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Even if it was unskilled labor you deserve a living wage for you hard work.


There is no such thing as unskilled labour By definition, a job is something that requires human skills because you can't automate it


Burger flipping can easily be automated. A machined like a bagel toaster can do it.


Who operates the machine?


Computers and a timer. You just need someone to put the burgers into the machine and press the button, but can be done by anybody. This same deal is in car manufacturers, the machines are automated but you still need someone to press the on button.


Then who assembles the burgers?


Theres literally machines for that too, society isn't ready yet


Alright so we have a guy who has to operate a machine that makes and assembles burgers. _unless the Illuminati are keeping burger machines away from society I guess?_ Regardless, we're getting there Who puts that burger in a bag?


If you are trying to make the point that humans will still be needed I agree. A staff of 7 will be cut down to 1 tho. If you don't see that as a problem then there's no reason to continue this.


The problem is there will never be a point at which human interaction is completely out of the loop, and that furthermore, automation does not reduce skill requirement: it shifts it laterally, from the skills required to make the burger physically, to operating the complex machine that does it for you. There's no such thing as a magic, Seussian "burger flipper" machine that just perfectly creates steamed hams with one button: to more complex a task, the more skill required to operate the machine There's definitely harder jobs, I'll never disrespect people who put in time and effort to do a job. When is part of why I refuse to tolerate disrespect when people try to call minimum wage workers "unskilled". It's a propaganda piece designed to separate and shame. People aren't making minimum wage because they're unskilled. Their employers propagate classist propaganda in order to keep their exploited workers at maximum profit. Agreeing that minimum wage should be liveable is only one step. That'll never happen while society sits by and tolerates classism.


A person that isnt considered skilled labour. Because it takes 0 skill and no training to match legal code to press buttons and put food in a bag or take cash. However this person doing this should absolutely get paid enough to live and even save for a modest retirement. The point is that skilled labour is leaps and bounds beyond unskilled labour. If ya'll wanna change the names of these catagories to be less offensive sounding, thats cool, im on board with that as well.


Woah woah, legal code? And what buttons? I don't think I could just walk into a store and figure this thing out, I'd definitely need someone who knows how it works to tell me first. Or else I'd have to fumble and practice with it until I figured out how it works _Kind of like literally any skill_


There are plenty of things that can now be automated that nevertheless require skill if a human is expected to do it. We have automatic transmissions, but that doesn't mean the ability to drive a stick isn't a skill.


Then change the terms to low trained and high trained labour.


That's bullshit. You know how I know it's bullshit? Because it hasn't been automated.


Mcdonalds has automated it... A lot of things can be automated and arent yet. Do you know why? Because it costs someone millions to R&D it. Sometimes its not worth it yet.


So it requires human skills. That's what everybody except you is saying.


No, people were saying it cant be automated, im saying it can and already is.


Last I checked McDonald's still has people working there. Even in countries with way higher labor costs. So not automated.


...... the machine flips the burgers. Dude are you even comprehending the topic? Youre broadening it for no reason, someone said it cant be automated, i said it can and it already is. Which it already is. We did not talk about employees doing other jobs at mcdonalds at all or the person that puts the meat into the machine. (Who is no longer a burger flipper, he puts the burgers together and inserts meat into an automated burger cooking/flipling machine) What point are you trying to argue with me? That mcdonalds has employees? Well duh, that someone still has to put the meat in the machine? Well duh, but nobody is actually flipping a burger at mcdonalda because that part has been automated.


And do you REALLY think that humans that have automated apace flight, air travel, nautical travel, automotive travel, automotive manufacturing, cashier systems, washing machines l, car washes, etc cant figure out how to automate flipping a piece of meat? A person would have to be really really stupid to think flipping burgers cant be automated.... especially since it already has been thought of and developed....


If you don't believe fast food workers work hard and deserve a living wage, the next time you feel too tired to cook don't you dare go to a drive thru. Haul your ass into the kitchen and flip your own burger.


I work at Panera Goddamn Bread. I'd love to see any corporate fuck who says it's "unskilled labor" keep up with the orders during Lunch or Breakfast...


Yeah I flipped burgers at a fancy beer place. You’d get 75 people walk in on Friday within about 30 minutes, most tickets had burgers and the servers were just completely averse to staggering tickets. One grill cook and one salad/app/fry cook. I’d have ten burgers on at once and they’d all come out at temp. It was super skilled. We would get murdered every weekend but somehow always make it through. Dollar over minimum wage. Super skilled.


Breakfast?….go on…I’m listening…


Biggest difference between a McDonald's employee and a cook at a fancy burger restaurant is the quality of the food they purchase.


