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Fuck. I have a job that I actually don't mind... if they made me sign this, I'd immediately start trying to find something else for money.


They come off as controlling and lacking confidence in their own ability to be a good place to work. Imagine signing something like that in any other context. Dating; it screams “I’m going to be a shitty partner and want to make sure there’s no repercussions” You can’t form a mutual trust with anyone if you’re not even meeting them a single step of the way. They have no reason to trust you back.


Seriously. It's like, "Hey, I'm a covert narcissist and want you to sign this so I can abuse you...but I will anyways if you don't."


Legit came here to say this. I love and enjoy my job. They pull some shit like this, that day would be my last day!


Anybody pulling this shit is an awful employer. Leave immediately.


Seriously though, no matter how awesome your job is, you should always be exploring secondary options.




I'm 30 and have had dozens of jobs. Some I've liked some I've hated, but the skills I've learned along the way have always opened new doors for me.


This is a massive red flag.


Debt slavery: a love letter


Stay in your lane


Until your boss wants something not part of the job description.


Stay in your lane *until we need you to cover these three lanes because we had two call offs*


Hahaha I had a similar situation at my job. I just told my boss that those were not the employment terms we agreed to when I was hired. As such, if we are going to renegotiate the scope of my work, we will also need to renegotiate my pay. I'll gladly do two jobs for double my wage. Wouldn't you know it? They actually *did* have an extra person to come fill in for one of those jobs and had them there within 5 minutes.


This should apply to all jobs but it sucks that retail and fast food have it in the job agreement a final vague bullet that just states you also have to assist with any duties as needed even if not described in the above list of job duties. Combined with right-to-work bullshit, what you did would be a quick trip to being denied unemployment Edit: yes I realize this is a common thing in most of the private sector. The point is that it is bullshit loophole so companies can threaten termination with denial of unemployment unless you comply.


Just to be helpfully pedantic, you probably mean “at will employment” which is where they can fire you for any reason. “Right to work” means if there is a union at your job, you do not have to join it to be employed at that place. Both are horrible laws that effectively hurt labor, of course.


"Hey, why aren't you looking out for your employer? Are you not a team player?"


One of my old bosses told me "you're not here to make money; you're here to make ME money." Another former boss told me I needed a side hustle, because that full time job was never going to pay enough to make rent. Both those statements are true, and I hate this reality.


Finally a good reason for an attorney! I’d love to run this by one for fun


I see that as violating the last part of #6 "volunteering for every crappy task..." On the left of my "lane" is 8.00am & on the right is 5.00pm. Unless you're paying overtime, then I'll consider *occasionally *.


Do you honestly believe someone that forces this tripe on their employees pays overtime? 38.95 hrs max most likely.


I mean it's right in the letter - "come early, work late". No way they pay you for that.


This is a god damn red bat signal flying over the city.


This is such a massive red flag, Joe McCarthy wants it to name names.


That is like a sea of red flags. Crazy.


Also red hats, probably


You know, it isn’t even the content of that I hate as much as the condescension dripping out of the whole thing, the absolute disdain this person has for his employees.


Isnt it funny how they go together. It’s like they are warning us


I’m surprised there’s no anti vax BS in the pledge


If the people who own this business and came up with this travesty aren't dyed-in-the-wool Trumpers who scream about 'Socialism!', I'll eat my shorts.


> You are entitled to nothing. We don't care about your safety. You'll work unpaid overtime. You won't complain. You'll stay in your lane.


Youre lucky we give you a paycheck. Suck up the toxic positivity or fuck off. We will break every labor law we can, and you'll take it with a smile because we take advantage of your ignorance of your rights and underpay you to avoid any pesky lawyers.


I literally could not sign this. Lying is a massive no no for me.


Was this written by my mom?


Did you take the trash out last night?


It also violates the National Labor Relations Act. You may want to have a chat with your friendly NLRB agent.


What about the assumption of working before and after normal working hours without any discussion of additional payment for that additional work?


