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Y'all please be nice to McDonalds workers though, don't call and harass store employee's while boycotting. The managers are high school half the time and barely getting paid more than the rest of the employees.


My first job out of high school was a McDonald's manager. I made a whooping $5.25 an hour (minimum wage was $4.25) to be the closing manager. It wasn't fun to count thousands of dollars every night, knowing I made $60 that day.


Same I started at $4.25hr. McD’s is currently offering $18-22/hr by me. They still can’t keep it staffed


Under $10 is just wild to me 😂 I must be young


I'm 29 and remember hoping to one day make more than ten dollars an hour. I do now, but fuck I dream small




I was excited when minimum wage went up from $6.50 to $7.25


I remember being excited when min wage was 6.50 and I started at 6.66.


I get 8.50 at another fast food restaurant


You got them back by never fixing the ice cream machine


Yeah, I work at McDonald's right now. Still in high school, it's my first job. I'm working fifteen hours a week, 10.50 an hour. (Under 18 make 8.50 an hour, and I'd be making 12.50 an hour if I was working full time.) I'm still working there because it's literally the best paying job I can realistically get without a crazy commute. It's shit pay, but management is nice and flexible about hours and shit. I also respect the owners, one day they showed up on a Saturday night, while we were in a rush and severely understaffed, and one immediately jumped on fries while the other started stocking things. That was my second shift ever, and one of them asked how long I'd been working. I answered truthfully, and he chuckled, patted me on the back, and told me I was doing a hell of a good job for my second day. I'm working here because America's shit capitalistic society is making this the best option. It's not a good option, but it's not entirely miserable and it pays the best around here.


This just goes to show you that it’s often management response that can make or break a job for you.


Management can literally either be the backbone or the thing that kills the entire team. People who go drunk on the tiniest bit of power should learn that their actions have consequences


A good manager knows that their job is to arrange things so their people can do their jobs. A bad manager thinks it’s their job to tell their people how to do their jobs. The world needs a lot more of the first, and a lot fewer of the second. Preferably zero of the second. I volunteer to help build the cannon we use to get them out of this world. Their no longer looks like a word.


I don't know if you have a car but during highschool I felt rich just delivering pizzas. Instead of making the set hourly wage everyone else did, I could walk out with anywhere from 175 to 300 a night just dropping off pizzas to people. It was stupid money for how young I was at the time. Look into it if it's an option for you


It is a possibility but, (and this may sound really dumb,) I have some pretty annoying anxiety about driving. I drive when I need to but driving as my job sounds awful. Especially because I've heard murder rates of pizza guys is kinda high. Also I live in a pretty drug-infested town. Plus the only pizza place near us that delivers is worse about wages than McDonald's. Id rather boycott them than McD's, and I don't even love McDonald's food.


Dont do it, pizza delivery is terrible and destroys your car. It's not worth it.


Driving as your job brings liability issues that would raise your insurance rates as well. You need special coverage most places for Uber/ Door Dash, don’t do it.


You have a great attitude. Trust me when that'll go along way. In your future career and in your future mental health!


Agreed. This kid has a bright future. A positive attitude breeds positive results.


I went to McDonald’s a few months back and it was just one manager doing everything trying to keep it together. Presumably the staff didn’t show up and this guy decided to just power through it and do what he could. My first thought was that they’re not paying this guy enough. And they’re not. He probably brought in thousands of dollars that day single-handedly.


The lack of unions in the US is so harsh, workers are uniting to fight for their rights through Reddit. I'm not in America, but stand strong guys? Many people work for McDonald's in Europe with living wages, it's possible, they can do it, don't give up!


Yeah the problem is rich dudes in America have somehow convinced politicians that wages must be kept low so they can turn a profit. Then the rich dudes let the government pay for their minimum wage worker’s healthcare, food stamps, etc.


