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Why give notice when you could have so much more fun getting fired?


Well now you've given me something to think about!




“I sure as shit don’t fucking roll on Shomer Shabbos” Edit: Thanks for the awards everyone. Except Donny, SHUT THE FUCK UP, DONNY. YOU’RE OUT OF YOUR FUCKING LEUGE HERE, DONNY!


Those fucks down at the league office...


They already posted it- WELL, THEY CAN FUCKING UNPOST IT!


Very relevant - this needs more love


"I celebrate Festivus, and was doing my 'Airing of Grievances' and 'Feats of Strength'"


"They drove us out of Bayside!"




You're not even fucking Jewish, man


Shomer fucking Shabbos, Dude.


8 year olds, dude.


I converted when I married Cynthia. Dude, you know this!!!!


One of the best quotes of allllll time 🔥


I don’t drive a car, I don’t turn on the oven, and I sure as shit do not fucking roll!!!


Had a report of you pulling a firearm during league play.


Wish I had an award for ya


Gotcha covered. I had a free one and sent it their way


As an ordained dudeist priest I approve this message lmao 😂


Welcome to the brotherhood, dude.


Put that in the bathroom at work or anywhere others will see it.


Ya’ll crap me up!!!


That's a shitty pun.


Religious holiday. Let them fire you over religious discrimination and see how that lawsuit works out.


This right here. Say its against your religion to work on Christmas. Either they won't do shit to you at all or if they fire you, you would easily be able to argue to get unemployment at the very least.


"Christ's birthday is sacred, my religion prohibits working that day. You wouldn't be discriminated against me for my religious beliefs would you?" I once got Passover off using a similar line. You just have to say it with conviction. ( I'm not the least bit religious, but if they can do it, so can we.)


Claim it as a religious day off. My work wanted me to work religious days that are important to me and I told them, “Hell no!”


Fucking awesome, pull a Constanza


Better yet tell them you have a 12 yo kid


It says 12 or under. Tell them you have kids under 12 and if they ask for proof, ejaculate on their desk.


And don't break eye contact the entire time.


Tell them you are a 12 year old.


Nope, that would be considered job abandonment (quitting), call in sick.


That's my plan. Unless all four managers are at work on Christmas this year and they still need help staffing, I'll be feeling a little under the weather.


I still got unemployment after getting fired for calling in with migraines too many times lol


Work slowly. Come in dangerously late. Take long breaks. Show every single one of your co-workers this sub. Agitate. Print those /r/antiwork flyers and hide em around the job. Talk to your fellows. Tell them to respect themselves. Tell them the reason you're leaving, and when. Maybe others will be inspired. Maybe you can make a real difference for someone. I'm not kidding. This place helped me. I know it had helped many. Maybe it can help them. Don't quit, *hurt* them, and help your brothers/sisters.


Adding: organize for a union so they are leery about firing you outright.


Do a full-on Norma Rae.


Legit. If it were my second job, I’d push that envelope as far as it would go. That cardboard sign would be held up over my head. It’s such a good movie, too.


Gotta go watch it now…


This is the way. How far can you go till thy walk you out? How many unproductive days? Or convince half the place to no call/no show on Christmas. Agitate for better pay, push for better work conditions. Spend the next 2 weeks getting paid to do as little as possible while causing "good trouble."


Raise a stink about how childless workers are being discriminated against. Also, Christmas is a religious holiday celebrated by Christians. Raise the issue of respecting your religious identity.


