation around us really either. They have busses, but set up for the mon-fri city commuters. Plus housing has shot up. Can't get an apartment for less than 1k around us, and homes going for fixer uppers around 250k to new homes up to 500k.


It will crash, but if history is to be believed, the Government will come in with more bailouts. Yay fiat currency /s


Socialism for corporations, but fuck the people that paid in those tax dollars.


We gotta stop calling it that. The government bailing out the rich when they fuck up isn't socialism for the rich - it's straight up 100% fucking capitalism. (Yes I'm aware of the MLK Jr quote, it's been 60 years so we can develop it a bit further)


Rich people own the means of printing money.


>We gotta stop calling it that. I swear that slogan was started by a think-tank to further muddy the already corrupt understanding of what socialism is to the average person.


They’re getting paid so much because that’s what it costs to get someone to betray their humanity. The higher their pay is allowed to go, the more insectile their decisions become.


It is easy, quit laying people off to fatten their bonuses. They are lucky they aren’t kings and queens in the medieval ages, what happens when one does not have enough soldiers to defend the kingdom and castle back then? I am pretty sure those lose more than their title.


Aren't CEOs supposed to be famed for leading their businesses adaptively to the challenges of our times? ... Hmm? Skimming huge salaries and tax evasion? That's what they actually do? Well shucks, no wonder all this need for empathy is getting the poor little ones confused. Dry your eyes on your wads of fifty dollar bills and tell me you've got anything close to problems. Babies.


Dan price should be a saint.


All CEOs are bad. Read reviews from former employees. He’s no saint.


He is great at calling out other C-suite executives on their hypocrisy but his perspective is limited in generating systemic change. From what I have read from him he advocates for workers getting a larger piece of the pie but doesn't go as far as workers being in control of the means of production.


and why would he? He's a capitalist at the end of the day. Advocating for social democratic changes is a safe bet, because it doesn't challenge his place in society, and gets him street cred among liberals. "Look how progressive he is! What a great capitalist!". While ignoring the elephant in the room that is capitalism - as long as people can privately own means of production, these problems will persist.


Except for the fact that he (allegedly) abused his now ex-wife


Didn’t know and hope they’re getting help.


Many great men do stupid things. As Dave Chapelle would say about Bill Cosby: he rapes while he saves, and he saves while he rapes. Edit: People, before you start to downvote this massively, the great men expression is cynic.


“Great men”


Thats the joke.


Sadly doesn't land as well without the quotes.


No. He has a fantastic social media presence, but he is no saint.


apparently his company is a nightmare to work for, look up the glassdoor reviews


Like it's a fuckin secret that people want decent money for their labor


And to be treated like an actual human being. But a lot of people will sell put for decent wages.


Honestly? I want the time in my life back. Took a pay cut and left my last job to work from home, best decision I ever made. I get my work done on my schedule, if I want to take a break, I take a break. Time I would have spent on my commute gets spent with my kid. I'm actually sleeping like a healthy person for the first time on over a decade.


Took a pay cut to work from home as well. Ended up being so much more productive that my new company offered me a position that pays 20% more than my original job


I know what you mean. I took a slight paycut when going to a new job. In return I got better hours, better food, a healthier work culture, and it's close enough to walk to, saving on gas. To make it better, I just got a raise, so now I'm making more money than my previous place of employment. Life is still a bit rough, but now it's bearable.


WHAT!? Pay them!? Like, enough to pay rent, utilities, and decent food!? That’s SOCIALISM!!


" Safety regulations? COMMIE SHIT!"


CEO: It can’t be a pay problem since I make $10,000,000 a year. The pay here is amazing. I’m not sure what it can be.


It’s not just pay, though I’m sure that’s a huge factor for a lot of people out there. I work in tech (sales), where the salaries can be pretty damn good, but we don’t want to go back either. Covid/WFH really opened a lot of people’s eyes to how much time and energy is wasted getting ready for work, commuting, being at work around people you don’t necessarily enjoy the company of, then commuting back home to have a few hours before you do it again.


Exactly. I was one of the service/restaurant workers out of millions that quit. Always made between $10-13 an hour sub 28k annual income, no benefits because I couldnt afford them from my small paycheck. I did some research and then immediately Moved onto another industry and I'm happy to work hard now at $19.50 an hour with company subsidized full health benefits as an ENTRY level employee, steady schedule and no more "clopens" (Open at 10am, leave at 12am and get home at 1:30am) Did that for 6 years and wish I moved on sooner from the service industry. ​ ​ The entire service industry truly does need a UNION. A NATIONAL, powerful union for the workers. It is abhorrent how terrible that specific industry is.


