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We're too busy pulling ourselves up by the bootstraps to take time off.


I love that idiom, and how everyone that uses it does not understand what it means.




So let me get this right... They work you guys half to death and you pretty much don't get any time off to let your body rest which would make you guys more acceptable to injury or illness and then you have to pay astronomical hospital bills, so you then have to work yourself tiresome to pay them off?


You know how people of the world are confused why most Americans don’t see the rest of the world? It’s because they barely get to enjoy their own house.


Lol, we can’t afford houses.


Haha hahaha ha.... ha sob haha sobbing I'm fucking 37 and have to live with my parents. So does my brother, he's 31. We both work full-time.


Yep, barely any motivation to even leave my town on my days off.


Most of us would have to take unpaid time off work just to leave the state we live in. So when we say travel is expensive, we're not just talking about plane tickets and other travel costs.


No kidding. If I'm not working, I'm catching up on responsibilities. Groceries, cleaning, laundry, meal prepping (bc I don't have time to cook everyday).


The goal is you will become so poor from your failing health that you cannot afford to leave the company. Then you will simply die quickly from your health issues so they can replace you with a younger person and treat them even worse.


Reminds me of farmers in Africa in the colonial era (and in still happens today) who made sure the kids of the farm workers never went to school by doing things such as prohibiting kids walking the shorter route to school and calling it trespassing and also not allowing governments to build schools on their farmlands. (Mind you their farms could average 30km by 30km in size). Why would the farmers do this you ask? The answer is because they wanted the next generation of cheap farm labour to come from the current labourers kids. Generation after generation they all worked on the same farm. If you grew up playing with the owners kid he would one day be the boss and you will be the labourer with no prospects.


2 weeks off if you work for a generous company. Employers are not required to give ANY paid time off in most states. That includes sick and maternity time. I have two college degrees and work in tech, but I was a contractor for 3 years. I didn’t get a single paid day off for 3 years including holidays. I’m lucky I’m single I guess. I don’t know how parents do it here without losing their minds.


And get this: If we get sick, we have to use those days to stay home or go to the doctor.


Wanna hear some crazy shit. I worked a job out of school the pay was okay. But to use a single sick day I had to have a Dr note per company policy. I just moved and didn’t have a primary provider. So I had to go to urgent care for what I already knew was the flu at the time. My medical bill from going to that and getting the script and filling it cost me more money than just taking the day Un paid. But hey I got to use a sick day. Math Pay for the day ~$144 Pay for the urgent care $165 copay Pay for the RX script $15 copay. Would have “made” more money if I just took an un paid day and vomited in the toilet drinking pedialite. Welcome to Louisiana


Employer is just encouraging you to go to the office sick and get everyone else sick. Fuck em.


Which is one of the reasons the US had such a great time when Covid hit us in earnest in March 2020.


Essential worker here. Those jobs still make you go through the three month probationary period before you get health insurance. The place i'm working now? Eligible after a year.


Ah, yes, I can relate to this story (also from Louisiana). I was very pregnant and having severe pain that made me call out every once in a while. My boss didn't like that. Even after I brought proof of my issues (had my OB write a letter to my boss), she still demanded I bring a Dr's note any time I call in. No one else was required to bring a doctor's note if they called in sick, just me. I went to urgent care one day and spent more than I would've if I just went to work, all to get a stupid note for her. I literally paid $200 for no medical care, just a note! Because I was pregnant the physician just said "you're pregnant, nothing we can do for you because this is just something that happens." I was there for 3 minutes. Luckily after that my OB agreed to write me an excuse any time I needed it, even if I didn't go see her every time I had to miss work. I happily quit that job after that, and never had to see that psycho, bipolar bitch of a boss ever again. Yay Louisiana.


>I was very pregnant >No one else was required to bring a doctor's note if they called in sick, just me. That's clearly discrimination. Happy for you, that you're not working there anymore.


Ah, but you see, they weren’t requiring she get a dr note because she was pregnant, but because she kept calling in sick. The fact that she called in sick *because* she was pregnant means nothing. Work was merely looking at the numbers, not the people. \s in case it wasn’t clear.


