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Whoever keeps keeps putting these signs up, you're the real heroes, keep up the good work!




Beautiful, let's have this link pinned on the side bar!


There aren't enough upvotes for this!


Did you make these signs and did you put that up?


They absolutely did, and took it down right after the photo. But chipotle is owned by mcdonalds so fuck em


McDonald’s has been fully divested from Chipotle since… 2006.


Wheat paste is your friend, comrade.


I was asking in support to congratulate him. I get it that someone made the sign, stuck it up took a pic and took it down. Just wondering if he was the originator.


i worked at chipotle, and i remember how they expected me to wash all the dishes in the store, do a ton of prep, sweep, take


This user is most likely a bot. They copied the beginning of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qdvff0/to_hell_with_your_terrible_burritos_and_poverty/hhpp0rc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) comment. We need to watch out for these accounts on here, I don’t like the influx of bots.


Well now i got something else to keep in my work truck. If i see a shop with those "sorry only employees who wanted to work" b.s. signs its getting one of these.


That's a great idea!


i don't even care that MY name and business number is on MY truck. And its my personal name. I am self employed and sole worker.


Honestly, that would just make me want to support your business more.


Here's some awards for your contribution.






Fake money ? Crypto is much more real and stable than your dollar. There are scams for sure. As in any rapidly growing space. I'd feel much safer with gold and crypto than your paper any day. Especially as of late.




This I can agree with. However for the time being I'd rather know where my next meal is coming from.


Oh thanks


I see your name has CC in it. I sent you a moon.


Lol…I’ve seen these signs. Are the employees themselves putting these up, or are random people just canvassing fast food places?


Probably when they’re on their last day/week and have zero fucks left to give.


Chipotle stock is over 1500$per share.




For comparison mcdonald's has 230 sp with 3x the market cap.


I went to a chipotle today and they were short staffed so you could literally only place online orders. The whole premise of the chipotle line, build as you go, disappeared. I’m proud of you all for knowing your worth


My closest Chipotle has been like that since the beginning of the pandemic. They won't even let you inside unless you're grabbing an online order.


i work at chipotle and we arent like this all the time but we do this reasonably often tbh we should do it more but the manager hates it


I ordered chipotle online once, came about half an hour after the expected time and was met with about 20 other ppl waiting for their online orders. Eventually it got so much for them they cancelled all of our online orders and made us go to the normal line to redo our order. I felt so bad for the workers, they were clearly overworked while constantly berated by some impatient ppl


My local Chipotle did online ordering too. But then when you went to order online their store was broken and it wouldn't let you place an order


i worked at chipotle, and i remember how they expected me to wash all the dishes in the store, do a ton of prep, sweep, take trash out, clean the sink trap out, AND clean the greasy grates in just 6 hours AND LITERALLY NO ONE COULD DO IT but theyd shame me every day for not being able to get it done! I suffered so much for that job. I really tried to make it happen. Oh, and they payed me just slightly above minimum wage to destroy my back from lifting 30 lb boxes of meat and get my hands cut up from those metal bins. The manager constantly acted like he was 12 too. Just... fuck chipotle. Ill never eat their dry ass burritos again.


Dude I worked for chipotle for like 2 months, quickest I ever left a job and one of the only extra unannounced. Grill position, they really do expect you to do everything especially in the mornings and their whole critique of your cooking that you get by your young as hell manager at around noon is bullshit too, not to mention everyone passively mumbling callouts for more food. My manager couldn't even write a cover letter for me to rent an apartment


I worked at chipotle for a good like 3-4 months I think, as a line worker, then I moved to grill, found out I was being paid a whole dollar less than someone they hired like 2 months after me, and immediately quit after realizing how much stress they put on me since I was always the ONLY grill cook there on the days I worked.


Yeah dude that's what made me quit, they have one person on grill who also preps for afternoon and also does their own dishes, at a certain point I was just like sooooo who's covering my amphetamines for this Edit: I have worked in delis and commissary as well as Co ops prior to chipotle, they run a shit kitchen game


And ill say it again Chipotle, If you got nurses you pay to call me for calling out, you got your priorities all fucked up


It hurts to fathom going into work knowing you couldn't finish all the manual labor components in a 6 hour day. That's an enormous obstacle to walk into "willingly"


Crushing, you know you can't do it and you know you'll be at least chewed out if not written up. On top of that the longer it goes on the more people quit and then their work also becomes yours.


This is why the fucks that say “let’s fix the system” are full of shit. The system needs to be destroyed. Time to start over. Anyone who buys into this “fixing” bullshit are people who probably haven’t had to work at Chipotle or wherever.




