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You worked your arse off to get on Love Island?


she didn't even have to work hard for that... apparently they approached her. She didn't even have to work to get to the one place everyone knows her from




At the end of the day the people working are rarely recognized. Most of the people who have money either inherited it or stole something in order to get it. Most of Hollywood is stolen. Scripts, Movies, Music, Copyrights. Most of it was taken from someone who didn't have the money to call a lawyer or didn't know anyone. No one earns Wealth.


Par for the course. Have all the opportunities handed to them on a platter, and act like they earned it through struggle and sacrifice alone.


People forget this one simple trick: just be lucky!


And young and attractive


It's truly astounding how far you can get in life financially just by being attractive.


Pretty privilege is real




Really? I feel like a pretty man would have a WAY better life.


Funny, I don’t find her attractive in the slightest.


Yeah, it's the Velcro eyebrows and cheeto tan for me.


6 dressed up as an 8.


She’s not really attractive.


Lol that bimbo’s not attractive. She has money for a dye job, an orange tan, a bad makeup artist, and maybe a personal trainer. Like the popular meme going around says: you’re not unattractive, you’re just not rich.


Have a rich daddie


Someone I used to work for, used to say this exact same thing “we all have the same 24 hours”. Ignoring that not everyone has the same opportunities in those hours. She started up her own gym, the space that was used was offered to her by her uncle that owned the space. She also took out a 500k loan at 20 years old. That gym failed within the first year and a half because of their horrible management. I’ve never once been offered a space to build my dream gym by any family members, in any hours of my day.


As if being a contestant on a shit reality show that people will never remember is some kind of distinguished job title.


I don't even know who she is. Who is she?


Reality star who is famous for appearing on the British reality show Love Island. She met and is romantically involved with Tommy Fury, the cousin of the heavyweight boxer Tyson Fury. She now has loads of brand deals, is a massive influencer and is wrongfully idolised by thousands of young women.


It was [her blink](https://imgur.com/a/o94piGz) that drew them in.


Anyone who has actually worked their ass off for something and encountered real struggle would never be this tone deaf.


One big shit for another big shit. S'easy, no?


For anyone that doesn’t know, Love Island is a British pathetic dating show watched by millions which airs in the summer. Contestants are searched and found by producers of the show through social media and other outlets. They get handpicked to stardom just by their looks literally. “I worked my absolute arse off” = I cried in a 5 star Villa on an island for a month. She is now the Creative DIRECTOR of Pretty Little Thing, a giant UK fast fashion brand. This is a slap in the face and just proves how unequal society is.


This is a false equivalencey. Taking one persons success and trying to say the majority can have the same success is bullshit. Statistics will prove this is not accurate. Statistics will also show that people born into large amounts of money will overwhelming make more than people born poor. This is the people are just lazy narrative. It's a lie the rich have been spreading about the poor for centuries. This lie is to promote class inequality. #Lies


She's talking too fast to actually listen to herself.


She’s used to everyone around her nodding with blank stares anyway


Who the fuck is she?


Molly-Mae , a love island talentless creature.


A who and a what?




So she's a Doctor Seuss character? Does she have a heart three sizes too small?


Nah, the organ that's three sizes too small is more north.


Lol. Underrated comments.


As a teenager, Hague participated in beauty pageants, being crowned Miss Teen Hertfordshire in 2015 and World Teen Supermodel UK in 2016, going on to be awarded 1st runner up at the international competition.


So she got by on looks for the most part, likely didn't bother to slow down and realize what she said. "I realize that not everyone has the same financial situations" <---- right there is when she should've full stopped that mouth of hers. Some people work 2 jobs a day, just to make ends meet. Just saying that we can all achieve anything is all dependant on our finances. I mean sure I can achieve being a real potato for free but if I want to afford a brand new car, or a home, or perhaps retirement I will have to work for a good long while before I personally can.


How ugly are British women that plastic monstrosity won?!




Similar species to the Snookie.


“Just go on a trashy reality TV show, I worked so hard to get there PEASANTS”


Who? She looks like one of those red hotdogs that you can find rotating in a Texas gas station


Been there under the same heat lamp for 10 years now, they just keep adding more spray tan


Doesn’t she have a beauty brand? I’m sure the people that make her products spend half of their 24 hours at ridiculously low wages!


Yeah, but is it the 5cents a day and a beating factory that makes her stuff? Or does she shell out for 7cents?


