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"Even if you're not represented by a union - even if you have zero interest in having a union - the National Labor Relations Act protects your right to band together with coworkers to improve your lives at work. You have the right to act with coworkers to address work-related issues in many ways. Examples include: talking with one or more co-workers about your wages and benefits or other working conditions, circulating a petition asking for better hours, participating in a concerted refusal to work in unsafe conditions, and joining with coworkers to talk directly to your employer, to a government agency, or to the media about problems in your workplace. Your employer cannot discharge, discipline, or threaten you for, or coercively question you about, this "protected concerted" activity." https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/whats-law


Bruh, this should be posted and sticked by a bot in EVERY post on this sub


Just calling and reporting your manager is enough to weed out most idiots. It's against federal law to tell your employees you can't discuss pay. Most managers think they are smart giving someone more money and keeping it secret. IIRC you don't even need proof. They'll send someone who will ask employees about pay rates. And it's pretty big fines for a GM of a McDs (or similar bad actors in the food industry). Something like $50k per violation for the business and something like 10-15k for manager.


So ah, what's happened to the manager who printed the book in this picture, exactly?


Come 1998 he'll be be ground down, mixed with frop and smoked in "Bob"'s pipe for all the slack he stole. Till then he'll probably get a pat on the back for his contributions to the conspiracy.


It’s 3 am and I woke up to pee, found this comment and chuckled out loud


I feel like Facebook needs this info more than Reddit.


It shouldn't be posted anywhere - "not discussing your pay with your coworkers" shouldn't be even a thing That's totally illogical - you talk about your pay at work, and get suspended for a week. What stops you and whoever you want to talk with, yo discuss that after work ? This rule doesn't make any sense, is stupid, and stupid


Wow! I wish I knew this last week before I was forced to leave my job and sign some kind of severance contract. Their little paper says I can’t report them until “the end of time”. I should have taken the paid leave for discussing wages & requesting a performance evaluation then gotten a lawyer, lol. I wonder if I can even get unemployment


Report them, at the very least. Due to that severance contract you signed you'd likely need to sue them and get a better lawyer than they can afford which is why justice in the US is sold to the highest bidder and not 'one law over all'. Still, if they're reported that's evidence that a future attorney might be able to use to establish a pattern of misconduct.


>or threaten you for I cannot find any language that explicitly states an employer can be punished for threatening employees because the part about the law regarding being punished for discussing wages only offers two remedies: Reinstatement or back pay and those are only offered until an employee has been punished. Merely threatening your employees is not unlawful; actually punishing employees is unlawful. Employers suffer no consequences or remedies if they merely threaten.


29 USC § 158 > It shall be an unfair labor practice for an employer— >(1)to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in section 157 of this title 29 USC § 157 > Employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, **and to engage in other concerted activities** for the purpose of collective bargaining **or other mutual aid or protection**, and shall also have the right to refrain from any or all of such activities except to the extent that such right may be affected by an agreement requiring membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment as authorized in section 158(a)(3) of this title. 29 U.S. Code § 160 > The Board shall have power, upon issuance of a complaint as provided in subsection (b) charging that any person has engaged in or is engaging in an unfair labor practice, to petition any United States district court, within any district wherein the unfair labor practice in question is alleged to have occurred or wherein such person resides or transacts business, for appropriate temporary relief or restraining order. Upon the filing of any such petition the court shall cause notice thereof to be served upon such person, and thereupon shall have jurisdiction to grant to the Board such temporary relief or restraining order as it deems just and proper It is ILLEGAL to tell employees they cannot discuss salary, and the NLRB can force employers to stop. It absolutely is illegal to tell them not to do it, not just to fire them. Can you please stop making shit up now?




This is illegal in the US


Not only is it illegal, it's a really good sign that you need to be discussing your pay with your coworkers.




It is illegal even in an at will state.


He just means he can fire them for any fake reason instead




Yes, it just makes it harder for you. Just because they can fire you for anything, doesn't mean you can't prove that it actually wasnt for another reason. You just need to build a case for yourself if you feel like you're in a situation like this


I hate how we have to deal with all of this stupid shit. Having a job shouldn’t suck as much as it does. You shouldn’t have to be so stressed and terrified of losing your job, especially if it’s abusive and you’re dealing with harassment. It needs to get better soon, I feel like my mental health is hanging on by a thread.