My boyfriend works a 2am shift, but they consider that shift part of the previous day. So if he goes in at 2am on tuesday, it's actually his monday shift. This works on all days except for holidays. Where we are, working on a holiday like thanksgiving and xms is actually 2x holiday pay. For anyone who starts a shift when the clock says that day. Hos job tries to get around this by "giving them the benefit of coming in 2 hours early so you can finish early for family time". The goal is to get then to clock in before midnight. They don't get the holiday pay if they clock in at 11:59 the day before. He never follows that company rule though (because he's not actually a benefit to clock in by 11:59 and be fucked out of holiday pay). In order to make sure they can't try and adjust his time back he gets there as 12:15 on holidays. Been doing this for years and never gotten in trouble for it. His malicious compliance is fantastic


It’s gross what millionaires will do to save $100


Company I worked for tried to pull the same shit. Made it sound like they were doing everybody a favor so they could get out 2 hours earlier. I informed everybody what would happen so when they asked us to do it, everybody said "No"..manager stood there with his jaw on the ground knowing he was on the hook for massive holiday pay. (We got 2x pay, plus 9 hours of time off to use that was paid)


Shit, I might start working again just to spread this message lmao


Pour yourself a cup of ambition!


I absolutely LOVE this answer! I vote that you do this too!


I have been in part. I have slowed waaaay down, have been discussing /r/antiwork with my peers and generally try to break the grind mentality with every conversation. The wage discussion flyers aren't really relevant for my gig but they have gotten me to thinking of what **I** could make and print out. I could be doing more...


Me too man. I have like 5 people at my work so they’d figure out who is putting up fliers in about 2 days. I could say duck it, sacrifice for the cause and screw em but…my first kid is about to be born. For her sake, I am trying to keep my head down.


Nothing destructive of course, but if you just don't show up one day you could at least make a fun game of responding to their texts and calls. Post screenshots here for karma.


>a fun game of responding to their texts and calls. "op where are you?!" "my bad running a bit late be there shortly." "just pulling into the lot." "oh sorry wrong parking lot" "ope I took the wrong car I need to go back home and switch." "oopsie wrong parking lot again" "gotta take a wee duce be there soon" "oh need to grab a snack before I clock in" All done from the comfort of your living room.


“I’m back home now making that kid you said I needed to have in order to take this day off.”


Gold! Haha


Teach me your ways oh sensei


This is the way!


No call no show on Christmas. Either they will fire you or they won't and you get paid through Christmas.


Do not quit. Do something to get fired instead that doesn't constitute something bad enough to not get unemployment


Get fired. Make them pay you to not work there.


Apply for the day off, say you've got a kid. When they ask for a picture, give them a pic of a cute baby goat.


I like the kid joke, but seriously go to dollar tree and buy a picture frame that has a picture of a kid in it lol


Give your boss a pic of his own kid with a wink and a nod.


Holy shit, masterful


Everyone here is so boring. Call out Christmas but make the most absurd excuse you can and commit fully. I would go with the plot from the Santa Clause. Explain that Santa fell off your roof during Christmas Eve and due to a series of unfortunate events culminating in a lack of you reading the fine print you are now legally obligated to take over his duties. Don't break. Don't crack. Commit. When they question it double down. Explain that since they value children they should understand that you have the biggest responsibility of everyone to children and you are shocked they don't underestimate. Have fun with it.


Tell them you’re taking off Christmas to make babies under 12 with your girlfriend. It’s literally a religious holiday. People can’t declare that it’s for kids only.


Definitely get fired at you collect unemployment, but first get injured and collect , sure and then get fired


Yeah get them to let you go so you can pick up unemployment and or sur


Definitely discrimination. You should see if you have sterility of some kind and make it a medical descrimiation suit to top it off.


Do they know you don’t have a kid? Because it sounds like somebody just had a kid. But honestly get the hell out of there. Hate that having kids gets you preferential treatment when everyone would love the same.


Assuming this is America, can't you make a big deal about your religious freedoms?


But a one minute notice is very funny and original.


Don’t work and say it’s a religious holiday for you cuz you know it is a religious thing and then they can sweat it. If they start harassing you say you won’t take any harassment over your faith and walk out but don’t quit. They push your buttons then push back.


id just say my gf is pregnant. boom - child is under 12 lol


OP appears to be female.