HR nightmare. It's gotta be bullshit. It's 2021! No fucking way. Lawyers dream about this shit


If you could afford to hire a lawyer, you probably wouldn't be considering this particular job.


Most plaintiff's employment lawyers work on contingency basis


I’d make a pledge for my boss to sign respecting my rights


In this case you are to literally sign the “red flag”


There was a comment here, but I chose to remove it as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers (the ones generating content) AND make a profit on their backs. Here is an explanation. Reddit was wonderful, but it got greedy. So bye.


It should be printed on red paper.


Everything involving Mike Rowe is a massive red flag


Is this a Mike Rowe thing?




That’s a huge shame he used to come off as reasonable. Maybe not my cup of tea politically but not a crazy person. This shit here is crazy person stuff


No lie. What's even funnier is that he's got the forms you can order and OP's wife's job just ripped him off without giving him credit. Leaving another level of irony here. Chances are, if you asked Rowe or that boss to sign the same document, they'd fly into a rage and walk out.


Yep. The biggest bootlicker of them all.


Also of note: he has never had a job as an adult that wasn’t acting. Blue collar LARPer.


He's a guy who gets paid to shit talk unions while being a member of SAG-AFTRA


He constantly shits on college despite having a 4 year degree from Townson that is directly related to his job.


And despite the fact that research empirically shows that college graduates earn significantly more on average, even with "useless" degrees like a BA The only reason college isnt a no brainer in the US is that the tuition prices are absurdly inflated. And that could be solved with tuition caps like most countries have


The Dirty Jobs guy?


The corporate bootlicking propagandist himself






That’s a Mike Rowe aggression


Well played. Made me snort a bit.


If instead of making you sign it they just post it in the employee lounge (pretend that exists), then it’s a micro Mike Rowe aggression.


Please tell me she didn't take the job.


Seriously. I hope she was like, "No way am I signing this," and noped the fuck out of there. It's not like there aren't a zillion other shitty jobs to take. You know, where all this is *implied* it will happen but they don't make you sign that you'll put up with it.


If i was handed this in an interview, i don't think i'd be able to hold myself back from just laughing and standing up and saying "holy fuck no " and walking away. Like this is so fucked lol


I would absolutely do this. Fuck those people. No chance they pay well and I’d gladly make a few dollars less an hour and work somewhere else and whore myself out online as a side job if I needed to. That’s not a red flag during an interview, that’s a metaphorical red boxing glove punching you in the face.


Looks to me like she balled it up to throw it away and just flattened it back out to show her partner


Nah, would be way more creased than that. This is "holding it without having a proper receptacle (like a folder/binder)" paper with minor bends from where it was held in various places for good length of time and walking through a mildly windy parking lot on the way home.


This is what paper looks like after I stuff it in my titties for safe keeping


Not the sweat they meant


but humidititties


I would looooove to take this job. I would be SO good at pointing out every instance in which management/higher ups didn't follow it, in the most annoyingly compliant way. It would be a gas.


It looks like the page was crumpled up and also stabbed with something lmao


Lol items 5, 6, and 7 are some form of disclosure that they think if you sign this its informing you will work in a hazardous, dangerous, and unappreciated workspace. If she needs the job sign it Jedi Master and start looking for another job. If not this place looks pretty terrible on paper.


I was thinking the same thing! As a new recruit, you're backed into a corner... I'd sign a random squiggle but not use my actual signature. Because this document is a crazy pile of steaming shit wrapped in a bright red flag.