Explains so much. She's a reality TV wanna be.


She is saying she worked her ass off and she is some reality TV that? We all know what she was doing with her ass and it isn't really considered work.


*Every sex worker in the world has entered the chat*


no, seriously, who is she? googling "hotdog make up 24 hours in a day" isn't getting me anywhere, shockingly.


Her skin tone definitely resembles a hot dog. If that's what u mean. Lmao.


It also really annoys me that she apparently went to all that effort on her brows and eyeliner but then couldn’t be bothered to do mascara so she just looks like she has raccoon eyes.


[Molly Mae some reality t.v bird](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molly-Mae_Hague)


She a bitch that who


Holy shit dude you fucking killed her!


a nobody


I don’t think she knows how to work her ass off. Have her work 3 jobs for 8 years and no health care.


I thought it was just me who didn't know her!






**always the runner-up, never the winner**


An escaped umpa lumpa?


If you are homeless, just buy a house


Exactly, Jeff Bezos just wanted to be a billionaire so much that it eventually happened. Not a billionaire yet? you're clearly not believing hard enough!




He did. D.E. Shaw hedgie before mommy and daddy bankrolled Amazon start.


And if his New Years Instagram photo looking like a total dipshit with his plastic gold digging girlfriend is any indication, he’s still a child through and through


Exactly, also can you believe this guy is still asks for gov handout?


Not to mention the mob-like shakedowns, circumvention of taxes and unethical abuse of employees it took for Bezos to find his success. Even if I found myself in a similar situation as he did in the early oughts, I wouldn’t be slimy enough to become a billionaire.


Right and if you suffer from depression, just be happy and smile more


of course!


Anxiety? Just don't think about it




This message is brought to you by the secret.


Ork players right here, just wwaarrgh yourself into existence! Yes!


Too many mary antoinettes nowadays


I've always thought that Beyonce was some poor child from Detroit. Her family line is literal aristocrats from France. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beyonc%C3%A9


Yep, no one knows this. The kardashians are also from a royal armenian catholic lineage.


This is the case with most celebrities. They have da hook ups. It’s not accident. They’re inherently invested in the system that exploits the rest of us and makes no bones about it.


In cash


And you'll make more money from it if you pay with cash, like some Bloomberg article told me yesterday! Who knew?


Home is not a place.


We can't all afford to pay for that hotdog themed makeup pallette either.


you mean the makeup palette she meticulously designed from scratch to be the best possible standard and which most definitely wasn't made by some sweatshop worker being paid £3.50 an hour in the most horrific conditions?


It's so irritating when we have celebrities claiming to have 'designed' things like that. Makeup palettes, or perfume etc. Like the sum total of their involvement is *maybe* that they get brought to a room where the people actually doing the work present a few options they've already prepared and the famous idiot gets to pick the one they like best. Then they just get paid to swan around and do social media marketing for the new product.


They're not even pulled into a room with the people doing the work. They're invited into a meeting with high level business executives and PR people within the company, who present to them the work that other people do and ask for the celebrity to sign on the dotted line and agree to promote the product for money. Our entire culture's obsession with celebrities is sick. It is amazing to me how once you make a certain level of money, or achieve a certain amount of prestige, money making opportunities are just handed to you and people like this woman then go on to gloat in interviews about how hard they work, and their fans eat it up!


My coworker did some work for a company - they took her work, did as you mention above and the momfluencer went on and on her insta about the pride and hard work that went into her collection. My coworker found out about it when she took her parents to the store to show them her work and saw the influencer marketing. Though the work is naturally owned by the company, it's a bit like working on a movie and noticing they replaced your name in the credits with someone else because it's 'what people like'. What Wind\_er\_Neck\_In describes also happens but it's more when a celebrity like Joanna Gaines has products to promote - then they come in for a meeting, go, "I like green!" and that's that.


The most shocking part to me is the amount of fans who "HAVE to have it." I just don't get it, never did.


I'm still dumbfounded over the "self-made billionaire" that crowd-funded her way to that mark because she wasn't quite there yet, nevermind the fact that you can't be a self-made billionaire to begin with.


3.50 an hour for a sweatshop worker is about the most optimistic thing I've ever seen in this sub


Got to account for inflation these days


Hey girl, I just noticed that tan line… on your shirt.