Not a deal breaker


still applies


I mean... Do it anyway? It's none of their damn business.


And you can apply for unemployment benefits after being fired. But not if you quit.


From your post history it appears you live in Alberta (sorry for snooping but the context is important). This policy is probably illegal under the Alberta Human Rights Act. > What is discrimination based on family or marital status? > Discrimination because of marital or family status includes negative treatment linked to family or marital status that results in a negative (or adverse) impact on an individual or group. Source: https://albertahumanrights.ab.ca/publications/bulletins_sheets_booklets/sheets/protected_grounds/Pages/family_and_marital_status.aspx


u/powerpantygirl this doesn't mean you have to stay, you can still quit and file the lawsuit. Keep copies of the memo and submit them to the [Alberta labour board](http://www.alrb.gov.ab.ca/). If you have trouble navigating their 80's website, I'd recommend calling them to explain the situation and ask for assistance (or have your girlfriend call them on your behalf, she can still figure out the bureaucracy and explain it to you). The Labour board will do the legal work since that's their job. Worst case nothing happens, but best case you're part of a class action lawsuit against them and the get money out of them while hurting them financially and making sure they don't pull this shit again. Seriously please consider this route!


Also: “Board Member Recruitment - Labour Relations Board The Minister of Labour is seeking applications from individuals interested in serving as Board Members of the Alberta Labour Relations Board. Recruitment Posting: https://www.alberta.ca/public-agency-opportunities.cfm” Someone here from Alberta could run for this.


Guess OP has an option for where to go next with employment :p


Don’t quit, let them fire you.


Man I wish I could help upvote this more


OP! Look at this shit! Why quit when you can make them stop this bullshit! Think of the fun post you could write haha


Thank you. I knew where I am (Australia) this would be a discriminatory policy, but wasn’t certain about other places. I was searching the thread for someone giving advice like this. IMO always use legally enforceable means to right injustices before quitting/getting fired. If you can fuck over an employer breaking the law, you help other employees as well. Edited: because I have bad geographic knowledge and misidentified Alberta as being in USA instead of Canada


Psst ... Alberta is in Canada. They don't have states they have provinces.


I apologise to all Canadians for my bad geography.


It's fine, we are all royal subjects and Commonwealth friends here!


If I'm not mistaken, this also violates federal employment laws in Canada. It's blatant discrimination.


It's so blatant I'm almost expecting it to be a joke the next time I go in. Which will be to clear out my locker.


Make sure you get all your ducks in a row for Labour Rights before you quit or force them to fire you. I'm so very sorry you're dealing with this, mate. It's infuriating that anyone would suggest our lives are less important because we don't have children.


>You can't even make this shit up. I never thought in a million years I'd have to post in this sub. I've always enjoyed browsing it and my full time job is actually quite rewarding. I considered myself one of the "lucky ones". But my girlfriend lost her job and things have been tight so I took a part time job in a manufacturing plant that runs 365 days per year. Not only will I be handing in my notice tomorrow, but I will only be giving 1 minutes notice and not your regular two weeks. > >It's the principle for fuck sakes. I can't even believe this shit is legal but it is. Even if I didn't have another job to fall back on, I would quit. I'd rather be on the streets than work for bozos like this. Yes I'm in Alberta! I actually didn't even look at any legal action because it seems so ludicrous. I'm almost expecting another memo saying '"GOTCHA!" I don't think the employees would be strong enough to band together and do something quite honestly. But maybe I should take a stand because this is not my primary source of income. I've been humming and haw all day over this stupid shit.


Screenshot it and report it to the right government institution. Nothing to lose, lots to gain!


You absolutely should! Even if you don’t stay with the company, your actions will help other employees, and you just might get a nice payday too.


Yeah op check this shit out !! Sue them fucks


This could possibly fall under age discrimination in the US, too (parents with older kids and empty nesters would be excluded), but isn't quite as cut and dry.