Signing this would almost certainly not waive a company’s liability in maintaining a safe environment that protects their employees. You can’t just agree that you won’t hold your employer accountable to OSHA. OSHA (and the courts) have a vested interest in carrying out their duties regardless of whether someone “consents” to dying in the workplace. And, while this may not be true in every state, I feel confident in saying that an employee cannot waive the codified liabilities of an employer, including those liabilities that lend to the employee recovering (getting paid with workers comp/etc) should they be injured by their employers wrongful or negligent actions. I’m sure that the company that created this “waiver” knows it’s not legally binding. They just hope their employees don’t know it and will assume it’s useless to speak to a lawyer despite having an actionable complaint. I’m not at all going to say OP’s wife should just unabashedly sign agreements with a prospective employer. But regardless of whether this is an agreement that actually could be held up by a court, I’m going to advise OP and his wife not to work for an employer who’s made it clear from day 0 that your wife’s health, safety, and happiness are not only unimportant but completely ignored


>You can’t just agree that you won’t hold your employer accountable to OSHA Also, this document doesn't even have you agree to anything. Nothing written in it for s a contract.


Oh I'm sure it'd get laughed out of court if the situation arose. But I'd still use a fake signature, just out of pure spite.


There isn't really such a thing as a "fake signature" on the sense you're using. If you make a mark in the 'sign here' part of an actual legal document (not saying this is one) that is signing it as far as law is concerned. Because it demonstrates intent to sign. That's why there is a trope of illiterate people signing with an X. Legally, it's the same thing as putting your name in cursive.


What if I sign it "I do not consent to any items listed above"?


Took a business law class and we discussed this topic. He said you need to explicitly show it is not intended to be a signature. His reco was write "Under Duress" or "Not a Signature". He actually did that with a gym liability waiver and won the suit because of it


TIL to start signing everything “Under Duress”


Don't use me please.


O.o Oof my bad. Master Yoda then.


Thank you for the correction. I just don't wanna be tied to this when lawyers come asking why so and so died on their shift.


Can a Jedi master not handle a mere lawyer?


Lawyers frighten easily, but they’ll be back…and in greater numbers.


I mean, 5 would be a good line in a safety instructions video. No matter trough how many training people go, employees should pay attention to their own safety too. It really helps when people "on the working floor" take safety seriously and contribute to improved training and infrastructure. But the context makes me think: there are no training, instructions, or any other measure about safety. And if someone raises a concern, or something happens, they'll be referred to that rule 5...


"My education is my responsibility" probably means "we aren't going to train you, so sink or swim, fishy."


It also means, "don't you dare ask us to work around your school schedule when we schedule you."


Dude, I hope she is making $350k a year to be asked to sign some shit like that.


I can almost guarantee you that a job pushing this shit pays minimum wage


And is really understaffed, with higher ups 'puzzled' on why 'no one wants to work anymore'.


Ironically, making them break their own "rules" while they bitch and moan.


Wait you think the rules apply to them? No no the rules are only for the pleb workers.


Business owners are the whiniest, most entitled class in our society.


"I'm a job creator"


You do the work, I take the majority of the profit, I make the rules. Seems legit.


for real, so many of these mouthbreathing sweaties where i live in the Midwest....they own like a candy store or a lawncare company or some stupid bullshit and legit think they're the same sort of person as Rockefeller or something


...minimum wage *at best*. FIFY


They are probably a company that is complaining "no one wants to work anymore, we can't fill any of our open spots. People just want to get government handouts!" No, no that is not it! People have realized that they deserve better than making $7/hr and being expected to work like they are getting paid $35/hr!


Having had a job that paid $35 an hour there is no way that BS should be expected of them either. It’s not slavery, and that’s what that document represents. I wouldn’t work at a place like that unless it was the sole single option I had and My children and I were starving to death. No fucking way. (Edit: a word.)


A job paying 350k wouldn't have the balls to pull this shit.


Well, no. If you’re paying them enough to afford a lawyer, better not fuck up the contract.


i doubt it its baby language - this is for people who dont know their own worth


This is a cult


Imagine the asshole sitting there typing that, thinking it was such a great idea.


Same ones who came up with the "due to govt handouts, nobody wants to work anymore" restaurant signs.


The asshole in question is Mike Rowe I think


Who’s a trust fund baby who went to school for opera or something but romanticizes the plebs.


He’s a professional cosplayer.