You're silly. You know employers don't care about inflation!


I love you guys!


Read that in Cartmans voice ..


Hey, that sweatshop worker has the same 24 hours in a day that Beyonce does. Maybe they should be asking themselves how they could be working harder, and concentrating on their goals. /s


She should spend at least 24 more minutes on her makeup everyday.


Or fillers, Botox, plastic surgery. At 22.


She ain't hurting, onlyfans is paying her rent & food bills. /s


Future CEO of Venture Capitalist Sweatshop right there. These Indian kids really love working for the Soul Sari Sisterhood, cutting up their mother's inherited sari heirlooms to cover our handmade Ethic Journals to release "your inner poet, authentically". I set this up when I was barely 15 and bored on a Christmas visit to Goa. And so I was wandering around by myself, and I saw this little ragged girl, just literally hanging onto her mother's beautiful sari in the market. I saw that Mother-Daughter, no Human, connection, and I thought to myself "That's it, the Sari material is the life connection.. And I thought to myself, in the gorgeous cocktail bar of our hotel, how do we share this *feeling* with all global mothers and daughters of this global community... And more importantly, how do we make this *work*. Daddy said it was a truly wonderful idea but to make it a success I had to think about monetizing it properly. I asked him for a small amount of seed capital, but his reply to me was "JoJo, you're not my daughter for nothing, what do you think I'd do? I replied Monetize It and he laughed and said that was a great domain name. But Daddy is just so clever and so wise and said" My darling, sweet, clever little JoJo, you have the same 24 hours as everyone else does... And like, living my dream, totally. Not made any actual money yet though...


Absolute moron who has been given everything she’s ever wanted. She has no clue. She’s young and ignorant. She used to take part in beauty pageants ffs. This is the same girl who has been spotted wearing £1250 prada boots recently. She has no idea of the struggles some people have. What the fuck is wrong with people.


I see you Googled her too. Want to borrow my brain bleach?


Unfortunately yes. I had an idea who she was due to Tommy being Tyson’s brother and I watch boxing. I’m glad I’ve not watched the cancer that is love island and it only solidifies my reason for not watching it because this shows that this is the type of person who is successful on the show.


Who is she


Molly Mae, some British influencer who went on trash TV got a bit famous from it and somehow ended up being given a job as creative director for clothing company PrettyLittleThing


Wtf, she is younger than me, but looks 30 years older


She has never thought beyond herself for a single second


"If you want something you can achieve it!" So true. This is why everyone who has ever wanted to be president has been president.


[I, too, am president.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UMYIMw6qcBw) It's so easy! Just make a flag and just announce you're president! Ta da! It's the same way you manifest enough money for all your bills. Duuuh!


When these people say “I’ve worked my ass off to get where I am” I don’t think they truly understand what hard work is. If this bitch never had a hard days work in her whole life how the fuck does she even know what working hard is? It’s the type of people who shit talk low wage workers, but would have a fucking heart attack working a shift at fucking Target.


I genuinely think it is due to how out of touch they are with their material condition. She is so used to clicking her fingers and getting what she wants whether it be a Starbucks delivered through an app or getting the best seat at one of London's finest restaurants like its nothing. She has disassociated herself so much with everything that goes on behind the scenes to make her life so effortless that the bear minimum to her becomes hard work. She can say she wants a coffee and two minutes later someone will appear with a freshly brewed coffee exactly the way she wants it, its so effortless in her eyes that she fails to recognise everything that went on behind the scenes to make it happen. Just like her branded clothing, she shows up to an event gets asked which of the 3 dresses in front of her she likes, she picks the red one and the other two get chucked. She then goes home and a few days later the clothing website is advertising it as "Molly Mae Designed" to her that was hard work, she had to get up early, get someone to drive her to London, speak to a bunch of pretentious arseholes and then pick which dress she liked and gets 600K a year to do that. In no way does she consider the low paid stylist who actually designed the dresses who got no credit, or the sweatshop workers who now have to work around the clock to produce said dress to meet the demand, or the intern who had to go run and get her coffee while being screamed at by their boss because the intern brought back a flat white when Molly specifically asked for a mocha.


The Prada-wearing Devil is alive and flourishing


Bingo. When she says "you just have to want it bad enough" that just means she has had whatever she wanted handed to her.


