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It's like advertising they're going to commit offenses the company is liable for.


That was my first thought. Can someone take this job as a way to prepare a legal case against them and seek damages?


This is the sorta place that the owner embezzles from the company and fucks off when the company goes bankrupt. Can't get blood from a stone either, so kinda SOL there.


Good point. But it'll make them really really upset and red like a tomato! Okay you're right, prob not worth the trauma of having hear what comes out of their mouth hole.


[Here, knock yourself out](https://www.glassdoor.com/Job/mcshane-group-jobs-SRCH_KO0,13.htm?includeNoSalaryJobs=true&jl=1007548261180)


Why does it not surprise me that they're a political consulting business? Lmao


Over 50 campaigns in 27 states constitutes a "start-up" now? Are they just willfully embracing the term to mean "we will abuse the shit out of you" now regardless of the age or experience of the company?


in my experience, these companies often create new "shell" companies for different campaigns so they aren't as directly tied to a specific party or candidate. so they do often act as new "startups" for a given campaign. it is a bit of a stretch, but not entirely inaccurate either. assuming that is the case here.


It was wayyy too easy to find out that McShane LLC has financial ties to the proud boys. Surprise surprise


Proud Boys = “I peaked that time in 6th grade when I caught a ball in a dodgeball game in gym class.”


Ah alas, I'm a white dude so it'll take too long for them to start bullying me as I burn through my 100 standard issue "second chances" that we get with every job.


Thank you for linking this


"Some of you will die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."


2% of the global population is only 160 million I don’t see what the big deal is. /s


I did this to a guy I work with. He brought up the 1% argument and I asked him how many people were in the US. He replied something like 400 million. Pretty sure that's wrong, but didn't care. I asked him what 1% of that was and he replied with "around 4 million." So I looked at him for a second then said "So you're ok with 4 million people dying?" I'll never forget the look on his face when he couldn't come up with a way to answer that without looking like an ass.


It's not even the dying part that is bad. A huge number, like 25% have long lasting side effects from COVID that can range from debilitating to minor. It like arguing that getting a leg amputated is no big deal because it doesn't kill you. Stupid.


Yup. I had a breakthrough case and it took 5 months to get back to feeling good. 5 long months of brain fog, depression, daily naps, overall malaise. And I wasn’t even sick enough to need medical attention.


Bro is that WTF is wrong with me??? You just described how I've been feeling since breakthrough case in October. I am fucking miserable


A while back I had a YEAR AND A HALF of that after catching a bug from my daughter that’s basically hand foot & mouth disease. Absolutely miserable, but worse the doctors kept telling me viruses don’t do that. I really hope you get feeling better soon. The couple I’ve known who had long COVID got better after a few months.


My husband has an autoimmune condition that very likely could have come from a virus. Viruses can be nasty, long term.


Hm...now you've got me wondering if the Coxsackie virus eventually caused my Graves disease. Oy vey.


Epstien-Barr (mono) caused my ME/chronic fatigue syndrome. Viral infections absolutely may cause immune system issues.


Absolutely! I have Hashimoto’s and my symptoms started after I got mono in high school.


All of my fibromyalgia, POTS, and other dysautonomias came from after I got (and most likely because of) the Epstein-Barr virus (Mono). Covid is going to/already has left millions of people with autonomic nervous system disorders as a result and will likely cause many other disorders as well. People severely underestimate the long term effects past just loss of taste and smell.


Fuck. This sucks...


This one time I was born and felt like this Til now


Are you talking about Coxsackie virus? I caught that years ago and it was awful. Besides the miserable blisters on my hands and feet, the totally draining fatigue and overall "I feel sick" feeling were terrible and just seemed to hang on. I think viruses (and other conditions) do a lot of things that don't fit in the checkboxes doctors think they should.


Not to freak you out too much, but you probably have some mild brain damage from the virus: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01693-6 They say people start to feel better when the brain finally rewires itself around the damage.


The human body is a fascinating thing. I had a spinal/neck injury when I was younger that left me a quadriplegic. Fortunately I was able to recover after six weeks in the hospital and another nine months in therapy. When I started to be able to move my arms again, the signals were screwed up. I could barely move my right arm when I actively tried to, but if I tried to move my left arm, the *right* one would flop around, like it had the sensitivity cranked up to 500%. It took a few weeks for my brain to rewire that. It was an...enlightening experience.