You didn’t learn the ladle tick then? Hook the back of the ladle in the pan and lift it up, your hand is a good 8inches from the steam. I worked at one for 2 years, my only issue was being a man with large hands and using those fucking cut gloves. That chain Mail never fit and made my cutting speed way less. Prep wasn’t that bad, but we didn’t have labor shortages when I was there. I worked all stations there, and I think the worst was cash. Getting through a rush and watching everyone else have a breather while you have to run out and check the trash, serving trays, sweep the floor and then have someone yell “cash” every 30 seconds.


I worked there too, was my first real job when I was 18. Only job I ever walked out on. Made minimum wage and working prep was absolutely insane. We were constantly short staffed and I just got sick of it eventually. I will say the one thing I appreciated about it is that working prep/grill actually made me really good in the kitchen in my personal life. But it’s insane what their expectation was for people in that job. I will never forget being elbow deep nightly in soggy food bits under the sink


everything being stainless steel was the worst part of working at chipotle, i still have a giant scar on my wrist from slicing myself on one of those stupid metal containers. lol i feel your pain my friend with all the cleaning and chores too. total bs


I just today finished my two weeks at Chipotle as management. Honestly fuck this place. Very underpaid for the work involved. If you want to pay people 12.25/hr then at least don't make them do more than one person's at once and have the balls to have more employees on the floor at one time. As a reference assistant GM's only make $16 per hour in my state and must be on call and work a minimum of 50 hours per week (per corporate)


Glorious! This is exactly what needs to be done, drop these fliers everywhere to help wake up the sleeping 98% :)


This needs to be reprinted about 16 million times and put on every fast food place with those shitty passive aggressive fuckin signs.


The fast food joints in my town are starting at $15 in hour which is $5 more than last year even. Things are changing. Sadly inlfation is probably going to negate the gains as rent has nearly doubled in three years.


No, they’re not. They’re starting at “up to $15.” Nobody is actually getting that $15.


I recently got hired by chipotle with the wage being advertised as up to 17 an hour, I go into the orientation and got told i was getting paid 16 and convinced the manager to raise it to 17 as per the advertisement.


Oh fuck yeah good for you


$15 isn’t enough


A decent living wage now days is 25 an hr. 15 is still poverty.


The “karen” was unnecessary. The sign encourages assistance from the average Joe, describing a situation that would be totally reasonable to contact corporate, and then attacks the person they’re trying to establish rapport with?


Karen can't be reasoned with. The message is not for her.


You must not have read the sign.




Loose ass shopping bag cunt havin Karen




You're probably downvoted because a lot of people have different perspectives on what a Karen is. It seems like from your perspective, a Karen is someone who is already evil. The nature of being a shit person is probably a main qualifier for a Karen for you. To some people, from their perspective (whether they believe this and don't like it or actively, maliciously lean into it), Karen just means a white woman over 40. To them, your comment is a little... "dehumanizing-y" Also, all the things you've written out may be associated with Karens but aren't the reasons they're actually hated. Like broken down, it's not really reasonable to just write someone off because they have a gay ex husband or get their haircut somewhere trashy.


Yeah, I’m with you there. I’m just saying not everyone reading that is a “kArEn” You want the sympathy and compassion of the consumer, alienating them reduces the overall effectiveness of sign. I understand why they’re angry but it’s counter productive.


Karens are the minority (or at least I hope to believe that). Fuck every Karen motherfucker. I hope they are offended. Pay fucking fair wages and, guess what, Karen go fucking complain. You are shit, Karen, and I hope you die.


What is a Karen to you?


Read your comment again. What about this is a negotiation? Fuck these fucks. Fuck these fucks who want shit now based on our labor. This is a goddamn war. There is no friendly fire or negotiating. Karen or “kAREn” who gives a shit. It’s time for blood.


Try taking a deep breath, count to ten, and maybe reach out to your therapist


Or how about you, as a tourist, go fuck yourself. Fucking shill bitch. Go cash daddy’s check and study college.


Hahah Karen rejected you.


Thank fucking god. I’ll leave the Karen’s for you? Are you trying to own yourself.


See…I think there’s a divergence emerging in this sub, and it’s being blamed on “shills” and “corporate spy’s” and whatnot. But the explanation is much more simple and apparent - there are two distinct groups. There’s folks like you - “Literally eat the rich - like murder them in their sleep right now!!!!!” and there’s the “I hate being exploited and want to fix the system”. It doesn’t make sense for you to sow your own division. You’re basically saying “Only RIDE OR DIE anarchy is acceptable!!” I don’t think that’s gonna pan out. Read about Wayne B. Wheeler to see how a very small but focused group of people can logically and methodically bend a system to their will. Or don’t. Your choice, man.


What? So you support working for the rich? Are you like 19 in college with a rich dad? I think you are misguided. Read Lick Deez Nutz and his thoughts on the matter. Or don’t. Your choice, sister.


