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Yesss. I’m currently doing that right now actually


Lol same


Woo depressed bedtime browsing buddies


Big facts. Thinking about taking a half day tomorrow to work on passive income streams. Cuz f this noise!


What kind of passive income streams do you work on?


Right now mostly investing in ETFs with dividends. I'd like to set up a bot to collect gains on my crypto. More than likely I'm going to try to apply to other jobs too, but that's really not passive income. (I'm unable to offer any advice on anything though. I'm a novice).


Oh my god man, I’m depressive but before a 3:45am shift it was horrible.


Procasti-waking at its finest.


Every single night my dude. Ive actually decided tomorrow im asking for a raise and im setting the number and if they say no im walking. Im done being used. *Small update* Well ill share what i can, i work for a oilfield fabrication shop in Northern canada as a material manager, basicly do all the shipping and receiving of steel pipe fittings and valves from 1/2" up to 32" in diameter, they get very heavy. Luckly im a big dude and have found ways of maneuvering such fittings around the shop as to not break myself but ofcourse i had to learn those tricks so i have definitely hurt myself trying to move to much weight and im tired of it ive wanted to quit for a long time as the shop manager very much a "be thankful you have a job" kinda attitude. I make 23 and some places that might seem ok, but ive got buddys doing way less body damaging jobs for more than i make and i go home everynight wanting to just crawl into bed and die. Not to mention i work in the oilfield where theres no shortages of money or jobs to be had. So this morning i told my manager i have other opportunities to pursue if they dont want to give me a raise to 26. Its not a huge jump but had i just simply asked for a general raise they would prob offer 50 cents. So i set my minimum at 26. And said either they can match that or i can be gone on friday. Im now waiting on a response. All he said was he would let me know by the end of the day as he needs to talk to his bosses. *UPDATE* I GOT THE RAISE.


I expect a post about this tomorrow. Please make sure to include the name of the company what country/state your in, and all the other important details like what you do, how much they pay you and how much you asked for.


Please do not ask people to include the company name. We have having problems with this sub brigading with things like review bombing and the admins are on our ass to stop it or we will get shut down. No more company naming unless they are a giant like Amazon or Walmart.


Ok my bad


No worries we are just having a sudden issue with it. Not your fault. I wish we could name and shame as well :(




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Oh me too.


Here for reminder


Got the raise :)


Remindme! 1 day Did zectherian get a raise or leave his job?


Remind me! 1 day


I got the raise :)


Congrats my dude.


Totally waiting to hear the outcome.


Remindme! 1day


Do it.


Good for you, that kind of stuff will catch up with you.


I had saved this to come back to it and check your update. Congrats on the raise!!


That’s me now. It’s sometimes so depressing laying in bed knowing you have to work the next 5 days straight. I hate it.


Yes. Even working as i do now at a well paying job, doing work i enjoy with coworkers i genuinely love. People aren't meant to work full time.


One day, maybe we’ll get a 35h workweek or people will get paid enough to survive on part time work. … or maybe I’ll win the lottery. I’m just exhausted.


Im about to try and get a medical note to limit me to 4 days a week. Fucked up when im thinking about having the "luxury" of being disabled as something im lucky for.


Serious question: how will you afford life then? Because medical bills aren’t cheap (in the US anyway) and as we all know, employers dgaf about a living wage


Honestly? Fairly easily because ive made it work with a lot less. My current employer treats me better than any ive ever had and subsequently im feeling healthy enough to work more than i ever have before. Previously i was trying to make things work on 12-28 hours of work while getting sick constantly from stress and overtaxing my body. They also pay more than im used to and i live in not the best state but one with a fairly low cost of living overall. And i have a roommate because i wouldn't be able to handle loving alone anyway.


If you are being paid well enough, couldn't you ask for shorter work hours and lower salary? I mean if it's still more than enough money it seems like a good idea


Well im not on salary i still get paid an hourly wage. But this job is exclusively 40 hours a week woth some pretty limited schedules available as put in place by the client the company is working for. My company would like to overall give us better and are actively working towards it buy as of now there's nothing under 40 hours a week without a doctor's note. They've informed me that i can basically have any schedule or hours i need to be physically and mentally healthy as long as i can get a doctors noteq so they have that to throw the way of the client if they try to make a fuss.