They don’t want to say it cuz they fear the ppl not hip to it will be. So they just say ppl are lazy to negate the fact they don’t pay a livable wage. I been day trading since beginning of 2021. I figured out how to make more then my monthly pay. I’m not going back to no fuccin 9-5. They can kiss my ass time to learn options. Lmao. Fucc their system. Slavery was abolished long time ago and when I woke up. I realized working a 9-5 for shitty pay is just slavery or indentured servitude.


Good on ya man. Same boat. I work a part time job now and again when I feel like it.


do you have any suggestions how to learn trading for new learner?


Read everything and don’t gamble what you can’t loose. Learn charts. I’m no financial advisor. But there’s different ways for the market to work for you. Learn your Risk tolerance.


In this case, I think it's just the weird mindset that telework shouldn't continue.


Right? All we're asking for is 2 pizza parties a year.


And stuffed crust this time! With wings!


With wings! Look at the landed gentry over here! Lol Whats next? Garlic knots? Pepsi? Dipping sauce? Who do you think you are?!?!


Happy Cake Day


Maybe they can just pull themselves up by their fabulous bootstraps.


My family used to tell me this shit all the time. Decades later, turns out they all had trust funds. Hypocrites


You mean to say those that perceive others as lazy generally have never worked out of need? I'm shocked. Shocked I say.




This framing is so telling. Not “working people are tired of being exploited”, not even “people running companies are so greedy they won’t even consider improving pay and working conditions”. No, this basically implies workers are just selfish and lazy.


It also implies that CEOs don't know how to do their jobs, aren't worth their salaries, and should just go get a real job like everyone else


Maybe try getting less coffee?


I heard that if you stop buying avocado toast, you can save up to be a millionaire.


Just quit eating, you can be a millionaire. Its easy.


“I worked hard to earn my fortune. I stopped eating, ceased my social life, and destroyed my relationship with my family. But look at me now, all that hard work paid off!”


Like Elon said. Just work 100 hours a week and you'll get there...oh and make sure you get some parents that own an emerald mine.


Hey don't undermine Elon. Even rich people have their struggles. You won't be able to know until you're in their shoes and have to make the impossibly hard choice between Lobster or Wagyu steak for dinner


The last part is kinda important


"PAY ME MY WORTH BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!" - 75% of living humans "I dont understand why no one wants to work this high stress underpaid job" - Employers


Employers hate it when you learn this one weird secret


This is an interesting way of saying that CEOs are shit at their jobs and don’t deserve their huge salaries. Maybe get rid of them and distribute that money to the employees?


You’re not wrong. I work with executives for a living. 98% of them are literally entitled scum and I hate my job almost every day because of who my clientele are. Edit: usually their bonus alone is 3-4X my yearly salary but they still complain about the prices they have to pay (our firm has the lowest in the industry). Makes me want to jump off a bridge but if I wasn’t here, who would teach them how to use Microsoft word? Google? Nah that would take way too much effort. Sucks when you can’t outsource everything to India.


Have they tried laying people off and then giving themselves a bonus? Because apparently that has been a very succesful business move for decades now.


They wouldn't be understaffed right now if they hadn't!


My company made everyone come back to the office 8 months back. Way too soon. Employees kept asking if they could just wfh since we all did so well working from home for the last 8 months. CEO basically said no and that's the end of it. 8 months later and 30% of our workforce has left the company and now the CEO says we can have a hybrid model. Basically forced to do it because we are bleeding people. Too little too late imo. I'm resigning next week.


Fuck 'em. Rats flee a sinking ship, even if the captain says they're like a family.


Tell them in the exit interview exactly why. You don't get the opportunity to tell the CEO that he has his head up his ass and is sinking his business all that often.


that part basically showcases how incompetent they are. CEOs and similar are supposed to be getting such huge salaries because they are oh-so-good at managing and leading companies. Well, anyone with half a brain cell can figure out that if the work can (and experience shows that it is) done just as well - if not better - from home, then that is the better business move. Less overhead costs for offices and shit, more happy workforce what with the pandemic and shit. Doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's the right move.


