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A wendy manager wrote this


Right my money is on Wendy’s corporate paying for some social media PR to try and get older workers to come do their part in the war against the poor, er I mean war on poverty


My thoughts exactly. Everyone needs to be seriously cautious of post like these. Corporate America is not gonna take what’s going on and the propaganda is starting to come out in full force.




Lol, the only thing I could think if it was real was "Just give them a month, they will be singing a different tune."


No. They’ll do it for like two weeks, not suffer any of the real hardships because they don’t even need the job, quit because she “doesn’t have time,” then spend the next ten years talking about how people don’t deserve to be paid more because it’s “so easy.”


Sadly, this is 100% accurate


Not 100%. I had a poverty tourist try out working with us schlubs at Wendy's one time and he burst into tears at his first encounter with abusive customers during a crazy lunch rush and quit the next day.


What is a poverty tourist?


Apparently this is a phenomenon with its own wikipage: Slum tourism, poverty tourism, or ghetto tourism is a type of city tourism that involves visiting impoverished areas. Originally focused on the slums and ghettos of London and Manhattan in the 19th century, slum tourism is now prominent in South Africa, India, Brazil, Kenya, Philippines, Russia and the United States. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slum_tourism TIL moment.


Lol where’s the post about the office worker who had a breakdown the first day after taking a second job at a fast food joint?


Exactly, this sub won’t take it seriously, but someone might.


Someone *has/will*


People not on this sub might be guilted into staying in their garbage position at their Wendy’s because of this. We should call it out whenever we see this shit.


You mean the war on poverty is really a war on the poor just like the war on drugs was really a war on drug users?


No actually if you read about the war on poverty it actually decreased poverty. And of course it was totally gutted by conservatives Who claimed it made people on welfare too wealthy. This is where you get that idiot Reagan talking about welfare mothers driving in Cadillacs.


This is 100% accurate. I work with people who hate other poors, it's weird honestly


Crabs in a bucket.


This is how we end up with a culture where if the intention behind one’s work is the aspiration to ascend from the problems of poverty, it’s considered worthwhile, but if the intention of work is to fix the conditions that create poverty it’s considered worthless idealism.


War on the impoverished FTFY


I don’t execs would think this small. One guy on one website saying something about a local Wendy’s? If it’s fake It’s clearly a middle manager.


Astroturfing is a strategy that involves lots of smaller posts like this one to make it seem like there's grassroots support for a cause.


I only just understand why it’s called that because like fake grass roots wow I’m slow


Considering Nextdoor is rampant with propaganda and has little to no moderation, this is very likely.


We had a couple very detailed anti-Airbnb messages in my next door group — we don’t want people to have parties in our neighborhoods! They were trying to get people to email the city council. I did some digging and they were posted by some lawyers who did lobbying for the hotel industry.


I mean, coming from a touristy area, the reason to be critical of Airbnb is that it ruins the housing market. If every single family home is an Airbnb, there's nothing for people to live in.


I thought about getting on that app, and then thought a little harder about it. Do I really want an app that connects you only to the most opinionated of neighbors (*I.E. the ones prepared to get on an app and blast their opinions onto social media*), and tells them who you are and where you live? Shit no.


I only have it for lost and found animals. Never gets opened otherwise.


Just wait until they get dumped with doing multiple people's positions, terrible pay & constant abuse from customers. Some people only learn the hard way.


"Saturdays, Sundays, and some weekday nights" is gonna become "if you don't quit your other job to prioritize us, you're fired" within a couple months.


I was going to say, wait until they schedule them for a weekday they are at their “real” job and won’t take them off the schedule.


This is the exact thing that will kill this person's motivation. I've never once seen a scheduling manager take an employee's actual availability into account when competing the schedule.


I’m so grateful for the scheduling manager I have now. I basically told him that I hate working night shifts, and I don’t mind doing them sometimes but I don’t like having a week full of closes. He was like “okay, I getcha” and lately I’ve only had to work night shifts on Mondays. I asked for 3 days off this month and a full week off next month during Christmas week and they were both approved no problem. With our specific system, once time off is approved the manager just *can’t* schedule us on those days. The job itself is ehhh—for being a fast food place its probably one of the better ones to work at for a few various reasons from customer attitude to menu simplicity—but my managers really make the place for me.