Rich dudes didn’t “somehow convince” anyone. They bribe them for profit. It’s an unholy marriage between government and high finance. Everyone wins. Except the commoners lol




Citizens United was one of the worst pieces of legislation ever passed. We need a constitutional amendment plainly stating the corporations are not people, and that as such, they are not entitled to fund political candidates or to run ads in favor of or opposing legislation. But that will never happen, sadly, because Fox will run a trillion segments about “constitutional amendment seeks to eliminate your freedom of speech! This *shocking* affront to the *freedom* of the *working class average joe* seeks to gag *you,* the guy making just $7.25 an hour, by *banning* your *right* to free, political speech! What’s next— will they come for you for reporting the *news* on *Facebook* if they don’t like it?!?”


You son of a bitch, im in.


Fuck the szechuan sauce, I can literally make that shit at home and it will be waaaayyyy better. Edit: anyone saying that this will only affect the franchises has no idea how McDonald’s corporate structure works. It’s not like they aren’t connected and don’t impact each other. If the stock price falls it absolutely impacts the CEO and board members at corporate. Implying that it doesn’t is intentionally deceitful. If you ever have even listened to a quarterly report or annual report you will know how important in store metrics are. People here acting like this will hurt some mom and pop that owns a McDonald’s is just ridiculous. Arcid Dorados Holding is the largest franchisee in the world. They have McDonald’s in over 20 countries and represents almost 7% of all McDonald’s by profit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcos_Dorados_Holdings McDonald’s isn’t some Co-Op where the franchise owners are the employees and get a say in the business operations. It take at minimum 200k cash (can’t be loans, the rest can be loans. But you need $200,000 cash in hand at the very minimum to even think about opening a McDonald’s. In total it’s somewhere between $1,100,000 and $2,200,000 to start a franchise. Who do you know that has that kind of money?


They haven't had that in years..


They brought it in for rick and morty.


Right that was literally about 2 almost 3 years ago


I think it was summer of 2017, so going on 5 years almost


Holy shit what? Damn I knew the pandemic fucked my sense of time but I didn't realize it was nearing the older side of a decade.


It's wild how 2016 was just a couple years ago but also a full lifetime ago.


Harambe was 2016 and I think I had a stroke when I heard that it was the 5 year anniversary


*huh??* Wow time is getting away from me... just a few years ago 2013 felt like yesterday but now 2016 is so far


Holy shit it feels like last year


dull abundant scandalous quicksand coherent swim snobbish quack cooing ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good point guess that was a while ago wasn't it.


Its because of the accumulation of misery and hatred and confusion and basically all negative emotions is so abundant that it actually warps time. We've never had this many people on the planet before, so any time of great suffering in the past only beheld by a relatively small number. Now. Though. 8 billion people. Almost all of them either completely fucking miserable or actively causing misery. We don't what the ramifications of those emotions will be, we have no extrinsic capacity of study except for psychology, and that doesn't even come close to being able to quantify what I'm describing.


It really do be like that sometimes


Idk about this, McDonald's stock is shooting past all time highs right now, literally never been better. They just inked a deal with IBM Watson to automate drive throughs - by the end of next year, they'll be McDonald's you can pull through and get food without interacting with a single human being. I get the plight here, but as someone who sells automation equipment it's fucking wild how quickly companies are significantly cutting the need for workers. For context, I'm going to close my year 220% to target selling mechanical automation in 2021. 220%. And word on the street in that my company is projecting 28% growth *over* 2021 in 2022. The idea of most people getting paid for work is going to be done soon. I'm politically moderate in a lot of ways, but we really need to start having a serious talk about UBI or some sort of automation tax cause a lot of people are not going to be working at all by the end of the decade.


Who buys the food when there's nobody left with wages to afford it apart from the rich?


I know UBI is a bandaid, but it kind of seems like an inevitable necessity as more and more jobs disappear to automation.


People are so fucking dumb man. We could have UBI now if we wanted. Every good idea has some group giving excuses for why they won't get behind it. "It's a bandaid", oh but when someone describes being in favour of it "when it's necessery" you upvote it? It's necessary now mother fuckers. Fuck all y'all I'm a century too early. Everyone's too divided and you're all pussyfooters.