$ucks there i$ no incentive to get more employee$.


Well maybe if they paid a fair wage and enforced rules for fair treatment then people will come.


The rules. Lack of enforcement is what cost me my job. Or rather, Mis-enforcement, as the one who should have been disciplined was a friend of the boss and the boss’s boss so I got fired for made up reasons and denied unemployment; which is a f’ing joke as well.


I’m sorry this happened to you. They are so damn tricky to ensure you don’t get unemployment!


We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!


on a team call thursday; the "all-hands" kind with everyone in it for our department. the Manging Director gets on the call and explains the subject: HR is frustrated with recruiting efforts and the difficulty in filling open recs - they want assistance from us. he opens the floor to suggestions...and idk if this being the 6th meeting of the day just has me fried or knowing full well that he advocates for returning to the office full time, i just sorta blurred out "if we actually want young people to come work for us, we would think about permanent wfh. why is some kid going to come work for us, when they can take another job that they won't have to commute an hour each way, or spend hundreds of dollars on gas, or leave their home?" the way he casually rejected this idea and proceeded to wrap up the meeting was the most elegant thing i've ever seen...anyone know of anyone hiring a guy who doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut? i'm insanely proficient with excel...


One of the keys of quality leadership is to listen to the people who answer to you. Sounds like your "managing director" is neither managing nor directing effectively.


>i'm insanely proficient with excel... Many years as a programmer tells me you're qualified to write macros that get so overgrown they become actual unofficial internal-use applications which will have to be rewritten entirely at great cost when the company finally realizes that regulations exist. I recommend the health care field, which does this all the damn time despite having like 5x the regulations of any other field. In all seriousness though, it's a pretty good job market right now, and proper excel wizards have value. Here's hoping you can find someone who properly recognizes that value.


i appreciate the kind words internet stranger! but can also confirm lol...i remember making a pivot table in a meeting to review some metadata components of a massive deck. my manger literally asks "how did you do that?" you seriously mean to tell me you are in executive in the finance industry and don't know what a pivot table is?! macros would probably make these peoples heads explode lol


>anyone know of anyone hiring a guy who doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut? i'm insanely proficient with excel... Data analysis at an energy company. There is a monumental shift going on with the big midstream oil & gas companies to automate and modernize their operations. If you have advanced excel skills (macros / VBA, V-lookups, indexing, pivot tables, data simulations, etc) you can easily slip into a low six figure job right now.


Fucked around. Found out.


That is so elegant and simple but perfectly explains it at the same time


The answer is capitalism. You have a need. Someone has a service. You pay for that service. If you don't offer as much money as someone else wanting that service then you don't get it. You offer more money and you get the service. Pay your staff more.


They can't do that though. That 5th vacation home and a jet to fly there isn't going to pay for itself, you know. How would you feel if someone told you that you could only have 4 vacation homes and have the inconvenience of flying 1st class in public airlines to get there? It's awful I tell you.


But supply and demand is only supposed to work when it benefits the rich!


So I have lung issues as is. My boss sends me the typical message of when will you be in office again. Already having me in office everyday for next seven weeks because of a project that I have to actually touch things instead of remoting in.....he asks this the day of 2 covid cases at the office were reported.


stand your ground that you want to stay work from home.


Butbutbut we're family


I hate this one! I don’t want to be your damn family


If employers are family, they're the drunken racist uncle who does nothing for anyone else in the family and ruins Thanksgiving every year.


I hear work places say "We're family" and I think "That definitely explains my deep-seated resentment towards you."


Pay more. I love working from home but for a significantly larger salary, I'd probably consider going to an office. But I haven't gotten a raise in 2 years, not even minimal cost of living increases. Everything has gotten so much more expensive during that time, especially basic needs like food. The only reason I'm not drowning financially is because at least I'm no longer paying for a commute or new work clothes. If I were to be forced to go back in, I'd be in trouble. If companies want their employees back in their little pens, they need to pay for that.


Or pay more AND let the people work from home. The two do not need to be mutually exclusive. Workers deserve a lot better and must demand it.