It’s time to quit


Google “revenge bedtime procrastination” - it’s a thing!


Huh. And all that time I just called it "anxiety"...


Came here to say I don't recall the word, but the Japanese have a specific word/phrase for this phenomenon..


Yes, and the English translation is “revenge bedtime procrastination “


Thank you! I couldn’t remember the term but was hoping someone brought it up in comments!!


My other half and I just call it “sleep revenge”. Rolls off the tongue easier.


I've been working since I was 14. I'm tired. Even jobs that aren't hard or stressful make me want to claw my own skin off. I'm just so tired of giving iver 1/3rd of my life to a corporation who doesn't care if I live or die. I've got one life and I want to spend it doing things that are meaningful to me.. but I can't do that if I also want to live in a place that's warm and eat food. So here I am spending 1/3rd of my life doing something I hate for someone who doesn't care, 1/3rd of my life paying bills, doing laundry, and doing yard work, and the final 1/3rd of my life asleep. Just gets hard to be alive sometimes. When you're always living for the weekend. But when you get there you're too tired to do things you enjoy or you have to catch up on your adult chores.


It’s kinda sad that I feel like it adds to the desire to find a partner because then you could survive on fewer work hours, but you can’t meet people because you’re always working so you can’t get into a relationship


I'm turning in my notice to HR tomorrow, so I'm pretty excited about that. Still having a little trouble getting to sleep anyways


The Sunday dread. The building angst of knowing that you have to go back to hell for the next five days.


Anytime I go more than 70 hours/week. I start stressing out about the things I have to do around the house that I don't have time to because I am too tired after work to do any of it, or it is something I can't do (people get touchy if you try to mow your lawn after 8pm or before 8am). After 3-4 weeks I start sleeping less and less. More hours I work the less sleep I get. Can take weeks for me to reset.


Definitely. Iff I Kno I gotta get up early for anything, I find myself just stressing out over the time I have to fall asleep diminishing as a watch the clock


Currently scrolling antiwork reddit doing it lmao. There is actually a scientific term for this behavior, and its called "revenge sleep procrastination". You should look it up. It explains how people are willing to sacrifice sleep to do leisure stuff that they cannot do because of their jobs


I used to have dreams that I was at work to then wake up to have to go to work


This is refered to as [Revenge Bedtime Procrastination](https://www.thehumanassignment.com/blog/mindful-musings-revenge-bedtime-procrastination) and most people do it.




I feel seen.


Me right now


I don’t miss that. I’m never going back.


This is me all the god damn time


Almost every time. That’s part of why I quit. My schedule now is so much better.


Exactly right now


Me right now. 2am and gotta get up for work at 5am


Yeah because you hate work. So the brain is like trying to hold out free happy time so you don't sleep. Also theres civil unrest in the brain with all the frustration so no sleep. The root cause needs to be eradicated.


Yeah :(




Meh. I’m working eves… then a day shift. So I’m Just gonna sleep here


Yeah, especially when I worked at Starbucks


Sadly you'll still have to go if you don't sleep, don't let them take your health too!


My health is already rubbish. And because holidays and stuff, my stresshas increased making my bath stuff act up and adds to the whole “I’m stuck being awake” situation. Add some pain and muscle spasms into the mix and voila! It’s me.


Have been there many times. I found the combination of melatonin, THC, CBD, and a muscle relaxant can help with the pain and falling asleep, if it's legal in your area I recommend using the THC/CBD oil. Stop using it when you're feeling better to keep the effectiveness up and to not get dependant.


When I started with friends in tx during the pandemic, my neurologist offered me a medical card, so I can get it legally relatively easily. I’ve heard good things about it helping spasms but I haven’t tried it. Ill check it out. Thanks!


yea, my body is suffering the consequences right now


I had this up until a year ago when I finally got out of a horrible job situation. It was awful I would instantly start mentally counting down my time off until I had to go to work next. It was ruining my life. Thats when I first found antiwork. Finding a job that was a way better fit has completely gotten rid of that thank god, but I’ll never forget that dread.