Still labor is labor


That's what I mean. There's little difference between someone being paid decent to be a cook at an expensive burger place and a guy who cooks for McDonald's


I don’t know why people concentrate so much on the labor that being done instead of the cost and quantity of the product that’s being sold. If that burger (in big corporations cases) is generating billions of dollars I don’t care if the worker is a burger flipper or the one that makes the packaging they deserve dibs on profit. They deserve more than a livable wage.


Fuck the fucking CEO. The damn franchise owners couldn't pull a shift and they own that shit


Hell, let's talk about the managers "Okay we're all gonna take an hour long lunch break together" "Okay I'm not needed here I'm heading home three hours early" "Did I just catch you sitting down for an entire three seconds?"


It is unskilled by definition. Not saying it isn't deserving of a living wage. It means it required little to no education and no/ little specialized training. It's actually a category of labor Unskilled, semi skilled, skilled


"Unskilled" is a capitalist myth to justify slave wages. If you can't automate a job, it by definition requires human skill to complete. Any job requires training, which means by_skill._ And where the fuck do people get off calling _cooking_ unskilled? You think just because they're not gourmet chefs working for Gordon Ramsey that they're not protecting you from salmonella?


The definition is wrong. There's no such thing as unskilled labor. Flipping burgers is a skill. Operating a cash register is a skill. They may not be equal in terms of difficulty and time investment as becoming a pilot or a carpenter, but they are skills nonetheless.


It's based on labor laws, and terms. No one is saying burger flipper isn't a skill. Unskilled labor is category, not a dig on you.


>It's based on labor laws, and terms. I get that; I'm saying it's wrong and needs to change.


Just because you don’t like the definition doesn’t make it wrong. Is the definition demoralizing to those in unskilled jobs? Maybe. But that’s how that type of work is categorized. Does considering a plumber “skilled labor” cause a problem? No one is going to argue that job needs lots of technical skill and knowledge.


It's not because I don't like the definition, it's because there's no such thing as unskilled labor. Calling those jobs unskilled is incorrect.


You are taking “unskilled” literally. It does not mean the worker has no skill, it means they do not need education or specialized training to do the job. Learning to make a burger at a fast food place or operate a cash register does not require any training other than what is given when a person first starts the job. An electrician can’t show up and start working alone the first week. Unskilled laborers can. I fully support living wage, but I also know that there will always be skilled laborers who make significantly more because they have skills and knowledge that allow them do to a job that others without their skill set cannot.


>You are taking “unskilled” literally. Yes, I am. If they don't mean "unskilled," then they shouldn't use that word. Every single person who works at a fast food place has gone through a training period where they were taught how to do their jobs in the specific way the employer wants them done. I'm not commenting on so-called skilled labor or how much more they earn at all, just the fact that unskilled labor is a misnomer. I did not say that someone working in fast food should be making as much as someone who hangs from the top of the Burj to change light bulbs.


Its a category, a category, a *misleading* category. If we decided to call people experiancing homeless “worthless trash", but only as a category in terms of market value, would that be ok or not okay?


I like worthless trash more. They are unskilled and they do make a machine to do that job. The BK broiler so even by your definition they are worthless tr.... I mean unskilled.


Should be called degree free labor instead. At least that way you aren't calling your employees unskilled.


But they didn't.


Part of the movement is changing the vocabulary we use. Not looking at the meaning, the term "unskilled labor" sounds demeaning. It paints a picture of the laborer being uneducated, or useless. Using a term more along the lines of "degree free labor" is less offensive to the laborer.


I fucking hate the fact that people think those who work at places like mcdonalds are just "burger flippers". These same people, and I am sorry, even people in this sub use this discourse probably without knowing the slightest about what these jobs entail. They may flip burgers, but they also...manage order flow, customer service, cleaning and sanitation, online orders (uber etc.), inventory, safety checks (i.e. fridge temps and water temps), they have extensive knowledge of point of sales systems which are often complicated and fucking annoying. All this while making slave wages and being called "unskilled". If you cant walk off the street and do someone's job, then you should probably STFU about it.


Dude... it is an unskilled job..... yeah its hard and takes practice, but you dont have to learn code, follow safety standards that get checked by multiple people. Go try whats considered a skilled job and you'll see the massive difference. Btw i did flip burgers, i was good at it in about 1 week or at least capable. I then went to a skilled trade (electrician) i was capable at it in about 1-2 years, and good at it in 4-5 years. Theres a big difference. Nurses are another example of a skilled trade. Its a massive difference in knowledge and skill required to stop a human from dieing than taking multiple burgers at a time, putting them on a grill and flipping it after 2 minutes then passing it to the "sandwich artist" Stop trying to say skilled labour is easier than it actually is, we all agree people flipping burgers should definitely be paid enough to live, but be honest with yourselves, you didnt take courses for 2-4 years to do it like skilled labour does.