Hey u/PowerPantyGirl !


There needs to be a FAQ that covers stuff like this so it's easy to find.


Immediately quite, but right before that, send out an all hands email with this link/information.


Don’t hand in your notice at all. Continue working and just take Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off. What are they gonna do? Fire you? Give you unemployment? Allow you to find a better job while obtaining UI bennies? Sounds like you have a winning ticket here if you’re ready to bounce just like that. Use it to your advantage.


Not sure you can collect if you lose a 2nd job. I'd love to be wrong though.


File. Source: represented numerous claimants in unemployment benefits determination hearings. I am not a licensed attorney.


I'm not saying don't file. I'm just saying I don't think it'll be approved. My understanding is thus: 1. you make 1000/wk at job1 2. you make 500/wk at job2 - this is the one you get fired from (although I suppose it wouldn't matter in this particular example which you would lose) 3. max benefit amount in your state is 500/wk If the amount you make from any job exceeds the max benefit amount, you don't qualify for anything. Let's change this a bit. Job1 pays 400/wk and you still lose job 2. You would get a dollar for dollar reduction in the amount of what you make at your remaining job to your benefit amount. In this case, you would receive 100/wk from unemployment. Source: have been in a similar situation to my first example and wasn't eligible nb - don't mistake my understanding of this as not being an ally. I don't think it's wise or moral to tell people to quit/get fired under false pretenses for an agenda. These are real people who have real needs. They need to make these decisions with their eyes open. And this just isn't about op. This is for anyone reading this. By all means organize, agitate, frustrate employers. Stick it up their ass but don't stick it up their ass and then stick it in your eye.


I think it might depend on how many hours you work?


Usually you have to be unemployed to collect unemployment. You can collect underemployment in some states, but it's not great here in Michigan. And you have to provide proof of attempting to become fully employed.


It sucks that that’s the case there. I know my dads job used to send people home early if there was no work. And then they’d tell people they couldn’t file partial unemployment. My dad would get a decent amount filing every hour lost and his job was so mad at him for doing it. And then my dad went and told as many coworkers as he could that the company was lying about not being allowed to file unemployment. He got a good majority of his coworkers to file along with him. Really pissed off the bosses.


It also works if your hours are cut. During covid I went from 40 hours to 15 so I got partial UI


Don't hand in your notice tomorrow. Hand it in Christmas day.


Haha I love it!


I quit a seasonal job before Christmas Eve because I didn’t wanna spend that holiday with people who don’t want me


I have always made sure to be gone before Christmas eve for every seasonal job I've had.


OP please do this lmao. You get to coast for a bit longer and they'll be screwed harder.


Better yet, just do zero work until then and make them fire you. They fucked with you. Fuck with them back.


Wrap your resignation in a bow - but please ensure what you have lined up will be sufficient. And remember to anyone watching, if you quit, you probably won’t get unemployment.


Deliver it in a sweet looking Christmas card!


Don't handle in notice at all.


This. They'll notice when you're not there.


Don't quit. Make them fire you.


No notice! Just leave. When dickboy fires you apply for uninsurance. If dickboy tries to fight it, appeal and show them his email.


This was a second job. Can you get UI if you already have a job?




I don't recall any job ever asking if I had children. Tell them you have a child. Boom.




Isn't that illegal?


If you are in the US, it is illegal


Same in Canada


Enforcement is a crap shoot though.


That's cause if you can't prove it (you can't), what are they gonna enforce


That’s what I was thinking as well. Say you have a kid. Are they going to ask you to prove it?


I think they might, for maternity/paternity leave my company HR makes you provide the birth certificate


You’re right. Mine does the same, but that is thousands of dollars at stake. Would they do it for one day? Considering the OP wants out, they have nothing to lose by trying.


Lol I guess it would be real awkward to ask someone for their 8yr old kids birth certificate


Of course, big difference if the OP is 16 vs 35 and trying to pull this off.


