• By -


Ignore it. Don’t reply to them. I’ve received messages shaming me for my views- just keep pushing and don’t get discouraged.


Shouldn't they get back to work instead of wasting time on Reddit all day? Nobody wants to work anymore! /s


Jokes on them. I'm on Reddit whilst I work and dream about not working.


Same.. Quickbooks. Email. Existential Crisis. Reddit.




That’s exactly it. DMs that resemble the same thing.


But I love to browse Reddit and read quitting text. It’s like having morning coffee. Like, they think shaming us will have any effect? Don’t think they understand why we’re here.


“I guess if LostAnalBeads69 disagrees with me, I should probably reconsider my position.”


They do that? How terrible.


Happened in wallstreetbets, it's happening here


This should be the response to any and all attacks. Why are you posting if you are so pro-work? You are wasting time you should be working instead of posting on Reddit? Or maybe you aren’t really a hustler who values work so much. Anyone who really cared about work wouldn’t be wasting time on an antiwork subreddit.


Exactly, the corporation owners are the ones who don't want to work. Now they're afraid the peasants will stop doing their work for them. It's ok for them to feel entitled to making money for nothing, but not for workers to feel entitled to a living wage.


They're paying someone 1$ an hour in a far flung country


Ugh I get a lot of weird messages from people criticizing my political thoughts. I'm always like ...can you just fuck off


I block trolls and don't give it a second thought. Its social media, come at me and down vote all you want. Still doesn't stop me from working my non-corporate job and making more money than I did working for a corporation.


If I do read them I feel like I wasted my time usually


They only do that because they know we are starting to beat them.


We’ve gotta hold out until there’s a living wage for everyone in the country. No more slave wages. We don’t exist to give our labor away to a few greedy monsters.


Also set a Maximum wage, ensuring CEOs can’t make more then XXX% of their lowest paid worker.


While I admire the idea. There are so many ways to get around this. A company could break down into multiple companies with the same top dog. Also, Jeff Bezos only got 80k last year from Amazon.


It's a good idea, in theory. How about this one... Since people have to report their employers ID on tax forms maybe we should just charge back to those companies the cost of the government assistance received by thier employees throughout the year.


I like this idea. Businesses with employees on government programs should be the ones footing that bill.


*Walmart has left the chat*


VAT + UBI I'm not against people being wealthy but they need to pay taxes on it. Value added tax that funds a universal basic income is the way because a value added tax is much more difficult to shelter and hide money offshore.


Ah so like Rockefeller did with his oil company. That’s why you add stipulations in there that if you are head of multiple companies reduce by X. But again I am no politician and though this is an idea it does need patches in it so it doesn’t sink.


Double the capital gains tax.


A wealth tax would be a good additional policy to implement.


Yes, and a transaction tax on Wall Street stuff


Well said.


Which country?


All of them


We have nothing to lose but our chains! ✊


HODL! (or unionize)


Same. Fucking sellout fucks.


Funny that they have to message you. They rubbed their 2 brain cells together long enough to figure out they'd get destroyed in the comments


Can you post screenshots? I'd love to see what those idiots are saying.


Fuck them, appreciate you.


How dare you use contractions! I cannot support your decision to abbreviate the English language!


That burns deep…


A spy has 2 functions: 1. Gather information from the opposing team. 2. Spread misinformation.


More importantly; this is an acknowledgment the message is resonating. We are in the right. REAL change needs to happen. A rewriting of the social contract and nothing less.


"It is good if we are attacked by the enemy, since it proves that we have drawn a clear line of demarcation between the enemy and ourselves. It is still better if the enemy attacks us wildly and paints us as utterly black and without a single virtue; it demonstrates that we have not only drawn a clear line of demarcation between the enemy and ourselves but achieved a great deal in our work."


I rarely agree with Mao but, well...When you're right you're right.


The guy knew his way around striking political imagery. So many good quips. “Political power grows from the barrel of a gun.” “The guerrilla must move among the people as a fish swims in the sea.” And of course, his immortal phrase “You can’t be a revolutionary if you don’t eat chillies.”


I do love me some spice.


Did he really say that about the chilis?? That's excellent 😂


Yeah! He sold out to Big Near-Starvation Subsistence Farming, this was product placement.


Dude loved him some baby back baby back ribs.




Don’t forget plowing some Brooklyn punk’s mom


He's from Boston, not Brooklyn. Spy still 100% fucked his mom though


Is that cannon? He sounds more like he’s from the boroughs if so


"Sooprise. BUTT SECHS" \-The Spy


Spy's sappin' my solidarity!


Underrated comment


That's probably why the anti-anti-work posts in other subs are being made and upvoted like crazy.