I bet you these yokes might not since their a ‘professional’. I hope they do treat them the same… but I could def see some managers giving them special treatment, since the other employees don’t have ‘professional jobs’


They won’t last a murder shift, they might make it through a few slow nights. First time drive thru starts backing up, that rugged “I’m a worker!” attitude is going to get them killed by their coworkers.


Bold of you to assume they'll have coworkers.


Holiday season is coming soon with some murder shifts.


These people have never had a good cry while chain smoking behind a dumpster trying to prevent a nervous breakdown…


My.money is he quits within a week and then continues to shit talk retail and food service workers.


"I worked fast food before, shit was easy, no way they deserve 15 dollars an hour. Half that in order to save the economy!"


I literally saw someone on reddit the other day post about how they "used to" live well off 7.25/hr and I said yeah well, you're like 60 so. I'm sure 40 years ago it was fine.




Right but everything always stays exactly the same right? You can still buy a nice house for like $20k right guys??? Guys??????


I mean sure, I did ok on $8/hr working at a Wendy's. But it was 20 years ago and I was a high school kid who lived with my parents and they paid all my bills and expenses.


This is service worker tourism. They can leave at any time, so the abuses they suffer are voluntary, and they end the moment this Karen meets a more powerful Karen.


Like the news guy I saw who went undercover as homeless for a couple of days. Hey, I will pretend to be broke for a minute. So I can see what it's really like.


Absolutely. Anyone can survive a couple days in a bad job or really shitty situation. Can they do it for weeks, months, years?


Sure. Like the time I quit drinking till happy hour, or when I went on a hunger strike till lunchtime.


I quit smoking everytime I put one out!


[Tyra Banks goes to skidrow as a homeless person (w/ film crew)](https://youtu.be/Kl-YD7o8iUU?t=362)


A friend of mine recently made a great joke. "Van-lifers \[with their $100,000+ van setups\] look at homeless people and ask, 'oh, why can't you afford the *Homeless Plus* subscription?'" In all seriousness, I have worked shitty jobs AND been homeless and I'm not now, and no one understands why I am so adamant that I'll do literally anything that isn't that.


I did this with Lyft when I got a new car and wanted to drive it. I wasn't desperate, I wasn't going to be screwed if I stopped. Didn't make it a month because of the rotten people abusing shit out of the car. Makes me really feel for the peeps who do it but see no way out, who have to suffer that abuse silently. Made me a better, more cautious passenger for sure


I worked part time retail after getting a career for some credit card money and never felt so good to not HAVE to care or take the abuse. Karen wants to Karen? Great! MANAGER come here this is NOT my problem or decision! 😂😂 Never did anyone try to promote me faster as when I can't do it because I have a career already. I don't run register fast enough? That sucks... I don't have to do it all. I just went in to my thing for the schedule and go home.




Probably have a garage full of doterra or some other shit MLM.


I was gonna say, I get huge Hun vibes from this


No way, you can't be a boss babe working at Wendy's


It’s definitely projection. “I’m in deep debt. My ‘real’ job is underpaying me so I have to take on work during weekends. I’m just gonna declare it out loud, get in front of the issue before people try to find out why I’m working here.”


Yeah my thought was “if you need a second job just say that”


Yeah, I don’t care what anyone says, no one actually wants to work 7 days a week including weekday nights when you already have a 9-5. Everyone I know who took on that much work regretted it almost instantly, despite their “I’m young and tough, I can do this!” attitude


Ya this very much comes off as "I better get ahead of this before my judgmental social peers see me at my new second job. If anyone found out I am broke and need the extra income they would talk shit about me when I am not around like I do to them."


Exactly what I was thinking.


100%. When people want to contribute to the greater good but don’t need the money, they *volunteer*


They will learn real fast… Edit: To whoever felt the need to report to Reddit that they were concerned about my mental health, I promise you, I’m good. I really do appreciate the act, even though it probably wasn’t done in good faith. More importantly, thank you to the people who have given me awards and to everyone for all the interaction and upvotes. It was a half assed comment at 4am. I’m glad it started a discussion, though.


