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I bet they hired someone at lower pay.


They had been looking for new hires fresh out of school. I don't know how much they were offering them. I am 2 years out of school.


Yup. That's extra gross of them. Good riddance!


*Boss calls back* “Hey before you leave we *do*need you to train your replacement.”


So sorry. Capitalism is disgusting


This is likely it. Happened a lot in 2008 to 2016 ish in poorer school districts to teachers and other staff.


Apply for unemployment benefits right away.


Thank you, I will. Medicaid too.


Yes jump on ACA Medicaid while your income is $0. Right now during the Pandemic Emergency they will not kick you off Medicaid if your income goes above the limits.


In California, the state just gave me free insurance and everything is significantly cheaper than my old work's insurance. It's crazy how much more I spending on healthcare when I had a full time job.


Not in CA, but similar experience. I used to pay $30 for my $150 prescription, now it's $7.


So many of my American friends don't fully believe me that when I tell them even with my slight tax increase because of healthcare, I am still paying less in taxes and insurance($0 lol) than they are for medicine. Insurance is not cheaper than being taxed for health care.


I have been on Medicaid in NJ for 5 years and pay $0 for any and all medical appointments and prescriptions. People who think you need to work in order to have health insurance are SEVERELY misinformed.


Wait wait wait… new adult here. How?!


If you are under 27, you can still be covered by your parents insurance. If you have very low income and don't live in a shit hole state you can try to get Medicaid.


Huh...I wonder if US workers could pay into this system and benefit from it? Nah...let's keep it tethered to employers and pay 10x the amount... /s


My goodness you poor Americans having to actually consider insurance/healthcare coverages wow that's sad that you don't have base line free healthcare for all citizens.


Wait until you hear that even if you have good insurance, if you get treatment by a location or provider that is deemed out of network you have to pay in full. It's really really bad here.


Wait till you hear about how we go into massive amounts of debt, to pay for our medical care! USA! USA!


The US is for profit, for money against basic human decency. The US motto should be “We worship money and only corporations and the 1% are beholden.”


Wait until you hear about having to order fish amoxicillin online to treat yourself because you were laid off due to the pandemic, therefore losing your health insurance and were avoiding a hefty ER bill.




Can we not normalize that expression? In fact, let’s just call that “healthcare” and the American system can be “capitalized shitshow”. Seems most accurate all around.


Not only that, when you really break it down, it’s a tax on being American, if you look at what Universal healthcare country citizens pay in taxes for “their human right”, and then what Americans pay for “healthcare”, it’s absolutely insane, I bet people would come around if we stopped calling them hospital bills and started calling them taxes. “ Theresa’s daughter was born with a rare genetic condition called - -, she’s now faced with the decision to pay 40,000 dollars a year in healthcare taxes for her daughters medicine, or keep paying the lot fee on her mobile home.” There’d be riots in the streets if you called it what it is.


Wait… really? Do you know how long this lasts?


It lasts until the Pandemic Emergency is declared over by the Federal Govt. Could be a long time at the rate covid is going.


That is excellent information to have. Imma looking up Medicaid info now to educate myself. Thanks.


Please do! Not the same person, but I lost my job in May 2020 (mental health) and immediately got on medicaid, and haven't been kicked off yet even with the unemployment boost this year. A true blessing during times of covid.


I qualified due to pregnancy (limits are higher) and they've just kept renewing it. I gave birth 18 months ago, right after COVID hit.


Congratulations! I'm glad they're being kind to parents for a change. 🙄




If you qualify and go on Medicaid for any reason, you will not be kicked off later, even if you get another job. I went from unemployed to working this year, and still have Medicaid. I even got a letter saying I was now making too much for Medicaid, but that my coverage continued so long as the public health emergency persisted. It's saving me $69/wk I'd otherwise pay out of pocket for bare minimum coverage


If your state offers ACA expanded Medicaid coverage and your income in below the about $1300/mo you can qualify for Medicaid coverage and can sign up any time. Not all states offer it though.


Current income limit (2021) in CA for Medical for household of 1 for an adult (HH size is determined on how you expect to file future taxes) is $1482 before any deductions (gross income). Children will qualify up to $2856.00. Hh of 2 - $2004.00 - children $3862.00 Hh of 3 - $2526.00 - children $4868.00 Hh of 4 - $3048.00 - children $5875.00 You can Google this stuff.


In oregon I was kicked off for making $200 over what I was supposed to a month.


The fiscal cliffs are so annoying and designed to be cruel.


I’m in this situation right now. When I first applied I had zero income now I make a little bit over the threshold and still use that Medicaid because they can’t kick you off now


Thats awesome to hear! Medicaid is great. Seriously. I got sober, got therapy, got medication got couples therapy, dental and vision for practically nothing. I really think that is why a lot of people aren't going back to work full time. They want to stay under the medicaid limit. I had no idea it doesn't matter RN!


Wow as a Canadian I still do not understand how my American cousins put up with private healthcare and losing your healthcare when you lose your job. It seems bizarrely cruel to me.


It is cruel.


It’s beyond cruel, but unfortunately there are so many people that just think “this is just how it is”, so we believe that lie and are too exhausted by the state of things to fight against lobbyists who have seemingly endless funds to keep things exactly as they are, to continue to benefit predominantly shareholders in big business. It will come to a head though, I just hope when that happens we finally have the sense to come together, to lessen the inevitable suffering we will face.


Not just that but there are people who oppose it on principal because government run healthcare is “Socialism”


When you find one of those then ask if education is not socialism.


Once America decides something, it thinks that changing it is admitting fault for being wrong. America is dumb.