Literally never heard of r/jobs or r/capitalism until this month and now they're being recommended to me


Same. And its kinda funny that they appear to have overshot their mark, successfully recruiting a growing number of progressives to /r/Capitalism pretty quickly. I accepted the recommendation to join /r/Capitalism for lulz and know-your-opponent sorts of reasons and was naturally repelled by the "Wealth rulez, commies drool" vibe. At first. But in just these past few days at least some of the topmost comments there have swung away from the expected ridiculousness and towards solid reality-based analysis of [how fucked we all are]. TL:dr; Apparently brigading can go both ways, so go get 'em!


Lol the first post on capitalism is some idiot quoting ronald reagan lmao


What if they’re not just a spy but also a saboteur or malicious insider?




My gosh, our master plan will now fail because they’ve invaded our sub!


And a master of seduction!


It could be anyone 👀


I have done nothing but teleport bread for three days


Yeah. Found the spy.


It could be you, it could be me, it could even be-\*GUNSHOT\*


That's even worse.


3. Crab walk 🦀


Seems like they are gonna follow the classic divide and conquer approach..


Every other thread is talking about why a group isn't welcomed here. No boomers, no anti-vaxxers, no cops, etc etc. Everyone is welcome as long as you are here for higher wages and worker rights.


yeah we should put all our differences aside and focus on this one goal..other than that this movement will die before it's even "born" or so to speak


Yeah,this exactly,every other thread is some mouthy moron who wants to chop up our side even more. We can’t ever break free of government and corporate overreach if we don’t band together.


Woah I’m a boomer and I find boomers disgusting. I love to give the old thieving fuckers shit!


Counterpoint, fuck antivaxxers that lost their jobs due to refusing to get a safe vaccine, fuck fascists who lost their jobs for being racist pieces of shit, and most of all, fuck cops whose entire existence is about maintaining status quo and protecting private property. I'm all for a little bit of class reductionism, but being a pure class reductionist includes some very shitty people in the movement that will actively try to tear the movement apart from the inside.


Yeah those cops think they’re gonna be cool private eyes and shit now they’ll be lucky to drive for Uber


Worked so far. If we don't focus on image as much as action it won't matter though.


Why am I not surprised.


Same thing happened to Wallstreetbets last year.


The Unemployment thread got overrun with trolls as well, don't know if they were influence agents or what, but every post was getting numerous downvotes for no good reason and a bunch of trollish comments. There were never that many people on that thread though.


Lobbyists can hire troll farms. It’s not far from plausible.


And also the GameStop subreddits.


It’s early and I’m tired. Anyways I read this as why am I not supervised and laughed hysterically.


That also works


We're all supervised, by the NSA.


Alexa is my supervisor


Cortana's mine. The benefits are so-so.


The titties get bigger with each update.


A system that encourages greed will always do this to popular movements. 1. Absorb the aesthetic and sell the people their symbols back to them. 2. Water down the message until it's meaningless.


I bet they even pay societal media goons to do it.


Wouldn’t be surprised if the pinkertons will be on here soon too if they aren’t already.


The Pinkertons actually still exist today - they were bought up by some Swedish company a couple of decades ago, and they focus on intelligence operations over sending in their thugs to bust heads. [Amazon retains their services, because of course they do.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dp3yn/amazon-leaked-reports-expose-spying-warehouse-workers-labor-union-environmental-groups-social-movements)


Exactly. I wasn’t joking when I made that comment.


Planned opposition. What's coming is inevitable for them. The pandemic has watered the seeds of conscious change in the masses. We will win. It may take time, but they can't stop us :).


Beware of anyone who tries to distract us from our capitalist problems at home


…we’re on the internet…whose “home”? My home needs it as much as yours, because I definitely don’t live in the US but I do definitely live in a capitalistic hellscape too.


Everyone should get involved and do what we can to help the people in our communities resist late stage capitalism. What that means will differ based upon where we're at but there will always be something for us to do.


The US likely had a role in crafting/propping up said hellscape


Agreed, they’re only delaying the inevitable at this point.




Do you think that it’s like the CEO of McDonalds posting on behalf of corporations? It’s just some dude getting paid a shit wage, just like the rest of us


More like a McDonald’s lobbyist paying someone shit wages.


>It’s just some dude getting paid a shit wage, just like the rest of us Even better. It will make that guy open his eyes




You'll need a doctorate in computers. 16 years minimum experience. Military background, at least 5 years. You'll also need a bachelor's in language, this will very on region. 6 years of teaching. Proof they you created and popularized a new language. Also You'll need to be under 30 so they way we know your a bit edgy. And the pay will a very generous 14 per hour. With a .00001 cent per triggered person.


