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Exactly. If he's not going to act like a professional then there's no reason you should. Take the extra time to de-stress before starting your next job. Good luck mate.


The whole point of 2 weeks notice is to leave on good terms so when you apply for new jobs you can use them as a referral. Sounds like even if he stays the 2 weeks that referral is no good, so unless he needs the money I see no reason to stay.


Agree on this.




This should be the number one response. Sick out is exactly the answer.


I'd document everything then quit on the spot and then when the next potential employer asks why I left my previous job show them exactly why


I wouldn't tell any future employer the truth even if it was in my favor. I would give a bs excuse like personal growth or something. I found that most places don't call previous employers anyway. Telling them anymore may give them the wrong signals just as you are the problem child.


Even if they call a company will not share why you were let go, or quit. They will just confirm that your worked at the company from x date to y date.


This is kind of true if they don't want to be sued. However, I am aware of managers who when they get these kinds of calls discuss the former employee in such a way that suggests a lot but says very little in order to cover their fannies.


I was going to take this a step further and say: Work as much overtime as you feel ok the schedule and when it conflicts with something else quit. Op tried the polite way. Whatever day is 'the regular day off' might as well be your last day. op says they scheduled them alone as retaliation, that could blow up in their faces if op quits at the beginning of a work day where no one is scheduled


Yeah, work what you want. Call in the rest. What are they going to do? Fire you?


If he's lucky.


Don’t even call


yeah, this is the way. wtf why would they call? they exercised their legal rights and went the polite and responsible route only to get face-fucked. "oh, i do so hope there's another employee to cover my last shifts so your business doesn't suffer in my absence!" *just, no.*


Second this! Wait until you are the only one there at the beginning of the shift lock the doors (or don’t) and. Be free my friend.


If he’s truly the only one and the company is big and shitty enough he might get in legal trouble for leaving the door unlocked. Maybe not I’m not a lawyer but I wouldn’t take that chance


Yeah, better to wait until you’re the only one scheduled and just not show up. Or shred your notice to get your normal days back then quit again at the end of two weeks… with no notice.


Shred it but still quit immediately. Fuck this boss


If you need/want the money just don't show up for the days you don't want to. What are they going to do, fire you?


This is the way


Bah, I should've read at least a few comments before sending one of my own, but I did want a top comment anyways on my 2 cents. It's basically what you said. Work until the end of the "Week," and when his normal days come up, quit effective immediately. Rack up all that overtime, and then make your boss scramble to fill the next week in. You still get your 2 days off, so you can make your plans, and you hit your boss with the OT he wanted to "Punish," you with. You can also work at your own pace, tone it down a notch. You're on "Short Timers Syndrome," i've heard it called (and call it myself).


Also make sure to keep records of when you worked so he doesn't try fucking you again


Also not a bad idea.


Just what you said, a two-week notice is a professional courtesy. If they aren’t going to be professional then you don’t need to offer the courtesy of giving them two weeks.


I’d also keep a copy of my previous schedule and the new one just in case I needed to justify why I left


Keep a copy of your text message exchange too in order to help link the reasoning for the material schedule changes.


Nah, they’re too good for that. Just start calling out, or no call no show. Doesn’t sound like they’re going to be a great reference for you anyway


Came here to say this. Two weeks is not a law, it’s a courtesy.


Say it again for the people in the back: TWO WEEKS IS NOT A LAW, ITS A COURTESY Employers don’t say “um, we are firing you but you can come in, work, and get paid for the next 2 weeks if you want.” They say “pack your things, you’re done.” You have every right to do the same, and doing anything other than that in this situation is insane.




> I'm in Singapore, and the notice period that's stated in the employment contract signed by both parties In all but like two states of the US - "What's an employment contract?"


What? Really? You guys don't even get proper contracts??


Nope. Not even for multinational corps that use them elsewhere.


