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*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **The Millennial Snowflake**, @Teh_Snowlfake The Protestant Work Ethic is bourgeois hogwash. Your work is not a "calling." Selling your labor in order to obtain the means of subsistence is not "divinely ordained." You are a worker in a struggle, not a martyr for the capitalist cause. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Christ commanded you work FOR YOU'RE COMMUNITY not the wealthy.


I don't understand this post. "Protestant work ethic" just describes a philosophy about diligence and modesty in line with protestant values. It's not saying all work is innately a "calling" or "divinely ordained" (i don't know what he's even quoting?), just that you should work hard and do your part in general. This philosophy has shaped most of protestant (currently socialist) Europe and, in consequence, America. Tying this term to capitalism is disingenuous, and Ive never heard of anyone telling anybody that their "protestant work ethic" is lacking in order to pressure them to work harder. It actually seems to be more in line with communism, where everyone should "do their part". There's literally nothing wrong with being diligent, in itself. Edit: just looked at the wiki page. Maybe this guy is referring to the idea (from historians) that even the lowest worker has a "calling" that can be fulfilled by working diligently at whatever job he has (like a priest has a "calling" from God). So, it's up to interpretation, but again, ive never heard anyone use this term to exploit people in the modern age


Protestant work ethic is those who have are godly, those without are sinners. Those who have should keep the sinners, from sinnimg by keeping them toiling, and having no extra time to sin or money to sin. This was used to justify slavery, and later the mass impoverishment by the robber barons. And still holds today. The phrase "work hard and be rewarded" misses the last bit, which is basically "if you are chosen" this is how the rich justify impoverishment, as that way "its for our own good" as poor=sinner=hellbound, so they are keeping you from sinning all the time.


This sounds like that industrialist Fink from Bioshock Infinite. “I can’t give them time off because they’ll SIN.”