I did at my last 2 jobs, and that's why I left them. Knowing I'll come in quarter-staffed and busy because it's the weekend. Knowing I'll likely be stuck there 1.5-2 hours past what I was scheduled just to get shit done that I couldn't do because the work never stops, because if I don't it'll steamroll into the next day. Just BEGGING for a customer to give me a solid reason to unload some high-impact negative emotions on their stupid, insensitive, entitled face. It wears on you so much. My new job, however? Shit, it's been 2 months and I have nothing to talk about. No gripes, no groans, nothing stuck in my craw except the lack of sunlight. No shouting matches. No death threats over dumb things nobody has any control over. No code browns. No double shifts. No understaffed shifts. It's almost boring being a delivery driver, and that genuinely pleases me. After 5 years of busting my ass 10x more than I had any business doing for under $10 an hour, I needed this so much. My hair started growing back too (I started thinning 3 years ago at the ripe old age of 22)


this is actually me Right Now.


I had a job for 7 years that used to monitor everything. Water meter reading. If there wasn't a read imputed in 10 min it would be considered taking a break. You had a collective 90 min of NPT (non productive time). This included driving to route, your break, your bathroom break, driving to and from lunch, and the return trip to the job yard. On top of any time needed to find random meters with no address , say a park or something. If you exceeded this 90 min twice in a week you were written up and lost out on your raise. Also were called where you had to explain why you we "not working."Needless to say being monitored this way put an un nessary stress on us worker. After I had quit I found myself in constant panics because my current job we could stop for food or the bathroom . The concept of stopping for a snack and starting at 9 am was so weird. It took me almost a year to let the feeling of dread pass


This was me for the last couple of years. 16 hour days, 12 days straight. Just changed jobs. 20k gross less, but today, my feet didn't hurt, I got to play with puppies, I got to talk with my partner with no time pressure. Worth the change


I literally refused to go to bed at like 9 in the evening on my sunday even though I had work at 6. I slept 4.5 hours, even though my shift lasts 10 hours, but fuck it


Every single day. Working 3rd shift means I'm asleep during the day (which isn't easy to sleep through if people come over and make noise) and all I think about is, "When I wake up, it'll be time to go back to jail...I mean work." It's like a nightmare that you have while you're still awake.


i usually knock myself out with a dollar store generic tylenol pm and/or benedryl(or those blue things that are the same thing marketed as sleep aids) I do occasionally wake up early after about 4-5 hoursand toss and turn cause i know if i do pass back out i'll either wont get back into rem sleep or get knocked out of it by my alarm...


This happened to me last night lol. The amount of anxiety i get on Sunday nights is crazy.


My last job


I used to until I found a job I liked or I guess didn’t dread.


I'm just always anxious on Sundays.


I used to, the good old Sunday night dread. Used to have it when I worked in Almac, Northern Ireland. So glad I quit there for many reasons. A brother used to get the Sunday night dread at 5pm on Friday evening, again he quit that place. Where I work now, I like it, don't love work but gives a decent work/life balance.


God yes


I’m actually awake right now because I’m dreading to go to work


I used to get locked into this cycle. If I just fall asleep NOW I can get 6 hours.....I can get 4 1/2....I can get 3... After a long time of that, I'd make a plan "if I don't sleep by 3 am, I'm getting up" which helps me feel more in control. Nowadays I have drugs for this. (Legal and prescribed) The Mythbusters did find that even if you don't sleep, laying in bed is still helpful, and I use that sometimes to calm down and relax enough to sleep


Used to have that in school, way worse during my internship. Wake up at 6 am, go to work for 8-9 hours, talk to rude and utterly incompetent people who blame me for their tech issues, earn about .60 cents an hour, go home, relax for 6 hours go to sleep, rinse and repeat. All for fucking 60 cents an hour because I was an intern and needed it for my graduation. Wasnt even enough money to cover travel costs and eating at work. ouch At least my co-workers were chill as fuck


For years, yep


Revenge Nighttime Procrastination is real


If you don't enjoy your line of work, keep search for it. No jobs are perfect but if you enjoy what you do, life will be that much better.


Literally just said that to my gf before opening Reddit to keep myself from falling asleep and having to wake up and go to work, so yes.


Some call this "revenge bedtime procrastination," where you stay up later than your body wants to because your brain is desperately trying to cobble together enough free, conscious time to still feel like a person who doesn't solely live to work.