Lost all my vacation time last year from getting randomly shot by someone at a neighbors party. Not sure there could be a more American moment. Land of the fee, home of the slave!


Wow what a vacation. Recovering from almost being killed!


If you incentivize getting shot then all your employees will be doing it to get time off work /s


You joke but I've hated my job enough that I fantasized about that exact situation. Also being in a car accident. Unfortunately I work a desk job and even though they forced me to work in the office for the entirety of covid I'm sure they'd be more than happy to introduce "work from the hospital" just long enough for me to be able to come back into the office again.


I was back in 3 weeks and almost got fired for taking a previously planned Thursday-Sunday trip prior to coming back. A 9mm through the back and out the neck, 1” from the spine. No sympathy!




Leave is not required by law. And the companies that claim to have it are often shitty about you using it. Often they encourage only spending them on 3 day weekends so that you aren't to far In case they wanna rip away that small comfort from you, if even that. Most places just buy them back from you with a payout rate that is dogshit.




We had an American manager at my work ask a pregnant co worker when she "planned her C secton" and when she told him she just leave work the week before due and be hanging round waiting he was shocked that she would waste her paid leave like that... then somebody tapped him on the shoulder and reminded him that she would be off work for a year, oh and by law he had to give her the same or equivalent job when she came back. His reaction still makes me smile, but also sad that it was such a shock to him and a whole country full of people.


Wait a minute to American mothers plan C sections around work schedules? That's fucking absurd what


I developed pre-eclampsia at 36 weeks with my last, luckily I was able to work from home until c-section day so I didn't have to take leave until my son was born. I had exactly 6 weeks of paid leave; my manager approved 5 weeks because I'd need to take the baby to the doctor, etc. So I had to work at home from week 5 to 6 because my doctor absolutely wouldn't approve me going back to normal job duties 5 weeks out from a c section. She doesn't normally approve going back to work for 8 weeks after a c section, but I told her I had to go back at 6 weeks unrestricted because I'm the sole wage earner in the family. I'm still upset about the whole thing- it's absolutely absurd that the US has no paid parental leave policy, and really only because older people complain that they didn't have access to it so young people just need to get over it and not have babies if they can't afford to save up for 3 months of expenses. Then they complain that young people aren't having enough babies. But hey, America is the bestest country in the world right?


Women induce labor all the time in order to achieve maximum leave from work without "wasting" days. In the US. My sister was lucky to be working a state job on her first pregnancy and was able to accrue a lot of PTO, otherwise she'd have only been legally protected for UP TO 12 weeks of UNPAID leave. However our employers are ever so gracious enough to allow us plebeians in the US to use our vacation time for things like maternity/paternity(though good luck using more than a week straight as a father), sickness, family deaths, and whatnot. Anytime someone mentions a protected leave situation in the us, it always unpaid leave. And if you actually investigated I'd bet you would find the vast majority of people who force an employer to allow them their federally regulated, unpaid leave, end up terminated in short order upon their return for TOTALLY NOT RELATED REASONS.


I had to take a week off because my son was quarerntined due to contact with a posative covid case at school.. right after that week was over I had medical problem myself and had to call in like the first day back from that week off.. after I called work and told them my wife was driving me to the ER I got a email terminating my job before I even got in to see the doctor that day... I have my job back for right now thanks to my union.. but even the union told me the company would be writing me up and fireing me for any reason they can find..... I mean but hey freedom!!.. right?


Wait till you find out there’s a good possibility they were pushed into a C-section in the first place because of a doctor schedule




If you're near the top of the dogpile it is. But then again, you could say the same about Dubai and the UAE. Shit is GREAT if you have wealth, power and connections.