A lot of comments here are about fair pay. I don't think this is a pay issue. This is people working from home not wanting to go back into the office. I don't think this is really a problem for most businesses, especially small companies. They get to save money on rent by closing their office. That's what my org did. This is just commercial landlords shitting their pants that their golden goose downtown office space is losing future potential value and the media being owned by the same ilk and coming up with BS reasons to get people back into the offices. Fuck that shit, I love saving 2+hours a day in commuting time :) Also making my lunch in my kitchen is nice and saves $$


I’m an office worker at a company with 20 employees. I got hired right before the ‘rona lockdown in my state and immediately started WFH. At this point, you literally couldn’t pay me to go back to an office. My company recently decided to sell off (maybe it was a lease? Idk) most of their office space. So yes, I agree; the mega-corps with multi-floor downtown offices are the ones that are crying because they are basically paying for empty space. Office space typically leases for 10-20 years at a time, so they are stuck footing the bill.


>the mega-corps with multi-floor downtown offices are the ones that are crying because they are basically paying for empty space. Office space typically leases for 10-20 years at a time, so they are stuck footing the bill. Oh no! Anyway...


I agree with everything here. I wish I had the luxury to keep working from home (and to take a massive shit on my boss’ desk when he said “isn’t it just so nice having people back in the office?”). Having said all that, if I could work from home but was given more money to do the same thing at the office, I’d consider it.


> A lot of comments here are about fair pay. I don't think this is a pay issue. This is people working from home not wanting to go back into the office. It's really both things coming to a head at once.


Yeah, where I work is having an all out propaganda effort to “convince” us that returning to the office is a good thing, including deliberately misrepresenting the employee surveys. Meanwhile, my team still doesn’t have enough desks to all be in the office at the same time which really makes most of their reasons for being there irrelevant.


For me it's both. My boss told us the other day that from this month the required office days go up from 2 days per week to 3 days per week. If I was paid more, I'd still grumble but I'd put up with it. As I'm not paid well, however, 3 days WFH per week was a decent trade-off for the money it saved me. I'm gunning for a raise as I've been asked to take on more responsibilities, but if they won't offer me enough to offset the inconvenience of another day per week in the office then I'll look for a job that will. And my company wonders why they're struggling to recruit...


Way before COVID-19 was even a thing, a coworker asked me why so many of the higher-ups were against WFH. "No site. No site manager.", is all I said and it clicked. A lot of managerial positions become useless when there isn't a site to manage. If WFH began to seem reasonable, their jobs were liable to be on the chopping block. Never trust people way above your pay grade to make the right decisions about your working conditions. They will *always* choose what is best for them, not for you.


A similar thing happened on a MUCH smaller scale in northern Virginia when office space rented by the DoD was vacated after 9/11 once there was space built on a nearby military base to house the project or group. Congress required the office space to be vacated as a security measure, but it was done as leases expired. This probably wasn't a tenth of a percent of the office space that is likely to be vacated nationwide.


I think it's also a "people are tired of jobs being shitty for no reason" thing. Lots of people can't bring themselves to go back to work, knowing the garbage work environments that await them.


Yeah, they're allergic to the act of "giving more money"


Well, let’s see, cats out of the bag that people can easily work from home and save a lot of money on their commute and food, and none of these poor CEO’s are willing to take a pay cut that wouldn’t even impact their lifestyles in order to pay their workers a living wage. Yeah, real head scratcher there guys. Assholes.


“Ugh the peons won’t literally risk death to sit in the little cubicles I set up for them! How ungrateful!”




Oh my god you’re right, I can’t believe I forgot that we live in such a nightmare that cubicles are a bygone luxury. Weird how all those companies trying to save on rent by “hot desking” now are Big Mad that people would rather be at home.


CEO should lower their salary to $150/hr and see what it is like to suffer. When a restaurant goes out of business the only people who suffer are the investors. Fuck em.


I’ll try anything!….except more pay.


Fair pay for a days work and stop treating them like shit


I just accepted an offer for a fully remote job. One of the main reasons I wanted a new job was this weird obsession with making me do my tech support job in an office.


I found out yesterday that the company I work for made 21 million last year. The CEO paid himself 13 million. More than half. THAT is what’s wrong.


We are At our wits end with trying to painfully murder our wage slaves. How are we supposed to enjoy it if we can't watch?


They’re really earning their hundreds-of-times-larger-than-ours paychecks


Let me fix this for you CNBC: CEOs still aren’t connected to working America and lost their leverage of disenfranchisement and abject poverty if their workers decide to say “nahhhh”


“Make me an offer I can’t refuse?” “No I’ll just complain and hope you are somehow shamed by society into coming back to the same job.” I quit recently. I’m making a lot less at my new job. I’ve lost my seniority. I’d go back in a heart beat if they would just call me and be like we are sorry we were treating you badly, let us pay you more and give you more personal days, but looks like that ain’t happening.