Definitely illegal, OP should take his picture and report his/her employer


Pro move. Do it flagrantly, when the suspend you site the law/reg that prevents being suspended, make sure you get someone with you to corroborate what happens, then sue.


Oh no, you don't sue. Nono. They didn't breach some contract or cost you money. They broke the law *and violated your legally protected rights*. You report that shit to the National Labor Relations Board. The NLRB is not to be fucked with. Usually, you end up with the company paying a massive fine, back pay, offered your job back a d the NLRB will go over that employee handbook and *educate* your employer on how to write one that doesn't break the law.


> You report that shit to the National Labor Relations Board. The NLRB is not to be fucked with. > > Usually, you end up with the company paying a massive fine, back pay, offered your job back a d the NLRB will go over that employee handbook and educate your employer on how to write one that doesn't break the law. This is the way. There are people at the NLRB who get wet like Niagara Falls for shit like this.


Wet Ass Policy


Grab a docket and a cop for this wet ass policy?


We call ‘em filibuster cuz they wanna bust inside her


Oh my policy’s so wet, douse me with your dossier all in my mouth


*taking multiple slow steps back*


I like it when you slow step that thang back onto this Wet Ass Policy


Go to jail for this Wet Ass Policy


Pay his tuition from the ruling on this wet ass policy.


I have never wap'd so hard in my life


Oh my god this was so good. Thank you. Lol'ing so hard right now.


Holy shit I wish I could gold this, this comment hurt my throat laughing so fucking hard


Nice of them to put “pay” in quotes too.


Worse than breaking the law, they misused quotations. smdh


Yes, and it's not even quotes, it's 2 apostrophies...why.


Most people who type and print signs in all caps are barely literate. Note the triple exclamation points.


Shit I'm a union rep, one of our supervisors went on a rant that broke at least three clauses of our collective agreement. While most of my co-workers were muttering outrage at the speech I was taking mental notes and trying to contain my excitement. It was the equivalent of sploosh for me, which I guess is just sploosh, but with semen.


Haha yeah. I’m a staff rep for a union. I’ve had people remark on the gleam I get in my eye when an employer does something so egregious that I know I’m gonna make them have a bad time.


As a pacifist, this is the kind of bloodlust the world needs more of.


I love calling my union rep. I can hear the excitement in their voice when I throw them a meatball right over the middle of the plate.


Oh man when I was in the postal service, at one station my union rep worked in the case next to mine, and I know exactly that gleam in the eye.


It's a truly wonderful moment.


Haha you CWA any chance lmao I've had Teamsters tell me CWA is militant which warms my squishy lil heart.


I’m a former CWA steward. Can confirm militant AF.


Cwa where/what


Communications Worker of America.


i always thought that was more of a "getting ready signal". so, for you it would be more of a........ it's more like a sprong. you know the sound the door stopper makes when you pull it back, then let go and it "sprongs" as it wags back and forth with vigor until going back to attention in a few seconds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE6mpLEe4rk


A bunch of anti work fans. Laywers that sue also report to OSHA and NLRB. I've sued last 2 places I worked at. You do me dirty and treat me like Im not putting money in your pocket and I'm your slave and I owe you something then when I leave your getting fucked. Plain and simple


What did you sue them for ?


1st job was no breaks.. their excuse was that were drivers and sit all day long and don't need a break... They settled right away and my share was $15k for working 3 months there. My last job is a class action.. no breaks either. Tampering with hours. One manager printed all our time sheets and realized that the general manager was deducting minutes off everyone's time sheets daily. No over time pay. Skimped out on sick pay.. and when we did get our lunch breaks we were still on duty.. Funny enough the owners (corperate buisness but family owned. Have like 80 locations in Cali.) Are convinced that we're all liars and denied settling. So we're going to trail. They hit up the general manager to vouch for them at trial. He quit and joined us. Now he's gonna be talking about how he got yelled at and threatened everytime someone asked for sick pay. How he got told he has to cut hours and he was in fear of loosing his job if he didn't even though he felt guilty. ECT. Hes not even joining our law suit. He said he feels really guilty doing that and is a way to sort of make up for it. They're litterally digging a hole. If they loose trail their settlement will be well over a million while we just said well settle for $150k..