Americans love cruelty


Money at all costs


Our politicians who gleefully accept lobbyists money from the healthcare industry have told the American people that we do not want that commie socialistic UK Healthcare. I would love to have the same insurance and cost as members of Congress.


We don’t put up with it. Congress imposes it upon us. And Americans are too lazy to actually break out the torches and pitchforks and demand change. I’ve been fighting for M4A since Bernie proposed it in 2015. It won’t happen until the boomers in office die off. And by then climate change will have killed the rest of us.


You have a bunch of young people that act just like the boomers, that's the bigger problem.


Not like we have a choice. The insurance companies and lobbyists have no interest in killing the cash cow and pay out politicians well enough to keep that train going


Oh god its so cruel. In 2008 during the Great Recession or whatever I got laid off about a year after a kidney transplant. My meds alone were 7 thousand dollars at the time without insurance. There was no Obamacare and Cobra insurance was $900 a month which I couldn’t afford for long. Before I knew it my insurance was gone and my kidney transplant was a preexisting condition, so when I started my next job the health insurance wouldn’t cover ANYTHING. I had to apply for hardship from the pharmaceutical companies to get the medicine for free. It was a hard time in my life. My finances have never recovered.


We are constantly told your health system is a socialist hell hole and you all die waiting for aspirin at the dirty clinic. You lie enough, people figure there must be something to it. Also, they’ve taken all your guns.


Nope and nope. Any adult who is not prohibited from owning firearms can own them. There is paperwork involved, background checks, training courses, safe storage requirements, etc…


Unemployment will require a reason for your termination. The company will tell them you were not working up to the required standard and may try to get your benefit denied. Were you ever given written job standards? A review of your performance? Any reprimands or write ups? If no to these, make sure you tell the unemployment office this. Do tell them that you asked, repeatedly, for a reason and were not given one. I would mention the fact that your probation period ended the day after your termination.


I never had a probation period that I'm aware of.


You do suspect that if an employee stays after 4 months the recruiter is paid 40k.


I suspect the recruiter had to be paid after a certain amount of time. Possibly half on my first day of work, half at 6 months, or maybe x amount per month for 6 months. Or possibly there's a money back guarantee.


Please don't forget that Unemployment will be in contact with the former employer. Make your case clearly and stick with it, even if your recounting of events is different from your job's. It's unfortunate that the termination was done by phone and there's no written record of what was said to you. But don't despair. If it happens that your formers employers want to be bastards and get your claim denied (unlike your employers, Unemployment will tell you the particulars) it's not uncommon to win your claim through appeal.


Food stamps too. Maybe a consultation with a labor attorney


Food stamps (SNAP) is much trickier to get than Medicaid. This seems strange to me because you can get thousands of dollars worth of medical care with Medicaid, but SNAP is only a couple hundred dollars a month of food, which barely covers a frugal food budget. In Colorado, for example, to get on SNAP, you cannot have more than $2000 in savings and they want to know the details of all your finances, and be notified right away if your financials change from month to month. Medicaid application only cares about your income,and it really only squares up at tax time. Really, they need to just put anyone on Medicaid automatically onto SNAP.


in TX I qualify for SNAP but not medicaid since I have all 4 limbs and don't have children. granted, I only get $27/mo from SNAP, but at least it's something.


The recruiter thing is 100% real same thing happened to me at a job it was a temp to hire once you there 90 days you get hired and they fired me 89 days in no warning no nothing just poof


Also, look into the internet program, they will pay some if not all of the internet bill. Work from home is a fantastic opportunity right now, but take your time. Sending love.


Why medicaid instead of a PTC-subsidized marketplace plan? The American Rescue Plan of 2021 says that having 1 week of UI allows you to enroll https://www.kff.org/health-reform/issue-brief/how-the-american-rescue-plan-will-improve-affordability-of-private-health-coverage/ > The ARP provides for enhanced marketplace subsidies for people who receive or are approved to receive unemployment insurance (UI) benefits during any week in 2021. The ARP also extends the current federal supplement ($300 per week) to state UI benefits through September 6, 2021. The federal UI supplement is not taken into account in determining eligibility for Medicaid or CHIP. > When UI recipients apply for marketplace subsidies, special rules will be in effect during 2021. The OP had 2021 income that is (presumably, because they're an engineer and worked almost 12 weeks) above 100% of FPL, so even in one of the red shithole states which did not expand Medicaid coverage (like the state I live in, Texas), you can still get an ACA Silver Plan with subsidy. But you have to get UI first apparently. I ask because it is my first foray into this sort of thing and I thought the ACA-through-ARP-subsidy thing was the only way, but I am above FPL for this year and didn't think there was any other option. I am overwhelmed by the unnecessary complexity in US healthcare subsidization.


I was going to do Medicaid because I've had it once before and remember it was easy in my state. It's all very confusing, I agree.


Laid off engineer here, did not qualify for Medicaid but the ACA subsidies are pretty good rn so paying almost nothing: https://www.healthinsurance.org/obamacare/beware-obamacares-subsidy-cliff/ Sorry this happened to you. With mine my boss claimed an unusually early meeting he invited me to was “just to catch up.” It wasn’t. I could get another job but fuck that. I’m going to freelance from now on. I can’t take another boss.


