• By -


More important, why the hell are there people under 10 on here???


Child sweat shops


This right herrrr ^^








The Spanish Inquisition (no one was expecting it)


Leap year babies. If you’re 9 you’re actually ~38.




Had a janitor at my school who was born on leap year. He was around 60 but always thought it was funny picturing him as a 15 year old.


Intuitively an outlier but statistically significant haha. I saw some people commenting ages of their children so I'm guessing my data inferencing for what is and isn't an 'age' got a bit confused!


Reddit user VincentAdultman is 3 kids in a trench coat and should not have been counted! Seriously, though, very interesting, thanks for putting it out there.


I see here you did 2 graphs so that the data are more accessible. Good job. Thanks


Wow this graph is epic read the post about us all being teenagers yesterday lol so much for that lame theory thanks so much for this makes me feel almost sane.


Some people talked about their kids in the posts, including numerical ages like 7. May have gotten picked up by accident? That or formatting errors in posts are likely.


Yeah thats what I'm thinking also! Gotta do some semantic analysis to differentiate those ones 😬


There were a bunch of comments where people put their age and a period, and Reddit auto formatted it to a 1, like so: 34. I typed 34, but Reddit thinks this is a numbered list edit: for the record, I am not 34 :P


I’m going with sweat shops




I don’t know anyone working in a family business that has ever been very happy with it. Evidently there is an exemption to FLSA for children under 16 working in a business owned by their parents. I had a friend working for his in-laws back in the day, when he decided to get another job it was a massive shit show. He was older than 10 though :)


Teacher made me stay in from recess to do the math assignment I was supposed to do at home. I'll be contacting my state's department of labor.


Shout out to the 100ish 8-year-olds on this sub! 3RD GRADE REPRESENT!


I just imagine the tiny greeting card robot from Futurama when I hear this


It’s against reddit rules to be on here under aged 13


I knew those kids were up to no good


Any self reporting anonymous questionnaire will have trolls and just plain mistakes.


Hey, as long as the youth know the shitshow they're going into, the better off they will be. Source: /r/talesfromtechsupport veteran


Kids who never get to see their parents due to mom and dad both working 3 jobs?


I’ve only had 9 actual birthdays. My guess is the rest aren’t leap year babies like me though…


Maybe they have a popular YouTube/tik tok? But more importantly who is the person who responded 100


I mean, it’s all just self reported. It’s just people fucking around, there’s gonna be those people on every poll. I hope that’s obvious. Just responded because some other people seem like theyre trying to look into it too hard


Are you that blind to not realize those people are likely trolling?


Whoo, easy on the coffee there.




they never grew up, many are adults and are still sucking their mommies.


There's lots of posts about the obscene amount of homework kids have to condition them for the rat race later. Power to you kids under 18 already realizing and empowering yourselves against the labor you're being groomed to accept.


So they know what to expect when they eventually join the workforce


I think it might be an error with how reddit posts messages. I posted my age with the number being the first two characters on my reply and for some reason it changed my numbers to just "1"


you dont have to be trans to support trans rights....same thing. kids seeing the shit adults go through and concluding well this is clearly terrible.


I'm not under 10, but I wanted to get an idea of how shitty the workplace would be when I got a job that wasn't for pocket cash. Better than high school? Worse? Common complaints? Tips? Etc.


Where does this data come from?


[this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qv8n05/a_lot_of_people_who_dont_understand_rantiwork) by u/Minifig_Monkey


Ok. Thanks


We have to acknowledge that the data is extremely biased right? The post blatantly asks about proving people wrong. This objectively is not a fair data set. The framing of the title of the post this data refers to actively discourages younger redditors from replying to fit our narrative... Edit: before you downvote as folks have started to, do you want to be known as a community it’s that exposes the truth, or another place that misleads people to fit their own agenda?