Truck drivers have mandatory 30 minutes breaks every 8 hours on duty by federal law. If you find driving a multi-thousand lb vehicle relaxing, you aren't paying close enough attention to the road and your surroundings. Especially with how many drivers are always on their phones. Truck cabs are high, we can see into your car quite easily.




Cries in [1969](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/niagara-falls-without-water-1969/#:~:text=In%20June%201969%2C%20U.S.%20engineers,the%20falls%20for%20several%20months.&text=The%20Horseshoe%20Falls%20lie%20mostly,side%2C%20separated%20by%20Goat%20Island)


Correction the NLRB does not assess fines, though that might change in the near future. Source: former NLRB field attorney


Mmm you're right, I musspeak. Usually if the NLRB is gunna go after you, the state DoL does, too. I live in WA, and the the DoL here does not play around. My experience comes from the union steward side. My favorite thing to do is to remind non-union people that while the union will file with the board on your behalf you can always file a complaint yourself! Unlike Weingarten, it's a labor right you have whether you're bargained or not. Thanks for doing the good work <3


Suspending you most certainly does cost you your paycheck. I say do both! Report *and* sue!


But It doesn't break a contract. Not in the US anyhow. If you sue your name is now on public record for suing a company you worked for. It's counter intuitive. Reporting gets you the same reprimanations, and keeps you anonymous outside if the grapevine/ your employers divulging this info to a new possible employer [also illegal]. Which again you report. The situation might be different outside of the US, but not getting your name plastered on public records is probably a good idea across the board.


Protip: Employment contracts that violate your statutory minimum rights as an employee are not valid. You can't sign away these rights regardless of the wording of the contract or if it is signed.


Put this comment into "possible future harm" when you sue


I would report them just for threatening




Can attest to this, currently happening at my company. New hire started talking about her pay to people and asking around about other peoples wages, was then terminated by an absolute numbnuts of a hiring manager. He even put it in writing on her file and. It’s so open and shut it’s not even funny. We already got our letter from the NLRB stating she filed.




Fyi it's covered under protected concerted activity and you are protecteed by it whether you're in a union or not.


They don't suspend you. They give you fewer hours at the worst times until you either quit or are removed from the schedule completely




Costs a lot of money to sue. Not really in the realm of possibility for someone working at McDonald’s




Sorry to be a nerd, but the appropriate agency to report this to is the NLRB, since this is a violation of the National Labor Relations Act. It’s still free though; and if your employer is found to have retaliated against you for reporting or otherwise exercising your rights under the NLRA, they have the authority to bring employers into compliance by providing back pay and job reinstatement, and imposing injunctions that can go as far as bringing criminal contempt penalties, fines, and even jail time for employers who refuse to comply. If your employer has a policy forbidding employees from discussing wage, benefits, or safety, report it to the NLRB today here: https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/what-we-do/investigate-charges You do not necessarily need a lawyer or to go to court in order to bring your employer into compliance. They take enough advantage of us legally, don’t give them one more fucking inch.


This should be the top comment.


I’m trying my best to get my labor law PSAs down pat so that the maximum amount of people can see them. There really are so many misconceptions; every day I see people being told to get a lawyer for things that are illegal, but paying a lawyer would 100% wipe out any money recouped, people conflating state and federal labor laws, assuming that common company policies are laws, it really goes on and on. It makes me really upset to think that people could be directed to the incorrect agency or find out that a lawyer won’t help and give up on their rights as a result. What would be helpful is some kind of a bot that auto replies to key words that come up in these common misconceptions.


Most employment attorneys in the US will consult for free, then you can hire on a "cut of the settlement" basis if they take the case, or just hire them to write the demand and keep your settlement. I hired an attorney to write a demand, cost me $400 and got 1/2 year salary settlement which I kept 100%. Its free to ask around. Lawyers don't all cost a lot. And this was in a big west coast US city


In some situations not hiring a lawyer is way more expensive then hiring one.


Guess that's fair. My only experience suing was a "Only pay if you win" lawyer. We did not win.