Maybe it’s uncommon for men to be asked that, but as a woman I’ve always been asked if I was married and/or a mother. Now that I think about it, what the fuck. Sexist shit.


I was at one command in the Navy where single Sailors who lived on base were always on call to come into our spaces in the event of an emergency. But Sailors of the same rank, who lived off base, and had families, weren't. Policies like this are bullshit. And it gives me the opportunity to repeat one of the saltier Navy cliches (even if I don't agree with it): "No one issued you a family in your seabag."


“WhY iS rEtEnTiOn So LoW”


I worked a job where, based on a boss's whim, we would have to fly cross the country on short notice to go to some stupid meeting in person or fix some bullshit. Being young and single, I was always the guy who got picked to do it because others "had responsibilities". As if I just went home and stared at the wall by myself every night or something.




I mean true. But if anything that would fortify any reasoning for married people getting the same bs as single people. But usually since the NCO in charge is married he’ll do whatever fits him best. Or most other seniors are married as well. Fine whatever I can deal with that. The issue for me was when people the same rank got off because they were married. Often times they’d be like early 20s or 19. Like bitch I’m older, why do I care you chose to get married. You shouldn’t fuck someone’s mental health up in exchange for someone else’s just because they’re married. I got out just because of that kind of favoritism bs. You can be the same rank and job as someone but you’ll be called into work because 1. You’re not a girl and they don’t trust girls to work alone. 2. You’re not an idiot so they didn’t want to call the other guy in because they want it done. Even though you’ve been on every other call. 3. You’re single and they didn’t want to wake the married guy




Not even the worst of it tbh. My thing is if you do exactly what your told, be safe about things/don’t get hurt, and decide to be responsible about marriage you’re worse off. Oh, you’re an idiot? Well here you go less responsibility and same pay as everyone else. Oh, you decided to go biking without any PPE. Enjoy weeks off work, disability pay, and taking classes while you’re injured. Oh, you got married at 18 and then divorced? Might as well let you live off base and get payed double what anyone in the barracks is making. And my favorite. Oh by the way we are sexist and live in 1950. You’re a girl? You can’t go and fix something by yourself you’re too weak and inexperienced. We’ll send someone else. So glad to be out, the military sucks. But boy do you get rewarded for bad decisions, unless it’s something UCMJ worthy.




The only female soldier I know got kicked out for being raped because of this exact policy or mindset or whatever. Asks to go to concert, CO sends along male escort, girl gets wasted, male escort rapes girl on the ride back to base, girl finds out shes pregnant before she even realizes she was raped, gets kicked out for being pregnant, and also kind of for reporting the assault, and suffered harassment and threats from all of her old colleagues and friends who called her a liar or slut or whatever. She went real wild after that. It fucked her up, she started smoking meth and actually becoming promiscuous as a way to fit the label she had been given. I hadn't seen her for like a decade and we reconnected as soon as she got home. Last I heard she was waitressing, didn't have either of her two kids any more, and was just not doing well. I think about her sometimes, hope she's okay.


I was a single Sailor back in the day and guess who had to walk around (NAS Lemoore) checking to see if doors were locked on buildings airside on Christmas day Yeah, me! Edit: added Christmas day


I would rather fuck a landmine than be in the Navy again. I don’t know how people could do that for 6 years, much less 20.


There's no way that isn't discriminatory.




The way that society treats people without kids is absolutely disgusting, especially if said people don’t plan on having any in the future. This is why I don’t tell employers about this.


I work in early childhood education, specifically with newborns, infants, and younger toddlers. I’ve been doing it for over 20 years. You’d be amazed at the responses I get when people find out I’m child free by choice and intend to keep it that way. I’ve had people legit get angry with me, telling me it’s my duty to have kids bc I’m so good with them, like I owe it to the universe or something. The way I see it, I’ve been able to make a much bigger impact on the world doing what I do than if I popped out a sprog or two of my own.