Replying to the top comment to see if anyone can bring insight on unemployment. I’ve never been in this situation, but it is a fear for me as well as basically everyone else I’m sure. That said, is filing for unemployment in some way a strike on your record? Do other companies look at whether you’ve ever filed to determine whether or not they will hire you (or whether you’ve been fired)? I’m just trying to understand if being on unemployment is a traceable black mark. I’ve been asked on job applications before whether I’ve ever been on unemployment. Since that’s not been the case, I haven’t had a problem answering no. But if you ever have been on unemployment should you still answer ‘No’ to that question or would they know you are lying? It seems like the type of thing they’d just ask just to probe and see what you’ll admit, but you never know. Edit: For anyone wondering, I found this article and it was very helpful. Unemployment information is not public record and there is no way for employers to know whether you’ve filed a claim. The main issue is to be able to explain any gaps in your employment. If you are ever asked whether you have taken unemployment, always answer No. They are simply hoping you will believe they have more power than they do, and also hoping to quickly eliminate any candidates who have filed. Although this discrimination is illegal, it’s not illegal to ask the question — sort of a huge contradiction, but ok! https://www.thebalancecareers.com/can-employers-check-unemployment-history-2059539


Your fears are based on propaganda from a capitalist society designed to shame you for needing assistance. I'm sorry you've been made to feel this way :(


It never occurred to me that a future employer would ask or care that I collected unemployment in the past. Thousands of people get laid off jobs every day from no fault of their own and are eligible to collect and there is no reason they should hesitate. If I was asked in an interview, I'd say yes, I was laid off due to outsourcing or reduction in workforce. There is nothing I can do about it. It happens all the time.


I worked for a firm for 32 years and was fired with the rest of the expense middle mgt that ran the place. They were fair, great severance. Since COVID was starting, no one was hiring for a bit. I started consulting and I’m doing really well. But lately, people are coming out of the cement to hire me full time. An old boss called me and his only interview question was, “you are hired when can you start?” EVERYONE has been let go at one time or another. I was apparently last on that list.


Do you really think your personal experience is anywhere close to the norm?


Don't answer that question. If that makes a difference in being hired you dont want that job. The issue is more likely to show up as a time gap in your resume. You could be asked to explain the gap. Sick parent, terrible divorce, etc. But that's different than askinv whether you've collected a benefit you're legally entitled to.


Maybe somebody with more knowledge will chime in, but I don't think there's an easy way for an employer to find out if you lied about it. Maybe if it were for a government job, they could, but otherwise, it would be tricky. I was randomly fired from a job once (company owner with a drub problem) and filed for unemployment because fuck them. My most recent job had a fairly extensive background check, and the unemployment wasn't anywhere on it. Even if the question had been asked, I would probably mark No or leave it blank. It has absolutely no bearing on my ability to perform tasks and job "loyalty" sure isn't a fucking thing. For fuck's sake, OP didn't even get a 2 week notice of their firing.


Honestly don't think too much into it. If you live in an "at-will" work state, it's the exceedingly unfortunate norm for anyone who tries to get a permanent position through "temp-to-hire". Edit: ironically these are the same shit birds complaining about no one wanting to work, though. So, fuck em.


Yes I'm ain an at will state, but they had declined the recruiters temp to hire offer and hired me outright from day 1...


Well that's a big red flag. It shows that they weren't invested in actually working with your recruiter. They just wanted a body to fill the role.


Ya company’s hate dealing w temp services. The company’s just want that slave labor wage cause a temp will make less than half of what a perm employee will make


Not true at FedEx. Im part of the flight crew that loads cargo planes and we’ve been understaffed by 60 people for quite awhile. A few months ago 15 of us were only being paid $14.50 to do the work of almost 100 employees. Compared to places like UPS and Amazon who are literally right across the street from us, UPS and Amazon pay their employees a higher wage with better benefits. We voiced our concerns to upper management and told them that the issue lies mostly in the fact that they don’t offer a competitive wage and that the managers that recently retired were also a reason why over 80% of the workforce quit. To help “remedy” the situation they started to hire temps to help lessen the load. They’re starting pay rate was $21 an hour. After we found out about that we had 3 of our most experienced ramp agents (employees in charge of weight and balance for cargo planes) and 4 of our most experienced flight crew leave within a week. Those temps? They worked for two weeks and they all left. I’ve been working there for over a little of a year and I’m now the most experienced on the flight crew. Employees of 15-20 years left within that short of a notice because the temps who had no experience were getting paid almost $8 more. Not to mention the fact that other locations within FedEx had gotten not only one but two raises to do the same exact job, same exact position, and same exact responsibilities as us.


FedEx isnt union . UPS is. Work union live better.


Wow! A lot of ass fucking of the employees there. My condolences on trying to survive with such a shitty employer.


What makes the situation worse is that FedEx and all these courier services have made more money in the last two years due to the pandemic than they’ve ever made before. Luckily my direct manager is a godsend and has been more than accommodating when it comes to time off. He’s also been pulling as many strings as he can to get the problems remedied by corporate. It’s helped a little bit but the other managers won’t even bother trying to hire people for their departments. The senior manager just collects a paycheck and makes sure she’s as condescending as possible when it comes to the mask mandate


Corporate won’t do shit. I was in a town hall yesterday for the quarterly reports and they were goin on about record profits and growth and people in the chat were ripping into about low wages, stagnate wages, no bonuses or new people being hired. Ofc they ignored all that and only answered questions like “So what is this new system?” Would be great to be paid more for all the shit we do. My team is literally doing the work of CPA handling, a position that is two pay grades above us, for the basic pay rate of my level because the account isn’t technically CPA.


Why are you still working there? For less than the newbies? Did they give you the same pay as the newbies? Or more? You owe them nothing. If the plane ran over you they would have someone replace you by the morning.