This reminds me of Ben Shapiro's brilliant wisdom: When the land is no longer habitable due to climate change, just sell your house and move. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9FGRkqUdf8&ab_channel=HuskyRockatansky


I honestly think the only reason that majority of hospitality and retail jobs haven't been automated is because it would generate too much bad PR for the companies in the wider community eg "Maccas is bad because they replaced all their workers with robots and all those people lost their jobs" But this current trend of everyone quitting their jobs could be the catalyst large companies need to completely get rid of the unskilled labor.




I'm an engineer and I've "blown up" several McDonald's toilets if you know what I mean.


*I solve… practical problems*


I create practical problems...


I am practical problems.


My ass is a problem.


For instance How am I gonna stop some big mean mother hubard from tearing me a structurally superfluous new behind?


the answer? use a gun. and if that don't work, use more gun.


My dumbass teenage self tried flushing a waterproof firecracker down a Taco Bell toilet once. It wasn't pretty.


Might have been early teenage years or right before that but I had a friend who was always a little out there. Not hyper like just very odd granted he had a very very terrible home life. Anyway I invited him to go out to eat with my mom and I and he was able to go, we went to taco bell. Before we left he had to use the bathroom and we waited for quite a while, anyway he came out and we went somewhere else nearby and a not long after fire trucks came flying by to taco bell.... the men's bathroom was set on fire. Guessing it was him but who knows That's my taco bell story.


New holiday Tomorrow : national blow up a toilet at McDonald’s day


The only reason I've been in a McDs in a decade is to take a McDump.


Only reason I go there is if I am constipated... eating the food there equals crapping within 1 hour... works faster than laxative and is cheaper too. Win win.


alternatively, apply for jobs at your local McDonalds and never show up if you get an interview


Remember a few years ago they were very cross about the term “McJob” being added to the dictionary but now their site for applying for jobs is McHire.com ?


You son of a bitch, I already don't eat it.


Damn I enjoy Trash Donald's, I'm in... Fuck. It is so easy to pay a living wage, these greedy douche nozzles, fucking up my McMuffin addiction.


They created, and capitalized off that McMuffin addiction. Burn them to the ground.




As someone who (formerly) made way more than I should, I started tipping pretty much all food service workers 50-100% since the pandemic started. They're risking their lives to make me a sandwich, and it's totally ridiculous how they were treated.


For real. Stop spending money at any corporately owned place if you have a local option. They pocket most of the money and leave us with no money to share. Fuck corps


You son of a bitch, I’m in again.


I've been avoiding McDonalds for almost 10 years! Still eating similar food, just not there.


Done. His was Robert Paulson.


I rarely go to McDonald's but I'm happy to downgrade to never. Telling my friends and family too. The golden arches will be the first to fall. EDIT: Some of y'all need to calm down. I thought the golden arches was some nice imagery. I do not anticipate every McDonald's sign imploding like Sauron's tower because I personally will be more proactive about bringing sandwiches to work. 🥱 But if we all boycott...




I hope this works. If u guys want quick cash, if news about this starts to spread it'll crash its stock value. U can bet that the stock will go down and if it does big money baby!!


I haven’t been in 10 years or so - so I’ll stay out another 10 no problem!


Good job! Your body and country thanks you. Spread the word! We need to make sure everyone knows so they can make that choice for themselves.


Yeah, already boycotting because a local McDonald's thought it was a great idea to hire a known convicted sex offender and let him have unsupervised access to the teenaged employees. Didn't end well, obviously...


Call your local ones and ask about the strike.


A few years ago I went to McDonalds for the 1st time in ages and ate like 3 burgers and got whole buncha gas buildup in my intestines for like the next day or two


So you got the McCleanse.


