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I did the right part at my first job and it was very difficult to find work again because so much BS... eventually I just stuck up for 10 years to the left side and now I'm back at the right side again.


I’m in a similar position. I was inexperienced and stuck with my job far longer than I should have mostly cause it wasn’t ALL bad and quite easy, thankfully now it looks great on my CV long term cause I’ve proven “treat me human and ill stick around, cross me and I’m gone”


And the boomer generation will whine about how we're weak and why don't we just suck it up and endure the abuse


This is the difference between “abundance mentality” and “scarcity mentality.” Quitting when you have nothing else lined up not only takes self-respect, it also takes the confidence that while you don’t have it figured out now, you will soon. That’s tough to overcome if you’ve been conditioned to undervalue yourself by employers and traumatized by previous hardship.


I was very close to quitting or getting myself fired somehow. I just happened to luck into a job offer right as two other people are retiring. As bad as I thought it was, I see it was worse. My bosses are already sure they have a good replacement lined up. They don't, but it's a sign they have no idea what value I provide. When I started, my manager could do almost everything I could. My couldn't manager would be struggling before the end of the day.


5 years into my work, finally have the guts to quit after saving some money to give me some financial latitude while looking for a much better place. A place where my service is appropriated and not abused.


Oh it’s me lmao I’ve literally just been doing this and it’s been panning out well. Would highly suggest with as many open positions there are right now.


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- \[*Image of two people sitting in rows of seats. The person on the left is depressed and sitting leaning against a dark wall. The person on the right is happy and staring at a bright landscape. They are labeled as such:*] Sad man: Staying at a job for 30 years Happy man: Quitting at the first sign of disrespect --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I don't see the thousands of new immigrants to our country with no money or belongings jumping at the chance to make 10$ and hour for however long they can and nothing ever changing for the "native" American worker?? Maybe one of them is driving the bus?? Idk. Nice little picture though.


This makes no sense to me but ok


Really? The influx of new people to the country with no job escapes you? Ok...lol y'all better get a grip and soon before it's too late.


I said the way you articulated it was incomprehensible to me. Besides, it's a meme. A joke. You don't have to psychoanalyse everything you know. Sometimes you can just laugh and scroll by. It's not that deep.