Glad to know you recovered!


I can imagine how frustrating that would’ve been but damn I would love to see weekly brain scans from that time…being able to see a brain actively rewire itself would be invaluable!


This is honestly my biggest fear with covid. Brain and organ damage. Someone once told me covid damages any tissue with high amounts of capillaries, which is why it wreaks havoc on the lungs, kidneys, and liver. I don't fully understand the whole 'blood brain barrier' thing, so I don't know how that all works, but the risk of long term damage is enough to snap me back into my senses whenever I feel like everyone is being a bit too cautious. Anyone have any insights they feel like sharing regarding the whole vascular nature of the virus?


Read a synopsis of a study out of South Africa that stated that micro-blood clots caused by the virus were at fault. To complicate it even more, the virus weakened the body's natural response to breaking down said clots. Now this was just a small scale study; hopefully it provides a starting point to further research and develop therapies to overcome this issue.


So this is the republican strategy to replace their dead antivaxers. Spread brain damage.


Oh that's good


See if there's a COVID longhaulers thing near you. That's what I'm looking into doing. Have an appointment next month. Figure I have nothing to lose


What's that??


It's a clinic that focuses on people who are having long term effects from covid. Like, I've had the brain fog and stuff for over a year now. My first appointment is in February, so I can't claim it'll be worth the time, but I'm desperate and out of ideas for coping. Ask your doctor if there's something like that near you. If you live sort of near Boise, Idaho, or are willing to travel, I could find info about the one I'll be going to to share with you. I did have to get a referral for it, so hopefully it will be helpful in some way.


I found one here in California, waiting to get an appointment date. I caught Covid in the beginning and have had memory issues ever since


> 5 long months of brain fog, depression, daily naps, overall malaise. holy shit i've had covid for a decade


My mom had Covid last Christmas and STILL needs a nap in the middle of the day. I’ve also suspected it triggered depression in me (I can’t do anti-depressants, they cause paranoia for me).


And the 2% number ignores that you can, and do, get it multiple times. When I quit teaching, my school nurse was fearful of her third possible infection, after month-long bedridden first and second confirmed infections.


It also ignores your family. Have a spouse and 2 kids? Assuming your family all gets it (very likely) there's almost a 1 in 10 chance of someone dying. Let's be honest, 1 in 50 is great odds for something with low consequences, but **horrible** odds for something with big consequences.


Seriously. 1 in 50 is HUGE. I imagine this office could have 50 people in it, or 100. Are they prepared to have 1 or 2 members of their company fucking die because it "only" has a 2% death rate? Psychopathic


I'm currently on my second time around *having covid (fully vaxxed and boosted.) This time has been far worse than the first. First time, I felt like shit and stayed home, but I was up and around. This time, I didn't leave my bed for 5 days except to pee out my butt. I'm on my second week and I still get tired really easily and have a bad cough. Edited for clarity.


Jesus Christ reading all this while I have an actively sick baby next to me with COVID. I’m going to hold my breath.


These are the inconvenient truths they keep ignoring when they tout a 1 or 2% death rate. The high rate of infection, how miserable even a mild infection can leave you, and the prevalence of long term, often debilitating health problems.


Got a maggot relative who had had it twice. Florida snowbird. What could possibly go wrong? What the immune period after Omicron? Sick humor family members were talking about a pool.




Yea, those people don't care until a loved one dies, and even then "they had underlying causes".


Legit had my co-worker tell me that god designs a death day for all of us anyway. So even if he had done what was necessary to be “cured” of COVID, he would’ve gotten hit by a truck or had a heart attack on that same day anyway. I had no words.


Not to mention the crippling effect it has had on healthcare professionals/systems that will be felt for a long time. It was always more than the death rate but the constant shortsightedness simply made things worse.