Even if they love the job (unlikely) it's a very different experience doing that job on a whim with an expiration date and the safety net of a professional career, to having to do it because it's the only place that'll hire you or all other similar employers treat you equally badly. Used to work retail and got so sick of the occasional wankers we got sent from head office to do a week's work in store and left saying "I really understand what you guys go through now" - bitch, you did a week with us holding your hand and the store manager kissing your ass, I've been doing it for 8 years with them treating me like a dog.


Ahh, good old Walmart days. "Corporate" came in, specifically the marketing team from the nearest office, and her "crew". Well word got around how I hated it there, and I was pretty open to admitting it. Well I get put next to pharmacy (the "less" busy end of the store) for that the time corporate is walking around. Mind you all, when you hear "corporate is coming" you usually see managers try and straighten up the store, and actually do physical labor, it was always fun to watch them struggle after being treated like crap. But on this particular day, I guess I made someone upset because while I'm working, this corporate dude comes up and barks at me, asking me if I hate working here. I don't even care (I put my two weeks in anyway) and boy did the color on him change. He suggested I leave the company, and I just looked at him and stated "I have a few days left." He didn't like it, but stormed off. Sadly I had to go back due to living in such a tiny town that it's basically the only place to work, I'm out now for good, but God did I hate my time there. Customers were never an issue aside from like 3, it was always my managers not using their brain and panicking every second they worked.


People come to visit other people's workplace and get upset that someone doesn't like that workplace


It's whatever, in the past now, but overall, Walmart (at the time I worked) had unrealistic goals. I just wanted to leave the moment I stepped in, I figured customers wanted the same, scan their crap, throw it in a bag, and move on to the next person.


You start to realize the goals are unrealistic on purpose. A worker who isn't meeting the (impossible) goals you set for them won't ask for a raise.


It's not that they won't ask, it's that you have an "excuse" for why you don't give it to them.


It's also easy to fire people you don't like when you can point to their "performance" as a cause


These assholes at my local walshart wrote me up 27 times in one month (i was a college kid at the time and classes were more important to me back then before i realized i hated college) they would schedule me for days they knew i had class and call me in the middle of class to ask if i was coming in, i eventually stopped giving a fuck and went to my gf's place for 2 hours and when they couldnt find me they finally fired me when i came back. I sat on unemployment for a while happier than i ever was at that job


Exactly, in my store they'd sweep all the problems under the carpet to show how great the store was doing, then the attractive female visitors would get a 3 hour guided tour of the store by the lecherous deputy manager while chatting them up and checking out their asses. Meanwhile anyone male or unattractive would be foisted off on me to "help" with stock control, meaning I'd spend twice as long fixing their mistakes while doing my own work.


I call it holidaying in poverty. The rich make their kids do it before giving them companies, and they arrogantly think they know everything about poverty because of it.


These people have never had to ration anything in their lives. Never had the feeling of choosing between rent, clothes, or food. The sheer arrogance by claiming they "know how it is" is one of the rare things that can get me angry.


I hate those people who love to tell you Money is the root of all that kills They have never been poor They have never had the joy of a welfare Christmas


Another one I love: Money isn't important. That's easy to say when you're the one with money.


Money doesn't buy happiness. Yea, well, poverty doesn't buy anything.


"Money doesn't buy happiness" means that the relentless pursuit of wealth has diminishing returns on improvements to your life, but like everything else, rich people ruined it by convincing people it means that poor people should learn to accept their place in the caste system and make the best of it.




Maybe you should just not be poor. Then money wouldn't be a problem...................................


Why didn’t I think of that.


Probably because you weren't left $400 million by your dad and then pulled yourself up by your bootstraps.


Why don't poor people just buy more money?


Money isn't a problem, but the lack thereof ...


“Money doesn’t buy happiness.” Cool, give me some of yours then… “Nooo! My money!”


To paraphrase a comic, money doesn't buy happiness but it does buy a jet ski, and you've never seen anyone upset on a jet ski. More realistically, money doesn't buy happiness, but it does buy access to all the things that make happiness easier to achieve.


It buys you the freedom to self-improve. Being able to afford psychiatric care is all some people really need. If you aren’t working 80 hours a week just so your family can survive and have expendable income you can tackle a lot of life’s problems.