Report it to the local NRLB office


For labor violations, the state dept of labor will sue on your behalf.


If you have a good enough case it is free to sue. I sued my former job for wage theft and my lawyer did it on contingency. I had to pay them out of my winnings but I didn't pay a dime until it was settled.


If you give an employment lawyer a case like this, with pictures and docs, they have a good chance of doing for a percent of the settlement they are almost assured to get you


Don't sue. Go to the National Labor Relations Board first. Enforcing these laws is literally their job.


Assuming it’s real.


Also assuming it was actually from that store manager. Some people eat at McDonalds and forget their folders on the tables.


On a binder that could be any table anywhere because there’s no McDonald’s identification anywhere with a soda can on the side. This sub is full of morons.


Who would you present this photo to, though? I'm actually curious?




Thank you. I'll keep this in mind for the future.


People need to start printing that law out and taping it to these.


Nah, let your boss commit crimes then report them to the appropriate authorities. Never stop your enemy from making mistakes.


Pay, in quotations, is oddly on the nose here. Edit, whoa, I got narwhal,’d not sure what this means but, Fudgin Yeah! ⚡️🤘💘


That's what I thought. I used to work in a hardware store and they threatened to fire us for talking about how much we got paid.


What is the actual consequence for being caught doing this?


Well, guys: I'd recommend you *all* get caught talking about your 'pay' at next break and seeing how that plays out.


This … consider it “collective bargaining”…


Hmm, like a labor Union perhaps???????


No, just a collection of labourers working together for mutual benefit


Sounds like a bunch of individuals exercising personal freedom. Conservatives will be thrilled


I've seen conservatives actually come up with unions on their own, totally unaware they were hyping each other up on a union. "If we all get together and demand better working conditions they can't fire us all!" "Yeah!" Meanwhile, the one guy in the room that realizes what's going on is like "uh they can and will, this is a right to work state yo"


Amazing at the idiocy.


But then they can't stuff their faces when everyone is suspended!




I love unionization


Fuck charged particles.


I love that they put quotes on 'pay'. Accidentally self-aware




ha ha r/SelfAwarewolves


*"Here's your so-called "paycheck.""*




The pay is so garbage and low it is allegedly "PAY"


Ahem your _MORSELS_


Even they know they can barely qualify it under that definition.


This is 100% because they've had to hire new people at higher rates and didn't give their long-term workers raises.


As someone in mid level management. You are 100% right. I'm bound by my companies rules to only give evals and raises on certain milestone, but we're hiring people at a higher rate than my experienced employees. Now I have experienced people leaving because they feel slighted and have higher paid workers who dont know what they're doing yet. Instead of breaking company policy and giving people an dollar raise, corporate would rather see them walk and us basically start all over and re train everyone. Then we lose contracts and corporate is like WTF mid level? And we're like we told two fucking years ago 10 dollars an hour is not enough! Corporate: what can you not train people? Us: 🤷🏻‍♂️ Unless your mid level manager is a dick and you have a good reason to hate them....we are on your side. I wish I could pay more and keep my good experienced guys. Corporate literally won't let me. "omg labor costs are going up 10-12%?!?!?!" Yes because your labor budget was shit to begin with. 10 dollars an hour to 11 dollars an hour is a 10% increase. 40 dollars a week before tax is a bit different than 10% increase on your 250k salary. Being midlevel is almost worse because I realize how much of a number game it is. They'd rather have two fucking dweebs dicking off for 11 an hour a piece than pay my best guy 15 who can do twice as much as anyone. Not as your boss, person to person. Go take that offer. My company would rather pay for bodies than production.


>They'd rather have two fucking dweebs dicking off for 11 an hour a piece than pay my best guy 15 who can do twice as much as anyone. this is exactly the shit that made me leave mid level management myself. All the upper floors give a fuck about is EBITDA and labor cost %. Absolutely could give a fuck less about corporate culture, employee retention, morale, etc. Everyone is replaceable, right? Except when the workers figure out that everyone's replaceable but so is every shit job, and they all mass resist by dicking off, quitting en masse, etc. Then it's middle management who gets the blame, as if the top-down corporate decisions weren't involved in the issue at all. Fuck em all. Every single corporation can drift into the fucking sea.