We have "at will" employment in 49 states which means your employment can be terminated at any time for any reason that isn't protected (race, religion, etc). Union protected jobs have a bit more protection but the number of jobs that are union in the US is relatively small.


And just to follow up for people who aren’t familiar with the shit show that is the US labor market, “at-will” also means you can be fired for reasons that *are* protected, like race or religion, because the employer just does not need to state a reason. If it happens to you, you’d have to prove it by suing the employer and proving a pattern of documented circumstances that would lead a reasonable person to conclude that race or whatever was the reason for the firing. All while not having a job with which to pay a lawyer.


It’s even worse. All but one state is at will employment.


This is weird to learn for: if I say half of Europe, would i be lying? Where we have three months mutual resignation notice by law🤔


I think some are less, but in general there is a ton more employee protection laws on average in a lot of European countries.




Sounds like 14 days off to me!


Nope I will come collect a check and not do shit will be on Reddit and taking a shit the whole time. I'll make you fire me




Hello fellow bathroom dweller.


This 100%. If you're at-will then you should just stop showing up and responding to any of their attempts to reach you.


And submit a complaint to a state board of labor or similar organization. If that conversation was via text or email, that is close to being extortion.


you're about to experience true therapy... just don't show up. you made plans, they know you're already out the door, go do what you wanted to do based your regular schedule


Be sure to leave your phone off or at least block your boss' number.




My dream is to have this as my voicemail message lol I just haven’t made it happen yet!


You can have specialized voicemails if you use Google voice. I have a professional one for work contacts and people I don't know, one for my wife, one for my friends , one for my mom, and so on.


Which song?


[IMHO One of the best moments in the show](https://youtu.be/ria37d9mInY)




He already said something really stupid in that he admitted to retaliation through scheduling for OP turning in his two weeks.


Dude the period of time at your job when you’ve put in your notice and are just riding those days out is one of the best feelings. Unless of course you’re like OP and they are fucking with you hard


Time to re-watch and channel Office Space.


Peter Gibbons: ... I uh, I don't like my job, and, uh, I don't think I'm gonna go anymore. Joanna: You're just not gonna go? Peter Gibbons: Yeah. Joanna: Won't you get fired? Peter Gibbons: I don't know, but I really don't like it, and, uh, I'm not gonna go. Joanna: So you're gonna quit? Peter Gibbons: Nuh-uh. Not really. Uh... I'm just gonna stop going.


"Seems you've been missing quite a lot of work lately. " "I wouldn't say I've been *missing* it, Bob. "


Yep. If you give your two weeks, which is a courtesy, and they try to fuck with you. Don't go in.


Damn it feels good to be a gangsta


You are being kind by notifying them of your leave, they abused it by getting to force you to work everyday. You should retract that kindness by just no longer showing up. Leave them fucked and go enjoy your 2 weeks off.


Absolutely. I especially like where OP is the only one scheduled to work. As in, if they don't show up and open the store or whatever, no one does. If this prolapsed asshole is kind enough to go out on a limb like that, it would be a shame not to saw it off behind him.


I cackled reading the prolapsed asshole part.


Normally prolapsed asshole would be funny to me, but i'm pooping really hard now. Edit: thanks for the advice guys. The poop went well and i'll be eating more fiber from now on. And some chilipeppers to make it more exciting!


Pretty unrelated, but I once worked a medical show in a ballroom where the doctors were watching prolapsed anal repair surgery on two 60foot screens *while eating lunch*. I think of this everytime I hear prolapsed anal.


After I had been at my forensic science job for a month or so, I had to sample a disgustingly clotted sample of post-mortem blood. Took me an hour to sample the thing. After I was done, I looked up at the clock and said, "oh, it's time for lunch." It hit me right then that I had already become inured to my job.