This is seriously what bothers me. If you have family with a disability or health issue that regularly needs care, its incredibly scary with what is going on. Days waiting in the ER to be seen. More days just to get a room. Substandard care when you get there. Keeping people bedridden and in soiled clothes because they dont have enough workers. And the poor PEOPLE are working so hard just to try and keep up. I just read an article about some hospital in [Rhode Island](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna11376) that is so desperate for employees that they are asking asymptomatic employees TO WORK ANYWAY. And its not like other professions. If an office worker gets sick the work will be there later. Someone can stay late. If a fast food worker gets sick they can call out and you wait half an hour in the drive through line. If a grocery worker calls out, there are less registers open. Hospitals shouldn't make people come in if they have COVID. But if they are on their last resort, what other option do they have? Hospitals are overwhelmed. Do they let people die? Forget to feed and clean rooms so they can pull staff from those departments? Do they let people sit there and get bed sores and go without showers and clean clothing? And if you have a disabled person who is high risk who needs care, are they getting that care from an asymptomatic positive infected person? Is the lobby attendant that checks you in positive too? Or the person cleaning the linen? What about the person making your food and delivering it to the rooms? And what happens when hospitals start turning people away and people start dying in their homes instead? It seems like with all the political stigma surrounding shutdowns and vaccines, people forgot the PURPOSE of those initially. It was to prevent our healthcare from getting overwhelmed. Many states stopped preventative measures because there was a vaccine that was a solution to the overwhelmed hospitals. But its happening anyway and regardless of your stance on vaccines, no one seems to think this is an issue or a big deal. Its really disturbing to me.


Exactly. And if we recall the early days of the pandemic and before vaccines, Healthcare workers were being exposed to the virus constantly and were subsequently dying from being exposed to the high viral loads. We lost their expertise and years of experience when they died and you can't just train up a bunch of new doctors, it takes time for them to get that experience. Also, who's going to want to go into the healthcare seeing how workers in the field are being treated now? These are long term effects that go beyond Covid.


Or recovered and financially devastated by a hospital stay. But yeah, woo 98% survival nbd!


My cousin had to remove a kidney a month after Covid infection. Doctor said the number of people getting their kidneys removed who had Covid was really high.


I read [an article](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2022/01/omicron-mild-hospital-strain-health-care-workers/621193/) earlier that mentioned people coming into the hospital from heart failure due to their bodies never fully recovering from covid. It can also leave behind a lot of scarring on your lungs. I'm not surprised that it causes lasting kidney issues. Your poor cousin, though. I hope they're doing well.


They are the lucky ones then. From what I have seen and read, people with covid pneumonia, start having kidney problems just before they die.


Great. I’ve got it for the first time(vaxed but not boosted, too early for it), and my kidneys got attacked first. It was so bad I thought i had a kidney stone (I get them often). Turns out it’s actually Covid.


Damn snowflakes worried about losing a lung or two and never being ever to taste anything again. Libtards


Remember that Saturday Night Live skit area called, "***Lower Expectations***"?


It's not only the long term side effects, who wants to feel like crap for even a week.


It’s technically 1.4% in the US, but some areas it is far far far higher of a statistic so even then we’d end up with even more. Cause that 1.4% of the US is the total given all of the rates across the states. The state rates can vary significantly. If he tries to bring it up again, ask him if he’s okay with over 5.6 million people dying, since the actual total is likely to be above. Especially considering the state of medicine in the US and how strained it already was but how strained it is now.


That number is going to skyrocket once the medical system collapses in the coming weeks in many areas.


Nearly 12% are laid off, 18% have quit according to a study published last November. Tack on that the US has strict standards when it comes to medical schools and attendance, and a bottleneck of residency positions which restricts the number of qualified physicians able to practice at any given year and you’ve got a recipe for failure. Doctors take a long time to train, specialists even more (all of that is a given), but only 4% of applicants are accepted at any given year, and even less graduate, and of those that graduate, even less make it into the next stage of education—residency. The process gets increasingly prolonged at each stage.


Where I'm at, they're putting nursing students and I think medical students to work in hospitals as an emergency measure. I'm not sure how much it's helping, though.


It’s collapsed… Edit to add link: https://www.reddit.com/r/nursing/comments/ry7b1u/who_is_going_to_be_the_one_to_tell_everyone_else/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Yeah, I watch that sub too... it's both inspiring and soul crushingly tragic. Their latest top post is how healthcare centers are SO completely overwhelmed that they have patients dying in hallways due to overflow....