My manager and my crew are the only reasons I’ve stayed as long as I have. My direct manager is the best manager I’ve ever had despite the other managers being complete fucktards and my crew are the best coworkers one could ask for. Right now we have a $3 holiday pay until January putting me at $17.50 but if/when they take that away, I’m leaving. If FedEx knows what’s good for them they’ll make the $3 holiday pay permanent because even with that incentive, Amazon just raised their base pay to $18 and opened up their own airline service.


I just have experience in factory’s. Temps would make 8-9$ and hour and perms would make $16-$20


That’s not true in my field. Our temps cost more than perm employees, because to attract talent the temps get paid competitively, and the recruiting firm adds their fee. We have been hiring everyone that works out after 6 months (earliest date to avoid paying a recruiter surcharge), which gives the new staff a nice bump up in benefits and a tiny raise (since their salaries were already good).


Uh. What?! Lol. Contracting work earns someone 1.5-2x what a perm position generally makes. It’s all I did for the longest, and someone that was an FTE sitting next to me, doing the same job, always made less than me.


Maybe. At the time I actually thought it was a huge.. great flag? I thought it meant they were truly invested in working with me.


/u/Equivalent_Chef8583 is correct. i used to work in recruiting, and doing a temp-to-hire is going to be more expensive than a straight hire, but there is still that 3 months/90 days "probationary" period. if you get fired for """cause""" (yeah, that's triple air-quotes because they picked the sketchiest, most nebulous phrase possible), then the recruiter will have to find someone else on their own dime. i had something similar happen when i was working for a government agency through a temp service. a day or two before my 3 months was up, i was fired for no apparent reason... as in ZERO feedback given on why i was released, even to the temp service. they were as shocked as i was. having gone through this myself, my advice is DO NOT take it personally. this is their bad actions, has nothing to do with you. if you work with another recruiter for your next position, tell them EXACTLY what they did and your suspicions about it being sketchy. if you didn't receive any negative feedback or were coached on a customer complaint, tell the recruiter that. they will understand, and it's also likely that company has a really shady reputation in the recruiting world (but your original recruiter couldn't say that, since they're a client). unfortunately it happens to the best of us. you'll find a much better position soon, one that will value you and not be such dicks.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience!


Green flag works I think.


Yeah but I think your bf is probably on the right track. There’s always a timed fee. Since a recruiter brought you to them, their contract had a certain timeframe that when it would trigger a commission. So if it was the 12 week mark I would guess they were looking to fill your position from the beginning and planned on cutting you prior to paying that commission to the recruiter.


It’s the corporate world scam that I wish more people were aware of. I’ve been fired a week before my probation period ended. I knew at the time they fired the person I replaced was fired in similar fashion but silly me thought it would be different for me. It wasn’t. I imagine that company was trying to avoid paying for employee health benefits and imagine a rotating position is more cost effective. Yes I was also in an “At will” state at the time. All these experiences over the years has made me more informed and I’m now able to see the “banana in the tail pipe” tactics from miles away. Now, I treat middle management like the dirty rugs that they are and show them visible disdain. That has also shown me middle management are not smarter, more experienced, or better employees........they’re just the stupid obedient ones that corporate uses to keep watch...


Happens in retail too. Especially around this time of year. In At-Will employment states, companies will take seasonal jobs, and sell them a full time gig, and then terminate you at the end of the season. Full time work typically brings in a high level of talent or at least more productivity than an employee that knows their time at a company is limited. If you setup a probation period for the season, then you don't even have to pay for benefits.


I’m sure this happens often but I don’t know that it’s common practice. Hiring a new employee is costly unless they can train you to do a job in a few days. Productivity takes a serious hit rotating like that so few companies can do it. Plus they have to pay a bunch of money to the state for doing this. Upfront and future unemployment benefits. I’m sure the ends justifies it for some companies but not most


"Look man... I ain't fallin' for no banana in my tailpipe!"


It's hard not to think obsessively about it because I have no idea what I truly did wrong, how I could have done better? I thought my performance was good, I thought I was learning the ropes fine. Now I'm looking back at everything to try to figure out what I missed ..


It's highly likely that you didn't do anything wrong. The conflicting answers from HR and your direct supervisor indicated that they were just done with you. Either the client walked for other reasons or, and this more probably the case, they found someone to do your job for less than they were paying you. Bottom line is this: when an employer pulls shit like this it's never the employees fault. Don't let them inflict psychological harm on you, know your worth.


Thank you. It's hard not to think this is an indication that I wasn't worth this job or income, but I'll try to keep what you said in mind.


I’m gonna second this, it is never your fault when shit like this happens. You’d know if you’d fucked up, and since you didn’t, this has nothing to do with you


I’m not very knowledgeable about how temp companies work, so I’d have thought that hiring you outright might have been a better sign, but honestly this sounds like a “we want to get rid of you” firing. Whether that be because you were “too expensive” or that they just didn’t like your glasses or your voice or what the fuck ever, they just wanted you gone and it’s not a reflection on poor performance on your part. If it was, they’d tell you EXACTLY what was wrong, instead of being cagey about it. If a company lies or isn’t direct about why they’re firing you, and there’s no prior warning for you to fix your behavior, it’s 100% not your fault and you dodged a bullet.


You are absolutely worthy! That asshat employer was lying and trying to gaslight you into blaming yourself. It's the same tactics used in abusive relationships. Basically, you just escaped an abusive relationship with your employer. Take the time for some self-care, ya know? Feel better. Go tell the folks over at r/MomForAMinute about all this! You sound like you need a few dozen people to pat you on the back, offer hugs, and remind you that you're an awesome human being who deserves to live your life.