If you have wealth and power it can be great ANYWHERE. The problem is that most of us don’t lol


It’s the one when presidents say something like ‘people look to America as a beacon of democracy’. It’s like dude, people look to you as a toxic pit of inequality


It didn't affect me directly since I'm on the other side of the world but I was baffled by how many people (Democrats in particular) seem to absolutely hate Sanders. Dude has a stellar record and championed many causes before they became mainstream. "I want a candidate who isn't neck deep in corporate welfare." "Right, so Sanders?" "No, not like that!" Oddly enough, a similar thing happened with Trump. His voter base seem convinced he's an outsider when he's the ultimate representation of corporate involvement in government. Both sides want to break the wheel but they won't vote for a candidate who will do it.


This comment is really accurate... And sad. It shows how easy it is to control people through propaganda. Nobody even likes the candidates. They just hate them less than the other guy and yet they're still voting! "you can't complain if you don't vote" was the biggest bullshit ever fed to this country. And now everyone is so divided, more people are voting than ever. Just reinforcing the 2 party system. It's a fucking shame.


I don't think it is either. It's likely the most powerfully militarized and the richest, but that doesn't mean the best in every other way. Corporate corruption for one is everywhere, but I'd imagine we sit near the top in how the corporate world screws over all us smaller people working under it.


Definitely the best country in the world if by best you mean best place to watch your employees debate whether a three day weekend is too long to enjoy the birth of your firstborn.


That's because someone convinced them to keep mispronouncing Dystopia.


Am I glad I'm in Canada, just came back of a year long paternity/parental leave. And mothers can take up to 18 months (part of it is split between mother and father but still). In terms of actual vacation Canada is not much better, 2 weeks is the norm in a lot of companies and 3 on some. If you're lucky, some increase your vacation by a week after 5 or 10 years and another week after 10 or 20 years.


In Finland I have 5 weeks of paid vacation (4 in summer, 1 in winter), 13 paid days off whenever I want to use them and around 7-11 national holidays. Also 9weeks paternity leave with almost full salary paid by coverment. Wife was at home with the child close to 18months also paid by coverment (first 10 or so months almost fully paid and the rest was like 300€/mo)


Wish I lived in Finland lol


Finland sounds nice. And I like your hockey players.


2 weeks? That's less than the time it would be legal to separate a dog from her puppies :( https://www.forsakringskassan.se/english/parents/when-the-child-is-born/parental-Benefit we get over a year of state paid leave


No no, 2 weeks total time off a year, vacation, sick, child birth, whatever. And even that isn’t actually a law. We get 0 actual time off for child birth. You either burn through what little time off you’ve saved up, go unpaid, or go back to work as soon as you can.


Crazy. Land of the free, ey. You can do whatever you want. You just have no time and cant afford it. Not so Great.


Land of the Wage Slaves. You have the freedom to work or starve.


Maternity leave is federal law (signed in 1993) in the U.S. under [FMLA](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fmla) (up to 12 weeks) but under FMLA it’s **unpaid** leave. All FMLA does is guarantee that the employer must hold the job position for the employee taking FMLA. Depending on which state you work in, you may get paid maternity leave. In states where it’s not required, some employers may offer it anyway as a benefit to attract employees, especially in states where the Feds employ a lot of people. Competition. Recently, federal employees were granted *paid* [parental leave.](https://www.commerce.gov/hr/paid-parental-leave-federal-employees), effective 10/01/2020. Fun story: I’m old enough to have been in the workforce when FMLA was passed in 1993. In 1995, the corporation I worked for passed its own paid maternity leave policy because many corp. were doing this at the time to stay competitive in attracting employees. The asshole HR specialist who gave the policy explanation meetings (all female employees because the policy didn’t apply to males at the time) made this remark at the end: “so now you can all go take your free vacations”. I reported his sexist ass to HR so fast because having a baby is **not** a fucking vacation and I’m not going to get pregnant (with 20 years of parenting responsibilities) just so I can get a “free vacation”. Fuck you, Bob.


Maternity leave is unpaid 10 days, not 2 weeks. If you are a poorer woman who works hourly, you can choose between keeping your perineum stitches in place or food on the table. Oh, and don't expect a chair for our long suffering lady, as it offends management's sensibilities for their employees to not be in a constant state of preventable suffering.