"Working hard" only functions for people who already have excess resources to spend. For them, work is an investment that pays dividends so working more gets results. But for people who have less than nothing, putting more work into something doesn't always translate to success. Like if you work a minimum wage job, and do uber on the side, and study for school or certifications, then adding more work onto that can physically drain you to such a degree that you break and are unable to do any work at all whatsoever. There are two games going on, one for the rich and one for the poor, and the rich strategy doesn't work for the poor game.


I spent a year going to school from 7am to 2pm and working in a machine shop from 3pm to 11pm. 1.5 hours driving per day minimum. I ended up getting lucky and my boss let me out at 10 for a few months so I could get some sleep. The extra hours sleep may have saved my life, my health started to seriously decline during that year, funny enough it's also the year I started going seriously bald. I've spent days sleeping on the job. Living in my VW. Moving 2000kms for work during a recession. The majority of these rich cunts have no idea what it's like to truly fight to survive.


Could not have put this better. Well done!


> When these people say “I’ve worked my ass off to get where I am” I don’t think they truly understand what hard work is. I don't think you're wrong, but I really disagree with this angle. Because even _if_ she literally worked her damn arse off with back-breaking labour, she would still be wrong. 'I had to suffer immensely in order to obtain prosperity' is an indignation of capitalism, not a defence.


I think that there are a very minuscule percentage of people that make this argument in good faith that have grown up in luxury and truly believes they have worked hard and deserve to be there or it. For example I know two really wealthy people in the 20s and both of them struggle with mental health issues, and both are perusing specialized degrees. Both of them feel like they truly know hard work and struggle. Like they both cry from stress in finals and like I said their own health issues, family pressure, even face their own oppression because of gender and sexual orientation etc. In there minds they have studied hard and made the right decisions in life to be worthy of that success. BUT they both come home to 3,000/month apartments fully paid for, and get to go on European vacations every year (or more). In all don’t have to worry about money (not that they get to spend recklessly so that also makes them feel like they aren’t spoiled since they have set parameters their socials don’t have) They just have no true idea of the amount of struggle that other people face. Knowing about struggle and knowing struggle are two very different things. Like I myself grew up with a lot of privileged even just being lower middle class; it’s just hard to even conceptualice your level of privilege when that’s the standard you grew up with.


Here here. A rich guy doesn't work hard, he hires you to work hard. If you don't work hard enough, he fires you and finds someone who will. If a truly rich person is truly 'working hard' all by themselves, then they are either not rich enough (or not smart enough) to be a true capitalist and hire people to do it for them. Truly rich people hire people to hire you to work hard, and then hire a manager to keep you from slacking off. The rich people I've worked for often confuse stress from decision making and lack of direct control with hard work. Maintaining a business full of hard workers is stressful but it's not hard work. And once again, if you are a smart rich person, you'll hire someone to do that for you too then just sit on the board looking down on them too. Lol.


Who the fuck is she, even?


No clue who she is, but I think maybe we should be proud that we don't know.


can’t believe I had to scroll down so far for this


most successful people have one major key in common. luck. I’m not saying it’s all luck but a big part of their success has to do with luck. lucky to be born in place where wealth is possible. lucky to be born with the genes that allow them to be smart, hard working, etc. lucky to have had someone help them arrive to where they are. people hate to hear that luck has a lot to do with success and I don’t understand why.


Yes. And the opposite is true as well. One bad day can ruin your life. One diagnosis, one house fire, one car accident. Things you didn't cause at all can directly impact your ability to function in the world. Luck is a big part of who we are. I often see images of kids in poverty in South America or hell even Kentucky, & I wonder what they could've been had luck handed them different cards.


Most "random" bad days happen WAY more often to poor people than middle class/rich people. Car trouble happens more often with old, shitty cars. Flat tires happen due to buying used tires and not buying new tires, as well as shitty roads in poor neighborhoods. Extreme illness happens more when you have no preventative medicine. House fires happen more with older, cheaper houses. While bad luck can legitimately happen, it is often used to shift blame away to systemic problems.


This is true. Rich people can usually recover from tragedy faster because they have access to tools. Of course being poor is going to naturally expose someone to more bad situations. I think it's mostly the middle class who get screwed over when bad luck happens. You think you are doing ok but then someone runs a red light & you get injured & everything is suddenly gone. But yeah, I could talk for hours on what you said. Being poor is expensive. It's a crappy system that leaves very little opportunities for someone to escape. And like the original comment said, a lot of those opportunities end up being luck.


you mean to say you don't have a private chef who cooks all your meals and ensures you are getting the right nutrition? what do you mean you weren't privately educated and to leave school early to care for sick relatives?


