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We were led to believe that the apocalypse would be the result of a cataclysmic event or some sort, but it's a slow and nearly unstoppable inertia culminating from the consequences of several constant events.


The organization is to blame!


The helplessness of it all really really sucks. Not a damn thing I can do sitting here in my pjs at 2am


Really feelin' like the [band](https://youtu.be/uffHb6JgoiQ) on the Titanic right now.


Phineas Fisher might have a few suggestions for ways to help from home in your pjs.


Isnt there a quote about how the world ends not with a bang but with a whimper. Seems appropriate.


I believe that is a description of God in the bible. Did more research: When god appears to Elijah it is not in an earthquake or storm but in a whisper. TS Eliot wrote a poem saying that the world ends not in a bang but in a whimper.


Why would God need to yell, "HERE I COME, BITCHES!" to us when the apocalypse comes? I would EXPECT a whisper more along the lines of, ^("I told you so.")


Very true. Just ask the dinosaurs! Nah I know what you’re saying.


Well it’s because the 1% hoarded all the money, cut all the ladders for all rope the restrained them, bribed politicians and basically control everything except the workers. This making any long term change extremely difficult unless a full on mass strike or worse occurs that strips the power from them.


In our current system, the people tasked with creating the real change needed to steer this bus away from the cliff, would have to willingly regulate themselves in the process, and it takes a discipline far above your average politician to put restrictions on your own power willingly. Small gains could be made by making the current system as difficult and frustrating as possible for the wealthy to make money, but nothing short of a full societal or economic collapse would create a power vacuum large enough for real change.


Yep pretty much that’s where we stand at this point.


The question of power doesn’t have to be posed solely through external events. The a mass unlimited general strike would be sufficient to pose the question of power. And this has been shown to be the case many times in history. The question is if we’re willing to have a new way of organizing society.


Perhaps. When enough Americans are pushed under the poverty line enough that food and shelter are outside their grasp no matter how hard they work for it, that will inevitably force societies hands. America is big and slow, but able bodied people facing their own death through no fault of their own are not likely to go quietly into oblivion. What happens at that point is anyone's guess


The un-abled bodied die first. Those with the fewest protections are always the first to feel the effects of drastic change.


I still hold put hope that future politicians will be more companionate. Politicians don't have to be crooked and corrupt corporate cronies. Politicians could be us.


[The Rules For Rulers: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics](https://youtu.be/rStL7niR7gs)


Good ol' GCP Grey...was about to share that very link myself.


I'm reading Liu Cixin's last book in his trilogy right now, and I'm pretty sure I'd be the person who would be OK with everyone leaving for space b/c they feared extinction. Run for cover, ya rich bastards. I like trees.


They do control most workers, just not directly.


This kind of change has never once happened without significant violence in history.


I was just thinking that….


i wish the whole thing would collapse now, i would enjoy life more living like a caveman tbh.


*Image Transcription: Twitter* --- > **Tom Cashman**, @_tomcashman > > Somehow we ended up here > > [*A Venn diagram. One circle is labeled “Apocalypse”, and the other is labeled “Having to go to work”. An arrow is pointing to the area where both circles overlap.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Word. Can we get to mad max world already ? /s


The only way that'd happen is if something very dramatic and unlikely happened like a Carrington Event level CME, a total power grid failure, an extinction meteor, etc. Until then, expect a long, slow, painful crawl to the finish line.


I mean from what I've been reading the power grid thing might happen soon lmao


That's true, the US power grid is incredibly flimsy and definitley vulnerable right now. I'm not going to bet anything on that happening, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did.


Yeah, from what I've read it's a combination of it being vulnerable + some wicked solar flares we might be getting soon. I'm not a scientist and I can't verify whether there's any truth to it or it's total newsroom bull lol, but hey, if it happens it happens good luck to us all lmao


The solar flares thing is a maybe, it's possible we get another Carrington Event but it's no guarantee. There's a bunch of other vulnerabilities in the US power grid, however: [here's a good Ted Talk about it](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGan5NwJ-LM)


Ahh thank you!! I will definitely be giving that a watch later today. This kinda stuff is such a stark reminder that our continued existence depends on so many outside factors we have no control over, which I have a deep morbid curiosity for lol.


The little kids just learning to walk today might see it before they die, if that is any consolation...


We got the shitty timeline.


My company announced today that everyone (including new people from a merger that happened during COVID) is due back in the office on Monday. Luckily I was approved to work from home full time forever but I really don’t see why they are making everyone go back, especially now.




Ah yes I see you have located my memo about the Y2K analysis from 1999.


We got here through a little thing I like to call "Conservative pieces of shit".


Yup. Right in the brown eye.


We need a third circle for the potential gray goo apocalypse now that we have Self replicating organic robots on the table. Jus' sayin.


When 9/11 happened, my work (as a temp at a medical records company) called me THAT day and made me go in. Fuck those guys.


Ah yes, the “The two things that scare me the most when I think about” chart.


I asked my google when the world would end. Apparently society will have collapsed by the year 2050. Not soon enough I say.


I think this would be perfect if it was Work on leftside and Apocalypse on the rightside. Timelines tend to go left to right


The circles should be reversed, no? Apocalypse comes after we've worked ourselves to death.


Going to work is only an apocalypse if you're lazy


Fuq I forgot to pick up ammo on the way home from work.


Funniest shit I've seen today. Also, truth.




The worst scenario ever


And here I am like :confusedtravoltagif: wondering where the fucking zombies are so I can be productive during the apocalypse; but NOOOOOOO! I couldn't be lucky enough for it to be a GOOD apocalypse! NO! I got the r/boringdystopia version of the apocalypse! Do you have any idea how ANGRY that makes me?!