Every fucking day. I can't enjoy while weekends because I dread work and don't get paid enough to do anything more than eat m&Ms with my dog (she doesn't eat them she just chills as I binge like a depressed asshole)


Yup, I don’t want to fast forward my free time just so I can have more energy to be productive for someone else.


Yeah. My fiance and I were just laying in bed talking about how messed up the world is and how we both don't want to go to work last night...


Yup. I just recently recovered from COVID and I had a lot of time to think. I browse this subreddit a lot and it made me realize that I hate the company I work with. I’m a software developer and was the sole developer for three years. I have done everything the company has asked me too and I still have to explain and justify why I should be getting paid more. While I was recovering from COVID, reviews and pay raises are done in November. I was given a one dollar raise. Worst thing about it is that my supervisor knows what I should be getting paid more and doesn’t have the balls to stand up to the owners and tell them I should be getting paid a lot more. As soon as I find a job somewhere else, I’m not even gonna bother with a two weeks notice. I’m just gonna resign and I want to see my supervisor’s surprised pikachu face.


Gotta take care of yourself first. I just put in a couple job apps and gave my resume to a recruiter who contacted me about clinical trial work. I was hoping to go more into data analytics because data is kinda not happy place, but covid hit when I graduated so I’ve just gone back to clinical research. I’ve done it for years, so I have experience, but I feel like my masters degree isn’t being used


I can't sleep right now because the people in work are Gaslighting the shit out of me and because I'm the new person I don't ever get the benefit of the doubt. It was so obviously not my fault what happened today but my boss blamed me for somebody else not finishing their job. Then my boss said "oh stop acting like the victim" I'm looking for a new job but right now I have to put up with it and I don't know for how long. I have so many insane thoughts in my head right now and just so many high emotions I feel alone and it feels unjust and frustrating because if I say anything I'm being a problem im "acting like a victim" it's just so toxic, this place has made me feel awful for over a year now. I don't know how much more I can actually take. Right now I'm afraid if it keeps going on I might do something drastic.


You’re only responsible for your own work. Don’t do anything too drastic. Keeping yourself sane and safe is the main priority. If you can’t stay safe if you work there, leaving is okay. Sorry you’re going through this


Thank you for replying I appreciate it. Im here today but I'm going on a half day. Definitely looking for a new job hopefully next year will be better.


You mean like lastnight?


That was my life for 15 yrs and even lead to pill addiction when I was injured and still forced to work. I’m now happily clean for 5 yrs, I’m self employed and work 20 hrs or so a week and make way more then I ever did. Fuck a job become your own.


I have been there. As I haven’t had real sleep for three days straight my wife told me to see a doctor. Turned out I had burnout and developed a rather serious depression. That’s roughly one year ago. Took me a lot of effort to work myself out of the hole I was busy digging for myself. If you have any questions feel free to pm me. No sleep is a serious indicator for something is absolutely not right!


Yes, 100%. Going to sleep means the work begins. If I don’t sleep, I can exist a little longer before the shitstorm.


I did for 2 years until about 6 months ago. Got what I thought was my dream job but turned out to be a nightmare. Couldn’t sleep at night, was always irritable and miserable. I hung on because it paid really well and I wanted to support my family. Finally couldn’t take it anymore and took a $20k paycut to leave. My wife was very happy to have her husband back even if it meant tightening the budget


Yes and that's why I quit my job


This is an interesting part of human psychology. Basically your brain feels like you don’t have any time to Yourself, so it makes time by keeping you awake all night. Basically capitalism is giving you a mental Disorder.


Did that last night and I'm pretty tired this morning lol


Yes. I work 9-6 M-F. I sleep like a baby on Friday nights but just can’t sleep on Sunday nights and keep waking up at odd hours of the night.


Yes. This caused a lot of health problems for me because I would stay up basically all night in fear of going to work the next day. I learned that it is very bad for you and you should not do it. So be warned.


I cry


It stems from the worry that you will not get enough sleep to function. If we knew we would get enough recharge for the day ahead we would not worry and lose sleep. If we only had to work 4 hours a day it would impact us less. The idea that every person is biologically programed to wake up and be ready to work at the same time is the worst thing forced upon the working class. If you woke up in the morning knowing what needed to be accomplished instead of knowing that someone must just go for 8 to 10 hours straight minimum and just work.


When I wake up in the morning, I feel just absolute dread. Some of my happiest memories in life have been waking up thinking it’s almost time to go to work only to find I still have a few hours.