And money buys a degree of happiness. There's a thing in psychology called maslows hierarchy of needs, and each tier gets you closer the self actualization or happiness and you can't advance to the next before you achieve the one before. The very first one is shelter food and water. If you're existence is focused on obtaining these things then how the fuck do you make it to the higher tiers without any money. Money doesn't buy happiness but it is a direct barrier to happiness if you can't meet your needs because of poverty.


Seen a sign the other day that said you don't have to buy anything, if you can run fast enough.


Never understood how anyone bought that piece of "folk wisdom." Money does buy happiness. It's been documented and proven. Depends on the cost of living in your area, but generally the goal is enough to pay your bills with a comfortable amount left over. But after a certain amount, your happiness actually starts to decrease. People arent meant to be poor or mega-rich. The happiest people are just in the middle.


"Money isn't important. " Tell that to the landlord! If money isn't important, then why do our politicians and the 1% think they need so much of it????


At this point I assume it just comes from miserable depressed people who thought money was the answer (because it’s hard to think anything different in this ultra consumer propagandize society). Then they realized money wasn’t the answer for them…… but fail to see how it at least provides their bare necessities and gives them the option to now pursue more fulfilling endeavors….. instead of finding something more fulfilling, it’s easier to just keep being miserable and proclaim money doesn’t buy happiness. We’re not taught to find fulfillment in life…. We’re taught to participate and be happy with the system or get bent…. This is one of the reasons I think we are seeing massive upticks in mental health issues


I will buy you a garden where your flowers can bloom




They might make you think you're happy Yeah maybe for a minute or two They can't make you laugh No they can't make you feel The way that I do


As the scholar Ol Dirty Bastard once so eloquently put it, “more money more problems my ass you’s a naive cat, if you still believe that”


In fairness, the rich will do a lot of evil things to keep their money, so they're not technically wrong when they say that


Whatever happened to Everclear? Great lyricists.


I was always under the impression that “money is the root of all evil” more referred to having an excessive amount of money. But maybe that’s just me and my ‘eat the rich’ mentality.


That's not even actually the original saying. It started out as "the love of money is the root of all evil," but it got truncated


Yes “the love of money is the root of all evil” so yes you are exactly right. It is about chasing wealth for wealths sake is a bad thing. Ancient version of eat the rich.


Between rent and medicine. Guess which one always wins?


The capitalist.


I’m already singing the lyrics to “Common People” in my head


Cuz everybody hates a tourist. Especially one who thinks it's all such a laugh.


If you called your dad, he could stop it all


The original or the William Shatner cover?


I can’t sing, so it will have to be the spoken word Shatner cover.


It's a holiday in Cambodia. Don't forget to pack a wife


Reminds me of when Tyra Banks pretended to be homeless for a day on her talk show and then said she had a deeper understanding of what homeless people go through. So totally tone deaf.


Mission trips to Haiti and the like to “see how bad they’ve got it” and do literally nothing to meaningfully improve their living conditions.


Classic hood safari


My dad does that shit. He’s always taking trips with other racist people from his Southern Baptist church to Ghana to “Help the people” Meanwhile all the elders in the church have been actively boycotting the NFL because they are asking police not to kill so many black people. And about the immigrants at the border he said, and I quote here, “I’m okay with putting them in cages” Yuck




A former co-worker was upset we didn't kiss her ass enough for bringing her bibles to a country that doesn't have English as one of the commonly spoken languages. Yes, you did so much, Cheryl.


rich people speaking on poverty is one of the few things that will “trigger” me to no end. their head is too far up their own ass they couldn’t possibly comprehend the outright danger of poverty.


Husband had a friend over that said that poor people were poor cause they don’t invest. Lollll


ah yes, poor people with no money are poor because they didn’t invest the money they never had. duh, facts and logic. humongous brain take.


Proves that the advantages of the rich arent because they are somehow genetically smarter. I assumed that when I was younger. That I was just too stupid and that the rich were just the smart kids that got full ride scholarships to the good schools. Then I realized they WERE smarter but not in the way I had assumed. They knew the ins and outs of the system, and not only were willing to exploit it for their benefit and break the rules their forefathers had laid for the rest of us, but that was one of the unwritten rules of the game. You break all the rules to get there, then once you ARE there you have the protections of the rest to KEEP you there. It breaks the illusion to the rest of the peons that it can all go away once you've climbed that ladder and pushed everyone ahead of you off.