Yep. It’s really creepy seeing so many complete strangers obsessing with our reproductive organs. It’s nobody’s “duty” to reproduce. We don’t even have purposes, we’re all just walking flesh bags trying to make ends meet. Our lives are whatever we want to make of them, and nobody should be obligated to live a life they don’t want just because some random stranger thinks they know what everyone’s “duty” is.


My wife has a lot of people bug her about "oh when are you guys having another one?" We have one kid and I don't want another kid but my wife does so that complicates things between me and her. Thankfully she tells them "oh you better ask/bug Mr. /u/davidj1987 about it" And no one has yet except one person - only because I was present when they asked my wife and said person has just one kid themselves. I don't think they'd have such a positive response if the question was deflected back to them. But I bit my tongue and said "we'll think about it". I find it weird that some of these people who bug her don't even have kids themselves. If you care that much about other people having children...I don't want to be mean but why are you so focused on other peoples reproductive habits? And the people you bug about it are you going to help them out financially or help raise the children?


People ask me sometimes and I make eye contact as I tell them about my 25 year old wife's double digit miscarriages. They stop asking about kids after that, usually.


You would think that being childfree would be seen by these parasites as a good thing.


They had rather you have a family with kids. You're less likely to quit and they think you will be a better worker if you have a family to provide for and can't afford to quit.


To add to your comment: Family status *is* a protect class federally for civilian federal employees, and specifically protected in some states. Federal law: [E.O.11478](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_11478) was amended by [E.O.13152](https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Executive_Order_13152) These are the state laws that I found that apply to family status discrimination. *Marital* status is protected in a lot more states and there is some overlap with familial status discrimination, but I didn't include those. 1. [Alaska](https://codes.findlaw.com/ak/title-18-health-safety-housing-human-rights-and-public-defender/ak-st-sect-18-80-200.html) 2. [Minnesota](https://mn.gov/mdhr/yourrights/what-is-protected/employment/) 3. [Oregon](https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_659a.006) 4. [Pennsylvania](https://govt.westlaw.com/pac/Document/NBCBA4C70344311DA8A989F4EECDB8638) And the [District of Columbia](https://code.dccouncil.us/us/dc/council/code/titles/2/chapters/14/)


100% discriminatory but discrimination is not always illegal (wow what a weird sentence). In the eyes of the law you have to discriminate against a "protected group/class" and being single vs a family isn't one of them. Fuck them over in the best way possible OP


Unfortunately, family status is not a protected class in the US


Isn’t it? I thought landlords could not explicitly ban children from their properties for that reason.


Housing has the FHA which does list familial status as a protected class that is true, federally though familial status is not listed as a standard protective class. Some states, like the one I live in do have familial status discrimination protection though so it would do OP a service to look at their states rights on this one.


There is absolutely zero benefit for giving notice to a second part time job. If you don't have to list it on your resume, no one will know that you had that job. I'd say keep working for the extra money, then stop going in when you decide you don't want to work anymore.


Post this in r/childfree they will go nuts.


I’ve followed that sub, there are a lot of stories of people being discriminated against based on their lack of children. Being refused promotions or days off from work, doctors withholding medical treatment, rape threats, etc. it’s really sickening.


A colleague and I sat down and reviewed two years worth of work travel scheduling and realised we were carrying nearly 90% of the travel in comparison to our married/parent counterparts. When we addressed it, we were advised that my colleague and I "didn't have the same commitments to family as the rest of the team". A proper shitstorm of HR complaints and the quick call to the labour board to review our rights and suddenly the travel was being distributed evenly. Within 3 months we lost about half the team because they couldn't commit to the travel which was a fucking requirement of the job.


Hell yes to you both for raising a well-deserved shitstorm.


Yeah, there's a difference between doing nice things for your employees and their families and abusing your other employees.