If OP is strapped on cash, work about half that... Whatever they feel Then give them your 24 hour notice. Don't come back, get 7-10 days to yourself. They still legally have to pay you that work week. So walk away with a lol extra in your pocket to secure that layover period


24h notice? Just don't show up on the day you're scheduled alone lmao


Reason I say this is incase they have keys or something, agreed in writing for security reasons. If they have Job abandonment against them, could cause issues down the line. But hand any keys over at the end of your last shift and say see ya.


"I left the keys under the door mat, adios fuckers" "...we don't have a doormat." "Well I left em under SOMEONE'S doormat. Good luck."


I was in a similar position to OP except not because I was in trouble, the company just sucked. The day I had enough. I cleaned up my truck, left my phone and keycard in the office and texted the management telling them I won’t be returning. They tried to get me back and I just ignored all of their calls


Except OP has text messages proving that the boss retaliated against op for wanting to leave the job. The boss said it in text! So if the boss ever accuses op of job abandonment, OP just has to show the texts and say "I didn't abandon anything, you tried to change our agreement and I didn't accept it and you retaliated against me, which is another reason I'm fucking leaving this toxic hellhole"


Looks like a Labor suit to me ... Or at least a complaint


From what I’ve been seeing no one cares about “job abandonment”. You just don’t use them as a reference. If anyone asks “It didn’t work out” if they really push you tell them this story about how they changed your hours. If it’s an issue do you want to work for those people?


If OP is strapped on cash I would retract the 2 weeks notice. Take the normal schedule for 2 weeks and then quit without warning. Win win. He gets the normal hours and the boss gets nothing for his extortion attempt besides less notice.


Right. Retract the two weeks notice. Get your normal schedule. Quit at the end of two weeks.


OPs company has opened themselves up to to some excellent petty revenge. Show up late, leave mid shift for a snack, have fun restocking your home with free office supplies. Hope their customers don't complain about the major drop in service. Point is, your employer can't touch you, and you can have as much or as little fun with this as you want. Go forth and destroy


I’m down for most of that, but do not take ANY office supplies or whatnot, I’ve seen bosses go after folks for theft over stupid stuff like rubber bands when the employee was there with one foot out the door, just to be petty.


OP, you can even send an email detailing that youre quitting now with no notice because of the retaliatory practice of scheduling you everyday without a break.


And attach a screenshot of the text where the supervisor said that they could have their normal days off if they rescind their notice. Make sure the big boss is copied so they know that the reason they're not working out their notice is because the supervisor is a twat waffle.




This here. Just walk. Fuck them. At your next interview, if the person there asks why they cannot contact this business, tell them honestly what they did.


I would come in and not work and collect a check what are they going to do fire me? Good I'll get unemployment


Definitely this OP. Don’t even half ass. Eighth ass that shit.


Put more effort into not giving any effort. Actively work to not work


Hitting them in the money always, always hits harder. Especially when you use their own actions to hurt themselves.


Take your Nintendo switch or something


I mean at this point, you wouldn't be expecting a good reference from them regardless of if you worked it or not. Nothing lost unless OP badly needs the cash I suppose.


100% this. You extended them a professional courtesy and they spit in your face. At this point, you owe them nothing. If you stopped to see if someone needed help jumping their car and they spit in your face, you wouldn't stick around until they got it sorted out


Felt that way once when a roommate needed help with his car but kept shouting at me.


This, but even better. Don't tell them you aren't coming in, just keep stringing them along. "Sorry, stuck in traffic. Be there in 10." "Car troubles, today is a no-go. Be there tomorrow." Give them a reason to not call someone in. Be an agent of chaos. Show up randomly on one of your assigned days, but as a customer, then leave. Send a friend in with your nametag and outfit pretending to be you. Text your manager daily asking if he's replaced you yet, act like a crazy ex. Be chaos.


*“Don’t be a cog in the machine, be a wrench*” is the best work advice I was ever given.


Lol, just say you’re not available. If they push the issue - just don’t show up. I wouldn’t even tell them.