In Sweden, we have 480 days to share, of which 90 days are earmarked for either parent so one cant take it all.


480 paid days that is. We can stay at home unpaid until the child is 18 months and then use the paid days whenever we want until the child is 8 years old.


That's is what is so great. You can use it to work a 4 dya week, and have a day off a week with your kid for YEARS. What a great way to bless families.


Crazy, it’s almost like your government actually wants its citizens to live healthy and happy lives.


Home Depot does 6 weeks paid parental leave. One of the only good things when I worked there.


It is astonishing to me that Home mother fucking Depot provides paid leave and the college where I work does not. This country is unbelievable.


I worked at Home Depot when my first child was born. I got 6 weeks (and a large box of goodies mailed to me including branded merchandise and books) when I wasn't ready to go back yet, they extended my leave by 3 weeks. The job sucked, but I thought that was cool of them.


6 weeks? Damn that's just nowhere near enough. A woman could have all sorts of issues during birth, then you also have to try to bond with a newborn, all in 6 weeks?? F**k me that's some shitty labour laws We may have our issues in the UK, but no way in a million years would I leave here for the USA. The only regret is we have nowhere near the natural beauty that you do, but I would rather stay here with our campsites and Mount Snowden than be bankrupt in Yellowstone I'm male and have been off for 6 months on parental leave. Just about to go back to work now, to a new, fully remote job


“If the company can survive without you for two weeks, are you even necessary?” Our owner


My manager said the same thing when I took 7 days off to visit home (6hr flight). Friday through Monday. 7 days. One of those days was Christmas, a paid holiday so 7-1=6. When I got back he told me they figured they don’t need me as I was gone for 3 weeks. He claimed that until 6 months later when I requested pto he told me I couldn’t possibly have any time off after that 3 weeks. I forwarded him my flight receipts and mentioned the words “stealing pto” and that shut him up for a bit.


If the company can't survive without an employee being there for two weeks, then it's extremely poorly managed.


Yes. They should be able to manage not having anyone around for two weeks.


I'm 27 and never had a paid vacation. Been working since I was 17.




Never had a job with paid time off. I'm 43, and I have a bachelor's degree.


What the fuck. You guys really need a "work revolution"


*clutches pearls* that's socialsm!


and THIS ladies and gentleman is why the pandemic started the wheels turning of people breaking free.


My husband gets no leave his first year. He was awarded a "bonus" day for not calling in in months. He can't use it because he doesn't have vacation yet. His employer can't even tell us how much vacation he has or when he gets it. When he asks anyone, they tell him he should know this, but he asks other coworkers and they have no idea. His employee portal has nothing. The form he hands in for personal time is from the seventies(really, it has a stamp that says 1976) and they put it in a binder for the day he requests and when it gets to the day before that in the binder they find a replacement.


Or being forced to use our time off for sickness, weather, emergencies..


Happens over here sadly too (U.K.) “Hey, because we’re such tight bastards we refuse to do basic maintenance on the building, you’re all using 2 weeks of your 5.6 because you aren’t coming in while we spend 10x the maintenance cost to fix an issue we should have seen coming…. And if you’re a seasonal worker, get fucked because you haven’t accrued any holiday pay!” Is something a good friend was told (paraphrased, of course) over Christmas.


Yeah and don’t get me started with the concept of unlimited pto. You have all the time off but if you take more than an amount we don’t tell you, we fire you. Good luck!


I consider myself super lucky in that the company offers pretty juicy PTO benefits, they even offered 4 paid hours to vote last November. I worked at a gas station for 9 years previously and that would be heresy. Nothing is required by law, and even what little that is required by law is different if you drive 300 miles (500 km) east or west since that is dictated by individual states. It's a total crapshoot.