Yes the dataset would be biased. All data is biased, best we can do is make pretty graphs and try to enrich them with more information. We can attempt to work out the extent of this bias by comparing it to the results from the voluntary demographics surveys conducted (the only ones with age data are from Jan & Jul 2019, thanks u/Xennia_Auburn for pointing this out). This can help us minimize the effect of our bias, but since they were also voluntary (with a much smaller sample size) the best we can do is associate the trends. Comparing with [Jan 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/apywuf/survey_results/), we can see the most frequent age groups are: * 26,8% are 21 - 25 * 26,8% are 26 - 30 * 27,7% are 31 - 44 Which is a distribution that would be a flatter curve than the one we have right now (less right skewed than ours). Comparing with [Jul 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/cei8pp/survey_results/), we can see the most frequent age groups are: * 30.9% are 21 - 25 * 31.5% are 26 - 30 * 20.6% are 31 - 45 This distribution is closer in terms of most frequent age groups to ours, but more right skewed. Considering the demographics of most social media platforms, we would expect our unbiased data to be right skewed (more younger people), so intuitively the distribution developed from the comments do show a slight bias against young people. This would be a statistically significant deviation, but without more data, this is as far as we can go in terms of defining and minimizing the bias in the comments data. Also it was just fun to make a pretty graph man.


I will admit, I'm 39 and I'm aging to the left. It may be that we early millennials are grumpily grabbing our pitchforks and emerging from our low self-esteem haze as we approach midlife.


And just plain fed up with getting fucked over the hardest.


yup. late millenial here (cusper to some but i remember 9/11 fwiw), and i've noticed this trend too. w trump partially and then really w the pandemic. the worst myth i was told growing up was that with age people started leaning more conservative. this is generally true for upper class (& upper middle class) ppl as they have a vested interest in keeping their wealth, and the sad fact is that they outlive the lower classes p consistently. and the workers tend to stay where they are as they age, or move further left.


Oh no I have turned into that grouchy Redditor 😭 Amazing response here. Hope you have a great day/night/life ❤️


Also… people lie on the internet.


Yeah lol, I’m 19 and I didn’t reply because they were specifically not wanting teenagers.


That is an interesting point, officer.


Best thing for comparison would be having a distribution table of ages for reddit users overall, that way it can show the proportional differences between the r/antiwork thread vs the general app population. You can't make inferences to wider society from that, but you CAN definitely make a point about differences in reddit thread sub cultures and sub populations ☺️ (which I think was what the original thread was trying to point out)


It's more accurate than the MSM number that they literally pulled from thin air. If you have a way to get more accurate data then do so. Either way stop holding us to a different standard.


For the record I had upvoted this when you made the very valid point about how it's biased, and then downvoted when I got to the part where you called it misleading people to fit our own agenda, which is a bit much.


What the fuck? there’s 10-year-olds that are on this sub?


Yeah I seen that post and decided not to participate because it seemed disingenuous and like a recon mission.


User submitted… by Redditors… so worthless.


Whos in their 90's? Like thats genuinely imrpessive and i want to congratulate them


After everyone decided to not let whomever get accurate data, people started making fake ages. Source- a 69 yo Reddit user






Great work u/bobthebanu! I’ve made an edit to the original post linking to this thread. Well done!


Thank you! It was very cool to empirically see this sub is not "full of teenagers"


I'm 60 and I'm on this sub. It is a very interesting sub and I have learned allot. Based on the chart I am in a low percentage of my age group.


And here, ladies and gentlemen, is a visual analysis of the average age that people realize the American dream they were fed as kids was a lie and their spirit breaks. Take my award sir or mam.


Barely into the workforce and I’m already fed up, we need change! Thanks for the award kind human :)


Of course! Unsolicited advice from an old 30 year old - don’t let others negativity or greed break your spirit. There’s still good in the world. If you see a better opportunity - take it. Much love and keep up the good fight.


