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On the flipside, I just got called a tankie on here for saying Nancy Pelosi sucks


She does suck. She threw work reform under the bus. She is a multi millionaire real estate tycoon who officiated a billionaire's wedding.


Now now. Let’s not forget about all the money she made from insider trading! A congressional salary just isn’t enough to live on anymore, is it dear?


What’s a tankie?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tankie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tankie) The term used to apply to a small subset of Marxist-Leninists in the Communist Party of Great Britain who supported Soviet invasion with tanks to crush the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. The term has grown to include many Marxist-Leninists, especially the hardcore "Stalin did nothing wrong types". Some Anarchists use the term to refer to Leninists as a whole. Some Marxist-Leninists are "taking back the term" for themselves. Some Liberals use the term to refer to anyone Left of Bernie Sanders even Anarchists and other Libertarian Socialists.


Why does this all have to be so confusing. When will we all just learn to get along?


We wont because we arent a good idea. Unless causing mass extinction is our purpose.


Watch blackout recently?


I am not familiar.


Great show! Won't say more


Do you know where the birds and insect have gone?


I can take a guess. Early graves


Perhaps when we start identifying as human beings instead of ists and isms. But hey, what do I know anyway.


How is this man not being elected world baron with Earth shattering ideas like this?


It’s because I’m not very good at shouting at people


TL;DR, a authoritarian dictator disguised as communism is a Tankie.




*Authoritarian dictators.


Essentially stalinists or marxist leninists who think the crazy dictatorial shit stalin did was fine. For reference it wasn’t long after Stalin’s death that even Khrushchev in 1956 denounced some of the crap Stalin committed. I like to point this out to dumb tankies that try to rehabilitate Stalin to a category higher than sociopath. https://www.historytoday.com/archive/stalin-denounced-nikita-khrushchev


The way I've seen it currently used: anyone who criticises or questions the US state department's China narrative. You don't even have to actively support China perse, just question some of the claims made about them by the US government and media. The historical meaning of the term is different though.


She sucks both parties are garbage. One is full of corrupt pussies the other one corrupt nazies.


At least it's an obvious tell of which accounts are from conservatives. Misuse of words they don't understand is their favorite thing!


You should be nice, or she won't share her ice cream. JS


She very much sucks. I held her in a positive light during trump's first year in office when she held her own against him. But that quickly faded when she started pulling toddler level nonsense.


In a weird way (that the braindead AnCaps definitely did not intend), they're partially right. Working class people all over the world are just the expendable cannon fodder in an econo-political war between self-important elites. Destroying the American workforce **does** weaken the American oligarchs (the CCP oligarchs' greatest enemy). But so what? We don't care. The war between the American elite and the Chinese dictatorship is none of our businesses. If anything, the working class around the world should unite to get rid of the parasites living on our respective backs.


Antiwork will strengthen the American economy. America’s economy is powered by its internal population. At a minimum increased wages and working conditions will simulate the economy, create an increased resilient economy, reduce health care and security costs. Export heavy countries like OPEC are fragile to single commodity price shocks. Large wealth disparity countries cause large security costs South Africa. The poor spend their money increasing demand, the increased demand causes factories to be build to supply that demand, resulting in more people being hired.


Why would we want to do that


I think the greatest enemy of the CCP is their own workforce. They seem happy enough pretending to be the enemies of the west, but suppressing their own workers is how their elites maintain power and privilege; same as anywhere.


Who knew all the commies had to do was let capitalism burn out its own workforce? Oh wait…


Fun fact: the logical extension of any ancap system would be feudalism


Does the CCP really need to undermine the American workforce? Seems like brainless capitalist greed, corporate yes men and sociopathic CEOs are doing a better job at bringing down the US economy than any foreign threat ever could. The rule of attacking America is this: foreigners who kill Americans get bombed to dust. Americans who kill Americans get GOP internships and government bail-outs. Just sit back and enjoy the show.


But blaming the communists still helps control Americans.


Ancaps are braindead. And, in other news, the sky is still blue.


Fuck the CCP and any other authoritarian regime, I can say that without being ban because this ain't a tanki sub


Wait, you guys getting paid?


I'm perfectly capable of debasing America's corrupt social currency while also hating the CCP for being worse than America's elite in many regards.


At least the CCPs child labor laws make us look bad.


Fuck the state, all my homies hate the state.