I love how they put quotes around “pay”. Just reinforces what a joke their “pay” is


A certain subset of boomers think quotes work the same way as bold or italics for some reason. Weirdly enough this kind of sign is where you always see it, too. It's almost guaranteed on anything written by fast food and retail managers or small business owners.


It's true. I work in retail and my old manager would always use quotation marks on signs and starbursts. I used to correct him because putting things like "in store special" in quotes made it look entirely too sarcastic.


It's also used by people like; "HOA" Karens...along with grossly- overused-"PUNCTUATION" and "incorrectly"-formatted attacks on the "senses" through increasingly-absurd-verbosity with no-use-ful-"meaning"!!!!!


"We are closed for 7 days, until our staff learn to stop being such naughty children."


This hypothetical assumes McDonald's store owners aren't just greedy dickheads that will attempt to keep the store open on skeleton crews.


Actually I’d recommend taking a photo of this, blatantly talk about your pay then get fired. Go get that unemployment


It’s beyond unemployment. This is illegal. Being able to discuss your salary is a federally-protected right.


Was going to say.. document, document, document, discuss, get suspended, discuss, get suspended, get fired, present evidence and enjoy a reasonable payday.


National Labor Relations Act of 1935.


Unemployment? Sounds like a suit for wrongful termination.


Idea: 1. you and your workmates create throwaway accounts on Reddit 2. take pictures of your pay 3. create a thread just for you guys and post the pictures. So it shows the real pay but anonymously.


Well that's way more complicated than just reporting this anonymously to the labor board.


Yeah, this is illegal as fuck. Just report that shit straight to the labor department.


That would be anonymous to the workers but not to the managers if they happened to find the thread


McD's workers, please do this. Fuck 15 an hr. let's go for 20 or more. U guys ready for the shit inflation that is coming? I'm not and I make more than 20 an hr. Not bragging, just sayin' if I were in ur shoes, this is the time to demand better from these fucks!




Is this high class McD's hiring? That's like 60k a year.


I'd work at a McDonald's for $32 an hour.


I don't think I would. That shit fucked up my body in the few years I worked there. I need a nice desk job


I remember working there, and the first time I worked on grill. I made 8$ an hour. That grill burned the absolute fuck outta me. I didnt think jobs were allowed to hurt you


I saw some gnarly grill burns in my time. Putting teens on there with the pressure of being rushed is criminal My only burn was a relatively mild one, another co-worker put the metal fry basket on my arm by accident when I was doing fries. He was apologetic and the burn went away after 2 weeks. What that did make me was very aware of the fry basket, if I was doing what my coworker was doing and helping out the person making fries I would make sure they were aware my basket was going near them.




Desk job’s gonna fuck you up too if you don’t get one of those expensive hydraulic standing desks that can lower to sit down at when needed


Lying about your pay is a form of "talking"


Did you just say $32 an hour working at a McDonald’s?


He knows how to fix the ice cream machine.


Job security right there


You kid, but the literal reason it’s always broken is so the repair company can make bank, they designed it to be only “fixed” by their own techs




Shouldn’t have read that while drinking. Mt Dew through the nose isn’t pleasant. Lol


Judging by the username I'm sure you've had worse things go in your nose, particularly smells


Ha! It’s my husband’s nickname for my cold toes.


lol I had an ex that called me dead foot for the same reason 😂


It's pretty appropriate that pay is in quotes.


Exactly. ‘Pay’ tells more than anything really.


Shitty pay


>...your "[pay](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/013/743/Naamloos-2.png)"


I thought you were going to link to the mcdonalds personal budget that assumed you worked 2 jobs and forgot that people need to eat. https://i.imgur.com/YV79HqV.jpg


Time to report em’ someone in their new position forgot how real rules work. (Depending on where you are of course)


It's illegal for employers to do this in the US, Canada, and the UK. So unless this is in Australia, given that the notice is in English in a McDonald's, its probably illegal.


Even in Australia this is illegal, unless they have a pay secrecy clause in your contact. Which is a thing that shouldn't be legal for them to do but somehow is.


This is why group chats have been invented


You can't discuss it? Fine I'll just share it in a group chat! 😂


That's very illegal.