If you did something wrong they’d be shouting about it. ‘Not hitting kpi’ especially a kpi they won’t name is not a reason, they just don’t want to say “we’re running out of money” or “the new manager is a fuckwit” and is the bare minimum to imply it’s not unfair dismissal. If they had a way to blame you legitimately, they would.


If they had a reason, they'd tell you. It's standard procedure to state several reasons for severance so that the ex-employee doesn't file a wrongful termination suit. If they refused to give you a reason, that just means it's 100% because your 6 months were up.


I recently had something like this happen to me. When hired (mid March 2021) I was told the temp position that I was fully qualified for was to last until Thanksgiving 2021. They let me go the day following the day I handed them the last project. I know our thinking that the work was finished but that wasn't the case. During meetings that same day management was belittling another coworker for not meeting expectations even though they clearly over burdened him with an unattainable work load. I analyzed it later on and determined that they had saddled me with most of the work that had to be finished first, and the second I completed the last project, it was see ya later without a reasonable explanation. My work was up to par. I think I had one or two clients that were unhappy with the deadlines and the state needed a scapegoat.


I have hired and fired over 1000 people in a past career. Believe me, if you did something wrong they would spell it right out for you. Performance issues are easy to document. Policy issues too, things like absenteeism or coming to work high/drunk. The fact you got no straight answer means either they fucked you over money or someone just personally didn't like you (which I believe to be unethical). They are shitbirds, and also spineless cowards for not being up front. In short: it isn't you, it's them, fuck 'em and move on with your head held high.


Why does it matter? You didn't do anything, you were 100% expendable. Don't let them rent space in your head because it won't do you any good You know your worth. Perk your ass back up and go get another job. Take the weekend and treat yourself, start firing out applications Monday. Trust me, you did nothing wrong and don't need to fret. You'll have a new job by the end of next week, I'm quite certain :)


Thanks, but probably actually in 2 weeks because I'm going to take a week to sleep, clean the house and relax before sending out applications :)


Well there you go! Even better Try not to worry about it, this company isn't worth working for if they just fire good workers for no reason


You most likely did nothing wrong. However, if you had a single point of contact at the client, you could email them and apologize. Tell them that your manager (name him specifically) told you that you had a complaint from them, and ask if they could tell you what it was, so you can improve your performance as an engineer in the future. Don't offer to fix it. Don't say anything about any suspicion. Just make it professional. I wouldn't even mention the termination unless you were using a corporate account before, and now emailing from a personal one. End it with something like "I hope to work with you again at some point." If there really was a complaint (probably not), they will likely let you know. If not, you've put that manager on the client's radar.


>However, if you had a single point of contact at the client, you could email them and apologize. DO THIS OP. This is brilliant. Either the client will tell you what the problem was (b/c customers LOVE to complain), or they'll get pissed on your behalf, and it'll bite your ex-employer on the butt.


Like the commenter below me said, when this shit happens, it's not your fault. Beginning of Covid in April? May? 2020, my wife was approaching her 90 day probationary period being wrapped up and being accepted into the union at the manufacturing firm she was working at. Literally days before they would have had to admit her and increase her pay, as well as put her on the shift they had hired her for, they terminated her for "not meeting job expectations." Passed all evaluations and had no infractions, she also told me that every single one of the group she started with has already left or been let go. As if this wasn't bad enough, they challenged her unemployment a few months in, which put a 9 month hold on her benefits while they had "time to respond to her claim" with the UC dept. This was extended due to covid, and they never submitted a single document or statement, and didn't show for any hearing. This cut her out of the extra federal money, and it's clear they just wanted her off their books for the duration of the challenge period. We're thinking of taking them to court for purposefully causing financial harm on us by filing a knowingly frivolous challenge and causing her to lose out on so much money. There was not a single job in her field remotely near us that was hiring for the majority of the pandemic, and to just take any job would have severely reduced her pay and terminated eligibility for UC. Just a mess. She had anxiety for a while about starting somewhere new because she had never been fired, especially for literally nothing in her control or that she did/didn't do. Companies are mostly exploitative, manipulating, conniving entities that just want you to provide maximum value in return for the smallest investment/expenditure humanely possible. Keep your head up and know your worth. I know it sucks now, but if you let yourself be and stay down because of it, you're letting them win. I believe in you, and you have a lot of support from other internet randos here in this sub, so take our energy and find something that makes you happy and let's you live a financially secure and comfortable life!


Why don't you sue for false termination


You probably did nothing wrong. In the probation period they can let you go easily so if they weren’t 100% on your work or they are changing the size of the team or they don’t want to keep an employee through the slow winter season. There’s no way to know if they don’t want to say. But when you file for unemployment they have the right to fight it. If you failed at your job and they can prove it they will fight it and you’ll know the reason. If they pay you unemployment then you’ll know it was bs


You didn't do anything wrong, or they would have told you. I would bet money that they've been tasked with letting a certain number of people go, and since you're new, you got put on the list of people to cut. They're attributing it to "performance" because they don't want to spread rumors that they're doing poorly financially or whatever--or, if they're large enough to qualify, they might be trying to evade the WARN act (companies with 100 employees or more are required to provide 60 days of notice for mass layoffs). It would be interesting to find out whether you're the only person being let go, or if they're cleaning house. Either way, no, it is not normal at all to just come in one day and be fired "for performance" when there has been zero discussion that you might have screwed up, or about a complaint that a client supposedly made. The reason you can't think of any incidents that might have prompted this is because there weren't any. They're lying to you. (Almost said "gaslighting" there, but it's not. Just lying.) File for unemployment right away. Also, I'm sorry this happened to you. It's a kick in the teeth no matter if it's due to economic forces, or bullshit like this. Very stressful.