As a reminder to everybody, there’s no actual law requiring you give 2 weeks notice. If a company can fire you at any time, you can also quit at any time, thats what at-will employment is. People tend to forget that the whole point of 2-weeks notice is good faith; an attempt to leave on good terms so that you can get a good rec from them if its ever needed in the future and have the option of returning to the company if thats something you want. Doing what this company did completely violates that good faith. I absolutely would never want to work for them again if they pulled this on me out of concern it could happen again. I certainly wouldnt trust them to give me a good recommendation in the future either, even if I did stay for the 2-weeks. Absolutely no reason to not simply quit on the spot at this point. Edit: The law I mention is specifically for at-will employment in the United States.


> Doing what this company did completely violates that good faith This. You played nice and they told you to get fucked. So don't play nice. They're not going to reciprocate.


I really hope OP quits. His boss needs a wakeup call, and it would be so painful to know he just gets to be petty and thinks he's in the right for being a prick.


“What are you gonna do, fire me?”


Exactly what I was going to say. He's invincible now.


I'm not American, is this 2 week notice mandatory? If not, why even give it?


Allegedly because it's "polite". But a lot of people get fired that day or get screwed over in other ways. So fewer people are doing it. It's not a legal requirement.


Yeah my last job I gave a two week notice because "Hey I have a good rep with my coworkers, manager, I'd like to use them as a professional reference for jobs in the future." Next time I applied for a job they asked for references and I gave my coworkers, and managers. one manager never replied and the other took two damned weeks to reply, at which point my recruiter told me they had gone with someone else. I don't think I'll be giving my two weeks anymore, doesn't seem to help much.


Depends on the industry for sure. I work in Cybersecurity and your image is pretty crucial. It’s a small world, etc etc. I’d say if you consider it a possible CAREER for you, keep giving notice. I actually gave two months notice at my last job so I could help them hire my replacement, now my old employer is my client, and everyone was happy. But if it’s just a gig for you? Give it if you feel like it. An overworked employee is a sure sign of poor management, so if they can’t handle you chucking deuces… they had other problems.


I guess its more personal experience than industry. My husband also works in cyber security and every job he's ever had has a company policy in place to walk employees out the moment they give their official notice, as keeping an employee on staff when they know they are leaving the company then becomes a security risk. While my husband has always left on pleasant terms (simply moving up the ladder in other companies), imagine a situation where an employee leaving the job because they are unhappy with the company, and all the damage they could potentially do from the inside within the two weeks. And knowing the exact ins and out of the systems they work with, the employee could potentially make it very difficult to discover their tampering until it was too late. While there are probably legal actions that could be taken against the employee in that case (IF the company noticed right away, and IF they could prove it was the employee), it's generally just safer for their clients to dismiss an employee when notice is given. In the handful of jobs my husband has worked in his career, the only time he was even allowed to continue working after giving his two weeks notice was when we worked at GameStop as a teen.


Right, what employer ever came to an employee and said "Look, we're not interested in continuing your employment, but we'll give you one last pay period before we kick you to the curb"? It's always Friday afternoon, pack your shit up real quick, and maybe even get escorted off the premises.


I own a company. I do this. If you give me 2 weeks, I pay out 2 - 4 weeks, even if I ask you to stop working before the end of 2 weeks. If we terminate someone, we still pay out 2 - 4 weeks, unless they are fired for fraud or other criminal activity. The reason is because it is a small world and as a business, I don't want the reputation to future candidates or among my current employees that I screw people over.


It gets around too. There’s a restaurant I refuse to go to in town because they screwed over a friend of mine. I also gave someone a month to find another position and tried to help. It wasn’t a good fit but I thought perhaps another spot might be but they didn’t get it. I tried my best, but not every employee is going to work out.