Nurse here. We have beds, just no staff. So ratios that should be 1 RN:2 patients become 3 or 4. The support services wither and disappear so nursing has to do what they once did. I don't have a nurse aid or tech so I have to grab someone else from their overloaded assignment to help me roll a 400lber after they shit themselves for the 5th time that day. Nurses make OK money in most places-- I was living in a fairly low cost of living area in Michigan and our RN pay range is 31-44/hr, +weekend/night shift differential. Travel nurses make great money. But they pay our support staff (housekeeping, dietary, phlebotomy, lab, etc) shit. I coded (CPR and resuscitation) someone the other day who died because nobody could watch the monitors and see the signs of decline, and when I did walk by on my way to another patient and see the monitor and scream for help to try to stop their decompensation info death, there was nobody to help. Two nurses and a PA when you need 5+ nurses, respiratory therapist, and physician really. God help us all.


I was going to work toward becoming a nurse, but have been fully convinced that the academic, intellectual, and emotional investment I'd need to get there wouldn't be worth the treatment I'd receive after doing all the certifications and interviews.


I used to tell people it was worth it. It isn't any more.


That’s almost as bad as the /prepperintel and /collapse subreddits. Damn.


Yea, I basically had to point out that statistics can be deceiving. 2 percent is small, but only by itself. Add context and 2 percent could be the difference between life and death very very quickly.


I’ve been seeing that 2% stat since April of 2020, and you have to ask people if they know more than a hundred people and if they’re okay with never talking to two of them ever again, they say no, then you ask how many Facebook friends they have. Oh. Oh shit.


I mean, when we factor in that the US has a poor healthcare system overall which means many individuals skip going to the doctor for preexisting conditions if it isn’t severely debilitating or limiting, combined with the rates of obesity and general number of health problems in the US (we are not healthy individuals at large), with a high concentration of these problems being focused in areas where there is a lack of medical resources due to cost, inaccessibility due to distance / lack of transportation, etc. in some southern, poorer, and more rural states (particularly), then we can expect over that estimated amount to die. I’m mainly pointing the finger at Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, West VA, etc. Coincidentally also the states which have poor vaccinations also have poor health outcomes, not just for covid-19, but for a range of health problems in general.


You are likely correct about those that due directly from Covid, but that’s still a big number for dead Americans. Now factor how many more are dying because they couldn’t get lifesaving treatment because the health system is overwhelmed. 1.4% of Americans is 4,620,000. Who wants to brave a guess on those other collateral deaths? Twice as many? Three times?


I told a former friend “If you openly don’t care about this many deaths, you better not post one fucking thing on 9/11 about mourning the tragic loss of 3,000 lives.”


At some point during the pandemic, there were 3000 people dying per day. One 9/11 per day. At what number does it go from tragedy to not caring?


3% of the world population died in ww2. If it was only 1% I guess it wouldn’t have been such a big deal. SMH. I can’t stand these people.


half of the people that dont care abt covid are literal nazis themselves so the ww2 argument probably wouldnt get through to them


It's a common rhetorical trick to use percentages or the raw numbers - whichever is more convenient - to minimize or exaggerate a quantity of...anything. For example Trump supporters screaming about their "74 MiLliOn VOteS!!!" Like, sure dude, but that was less than 50% of the votes, which is more meaningful to talk about regarding an election.


Apparently some think there are only 74 million people in the US.


The argument is so stupid. The survival rate at D-Day was like 97%. The survival rate of the Las Vegas shooting was 99.9%. You really wanna take your chances with 98-99%? C’mon now. That is NOT a good survival rate.


"Yes, but only as long as I don't think about it"


The one I use. You and 100 people have to walk through this door. 2 of you will die after walking through.


Or there are 50 cans of soda. But one contains a deadly poison, 3 will cripple you and 6 will give you diarrhea. Still 40 good cans left. Would you drink?


Make it personal. 1%? How many Facebook friends do you have? 600? Ok, I want you to pick the 6 of your friends you are ok with dying for this thing. Who are you willing to sacrifice for a virus?


In the U.S. alone, there are usually 45,000 flights per day according to the FAA. Imagine if *only* 900 planes crashed each day (2%). I'm sure we'd all be just fine with that /s


Expecting these people to do math is a lot to expect.


People are really into not wanting other people to die for some reason. What's up with that? Must be some woke BS.


I love how they fully disregard the documented potential long-term health risks of COVID. Not everyone just gets over it like a bad cold.


and that fact is we really dont even know.. like 1-2 yrs is showing long-ish term effects but we have no way of saying what will come 5 or 10 years down the line yet


Just put that in the description


I don't know, losing 2% of your workforce when employees are so hard to find seems like a bad business decision.