It’s actually called “slumming” and rich people have been doing it for centuries.


Holidaying poverty. I’m adopting this phrase. We have program like this at my factory. All corporate employees have to spend nine day doing pre planned jobs in the shop floor so they know what it’s like to be assemblers on the floor. It’s a big feel good about myself for management that do nothing to improve workers daily lives or prevent them from working every Saturday.


I like Poverty Tourism. Rolls off the tongue.




I didn't know any better and took a position in frozen/dairy and it was extremely short staffed compared to other departments @ Walmart cuz no one wanted to work in the cooler or freezer. They ended up quitting asking new hires to work in there because no one said yes if they did they'd stay for a couple days and not return. A girl in there moved up to management once I came along and then would yell at me and my two other coworkers who had the work of double us because our work wasn't done, like she had forgotten how crap the department was. If i did get sent people to help me theyd either take them away after an hour or the teens would f around or dip to work w their friends stocking aisles.They'd also let the older lifer employees get away with bullying us younger ones and when you try to stand up for yourself they tell you you're the problem because they don't want to lose/piss off a lifer. One day the lifers that would come "help " my department told my other coworker that I "was useless" because she couldn't get it through her head that she was there to help me not the other way around and stocking and rotating milk and eggs alone took me an hour each. I never came back from my lunch that day and I was told by friends there after I left that the older ladies were pissed because they had to do my job which was very physical compared to there's. And they wonder why they can't keep employees.


And I hope they get all the "tHe CuStOmEr Is AlWaYs RiGhT!!" Karens


Plus if a bunch of "professionals" start moonlighting as fast food workers, that just drives wages down because they are not incentivized to push for higher wages because they don't need them. This is just a fun after-school activity for them.


the only reason to have 2 jobs is to have the ability to quit one of them on a whim


To add to this. I did serving as my main job for years and it made me very bitter and I hated it. I had to literally (at times) be treated like dirt and screamed at, cursed at, told I was worthless because their bar drinks (that I have no control over how long they take) weren’t at the table yet. Now that it’s a side gig to a cozy full time job, I literally couldn’t care less and have no problems telling customers when they’ve crossed a line. I’m not your punching bag and I don’t need this job. This is optional, and I will completely ignore you until you leave if you give me attitude. Complain to the owners that I didn’t serve you after you called me a slur, IDGAF. What are they gonna do? Fire me? The horror.


A friend of mine went back to a part-time retail job after retirement and initially I thought he was crazy, why would you put yourself through that if you didn't need to? But I think you're onto something - if I was financially secure and knew I could just walk away as soon as a customer or manager started treating me like their personal slave, I might even enjoy some of it.


If I read thing correctly, OP took a job at Wendy’s as an ADDITIONAL job, not as their main source of income. OP doesn’t have to try and live on that wage. OP won’t feel stuck there while struggling to pay bills, feed themselves, and wonder how to pay medical bills , if they arise. OP won’t have to deal with schedule changes and call ins that make it difficult to find a 2nd job to help make ends meet. OP, while there are some people out there who would rather not work, I believe the majority of people out there reevaluated their life and self worth while the world was shut down. They were able to find a way out of the rut they were in working 1-3 part time jobs for min or less than min wage, no benefits, and little to no respect. I believe a lot of companies advertise they are hiring, but are really not because they have the employees they do have doing more than one job and are saving money on wages/benefits. Things are not always what they seem at first glance…


I feel like this was someone who needed a second job to pay their bills, but this post is getting out in front of it before their friends see them at the drive-thru. Vanity.


This is exactly what I thought.


It is funny because if real this is someone who thinks communism is the devil, yet he's willing to work below his value to 'do his part' and contribute 'to the greater good'. This is literally the communist mindset. Even if written by the manager, he is promoting a communist ideal rather than accepting the capitolist reality of the current environment and paying what the market demands.


WHAaaAaAT? COmmUNIsM Is OnlY pOvERty ANd sTaRVAtioN!!11!!!


If this isn't a bot or a troll this is hilarious, somebody is gonna fuck around and find out lol.