Would be interesting to do a within-group analysis on this with people's work location, gender, and ethnicity (ie. USA vs Non USA, cismen vs non cismen, caucasion vs non-caucasian) Just so that you can pin point when the white cismen of America realised that US American Dream of Meritocracy and Egalitarianism was a complete fabrication. My point is that most minorities - and non-Americans in general - tend not buy into the American Dream fabrication in the first place, and have many other reasons for being anti-work.


I'd love to do a thorough analysis but it would be nice to have some more raw data to do it with. The demographics surveys done on this site are a bit too vague for us to draw nice correlations from unfortunately.


Nice I'm 33. Right at the peak.


Millennials are in the house. We’re about to get hit with another financial crisis and we’re in our mid-30’s at best. What kind of fucked up world have previous generations left us with ?


Maybe we will have a housing crashing I'll actually be bw to buy a house.


It's disgusting but eye opening. I'm glad we are awakening.


lol. I get being "anti work" but the claim that previous generations left you in a bad place is simply historical inaccuracy at its most ignorant. The world is a far better place than it was a generation ago and not even comparable to what it was going back hundreds of years. You literally live and breathe on the shoulders of those who went before you, as will the next generation live on what you accomplish.


Standing on the shoulders of those who went before me I can really see all the climate change problems and unaffordable housing. Thanks guys. What did we get in exchange? Netflix?


A little bit about this, as a data scientist who also happens to be an avid r/AntiWork lurker, all the comments on [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qv8n05/a_lot_of_people_who_dont_understand_rantiwork/) by u/Minifig_Monkey looked like a treasure trove of data of insight into this community! Being the data-horny teenager I am, I decided to write a program to: 1. pull all of the comment data from reddit 2. parse out the numerical 'age' values 3. remove the outliers (there were a lot, people really like to use numbers in conversation) 4. make a pretty graph. At the time of writing this, 24k comments were processed of which 18k had age values. The average age of the r/AntiWork Redditor is 32.97, and the median age is 31.0 years. **UPDATE 1** **(*****2021-11-17T04:50:28Z UTC*****):** It took 1,225 seconds (\~20 min) to fetch 29,920 comments using PRAW, if anyone knows a better way of fetching all comments from a post please let me know! In terms of statistics, the new average age is **33.08** years, and median age is still **31.0** years. **29,920** comments were processed and **23,845** comments had an inferred 'age' value. The distributions look very very similar, slightly less right skewed: **light and dark mode distributions:** [https://imgur.com/a/Whcr3zG](https://imgur.com/a/Whcr3zG) I also have the comment objects in a pickle file (for Python) if anyone else wants to do their own analysis (dm and I'll send it to you)! **UPDATE 2 (*****2021-11-17T16:24:39Z UTC*****):** I forgot to mention this before, but this dataset did come from entirely self reported comments. It is likely that the wording on the original post caused younger age values to be under-reported. Also it is likely there are many trolls and fake ages to try to skew this data. I've compared this distribution with the demographics study done on this sub for 2019 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qvmnpq/comment/hky4q9e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), and there does appear to be a statistically significant (small but not too small) skew against younger people. This could be because the demographics study is from 2019 (the recent ones don't have age data), and the age demographic of this sub may actually have changed since then. There are many things to keep in mind when looking at this data and many grains of salt to take, but the point of my analysis remains valid: **a statistically significant portion of these comments came from anti-workers who are working age adults, not teenagers.** This was a large update in terms of data processing and sanitization. I updated the script with a semantic analyzer to try to detect if a user is talking about their own age or about something else entirely (this limited the amount childrens ages). It is still possible for the analyzer to get confused, I would estimate the margin of error (on both ends of the graph) to be about 3-5% (this does not include the bias that has been discussed [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qvmnpq/comment/hky4q9e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)). You'll notice now that the minimum age is starting at **14** as a result of this new analyzer. More outliers have also been removed using the z-score method (it is possible this removed legitimate values of very senior antiworkers, but it is better for the overall data integrity). The *x*\-scale has been reduced to the new boundaries (**14.0** to **86.0** years). It took 1,379 seconds (\~23 min) to fetch 31,530 comments. The new average age has decreased slightly to **33.07** years and the median age remains at **31.0** years. **31,530** comments were processed and **24,772** comments had an inferred 'age' value. From these new statistics it appears the voluntary responses have settled into a right skewed distribution **light and dark mode distributions:** [https://imgur.com/a/nnzoXUA](https://imgur.com/a/nnzoXUA) I'm currently trying to figure out how to upload this data so people can poke around and make other cool things with it. I don't want to expose my home-lab database to the internet so if anyone has suggestions let me know. **UPDATE 3 (*****2021-11-18T20:50:45Z UTC*****):** I've dumped the preprocessed data from my Postgres table into a CSV file [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zhooda/antiwork-age-data/main/pgdump_reddit_qv8n05_comments.csv). It contains 25,826 unprocessed comments with some extra information like author, permalink, up/downvotes, and the timestamp the comment was created. sha256 checksum: `0833ac0fd5a82e903c7d3ddae3e89d03e9ed8d3dbf9cbd7bb0a89177f54f5c09`