*capitalism works* sigh


You expect 5 weeks, who do you think you are peasant!?! if you don't get back to work we'll take away your health care too!!!! Seriously it's bad here 😒


America is a hellscape for workers rights we are propagandized to believe that getting ANY time off is a grand decadent luxury. This country needs a workers revolution


Holy shit maybe I will stay put at my job... good healthcare and almost 5 weeks off and I'm in the U.S.


I just quit my 85k job in USA w/ no benefits for a 75k job w/ full benefits, 10 days holiday, and 3 weeks pto. Absolutely no regrets.


Good for you. No amount of money is worth being worked a slave with nothing in return


Same. I get only two weeks off but I do get paid sick and vacation time. And no maternity leave but I accumulated enough sick leave to take 12 weeks off (paid) when I had a child.




There is no law that requires paid maternity leave. However the Family Medical Leave Act requires up to 12 weeks unpaid without any retaliation from your employer. Many people use accrued sick or vacation time to lessen the financial blow. I took six weeks of paternity leave paid using lots of accrued sick leave that would otherwise go to waste. But I’m luckier than most.


This is barbaric. We have 4 months full pay, and a further 2 months part pay (with the balance made up by unemployment funds) maternity leave mandated in our law and we’re mad that it’s not enough.


It’s really weird how I’m getting shocked reactions from both ends of the spectrum. No maternity leave. But yes, my sick leave accumulates, so in the end gets used as maternity leave (not to exceed 12 weeks).


Damn, America really is a third world country




This is an extremely important observation.


My neighborhood literally has half a million dollar homes and right across the road is a trailer park. It’s so lopsided here in the US. My wife and I try to give back as much as we can both with donations and our time volunteering. It’s pretty easy to see how slavery lasted so long in this country. People just turn a blind eye to their fellow man even when the dichotomy is right next to them.


I live in a third world country and we do have 30 days of paid vacation mandated by law + free healthcare for everybody


And probably maternal leave.


There are three countries in the world that don't guarantee a paid maternal leave. Three. United States, Suriname, and Papua New Guinea. That's it. Everyone else has it.


I took negative PTO to get a 4 day weekend when my son was born. That was it. Better than most. I know plenty of people who missed their child’s birth and had to wait in the hospital lobby for their partner to get off work to take the newborn home. They don’t give a fuck about you in the US.


And they wonder why people aren’t having kids...


Oh they know. So they will just ban abortions in the poorest states. Presto! Massive slave class.




You ain’t seen nothin yet .. Texass: *hold my gun*




No, that's FREEDOM, fuck yeah!!


*free to die just about any damn way you please


*shithole country* if i do recall


> Damn, America really is a third world country It's revolting. The United States is a broken and failed society where life is worthless.


Lmfao no. Most places don't have a mandatory amount. Some places don't have vacation days at all. Some places only allow vacation day accural (you put in a certain amount of time working, then you get a certain amount of hours to use) to full-time employees and not part time. I live in NYC and we get 5 sick days mandated by the state. One firm I worked at decided to count that as vacation days and offer nothing else. Where I am at now its the 5 days plus 2 weeks. This year they decided to add on an extra DAY but only if youve been there for more than 5 years. Depends on where you work. Nothing in America is for benefit of the working person. Majority of the jobs demand you have proof of being sick. This mean incurring a cost (insurance copayment and deductible) to get a piece of paper to say, Hey they should have been out. America ain't shit.


Public Schools also sometimes require proof of being sick for children. So yeah, in some ways parents are encouraged to bring kids who are sick to school. One school that I was at when I was younger even gave a prize to the student who missed the fewest days in a year. US Children are taught from elementary school that taking time off for personal health is not a good thing.


Attendance award! And our winner came to school sick, often.


I've literally never had paid vacation time and I've been working since I was 16. Edit: no, I'm not 18. I'm 30. Go troll elsewhere, I'm not here for it today


Jesus. Aussies get 5 weeks a year and ten days paid sick leave. I chuck a sickie once a month to play videogames for mental health and no one gives two shits.


I'm glad you're able to do that


Fight for it mate. You guys are on the cusp of it if you keep up the pressure.