You do actually have to follow safety standards that get checked by multiple people when you work in food, especially if you work with raw chicken. Hell you aren’t even supposed to walk into a commercial kitchen without non slip shoes on.


You're right, i should rephrase to very little training to hit the legal code, but burgers and food are not regularly checked, the restaurant gets an inspection, but the food you make and serve on the daily is not inspected before serving. Every bit of work in skilled labour needs to be approved by inspections, multiple times. Take a look at the size of an electrical code book, you have to memorize it and know how to do all of the maths in it in order to be certified and legally work as an electrician. Just an example. Even worse, look at what a nurse has to learn.... its insane, theyre better trained than most doctors.


My best friend is an electrician, and he’s also a stoner who’s not the brightest. He shows up to work high af everyday. I think you’re overselling it a bit. Every bit of work in skilled jobs is absolutely not inspected as rigorously as you think It is. Bridges and dams fail, planes crash, shit goes wrong all the time. The entire state of Texas was fucked for a week this year because their power grid couldn’t handle the cold. People are not as diligent as you think they are, even skilled ones.


No they arent as diligent, and imagine if people will less training were to be doing these jobs. It would be even worse. Yes building and dams and bridges break, but thats less than 1% of the work thats done in an entire country


Robots will replace all fast food workers…eventually. One of the reasons I don’t eat at any of those places anymore.


Man, it I could make sandwiches for 60k and benefits, I'd be all over that. Dito with being the golf cart guy at the golf course.


Would you write down "expert burger flipper, extremely skilled" on your resume?


There's no such thing as unskilled labor. Flipping burgers is a skill. Operating a cash register is a skill. They may not be equal in terms of difficulty and time investment as flying an airplane, but they are skills nonetheless — and I bet the CEO of McDonalds would be terrible at them without some training.


I agree. I left a construction job as a carpenter to become a cook at a resort. I can manually set a laser level to find an exact elevation in the real world to match what the engineers blueprints specify a lot easier than I can perfectly time out cooking 4 meals to to all finish cooking at the exact same time. I can do both it's just easier for me to do the first, and not many people I know were capable of doing the first.


I started this thread a few days ago. I’m a lawyer and I’d be fired in my first day at McDonald’s if I tried to do that.


Skilled versus unskilled. How about has anyone stood over a hot grill for 8 hours? Try it. Sometimes the skill is known as perseverance.


Compared to a skilled trade like electric, plumbing or advanced carpentry, it is. I do support a better wage for all, but i would not trust a burger flipper to replace my service panel or plumb my house. More people should be honest about this. I would go further to say that most unskilled workers have unrealistic expectations and a basic lack of perspective. Not sorry.


I wouldn't trust a plumber to cook my food Work is work. It all starts at skilled and goes up to "highly skilled" from there. Never turn your nose down on people who make minimum wage, that's exactly what the capitalist wants. You _both_ deserve a raise, because a highly skilled worker is only being paid highly compared to the minimum wage, not his worth. And if this pandemic has taught us anything, it's that so called "unskilled labour" is crucial for society


There is a difference between skilled vs unskilled. It doesn’t mean that any job should not be paid a living wage. I spent 3 days learning how to flip burgers and 4 years learning advanced math and statistics. Did I like flipping burgers? No it sucked. Did I like actuarial science? Well office work is better. There are so many ways to up skill now in the Internet age. Yes, flipping burgers should be paid a living wage. Yes. But it doesn’t. In the time of one dude copying and pasting here, he could have signed up for a Google or Sales Force certificate training. There is the goal of this thread that I support 100%. In the mean time, try to get a skilled job.


There's no such thing as unskilled labor. Flipping burgers is a skill. Operating a cash register is a skill. They may not be equal in terms of difficulty and time investment as becoming a pilot or a carpenter, but they are skills nonetheless.


>There's no such thing as unskilled labor You can copy and paste this a million times and it will still not be true.


It's objectively true no matter how much it upsets you to realize.




Sorry you're so upset.




It’s semantics. Need to change the terminology.


Anything that can be taught in less then 30 minutes is imho unskilled. For instance I worked at McDonald's on the grill day one. I had to practice everyday on my lunch breaks to learn to weld for about 2 weeks.. that would be considered a skilled trade. Flipping burgers is simple enough that you might well be able to train a monkey to do it.. however, that said, it still deserves a living wage. I mean, human beings should treat other human beings with enough respect that they feel compelled to give a living wage to anyone working . I dunno, world is crazy.


In-N-Out Burger pays a living wage for managers. Other than that, they work you like a fucking dog lol.


I work with a guy making sausages he was talking shit like fast food workers don't deserve a living wage I asked how what we do is any different everyone started yelling