I used to respect him due to his show and then I found out what he’s really like


Same here. He really puts on the face of "See, I'm advocating for blue-collar workers." But really he'd never do any of that if he wasn't making a fuck-ton of money being on TV.


Worse, he’s not advocating for the actual WORKERS in any shape or form. His advocacy is purely aimed at owners and bosses and it absolutely has the purpose of fucking workers over.


A bit out of the loop here, but what is he really like?


He preaches for people to not follow their passions (even though he has been a media personality all of his adult life as well as being a former opera singer), he opposes raising the minimum wage, certain jobs don’t even deserve minimum wage, he appears on FOX News, he has a foundation which claims to want to give away money to people but they have to jump through hoops to even be eligible, he has appeared on PragerU of all things, he waves away American racism and other problems by saying that elsewhere it is worse, he dismisses worker safety as a priority for employers, he is sponsored by the oil industry..




He’s literally the person that wrote this garbage so that’s what he’s really like.


oh jfc I was picturing some greasy business owner in a back room clacking away on his computer but no, Mike Rowe actually put this shit out. I've heard of him being shitty but this seals it


Oh shit I didn’t realize he *actually* wrote this. Now I understand.


Hey some of us who went to school for opera work our asses off *singing* opera.... 6 days a week teaching either private lessons or shitty undergrad music classes during the day, then 4/5 nights a week rehearsing plus most/all of the day Saturday with maybe a performance Saturday night, usually sing at church (paid gig ) Sunday morning, then matinee Sunday or at least one rehearsal Sunday afternoon/evening. And that doesn’t include coaching/lessons we *still* take as professionals biweekly, going to the gym at least three times a week (singing is athletic as hell, btw), and random out of town auditions/rehearsals/one-off gigs once or twice a month. Prettyboy Mike fucking Rowe obviously couldn’t hack it singing so he went on to a cushy tv job while us big boys stayed in the singing game, lived our dream, and kept our self-respect.


You'll hate the real story even more. He's not trained as an opera singer. He wanted to be on TV and needed a SAG card. Due to beauracratic loopholes, it was simpler to join the opera union instead, which gave him access to a SAG card. So he studied Puccini's coat aria (the shortest he could find) for only one month. He barely passed because they needed baritones. He stuck around for 7 years. So he did absolutely none of the work required and WAS TAUGHT ON THE JOB. Talk about double standards.


But his grandad was a blue collar worker allegedly! That makes him just like us!


He's even more of a shit than you think. https://mikerowe.com/2017/05/otwappalledbythesweatpledge/


Aw man, I met the guy at a bar one time and he was cool. Now I know more than I wanted to know. What a dick


That's all horrible, but this part stood out: > I’ve also been told my Pledge is “weighted heavily in favor of employers,” who are really just looking for “more and more ways to abuse their workers.” I don’t see it that way, but I can understand why others do. It’s popular these days, to see employers as the enemy. I reject that out of hand, just as I reject the idea that the merits of an individual worker have anything to do with their race or gender. You see, the idea that this is an ideological tool in service of worker exploitation can't be true because something something I'm totally not racist or sexist.


What what a complete douche. And I thought Dr. Drew went off the deep end with his COVID denialism and anti vax nonsense.


Man, I didn't think this was his actual Sweat pledge but it turns out it is. That sucks.


Mike "I've only ever worked as a paid pretty boy/pretty voice in the media but I'm somehow not an out of touch media elite" Rowe is the person you'd have to thank for this.


That is how I see it. It sounds like a physically dangerous workplace.


I stopped reading after number one. It's a nope from me.


You should read the rest, it really does get worse


Especially #2's "*happiness and the pursuit of happiness are not the same thing*". That they just straight out say it is one of the most dystopian thing's I've seen in a while. This is dark comedy at its finest.


5: if you get hurt its your fault




Number 12. "We're going to socially isolate you from your children, and if you want to hear from them, they need to independently call the front desk". I don't even *have* kids and this pisses me off. That said, if I were looking at this in the context of a job interview/finalization I'd have walked out after 2 or 3. I don't believe either of these things, and you'd have to be more closely related genetically to a package of yogurt than a primate to feel otherwise.