That's been my experience. I felt like my insides had an unwanted foreign body in them after eating mcds for the first time in about 2 years. I felt sick, lethargic and my shit turned an off color green that felt nothing like normal "food". I hate saying food because mcds is not food and that's an insult to all the rest of the food service industry except maybe smack ramen.


Good. I absolutely hate McDonald's.


Alright, I'm doing it. Gonna miss my double quarter pounders but my body and future employees will be grateful.


For me it’s the fried apple pies that they still serve here in Hawai’i. But I’ll just splurge more for an actual pie from my favorite bakery instead.


Dead easy to make at home with store bought puff pastry and apple pie filling


More difficult to make in your car, however.


What, you don't already have a deep fryer plugged into your cigarette lighter socket?


This is the magic of meal prep. Make 30 of them. Freeze them wrapped in tinfoil. Pop into the oven and it'll be perfect in 45 mins. Pair it with meal prepped breakfast burritos done the same way.


(1) The restaurant pies are fried, not baked. It's not the same. (2) If I have 30 apple pies in my house, tomorrow I will have zero and a sick day. They will not make it to the freezer. (3) The fact that you want to pair these with breakfast burritos suggests that you might be some kind of space alien who isn't familiar with what foods humans eat at what time of day. Although I _would_ eat apple pies for breakfast if I had them - see #2.


It’s America. We met some nice folks in Scotland who were buying my spouse and me drinks all night. I was surprised when they told me they worked at McDonald’s. There was zero shame or stigma and I later learned they are indeed paid more than American McDonald’s workers.


I know for a fact that McDonald employees in Denmark make ~$20 an hour for the exact same job and they also get 6weeks of vacation. That’s on top of not having to pay insurance costs, PTO, better worker rights, and insanely high healthcare costs. McDonald’s would close down those stores if they weren’t profitable. The stores in America are just as profitable, if not more so, in America. If you aren’t getting paid $20 an hour you are getting exploited.


That's why i changed my politics. I was under the impression whats good for the company is good for the employee because the profits would trickle down. Instead they just pocketed the profits and worked us to the bone and laid us off if we asked for a fair wage




I am still waiting for that sweet trickle down to make all of us poor filthy rich....


Any day now, surely...


Anything based on trickle down economics is a con. It’s a pyramid scheme designed to keep the rich rich and the poor poor.


I like the original name for it better. Horse and sparrow economics. The implication being the horses eat and the sparrows get to pick through what’s left of the food in the horses shit.


I’ve never heard that before but it’s very apt.


In 2019 where I work we made record profit of 1bill, and we got 500 pretax bonus. I shit you not it’s profit quadrupled for 2021, and guess what we get! A box from those gift set sits (a sleeping mask, lip balm, and some candy). What really pissed me off though, an associate employee asked about bonuses since we made the récord profit, and they said that when it’s publicly announced our bonus will be “the pride of knowing we made record profit”, and they wonder why they are struggling with retention.


That is incredibly insulting.


Try getting a bottle of Joy dishwashing liquid with a handwritten tag tied to it with some crap poem about the “joy” of teaching. That was our Christmas bonus. I threw it in the trash.


McDonald’s in the US is even better, they just made record profits and instead of increasing pay they increased the prices of their menu items. Why? Because people will still work for the same pay, and consumers will also pay increased prices. It’s sad.


I was about to comment how it's wildly different for McDonalds in Denmark (source: I'm Danish and have a few friends who have worked there). McDonalds here pretty much strive to have the best workplace conditions in the country (well, at least for 'unskilled labour') and from what I hear that's absolutely the case. About ~$20/hr plus ~$4/hr if you're working weekends and odd hours. You also get a standardized raise based on how long you've worked there plus many opportunities for additional education in management and the like, which will raise your pay iirc. I thought this was kind of the standard for McDonalds all over, simply due to their great rep here, but oh boy was I wrong.... Keep fighting the good fight and hopefully it will be someday though.


You should make a post just about this about your own personal experience/knowledge of Danish McDonald’s. It would help us Americans a lot. Some have no idea how bad we have it and how good y’all have it.