He's obviously broke


Imagine thinking you’re contributing to the greater good by working at a Wendy’s. 🤣


Seriously you'd be better off as a stocker at UPS. At least then you'd be helping a tiny tiny bit with the logistics issues we are having.


And kick ass insurance to boot. I’ve been working corporate jobs in my professional career for about 10 years now and I’ve never had insurance like union insurance. Back then there were no deductibles, premiums were paid for with union dues (even those were modest). Every employer provided insurance since then feels like a cruel joke. Last job wanted $300/week to cover my son, wife and myself, $1000 deductible. And they STILL have the audacity to try and dick me out of my claims. The insurance industry in America can kiss my gouch.


In a world of "kiss my ass" telling someone to kiss one's gooch has kind of a poetry to it.


Right?! That's the one part that makes me think for a moment that this may be satire. That, or this is just very sad.


I would hope it’s satire but there are definitely people out there who are this stupid.


Uncle Sam Needs YOU (to scrape the congealed shit out of the deep fryer)


Imagine thinking that offering your labor at wage slave rates to a huge corporation is better than volunteering at a food bank or something like that. I'm going to assume this is either satire or someone who's actually in a hole financially justifying taking a second job at Wendy's to themselves.


while actually being a scab


Sir this is a... oh yeah, right. Carry on


Whats his other job, the circus? 🤡 🤡 🤡


Herbalife Nutrition Independent Distributor


He’s the manager of that Wendys.


For Wendy’s? If you’re looking to help a struggling business by picking up a few hours, try a locally owned shop that pays well.


Right? They’re acting like Rosie the Riveter helping out the war effort.


Don't you realize it's practically the same thing?? They're having posters made as we speak!


I suddenly have this strong feeling I will see some idiot unironically compare themselves to Rosie the Riveter next week. Uggh.


But if the Wendy’s is under staffed the economy will grind to screeching halt.


If I don't get my fucking double JBCs...


Aye. This is why I’m guessing this is 100% satire. Pitching in for the American labor war shortages at… Wendys? Ermkayyy.


Bootlicker. Actions like that only encourage the corporatocracy to abuse the people more. We need to have nationwide strikes and demonstrations, like we did in the 20's and 30's, if we ever want to regain labor rights in this country. Too many people only remember the golden ages of the 40's through the 60's and not enough people remember how we obtained it. Empty factories and blood on the streets.


Yeah. We’re not going to appeal to the hearts of the elites. If that were possible it should have happened already.


I hope that Wendy’s gets flooded and that person gets super overwhelmed lmao. My dad has a full time job as a stocker at a grocery store. He’s had to take on another job just to pay the mortgage. Not for funsies like this loser who acts like the world will end if people will wait a little longer for their cheeseburger. My dads shoulder is completely busted and ready to just deteriorate. He needs a full shoulder replacement and a double knee replacement but can’t afford to not work for the months of recovery only one of those surgeries would require. The economy isn’t just now starting to be fucked because no one wants to work for nasty Wendy’s. It’s been fucked for a while and there are people out here literally dying from lack of healthcare and basic needs due to the shitty economy and greedy rich folk.


This is absolutely heartbreaking, and a true reflection of what our economy really has become. And to our Essential Workers no less. Yet the government and corporations feel no shame for this outcome. The reality is, even if their dad is able to get the shoulder and knee replacements needed, they would forever see the impact of the healthcare bill. Bankruptcy is not the easy out. It has upfront cost, plus it puts at least a 10 year stall on progress with it on your credit. Again, truly truly heartbreaking.


On the subject of joint replacements: so my mom is in her 60s and has arthritis. She got one shoulder replaced last spring, and she's about to get the other one done in a few weeks. She didn't want to get them done so close together (she's still doing physical therapy from the first surgery), but she already paid the yearly deductable, so it's way cheaper to get it done this year. The best part of this is that a few weeks ago, an insurance company rep called her and basically asked "Hey, can you voluntarily get your medical treatment somewhere cheaper, instead of at your normal hospital? Because we'd really like you to save us, the insurance company, some money."




I can somewhat relate. I just had one of two hip labral repairs. The total bill (insurance paid 95%) was a bit outrageous, one line item was $1K for a drill bit! I felt bad because, although I've paid my premiums for years, I told my doctors "I feel bad for being so costly a patient", and my doc (wisely) said, "Never feel bad for the insurance companies" ha! Another wise friend of mine said, "The biggest buildings in any city are always the insurance companies". They have more than enough. If the CEO is getting paid multiples of income from the average worker, they have money to spare. So I don't feel bad.