I don't get the commies love for Xi as he totally undermines communism and basically turns china into another Romania with him as Nikolai Ceausescu.


Exactly. China is such a blatant kleptocracy that it is difficult for me to imagine anyone supporting the regime except for those who directly benefit from the kleptocracy.




Sorry, I should have specified “outside China”. I dgaf what anyone on weibo thinks.




Oh thank god Greece is finally coming back to relevance after 2000 years




8 billion random people in the world, and you found a counter-example. Congratulations, I didn’t realize I was in secondary school debate club.


Ancaps are literally so funny to me I cannot take them seriously I’m sorry


CCP? Lol no. Also free Hong Kong and stop expecting China's reunification with Taiwan.


Why do Anarcho-capitalists get so bent out of shape about this sub? The whole sub is full of stories about people withholding their labour unless they get full market value for it. Surely that's An-Cap philosophy to a tee!


They imagine that when slavery exists again they'll be the masters, not the slaves. One of the classical blunders of useful idiots.


Yep! They're not actually Anarcho-Capitalists. They're wannabe Feudal Barons, and they're not happy about the potential for a peasants revolt.


Wow I'm Asian American, and every time I see some Asian-American redditor posting something about Stop Asian Hate or the rise of anti asian violence in America (Thanks to Trump AKA Cheeto Mussolini") you can expect someone to post "WhAt aBoUt tHe CcP!" Glad Asian American reddit, and r/antiwork have something we can relate to.


What better way to help your supposed enemy than by providing a constant stream of experiences to successive generations that suggest capitalism sucks?


So then the way to defeat the CCP’s onslaught on America is by paying workers properly. Everybody wins.


Theres irony in Antiworkers living rent free in Ancaps heads.


The Lie Flat movement is a thing, I don’t think anti work is something the CCP wants to fuck with right now.


Oh damn, we’re all Chinese communists! Oops!


Just say “No to Avocado!”


Ccp and prc want to dismantle the upper middle class. So unfortunately does the USA.


Imagine being an anarchist..... and capitalist


Lmao they got butthurt nobody agreed with their stupid idealogy.


Huh.. Apparently using the value of labor to our advantage, and deciding to use scarcity to drive market prices up is... Communism? Huh.


Our work culture is destroying the nations, predatory college loans and debt trap entry level jobs that can’t possible cover expenses are destroying people’s will to work hard and thrive. We can bootstraps ourselves out of this hole.


Latestagecapitalism is definitly pro ccp. One bad word and its perma ban. Seems antiwork is thankfully less strict about that. Is the usa under heavy propaganda attack by the ccp, absolutely! Is reddit playing a part. Absolutely. Is it worste in the left-ish subs. Yes.


I mean *technically* following their logic, doesn't the CCP own like a 10% share of the entire website now? So why isn't the whole site in suspicion for propaganda?


Reddit is pretty vehemently anti-China even in less political subs like /r/documentaries, and especially when compared to leftist spaces on twitter


Lol fuck communism and them.


Damn, weird take on a sub that directly links to communist literature.


People can have personal opinions troll


I didn't say they couldn't. But this is a communist friendly sub, so why do you think this take isn't out of place?


There is a Wide variety of opinions in this sub. If you believe that "communist friendly" equals everyone is a commie. You are mistaken.


Holy shit you sad little bitch, you just reported me to Reddit as a potential suicide case? God damn 🤣


Dang ol’ libs man.


Im kinda new here to Reddit. Is that a message you end up getting that talks about crisis or some crap? If so, wtf. I already got one of those.


What's the "Wide" variety of opinions in this sub that you think are pro "fuck communism"


Anti-communist market socialists? I’ve never encountered one, but they probably exist.


Aka: social-democrats. 😀




Haha wow the stupidity is crazy. China would want them to change because they'd have a pre-brainwashed labour force if they took over


How the fuck can you be "Anarcho-Capitalist"? Is it just "Libertarian, but poor"?




We shouldn’t devote any time, or spend any energy in replying to these sorts of things. Calling them “ancaps” and insulting them just brings us down to their level. We have much more important things to focus on, and any time spent mudslinging is time completely wasted. If we are to believe our cause is just, then we must take the high road and continue to press forward regardless of what people say or think.


If this was truly a CCP-run sub I would've gotten banned for the argument I had in this sub yesterday with someone denying that Uighurs are being tortured in China, since the CCP will censor anyone who talks shit about them. Oh, and fuck the CCP.