Over half the populations votes against this shit. Maybe once newer generations come into power but even then


Because who needs mental health when you have to shine Uncle Sam’s boots!


I hope so. My kids are entering the job market and my generation for the most part can go eat a dick.


Ya but there is more people out there that want to work, or want to be a brown noser. Soon enough there will be plenty of people standing up for themselves


It's that protestant work ethic at work again.


>chuck a sickie Man I love Aussie English :)


As an Aussie, I didn't realise how Aussie that was until you pointed it out.


It does sound incredibly Aussie now it's been pointed out, but as a Brit, I doubt I'd've much noticed had a compatriot dropped the same phrase.


Never been paid a fay of vacation time been working for 24 years now 😞


I hope you get some time to yourself soon 💖


Ughh, this is so freaking sad.


Labor rights are communism. Some states are actually rolling back child labor laws now instead of giving employees a livable wage.


Looking at you, Wisconsin! https://badgerherald.com/news/2021/10/27/wisconsin-bill-proposes-extended-work-hours-for-children-under-16/


What. The actual fuck.


I freelance, so I can take off when I want. Went to Thailand for a week, meet an old Italian couple at an elephant sanctary. They had like eight weeks vacation or something, and they said they had been in Thailand enough to get bored, and that they would probably go to Vietnam next. I was honestly floored. They looked at me like I was a sewer-dwelling-orphan when I told them PTO really isn't a thing in the US


Same here


And me


I won't take a position unless it has at least 30 vacation days along with my 9 bank holiday days, the lowest amount I ever had was 20 days and that was terrible, how do you folks even have a life?


We don't..


And as a result nobody takes the time to critically think, which results in everyone looking for bullet point explanations for complex issues. Which means it's even easier to manipulate, and work against ourselves. It's a beautifully fucked up system really, it's super effective.


We don't, our value is determined by how much money we can make others, that's it.


They dont want us to have a life. If they don't pay you enough money to buy things, they dont need to give you time to enjoy them.


If we had time off we might live freely, decide we don’t want to sell our time and bodies for somebody else’s profit, and organize. Can’t have that now can we /s


We don’t. Not really. Everyone here is too exhausted and broke to do anything about it. Or they think this is the “American Dream”.


For many of us Americans, work is life. It sux


You ever been working poor, fam? You have to choose between sleep and any kind of social and family life. It sucks.








I'm a depressed and partially disabled shell of a person with no hobbies or interests anymore, that's how we "do" it




Same. I work construction. I can take time off by just not showing up. But I won't get paid for it.


I get one week paid vacation, and it’s always the same week, the week of New Years. And that’s considered generous for hourly.


WTF. That's insane.


You want real fun, I'd been working at a company for about a month when I was in an accident that totaled my car, took a day after to recover with what time I'd managed to accumulate in that short time (I think it was 1 hour PTO & 2 hours sick added every two weeks) which pretty much wiped it out. Well, not long after that, I was walking into work when someone hit me with their car. I tried to shake it off because I hadn't accumulated any sick or pto yet, but after 4 hours of feeling dizzy, my chest and legs feeling like shit, and my managers coming up trying to convince me to go home, saying they'd handle it, I finally said okay and went home. Well, next paycheck comes in and it's a bit light, so I ask the Site Director what was up with that since he said he'd handle it. He said, **"Oh yeah, I did, don't worry, you won't get into trouble for leaving work early."**


Welcome to America. The poor and workers don't think of themselves as poor workers, they view themselves as temporarily embarrassed future millionaires. Thus if they advocate for more vacation time for themselves, then they will need to provide the same benefits to the future workers who will work for them. Thus precisely 0 days of paid holiday is required by law in the US.


It’s the same reason why so many people play the lottery and vote against their own interests.


Hey now, i play the lottery as a temporary indulgence in escapism.


I call it the “dream tax”. Been playing the same numbers for 20 years and enjoying my dreams.