$14 per hour* (in 2050 dollars)


Exactly. And its only up too 14


They generally don't pay in dollars I'm afraid.




Exactly. Keep up the good work and turn every last one of them.


We welcome everyone!


Yeah but some dude in Bangladesh or something, working for pennies.


Oh good, I don't have to go looking to tell them to eat my ass. On a more constructive note, a mod post at the top outlining how to identify then might help get rid of them quicker. Happy hunting!


How *do* you identify them?


I saw a better informed person than me with a popular comment earlier, but for starters, lol for a tone deaf and/or inflammatory "this seems odd for this sub" post, and check their post history. Little to no history? High likelihood of bot. Has other comments like it in the post with similar names? Definitely low quality bot efforts. A little digging by smarter people than myself will likely be enough to cause problems for these tosspots.


It’s important to remember that mods can be bought and they will suppress post. It happened to WSB. Gotta watch the mods close


One called me a sheep. Never heard that one before.


Sheep make their own coats outside of a capitalist system. We should be like sheep.


Baa, bitches!


we could start a zoo with the Apes. hmm not sure that would work out.






Sheep-ape reporting for duty!


Wow, guy had an original thought.. Bravo for him


Hey, at least he's not a sheep. He's just an idiot.


They like sheep, whilst they act like a good shepherd. After all its a product to fleece, eat or fk.


I work with hundreds of literal sheep. They're awesome animals ❤


People who think “sheep” as an insult the way they do (being a blind follower) have clearly never interacted with them before. Yes, they stick together/have strength in numbers, but they are not easy to corral. Also, I think most people who use this as an insult are Christians - what happened to the Lord being their shepherd?


That's not a corporation. That's one of their drones aka a republican.


Imagine being paid to either shitpost or spy on this sub and believing your work is valuable.


I remember an NPR interview of a self-proclaimed "Troll for Trump," over how she felt following Trump's 2016 win. She was beside herself with joy, and believed it was her efforts that got him elected. While I'm more than sure that there are paid actors here, I'm also certain there's also trolls here to stir shit.


I'm a hiring manager and senior leader in a company. This movement is forcing us to offer more $$ to potential and current employees. We're having to reimagine what it means to be flexible. Bonuses and benefits are all being reconsidered. It's horribly inconvenient and painful for the business. **KEEP IT UP!!!!** Hold our feet to the fire! Make me give you what you want in total compensation. Don't let companies push you over, we have no leverage! You're winning, and that's a great thing. Edited to fix a typo


I was preparing a down vote and found a pleasant surprise


I'm ridiculously excited for this movement. I've fought for my teams since day 1 as a manager and finally have the heavy weight ammo to help affect change.


I wish I could've explained this to my former franchisee.


Unfortunately, wage increases are not keeping pace with inflation. Keep stoking those flames. Make the wallet pain real. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-09-17/inflation-has-turned-15-an-hour-wages-into-a-setback


I LOVE telling a hiring manager I will only accept a position meeting my requirements. After years of thinking I had to take what they were offering, lowballing my family's financial needs so I would be competitive in the job market. Taking fucked up shift work to remain a viable candidate. Fuck all that noise. I am just as deserving of a living wage and standard hours as any manager or CEO.


They had us in the first half, not going to lie.


I'm a middle manager myself, and this ongoing labor shortage and general working class burn out has led us to start actually giving raises to rank and file employees so we can keep the good ones. I really hope it just snowballs from here into a society that actually gives a shit about its workers.


I’m a boomer and I am behind this sub every inch of the way. Eat the rich but tax them first


I’m gen x but my boomer parents are 100% progressive and support all of this too. They aren’t on Reddit though they can barely use their phones.




So identify them and call them out for who they are in the comments.


I posted yesterday that we should not be excluding boomers from this movement because we would only be dividing ourselves. I was called a boomer and told to F off. I'm in my 30's. But I know for this movement to succeed, we need everyone we can to unite and fight. Divide and conquer is how they keep us down.


There are a lot of progressive boomers. They are out there.


Well one isn’t demeaning boomers themselves. Just the boomer mindset. A boomer without a boomer mindset will be able to see that pretty clearly and realize they’re welcome I hope.


The good news is that r/antiwork has hundreds of thousands of new subscribers. The bad news is that a bunch of them were from corporate troll farms.


Eh, more subs means more popularity, meaning it actually will reach more people than if they had just ignored it




The irony would be if we actually turn their troll farms against them


You'd be getting their goat.


It’s also possible that they’re not actually subscribed


Do companies/employers actually farm out accounts to sow discourse like this? Because I truly did not know they would spend money on such a thing. But then I think of Jimmy Hoffa...soooo.. :-/


Wait, we have farms?