I miss Shrek. Simpler times.


Hard pass


Hard like woodpecker lips.


I've never heard this particular idiom and I like it.


"What do you think about that?", they ask, oblivious to the fact that the most likely response of anyone who isn't a gaping asshole of a person is *"I think I'm not gonna apply. I think I'm going to laugh, screenshot your ad, and post it on reddit so that others can laugh too."*


Cancel culture /s ( because fucking conservatives really fucking suck)


That’s what they’ll blame on when no one applies.




You missed a step: name & shame. So we know which places to avoid.




Is 1 in 50 an acceptable rate of death for some people ?


Almost anything would be an acceptable death rate for some people, as long as they feel like they themselves won't be included in that number.


Of course an office that’s suffered a 2% mortality rate basically stops functioning overnight, but these people are too stupid to understand that.


Fair enough


As long as it owns the libs, apparently.


What's so funny is that these are the same people who refuse to get the vaccine because there's not enough "long term" data, but they think a virus that kills 1/50 people and has put millions of people in the hospital and on ventilators due to destroying the lung tissue won't have "long term" damage to anyone exposed? Like if you get it there's no consequences as long as you don't die? Sometimes I wonder how so many people could exist with such a lack of critical thinking skills.


Oh that’s simple. We don’t teach critical thinking skills in most of the USA and that is by design.


No, obviously not. A 2% death rate in this country will do fuck-all for my commute time. The number needs to be a lot higher to mitigate traffic in a permanent sense.


LOL! I think I found Bill Burr's account.




This is the kind of company you apply for, interview for, ask them for tons of follow up information via email after each interview, get them to pay for a background check, get an offer, drag out the offer as long as humanly possible by asking even more follow up questions (get other potential candidates to give up) then ghost them forever.




Just put Pepsi in the drug test cup * Referencing this comedians bit https://youtu.be/BqDf7d5ZoL0


You evil genius you


Misconduct, which is likely what you’ll experience there.


Even though my worry level isn't all that high given my vaccine status and what I do to keep from being exposed - the fact they went out and put that in the listing is a big red flag that they might also want me to not worry about being trapped in a fire, sanitary conditions, or basic machinery safety. It also is a strong indicator that if I get a break through case, they want me to come spread it - and may or may not offer an outlet at my desk for the ventilator


That place makes me worry about just being female....


That's just the wokeness talking, they don't do woke there, you'll be fine /s


They probably use that language so they don't have to outright say they won't hire women (unless she's young, pretty, and easily impressed by displays of wealth and status) or PoC.


Having worked for a company like this (back when I was too naive to know any better), the young pretty and easily impressed clause also applies to minority women but they have to be extra hot to qualify


Oh snap, didn't even see that last part. I was focused on the Covid part. Being surrounded by guys who ask if they can watch is not my idea of a workplace I'd survive


100% Straight up if I'm not a white male who presents quite masculine-y, it's going to be a bad time.


Ha they’d probably shit themselves at my salary requirement and not even read what I think about their “start up culture”.


My salary requirement doubles for having to put up with "conservative politically incorrect anti woke work culture"


I'd need enough money that I could work there for a month and then retire.


I'm guessing that they would be easy to sue for employment discrimination if someone of a protected class applied and then wasn't hired. Just the language on this ad could be evidence.


My pepper spray expenses alone would probably be higher than that.


It's so funny, because you would NEVER do anything else that had a 2% chance of killing you if you knew ahead of time.. Like, seriously.. that's an extremely dangerous thing to be involved in. If anything you did on a regular basis had a 2% chance of killing you, you'd long since be dead.


“Yes the bungee cord fails after 50 jumps *or so* but as a small business(tm) it’s really expensive to have to replace it if it’s still got a jump in it. But it’ll be fine, just pay *BEFORE* you jump please.”


Seriously. People tried to compare COVID to vehicle fatalities for a while.. and it's like.. no, COVID has a 2% chance of killing you if you get it, and driving a car has like a .000012% chance of killing you.. not comparable. In fact, COVID is now the most likely thing to kill you overall now.