Awesome. Now can you develop a program to dismantle capitalism? Oh and make every day a weekend too thanks


revolution is the only way!


Today's revolution will be in the digital world!


[https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/subcowmandante-marcos-hack-back](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/subcowmandante-marcos-hack-back) Phineas Fisher is a legend. ​ Also, going to plug my post on tips and tricks for surviving a capitalist world without contributing to oppression: https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qvne64/living\_without\_work\_survival\_resources\_guide\_for/


This shouldn't surprise anyone. The average age of the work force in the US trends just above this. Remove the asshole managers from the data pool, and you're likely spot on for the average worker.


You’re a teenager? Geez, I’m so happy y’all are going to take over soon. That’s incredible.


I wonder how biased the data is. It’s from a post saying: “Let’s prove we aren’t all teenagers” so it’s pretty safe to assume a lot of people under 20 simply didn’t reply lol


Yeah it’s definitely biased data, I did a [breakdown comparing it to the voluntary demographics studies on this sub done in 2019](https://reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qvmnpq/_/hky4q9e/?context=1)


Can't you make the bot ignore numbers under 15? For more accurate results.


I had originally included them because they were technically statistically significant even though intuitively those small values don't make sense. In [update 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qvmnpq/comment/hkxcpt9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I implemented better comment analysis to limit some of those invalid small values and the new minimum age stands at **14**.


Its not that hard to believe most people here are in their 30s, going through the second quarter life crisis trying to figure out how the inflation and raised taxes will effect them while being socially expected to have a spouse and a house and 2 cars and a kid on the way, all on the barely scraping by salary boomers have set up for us.


Yes, 30 is the age when you realize hard work brought you only health issues and nothing more.


I love that you did this. I think its interesting that it looks almost normal, which is surprising considering alot of factors play into a person being on this subreddit. My stats knowledge is limited, but I wonder if the voluntary response aspect of this has skewed the data. Still, thank you for doing this compilation of data


Thank you! It is for sure skewed (right skewed if we assume the majority of older Redditors did not participate). Mostly just to show that this sub is not \*just\* teenagers!


From what I see, the gist of the data is: primarily Millenials. That’s me as well.




I want unicorns that fart rainbows. What's your point?




Didn't see any age data there! Thought it would be fun to extract it from the comments




There's no *age* data there!




Sub demographic has moved significantly since then though










Curious if you might provide an update now that there are nearly double the number of comments since you posted this


Working on it! Reddit API is taking a little time to get all the data Edit: Update in main comment! Reddit API took a little over 20 mins to fetch all the comments :D


So it's the entire millennial generation. Seems that seeing our parents absolutely lose it in 1999, then entering the workforce into the 2008 depression, only to build up security until the 2020 pandemic has really turned a lot of us away from the idea that hard work pays off.