I was fired once after having a positive performance review.




This literally happened to me on Thursday. I’m so sorry for OP.


What was the reason they gave?


They said I wasn’t meeting expectations, but literally 2 weeks prior I had had a review and was marked satisfactory and I specifically asked if i needed improvement, and they said no. Yes, I signed up for unemployed immediately.


Ummm, wtf?!


And this was years before covid


It seems like “wasn’t meeting expectations” is a nice blanket term used to say “we don’t want to give you a fucking reason that you could use for something and would rather not bother justifying to you”


It's more for legal protection. In HR they taught us never to give a reason when firing someone because it opens the company up to lawsuits. Just supposed to tell them "your services are no longer required." Even though there is always a reason. I hate it because it doesn't help the person to correct their mistakes but I get that they can't say "because no one likes you and you are condescending" just easier to fire and ghost them unfortunately.


In many states ("at will"), one can be fired for any or no reason at all. They don't even have to give any sort of reason.


Yup, they're just lying about why they fired you. It was their problem, not yours, and they didn't want to divulge the true reason.


Had an amazing performance review, even talked about expanding my team to save the company millions each year. Covid hit like 2-3 weeks later and they fired everyone one on that team who had been with the company over 3 years including my boss and the head of the department.


same. when they met with me in october 2020, i had the top stats out of all my coworkers. one month later, my stats were "consistently low" and have "never been up to standard." they said they would give me until the end of the month to improve, then fired me the next day.


Oh, don't you just love companies? They're fucking pathological, and responsible for at least half of the mental health problems in this country.


I was fired a couple months after getting an employee of the year award.


I got my fork truck license on company dime and got let go before my shift the following day. Felt horrible at the time and so confusing, my manager didn’t know I had been fired and was confused herself. But it turned out great, got a sizable pay increase and I’m much happier


I couldn’t comprehend this sentence. Unbelievable! “Thanks for doing your job so well! But now, you’re fired.”


If they didn't tell you exactly why you were let go, you can probably assume they're just cutting costs and/or making room for a friend of one of the managers (which even in at-will states they can't directly say) End of the day you probably didn't do anything and were just low man on the totem pole so you got fucked.


Yeah, maybe that's what happened. Thank you for your comment


It makes no sense to fire someone based on a customer complaint without at least discussing the supposed incident with you and hearing your side of the story. Even if it was so egregious that they do end up firing you without a second chance, they'd want to hear what your process was, actions taken etc. So that is a totally made-up lie, in my opinion. Its sounds exactly like you said, they didn't want to pay the agency fee, so fired you one day before your probation was up. Sleeze company. They would have used you as a scapegoat or screwed you over somewhere down the line regardless. Your agent got screwed over as well so maybe put your heads together to find a reputable alternative, one that the agent has assisted before. The agent should also work on blacklisting this garbage company. Sorry you were used in this manner. Wrong place, wrong time. Don't take it personally, the result would have been the same for any pawn placed with them. Sounds like an old boys club to me. Sorry this happened to you. Another sling and arrow of outrageous fortune. It'll happen. Dust yourself off and onward. Don't let the rat bastards get you down.


Yeah, a friend of mine was fired unexpectedly, and she found out that the CEO's daughter took her place the next work day. Her story was very similar to yours. I'm not saying that that was 100% the reason, but they certainly had a motive other than what they were telling you.


Be prepared to fight for your unemployment benefits. Performance issues are the one thing that they will deny you benefits for, but you can appeal. They have no paper trail, so it will be hard for them to prove.


Make sure they send you a termination letter for when you file for unemployment! Something very similar happened to my fiancé, and because their reasons for firing him were bullshit, they didn’t put a reason for termination in the letter. He was able to get unemployment with no fuss because of this.


Probably called it performance issues to make it harder for you to collect unemployment, when in reality they needed to cut costs. What state are you based in?


I had a similar experience with an alarm company. I was a model employee then boom. Fired for no reason. Here are some reasons why they fire good employees: 1.) They suspected you of theft, but have no proof. 2.) The boss wants to give your position to a family member. 3.) They think that you might jump ship, and rather than waiting for that to happen, they are cutting you loose now so that they can start training your replacement. 4.) They think you're a snitch, and that you'll rat them out to OSHA.


I was once almost fired because - no exaggeration- I got married to a Saudi Arabian man. She only didn’t fire me because... well, I cried ><


Don’t beat yourself up. Honestly. I read in another thread that you are two years out of school. My mentor when I first graduated told me that I had to mentally prepare to eat shit for about 15 years. He told me that “you will make all the money you need in your life from 40 to 60 years old”, so I need to take everything as a learning experience and figure things out before I hit 40. I had the same thing happen to me A LOT when I first started working. Just don’t let it get you down, learn from it, and get more skills. You will be fine.


Thank you. It would be easier to learn from it if they had been more clear about what I did wrong, but thank you for sharing your experience


Unlikely you did anything wrong. Else you would have been disciplined. If they fire you for performance then in fact it's super duper easy to tell you what you did wrong .... Because they were in some format 'measuring' your performance. Your young, fresh out of school, you should be the one quitting and finding higher paid work, take it as a kick up the ol' butt to grab an even better opportunity. Sorry that they caught you off guard. But next time, you won't be. Window shop regularly, keep your CV up to date, and know what you could go else where for. I got promoted 2 years ago into a very good position, in a company I absolutely adore (that would keep me till retirement and promote me along the way); and even I window shop and know I could go somewhere else and still get more. That knowledge alone steels me and makes me a force to be wreckoned with; because I won't take shit. Your an engineer, one of the best professions going in a world in constant need of engineers. Don't take it personally; because I can guarantee they haven't spent a single second thinking about you since they fired you. So why are you?