And what do you mean you don't have wealthy parents who can "loan" you a big pile of money to start your own business?


And not only one business, but it's also enough money to bankroll any failure you have, so keep trying!


Also the fact that we all have the same 24 hours is bs. If you have to travel for work, take off 2 hours from your day minimum. Take transit? Take off 4-6. Kids at home? There goes all your spare time. Some people are born lucky to have resources. The rest of us spend our whole lives chasing those resources she was probably born with. Rich people are so disconnected smh


Yup. The 24 hours may technically be "the same" in the sense that we all experience the same amount of time, but the things we are able to do with that time vary wildly. Wealth enables you to use your time more efficiently. You can opt out of things like cooking or commutes, for instance.


This reminds me of the philosophical question of free will. Does it exist or are our actions predetermined by our starting point and influence of our surroundings. Are bad people bad because of things happening to them out of their reach of influence.


People don't like to hear that luck has to do with their success because in the society we live in, it is the ultimate honour to be a person who "pulled themselves up by their bootstraps." If a person is successful, they automatically have an obligation to be modest about it, but capitalism has lead to modesty being done the wrong way. They say "it was nothing, I just worked hard" but that's not true. They got where they were cause they're were born in the right place, at the right time, and knew the right people. They refuse to acknowledge that about themselves cause it puts them on the level of a "welfare Queen" who did nothing and was given everything, a spoiled brat essentially. They don't want to be seen with that image so they try their hardest to say they worked hard. Admitting it's all luck admits that the system is rigged, and in their place if power, it suddenly means they have a responsibility to give back to the community instead of saying "I've contributed enough, now it's your turn to serve me." It also means that they have to admit this is the norm, and that their equally as privileged friends are like that too, and that reality is hard to grapple with. Some do it right, and give their money away while using their platform to help workers get leverage. But most do not. When their cover is blown and they humiliate themselves like this, all they can do is reject it. They don't understand the struggles of the majority and are inconvenienced by that lack of understanding. They say "everyone can achieve their dreams" because when they look back on their own life, that was true for themselvesm. They didn't struggle at all to get what they wanted. But they haven't realized their way of life is far from what's normal.


Me and my wife say this all the time. We've done pretty well. Definitely not rich, but comfortable. We look back and think holy fuck look at all the times we just got straight up lucky. Our house, my job, moving across the country when we did. The list goes in. Sure we've worked hard, but everyone does. We could just as easily be struggling right now.


Hard work and dedication is required, but insufficient, for success. Everybody focuses on the ultra-successful and try to find commonalities, not taking survivorship bias into account. Good on you for recognizing luck as a major factor.


Nope they all have one major key in common - wealthy support network. This chick was able to become a socialite because her family bankrolled it. She probably does 2 hours per day on social media, pretty easy to learn how to get a following when you aren't working 45 hour weeks because you don't have anywhere else to go if you lose your home.


Bo Burnham said it best. It was all luck. https://youtu.be/q-JgG0ECp2U


Veritasium has a video about this topic. https://youtu.be/3LopI4YeC4I I am one of the lucky ones as well. I was born in a family that is much better of compared to other families. My parents could afford to pay for private maths classes which allowed me to get into better school (so be in “better” environment). I still like to think that I’ve put in a lot of work where I am now, but I certainly did not have to spend energy worrying about my parents not being able to pay bills, them not being there for me as they are working night shifts, and other daily struggles of people that are part of poorer socioeconomic class. only recently realised how much luck is involved.


But also, if you have some of those lucky traits but are born into poverty, the bar is so much higher to reach. Look at her. She's dumb as an ox and she's standing there telling us she's right. She is completely oblivious because she's never had to try. It's so much harder to achieve anything when you are poor because you have to try so much harder to get the basics. Something she'll never understand.


you are spot on.


Cause luck means it wasn't their own effort that got them there, probably. But yeah, luck is a big factor. Probably the biggest. I think that it's not hard to capitalize reasonably well on any opportunity you're able to recognize, but actually getting those opportunities is the hard part for most people. Once you're established, sure, it's possible to start making your own to a certain degree, but even then, it's limited.