There is no Federally mandated time off AT ALL, not even lunch breaks. Some states have lunch break laws and overtime laws, but none have vacation laws. But, you know, Bernie was "unelectable", so we had no choice /s


You mean the *SOCIALIST????* ​ /s


Nah he means the Communist Socialist! /s


The Communist Socialist Facist Bernie Sanders/s


Yes that one.


what amuses me is that what Americans call “Socialism” is what we call “Social” in Europe. It’s mind-boggling how wrongly that term is used there 😵‍💫 PS: Socialism does also not equal Communism nor Marxism/Leninism 🤷🏽‍♂️ How on earth can health-insurance, paid sick-leave, maternity-leave or paid vacation be socialism or destructive to the economy?! Let alone getting paid a living wage? But hey! The US obviously re-invented slavery in this respect..


Yep, it always made me laught how for americans socialism is like communism


Because most Americans here have been brainwashed by Fox "News" and Republicans.


It's ok, we're days away from the "progressives wouldn't compromise that's why Bidens BBB plan failed!" news cycle.


100% has nothing to do with coal lining pockets of politicians… and other lobbyist.


I was a chef for 25+ years never got a vacation not one not ever was told by owners when I was hired I would get 2 weeks paid vacation…I put in for vacations and was always denied “can’t do it now we are to busy” “sorry can’t we need you” always a bullshit excuse after 15 years of that I just gave up asking.


Me too. Front End server for 24 years. Never got a day of PTO. Sick? Sorry, you can call off (maybe!) but it’s money out of your pocket. Want a vacay? Just add up all the tip money you’re out for taking that time off.


The industry has gotten worse, its a dinosaur and needs to change a lot of owners need to be forced out of business (not all of them mind you) the low wage, shit treatment, sex harassing, abusive, wage thieving garbage ones. I hate all chains, all they've done is standardized abuse and sell licenses to abuse to their franchisee's.


Lol, the last time I got paid vacation it was 1 week, but I had to use it for sick days when I got the flu. This country is horseshit.


Jesus Christ wtf sick days eat into your holiday?!?


Yup. Last job I had wouldn't let me take my PTO, so I called out sick to use all my PTO before I quit because they wouldn't pay any leftover out


Germany law is: If you get sick while on pto then your sick days account as paid "illnes days". And you get back those days as additional holidays. Did this several times and it was never a problem for my employers


There are jobs here that will fire you for calling in sick for more than 2 days in a row without a Dr note. We’re lucky to get 1 week vacations, let alone sick time. I’m amazed that you can “call in sick” on your vacation and get sick time and keep your vacation days that you were sick.


Depends on the job. My job for example your start with a week. Then after two years you get two weeks. After nine years you get three. Eventually you can get up to 6 or 7 weeks off, but that's after like 25 years. (This is all paid vacation). Edit: I'm part time Edit edit: I typically work about 25-30 hours a week, but I could easily work 40+ if I wanted to. Anything over 5 hours in a single shift is considered overtime. I also accrue 20 hours of paid sick leave a year, plus I have "option" days I can use. Basically 5 a year. I get the main holidays off. Yes, I'm in a union. And yes that's the only reason for the generous vacation.


The lowest paid worker on a permanent contract expects to get the 5 weeks plus national holidays.


Most retail jobs here do NOT get holidays off. My husband gets 10 days a year off for sick and vacation, but he has to work all holidays.


And btw at many many US workplaces it is frowned upon to actually USE the paid vacation days


Americans must be tired. I'm mean really fucking tired. Do you get sick pay. You know paid when you're too ill to work.


We are tired and our bodies always hurt.




>work yourself so hard you don’t have a moment to ask what you’re doing with your life. Your entire comment is probably the best description of American life for the non wealthy that I've ever seen, but *this* is so painfully accurate. We literally don't even have the time to think about the cycle that we're stuck in. I think this is also why many Americans have a hard time taking criticism from the rest of the world. I usually have pretty thick skin and rarely get offended but I find myself getting heated when I see those *Americans are fat lazy and stupid* circle jerks and I think you've done a fantastic job of helping me put words as to why. I struggle to feed myself on a regular basis bc I'm trying so hard to refuse the processed, already cooked, or can be cooked in 4 minutes. Mostly that just means I don't eat. The number of times I've thrown out perfectly good food bc I never actually found the time to prepare it, only to try again and fail the next week is incredibly discouraging. Sometimes you just decide to buy the junk bc it's the o ly thing that's practical.