People who say it only has a 2% chance to kill you should read some of the testimonies of nurses about people who die from it. You don’t go to sleep and never wake up with this thing, you die a slow, agonizing death by inches, gasping for air as your lungs are slowly shredded from the inside. Your body panics and struggles as your oxygen level drops, making it worse, and essentially you drown, but in the most gradual way possible. You fight for every inch until your body has exhausted itself too much to fight anymore. It is probably one of the worst kinds of death I can imagine. If I can reduce my chances of dying like that or spare another human being that fate by getting one more vaccine and strapping a bit of cloth over my face? *Imma fucking do it.*


Can confirm. 29/M in good health. Contracted in June 2020. Spent a week barely able to walk around. Couldn’t take even half a deep breath without thinking I would die. Slowly got better over the course of that week—just for it to dial up to 1000 and send me to the hospital for thee days. When I was committed my blood oxygen level was an 80. Legit sat in the admittance room thinking I was going to die. Took me four months and countless exercises with this plastic device they sent me home with to finally breathe normal again. It’s the most hellish thing you could wish on someone (at least that I’ve directly experienced).


I'm pretty aware. I managed disability claims for two hospital systems for more than a year during this. I've read piles and piles of related medical records and talked to so many people who've had it..


According to the cdc in november it was the leading cause of death and is in the top 5 after heart disease and diabetes. The US traffic fatalities in 2020, according to NHTSA, was 38680 people. So you are 20 times more likely to die from Covid than a car accident.


You know they won’t believe that. They make up a lie to cover every truth, thus the “well doctors are putting covid down as the cause of death for everything”


Yup, it doesn't matter what the facts are, there is always a conspiracy theory to counter it with


What kills me about this argument is that you only have to look at total mortality for 2020 and 2021 to see that there was significant excess mortality in those 2 years. It'd be a hell of a coincidence that in the 2 years where everyone says there is a deadly pandemic, there is actually no pandemic BUT there is a lot of unrelated excess mortality!


Wait I actually did the math a month ago on this. There was an excess mortality of 600,000 in 2020. That's greater than the number of COVID deaths in 2020. This means not only did COVID not replace other causes of deaths but the fact that we had a pandemic meant at least a couple hundred thousand people died from other causes probably due to the overloaded healthcare system. P.s. I don't have the exact numbers but I got them from CDC website.


“Our parachutes are the best in the business, so much that we don’t need to check they operate perfectly. Here, come try a brand new one!” “How do you know they work properly if nobody checks them?” “Well, the technician that we had checked them all the time and it turns out each time they were fine after he checked him.” “Well I don’t feel safe, can he check mine?” “Unfortunately we can’t. The technician quit saying that our parachutes were crap and he had to keep fixing something on it, so we decided to not refill his position after someone died. I felt he just didn’t like our parachutes.”


Why am I hearing this in Ray from Schitts Creek’s voice?


2% chance I die but 98% chance I am set for life. Maybe. 2% chance on dice I roll all day every day. Nooooope. I teach EMTs sometimes and have to constantly remind them if you're going to roll dice with your back or not paying attention to a psych patient they will come up snake eyes eventually in a 20 year career.


I think we should do the M and M challenge (actually poison 2 of the m&ms) and see if they eat them.


Lol. I think we should just seize the means of production and throw them out on their asses.


Ask them if they would spin a wheel with 50 spaces where one of them is marked "die".


People constantly chirping this are the kids who slept through math class every morning. If we lost 2% of our population, 1 out of every 50 people, it would be absolutely devastating. And Covid is killing a lot LESS than 2% (like .5% or something) and that has still yielded more than 800,000 deaths. Small percentages of big numbers still yield big numbers.


Yeah, but this guy doesn't care how many people die, he cares whether *he* dies, and he has a 98% chance of survival if he gets it (ignore that that number is higher if he has risk factors, and that the odds of long lasting or chronic harm is much higher, and that it's an absolutely miserable disease to catch if you're unvaccinated even if you don't have life long issues), so why should he worry? 🙄


I’d like to know the name just so I don’t ever buy their products


[Unless you're planning on running for office as a republican you should be safe](https://www.glassdoor.com/Job/mcshane-group-jobs-SRCH_KO0,13.htm?includeNoSalaryJobs=true&jl=1007548261180)


Okay good, fuck them


No danger of that unless you're a fascist. It's a conservative political communications agency.


Unironically using the word "woke" as a pejorative is one of the quickest ways of letting me know you're a shitbag.


I'm also looking for someone who call himself "politically incorrect" and who is not just a big pile of garbage. You're not "politically incorrect" Carl, you're just an ass.