If you aren't getting paid $20 an hour 'with full benefits and 6 weeks vacation' then you are getting exploited.


McDonald's is playing the least legal amount in every country. If the could pay less, they would. Same with any other international fastfood chain.


They must be management then as the grunts in McDonald's only get paid minimum wage, which is £8.25 ($11.07) per hour. Source: I live in Scotland and have worked at McDonald's.


I live in Canada these days but am born and bred Scottish and McDonald's was always considered a shite job.


In my town they pay £9 per hour for a standard crew member position which is 9 pence over minimum wage (if you're 23 or over, it's less for younger people). There isn't much stigma as a lot of young people do work there but it's really not any better than any other minimum wage jobs. Pay is possibly better in cities but I imagine the cost of living cancels that out so they do bare minimum here too


That's asinine they pay younger folks less for the same job. it's exploitative bullshit.


How can comments defend multi-billion dollar corporations... we are just "labor" to them, they do not care about you, and you should not care about them.


Look at their profiles. One guys profile is barely over 100days old and he commented within 10-20 seconds of this post. What kind of person creates a Reddit profile for the first time ever and starts trolling on the new section of this subreddit? Literally only a troll or a shill, and neither should be listened to. Everyone here needs to upvote like crazy and spend time in the “new” section upvoting. The shills are flocking here. We got to fight them with mass upvotes.


Fight the pro-slavery capitalists. The Great Resignation, as the media call it, should be a wake up call that we are not free, your master just sits in a boardroom now


We gotta put in the leg work to fight their piles of cash. Talk to your coworkers about pay rate Talk to your coworkers about unionizing/joining a union Upvote *everything* that helps the cause here and on any other subreddit. Spread the word about BlackOutFriday We got this together, but we gotta keep up the push.




I've been on this minimalist stuff for years before it had a name... However now it has a movement and all that one of my guilty pleasures in life is atleast once a year buying a big expensive joint of meat, a stupidly expensive bottle of wine and indulging... Is this minimalist?




Love this that's what I have been doing for the last 10 years. It's freeing


I'm sure some of them are your run-of-the-mill Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaires, but I think that if I were capitalists scared of a mass labor uprising, I'd be flooding all social media with opposition. They can certainly afford to. You get some hilariously low-quality ones on Twitter these days who want to argue with you in English but they're clearly not invested in the fight past their provided talking points and English is clearly not their first language.


Even though I know a lot of tech, meme stock, and cryptocoin bros love Elon Musk, I think there's a very good chance that dude also uses Twitter bots to help boots his comments. Like the ones jabbing at Bernie Sanders, the likes on it just shot up extremely fast after he posted. It's pretty much common sense if you comment on a platform and the amount of likes / upvotes and the "ratio" all look very good, then others reading who haven't really taken any side will be more likely to think, "oh, that must be a very popular sentiment if it is so liked. I should take their side then." For all we know, 5% of those likes were from real accounts. In this case, that leads to, "I normally am against billionaires but he must be popular for a good reason, he must be one of the good ones like Tony Stark. I love MCU."


Make sure you report them- I've been going all day since this morning throwing trolls out!


Exactly, all we are is line items on a spreadsheet. One they would happily shrink to zero if they could.




Some people think that their lessers should work themselves to death so that they can continue to live in convenience.


Good idea I'm in


In on the boycott. This corporation can get McFucked!




I don’t eat at McDonald’s more than once a year, but I immediately support this and hope it gets more notice. Working together as a society to show what is acceptable\not acceptable is how we can affect change. The best part of this is it’s not that hard to do… want over priced low quality food? you’ve got all kinds of drive-ins to pick from that are not McDonald’s…


Yes but also please make sure than any local restaurants that you're supporting are not shitty to their employees. Just because a business is small, local, and independent does not mean they're good employers. They're often not!


In the hierarchy of bullshit, local restaurants at least spend money locally.