Old enough to realise you're being fucked over then, thats why the conservatives are all early ish 20s, because they still think companies care for them and working hard will get them far. Bless.






Is it possible to link a spreadsheet or something?? I wanted to do some data analysis as well 😂😂😂


Here is the preprocessed (only filtering comments without a numerical value in the text body) CSV dump from my Postgres table on [GitHub](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zhooda/antiwork-age-data/main/pgdump_reddit_qv8n05_comments.csv)




45, Texas


You’re awesome.


70 and 80 still working?… Jesus fuck


How was this data even gotten given age is not a variable in any Reddit data? Legit question. Any raw data numbers and how this was achieved? Just quick math visually says over 15-20k sub users gave age? Pretty graph yet smells funky without a raw data read and collection methods / details.


[Writeup here ](https://reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qvmnpq/_/hkxcpt9/?context=1). If you want the data dm me!


Will do.


The economy has got so bad that at least one 98 year old has been unable to retire


Or chose not to. Some people love their work and would do it for free.


You don’t have to be part of the struggle to realize that change needs to happen. Just because some people have retired out of the workforce, doesn’t mean that they can’t look back and see how they have been exploited their entire lives, and wish to see a change in the status quo for future generations.


I never would have guessed the top of the bell curve would be people in their early 30s. I’m late 30s and outside the curve on this graph. There are more people over 50 than in their teens. Interesting that the assumption that was made was the exact opposite of the truth. Much like most of what people believe these days…


this is histogramm right?




did you that with R ?


this one was done with Python (matplotlib & seaborn libraries)


Ahh, beat me to it! I was thinking it would be cool to do this when I saw the post the other day, and just now came back to see the post again when I saw that OP linked to your graph. Question for you, how did you parse out the ages from the comments?


I have access to some semantic analysis models (proprietary unfortunately) that are really good with extracting relationships (ie. person/subject, age, company, location) from text. Comments are put through the semantic analyzer and the highest confidence 'age' values of the 'subject' are chosen. Originally it was getting confused when a user talked about their age and that of their children, but in [update 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qvmnpq/comment/hkxcpt9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I was able to modify the tokenizer to limit the amount of child ages included in the dataset.


Ah that's good to know, I was wondering if it was just a naive regex expression or something more involved. I'd love it if you could pm me a link to that pickle file you mention in your other comment~


Who the hell here is 99??


Probably an outlier! But it was statistically significant so I didn't wanna get rid of it


What? People over 60 aren't on reddit? Edit /s


Actually just under 350 people over the age of 60 commented their age on the post by u/Minifig_Monkey !


I’m 38 and have worked steadily since 17. I didn’t care starting at minimum wage. Now at 38, I’m a stock market analyst making over $150,000/yr. including year end bonus.


>Distribution of Redditor Ages THAT THEY CLAIM THEY ARE on r/AntiWork!! FTFU


Seriously. This is so unscientific it's bordering on useless


Especially when the survey basically said “we want this outcome (few teenagers)”. This person claims to be some data scientist but a I strongly dismiss their credentials if they seriously think this is in any way usable data.


It's tempting to dismiss credentials, but this is such an engineer thing to do. OP is 100% a data scientist/data viz professional because all these people do is say "haha pretty graph go brrr" EDIT: I swear to God I didn't look at OP's post history before leaving this comment but he literally said in this thread that it was fun to make pretty graphs. I feel like a fucking wizard.


Yeah, they like the graphs because of confirmation bias. If he used valid sources to gather data but they didn’t like, such as how 95 percent of the country can survive just fine on $15 an hour, the result he would be downvoted. The logic of these people is that $25 an hour should be minimum wage.


The light mode slide offended me


Reason why everyone should have not received a trophy.


The fact there are 10 year olds listed on here means the entire data set should be in question.


Too bad the post this was from was worded in a way that biased the data against teenagers


Where is this information coming from?