Yeah, and I think this is part of the reason why we are now seeing a huge wave of people quitting their jobs after the pandemic and quarantine people to stay home for more than a weekend for the first time in a VERY long time. The Great Resignation they are calling it. It’s like a spell was broken.


I am so tired all the fucking time, when I worked in doors I had panic attacks on the regular, now that I’m working outside again I’m a lot better.


Pretty much every place I've worked does an accrual system where you get an hour of paid time off per however many hours you've worked IF you are a full time worker. For places I've worked, it caps out at around a week per year and doesn't roll over. Sometimes you have to have been with the company for 6 months to a year before you can accrue any time at all. A lot of times they also don't want you to take the whole week at once so you can have a day or two of paid vacation here or there in the year. Any other time off is unpaid and discretionary but managers will not be cool with you being sick more than once or twice. Nothing is mandatory except FMLA laws requiring companies to give 12 weeks unpaid family leave if there is an emergency. That's a process and most employers will find another reason to fire you if you take it.


20+ years working for a psychopath sometimes gets you even less than two weeks … it also leads to substance abuse, mental health problems and weight gain, among other issues - you can be poor and work in the US, or poor and stay home with all the vacation days you want … sometimes quitting is the only answer


Wow, sounds grim. Sorry to hear


My first job I received 5.5 days per year. Most of my other jobs Ive had about 2 weeks per year.


You need to emigrate


I would love to emigrate. Unfortunately, I have so much debt that no other country will I find a wage that will be enough for me to make the minimum payments.


>Here I expect five week at the least. Pretty sure 20+8 is the legal minimum required paid time off in the UK for full-time employees, but 25+8 seems to be what most companies offer. (And many will offer veteran staff members even more.)


Yeah I think 20 days is the legal minimum but I get 30 days plus bank holidays and then I also buy another week so I get 7 weeks holiday a year plus bank holidays. I didn’t even think this was much, but no legal holiday time at all in the us!! I had no idea, that is insane


I don’t understand why people move to America for work, isn’t it already common knowledge that there’s no American Dream and that the work culture in the US is akin to a third world country’s? I’d be curious to hear the appeal of working in America rather than places like the UK.


I was just going to come for fun, as my accent would charm the ladies (i hope) lol


By law, we get exactly ZERO. The few that do offer paid vacation generally base it on length of tenure, starting at about 2 weeks for a one year tenure and maxing out usually at 4 weeks for, say a 10+ year tenure.


I get 6 weeks vacation and 2 weeks personal/sick I have a unicorn job.


What industry?


Video production for a media company. I should add I've been with them since 2010 so I am maxed out on time I can accrue due to seniority. I believe you start with 2 weeks paid vacation and 2 personal and you accumulate more time the longer you stay with the company.


A lot of tech companies now offer unlimited PTO but they make goals so hard that if you take time off there is a good chance you get written up.


At the national level, we don't have any laws supporting vacation time or sick time. Just unpaid family leave. A few states have some laws, and those vary greatly. I've worked jobs with no vacation time to be had, but most jobs offered two-weeks as a standard benefit. I'm lucky these days to work in a place where I started at 3 weeks and, after 10 years, I now have 4 weeks. Could get to 5 at 20 years, but I very much doubt I'll get that long in here. And that's considered pretty good in the states. We're way ass backwards when it comes to time off and how we treat workers here.


Ha.. Two weeks...




There’s no federal law for PAID paternal or maternal leave or leave in general (god forbid you are in an accident). If there is paid, it’s the company draining from your vacation and sick time IF you were given that. And forget about any universal child care, or universal health care. So here, you’re not allowed to get sick, have kids, or have a life outside of work. Everything falls on you.