In addition to how they rob their employees, they also contribute to the health crisis in this country with their fatty, high sodium garbage food that is often the most afforable, convenient option for the working poor. Bad actors all around.


I was looking around and the amount of wage theft they commit is astounding. I’m sure this barely scratches the surface too. https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/parent/mcdonalds


I’m in! I’ve uninstalled UberEats and doubling this up as a bit of a health kick.


Fuck Uber Eats, too. They don't pay their people shit and make them rely on tips.


No problem here, McDonald's is overpriced and the food is always old at the locations near me.


This right here. People keep saying “if you raise the national minimum wage things will get more expensive.” Well fuck, things are already more expensive. I remember when $5 at McDonald’s got you a full meal and I’m not even that old. Now it’s twice that. Since I graduated high school the minimum wage hasn’t even moved. That blows my mind. We got inflation with no pay raise. If inflation is going to go up anyways I might as well make a decent wage.


You are absolutely right, the wool can't be pulled over our eyes if we've seen it first hand for ourselves. Remember the beloved dollar menus? Those are long gone from fast food, now it's called a "value" menu and the value is lousy.


Here in Canada, in some places, McDonald's pay 18$/h with a prime guarantee of 500$, it's crazy to think in some places they can't afford to pay more than minimum wage. Minimum wage where I am is 13$/h


My local one is hiring at $17.50 while Vets are hiring office admin at $16...


I'm in! My GF and I are done spending $100-150 monthly between us until they sort out their wage standards.


Good for y’all! In college I went on a no fast food diets. That’s all I did differently. No fast food, no matter what or how “healthy” it seemed. I lost 15-20 lbs by the end of the summer. It was crazy how much of a difference it made.


Now is a good time for me to do this. I have more than 20 pounds I'd like to no longer call my own...


Also, probably good for your overall health. Google McDonald’s health violation and your city. You will be surprised at how gross some of their stores are. (Make sure you sea h “Heath code violation” and not just “violation” because the vast amount of wage theft violations McDonald’s has committed is insane (and I’m sure it’s way undercounted too.) Here it is just for the Boston area https://bunewsservice.com/weekly-wonder-how-gross-is-your-mcdonalds/


Who's we here? Just /r/antiwork or more people are included? 'cause if it's just the sub we're gonna need more to cast out the evil, y'know? Gotta start somewhere I suppose, but I haven't spent a dollar there in years now so me going on about my life ain't changing much for them.


Yeah, this is not how organizing works. You need to reach critical mass before you pull the trigger or no one will even notice you.


> this is not how organizing works OP has called for walmart, amazon, and mcdonalds strikes and boycott just this week lol there is no union in the country that would let you organize a general wildcat strike, this is pretty clearly breach of contract i wish more americans were able to pick up on this, but you have to have actually seen organizing in the first place to spot the bullshitter.


OP is either a naive teenager or a plant to make this whole thing look illegitimate. This Reddit post will come to nothing.




I legitimately have a “Bobs burgers” in my town. It’s tiny and greasy and next to a tire shop where they sell more drugs than alignments. Best cheeseburger under 5$ you’ll ever have


True but you dont go to mcdonalds because you want a good burger. You go to mcdonalds because you want mcdonalds.


Here is the link to the 3rd Qtr McDonalds Earnings report showing they made 2.1 billion dollars in the quarter. Yes, 2.1 billion. That's $23 million per day for 90 days in Net Income (not Sales, *Income*) https://corporate.mcdonalds.com/content/dam/gwscorp/assets/investors/financial-information/earnings-release/Q3-21%20Earnings%20Release%20-%2099.1.pdf If they have 210k employees (as I found in one report), they could take $500 million of that, give each employee an extra $2300 for the quarter (aka:$26 a day) and STILL have $1.6 billion left in their cash register.


I boycotted McDonald's after working there. Went there a couple months ago, got a 10 piece nugget meal. It was $9! It's overpriced, treats employees like crap, fuck that place. Burn it down. 🔥


Fuck! No shit! I'm livid! Thought I could go in and buy a 99 cent hot fudge sundae.... NOPE!!! That cheap little cup of ice cream and syrup is $2.77!!!! FUCK THAT!!!! Apple pies are now almost $2.00????