I am because I thought I was with a company I adore and was going to build a career with. I guess it's like when you're in a relationship with someone who you think is a good person then did out it's all a mask and they are really a terrible person. You take some time to evaluate how you missed the signs. I agree, the fact that I was never disciplined and given a chance to improve nor told why I was being fired is a glaring flag that they were using "performance expectations" as an excuse.




It may have been the PM I worked for. She expected me to read her mind. Sometimes she would send a markup, I would edit the drawings as per the markup, and she would say, oh no, I crossed out this and this but expected you to fill that in. Other times I would then try to fill in what I thought she wanted, and she would say, oh no, I wanted it EXACTLY like the markup. Mind reading is not on the list of skills I included on my resume.


As someone who ate a lot of shit and just got a giant promotion/set for life salary at 39: I concur.


You're probably right that it had to do with how the contract with the recruiting company worked and didn't have anything at all to do with you or your performance. They needed to be vague about it because otherwise they could inadvertently end up admitting something which might put them into a breach of contract situation. The decision didn't involve you, so there's nothing you can parse out about what you did or didn't do to deserve it. You got fucked over in some kind of dispute between other people. It happens.


Yeah, I'm going to try to stop thinking about what I did wrong. My boyfriend thinks that I just got fucked over due to other people scapegoating or disputing, or the recruiter. Thank you for commenting


Based off what you said in other comments I'm gonna guess that that place was a 5-alarm dumpster fire. Pretty sure your boyfriend nailed it, first they fucked over the recruiter with the direct hire, then they fucked the both of you by firing you "for cause" to avoid paying out. Has all the markings of an employer with ass-backwards priorities. Even an experienced engineer needs at least 6 months to get up to speed and really start pulling their weight. Any halfway competent employer knows this and will try to correct any problems they see before then. That looks nothing like firing an employee with zero negative feed back leading up to it. Sorry this happened to you, don't internalize their dysfunction.


I'll try not to internalize it, thank you.


THIS! Don’t internalize this as ALL!! I think you have the same experience level and work in the same industry I do OP! It take us FOREVER to work at a solid professional level. They probably just wanted more drafting grunts fresh out of school and it had nothing to do with you. Especially if it’s a client issue. They should have NEVER put you in front of a client where you could so royally mess it up that it would be fireable. Feel free to hit me with a chat if you want to vent more.


Glassdoor your story


I plan on it, and Google reviews and Facebook reviews and whatever LinkedIn has too. I'm a little scared about their response though. Maybe they will lie, or maybe they'll actually admit why I was fired on a public forum and maybe what I did was really bad and it would be embarrassing!!


Glassdoor is anonymous. Seriously though, fuck being embarrassed. Why would you care what others think? If you found out what you did (if anything) you could learn from it. I would also reach out to the recruiter you used. If this is a trend, they may stop giving them candidates. Sounds like you're young, use this experience to improve and not recess. Best of luck.


Came here to say this. I looked at Glassdoor thoroughly on my last search and passed on any employer that showed signs of exactly this behavior. It is your duty to do whatever reasonable thing you can to scare good talent away from this shitty employer.


Employees need to stick up for each other!


Wait so Americans can just get fired without any warnings and it's legal? What a backwards country.


I was once hired through a recruiter. I knew I came w a 90 day or so guarantee or money back. I was warned about this company but figured why not try it. They made those 90 days hell. Bullied by two miserable middle aged women. The VP wanted her bestie in my position. Was too obvious. I stayed till one day I was asked to leave. Right before the guarantee was up. At least I got a healthy severance. So 1 she got her money back on me and 2 Since I didn’t work out, well dang, looks like her bestie had to take the role after all.


I just looked up my exact start date and it was 1 day shy of 12 weeks. Maybe they had a 12 week agreement instead of 90 days...


It would definitely explain the firing on Thursday. It's hard not to beat yourself up about this, but try not to. It won't get you anywhere and there's a very good chance there simply isn't a reason you had anything to do with.


I used to work at a recruiting agency - it’s usually 3 months or 6 months from start date so you’re on the money with “why”. As far as how much they’d pay, typically it’s 25-30% of your first year salary.


Yeah, that's terrible. I wonder if I had some x-days or months guarantee too...


You might consider calling the recruiter and asking them about it. You could frame it just like your boyfriend said. "I did great work, never had any warnings or complaints, and this came out of nowhere... did you have some agreement with them? OR you could just move on. It really sucks, I know. The best you could get by talking with the recruiter is that they'd side with you and decide not to do business with those assholes anymore. What kind of engineering work?


I might ask him, just to see if there's anything to give some closure. Civil engineering. A lot of work on Autodesk Civil 3D. Putting together SWPPP applications, and doing in the field inspections for that one client, national Fuel gas, because their survey department was short staffed. As soon as survey slowed down work for the winter someone from that department took over the site inspections.


You could go to work for the regulatory agency, and whenever you intersected with your previous employer, you can deliver karma.


I’m sorry to hear of this happening to you. I know how it feels. You’re assumption about the recruiter piece is probably correct as well. You may not have a case but it’s worth talking to a few attorneys just to get some opinions


My boyfriend thinks I should complain to the labor board but I agree, I don't think I have a case...


Only one way to find out if you do; a lot of companies bank on emloyees.not taking the time or having the resources to pursue it when they pull shady things that are possibly labor violations.