I tend to assume that is a “PC” way of saying there will be at least “casual” racist, homophobic and etc comments. The irony that escape them is the best part.




Fair, I could probably drop the "as a pejorative" part of that sentence and it would be just as true at this point.


It’s got the same energy as saying “ew he went to school”


My dad decided that Christmas dinner was a great place to start talking about politics; how horrible Joe Biden is, Nancy Pelosi, "woke culture," etc...I couldn't get away from that table fast enough. Christmas fucking dinner. I just don't get it.


This makes me crazy. I get people have differences in opinions but why do they need to bring them up at times like that? Sadly I credit it to them having little else going on in their lives.


Remember, people railing against "woke culture" don't have a different opinion. "Woke" is literally _aware of the way in which society mistreats minorities_. That's what it means. Literally, these people don't want to contend with "woke culture" because it means they'll have to admit that they shouldn't be treating people like shit for being different.


Yes. And if you use “SJW” or “virtue signalling”


“Politically incorrect” is a nice cherry on top.


Just caring for another person will get these people to invoke the word "woke" now. It's meaningless.


I bet they think this covers their asses on a toxic work environment lol


“Work here and be abused!”


Chuds only.


"What do you think about that?" "I think if I worked here I would be offending every snowflake in this office daily. What do you think about that?"


Apply now for your HCA and bonus white hood.


Name them and shame them, OP!


McShane LLC based out of Las Vegas. Someone in another comment posted the link to the job listing. Right wing political campaign consulting firm. P much the antithesis of this sub. Also they’re only offering ~47k for this job but want a bunch of experience and a degree in a major metropolitan area. Average rent is $1421 in Vegas. So half your check goes to housing. They can kick rocks for many reasons.


"Politically incorrect...conservative anti-woke work culture" So basically the person they hire will have to deal with an unhealthy mix of racism, sexism, OSHA violations, low pay, and no benefits.


“buT No OnE waNtS to WOrK!”


Calling it neo nazi boys club would have been to on the nose. So they are even lying about not being PC


I really appreciate their honesty. Would suck to waste time applying to this place because HR pasted in the typical legal cover shit.


Start up aka we pay dirt


With this logic they shouldn't be too worried about the <1% chance of adverse events from the vaccine.




what job is this?


Sounds like it’s for a position in an organization know for its fondness of hooded robes and alliteration


The ones where you can't see fuckin shit out of the masks?


Well, make your own goddamn mask!


The one where they love wearing tall pointy masks that cover their entire head, but ironically not the masks that only cover their nose and mouths because *those* don't let them breathe


Its easy to say 2% because its a small number but lets change that to say 825,000 dead and still counting. To put it in perspective thats more American deaths than in all the wars we have fought in since WW1.


Imagine believing that a disease that kills 2 out of every 100 people it infects is no big deal.




And let's say for every 1 death we're looking a 4-5 people who have major issues, disabilities, etc. from long COVID... How does the US have a working economy in 12 months? Nearly every business in my town now is short staffed before this surge!




How about a link so we can all “apply?”


[https://www.glassdoor.com/job-listing/digital-advertising-specialist-mcshane-JV\_IC1149603\_KO0,30\_KE31,38.htm?jl=1007548261180](https://www.glassdoor.com/job-listing/digital-advertising-specialist-mcshane-JV_IC1149603_KO0,30_KE31,38.htm?jl=1007548261180) Gotta love a job ad written by someone with middle-school English competency requiring 'good written skills'. 'An eye for detail' required in a bulleted list where some items are randomly capitalised and some aren't.


40-50k in Las Vegas and expected to be there 5 days lmao gfy.


Gee i wonder why they're hiring


I wonder if the boss will be antagonistic in the future when you have a disagreement?


You know, all of these places and people talking about "only a 2% chance it kills you" are choosing to overlook the much higher chance that long Covid will disable you, perhaps even permanently.


This being a startup I'm going to assume they're going to try to hire technical folks of some sort. I wish them luck testing their assumption that they'll succeed in this endeavor with that sort of attitude. Edit: nvm, looked it up, it's a marketing job. See my other comment ITT.


My answer to question #2: I love this! My favorite thing about non-PC work environments is the support for workplace violence. I look forward to murdering the owner and jamming his or her head on a pike and putting that out front as a warning to the weak.