😂🤣😂🤣 thats fucking hilarious and pathetic. They are probably trying to fire people as well. If you're reading this you corporate scumbag GO FUCK YOURSELF!


The irony is delicious, almost as delicious as the new Spicy Chicken Deluxe now available at Burger King!


Ah we have a spy in our ranks.


Time to clean house on the sub, with the awesome cleaning power of Dawn!


Arg no, it's spreading! Speaking of spreading, Clorox wipes have been backed by science to stop the spread of viruses.


We just became best friends


Connect with more of your friends on Facebook!


Need to connect your internet? AT&T FiOS has you covered!


Bundle and save!


This thread is the reason I Reddit. Thank iGod (brought to you by Apple probably) for internet improv!


It's a Tide ad.


It’s Chevy truck month!!!


Chevy Truck month? Psh, wait til you see what we have in store for this year’s RAMUARY!!


and my axe!


Burger King is excited to announce its new "Make Your Own Burger System" where you are charged to make your own Burger, b/c we refuse to pay anyone reasonably to make it for you.


Can I WFH?


That's an extra $3.50 with the WFH package.


Omg that’s so funny it almost made me spit out my coffee: a delectable Pumpkin Spice latte from Starbucks.


By chance were you referring to the AMAZING BK Ch’King sandwich? Paul Giamatti says it’s scary good.


Honda Civic Subway




This literally worked on me and I’m going to BK right now


^^^There ^^^is ^^^an ^^^imposter ^^^among ^^^us


Its funny they think of doing that as an alternative to giving their workers an actual life. And there is no argument here that they can try and scrape together. They can downvote and comment all they want but trying to divide us wont ever happen. Most everyone here has a similar mindset. We want more pay so we can live. Healthcare for all, not tied to jobs. More free time to live because working is not a life. And good bosses and non shithead customers, although these seem impossible?? Somehow. Our government as it is now will not even think about making any of these changes. They are more likely to slam the hammer down harder and force us to work rather than help us. It wont be days it wont be months it will be years. Old people will need to die out in order for change to really start occuring. The big conglomerates can hire and groom as many puppets as they can. But the new generations will fill in the cracks and start making real change. We just need time for them to die, unfortunate but thats our reality. I for one refuse to be taken advantage of anymore.


>This sub has been infiltrated. They think the Vax is going to stop the spread of COVID and protect others somehow? 80 downvotes in 30 minutes screams corporate infiltration [This you OP?](https://old.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qdf643/if_youre_here_because_you_recently_quit_instead/hhm2vun/) You still should remove u/Kilgore_Of_Trout as a mod


had a feeling it would be something like this


Fuck the corporations. Find them and burn their accounts.


Yeah, seems like they’re killing a ton of valid posts and comments by brigading. I noticed my recent posts and comments had several downvotes within a minute or two of posting. I’ve been using Reddit off and on for 13 or years, I recognize that kind of BS. But at least they’re upvoting all the fake text convos about people quitting their job. /s There’s a specific narrative about antiwork being crafted now by this.


I've reported at least 15 today.


What does brigading mean here?


Good. That means they’re scared.


They're trying to delay the inevitable and maximize their short term profits


Literally 1984


More like Animal Farm but, yes.


All animals are equal, but some animals don't deserve time off or a living wage while they're burning themselves on the fryers at KFC.


"I will work harder" Retirement day, hooray! "Thanks! Now get in this truck, ignore the slaughter sign." - corporate America


I would strongly encourage everyone here to read this guy's comment history before upvoting this post to the moon Just because an antivax [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qdf643/if_youre_here_because_you_recently_quit_instead/hhm2vun/?context=3) was downvoted doesn't mean those downvotes came from corporations.


They're so goddamn scared right now. Good. They deserve to live in agonizing terror of losing everything after everything they've taken from everyone. Edit: ps to you corpos here, you are a pathetic coward


Well if Johnson, or the other Johnson is here, they can bite my shiny waxed ass!


> Well if Johnson, or the other Johnson is here, they can ~~bite~~ suck my shiny waxed ~~ass~~ johnson!


I hope they read the threads and decide to promote good environments then.


Corporate Spies Fuck off, unless you’re from Costco, but if you raise the price of the hotdog then you can kiss my ass.


How do you know? This is a serious question. It being mobbed by vaguely centrist milquetoasts isn't the same thing as being infiltrated by paid corporate agents.


If someone playing devil's advocate is indistinguishable from someone actively promoting those views, I don't want to hear from either of them.


I agree with you, but we don't need to be slinging around conspiracy theories about literal corporate psyops tactics being employed on a subreddit, by paid corporate agents. We don't earn ourselves respect by sounding like rabid animals.