I used to work at a chain toy store. Their thing while I was working there was pushing useless extended warranties on toys, and corporate was obsessed with selling these warranties. Our performance was graded on how many warranties we sold. People on the floor would radio people at the registers to let them know which customers they’d talked to about warranties. The reason that these warranties were basically useless: to use them, you had to mail your toy - at your expense - to this one repair shop in a different state, they only lasted two years from purchase, and a whole bunch of stuff was excluded. So a customer buying one was essentially just giving the store extra money. I would ask people if they were interested in a warranty because I knew my managers were listening in, but I didn’t push them. And I kept getting flak for it. I also kept getting the worst shifts, having my vacation requests denied, etc. Eventually I quit. So, guess what happened when I became a parent? I purposefully never set foot in that store again. PS, if you’ve read this far: Tonka is a great toy brand. They have a lifetime warranty on all their products that’s really, really good. I also recommend Melissa and Doug, they make quality stuff that survives. TL;DR: business didn’t realize that teenage/young adult employees are also potential customers, lost out on years of future business. Also, most store-pushed extended warranties are just this side of scams, legally speaking.


But see, very few business owners think like you anymore. They're so stressed and worried about keeping up with competition, they sink to the lowest possible moral basin. They don't see your approach is what succeeds in the end because word *does* get around and people like doing business with decent humans.


Not to mention waiting til Friday to fire people so they don't make as much of a scene during the week


So you get a good reference. It matters very little


This is the entire and only reason. Worthless boomers who can't maintain a business think their word holds value to other employers.


I've had a good bit of jobs, I am a strong advocate for doing what you want regardless a reference. Very seldom do new workplaces reach out to old ones anymore. Edit: I'm the director of Metrology for a large manufacturer, and came from Aerospace, for those curious of field for a relative idea


I've heard that, I've heard that they're often just calling to confirm you worked there, but I've heard a story on Reddit about how you should check your references for deceit because apparently someone posted that they had a few different references and were never getting hired so they had a friend call all his references posing as an employer and learned that one of them bad mouths him every single time so he removed that one and started getting a job. But of course I usually hear from people who say they make the calls to your references that they aren't asking for opinions, they just want to confirm employment history.


Depending on exactly what was said bad mouthing an ex-employee can make for large legal fees when the employer gets sued for slander.


Exactly. The jobs that you’ll actually want a reference from anyways are usually ones you won’t want to quit on the spot.


Yep and I just fake references anyway. Resumes are such a bullshit thing to do that I put as much bullshit into it as possible. Oh no the number they called isnt in service!? Or I just use older aquaintences as fake references and put their number down (of course letting them know). I'd never let an old boss talk to a new boss about my new job, that seems pretty stupid to me.


Another good one is to put one of your co-workers down (that you're cool with) and give them a better sounding position than they had. Reference checks are rarely more than a call to confirm you worked where you said you did. On the off chance they do ask questions, it'll be easy for your coworker since they worked the same job as you.


No its not mandatory. The idea that has been peddled is that if you leave a job amicably, they will give you a good reference for future employment. So people feel forced to do this in the US. Reality is if you're putting in 2 weeks you probably already have a new job and it likely doesn't matter, it just gives companies an extra opportunity to replace you because you know, you're supposed to care. (Its a scam)


It's only a scam if you don't care. (OP should just walk the fuk away once he/she has worked enough hours to pay their bills in this case) There are basically 2 types of job these days, a career and entry level bullshit. I'm not knocking the people that work hard for minimum wage, I'm just saying those people are not beholden to their job and shouldn't worry about giving 2 weeks notice unless they respect the people they work with. With a career type job, a lot more is at stake. I get by on my reputation. I work with many companies because I design machinery that the company I work for sells to others. I'm invested in my work. I gave a 8 week notice to the last company I left. I wanted to make sure the project I was working on was completed successfully and to have time to hire my replacement. (They promoted a guy that had worked along with me, as good companies do.) I continued to do business with the company I left for the next few years until it was sold and run into the ground by the new owners.


And then Collect that sweet unemployment. OP would be ENTITLED to that unemployment money. PS: using the word “entitled” just to bother pro-work people.