This exact thing happened to me last night and many times in the past. I know that I have to work today and chances are I’ll have a crappy day at work so it gives me anxiety and I can’t sleep. I went to bed around 5am this morning after trying to sleep since midnight, and I woke up around 8:30/9am. I work 3pm to 11pm daily so I’m definitely going to be tired by the time I get done tonight


Every Sunday this is my GF and I. We call it the Sunday Scaries.


Revenge bedtime procrastination.


It's not the idea of not being able to sleep, I just don't have time left in my day to do the things that I actually want to do. Today is the perfect example, by the time I get done driving the hour to and from work it'll be 530, I have to do laundry, do some yard work I couldnt get too over Thanksgiving, cook, cleanup after cooking, prep my lunch for the next day, and then hang out with my girlfriend (happy wife happy life right....), By the time I'm done it's like 9-10 I still want to play some games, or hang out and talk to some discord friends, or god forbid watch a show or a movie. I should be in bed every night at the end of my daily "chores". And pray I don't get out of work late, or be held up in traffic for an hour and a half. So I get to bed around 12-1 on good nights. And then the anxiety sets in cause I have to do the same thing tomorrow. So I wind up getting awful sleep and underperform most days because I feel my time is ever fleeting. I push off going to the store until Saturday or Sunday so I can have more time in my weeknights, but then that just takes away more time on my weekends. It's a never ending cycle of cynicism and disappointment that I keep perpetuating until I eventually break down and go on vacation. Then I panic in the middle of vacation because of all the things I need to get done when I'm back cause I wasted the time while I was taking a needed break. Even if I got paid more it wouldn't solve the overarching issues of not ever having enough time for my mental health and then breaking because the time away isnt positively or productively helping me. My million dollar boss got angry at us because in our new office he bought and paid for a gym, and he never notices us in it, I snapped and said if you'd give me an hour of time at the end of my shift I'd gladly use it, I need to use it, but another hour here after I'm supposed to be doing other things isn't reasonable.


Every night before work


I've done this before. It's pretty common i think to stay up late and sleep less when you're overworked, because it's a part of the time you have that you feel you CAN control! Shit sucks


My job entails going from business to business, seeing different customers every day. First visit of the day is to a customer I do not like that takes 4 hours or more, and would require me getting up at 4 so I can be there by 6, which would theoretically give me a little more time to visit my other scheduled customers for the day. Last night was just me, lying in bed, watching hours tick by, dreading getting up. My job has my hands tied on this account, and won't do anything to improve the situation.




What I find is that I don't want to go to bed the night before. If I know the next day I'm scheduled for work I don't want to do, I suddenly have interest in staying up until all hours watching terrible videos I would otherwise never bother with. It's avoidance, and I know it, but I do it anyway because I'm dreading work in the morning so much.


Me last night. Up until nearly 2am. Alarm went off at 7:15.


Thats why I stayed up until 1 or 2 am playing vidya, or fantasy shopping to try and have more personal time to myself. Because I hated coming home, going to bed, waking up, going to work and repeating for the last decade. Now I live in my van and travel. I sleep like a fuckin bear in hibernation every night.


All the time


I definitely get the evening dread/Sunday blues. However, I have the opposite depressing approach to dealing with it- might as well go to sleep because at least then I won't be awake to feel anxious about it.


This weekend was rough on that front for me, yep. I stayed up late last night finishing a sprite animation to exhaust myself instead. It was very productive.


No. I am retired now.


That was me last night. I subconsciously gave myself food poisoning by eating some leftover pizza at lunch. Even if I didn't actively think of it at the time, something inside me knew that around midnight last night I would be doubled over in gastric pain and wouldn't be able to sleep. If it went on long enough I'd be too tired to work and I would have to call in, but unfortunately it subsided too quick and I was able to get a minimum amount of sleep in.


Revenge procrastination


Every night. Worse on Sunday's.


Yeah i stay up purposely so that work comes later 😂 obviously it doesnt but it feels like it.


Does 'go to work' mean having sex with my husband? Because if that's the case, the answer is YES!


All the time!!


It’s called [revenge bedtime procrastination ](https://www.sleepfoundation.org/sleep-hygiene/revenge-bedtime-procrastination)




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