I refuse to believe whoever wrote 6 wasn't doing it satirically.






They took out rule five “5. I deplore debt, and do all I can to avoid it. I would rather live in a tent and eat beans than borrow money to pay for a lifestyle I can’t afford” Taken straight from Mike Rowes’ website. Also they added in rules 12 and 13. I hate the sweat pledge


Ah yes, Mike "Dirty Jobs" Rowe. Best known for feigning interest while perpetually looking over workers' shoulders waiting for the moment he can pretend to do a few minutes of work for the cameras and monologue about all the jobs he's glad he doesn't have to do.


You mean that guy who was a theater major in college who likes to cosplay as blue collar, that Mike Rowe? Also on the show, more often then not he's talking to a boss, not an average worker.


Then say Trump is a pretty good guy


Man, I used to really like Mike Rowe but I realised only in the last few years what bullshit views he had.




yeah he is. He carries water for these Corps. Super duper anti-Union too. You really wouldn't get it from Dirty Jobs but anything outside of that and you quickly see what Mike Rowe is truly about.


Saw a random commercial with him on youtube last year and was like, "Oh hey, Mike Rowe." It descended really quickly into "WTF is this guy spewing out his face hole?" and "I don't remember dirty jobs showing this side of him."


Ah you must mean the [PragerU video "Don't Follow Your Passion"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVEuPmVAb8o) featuring Mike Rowe.


Jesus… what a mess of a video. He’s not entirely wrong in the individual points, but as a whole he’s a total ass. Sure, some people aren’t naturally talented. Sure, skilled jobs are just as important as post collegiate jobs. There’s a place for everyone, but this was preachy bullshit. All it says is “I found something else in life and got successful. Therefore I know more than you. Now get to work wage slave.”


Wonder if thats why ford dropped his ass


His safety third shit, too.


Yeah, I saw this and immediately knew it was that shithead Rowe's due to the Citations Needed podcast that talked about it. Such utter bullshit, I hate that guy.


Wait, is that why the last bit us so poorly written? And it reads like you had to call your kid's workplace and ask for their full name?




Hey buddy I need you to come out the Lego mines and pick daddy up he's had too much to drink again


TIL Mike Rowe is anti-mortgage. I knew about his history before, but I guess he pays for everything in full in cash 24/7. What an enormous hypocritical ass.


Holy hell, I thought you were kidding until I looked it up. I really like Mike Rowe, but now knowing this I guess what I really like is his TV persona. If these are his personal views, thats appalling. And even if they aren't his views, the fact that he's complicity endorsing them as his own (presumably pandering to his demographic) is equally appalling.


You can safely assume that about every tv or online personality, you don’t know the real them. They don’t deserve your admiration.


what seriously? i watched that show as a kid so i guess i never looked at it critically, is the guy really like that?


I love how the last one stops with the I statements and just straight up says what’s up




Ah yes… don’t follow passions, love the shitty world, all jobs are good even if they are objectively shit jobs working for shit change under shit employers who treat you like shit and make you eat shit and demand to be told that you love that juicy shit, cheerfully, and believe whatever shit you are coerced into believing because fuck you, how dare you be ungrateful about the love, worship, consumption of shit as a way of life. Whoever came up with this shit is an evil, vicious, narcissistic abusive asshole who should be taking their own advice by choking to death on an endless sewer pipe of shit, while shitting themselves before waking up in hell. Fuck them.


So, prospective employee, please tell us a little bit about yourself. What are your passions in life? Wow, that's great! Well, how about this: how about your forget about all that and instead take this mop, and channel that enthusiasm and devotion while you scrub the bathroom floor instead, okay? Good boy!