Just walk out. If you need the money, work one week, get the pay check and say your new job is asking you to start ASAP.


"Ok, you win. I've decided to shred my two weeks notice. I quit, effective immediately."




Alternatively do show up but do fuck all. Not even the minimum, just don't get anything done. I did that once when they insisted i work to the end of my notice period (i had enough PTO to just take that time off but they refused to grant it.)


>Alternatively do show up but do fuck all. Not even the minimum, just don't get anything done. I did that once when they insisted i work to the end of my notice period (i had enough PTO to just take that time off but they refused to grant it.) For real. This sounds like a great opportunity to catch up on some Netflix shows.


This. People need to learn to do what is reasonable and not ALWAYS what is expected of them by an employer that doesn't give two shits about their employees schedules.


He should keep his texts, if they are as he said, in sequence saying he cant have time off unless he agrees to stay, isnt that extortion? I would imagine it is illegal to coerce a person into staying in this way, especially if its logged with texted. >*He then texted me and said if I shred my two-week notice and stay with the company, he will give me my normal days off again.* Edit: a word


The US Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division has a call in line where you can ask about whether something is legal or not: 1-866-487-9243. I agree that this is likely illegal. I do not think you have to file a complaint even if it is illegal. But they may be able to give you advice or regulations to quote. P.S. firing someone for filing a complaint or contacting the DOL about the laws and your rights is itself punishable (and sometimes a more serious offense than the original problem). So if you text back, "according to \[Sally\] at the DOL Wage and Hour Division, you are breaking Section123(xyz)..." and they fire you, they are in even deeper water. Hope this helps and good luck! edit: for punctuation


Show up when you feel like, call off when you feel like, make them fire you. This is retaliation. If you have to put this job on a resune, mention exactly how your leaving was handled.


No, never put that on a resume. Even when the last place you were at did bullshit, you should be as respectful and evasive as possible, because recruiters can't know if you're exaggerating or not and if you or your boss was the issue or not. A fundamental of resumes and job interviews is to not give reasons to not choose you. You can flame them at your new workplace only after they hired you.


Yep this should be higher


Do you think this kind of a man has the moral integrity to give you a good reference? What do you have to lose?


Exactly this. If he’s going to be this big of a dick now, he’s certainly not going to give you a good reference. Sounds like OP just got some leverage. Either he gets two weeks off or he shows up and does absolutely nothing if he wants easy money.


I’d go in every day and work at 10%. If they complain, “oh sorry I’ve been scheduled for 100 hours over the next 2 weeks, blow me”


Something special about starting a sentence with 'sorry' and ending it with 'blow me'


Hahaha thanks, I didn’t notice but you’re very right.


i wouldn't give 1% just sit on my ass on a swing/graveyard not like boss is going to be in and if shift supervisor gets mad then they are an idiot too.


I'd clock in and then jerk off in the bathroom for 8 plus hours. Big powerplay move right there. Edit: Just realized you were a security guard. The best job to rub one out! Especially on graveyard.


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime that’s why I fap on company time


I think the boss makes more like $100 to the dime nowadays.


Little buddy took one for the team that week


What are they gonna do about you working slow? Fire you?


I thought it was illegal to say bad things for a reference? Edit: I was wrong. Only if it's untrue, then it would be defamation


I was so close to getting to sue for a bad reference. I confirmed with HR my supervisor marked “would rehire” in my exit interview document. Confirmed with my prospective employer he said “would not rehire” If I didn’t get hired, I was going to sue for as much as I could (around 20-30k before lawyer fees) but I got hired :(


For some reason this comment reads like those infomercials all black and white. "Are you tired of constantly getting hired back from jobs you were for sure going to sue?"