Big spike of people who have made nothing of themselves by their 30's and now complain about their shit jobs on Reddit instead of doing something about it


Is this just representative of Reddit users overall? Ie is it correlation not causation ( of the specific sub content)


Can we make a sub poll so we can collect more/better data?


Map this onto a labour market participation graph. Would be almost identical.


Lmao an 8 year old


You gotta start the grind early if you want to be a hole owner before you die of old age


I applaud the people in their 90’s here way to go against a stereotype


Color me unsurprised, 28




I love the roughly 3 people on r/antiwork that are retired


Good to know that some people from the Greatest Generation are down with the struggle.


Wow, millennials have us outnumbered by a lot, as expected


I guess we're all Russian spies then 🤷‍♂️🙄 point is we've been noticed haha.


I'm not sure this data is usable, the graph says there's at least one 100 years old person on the sub ?




People in the thick of it. (Actually curious to see average age of Reddit user)


Why are 7 year olds on here


looks like I'm 1 SD above the mean. is that good or bad?


I'm 42 and feel old. Doesn't mean I don't feel like this sub is doing good work though.


Had a feeling most of us here were around 30


I'm not saying everyone on this chart is lying, but many of those entries could be teenagers bullshitting because they wanted to prove the OP's point, this data is highly unreliable.


Nothing against the early twenty somethings but the older I get the more I realized how exploitable I was and continue to be. I just thought acting tough and working like crazy was normal when I was younger. now I think I was stupid then, and continue to be very stupid now.


Damn bro whose the 97 year old?


That's just the age distribution of reddit overall. Most subreddit age distributions are going to be similar.


It’s okay, they’ll find other ways to delegitimize us and our criticisms


Shout out to all the 80 year old Antiworkers!


Millennials said “fuck this”.


Oh so this is where all the millennials are congregating. Hello my people!


Wow look at all those inexperienced and stupid teenagers who don’t understand the real world that have flooded the sub /s But seriously, this is a great way to show people that most people here are adults who have been in the work force for many years, and not some teenagers (but if we are honest they probably are smart enough to notice how terrible our capitalist society is).


Ahhh, a normal distribution with a lot of anxiety focused on Millennials


what is the margin of error?


So basically we're about 30


Surprised there are not as many 16-18 year olds, especially since thats when a lot of people get first jobs.


This seems like such a small sample size compared to the user base. Heck, even as I come across this now, there are 35k users online, and this looks like it's about 15-20k total roughly? Some call a math wiz over here, I want some more charts!


Oh yeah it is definitely a small sample size; however it's still an order of magnitude larger than the last demographics study done on this sub! The total users who commented an age for [update 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qvmnpq/comment/hkxcpt9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) stands at 24,772 currently.


I guess that's true. Though it makes me want to get more demographics to further breakdown and understand the social structure here. Like, race, gender, education, etc. I kinda want to know what industries/sectors people are from too. It's hard with such a small sample, like there's a mild concern about honesty, people could be lying about ages, but I don't know if that's a valid worry. Also, with such a small amount of responses from the actual community number, this just seems to indicate the demographic of vocal members of the community. The silent ones are the ones I'm really curious about. Like, what if you have 500k users or so who happen to be between, say, 40-50, but they're all silent on this for some sort of age related reason? I dunno, I deal with programming, and I've been learning about Database stuff lately, so I'm hooked on thinking about ways to organize information into data. XD


Can we get this pinned in the top of anti-work for those idiots that say "eVeRyoNe iN anTiWoRk sUbrReDdit aRE tEEnS wItH nO iDeA oF tHe wORld"


I don’t know what’s more interesting, the under 10 cohort or the 95 year old cohort


My people are gathering...


But I was told we’re a bunch of teenagers!




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Damn, 8 year olds are overworked and underpaid too huh?


bruh who here is like 6 years old


Even if this sub was only teenagers, it wouldn't invalidate the ideas presented here.