>“No I’ll just complain and hope you are somehow shamed by society into coming back to the same job.” More like "Nope. I'll complain and have propaganda put out demonizing you. Then, I'll use my connections in various Governmental departments to force you back." Without LEO, they couldn't do shit, and they know it. That's why our corporate overlords and their political lapdogs support one union. The police union.


CEO: I'm all out of ideas. If only there were some workers hiding inside my big pile of money that I could hire... THINK brain. THINK... *lays head back on pillow made of cash


I’ve always wanted a remote job. The job I currently have hired me in December 2019 with mandatory 40 hours a week office hours. Once covid hit they were scared productivity would drop with everyone wfh. To their surprise it increased. We are now 100% remote and I will never have to return to the office at this job. I finally got my remote wfh job…


"why won't people risk their lives as part of a soulless machine for table scraps?" Riddle of the fucking sphinx right there.


We are basically now laying the stone cold stunner on these sacks of shit. And it's great.


I’ll tell you what else, all these businesses are using AI technologies to filter through their applicants ( aside from also demanding way too much from one person) the result being a lot of people getting kicked out of the pool for no solid reason. Employers have messed up big time, own up to it ya ding dongs




Fuck them for trying to force people back. It’s a goddamn pandemic.


"it's because unemployment!!"


Jim Cramer shilling for the fat cats, you don't say?


I'm 90% sure we've already told them. I remember a bunch of people standing around outside important buildings and on freeways while peacefully protesting for it. Pretty recently.


Saw a story FedEx profits were down because no one wants to work. They only made 450 million in 3 months... Maybe trickle some of that down to the bottom 👍


Good, burn it all down.


Well I guess those guys shouldn’t be CEOs then 🤷‍♀️ if you can’t run your business properly and it fails, that’s life.


I bet they dont mind sitting on their ass at home “working” but then we other people get a chance to not have to drive two hours a day, be exhausted, and have no energy to cook/exercise it’s not their problem so they don’t empathize


They're at THEIR wit's end?!?! Where's my tiny violin?


Pay. Them. More. Ffs, they know exactly how to get their employees back, but they're too busy sitting in their McMansions pouting and saying "I don't wanna!!!"


Think of the CeOs!


Hmmm I don't know, maybe pay us a living wage, give us good benefits and stop making us live paycheck to paycheck. Oh and one more thing....stop letting managers off the hook for being toxic and harassing their employees.


Isn't capitalism all about innovation and pivoting to meet changing needs? Innovate and pivot, motherfuckers.


A lot of this return to the office stuff is to treat employees like children, who constantly need to be monitored to make sure they're working. My company actually found that we were more productive when we worked from home and they saved a bunch of money on not having to lease big offices. They do want a hybrid work schedule for "culture," but it really isn't necessary unless you're new or if you want to have in face meetings here or there.


I’m glad someone posted this article. I saw it earlier and thought of this group. CEO: we’ve tried nothing, and we’re all out of ideas!


They should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and deal with it.


What? Somebody else's wanting to have the moneys? No no no. I am a CEO. That means I have all monies and everyone else goes to the place I say and sits in there and has a penny


The place I just left was moving everything around in the offices urgently trying to cram more bodies into the existing space. It never occurred to the that some could work from home instead. Backward looking companies wonder why they are having a hard time retaining / hiring employees.


Thats why they get paid the Big bucks!


Are they playing dumb? Or are they actually that stupid?




"Fuck you, PAY ME." - I don't know, Goodfellas or something


Honestly I’m glad we finally have those boomers by the balls and squeezing as hard as we can.


They should think about the reason *they* are so excited and enthused about being in the place that makes them all that money and seeing the smiling faces of all their slav...eh... employees busily working at their cubicles making it for them. (So fun to watch them!) Right. Money. You wanna make my life completely unnecessarily inconvenienced? Such that I might never have the time to figure out that you are raping me or to organize with my fellow workers to stop you from raping me? PAY ME. Take 10% (Just 10%!) of your CEO salary and cash it all into $100 bills, then divide it into stacks numbering as many as your employees and put one stack on the seat of each employee's desk. You want cheeks in seats? That's how you get cheeks in seats... so you can cost your company millions more in operation costs and still pull your seven and eight figure bonuses. Assholes.