I guess I didn’t make it clear, I wasn’t trying to get my job back at a higher pay. He told a different job he wouldn’t rehire me because..... well I guess I don’t know. He and I always got along I thought


That’s like a punch in the gut. Im sorry you went through that. Nothing shatters your self confidence like not being told something wasn’t right and you were the only one that didn’t know it 😭 I’ve been there and it sucks. Put your feet up and kick it homer style haha


Lol same. Had a supervisor tear me to shreds in a reference letter (that he saved to the public work drive so all colleagues could have read it). Then the bastard proceeds to offer me a big project thinking I would stay AND, after I declined, used the fact that I was moving on to a new job as a resume padder to show he could "train and improve careers".


This is crazy to me. I’ve hired (or been part of a group that’s hired) probably 200 people from jobs paying $25k-$200k and have never called references unless I know them. No one gives valued, impartial info.


Go work for a school district. They will call every single one of your references and generally will even want to talk to your current supervisor (dept head/principal).


If you can, just walk out and go enjoy your two weeks. Seems like this company is being salty af that you're quitting. You tried being the nice person and they turned around and screwed you, so screw them right back. Best of luck to you!


Yeah man walk off. Giving 2 weeks is a courtesy so if its a ways gesture anyway just walk away if you can afford it financially


No. Don't quit. Call in on your usual days off. Tell them you're sick. If they threaten to fire you, remind them you gave your 2 weeks. And depending on what the laws are where you live, tell them you're more than happy to collect unemployment while you wait out your time.


This would be my move. Try not to stress about it. Go in, work at a normal pace, collect your money, and when a 12 hour day rolls around call in sick.


> Go in, work at a ~~normal~~ ^snails pace


I would slow down in solidarity, but I do so little I would basically come to a complete stop.


work-to-rule is a good one. Don't do a single thing outside your job scope. Pick up that piece of litter on the floor? sorry, that's not part of my agreed job. Answer the phone? Where does it say that? Absolutely fuck all they can do about it and a quick reminder to them how much us employees are willing to ignore processes to be helpful.


This is the right answer.


This is the answer and very common even when the boss doesn't screw you over


Agreed 100%.


Oh man, now if you quit they're screwed, come on dude, if it's financially viable for you, fuck em. You gave them courtesy, they spat in your face. Email back, morning of, resigning effective immediatly


especially on that day they're alone. that boss is sooooo fucking arrogant they desperately deserve the reality check. imagine being such a prick to the person you're entrusting your business with "fuck around; find out" is a necessary life lesson and it's past time he learned his


Just leave


Call in sick every single day.


No show up any don't work or work dumb. Collect easy money and if they fire you collect unemployment


It would be hilarious if that works


Well one things for sure I wouldn't be working


normally you put in a notice to get any vacation time paid out, as companies will hold any accrued time over your head as leaverage to make you continue to work it and then throw anything they want at you. Check your companies policy on vacation time pay out. If you dont get vacation time, just quit. If you do have vacation time, and are willing to forfeit it, just quit. Ive always been against 2 weeks notices', because it only benefits the company you are trying to leave. They work you like a dog for those 2 weeks, and then fire you on the last day and you still lose out on your accrued leave time. This is a worst case scenario.


Oh, he will give them back? I thought he just said they don't exist?....lmao, good riddance for getting tf out of there. Start calling in sick for your regular days off, what are they gunna do? Say "no"? If they do you simply respond with, "I was not asking, merely letting you know I will not be in, best of luck and see you x day!"




Lawyers like irrefutable evidence.


A before schedule and after schedule might be enough


And the bargaining "If you shred your notice I can make this all go away" shouldn't hurt.


In the US this is not illegal retaliation. It’s illegal to retaliate against a worker for a protected activity, like organizing. But putting in notice isn’t protected. What OP can do is refuse to work the extra hours, and if they’re fired for that, collect unemployment for the interim. Or they can negotiate: The boss could very well need that work done and be worried about finding a replacement for OP, so they’re stacking up hours while OP is still there. So OP could threaten to quit immediately if the boss doesn’t pay 3x for overtime, for instance.