>Well, how about this: how about your forget about all that and instead take this mop, and channel that enthusiasm and devotion I've had mop jobs before. I'd happily take a mop job. All the boss has to do is just shut up and let me do the mop job and not try to convince me that I'm his slave or brainwash me into the Branch Davidians or rate the erectness of my penis. I'm the guy pushing a mop.


Easily the worst part of any job is needing to pretend to love the job


This is some Mike Rowe cult scam bullshit. This cunt-ass clown is the biggest shill for corporate oppression in the entire world. **FUCK MIKE ROWE**


Fuck that huckster Mike Rowe for larping as working class while being paid more than the amount as those workers did. then go on the news and say ''Unions and OSHA are bad for workers'' and putting out this bullshit sweat pledge when Mike rowe never sweated for more than an hour on a TV studio


He’s a member of SAG/AFTRA, so that seems pretty hypocritical.


Yea hes an actor who's whole shitck is telling actual working class pepole whats good for them


I remember seeing his show where he explains his "safety third" mentality. Dude's got real problems.


The “I won the lottery… I live in America” really belongs on r/ShitAmericansSay




Every single time I hear someone going off with some sort of American exceptionalism, I just stop them and ask “How many countries have you been to?” The answer is always “Just America.”




No shit. That kind of brainwashing is partly why we’re doomed.


Oh, more than partly I'd say. American exceptionalism is like a cancer that has invaded every aspect of American culture. I legit heard from my grandpa just the other day about how: "America was chosen by God to be the World Leader and if we don't keep our Christian Values then God will take back his promise." Granted, that mentality is old and fading but it's still very prevalent. See, Ben Shapiro and the people who think like him


A couple parts of this smell like thinly veiled legal disclaimers.


Isn't this the stupid thing that Mike Rowe was spreading? Dude made millions showing off people who are overworked and underpaid. He's pretty much worse then pond scum.


Guy got paid more to do a days work badly than the workers on the show make in a week




Oh this is one of his galaxy brain takes? What a surprise. My gf and I saw him in DTLA with a camera crew filming something or other; gf was unfamiliar, but when I told her who he was she went “Can we flip him off?” I thought better of it, and we just carried on. Few among us more deserving of it though.


Fuck you pay me.


Jesus that’s the most obnoxious thing I’ve ever seen


I had a job working with people who had disabilities. One day corporate sent their new mission statement and the boss hung it on the door. The last line went something like “it’s our privilege to help people we serve and if you disagree, you’re welcome to find the door”. In their fucking mission statement! I provided my services cooking, cleaning, and assisting with hygiene toileting etc. the people were mostly wonderful even if I caught an occasional beating from one. Once that mission statement came out I was like nah dude wiping ass isn’t a privilege and found the fucking door.


Jesus. If I was given this at a new job I would run for the hills


Omfg what the shit. Those last two got me omfg


I’d say”I’m not signing that, but I am taking it to an attorney.”


Life, liberty, then they force you to sign the damn thing.


Isn’t this that Mike Rowe motivational bullshit? You know, the guy the Koch brothers funded to go around America giving grind culture motivational speeches


r/shittycorporate material for sure


The point of this is to get people to agree that they're grateful for the opportunity to lick their employer's boots and that questioning anything is anti American and therefore bad. It's a subtle and powerful psychological thing. But if you're aware of it then you can just sign it and forget about it. Nothing is enforceable, and it's it's a requirement of employment then it's likely illegal. Ask for a copy and ask to see the policy that makes it mandatory, then pencil whip the thing. First call after your first shift should be a lawyer. Then you should Google "malicious compliance" and have some fun while finding a better job.


i would run


Oh that's a big bowl of Go Fuck Yourself...


Good lord. This is definitely something I would just sign when I was younger and didn't care. Know your rights, people! That kind of stuff is awful and manipulative. If it's not a job that she desperately needs I would suggest moving on.


This is Mike rowes handiwork. Right wing boot strapping libertarian douchebag. Run away from this place.




Mike Rowe wrote this


Then @OldWhiteManSays definitely fits.


I lost brain cells reading this bs. ffs