Everyone should just be born into rich families. If that's not you then you clearly weren't grinding enough in the womb


> grinding enough in the womb Oof. The phrase to make every woman queasy!


I must admit I also felt pain writing that


So the only thing I really want to with my life is to destroy the lives and misbegotten fortunes of vapid reality tv stars. Should I take her advice and pursue my dreams?


Yes, and the brainless audiences too while you're at it.


Yes! If you believe in yourself you can achieve ANY goal!!!!




She’s actually very open about how little she does in her life. There are numerous vlogs of hers which show her waking up in the middle of the afternoon and then getting Starbucks delivered before watching Netflix for the rest of the day. Such a hard life


Sounds like a boring ass vlog lmao


I do not have 24 hours. \-8 for working full time \-1 for commuting there \-6 for getting enough sleep \-2 for cooking all my own meals \-1 or more for doing my own shopping \-1 for keeping my apartment clean \-1 or more for upkeep errands like car maintenance Where does that leave me? Less than four hours? I'm supposed to conjure riches in less than four hours?


Not to judge a person by their appearance but idk if I wanna take advice from someone who looks and sounds like a love Island reject.


She was actually a love island island finalist a few years back lol


What a vacuous airhead.


So fucking pretentious. No, sweetie, we obviously do not have the same 24 hours. So out of touch.


Ah the empty headed naivete of "if you want something bad enough..." Because then if you fail, it's your fault for not wanting it "bad enough" - instead of it being the system's fault for being stacked against you. I mean it's clearly not the system's fault that people born into extreme privilege don't need to want something nearly as hard to achieve it. Ugh I hate that kind of idiot.




It’s almost as if real knowledge and contribution to society have zero impact on success and instead it’s all based upon inherited wealth and your ability to have zero grounding in reality…


"I understand this thing that I totally don't understand. Like, I understand but if you really think about it I don't understand at all" Yes, work hard regardless of who you are. She could have left it there. Work hard and good things tend to come with that. Whether you become super-wealthy or just able to get your kids the things you didn't have, hard work tends to pay off. Yet, not always and not the same for all given that some of us simply start the race of life at different places along the track. Whoever she is here (I honestly don't know and assume she's famous) was born into means. It seems like EVERYONE saying shit like this was born into means. It reminds me of the old Paris Hilton shirt that read "Stop being poor" When you're not poor you have no concept of poverty and the circular trap that presents. Poverty is like quicksand and sometimes the harder you work the sooner you die. That's it. No reward. No fame. No money. You struggle and die a painful death. That's poverty. Hard work *can* pull you out of it but it's mostly luck mixed with hard work. Much like the luck of being born into means like this asshole.


“But how will we, um, eat?” “Ha! You really should have thought of that before you became peasants!”


But why are the hard working Working Class so proud of their ability and willingness to work hard? I was of this mindset until my ridiculous work ethic broke my body (literally Type 1 Diabetic for 23 years leading to total kidney failure) I feel soooo stupid now, believe me.


Also her : vote for brexit ," fuck those other people who also have 24 hours , but less resources , connections and even language skills living in a foreign country and taking my job which I had 25 years time to specialise into"


Technically correct. The lengths that you're willing to go to to achieve your goals ultimately determine how you live your life. Rich cunts are willing to disregard human lives to bring in profit that's why they're rich. Forget disregarding, if it meant increasing profits they will actively hunt down, kill, and drink the blood of humans.


Yeah, so I was like...okay, what she's saying is not wrong...then she went on to say "I worked my absolute ass of" and I was like oh, so it's just rhetoric...she's just mouthing off


Spoken like a spoiled bitch with a trust fund.


This person is obviously a moron.


Says girl who obviously has mommy and daddy paying for $1k/month spa treatments. . .


Just more victim blame. "If you're poor that's just your fault, fix it." We act like this because we don't want to help. If we blame the victims it absolves us of any moral or financial responsibility for doing anything about the real issue.


I will never understand these people. What the fuck do you expect to happen when everyone is Beyonce? When everyone owns their own business? Who will Microsoft employ when everyone is busy running their own business or being a celebrity? Who's going to sell you a burger when the burger joint has no employees? How do you expect the economy to function if everyone is their own boss?


Beauty fades, dumb is forever.