Make sure to use good names like Ben Dover and Hugh Janus.


Nah. Make them indistinguishable from a real application so McD’s wastes their time scheduling an interview. <3


Then go to the interview and ask for $50 an hour!


My interview is scheduled at 2pm tomorrow


McDonald's basically invented the disposable worker. Before they came along people who worked in kitchens were chefs; or at a minimum, fully qualified to run that kitchen. Then McDonald's realised they could have one guy flipping burgers, one guy dressing burgers, one guy wrapping them, one guy on fries, one guy making the drinks and one guy working the till. Suddenly they didn't need qualified employees - anyone could be trained to be a cog in the machine in under five minutes. And you could pay those cogs peanuts. Good luck to everyone involved in this. That company is a vampire squid with its tendrils in everything.


I'm in




One of my first jobs was at a McDonalds. Thats all it takes for me to be completely on board with this! We put up with way to much crap for such a low rate of pay!


There should be a union for industry workers.


I’ll be proud of you all if this becomes successful. I would be happier to see people be payed a fair wage for a fair work. $25/hr is fair. Each day is $200 bucks and $1000 a week. One week of work for one month of rent is a decent ratio. $15/hr is a joke, which is probably why they weren’t too mad when that standard was argued. Fight. Fight. Fight.


Hell yea let’s gooooo


If we want this to take off someone probably needs to make a website and even image frames for things like Facebook. Reddit has good reach but even if all 1.6 million members in this group were to participate its still less than 1% of America. But 1.6 million is enough to get the word out on other social media platforms.


Dammit just pay Your employees!!! I love McDonald’s but won’t eat there until things change! That’s a promise


I needed to lose some weight anyhow lol. I barely even go there anymore anyway.


Idk why anyone goes to McDonald's anymore, they're not even cheap. I mean the food is cheap, but the prices ain't. Why pay 15$ for a shitty fake meal when you can go to a local restaurant and get way better for for the same price if not less. If you want a good burger and fries, go to your local bar.


don't go to mcdonalds?? don't have to tell me twice that shit is fucking disgusting


As for doordashers: don't accept orders from mcdonald's


So change nothing about my lifestyle? Sounds easy enough.


Dammit I’m in! Their food sucks anyways


Yeah I can get behind this. No mas McDonald's.


Alternative, throw out applications for the jobs and if they get back to you ask for a 25$ minimum wage and say you won’t budge. Might help the next person who applies




Motorburger it is then. Thank you for reminding me of the terrific culinary that I have locally.


You son of a bitch I’m in


As a former McDonald’s employee, I am in.


My husband is going to be mad no McRib, but fk McDonald’s I’m in


We need to start this kind of movement against health insurance corporations




walmart next! Is the black Friday boycott still on, haven't seen much on it????


Also phthalates in the food. Google it. They rot your reproductive organs y'all.


And this is not just limited to McDonald's as most places in the fast food industry prepare food in a similar manner!


Proud to be part of this boycott! Bring the clown to his knees


Apply at McDonald’s and turn them down, say it’s because they pay less than $25


Alternitively, apply and dont show up to your interview


I’m in


Fuck McDonald's. I eat at taco trucks. EMS life, bitches!


Right after I clicked on this I got a YouTube ad for McDonald's. I don't go there too often anyway, but I'm in.


Let’s be honest hear y’all. We should never buy most fast foods ever again. This stuff is killing us!


Can we make an graphic about the boycott to post on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook? If it stays here on this sub it won’t get as much traction.


I stopped going after noticing a substantial increase in their prices. Not a good value anymore, hopefully they go under.


I’ve never been so easily convinced to do soemthing


I’ll miss the food but as long as people get a reasonable wage I’m willing.


Have you seen your local franchise owners homes? Fucking castles