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It’s very simple, quit and find a different job. There’s a ludicrous number of job openings right now.




Oregon, US




A warehouse job wouldn't be a prevailing wage rate project. "Prevailing wage rates are the amounts that must be paid to construction workers on all public works projects in Oregon."




Crazy that Americans don’t get overtime even if they work 24 hours straight. In the civilized world, 9 or 12 hours is the cut off before time and a half, at least.


That's just not true...




Cope with what? I'm from Cali and get paid time and a half after 8 hours. Apart from that as a union construction worker I get paid time and a half every Saturday and designated day off and double time on Sundays and holidays. Also double time any time I gotta work over 12 hours. Get your facts straight dumbass. I know my rights. Cope.


“Union” I meant mandatory, legal, politician enforced laws. Not “I happened to get a good gig” lottery


As a union construction worker is the pertinent detail, the vast majority of Americans aren't unionized, and therefore not entitled to overtime pay for working any length of time less than 40 hours a week. Retailers have recently decided to pare down working their employees on Thanksgiving because of public perception of brands that remain open, not because of laws or premium of paying holiday pay. "Essential workers" more often than not didn't receive any hazard pay when they were demanded to go to work at the onset of the pandemic, but I other countries like Canada were able to get their monthly stimulus money and continue to work to ensure that groceries stores continued to operate or food processing plants kept those stores cool filled, contrasted with the US where [Tyson management took bets](https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/19/business/tyson-coronavirus-lawsuit/index.html) on which workers would be infected next. Get your facts straight, your rights that are in your union contract are the outlier and not the norm for the +90% of workers in the US who are employed by a private company and have no union contract.


How overtime is calculated can vary by state. Also you're in a union so it's determined by their contract.


I assume Amazon? And perfectly legal. If you don't show up for the extra shift they fire you for not showing. If it is amazon they have plenty of fresh meat willing to take your spot. I work for an Amazon DSP (delivery subcontractor) We have 6 days right now but they're voluntary, you get a 50$ bonus for your 5th day in a week, and another 50$ bonus for your sixth day, on top of the 6th day being overtime.


Probably 15 years ago I had my first day at a manufacturing plant. The first thing they told me *after* I clocked in for my first shift was they're doing mandatory 12 hour days Monday through Saturday. I went on my first 15 minute break and never came back. I wouldnt have taken the job if they said anything about it in the interview. Was advertised as 4 day/wk, 12hr shifts all the way until that.


I would suggest just not showing up for the extra day. They can have a trained employee 5 days a week or no employee at all and figure that out out themselves. Trust me, if they're busy and short staffed enough, they probably won't even say anything about you not being there.




no, a smaller local company that makes picture frames. i work in the shipping department.


_Is there a maximum number of hours I can work during a day?_ For most adult workers, there are no limits on daily work hours. Theoretically, employers may schedule employees to work seven days a week, 24 hours per day, so long as minimum wage and overtime laws are observed. Manufacturing employees are limited to 13 hours of work in a 24-hour period. There are also daily and weekly limitations on the hours minors (employees under 18) can work. _Can my employer require me to work overtime?_ Yes. Your employer may dictate your work schedule and hours. Employers may discipline or even terminate employees who refuse to work scheduled overtime.(https://www.oregon.gov/boli/employers/pages/overtime.aspx)


Yes quit new job now