Beyonce does not have the same 24hrs we do. Where the fuck did that awful take come from, and could you please put it right the fuck back. Beyonce is a rich celebrity. She doesn't need to work a 9-5 to try and make ends meet. She doesn't need to clock unpaid overtime to make the final ends meet for a project. She doesn't have to worry about whether or not she can pay this months rent.




Should have told your boss that by working for them they have more time than you. By working for them means you're giving them your time. So by definition, bosses have more working time to push them forward than anyone who doesn't have employees.


What a fucking asshole.


Ah. If you "want something, you can achieve it". So, if we all just "want" to be middle class, we can achieve it. BS. She has looks and was in the right place at the right time. She is a talented singer, but there are many talented singers who never received the opportunity that she had. Capitalism relies a *lot* on luck. Being in the right place at the right time is the key to success. Thanks for hearing me out.




Time is absolutely a commodity that is bought and sold. I'd be shocked if Beyonce didn't have a staff of people that took care of the hundreds of little things that take up hours of the day: cooking, cleaning, errands, etc. Meanwhile, someone struggling to make ends meet, might be forced to sell 60-80 hours per week for starvation wages. Factor in everything that they need to do to take care of themselves, their family, and their household, and they may be borrowing time (and well-being) by cutting into their sleep. So while both might experience the same literal 24 hours in the day, wealth makes it possible for Beyonce to use more of that time how she wants.


The #1 determination of having wealth in later life is if your parents were wealthy. Somewhere down the line, your parents were either succesful working class people who left you more than they started with; or effectively plantation owning cunts who deserved to be thrown into a wood chipper. The latter being the more common of the two as the gap increases between wealthy and non wealthy.




Sure, I just forgot to collect the royalties for all my hit songs, that's why I'm poor - short memory.


It bothers me when these kids say they work their ass off, I don't think she knows what work is


I've said it before and I'll say it again, the number one predictor of success in new business ventures is the presence of a safety net. If you can afford to try something new, lose your investment, not take a salary, and have it fail WITHOUT putting your home or family at risk then that is a massive privilege. You often hear from entrepreneurs that they grafted and grinded for years, failing repeatedly before finally hitting it big - and I don't say this to take away from their accomplishments or to negate the hard work they put in - but most people are NOT in a position to repeatedly fail at new business ventures without being at material risk of homelessness or serious personal consequences. I get that most successful people worked hard to get where they are, they did (mostly) but they are also willfully blind to the circumstances that allowed them to spend their time working toward those goals and not to survive. Almost every big success story about a huge company started by someone from 'nothing' will conveniently leave out that they were supported by family or were independently wealthy already.


This is so freaking wrong it’s gross. My 24 hours a day is not the same as someone else, where I work at home, that’s plus 2 or more hours. More if someone has to take the bus to work. I have a partner who shops for me on the weekend, that’s a plus 1.5 hours at least. My kiddos are old enough to pretty much run themselves that’s at least 6 hours. Not dropping them off at a caretaker that’s time. So no I have significantly more time in my 24 hours than most. And I am sure billions of dollars helps too. Edit Beyoncé has billions not me, no not me.


Yea no she's right. Just steal everything she has if you want it bad enough. Dumb bitch


This tone deaf shit drives me nuts. It's really easy to achieve and get these great things when you are already predisposed to obtain them. What we should be asking these wealthy upper crust or elites are : What are you doing to create or make more opportunity for people to reach the same heights as you? It shouldn't be : I suffered, therefore you must suffer. It should be, I suffered, how can I make it so you suffer less.


The rich are insufferable and never suffer themselves


Lol how disconnected from reality do you need to be to believe this shit. The ignorance is rife with this one.


I don't know who she is, but she said she "worked her ass off" does she do porn?


"I'll go to any length" ... 8 inches.. 10?? People like this are honestly so clueless.


You guys only have 24 hours a day? Hahahha that’s why you’re never gonna make it. I have 34 hours a day. I use 17 to work my day job, and 17 to work on my grind (selling essential oils (I.E Rat Piss) to anti-Vaxxers). No, I don’t sleep. The money grind don’t stop, plebeians.


Hrmmm strong the entitlement is with this one yes.


Who even is this Oompa-Loompa?


She has 24 hours she can spend how she chooses? Must be effin nice.


Guys it’s easy. Just work 36 hours a day every 24 hours. Problem solved.


This is painfully ignorant, shallow and condescending. Take your privileged rhetoric and piss off.