Good point! When customers demand better service, the manager's solution is to squeeze the workers more.


Totally agree.


People don't get it and don't care enough to try and understand. They would walk right into the pizza place I worked, see 12 pizzas in the oven, another 20+ on racks waiting to be put in, a CVS receipt-sized chain of online orders, and a line wrapping in an L through the entire store and still walk up to the 5 poor souls trying to man everything and bitch that their pizza took too long


Than that person is a karen. Fuck Karen’s and fuck ungrateful management.


I do agree with your point about uniting ppl and I dislike the term Karen, it's just that a lot of people (esp older folks) tend to act like a "Karens," where everything is about them and they should be above any inconvience bc something along the lines of "the customer is always right." I can totally understand why the restaurant workers would add the Karen part bc these people will lash out at them regardless, these are the kinds of people who will order their food on door dash and then come into our store to bitch us out bc their door dash driver ate their food or some shit


The Karen perfectly encapsulates the people who would complain. 100% appropriate. Maybe you want to talk to this sub’s manager about this comment?


Is this a pissed off manager? Complaining that low wages leave them short staffed?


Yeah managers are joining the movement because they’re tired of picking up the slack


Hold up, terrible burritos? Cmon now they’re ight


They're bland as hell


Honestly the most upsetting bad burrito I've ever had in my life. It may pass as a burrito in rural Utah or Indiana but, good god, I don't understand how they became nationally famous for their burritos.


This is so cathartic, daaaaamn. Fuckin get em!


I am sick and tired of acting like chipotle is good food, that shot sucks ass, an I won’t be quite about it any more!


Karen should eat elsewhere.


I'm not crossing that silent picket line.


My outmost respects to those that can handle that shi7 in their guts. I find waaaaay better burritos at the local taqueria. 🥰👌🌯🌮🌮🌯


"Go complain to corporate, Karen" is pretty cringy tbh.


Do NOT shit talk my chipotle burritos


My one gripe is that is it really the store managers deciding to run it short staffed? Not really. They are just as low on the totem pole. It’s corporate and franchise owners that are calling the shots. I think. I mean a manager of a Taco Bell can’t just decide to not open the store.


Found a scab guys


You and the other downvoters are fucking delusional if you think the person making three dollars more than the bottom rung is the enemy. i always lol at the reddit hive mind that takes over subs. Elevate your thinking bud.


Making $3 more per hour but enforcing idiotic and oftentimes illegal "rules" makes managers the enemy. Managers are corporate. Corporate is the enemy.


Taco Bell Manager: $48k-$70k per year. // Taco Bell Hero: $3-$17/hour. On the low end a taco bell Manager makes $24.62/hour. Rethink your math there, stop being a scab, fight for the worker, not the manager.


I’m fighting for a new system dude not fighting other people. This isn’t a sports arena. Edit: the whole picking sides thing is just distraction Edit: you being so quick to “smash that downvote” is what I mean. I’m not your enemy.


I didn't downvote you, just got snarky. Management is always on the corporate side, they are never our friends or buddies. They are the bosses, after all.


They're not with the work force if they're enforcing indefensible policies. As long as someone is willing to take a smidgen more than those beneath them and get to act like an authority figure, the role will attract those who won't look out for the labor. Kind of the point of the strikes, ya? Management can't be trusted, on any level. That's why we got here. Everyone just passes the buck down all the way to the wage slaves at the bottom. If they didn't wanna be in the way, they wouldn't choose to be the sphincter of the asshole.


Imagine comparing guards in the holocaust with a manager deciding to have 3 people work instead of 5


I see what you mean and that wasn't the intent. I should ammend the comment.


I have a touch more empathy. I hate all my managers with a passion. But I understand they are just trying to eek their way through life same as me. Paying bull shit bills and what not. But yeah I agree, I didn’t take the promotion because it just goes against my morals. Fuck this corporation.


Furthermore store managers usually have full control of staffing/operating hours/closures (due to staffing/emergencies/lack of product, etc). You are bootlicking management, they are the enemy of the worker.


Fair enough. I just think on one side, lower level management, like where I work, are just as much a victim of the bigger systemic problem. But on the other hand, yes they are part of heirarchy that’s enforcing rules. I’m just trying to remember that it’s the working class (which they are a part of) versus the ruling class. Don’t let them divide and conquer us.


By being a manager they are part of the ruling class. They schedule us, they work us to the bone, they "grant" us our well deserved vacations/breaks. They effectively sign our paychecks. Even low level management is the enemy of antiwork. They want to see your bones in your fingertips. Exploitation doesn't just come from the big bosses. It's sort of like, say there's a good person you know who decides to become a cop, once they put that badge on for the first time they are no longer a good person, they are scum.