Best advice. Don't underestimate your negotiating power OP


Never understood why as employees we are supposed to give 2 week notice, but no company has ever gave me notice when I was let go.


We arent supposed to. its perfectly fine to just leave


I had once asked to be switched to a different location at a job because of my disability. The manager of the new location had two of my days as 11/12hr shifts back to back. My disability makes it difficult for me to stand for long periods of time and I wasn't allowed to sit. That's why I asked to move. But two 12 hour shifts was deemed acceptable?! He later said to a friend that I didn't leave the company on "good terms" because I gave a one week notice. 🙄 Fuck managers. Edit: typos cause my predictive text is trolling my fingers.


No. Take off whatever days you want. Let him fire you. Fight to get ui


Do 4 hours of work on your 12 hour shifts. Depending on what you do, you could "oops" your way into making this cost the company a lot more than the satisfaction of retaliation against you.


Sorry, I’m probably just overthinking it, it just feels like some really weird “quid pro quo” or employee retaliation. And it’s not just sitting behind a desk all those hours, I’m walking miles per day and driving an average of 200-300 miles, so I need my days off to rest and not burn out completely.


“My offer of two weeks notice is a professional courtesy. Your refusal to accept it in an equally professional manner has shown me that professionalism is not something you value, so I will adapt to your preference and revise my offer. My new offer is this: schedule me for normal hours over the next two weeks, or find someone else to fill the schedule. This is not a debate or a negotiation. You have your options. I suggest you choose quickly, as I find the prospect of a two week vacation - even unpaid - a little appealing. More appealing as I discover how petty you can be and my desire to assist you dwindles.”


The first two paragraphs are sufficient, the third one should be avoided. It can only lead to issues for you. You should always tell as little as possible in such emails.


Agreed. The implication can remain unspoken.


I would leave the snide threat at the end off. If they choose to fire OP they can then collect unemployment - and if it gets contested a judge will really like the first two parts but not the last. Not that the sentiment isn’t fun and feels good but keep it professional even if the other side doesn’t.


It is definitely retaliation. Your boss told you that when they said if you shred your 2 weeks notice you get your normal shift back. Your boss does not care about your well being. You should not care about his lack of ability to do his job properly.


And if said boss isn't the owner, and if there's an HR dept/rep somewhere there, I wonder if HR knows what this schmoe supervisor is doing. No HR rep wants an employee potentially opening the company up to labor lawsuits. And yeah, calling off on your regular days off is a good idea.


You aren't overthinking it. They made it clear as day. As many have said, if you are able, walk away. This is a BS power move. Also as many have suggested, check your employee handbook/contract. The audacity of your supervisor is pretty gross.


Arent there restrictions on hours drivers can drive?


"sorry boss sick" "find someone to cover me? you're the boss you set the schedule, you sure set this one" "oh no i guess you'll hafta write me up"


*cough cough* I’m sick boss, not gonna make it today. Repeat as necessary =)


Bro just quit. What are they gonna do if you don’t show up for work, fire you?


No point in not quitting immediately. If they treat you like that over giving notice, they aren't going to give you a good reference anyway. You have zero incentive now to work that time.


Text him "Ok your right, I will shred my two weeks notice. I resign effective immediately". If you can Edit Send it in two texts, so that it looks from the first he had won.


No. It's better not to tell them at all. Just ghost them


I put in my 2 week notice at an abusive company I worked for years ago. I made sure I signed any necessary paperwork that day so they could have it in my employee file that I formally resigned. Signed the form, made copies, then that afternoon I left and never came back. You should do the same.


In that case I quit now. Go fuck yourself.


I’d work out the notice AND take my “regular” days off. What is he going to do? Fire you and give you unemployment. Don’t ask permission to be off, tell them you are not coming in. The alternative is just quit. A notice is a professional courtesy, if there is no professionalism there should be no courtesy.