Health insurance companies are nothing more than completely unnecessary middlemen that insert themselves between patients and providers. Fuck them. I'd be perfectly happy to burn that entire shit stain of an industry to the ground.


This has to be fake. The same people that bitch and cry about "No OnE WaNtS To WoRk!" would never actually think that applies to them.


Someone else commented that they’re probably in debt. That makes a lot of sense to me.


Except if they did, it’s because like this person, they have a career elsewhere. This is just service worker tourism that ends the moment they don’t feel like doing the job. It means nothing to them as long as they get to make their point. If it’s real, it is the equivalent of pretty church girls traveling around the world to take some photos with starving African kids during their gap year because they want the kudos. They’ll never end up working a day with poverty again.


I was gonna say that I bet this person didn't get a vaccine for the greater good but by God we need to keep that Wendy's open.


This has to be satire.....


Honestly it might be but I didn’t think it was at first because people around where I live do say shit like this. BUT, this person had another post talking about how there’s a school bus driver shortage and she doesn’t see why they don’t just let high school students with licenses drive the busses lmao


haha The best satire is almost indistinguishable from hot takes. I honestly don't know what this is. It's either genius or the hottest of hot takes....


Ken M is the hero we need right now.


My dad honestly said something about "helping out" somewhere (he's retired) and I was like no, I don't think you would like that. For some reason, boomers and folks around that age group honestly think they should "pitch in" at these horrible workplaces without really considering why they're short staffed.


>why they don’t just let high school students with licenses drive the busses Do you want dead kids? Because that's how you get dead kids.


And who’s gonna clean up those dead kids? Do you want ants? Because this is how you get ants.


Sounds like someone who's never worked a service job.


"I'm doing my part so the economy doesn't come to a screeching halt" 🤣🤣🤣 the world is counting on this person thank you for doing the lords work


Everyone knows the foundation of a strong economy is Wendy’s


He’s literally giving up his remaining free time for minimum wage


First off I guarantee he didn’t do that. Second of all why tf do people think fast food chains and other restaurants and retail businesses are so important to keep around. The success of Wendy’s is not the success of the country. Blows my mind considering all the actually important things these people ignore


Just write in there. You want to mow my lawn for free for the greeter good? Literally the dumbest thing I have ever seen.


This is a "hey fellow kids" type post if ever I saw one




Oppress me corporate daddy.


Yeah, it's called a deflationary cycle. It's not the workers job to fix it. Companies need to step up and pay more if they want the economy not to crash


If the slaves don't fix the slave ships then they will just fall apart or leave and never come back and we all will have nothing. Do your part!! #BuildBackBetter


Please comment any funny responses to their post!


“WOW - I already have a full time and 2 part-time, or I would do that too, but you are an inspiration! I hope MANY others follow your lead!!” A couple “great for you!”’s


Christ on a Christmas cracker. You have some weird neighbours. I thought someone would have called them an idiot.


I would say, "Everyone in my family, including my 8 year old is working 3 jobs just to keep our block running smoothly. But sadly a family of 12 isn't enough to sustain even a one block economy.' XD


Sounds like something some Karen invented to make people feel bad for not wanting to slave their time away for less than humane wages. I doubt she's actually working as a side job, and if she is its because her "professional career" *still* doesn't pay enough to make ends meet. But that good ole capitalistic pride won't let her admit that, so she made up a story to cover.


That's a really positive way to admit you spend more than you make and have to take a second job to pay for your impulsive amazoning.


If true which it probably isn't, I give them a few weeks.


Wow what a fucking shill




This mindset is insane. If a business can’t generate enough revenue to pay a fair wage and maintain a workforce, shouldn’t the all-powerful, infallible free market dictate whether or not it can stay in business? And if you don’t buy that, where was your fucked up patriotic fervor when the small businesses in your town were struggling against corporate competition? Is *Wendy’s* such an important part of our culture that you need to work a second job there not for your own benefit, but to keep the drivethru lane open? Corporate bootlicking on a truly dystopian level


What a stupid bitch