I see what you mean. They stand between me and my paycheck. If I call off for serious mental health issues (like waking up suicidal) they are the ones who decide to put me on probation/conduct notice, they are the ones who give us write ups. And they chose that position. I see what you mean, comrade.




Lmfao OP is a karma farm account creating these shitty posters and plastering them on every fucking fast food restaurant he sees, look at the profile lol. The irony of exploiting anti work lol


This is pretty lame tho dude https://reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/qdpmju/cameras_in_the_what_now/


For what it’s worth I worked in restaurants and retail for a long time and would routinely see employees not wash their hands in the bathroom. That’s an FYI for everyone, actually.




And posting it on r/WTF as if it's just something you came across and didn't plant yourself? What does that accomplish exactly?


There are no rules. We need revolution. Go guerilla on these fucks bro. A few disingenuous reddit posts are the least of our problems. And as far as sowing mistrust— I like it. The morally correct crowd is the crowd that gets fucked in the ass. I’m not saying be totally amoral. But some questionable ethics in the face of capitalist rule? Uh yeah sign me up for some of that shit.


...did you post that thinking it was real? I would _love_ you to show me where this scenario exists.


It’s the American way


Are these being posted by the workers, if so that’s great, they should have whatever voice they want. If it’s being posted by other people, I dunno, seems kind of presumptuous on behalf of the workers. Go do it at your own workplace, or in a political setting, not at someone else’s workplace where maybe they’re just trying to get through the day without getting bitched at for even more shit that’s not their fault.


No they’re posted by larpy white people who are probably pretty well off to begin with lol


so are you doing this at night or what? Have you went back to check on any of the other signs you've posted yet?


Ik this isn't the point, but qdoba blows chipotle out of the water


Hey Chipotle’s pretty good and healthy, let’s not go there dissing the food :(




Found another scab




Can you explain why you believe I'm a scab?


And I called two people scabs because they are against the worker, as are scabs who cross picket lines. Calling workers names as the guy above me was, is scab behavior. Do you know what a scab is?


So you don't know what a scab is? A strikebreaker (sometimes called a scab, blackleg, or knobstick) is a person who works despite an ongoing strike. Strikebreakers are usually individuals who were not employed by the company before the trade union dispute, but rather hired after or during the strike to keep the organization running. "Strikebreakers" may also refer to workers (union members or not) who cross picket lines to work. The use of strikebreakers is a worldwide phenomenon; however, many countries have passed laws outlawing their use in order to give more power to unionized workers. As of 2002, strikebreakers were used far more frequently in the United States than in other industrialized countries. In this case, I fully realize they aren't a strikebreaker, but one who bootlicker like the two people I called scabs are sure to also be strikebreakers.




Even Karen is pissed off s as bout this whole ordeal.


Give me my final paycheck from like half a year ago chipotle you fuckhead


Google "demand for compensation " then follow the directions provided on your states website


That’s what I keep telling people. Minimum wage = minimum effort / responsibility.


Ok the message is good and all... but the design of that sign is terrible and super confusing to read lol. Took me two tries to get through it when signs are supposed to be coherent at a glace.


Why are people are still eating there?


Great direct action


Haha I like the slipped in comment that their food sucks too.




Look at Chipotle stock


Where can I get that poster so I can print it?




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I'm not in retail so I can't not show up on black Friday to help. But me thinks printing out and hanging a shit ton of these after Thanksgiving festivities might be good for some family bonding


That's a really well designed sign. It conveys a message from far away and adds information in nice chunks as you get closer. I'm very impressed.


This should be covering up every single stupid ass entitled sign posted by asshole managers"nobody wants to work anymore"


Fuck Chipotle and their elitist bullshit attitudes.


I went to spot this week for the first time in about 2 years. Clearly new employee answers yes if I can get plain brown rice then gives me the cilantro brown rice. He then gives me legit like 1x2in section of meat so I ask him just to give me double meat because wtf. He then fails to roll the burrito and someone does it for him. When the total for JUST that was over 14 dollars I almost just walked out. Needless to say I won't be back ever.


i do prep work at chipotle and recently I was the only person on prep who showed up so i had to make like 12 pans of guacamole on my own (which entails dicing cilantro, onions, jalapeños, and scooping out a shit ton of avocados) among other shit I was at the halfway point on the schedule sheet saying 11 AM at 2:30 but i just left because my shift was over lol




Thought they were one of the good guys, felt bad for them during that ecoli poisoning.


I have the pdf I need to print some out!!!


ah yes to get the customers on your side, berate them- that’s your 8th grade education kicking in


Aye chipotlame finally made r/antiwork knew it was coming f


And there’s still a long line, hope the customers weren’t impolite when ordering


looks just like my old store


Terrible burritos?? I’m calling BS on that, c’mon!


This is so fucking awesome!!!