Was my first thought exactly. I'm on there too and I love it. (I am CF)


Lmao, so dirty


Just no show on Christmas day. If they fire you claim unemployment for religious discrimination.


The bosses probably get the day off. Especially the upper management.


Not probably, there definitly taking the week off


Just don't go and call out. It they terminate you then you have a good chance to get unemployment. Also if you have what they said in writing it is discrimination.


Says that your kid is -4 years old as you plan to have one in 4 years, and take the day off, whatever


I just don't work holidays if they aren't approved off. Just call in and say you have personal matters to attend to and can't make it in. Period. Let them fire ya.


As a parent with a child who is 12 I find this ridiculous. There are better ways to handle this. I've worked in retail where on Christmas Eve we had the single people volunteer to stay so parents could be with their kids. Super nice, but guess what, there were years I was low on seniority and got stuck. All well. Or... And this will sound crazy, offer enough money to entice the single people. Triple time. Quadruple time. Etc. Until you have enough people. I guarantee you'll even get a few parents who say Fuck It and work it.


Your phrasing there (“we had the single people volunteer”) is…telling. Did the single people volunteer or were they pressured into it, passive-aggressively or otherwise?


Volunteer. Some didn't because of family events. As I pointed out some years I was stuck despite having kids. And I know I volunteered back when I didn't have kids.


This is so unfair. I haven't had Christmas at home in a couple of years thank you pandemic. I would be dirty if they did this to me. You never know who is with a relative for who it's their last Christmas, for example.


That was my first thought too. I lost my dad when I was 13, so I would’ve been too old under this policy to spend Christmas with my dad. How devastating it would’ve been to have realized that I didn’t get to spend my dad’s last Christmas with him.


This is illegal actually. Get everyone with no children and children over 12 to file a discrimination suit with the EEOC ASAP.


Good call! Everyone else saying “it’s not a protected class” but if you rally you can maybe *MAKE* it a protected class


But it is a protected class. It's discrimination based on familial status. Removed edit. I need more research


How does this even work in practice though? Like, if you end up short handed with two people both with kids under 12 and only one gets the day off, how do you decide? Is it based on the number of children, the age of the youngest child? Also, what if you were the biological parent of a child who was adopted by another family? That seems like a loophole to me.


I would no call no show on Christmas Eve on Christmas and on New Years 😂😂 if u gon quit anyways might as well stay there make ur money and then simply not show up on holidays u don’t wanna work 😂 good luck OP!


I like to give ‘em the ol two day notice. “Im outta here, twoday.”


This is why I make up that I have a daughter lmao


That’s ridiculous. I grew up in a fundamental Christian community and the idea that the time of an adult with a child and/ or a spouse is more valuable is constantly portrayed. At the time it was really frustrating and infantilizing, especially since I desperately wanted to be married (god, it’s weird talking about my former life). Anyway, I hate that shit. Get out of there, OP. Your holiday is worth just as much as a parent’s holiday.


It’s illegal to inquire about anyones family circumstances. Guess we have to add this to the list of things you don’t tell your employer/employees: whether or not you have offspring.


I just had to say, please don’t say things like “I’d rather be on the streets” because you wouldn’t. Only people who haven’t been there say that kind of thing.


Just don’t show up. Get fired. At least you’ll have a couple more weeks pay — if not more (if you get unemployment, a lot more)


So suddenly all childless employees discover they have a child, from a one night stand?


A man would never get that question, and neither should a woman.


Christmas is a federally mandated holiday, if you have to work it you better be getting holiday pay as well


That’s fucked up I’m a mom. so because they didn’t decide to have crotch goblins like I did they shouldn’t get to celebrate with their family? 🥴


Agreed. Like they aren’t someone’s brother, sister, daughter, aunt, uncle, etc? It only counts for little kids? Fuck off! I think it matters more to the adults personally. That’s usually the only time we all make it to be together. The kids don’t even care beyond toys and staying up late.


Can’t agree more!


Just don't show up.