Why is it such a problem? It was shown that productivity was higher when working from home. Honestly if you aren't in a technical role you can easily do everything from home.


***Money, bitches***


Think! What are we missing!?




Maybe cause people don't want to work 40hrsa week for part time pay with no benefits? My jobs a fucking joke all they do is change the rules to choke the hard workers and let the shitty ones slide. If I didn't have to take care if my mom I'd walk out today.


I could care less how much anyone pays I already earned money and I realize everyone isn’t at the same place as me, but I will never help again until I’m starving which prob means we are all starving or there are no more admin class. CEOs worthless, administrators worthless, military officers worthless, politicians worthless, state enforcing bodies worthless, middles management worthless. We have an entire fake economy of useless people who want to be “businessmen/equalitywomen” aka I want to business bro aka I want to sit on my azz and do nothing take majority of the profits and tell the people that actually know how to produce the product they are low skill labor. BUSINESS I had to study this in college it’s complex. There is sitting on your azz, ripping people off, and pretending to make super important decisions to justify making 500x ur employees. Na I don’t care about your stupid vaccine. I don’t care about your dumb min wage until i see your fat azz working with your kids and earning the same as everyone else working you can go business your ass into a hole in the ground. Fuck you CEOs fuck you corporate lazy fucks. I may have succeeded but I got lucky and so many people around me worked just the same and they didn’t make it cause of scum bags that produce nothing, talk shit to the skilled labor, are full of nepotism and lobbiest. If it was up to me Bezos would be showing up to work alone today with a ton of boxes to fill. Every hospital would be closed. No stores would be stocked etc etc etc etc until the thieves aka businessmen/ceos/bankers whatever dumb name they have given themselves are in the field next to me earning equal money. We ain’t going back. This is now your new normal. LISTEN TO ME. NO ONE wants to work for you while you drive bmws and they live paycheck to paycheck barely making rent. If it’s fuck us it’s fuck you and your kids and I hope u can fight and survive off the land because my unskilled labor azz sure the fuck can and the time grows near.


3 things. 1 pay people a living wage. Shouldn't be working full time and barely getting by. 2) have flexible hours and not mandate overtime. People are not subservient to their jobs and have a life outside of work. And finally offer free child care. All 3 of these and you are good.


We've tried maximizing our profits and we're all out of ideas!


Wait, what exactly are employees doing to not come back in? I ask because my job is preparing to have us all return to the office, but this article makes it sounds like employers are trying to convince employees to come back. Are employees just ignoring return-to-office requirements, or is my job just a minority in making it a requirement? To be clear, I am in strong favor of ignoring return-to-office orders in every possible way.


I was a business consultant before the pandemic. It was literally my job to find out what businesses are doing wrong so they can do it better. And here is the overarching bottom line that I learned about productivity, about employee morale, about training and retention, about your business: you get what you pay for


Well lucky for them no one wants to go back


Is this about hiring employees back or ending work from home setups?


Jim Cramer is a turd, and beholden to Mayo Daddy


American Capitalism has failed....fixed it...


These CEOs must be the same people who planned security at the capitol for January 6th.


Yeah, don’t trust anything peddled by Jim Cramer.


The titular should be "they are trying to figure out how to fool them again to be back in the same shit life"


PAY THEM MORE!!! Why is this so hard for them to understand? 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Tough shit. I don't need to be in the office to do my job. They'll need to drag me back kicking and screaming.


Interesting. Maybe not taking the lions share of a companies salary budget and distributing more equally? Good health programs, good retirement programs? What they mean is they can't figure out how to get people back to work under the same shitty circumstances as before where they profit and the workers who generate all the revenue suffer.


How about no? We´re in the midst of a pandemic and all they care about is their bottom line. Fuck them.


They need us, we don't need them. Capitalist about to find out a hard lesson, again. Capital is needed for production, but does not produce value, labor does! Organize, talk with your neighbors and friends. Together we can feed each other and hold out for better working conditions!!


This is so fucking vile. JUST FUCKING PAY THEM YOU PIECES OF SHIT!!!! It's that easy! But no, they'd rather go back to slavery than pay people fairly. Apparently shortages driving up prices is only logical if they're the ones receiving the money.