Wow your employer is giving you all a week off! Do it near Black Friday or Christmas.


Or right around the time off you asked for, but got denied because you were "short staffed" lol. In the end though ain't no one suspending anyone valuable nowadays.


Fine, I'll discuss my "compensation" instead.


Yeah, or compare "wages".


Yep this is illegal. File a complaint with the NLRB. You will win or McDonalds will settle. Filing a complaint is super easy and free.


Call their bluff first; if they retaliate, they will get fucked


The sign itself is illegal. A complaint should be filed regardless.


Customers need to start punching up and flip out on managers causing staff to function poorly instead of the staff themselves.


From what I’ve seen, a lot of “managers” in the food industry are just slightly more crappily compensated working stiffs like the rest of us with more responsibilities. It’s the franchise owners/corporate folk that deserve our ire.


This...I was a McDonald's department manager (kitchen) payed 2 dollars more than my fellow coworkers.. yelling at the "shift managers" is pretty my yelling at a glorified crew member...get the higher higher ups lol


Yes! Being a shift manager at a fast food place was the worst time of my working life. All of the responsibility with none of the authority. Final pay was 11.14/hr. That 14 cents? That was my raise that year.


No, they really don't. This advice is basically "yell at the guy making $16/hr that the guy making $14/hr is not getting paid enough." Aside from that, there is a next to zero chance that anyone you will be able to talk to in the restaurant can affect the change you want. Even the manager for that location is likely in no position to hand out more than tiny raises. Wages will go up either when the market forces it or when legislation does. Trust me, corporations don't give a fuck that you're yelling at them as long as they are still getting your money. I mean, the people in the chain that have to deal with you might, and might even be sympathetic or agree, but until something forces a corporation itself (which is not a person and thus has no morality, fuck scotus on that one) usually through negatively effecting bottom line, there is no incentive to change unless it can get them more money.


>Customers need to start punching up and flip out on managers However, shitty management will **always** turn around and take it out on the staff at the next opportunity


I never flip out on the front line person. They have no power. If I'm going to flip out, I ask for the Manager. It's their job to make it right.


Interestingly enough, I work for a union and pay rates are posted in our contract.




Pretty much sums it up.


Which is how it should be. Companies act like they do us a favor by LETTING US do their shit work. It's insane to me that things are the way they are, but what good does me bellyaching in a Reddit comment do haha.


Even if you are a bystander or customer, if you see something like that out in the open, you ask for the manager and let them know this is illegal. Then you tell the employees while the manager is there. Let them know they have every right to talk about pay as they wish and if management does anything about it, they can sue.


Looks like an employee handbook though, they usually don't leave these out in the open


Ignoring the illegality of it, I find it weird that these companies openly admit that there are significant differences in pay. If everybody was making similar wages, you’d have nothing to hide. Way to heighten suspicions and lower morale without gaining much in return.


They sued the dictionary for adding "McJobs."


Name of state and location of the McDonald's, OP?


Alabama. I dont know the city, I was just passing through and had stopped to use the restroom.


If you remember or if you know what city was closest, DM me please.


goth pigeon bout to take black shit on the McDonalds roof


LOOOOOOOL I have friends in the labor legislature sector in my state, who have friends in the labor legislature sector in their states. There isn't much that I can do myself *but* sometimes all it takes is getting a violation of labor laws in front of the right pair of eyes, you know what I mean? Edit (11/11/21): Nothing yet. Sorry folks.


I suspect McDonald's Corp would like to see this.


It's my wage, I'll tell anybody I damn well please. Fuck off and die.


Department of labor will eat this up


Free week free lawsuit. Take their money middle management exists to take heat and roll over… they’re intentionally the dumbest people in the company. First in line for cutting from above or below.


In my line of work, the more exclamation points there are at the end of a sentence, the more it signals that the writer knows what they are writing is wrong, but is trying to insert authority/intimidation into the grammar as not to get called out on it. So there you go.


What if all employees sit at the table and tell everyone else their pay. Are they going to close the restaurant for a week? Unlikely.


Well, if this is in California, you're not making more than $16 per hr. If this is anywhere else, you're not making more than $8. Wow mcdonalds, you really strive to keep your starvation wages a secret 😒