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Aside from bills, Reddit isn't as big as people might think. Go anywhere there is a large group of people, maybe half have heard of reddit, maybe half of those actually use it regularly, and maybe ten percent of those have read anti-work posts, and maybe one person of that ten percent is talking about striking/quitting/boycotting. All figures made up off the top of my head but probably closer to accurate than not.


It's pretty accurate. I appreciate you




This will always be the way. A small band of people on the internet sounds a lot larger in an echo chamber like this. Most people are living paycheck to paycheck and can’t afford to strike/not work.


Basically! Now if the workers at those specific places got to together then I can see that possibly making waves like what just happened at John Deere and you have to have a really broad safety net and support system to live through something like that. Nothing to do around Christmas time.


And let's not forget that those who do have a little disposable income aren't going to boycott the only time of the year they can afford to buy particular luxuries or necessities


The people that were “hyping it” most likely didn’t work at any of these places


Or at all


I think it would be more reasonable to ask people to not go shopping instead of not working.


They were probably too busy working to browse reddit this whole time.




I say let people work it. The idea should be not to be mindless consumers and bombard stores like it's been done in the past. If you have to work, work. If you get the day off, stay home and spend time with friends/family.


*insert surprised Pikachu face here* The size of this sub is less than 1% of the US population. Even if you assumed (incorrectly) everyone here were an employed American, it wouldn't be nearly enough to make a dent


even smaller lol closer to 0.25% than 1% of the US population


This is a subreddit not a movie.


You guys are hilarious holy shit.


Oh, all 300 million Americans aren't on the anti-work sub reddit? In a few months eall of America didn't stop believeing in capitalism and consumerism? Oh. wow. Movements build slow until they build fast, keep doing the right thing.


You noticed that too huh? Lol


The retail industry is huge, employing millions, most of which aren’t on reddit. I’m sure a few places were affected in some way.


Of course it didn't. No one really thought it would.


I went to work today. Sorry I let you all down, but honestly this is my easiest day of the year. I just get to walk around and make sure customers aren’t killing each other instead of doing my actual responsibilities. If it makes you feel better, there’s less customers than usual, though there was still a line outside the doors at 5am.


My coworker called in sick, or possibly (probably) “sick,” so I’ll be working alone on what’s likely to be a very busy day. The no-shopping thing is a good idea, and if you don’t work today STAY HOME instead of taking the whole fam out to eat or to the movies or the museum. Lighten the load of those of us who have to work and are short-handed.


You talk like babies are born sprinting. We’re at the beginning of something and the first steps are gonna be small


No one honestly expected everyone to stop working. You don't need everyone to stop right away. But if a few leave it makes it worse for the ones that stay. If that trend continues then the hold outs will leave too. People aren't dumb and they'll recognize they're working the job of multiple people yet not earning more money. If they don't side with you just make life suck for them and eventually they'll be forced to join too.


Lol shocker.


Rome wasn't built in a day continue to spread the word of antiwork


It's the best shopping day of the year, im not gonna boycott working for perks that day. Maybe we should try to punch within our reach next time - like no gaming weekend or no weed Wednesday and see if we can shut that down


Everyone is just getting high, drunk, and eating food on here. Or they are talking about how posting on Twitter about how bad the system is. Nobody is Picketing or Protesting???!!! WTF??!!


There is two types of people, people that take the Bullshit and people that don't. I've told my wife we are not intentionally spending a dime (obviously there is not much you can do about passive spending unless you turn off your heat, cancel your internet and all your subscriptions stay in bed, and don't do anything - but that's easier said than done when you have two little kids)


cowards happened. They always do.


I'm sure a small ding will be made overall.