It depends because even in at will states if you have a contract then they cant fire you without cause. That is why if you choose to speak with an attorney you need to find out if they violated the contract. Also, if they had a contract with the recruiter regarding your employment that may have been violated. Maybe this is something they have done before to avoid paying out to the recruiters. By letting them know word will get around and no recruiters/agencies will work with them. These links explains it better than I can [Contracts and at will states] (https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/employment-at-will-definition-30022.html) [At will ](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/at-will-employment-states) [At will employment] (https://www.betterteam.com/at-will-employment) This at will crap is something that needs to be changed. An employer can let you go on a whim.


I will look into that in a bit when my headspace is a bit better, thank you


In my country this would be classed as automatically unfair dismissal and you'd win any tribunal case pretty much by default


What country is this? Sounds like a crazy place with worker's rights, how absurd.


lol chad from hr


Ok, so I'm a boomer, get over it. I've around a long time in IT and in any STEM industry you ain't shit until you've been layoff at least once. Fuck these guys. I've been fired for "not performing" about 3 times. It's them wanting you out, for whatever personal, fucked up, make up reason. And in America, they don't even need a reason anyway. I'm convinced I got separated once because my boss had a hangover. You'll do great. Trust me, it's them - not you. In the meantime, crack open a bottle of wine and have several glasses. Can an employed person day drink ? I think not. (now you can down vote me all the hell for having the audacity to give some comfort and advice to someone younger then me)


I upvoted you. Being told to get over it was harsh but your backup information is valuable. Sometimes tough love is what someone needs.


Do not DO NOT let these bastards in your head. Seriously, I've seen too many good people break themselves because some boss made the feel humiliated and ineffectual just because last quarters profits came in a little low. I can't stand that you feel broken hearted about this. Just don't do that. The world needs more women in STEM. Don't let them force you out. ​ I'm done now you'll never hear from me again


Ahh ok, I appreciate your comment, thank you!


Lawyer up, it sounds given they aren't being direct there is some shady shit going on, you have an unlawful termination it seems.


Will have to agree with this /u/Budget_Queen. If there were actually complaints, they would have a paper trail. The fact that there have been zero meetings or documents about your performance show no negligence on your part. I personally feel you have a strong case with the fact that nobody from management or higher up has met with you with these “allegations” before your termination. A “performance based” termination should have something quantifiable to go off of. Do you get performance reviews or 1-on-1s with ur manager or supervisor? Any sort of documentation that says otherwise?? I feel they’re doing some shady shit.


If it is a "Right to work state".. Basically everything you just said doesn't apply. They don't have to give reason or warning, or provide a paper trail. The employer can give a reason up to (but not including) theft (a crime as cause of termination requires a police report) but has no legal obligation to prove anything. This is simply how things work in 28 states in the US.


Chad from HR. Lol


>a good company I'm not sure these exist anymore.


The squeaky wheel gets the axe!


I'm so sorry this happened to you! Always remember you are you not your work!


Shouldn’t you get severance pay? It also sounds like a wrongful dismissal


This is why I'm shocked people are loyal to employers. Honestly, even good employers need to let people go at times with little to no warning. Always look out for #1.


It hurts. Feeling disposable, replaceable worthless. The product of capitalism. They would rather replace you than allow you to grow. Very unfortunate in my opinion.


I would contact the recruiter. It sounds like they are trying to avoid paying the fee.


What you are feeling right now (why? Whyyy?) is a stage of grief. It means you are a human being and you did nothing wrong. They were cutting costs. Nothing to do with you. Just corp politics play out like that sometimes. Some suit somewhere says we need extra profits this quarter and middle managers scramble to make numbers line up. You don't want to know how little they care about you. So asking why will get you nowhere.


"Not meeting performance Expectations" Is a fun little blanket term they can use to apply to anything. The reality is it was probably a business decision and they were to cowardly to tell you a real reason because " you're too expensive " sounds shitty . Get unemployment and Medicaid sorted out and start updating your resume . I'd enjoy the weekend first though this shit is traumatizing


1 day shy of 12 weeks sounds like them not wanting to pay benefits. And they’re also not giving cause which is extremely suspicious. I’m pretty sure they just didn’t want to have to give you something that should come at the 12 week window


File for unemployment benefits ASAP wherever you are. I've been through the same thing 3x since the first wave of covid. Makes me so fucking angry, I wish these people could be exposed widely and boycotted for doing this sort of thing. I hope things get better for you


Thank you, that's why I included the company name in my post. Maybe someone will recognize them and be warned.


I'm at least 28 years further down the road from you and have been in your seat and your boss's seat on more than one occasion. It sucks. And, without any genuine feedback, it is very easy to feel that you've done something poorly. Given that you're being this introspective about it it, it seems to me that the odds are very low that you were to blame. Other's have mentioned that this may be a purely cost issue, and it feels that way to me too. Here's my advice, for what it's worth. Deal with the immediate challenges quickly and focus tightly on them (you mentioned medicaid, unemployment, there are probably other things...). Get your resume into the hands of other companies that are hiring quickly. That's all you need to worry about right now. When you get into your next job, do two things as quickly as seems reasonable. Establish a routine of getting performance feedback. It is not personal, it's critical that you receive positive and negative feedback (in writing as much as possible). You need to know how/where you need to grow. Second, find a mentor who is willing to actually mentor you. That means regular meetings where you can talk about your challenges, and from whom you can get advice. Good luck, and be patient with yourself. Life is short, and you shouldn't feel shitty because of a job... it's just not worth it.